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The Sloan Digital Sky Survey Reverberation Mapping Project: An Investigation of Biases in CIV Emission-Line Properties PDF

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Preview The Sloan Digital Sky Survey Reverberation Mapping Project: An Investigation of Biases in CIV Emission-Line Properties

Draftversion January25,2016 PreprinttypesetusingLATEXstyleemulateapjv.5/2/11 THE SLOAN DIGITAL SKY SURVEY REVERBERATION MAPPING PROJECT:AN INVESTIGATION OF BIASES IN Civ EMISSION-LINE PROPERTIES K. D. Denney1,2,3, Keith Horne4, W. N. Brandt5,6,7, Luis C. Ho8,9, B. M. Peterson1,2, Gordon T. Richards10, Yue Shen11,12, J. R. Trump5,13, J. Ge14 (Received) Draft version January 25, 2016 6 ABSTRACT 1 WeinvestigatethedependenceondataqualityofquasarpropertiesmeasuredfromtheCivemission 0 2 line region at high redshifts. Our measurements come from 32 epochs of Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) Reverberation Mapping Project spectroscopic observations of 482 z > 1.46 quasars. We n compare the differences between measurements made from the single-epoch and coadded spectra, a focusing on the Civλ1549 emission line because of its importance for studies of high-redshift quasar J demographicsandphysicalproperties,includingblackholemasses. Inadditiontoincreasingstatistical 2 errors(byfactorsof∼2−4),wefindincreasingsystematicoffsetswithdecreasingS/N.Thesystematic 2 difference (measurement uncertainty) in our lowest S/N (<5) subsample between the single-epoch and coadded spectrum (i) Civ equivalent width is 17˚A (31˚A), (ii) centroid wavelength is <1˚A (2˚A), ] A and fractional velocity widths, ∆V/V, characterized by (iii) the line dispersion, σ , is 0.104 (0.12), l and (iv) the mean absolute deviation (MAD) is 0.072 (0.11). These remain smaller than the 1σ G measurement uncertainties for all subsamples considered. The MAD is found to be the most robust h. line-width characterization. Offsets in the Civ full-width at half maximum (FWHM) velocity width p andtheCivprofilecharacterizedbyFWHM/σlareonlysmallerthanthestatisticaluncertaintieswhen - S/N>10,although offsets in lower S/N spectra exceed the statisticaluncertainties by only a factor of o ∼1.5. Characterizing the Civ line profile by the kurtosis is the least robust property investigated, as r the median systematic coadded–single-epoch measurement differences are larger than the statistical t s uncertainties for all S/N subsamples. a Subject headings: galaxies: active — galaxies: nuclei — quasars: emission lines — quasars: general [ — quasars: supermassive black holes — galaxies: distances and redshifts 2 v 5 1. INTRODUCTION derstood to be the visible growth phase of the su- 2 permassive black holes (BHs) that reside at the cen- Since their discovery (Schmidt 1963), quasars (syn- 4 ter of massive galaxies. The strong correlations be- onymously referred to in this work as active galac- 5 tween the properties of these BHs and their host galax- tic nuclei or AGN) have evolved from a curiosity to 0 ies(Kormendy & Richstone1995;Magorrianet al.1998; a powerful cosmological probe. They are now un- 1. Ferrarese & Merritt 2000; Gebhardt et al. 2000b,a,b; 0 1Department of Astronomy, The Ohio State Univer- Ferrarese et al.2001;Tremaine et al.2002;Wandel2002; 6 sity, 140 West 18th Avenue, Columbus, OH 43210, USA; Onken et al. 2004; Nelson et al. 2004; Graham 2007; 1 den2nCeeyn@tearstfroornComosym.oohlioog-sytaatned.edAustroParticle Physics, The Ohio Bentz et al. 2009b; McConnell & Ma 2013, see also the v: State University, 191 West Woodruff Avenue, Columbus, OH review by Kormendy & Ho 2013 and references therein) 43210, USA strongly suggest that BHs may play an active role in Xi 3NSFAstronomy&AstrophysicsPostdoctoral Fellow theevolutionofgalaxiesandtheirsurroundings,presum- 4SUPA Physics/Astronomy, Univ. of St. Andrews, St. An- ably due to feedback produced from the energy released r drewsKY169SS,Scotland, UK a 5Department of Astronomy & Astrophysics, 525 Davey Lab, by the gravitational accretion of material onto the BH The Pennsylvania State University, UniversityPark, PA 16802, (e.g., Hopkins & Elvis 2010; Debuhr et al. 2011; Fabian USA 2012). Whether the growth and co-evolution of BHs 6InstituteforGravitationandtheCosmos,ThePennsylvania and galaxies is mutually regulating and causal or not State University,UniversityPark,PA16802, USA 7Department of Physics, 104 Davey Lab, The Pennsylvania (Jahnke & Macci`o2011;Sun et al.2015a),thesesystems State University,UniversityPark,PA16802, USA remain important probes of the distant and nearby uni- 8KavliInstituteforAstronomyandAstrophysics,PekingUni- verse. versity,Beijing100871, China 9Department of Astronomy, School of Physics, Peking Uni- Many physical properties of the accreting BHs, such versity,Beijing100871, China as the mass and accretion rates, can be estimated 10Department of Physics, Drexel University, 3141 Chestnut from a single quasar spectrum (e.g., McLure & Jarvis St.,Philadelphia,PA19104,USA 2002; Vestergaard 2002; Vestergaard& Peterson 2006; 11DepartmentofAstronomy,UniversityofIllinoisatUrbana- Wang et al.2009;Rafiee & Hall2011b;Park et al.2013). Champaign,Urbana,IL61801,USA 12National Center forSupercomputing Applications, Univer- This is possible through largely empirical scaling re- sityofIllinoisatUrbana-Champaign,Urbana,IL61801,USA lationships calibrated using small samples of low- 13HubbleFellow redshift AGN. In particular, reverberation mapping 14Astronomy Department University of Florida 211 Bryant (Blandford & McKee 1982; Peterson 1993, 2014) pro- Space Science Center P.O. Box 112055 Gainesville, FL 32611- 2055, USA vides the calibration for estimating “single-epoch” (SE) 2 quasar masses, using only two observables measurable with spectral S/N<10 (per pixel) in the continuum. from a single quasar spectrum: the broad line region Here, we investigate the effects of low S/N on Civ (BLR) velocity — inferred from the velocity-width of a emission-lineproperties. Wefirstevaluatestatisticaland broademissionline—andtheradiusofthevariableBLR systematicerrorsintheestimatesofthevelocitywidthof gas — inferred from the quasar luminosity (Laor 1998; the broad Civλ1549 emission line. The broad emission Wandel et al.1999;Kaspi et al.2000;Bentz et al.2009a, line velocity width is one of the two observables needed 2013). to estimate a virial BH mass, which allows subsequent Using quasars for studying cosmology, galaxy evolu- studiesofcosmicstructuregrowth,seedblackholes,and tion, and BH accretion physics requires an understand- the co-evolution of galaxies and BHs. We also look at ing of their evolution in number and mass over cosmic other commonly-measuredCiv emission-line properties, time. This requires measuring these properties for large including the Civ equivalent width, centroid, and line samples across the universe. In the last several decades, shape, that may be useful in determining further details photometric and spectroscopic quasar surveys operating of the accretion and feedback processes, structure, and overawiderangeofwavelengthsandenergieshavevastly kinematics of the central engine and/or for evaluating increased the number of known quasars and their red- otherbiasesinCiv-basedblackholemasses(e.g.,Denney shifts. Inparticular,theSloanDigitalSkySurvey(SDSS; 2012). York et al. 2000) has cataloged ∼300,000 spectroscopi- These measurable spectroscopic properties are impor- cally confirmed quasars when combining the fifth edi- tantfordirectstudies ofquasarphysics anddemograph- tion SDSS Quasar Catalog (Schneider et al. 2010) with ics, as well as the broader evolutionary studies based theDataRelease10Quasarcatalog(DR10Q;Paˆris et al. thereon, as the Civ emission line is present in the opti- 2014) from the BaryonOscillation Spectroscopic Survey calwavelengthregimeinthe range1.4. z . 4.8,which (BOSS; Dawson et al. 2013). coversthe quasar epoch and extends to a time when the Largestatisticalsamplescanenabledetailedstudiesof universe was less than a tenth of its currentage. In Sec- quasar demographics only if the systematic biases asso- tion 2 we present the data we use for this investigation, ciated with survey limits and data quality are well un- while Section3 describesthe spectroscopicanalysisused derstood. In this study we investigate possible biases in to fit and measure the properties of interest from our severalspectroscopicproperties derivedforhigh-redshift quasar sample. We discuss trends and other results as quasarsduetothelowsignal-to-noiseratio(S/N)oftyp- a function of the data quality and other quasar proper- ical survey spectra. Since the goal of most surveys is tiesinSection4andmakeconcludingremarksaboutour to measure redshifts with which to map the universe, results in Section 5. this only requiresa highenoughS/Nto reliablydetect a high-equivalent-widthemissionline. Despitetheintrinsic high luminosity of quasars, the vast majority will have 2. CivSPECTRALDATA observedfluxes closeto the flux limit of the survey(e.g., In 2014, the SDSS Reverberation Mapping Project Paˆris et al.2014). Asaresult,thequasarcontinuumand (SDSS-RM) spectroscopically monitored 849 broad-line lower equivalent width features (such as those used for quasars in the CFHT-LS W3 field (which is also the BH masses and reliable redshifts) will be at significantly AEGIS field and a PanSTARRS medium-deep field) lower S/N. Consequently, it is important to understand with the BOSS spectrograph (Smee et al. 2013) that is thedata-qualitylimitatwhichthereliability(definedby mounted on the SDSS telescope (Gunn et al. 2006) as bothprecisionandaccuracy)ofaninvestigationbecomes part of an ancillary program of the SDSS-III surveys compromised. (Eisenstein et al. 2011). The SDSS-RM sample covers Thedatausedfordirect,reverberation-mappingbased redshifts over the range 0.1 < z < 4.5 down to a flux BH measurements are generally of very high quality. limit of i = 21.7 mag in a single 7 deg2 field. Each psf This is also true of the data used to calibrate SE of the 32 epochs of observations was a ∼2 hr exposure virial BH mass scaling relations (e.g., Park et al. 2013). taken during dark/greytime with an averagecadence of As such, our understanding of the general uncertainty ∼4daysoveraperiodof6months. Furtherdetailsofthe in BH masses derived either directly through rever- SDSS-RM project, the technical overview, and program beration mapping or indirectly through empirical scal- goals are provided by Shen et al. (2015). ing relationships is based on high-quality data. Yet, Here, we only consider objects from the SDSS-RM most of the higher-redshift quasar spectra to which samplewithz >1.46sothattheCivemissionlineanda these scalingrelations areappliedare typicallylow-S/N, short ward continuum region are accessible. We further “survey-quality”15 data. There canbe systematic differ- removed three objects for which low-EW emission lines, ences between spectroscopic properties measured from althoughclearlyseenin the coaddedspectrum, were not the high-quality calibration data and the survey-quality easily discernible in all or most of the single-epochspec- data, leading to systematic errors in BH mass esti- tra, leading the fits (described below) to fail or provide mates. Denney et al. (2009) examined this for Hβ line bogus results for most SE spectra. We also removed 12 width measurements for two low-redshift,relatively low- broad absorption line (BAL) quasars in which the BAL luminosity AGN, and found statistical and systematic absorbedtoomuchoftheCivemissionlineforthewidth effects that became a significant source of bias for data to be reliably characterized. On occasion, objects were discovered to have “dropped spectra”, where the fiber was not properly plugged into the plate. We visually 15 Here, we use “survey-quality” to refer to the typically lower inspected all epochs for all 482 quasars, removing any spectral S/N (.3−5 per pixel at the flux limit) data that is of- tentheproductoflarge,moderate-resolution,flux-limited,redshift epoch in which the spectrum was completely absent due surveys,suchastheSDSS. to this or other problems. We did not initially drop any Biases Discovereddue to Low S/N Spectra 3 Fig. 1.— Distribution of redshifts and ipsf magnitudes for the sample of 482 SDSS-RM quasars. The vertical dashed line in the rightpanel showsthemagnitudelimitfortheSDSS-RMsample. spectra based on their S/N.16 However, in a small num- Fig.2.— Distribution of S/N of SE spectra (black) and coad- ber of cases, the spectra were too noisy to even detect ded spectra (red) for our sample of 482 SDSS-RM quasars. The emission lines, and so these were omitted from subse- coadded S/N is measured per Angstrom in an emission-line-free quentanalysis. ThisoccurredmostfrequentlyforEpoch continuum window near restframe 1700˚A of each coadded spec- 7,thelowestS/Nepochinthecampaign. Ourfinalsam- trum, and the SE S/N shown is the median of the distribution ofS/NmeasurementsmadesimilarlyfromallgoodSEspectrafor ple consists of 482 sources. Most (405) QSOs have all eachobject. TheσSEerrorbarintheupperrightcornerrepresents 32 epochs of spectra included in our analysis, and only themedianofthedistributionofscattermeasurementsmadefrom 9 QSOs have more than 3 (10%) epochs discarded. Fig- theSES/Ndistributionsforallobjects. Fivecoaddedspectrahave ure 1 shows the redshift and i magnitude distribution S/N>115. psf of our sample. 5−6 times higher than that of the SE spectra of each 3. SPECTROSCOPICANALYSIS object. Figure 2 shows the S/N distributions of the SE and coadded spectra for our sample. The median SE The SDSS-RM project provides a unique opportunity (coadded) spectrum continuum S/N is 5.5 (25.7) with tostudy data-qualitybiasesinthe measurementofspec- a scatter, defined by the HIPR, of 4.9 (20.9). Figure 3 troscopicpropertiesofquasarsfromsurveyspectra. Each shows examples of the Civ emission line region in two epoch is representative of a typical survey-quality spec- SEspectraofSDSS-RMsources,withS/Nnearthesam- trum.17 We thus analyze all individual epochs to mea- ple median (top panels), and the correspondingcoadded sure a distribution of spectral properties expected for spectra (bottom panels). The coadded spectrum S/N is SE spectra of a single object. Throughout this work, 48 (46) for the object in the left (right) panel. In both we use the median of these distributions for each ob- cases, the median S/N of all SE spectra of these objects jectasour“SEmeasurement”withthemeasurementun- is∼8,but the SE spectrashowninFigure3 werechosen certainty defined as half of the 16−84% inter-percentile fromanepochwithaS/Ncloseto the medianofthe full range (HIPR) of the distribution, which would corre- sample (S/N∼5). spond to 1-σ if the distribution were Gaussian. We Biases in our coadded spectra due to intrinsic vari- thencombine allthe spectra tomakea single,high-S/N, ability are unlikely, given the relatively high luminos- “coadded”spectrumusingthelatestBOSSspectroscopic ity and high redshifts of our sample combined with the pipeline idlspec2d (see Shen et al. 2015, and Schlegel et short campaign period. Our 6-month campaign dura- al., in prep.). tion covers only ∼1−3 months in the rest frame of our We define the S/N per Angstrom, determined by the z > 1.46 quasars, and quasar (i) variability amplitudes ratio of the mean flux to the dispersion in the flux in and (ii) reverberation time-delays scale with luminosity an emission-line-free continuum window near restframe inverselyanddirectly,respectively. Suchvariability,even 1700˚A. We use the same red continuum window as for if present on these timescales, would only change the the fits described below. The coadded spectra have S/N overall line flux, to first order. Gross profile change or velocity-dependent flux changes occur on timescales not 16 Three out of the 32 epochs have relatively low S/N (S/N probed by our campaign (see, e.g., Sergeev et al. 2007; <0.7hS/Ni)duetopoorobservingconditionsand/ortheinability toobtain the full2-hrexposure. Sunetal.(2015b)omitted these Shen et al. 2015). epochsfromtheirinvestigation,astheywouldhavesystematically biased the measured quasar structure function. We include these 3.1. CIV line profile fits low-S/Nepochs,asourgoalistoanalyzespectraoverawiderange ofS/N. Because we are only investigating properties of the 17 Note, the exposure time of our SE spectra is greater than a Civ emission line in this work, we only fit this local- typical SDSS or BOSS quasar spectrum, with a 2-hr rather than ized region of the spectra. Our general procedure for the minimum 45-min exposure. However, these longer exposures are offset by our deeper flux limit and so lead to a sample of SE fitting the Civ emission line follows that described by spectra withsimilarS/N distributions to SDSSorBOSSquasars, Denney et al. (2013). We first fit a linear continuum where the SDSS spectral S/N limits are set by the successive 15- beneath the line, anchored by the mean flux in a blue minexposuresbeinghaltedwhentheS/Nperpixelexceeded4for and a red continuum region on either side of Civ (see fibermagnitudesofg=20.2andi=19.9andBOSSwassimilarly limited by exposures stopping when the (S/N)2 exceeded 22 for Fig. 3). While the AGN continuum is best described by i=21and10forg=22. a power law over longerwavelengthranges,there is very 4 Fig. 3.—Twoexamples(left: RM161andright: RM139)ofSDSS-RMSE(toppanels)andcoaddedspectra(bottom panels)areshown in black. The best GH fits to the Civ emission lines are shown in red, and the best linear continuum fit is in green. The vertical black dashedlinesshowtheexpected locationofthelabeledemissionlinesbasedontheSDSS-pipelineredshiftforeachobject. Theredvertical solid lines show the boundaries of the two wavelength regions used to fit the continuum beneath the Civ emission, and the red vertical dashedlinesboundthewavelengths overwhichtheCivlinepropertiesaremeasured. Shadedregionsweremaskedduringthefitting. little difference locally (i.e., under a single emission-line tinuum noise level after subtracting each fit component. region), between using a linear continuum and a power Spectra were fit interactively, but with an automated law. Wethenmaskthewavelengthregionscoveringrest- pipeline to better reproduce typical literature practices frame 1475−1495˚A and 1600−1680˚A to exclude possi- (e.g., Shen et al. 2008, 2011). The automated pipeline ble contributions from blended Niv] λ1486 line emis- set the continuum regions at restframe wavelengths sionandthe“redshelf”emissionoftenobservedbetween 1435−1465˚A and 1690−1710˚A, although adjustments Civ and Heii λ1640 (see Fine et al. 2010; Assef et al. weremade for the lowestredshift objects where the blue 2011;Denney et al. 2013). We then fit the Civ emission regionfellatthenoisyedgeofthespectrum,forthepres- line with 6th order Gauss-Hermite (GH) polynomials enceofsignificantabsorptionfrominspectionofthefirst- thatadoptthe functionalformsof,e.g.,Cappellari et al. epochSEspectrumorthe coaddedspectrum,orforchip (2002), andthe normalizationof van der Marel & Franx defectsinanyspectrum. Next,theregionoverwhichCiv (1993). Iterative sigma-clipping was employed in fitting was fit was set to rest frame wavelengths 1466−1650˚A. both the continuum and the Civ emission line to ex- This range was intentionally chosen to be broad enough cludespuriousfluxcontributionstothefit,typicallyfrom toencompassallpossiblelinewidths. TheCivlineprop- noise,poorly-subtractedskylineresiduals,ornarrow,un- erties are measured directly from the best-fit profile, so masked absorption features. the usual blended emission that may fall within these WeprefertheGHpolynomialfitsforCivbecausethey wavelengths, such as from Niv] or Heii, is masked dur- model the typically non-symmetric and non-Gaussian ing fitting and does not contribute to the final fit. profileofCivwithfewercomponentsthanrequiredwhen Manualinterventioninthefittingprocedurewasneces- using(forexample)onlyGaussianfunctions. However,it saryfor severalreasons. First, fitting was interrupted to is possible that in low S/N data, the freedom of the GH change or identify additional masking needs — most of- polynomials may lead to fit profiles with more structure tenforabsorption. The identificationanddetails ofcon- than is likely real, since a lower χ2 can be achieved by taminating features are more easily discerned in higher matchingthefittowhatareultimatelyspuriousemission S/N spectra, so a more hands-onapproachto the fitting signatures ascribable to noise. We do not ascribe phys- was allowed when the additional signal provided this in- ical meaning to any of the fit components. We simply formation. As such,modificationstothe boundariesand aim to reconstruct the best overall model of the intrin- maskswereoptimizedonanobject-to-objectbasis. This sic, unblended, unabsorbed profile. We added fit com- wasoftenpossibleonlyforthecoaddedspectra,butwhen ponents iteratively, only adding additional components applied to the SE spectra, any masking or boundary whenresidualemissionlinefluxfromanypartoftheline changes were set by only the first-epoch spectrum and — usually the peak — remained above the average con- then kept the same for all additional epochs. Common Biases Discovereddue to Low S/N Spectra 5 modificationsweretowidentheredshelfmaskfurtherto cludedin the calculationofany line property.19 Individ- the blueorthesize and/orlocationofthe Niv]andcon- ual spectra were not used when the measurement of any tinuum masks to more optimal spectral regions. More of these quantities were bogus, e.g., when an undefined detailed absorption line masks were also often needed EW measurement was returned because the mean con- in higher S/N spectra because weak absorption features tinuum flux in the 1450˚A region was found to be ≤ 0, were not always cleanly removed by the sigma-clipping evenif the fit found a weak line with a defined width, or procedure. Manualinterventionwasalsousedtoconfirm when identification of the Civ emission line failed com- whenmultiplecomponentswereneededtofittheprofile. pletelyduetolowS/N,resultinginanulllinewidthand Thiswasdoneforboththecoaddedspectrumandforev- other properties. After dropping all such cases, the sub- erySEspectrum. Finally,theinteractiveprocessalsoal- sequentanalysisisbasedonthe482coaddedspectraand lowedus to flagand then removepreviouslyunidentified 15275 SE spectra from all “good epochs”. “dropped” spectra from our analysis. These interactive SimilarlytotheSEspectraS/Nmeasurements,theSE steps likely increase the robustness of our fits compared line property “measurement”for eachquasar is takento to fully automated analyses of large survey samples for bethemedianofthedistributionofallthemeasurements which it is infeasible to visually inspect the fits to every from all good epochs of that source, and the measure- spectrum. ment uncertainty is taken as the HIPR of the distribu- To prevent any unconscious bias in the way the SE tion. While all spectra nominally represent equivalent spectra were fit or masked for contaminating features, and independent observations of each source,we use the we fit the SE spectra before fitting the coadded spectra. median and HIPR as opposed to the mean and stan- To do otherwise might bias our analysis because using dard deviation of these distributions to help account for the information from the higher S/N coadded spectra possibleoutliersduetovariableobservingconditionsbe- to inform treatment of the lower S/N SE spectra is a tweenepochs. The emissionline propertymeasurements luxury not afforded in typical analyses of survey-quality for all objects based on the coadded spectra are made data. ExamplesofGHfitsareshownwiththespectrain directly from the profile fit to the coadded spectrum for Figure 3. thatsource. Theuncertaintiesinthesemeasurementsare estimated by performing Monte Carlo simulations using 3.2. Measurements of Civ Emission Line Properties the fit to the coadded spectrum. We create 500 mock spectra by resampling the flux in the GH polynomial fit Wefocusourattentionononlythetwomostcommonly based on Gaussian deviates derived from the coadded employed emission-line width characterizations used to error spectrum for each source. We assign the uncer- derive BH masses: the FWHM and the line dispersion tainty in the measured line properties of each coadded (σ ), the square root of the second moment of the line l spectrum to be the standard deviation about the mean profile. However, we also consider the velocity width of the distribution of 500 measurements of that prop- characterized by the mean absolute deviation (MAD18) erty made from the mock spectra. Figure 4 shows the from the median velocity, defined following the notation relative line width uncertainties, σ /V, for the FWHM of Peterson et al. (2004) as V and σ of the SE and coadded spectra with respect to l an approximated line S/N, for which we expect a linear MAD= |λ−λ |P(λ)dλ P(λ)dλ, (1) relation. We find that line width uncertainties can be a Z med Z (cid:14) significantfractionofthemeasuredlinewidthinthelow- where P(λ) is the continuum-subtracted emission-line est S/N spectra, and there is a factor of 2−3 increase in profile,and λ is the flux-weightedmedian of the pro- the magnitude of the statistical line width measurement med file. uncertaintiesbetweenhigh-(S/N>10)andlow-(S/N<5) Additional properties of the Civ emission line we in- quality data for all characterizationsof the Civ velocity vestigate include (i) its peak wavelength, defined from width. Ontheotherhand,whiletherelativeuncertainty thecentroidofthepixels≥95%ofthepeaklineflux,(ii) dropsto.5%forspectrawithS/N&10−20,wefindthe the equivalent width (EW), defined here with respect to trendisshallowerthantheexpectedslopeof-1following themonochromaticcontinuumfluxlevelmeasuredinthe σV/V ∝(S/N)−1(EW/WC)−1/2,giventhatthe linepho- continuumwindowcoveringrestframe ∼1450˚A,andthe tons dominate the continuum photons and where WC is line “shape”, characterized by (iii) the line kurtosis and the width of the continuum window over which the S/N (iv)theratioFWHM/σ . Theamountbywhichthepeak was measured. This is likely because of the details of l ofCivisblueshiftedwithrespecttothesystemicisoften the FWHM and σl calculations. The FWHM does not an additional line property of interest, but the determi- depend on the whole line, but rather only on a fraction nation of the blueshift depends on the reliability of the of the pixels (i.e., those near the peak and the 50% flux systemic redshift. Denney et al. (2016, in preparation) level). The shallowertrendwithσl is likelybecauseσl is investigatesthepotentialforbiasesintheredshiftsdeter- relatively more weighted by the flux in the wings of the minedforthissample,andwethereforedeferdiscussions line, where the line flux is lower. Table 1 lists the un- of the Civ blueshift to that work. Line properties are measured from the continuum- 19 These are zero-noise profile fits. Negative pixels are there- subtracted best-fit GH polynomial fits. Any pixel with forenot due to noise characteristics, inwhich case they would be negative flux after the continuum subtraction is not in- approximatelybalancedbypositivepixelsandtheirvaluesshould remain in the calculation. Instead, the fit sometimes produces negativepixelsinmaskedregions(e.g.,overabsorptionortheCiv 18WenotethatourdefinitionoftheMADisnotthesameasthe redshelf)wheretheprofileisunconstrained. Alternatively,itcould standard definition of the MAD as the median absolute deviation occurincaseswhereabsorptionwasnotaccuratelymaskeddueto fromthedistributionmedian. noise(see, e.g.,thetoprightpanelofFigure3). 6 tion of the left panel of Figure 6 demonstrates that this asymmetryandthemagnitudeofthesystematicbiasare anticorrelatedwith spectral S/N. The right panel(s) in Figures 5 and 6 and the statis- tics in Table 2 show the results for the line dispersion, ∆σ /σ. A small systematic bias also exists in the line l l dispersion measurements, but in the opposite sense — the line dispersion tends to be underestimated in lower S/N spectra. The magnitude of this bias also increases with decreasing S/N. However, unlike the systematic bias in the FWHM measurements,the measurementun- certainties encompass the observed systematic shift in the SE line dispersion measurements at all spectral S/N levels. The ∆σ distributions are also more symmetric l than the ∆FWHM distributions, though the right panel of Figure 6 and statistics in Table 2 demonstrate that Fig.4.— Fractional FWHM (left) and σl (right) uncertainties for the SE (black points) and coadded spectra (red points) as dataquality still contributesto both the systematicbias a function of the signal-to-noise ratio of the line, estimated as and the broadening of the ∆σ distributions at lower l CwinS/NpEW/WC, where WC is width of the continuum win- S/N. We caution the reader, however, that these results dow over which the S/N was measured, and Cwin is a normal- hold only when line dispersion measurements are made ization factor related to the sizes of the continuum and line in- self-consistently across a sample. Larger DC offsets in tegration windows and the EW of the line. The S/N is measured perAngstrominanemission-line-freecontinuumwindownearrest- line dispersion measurements, and thus BH mass esti- frame1700˚A.Thesolidblacklineistheexpectedreferencerelation, mates, can arise between samples that are analyzedwith σV/V ∝(S/NpEW/WC)−1. different spectral processing methods, i.e., continuum and line boundary placements and emission deblending certainty distribution properties for the full sample and assumptions (e.g., Denney et al. 2009; Fine et al. 2010; various sub-samples divided by S/N cuts. Assef et al. 2011). Such offsets can be surmounted by following the same spectral processing method used in 4. DISCUSSION the calibration of the desired mass scaling relationship We compare the line-property measurements between (Vestergaard& Peterson 2006; Park et al. 2013). the “highest-S/N” (coadded) spectra and the “lower- S/N”(SE)spectrabylookingatthemeasurementdiffer- 4.2. Data-Quality Biases in Other Line Properties ences, ∆(X) = X(coadded)−Median[X(SE)], in the line Wealsoinvestigatethedata-qualitydependenceofthe property, X, as a function of data quality. The S/N of a other line properties we measuredabove — the Civ line small percentage of the coadded spectra are also “low”, MAD, EW, shape (kurtosis and width ratio), and cen- compared to the median of the coadded spectrum S/N troid (see Tables 1 and 2). The left panel of Figure 7 distribution (see Fig. 2), and fall within the lowestqual- showsthattheMADbehavesmostsimilarlytoσ inthat l ity subsample we considerin ouranalysis(S/N<5). The it increasingly underestimates the width with decreas- coadded spectrum is, nonetheless, the highest-S/N ob- ing S/N, although the relative magnitude of the bias is servationofagivensourceandthereforealwayscontains smaller than that observedfor both FWHM and σ , and l more information than a SE spectrum. the systematic offset stays well within the measurement uncertainties for all S/N subsamples. The MAD num- 4.1. Data-Quality Biases in Common Velocity-Width ber distributions as a function of ∆MAD (right panel of Characterizations Fig. 7) are also relatively more symmetric with less ex- We first investigate how data quality affects the tendedwingsineitherdirectioncomparedtotheFWHM distributions of the fractional line width differences, and σ . This suggests it may be a more robust charac- l ∆(X)/X(coadded), for both the FWHM and line dis- terization of the velocity width in low-quality data. persion, σ . The left panel(s) in Figures 5 and 6 The trends with decreasing S/N differ between the l show the results for the fractional FWHM differences, otherthreepropertiesweinvestigated. TheCivlineEW ∆FWHM/FWHM. Table 2 gives the statistics of these issystematicallyunderestimatedinthelowS/Nspectra, distributions. We find a systematic bias such that the butthedegreeofsystematicbiasiswithinthelargermea- FWHM is overestimated in the SE spectra as compared surementuncertainties,whichisconsistentwiththefind- to the coadded spectra. The magnitude of this bias, ingsofShen et al.(2011). Forthe Civcentroid,afactor quantified by the median of the ∆FWHM/FWHM dis- of ∼2 increase in statistical uncertainty is seen between tributions, is within the line width uncertainties only thehighestandlowestS/Nsubsamples,butasignificant for the SE S/N>10 subsample, similar to other studies systematic bias is not detected for any S/N subsample, (Denney et al. 2009; Shen et al. 2011). While the bias demonstrating it to be the most robust of all properties is only marginally larger than the line-width uncertain- we investigated in this respect (see Shen et al. 2016, in ties for the full sample and both subsamples with SE prep., for similar results using this sample). The kurto- S/N<10, the distribution HIPR width, i.e., the scatter, sis of the Civ line, however, is the least robust, which increasesbyafactoroftwofromhightolowS/Nandhas is not altogether surprising given its construction from a significant asymmetry that suggests very large biases relatively higher moments of the line profile. The for- are possible, much larger than the formal measurement mal measurement uncertainty only increases marginally uncertainties, for some FWHM measurements. Inspec- with decreasing S/N, but there is a statistically signifi- Biases Discovereddue to Low S/N Spectra 7 Fig.5.— Histograms of the fractional differences between coadded and SE Civ emission-line width measurements, FWHM (left) and σl (right). The histograms are color-coded by data quality as shown inthe legend (note: the S/N<5 sub-sampleis contained within the S/N<10 subsample). The similarly color-coded pairs of lines in the small top panels are centered on the median of each data quality distribution,giveninTable2,andtherangecovered correspondstothedistributionmedian±themedianfractionaluncertainty givenin Column 5 of Table 1. An increasing bias is seen for lower S/N subsamples that is encompassed within the statistical uncertainties at all S/Nlevelsforσl butonlyforS/N>10fortheFWHM. Fig.6.— Distribution of data-quality-related biases in the line width measurements. The left (right) panel shows the SE S/N as a functionofthe fractionaldifference between thecoadded andSEFWHM (linedispersion,σl)of theCivemissionline. Thevertical lines show the median velocity width difference of each histogram with the samecolor shown inFigure5 andshown inthe legend, and length ofthelineswithinthelegendrepresentstheHIPRrangeofeachrespectivedistribution. cant,>3σ,systematicbiasin∆KurtosisforallS/Nsub- S/N>10subsamplebutstillwithin∼1.5σ forlowerS/N, samples we investigate. This bias improves somewhat demonstratingittobeamorerobustwaytocharacterize when we characterize the Civ profile by the FWHM/σ the Civ profile than the kurtosis. l ratio. The measurement uncertainties increase by the Wealsoinvestigatethepossibledependenceoftheline- same amount as the line width uncertainties — a factor widthdifferencesonotherlineproperties. Figure8shows of ∼2−3 between the S/N>10 and S/N<5 subsamples the dependence of ∆FWHM (top panels) and ∆σ (bot- l —asexpectedbyconstruction,andtheshapeissystem- tom panels) on the Civ EW (left), kurtosis (middle), atically overestimated in lower S/N spectra. This bias andthe FWHM/σ ratio(right). We performedaformal l is within the 1-σ measurement uncertainties of only the linear-regressionanalysisonthedependenciesusingLIN- 8 Fig.7.—Left: SameasFigure5butfortheMAD.Right: SameasFigure6butfortheMAD. MIX ERR (Kelly 2007) and quantify the results with a population is dominated by the lowest S/N subsample, Spearman rank order test. We evaluate the significance butstillincludessomeobjectswithreasonablyhighS/N. of any correlations using the Spearman rank correlation Weseparatethesetwopopulationsinthemiddlepanel coefficient, r , the probabilitythata correlationis found ofFigure9bycolor-codingthembytheir deviationfrom s bychance,P ,andtheformaluncertaintiesontheslope havingthesameshapemeasurements. Thebottompanel ran of the regression fit. of Figure 9 shows this same population division in the The only statistically significant trend with ∆FWHM ∆σ –coadded Civ shape parameter space (same as the l is with the FWHM/σ ratio, but the correlation slope is bottom right panel of Figure 8). This division demon- l consistent with a slope of zero within the 3σ level. The stratesthattheobservedtrendisduetoobjectsforwhich correlationappears primarily driven by the large scatter theCivprofileisnotaccuratelycharacterizableoncethe seen only at small values of the FWHM/σ ratio. Di- S/N is degraded, even marginally, as we see deviations l rect inspection of the data (see, e.g., Figure 3) suggests of objects from all S/N subsamples, but this is a prob- that the main driver for the systematic overestimation lem for only some quasars, which leads to the relatively of the FWHM in lower S/N data is an underestimation larger scatter for smaller FWHM/σ ratios. l of the emission line peak due to noise. This is also con- Inspection of individual cases suggests that this bias sistent with the findings of Denney et al. (2009) for Hβ (andthereforethepopulationseparationwithshape)oc- FWHM measurements. With Civ, however, additional curswhenthewingsoftheemissionlinebecomemischar- systematics contribute at low S/N in cases where ab- acterizedbecause ofcontaminationfromthe noiseof the sorption cannot be accurately characterized. The peak continuum. The predominant effect is that the profile and/or half-maximum flux width can thus be under- or defined by the GH polynomial fits becomes truncated at over-estimated,onacase-dependentbasis,leadingtoad- artificiallylowervelocitiesthaninferredfromthehigher- ditionaldispersioninthe∆FWHMdistributionthatmay S/N coadded spectrum. It is also possible that the con- obscure other more subtle trends. tinuum level is more accurately characterized in higher The trends in Figure 8 between ∆σ and the other S/N data, leading to lower overall accuracy of the pro- l Civ line properties are all statistically significant and file fit in the SE spectrum as compared to the coadded. haveregressionfit slopesthatdeviate fromzeroby more This former effect can clearly be seen in the example than 3σ. There does not appear to be any strong de- spectra shown in the left panels of Figure 3. Another pendence on data quality — all data quality subsamples possible contributor to artificially truncated profile fits followthesametrends. Wefocusadditionalattentionon is blending of the Civ wings with the red shelf of Civ. the correlation with the FWHM/σ ratio because is has The profiles most affected by premature truncation due l thehighestsignificanceandthesmallestscatter. Wefirst to both noise and blending are those with small values investigatepossiblesystematicdifferencesbetweenshape of the shape parameters, which corresponds to the pro- measuredfromthecoaddedversusSEspectrum. Thetop files that are very ‘peaky’ with strong narrow velocity panelofFigure9suggestsobjectscanberoughlydivided coresandverybroadwings. Thisbiasislikelythedriver into (i) objects along the line of equal SE and coadded forthe trends between ∆σ and the other line properties l Civ shape, regardless of S/N, and (ii) a cloud of points shown in Figure 8, as well. with significantly different SE and coadded shape mea- surements, although there are points scattered between 5. SUMMARY the two groups for low values of the coadded shape, and We have investigated data-quality related statisti- the two groups merge for large shape values. The latter cal uncertainties and systematic biases in spectroscopic Biases Discovereddue to Low S/N Spectra 9 Fig. 8.—Civlinewidthdifferencesasafunctionofother Civemissionlineproperties. Thetop(bottom) panelsshowresultsbasedon the FWHM (linedispersion, σl). Theleft, middle, and rightpanels show the dependence of the difference on the Civ EW, kurtosis, and shape(FWHM/σl),respectively. Thepointsarecolor-codedbythevaryingdataqualityofeachsubsample: S/N>10(orange),10<S/N<5 (blue),andS/N<5(green). Thesolidblacklinesshowthebestfitlinearregressionfit. TheSpearmanrankcorrelationcoefficient,rs,and theprobabilitythatacorrelationisfoundbychance, Pran,aregivenineachpanel. properties measured for high-redshift quasars. We have for a different sample suggest that the FWHM in low been particularly interested in properties of the Civ S/N data may be systematically underestimated when emission line, as this line is of interest for high-redshift the profiles are described by multi-Gaussian fits, so de- BH-massestimates. Thisinvestigationwasonly possible tails of the bias may depend on the specific functional because of the availability of spectroscopic monitoring form used to fit the data. data taken by the SDSS-RM Project. Taken individu- ally, these spectra are representative of typical survey- LineDispersion— Biasesinσl atlowS/Narelessthan thoseinthe FWHM andscalewith the statisticaluncer- quality data; however, coadding produces a higher S/N tainty. When present, underestimation of σ is caused spectrum,whichcanbeusedtomakedirectcomparisons l mainlybytheinabilitytoaccuratelyfittheemissionline of the measurements of spectral properties between low wings in the presence of a noisy continuum. As a result and high-S/N spectra. Civ profiles with ‘peaky’ cores and extended wings are Our analysis shows that the statistical measurement likely to be biased more significantly than ‘stumpy’ or uncertainties of all the Civ velocity width characteriza- ‘boxy’ profiles without extended wings (Figs. 8 and 9). tions we consider (FWHM, σ , and MAD) increase sig- l nificantly, by a factor of 2−3, when going from high to MAD— The systematic bias in the MAD measure- low quality data (see Table 1, Columns 4 and 5, and ments was relatively smaller than for the FWHM and Fig. 4). The statistical uncertainty in the BH-mass es- σ . The bias was also always well within the statistical l timates, which depend on the line width squared, are uncertainties, and the distribution of ∆MAD measure- therefore a factor of two larger than this. We also find mentsremainsrelativelysymmetricandcentrallypeaked the following systematic trends for the line-width char- with decreasing S/N (see Fig. 7). acterizations we consider: These trends of FWHM and line dispersion measure- FWHM— At low S/N, a systematic overestimation of ments with S/N are consistent with the results for Hβ the Civ FWHM measurements is introduced, although fromsimilaranalysespresentedby Denney et al.(2009), itisnotsignificantlylargerthanthemeasurementuncer- but that study did not investigate the MAD. We con- tainties,onaverage. Theobservedbiascanbeattributed clude here that the MAD is the most reliable measure to inaccuracies in characterizing the emission-line peak of the velocity width for low-quality data. Nonetheless, fluxlevelinnoisydata(seeFig.6andTable2). Unchar- further analysis is needed to investigate how good of a acterized absorption can exacerbate the FWHM biases proxythis characterizationis for the virialBLR velocity (see also,Assef et al. 2011; Denney et al. 2013), and the (see Peterson et al. 2004), and SE BH mass scaling rela- systematic bias can be severe in some cases. Interest- tionshipshavenotyetbeen developedandcalibratedfor ingly, similar S/N investigations into potential biases in this characterization. FWHM measurements described by Shen et al. (2011) Wealsostresstothereaderthatthe presentstudyhas 10 only been focused on biases due to data-quality consid- erations. We make no preference for which line-width characterization is a better proxy for the reverberating BLRvelocitydispersionthattracesthegravitationalpo- tential of the BH. The FWHM is often preferred be- cause it is more simple to measure and less suscepti- ble to the subjectiveness of deblending procedures. On theotherhand,recentstudies(Assef et al.2011;Denney 2012; Denney et al. 2013) have demonstrated that σ is l less biased than FWHM for estimating Civ BH masses, which is least partially attributable to the presence of non-variable flux contributions to the Civ emission line and/oracontinuumcolortermthatareyetunaccounted for in Civ-based BH mass scaling relation calibrations (see also Rafiee & Hall 2011a, for similar Mgii trends, and Peterson 2014, for additional discussions). We are grateful for the editorial contributions to this work from C. S. Kochanek. KDD is supported by an NSF AAPF fellowship awarded under NSF grant AST- 1302093. KH acknowledges support from STFC grant ST/M001296/1. WNB acknowledges support from NSF grant AST-1516784. LCH thanks Carnegie Observato- ries for providing telescope access and acknowledges fi- nancialsupportfromPekingUniversity,the KavliFoun- dation, the Chinese Academy of Science through grant No. XDB09030102 (Emergence of Cosmological Struc- tures) from the Strategic Priority Research Program, and from the National Natural Science Foundation of China through grant No. 11473002. BPM is grate- ful for support from NSF grant AST-10008882. Fund- ing for SDSS-III has been provided by the Alfred P. SloanFoundation,theParticipatingInstitutions,theNa- tional Science Foundation, and the U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science. The SDSS-III web site is http://www.sdss3.org/. SDSS-III is managed by the Astrophysical Research Consortium for the Participat- ing Institutions of the SDSS-III Collaboration including the University of Arizona, the Brazilian Participation Group, Brookhaven National Laboratory, University of Cambridge, Carnegie Mellon University, University of Florida, the French Participation Group, the German Participation Group, Harvard University, the Instituto Fig.9.—TrendsbetweentheCivshapeparameter(FWHM/σl) de Astrofisica de Canarias, the Michigan State/Notre andthecoadd−SElinedispersiondifferences. Thetoppanelcom- Dame/JINA Participation Group, Johns Hopkins Uni- parestheSECivlineshapemeasurementstothosemeasuredfrom thecoaddedspectra;colorsrepresentdifferentS/Nsubsamplesand versity, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Max arethe sameas inFigure8. Themiddlepanel isthe same as the Planck Institute for Astrophysics, Max Planck Insti- top panel, except thecolor coding now reflects the divisionof ob- tuteforExtraterrestrialPhysics,NewMexicoStateUni- jectsintotwopopulations: theblack(red)pointsrepresentobjects forwhichtheSEshapeis(isnot)roughlyconsistentwiththecoad- versity, New York University, Ohio State University, dedshape. Theblack points aredefined by objects withinthe 1σ PennsylvaniaStateUniversity,UniversityofPortsmouth, scatter of having the same shape (black solid line), where 1σ is Princeton University, the Spanish Participation Group, definedfromonlypoints belowthisrelation. Allotherobjects are UniversityofTokyo,UniversityofUtah,VanderbiltUni- shown in red. The bottom panel is the same as the bottom right panel of Figure 8 but uses the same color coding as the middle versity,UniversityofVirginia,UniversityofWashington, panel. and Yale University. 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