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Knipetal.BMCPlantBiology2012,12:192 http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2229/12/192 RESEARCH ARTICLE Open Access The SLEEPER genes: a transposase-derived angiosperm-specific gene family Marijn Knip, Sylvia de Pater and Paul JJ Hooykaas* Abstract Background: DAYSLEEPER encodes a domesticated transposase from the hAT-superfamily, which is essential for development inArabidopsis thaliana.Little is known about thepresence ofDAYSLEEPER orthologs inother species, or how and when it was domesticated.We studied thepresence of DAYSLEEPER orthologs in plants and propose a model for the domestication ofthe ancestral DAYSLEEPER gene inangiosperms. Results: Using specific BLAST searches ingenomic and ESTlibraries, wefound thatDAYSLEEPER-like genes (hereafter called SLEEPER genes)are unique to angiosperms. Basal angiospermsas well as grasses (Poaceae) and dicotyledonous plants possess such putative orthologous genes, but SLEEPER-family genes were notfound in gymnosperms, mosses and algae. Most species contain more than one SLEEPER gene. AllSLEEPERscontaina C H 2 2 typeBED-zinc finger domain and a hATC dimerization domain. We designated 3 motifs, partly overlapping the BED-zinc finger and dimerization domain, which are hallmarkfeatures inthe SLEEPER family. AlthoughSLEEPER genes are structurally conserved between species, constructs with SLEEPER genes from grapevine and rice did not complement the daysleeper phenotype inArabidopsis, when expressed under control of the DAYSLEEPER promoter. However theseconstructsdid cause a dominant phenotype when expressed inArabidopsis.Rice plant lines withan insertion in theRICESLEEPER1 or 2locus displayed phenotypic abnormalities, indicating that thesegenes are functional and important for normal development inrice. We suggest a model inwhich wehypothesize that an ancestral hAT transposase was retrocopied and stably integrated in the genome during early angiosperm evolution. Evidence is also presentedfor more recent retroposition events of SLEEPER genes, such as an event in therice genome, which gave rise to theRICESLEEPER1 and 2 genes. Conclusions: We propose the ancestral SLEEPER gene was formedafter a process of retro-transpositionduring the evolution of the first angiosperms. It may have acquired animportant function early on, as mutation of two SLEEPER genes inrice, likethe daysleeper mutant in A. thaliana gave a developmental phenotype indicative of their importance for normal plant development. Background conceivable way: shuffling, addition and deletion of not The role of transposons in evolution has long been only new coding and regulatory sequences, but of large greatly underestimated. Viewed as genomic parasites, stretches of chromosomes as well [4,5]. transposons were classified as part of the so-called Although a more detailed classification system is now “junk-DNA” and largely ignored, even though transpo- being used, two major classes of transposable elements sons and transposon-remnants make up significant frac- (TE’s) exist: retrotransposons, which transpose by using tions of eukaryotic genomes [1]. Forty four percent of a RNA intermediate, and DNA transposons, which the human genome and more than 85% of the maize transpose by cutting their genomic sequence and insert- genome consists of transposons and their relics [2,3]. ing it elsewhere in the genome. These TE’s are referred New views have led to the insight that transposons toas“copy-paste”elementsand“cut-paste”elements,re- have shaped the genomic landscape in almost every spectively [1]. Retrotransposons encode several proteins that are highly similar to those encoded by retroviruses. One of these proteins is a reverse-transcriptase that is *Correspondence:[email protected] DepartmentofMolecularandDevelopmentalGenetics,InstituteofBiology, able to reverse-transcribe the full-length transposon LeidenUniversity,Sylviusweg72,2333BE,Leiden,TheNetherlands ©2012Knipetal.;licenseeBioMedCentralLtd.ThisisanOpenAccessarticledistributedunderthetermsoftheCreative CommonsAttributionLicense(http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0),whichpermitsunrestricteduse,distribution,and reproductioninanymedium,providedtheoriginalworkisproperlycited. Knipetal.BMCPlantBiology2012,12:192 Page2of15 http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2229/12/192 mRNAintoDNA,afterwhichthenewcopyisintegrated transposition of the Ac-element, the first described hAT in the genome [1]. DNA transposons encode proteins, transposon family member of maize, are not conserved called transposases, which are able to cut their own cod- in DAYSLEEPER [12]. DAYSLEEPER was found to be ing sequence from the genomic DNA, by recognizing essential to Arabidopsis thaliana, as displayed by a se- flanking repeats, and inserting it elsewhere in the gen- vere developmental phenotype in daysleeper mutants. ome. High transposon activity would be deleterious for The gene most likely codes for a DNA-binding protein, the host and therefore defense mechanisms have evolved since it was identified through binding to the promoter to counteract transposase activity. Still, transposons are oftheDNArepairgeneKu70inayeastone-hybridassay numerous in almost every eukaryotic genome and thus [12]. DAYSLEEPER consists of 696 amino acids, pos- havesuccessfully managed tosustainthemselves[6]. sesses a DNA binding BED-type zinc finger domain and Transposons have contributed greatly, not only to ahATdimerizationdomain[12,13]. shaping the genomic landscape, but also to the coding Here we present data on the presence of putative material of endogenous genes, for instance by giving rise DAYSLEEPER orthologs in angiosperms, including the to chimeric proteins (reviewed in [5]). Many conserved basal angiosperms. We show that SLEEPER genes are proteindomainshave now been shownto originate from present in many species, often in multiple copies. Fur- transposable elements (e.g. BED zinc finger domains) thermore, we postulate a theory on the domestication [7]. In the process called “domestication” a transposase process oftheancestralSLEEPER gene. losesitsoriginal functionandacquiresnewfunctionality, creating a novel gene. Various genes in different species have been found to be domesticated transposases Results (reviewed in [8]). A recurrent theme in domestication DAYSLEEPERorthologsinthegenomeoforyzasativa seems to be the conversion of transposases encoded by andvitisvinifera DNA transposons into important host proteins such as Two genes that are possibly orthologous to DAYSLEE- chromatin-related proteins and transcription factors. PER, were identified by Benjak et al. (2008) [14] in a Among these factors are CENP-B, a centromere protein genome-wide analysis of hAT-transposons in the grape- invertebratesandfungi,theFAR1-FHY3family,involved vine genome and named VINESLEEPER1 and 2. In a in far-red light signaling in plants and BEAF-32, a study on the transcriptional activity of transposons in boundary element associated factor in Drosophila mela- rice, several sequences were designated as “DAYSLEE- nogaster [5,7,9,10]. These elements are derived from, PER-like” [15]. We used the DAYSLEEPER sequence as pogo, MuDR and hAT super-families of “cut-paste” ele- a query to find the most related sequences in the gen- ments respectively. This evolutionary trend can be omes of Arabidopsis, grapevine and rice and produced a explained by the fact that the transposases of these maximum-likelihood phylogenetic tree with bootstrap elements all contain DNA binding domains and values, depicted in Figure 1, to reveal the relationship protein-protein interaction domains, since they work in between the highest scoring BLAST hits in the Arabi- conjunction with host factors to enable the transpos- dopsis, grapevine and rice genomes. This resulted in a ition process [11]. It seems likely that host partners of clustering of putative SLEEPERs among the hAT-like these transposases include chromatin remodelers, DNA transposase genes. The four putative orthologs we found repair genes and/or endonucleases, since one can envis- in the rice genome only partly overlap with the DAY- age players in these fields to be required for facilitation SLEEPER-like sequences reported by Jiao et al. (2007) of the “cut-paste” process. Remarkably, very little is [15]. Because of their high identity RICESLEEPER 1 and known about these potential factors and the steps of 2 are probably the result of a recent duplication event the transposition process. (Figure 1). One gene in Arabidopsis, At1g15300, was DAYSLEEPER was first described in 2005 by Bundock found to be related to DAYSLEEPER. A homozygous T- and Hooykaas [12]. The DAYSLEEPER gene in Arabi- DNA insertion mutant (SALK_020839C) for this gene dopsis thaliana is an example of molecular domestica- showed normal development. This gene is expressed, tion of a DNA transposon. DAYSLEEPER shares but may havebecome non-functional by a lack of the N- extensive homology with members of a large subfamily terminal R/K rich nuclear localization signal which is of transposable elements, the hAT transposons, which characteristically present in DAYSLEEPER and all RICE- are widely spread throughout the tree of life and are and VINESLEEPERs or has acquired novel functionality. found in all eukaryotic branches, except in Trichomonas, In order to determine their cellular localization, YFP- diatoms, and ciliates [6]. Unlike these elements, fusions were constructed for these SLEEPER genes and DAYSLEEPER is not able to transpose, since it lacks introduced in Arabidopsis protoplasts. This revealed a the hallmark repeats essential for this process. Also, a nuclear localization for all SLEEPERs from rice, grape- number of amino acids shown to be essential for the vine and Arabidopsis, but not for the product of the Knipetal.BMCPlantBiology2012,12:192 Page3of15 http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2229/12/192 Figure1PhylogenyofDAYSLEEPERhomologsfromArabidopsis,riceandgrapevine.Ricesequenceswereobtained[15]and supplementedwiththemosthomologoussequencesfromboththeOryzasativa,VitisviniferaandtheArabidopsisthalianagenomes,foundin genomicdatabasesusingTBLASTNqueries.Geneidenticatorsstartingwith“LOC_Os”“LOC10”or“At”indicatesgenesfromrice,grapevineand Arabidopsis,respectively.PhylogenywascreatedusingRAxML,withbootstrapvalues[21]. At1g15300 gene, which is present in the cytosol and three strongly conserved motifs, that we designated which wethereforenamed CYTOSLEEPER (Figure 2). SLEEPERmotifs1to3(Figure3).SLEEPERmotif1encom- passes part of the BED-zinc finger, raising the possibility SLEEPERstructureandconserveddomains that SLEEPERs might bind conserved sites in different We found that genes coding for SLEEPERs are con- species.SLEEPERmotif2doesnotoverlapwithanyofthe served between different species. SLEEPERs contain conserved hAT blocks and is, in contrast to SLEEPER hAT motifs that are widely conserved in hAT transpo- motif1 and 3, not exclusive to SLEEPERs, since BLAST sases. Six hAT motifs are generally found in hAT searches using this motif also yield hAT transposases in transposases from various species, which are named various species that lack SLEEPERmotif1 and 3. SLEE motif A to F [16]. SLEEPERs contain a K/R rich nuclear PERmotif3 overlaps largely with hAT block E. This hAT localization domain (NLS) adjacent to a BED-type zinc block is part of the hAT dimerization domain, in con- finger at their N-terminal region and have a hAT junction with hAT block D and F, suggesting that other transposase-like dimerization domain at the C-terminus SLEEPERs can dimerize like DAYSLEEPER and other (Figure 3) [12,16]. Like hAT transposases, SLEEPERs are hAT transposases [13]. Localization of SLEEPERs is nu- generally present in the nucleus (Figure 2B,C,D). In clear in Arabidopsis protoplasts, but CYTOSLEEPER, DAYSLEEPER, the C-terminal dimerization domain is which lacks the K/R rich conserved array adjacent to functional as well (M. Knip, unpublished results), allow- the BED-zinc finger, is present in the cytosol, suggest- ing DAYSLEEPER to homodimerize. Like DAYSLEEPER, ing that this domain is indeed necessary for nuclear RICE- and VINESLEEPERs lack the amino acids neces- localization of SLEEPERs (Figure 2). The divergent se- sary for transposition and the genes are not flanked by quence of CYTOSLEEPER, represented by the long hATrepeat sequences(data not shown). branch-length in Figure 3, and the lack of an apparent The SLEEPERs form a separate group when compared phenotype in mutant plants indicate that this gene to other hAT-transposases (Figure 1). SLEEPERs contain might be pseudogenized or has obtained a different Knipetal.BMCPlantBiology2012,12:192 Page4of15 http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2229/12/192 A B C D Figure2(Seelegendonnextpage.) Knipetal.BMCPlantBiology2012,12:192 Page5of15 http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2229/12/192 (Seefigureonpreviouspage.) Figure2SubcellularlocalizationofSLEEPERproteinsfromdifferentspeciesinArabidopsisthalianacell-suspensionprotoplasts.A. CYTOSLEEPER:YFP.B.VINESLEEPER2:YFP.C.RICESLEEPER3:YFP.D.DAYSLEEPER:YFP.Imagesintheleftcolumnarebrightfieldimages,themiddle columndepictsthefluorescentimageandtherightcolumnmergedimagesoftheothertwocolumns.Thescalebarrepresents20μm. function as DAYSLEEPER. SLEEPER genes from Arabi- for SLEEPER-like sequences in the monocotyledonous dopsis, grapevine and rice, do not have introns in their (Poaceae) and dicotyledonous species searched. In coding sequences. Most other SLEEPER genes contain databases of species beyond the plant realm, namely Sac- one intron between the 5’ UTR and their start-codons. charamyces cerevisiae and Drosophila melanogaster, no DAYSLEEPER shares ~50% identity (61-69% similarity) similar sequences were found (standard settings: Max with the VINESLEEPERs and between 36 and 43% target sequences = 100, expect threshold = 10, word identity with the RICESLEEPERs (51-58% similarity) at size = 3, NCBI BLAST [17]). Also, the EST library for the amino acid level (Table 1). RICE- and VINESLEE- gymnosperm species Ginkgo biloba (data not shown) PERs vary in length between 684 and 753 amino acids and a mixed Pinus-species library (TIGR plant tran- (Figure 3, Table 1). The increased length of RICESLEE- script assemblies [18]) did not yield any significant hits PER4 is mainly caused by the acquisition of extra coding (Additional file 1: Table S1), neither did queries in data- sequence at its N-terminus. The relatively large size of basesofthelycophyteSelaginellamoellendorffii(Additional CYTOSLEEPER is predominantly due to an additional file 1: Table S1) and the moss Physcomitrella patens stretch of amino acids between the second and third of (Phytozome [19]) (data not shown). However, lower angio- three conserved motifs, which is not found in other sperm EST databases (Ancestral Angiosperm Genome SLEEPERs. Project; http://ancangio.uga.edu/content/est-assemblies) yieldedhitsin several species of different orders, namely SLEEPERsareonlypresentinhigherplants Perseaamericana(order:Laurales),Liriodendrontulipifera An important question is where and when the SLEEPERs (order:Magnoliales),Nupharadvena(order:Nymphaeales) have emerged in evolution. To answer this question and Amborella trichopoda (order: Amborellales) (Table 2). SLEEPERmotif1 and 3 consensus sequences and DAY- These data indicate that SLEEPER genes belong to an SLEEPER were used in TBLASTN searches in genomic angiosperm specific gene family and that formation of and EST databases from several organisms. Queries with the first SLEEPER gene coincided with the evolution of the SLEEPERmotifs yielded exclusively high-scoring hits angiosperms. Figure3SchematicoverviewofthestructureofhATtransposasegenes.hATtransposasegenespossessanN-terminalNLS,followedbya BED-typezincfingerdomainandconservedhAT-blocksAuntilF.ThelastthreehATblocks(D-F)makeupthehATdimerizationdomain.Three highlyconservedmotifs(1–3)wereidentifiedbyaligningallSLEEPERsfromArabidopsisthaliana,VitisviniferaandOryzasativa.SLEEPERmotifsare depictedusingWeblogo3.0[40]. Knipetal.BMCPlantBiology2012,12:192 Page6of15 http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2229/12/192 Table1HomologyoftheVINESLEEPERsandRICESLEEPERs Although high similarity exists between RICESLEEPERs, toDAYSLEEPER wechosetodesignatetheRICESLEEPERswithindividual Comparedto Codingsequence numbers, namely 1 to 4. The coding sequence of RICE DAYSLEEPER(696AA’s) length(AA’s) SLEEPER1 and 2 are almost identical (97% sequence Identity Consensus identity), as are RICESLEEPER3 and 4, OLIMSLEEPER2a positions(%) positions(%) and2bandPOPSLEEPER2band2c.Thesemaytherefore CYTOSLEEPER 30.1 42.1 799 be relatively recent duplications, which had been shown VINESLEEPER1 48.4 60.7 689 previously for the genes in Olimarabidopsis pumila by VINESLEEPER2 55.9 68.5 675 Halletal.[22].Indicotyledonousplants,allrecentdupli- RICESLEEPER1 43.0 58.1 722 cations seem to have occurred in the DAYSLEEPER- RICESLEEPER2 43.3 58.0 722 branch of the phylogeny shown in Figure 4. When look- ing closer at the rice genome, there is no evidence for a RICESLEEPER3 35.7 51.4 684 segmental duplication of the genomic location of the RICESLEEPER4 37.4 53.8 752 RICESLEEPER1 and 2 genes, since there is no apparent Similarityandidentityvalues,aswellasthelengthoftheSLEEPER,are depicted.ThenumberswereobtainedusingAlignXintheInvitrogenVector sequencehomologyorsyntenyoftheregionsurrounding NTIsuite(Invitrogen®). these genes. The close relatives of Arabidopsis thaliana, namely Olimarabidopsis pumila, Arabidopsis arenosa SLEEPERsarefrequentlycopiedinseveralspecies and Capsella rubella, have homologs of the CYTOSLEE TBLASTN searches using the amino acid sequence PER gene, but these genes are not depicted in the phyl- of DAYSLEEPER in genomic databases of several ogeny,sincethecompletegenomesequenceofthesespe- sequenced angiosperm species (Figure 4), revealed that cies was not available at the time of the analysis SLEEPER genes are present in all these queried genomes (Figure4). and often in multiple copies (Plant Genome Database Unlike CYTOSLEEPER, genes clustering with VINE- [20]). Figure 4 depicts a maximum likelihood-tree SLEEPER1 do code for a K/R-rich putative nuclear with bootstrap values, generated with the RAxML algo- localization domain. Most dicotyledonous species ana- rithm [21]. Many genomes appear to have several DAY- lyzed also have a homolog in both the CYTOSLEEPER, SLEEPER homologs. SLEEPER genes possess the three as well as the DAYSLEEPER cluster (Figure 4). Excep- SLEEPERmotifs and were distinguished from hAT tions are poplar, which has three POPSLEEPERS cluster- transposase sequences by a BLAST score of over 400, ing with DAYSLEEPER, Lotus japonicus, which has whereas hAT-like sequences typically did not score LOTUSSLEEPER2 clustering with DAYSLEEPER and higher than 200. LOTUSSLEEPER1, which has diverged from other SLEE- It is clear to see a clustering of SLEEPER genes from PERs and Carica papaya, which apparently has only one Poaceae, separated from those of dicotyledonous plants, SLEEPER. This might suggest that SLEEPERs clustering which form two groups, grouping with either CYTO- with DAYSLEEPER are functionally more conserved SLEEPER or DAYSLEEPER (Figure 4). LOTUSSLEEPER1 than CYTOSLEEPER-clustering SLEEPERs. It has to be is exceptional in that it has diverged rather far from the notedthattwoauxiliarySLEEPER-likegeneswereidenti- other SLEEPERs in dicotyledonous plants. Since VINE- fied in Carica papaya. These genes showed BLAST SLEEPER1 and 2 were described by Benjak et al. [14] (TBLASTN) values of justbelow 400 in relation to DAY- andtheseproteinsclusterinseparategroups,wedecided SLEEPER and did not possess a conserved SLEEPERmo- to use a similar naming scheme for all SLEEPERs. We tif1. These genes were therefore not included in found synteny between the genomic regions in which Figure 4. If they were included in the alignment, these theVINESLEEPER2andDAYSLEEPERgenesreside,sug- sequences cluster with LOTUSSLEEPER1, albeit with gesting they are homologs (Additional file 2: Figure S1). verylong branch-length (datanot shown). Table2EvidenceofSLEEPERgeneexpressioninlowerAngiosperms Species Sleeperdomain1. Sleeperdomain3. FulllengthDAYSLEEPER Perseaamericana b4_ep_c61270,b4_c39392 b4_c14697,b4_c9266,b4_ep_c32228 b4_c2641,b4_c7656 Nupharadvena b3_c39269 b3_c17103,b3_c9604 b3_c707,b3_c1078 Liriodendrontulipifera b3_c3339,b3_c108364 b3_c2953,b3_c39743 b3_c2953,b3_c21053 Amborellatrichopoda b4_c220959,b4_c97395 b4_c12734 ESThitstooshort TBLASTNsearcheswereperformedontheESTdatabasesoftheAAGP(AncestralAngiospermGenomeProject;http://ancangio.uga.edu/).OnlyuniqueESTsare shown.Thecut-offscoreforESTsfoundwiththefull-lengthDAYSLEEPERsequenceTBLASTNqueryis400.QuerieswereperformedwithSLEEPERmotif1and3and thefull-lengthaminoacidsequenceofDAYSLEEPER. Knipetal.BMCPlantBiology2012,12:192 Page7of15 http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2229/12/192 Figure4PhylogenetictreedepictingSLEEPERgenesfromvariousspecies.Darkgrey=CYTOSLEEPERcluster.Grey=DAYSLEEPERcluster. Lightgrey=Poaceaecluster.Sequencesthatwereusedforcomplementationstudieshaveablacklogo.*Contains1DAYSLEEPERgene(D),and CYTOSLEEPER(C).XThesespeciescontainoneDAYSLEEPERortholog(shown)andaCYTOSLEEPERortholog(notdepicted).Thenumberinsidethe symbolisthenumberassignedtoeachgene.ThetreeiscreatedfromproteinsequencesalignedwithClustalW[33],processedbytheRaxML algorythm,withbootstrapvaluesenabled[21].Clustershavebeengivenacolor. RICE-andVINESLEEPERcauseadominantphenotype (Figure 5A,B). Furthermore, these plants formed small whenexpressedinArabidopsis siliques, suggesting issues with seed development To assess functionality of the SLEEPER genes found in (Figure 5D-G). Interestingly, we did not observe differ- other species, we attempted to complement the dayslee- ences between plants containing the various constructs. per phenotype with coding sequences from rice and However, we did observe differences in phenotype sever- grapevine under control of the 3.6 kb upstream region ity among plants that were direct descendants of a pri- of DAYSLEEPER, including the 5’UTR. We found that mary transformant (data not shown). This suggests that the daysleeper phenotype cannot be complemented by the observed phenotype is associated to SLEEPER abun- these constructs, although we were able to restore the dance, influenced by DAYSLEEPER hetero- or homozy- wild-type phenotype with GFP:DAYSLEEPER constructs. gosity or the number of T-DNA inserts. DAYSLEEPER We found seedlings with the daysleeper phenotype des- overexpression under control of the strong 35S pro- pite the presence of either one of the RICESLEEPERS moter results in a similar phenotype as described above (Figure 5C)orVINESLEEPERS(not shown). [12], also we observed similar phenotypic traits in some Interestingly, the complementation constructs did in- plants when trying to complement daysleeper mutant voke a dominant phenotype in Arabidopsis plants with plants with a GFP:DAYSLEEPER construct (data not the DAYSLEEPER-gene still present. Such plants made shown). Complementation of daysleeper was not found an excess of rosette leaves, often curled, and were with the coding sequence of At1g15300 (CYTOSLEE- delayed in formation of inflorescences and in flowering PER) under control of the DAYSLEEPER promoter Knipetal.BMCPlantBiology2012,12:192 Page8of15 http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2229/12/192 A B C D E F G Figure5PhenotypeofArabidopsisplantsexpressingVINE-orRICESLEEPERs.A.DAYSLEEPER+/−plantexpressingpDAYSLEEPER::RICESLEEPER4. B.DAYSLEEPER+/−plantexpressingpDAYSLEEPER::RICESLEEPER3.C.daysleepermutantharboringpDAYSLEEPER::VINESLEEPER1:HA.D.Siliquesfrom Col-OplantsE.SiliquesfromDAYSLEEPER+/−plantexpressingpDAYSLEEPER::VINESLEEPER2.F.SiliquesfromDAYSLEEPER+/−plantexpressing pDAYSLEEPER::RICESLEEPER3.G.SiliquesfromDAYSLEEPER+/−plantexpressingpDAYSLEEPER::RICESLEEPER4.PlantsdepictedinAandBare8weeks old.Thescalebarsrepresent1cm. region. Multiple plants of four individual T -DNA ~1500bp upstream of the start codon (Figure 6). For the insertion lines were extensively analyzed, but none RICESLEEPER1 gene, no UTR’s other than the predicted of these revealed a rescue of the daysleeper pheno- intronless 574 bases directly adjacent to the start codon type, or resulted in DAYSLEEPER overexpression-like couldbeamplified. phenotypes. To study whether RICESLEEPER mutation would re- sult in similar developmental defects as seen in the A. RICESLEEPER1andRICESLEEPER2 thaliana daysleeper mutant, two rice T-DNA insertion RICESLEEPER 1 and 2 have nearly identical coding lines were obtained (Postech, Functional Genomics La- sequences and probably both have arisen from relatively boratory) [24,25]. RICESLEEPER1 is disrupted by a T- recent duplication events. A comparison between the DNA insertion in the coding sequence at approximately RICESLEEPER1 and 2 loci can be seen in Figure 6. 1700 bp from the start codon (line: PFG_1D-01516). RICESLEEPER2 is predicted to have an intron in its 5’ The T-DNA insertion in the RICESLEEPER 2 locus is UTR, whereas RICESLEEPER1 is predicted to be intron- located in the 3’UTR of the gene (line: PFG_1B-21919). less. To verify these predictions, we designed primers Presence of the T-DNA was verified by PCR (data not based on available mRNA and ESTsequences and tried shown,Additionalfile3:TableS2). to amplify the 5’ UTR from rice cDNA (PlantGDB [20] Hygromycin resistant heterozygous seeds were and GenBank) (Additional file 1: Table S1). The PCR- obtained and grown and progeny of these plants ana- fragments we obtained were isolated and sequenced. We lyzed.Forbothinsertionlinesonlywild-typeandhetero- found two different transcripts for RICESLEEPER2, zygous plants were identified, indicating that plants which we named “A” and “B” (Figure 6). Gene model A containing an insert in both copies of either RICESLEE- corresponds with the predicted transcript (Rice Genome PER1 or RICESLEEPER2 might be lethal at a very early Browser [23]), whereas the transcript depicted in gene stage. Hygromycin-resistant progeny of the RICESLEE- model B contains an unspliced UTR that stretches to PER2 insertion mutants reached about half the height of Knipetal.BMCPlantBiology2012,12:192 Page9of15 http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2229/12/192 Figure6ComparisonoftheRICESLEEPER1and2loci.Codingregionsandpartofthe5’and3’UTR’sare~97%identical.RICESLEEPER1and2 eachhaveobtainedanew5’UTRsequence,whichisnothomologoustothatoftheotherlocus.AandBdisplaytwodifferenttranscription modelsfoundbyPCRforRICESLEEPER2.TranscriptionmodelBhasmostlikelyacquiredsequencematerialfromaretrotransposoninsertioninan intronontheoppositestrand.Shortduplicationswerefoundflankingthezonesofhomologyinbothgenes,whichareshowninarrowedboxes. ThesmallarrowsrepresentPCRprimers,whichweredesignedonavailablericegeneexpressiondata,andwereusedtoobtainRICESLEEPER1and 2transcriptsfromacDNAlibrary.PrimerdescriptionscanbefoundinAdditionalfile3:TableS2. wild-type plants (Figure 7A,B). RICESLEEPER1 insertion phylogenetically clusters with the SLEEPERs (Figure 1), mutants also remained somewhat smaller than wild-type but its amino acid sequence is only 30.1% identical to plants (approximately two thirds of wild-type height), DAYSLEEPER (Table 1). A homozygous insertion mutant but not as small as RICESLEEPER2 mutants. RICESLEE- (SALK_020839C)displaysnophenotypeanditscodingse- PER2 mutants produced a normal amount of seeds, but quence cannot complement the daysleeper phenotype. RICESLEEPER1 mutant plants produced mostly empty However,itseemslikelythatCYTOSLEEPERhasacquired panicles, yielding only very few seeds (Figure 7C,D), in- novelfunctionality,sinceitseemsthataselectivepressure dicating a lethal embryo defect. Organs of both insertion existstomaintainCYTOSLEEPER.Wecalculatedtheratio mutants developed normally. However, yellow discolora- of the number of non-synonymous substitutions per non- tions were observed in RICESLEEPER1 mutant plant synonymous site (Ka) to the number of synonymous sub- leaves (Figure 7C insert), which are not present in wild- stitutions per synonymous site (Ks), to determine if selec- typeplants(Figure7Dinsert),orRICESLEEPER2mutant tion pressure exists to maintain CYTOSLEEPER. Ka/Ks plants(not shown). ratio(0,29)issimilartothatofDAYSLEEPER(0,28),when comparing these genes in Arabidopsis thaliana and Cap- Discussion sellarubella(Additionalfile4:FigureS2). DAYSLEEPERconservation The highly conserved DNA-binding domain, which All SLEEPERs have highly conserved features in spans the location of the second α-helix of the BED-zinc the form of their N-terminally located BED-zinc finger finger [7], might hint to a conserved recognition se- DNA binding domain, flanked by a nuclear localization quence for all SLEEPERs. SLEEPERmotif 3 is located in domain and the C-terminal dimerization domain. These the dimerization domain of the SLEEPER coding se- partly overlap with SLEEPERmotif1 and 3 respectively, quence. The dimerization domain is essential for DAY- whereas SLEEPERmotif2 is localized adjacent to the SLEEPERfunction, sinceaC-terminaltruncationlacking dimerization domain, but has no overlap or homology this domain is not able to rescue the daysleeper pheno- to any known functional domain or motif. The type (M. Knip; unpublished results). The high conserva- CYTOSLEEPER gene seems to be a divergent homolog tion of the dimerization domain in SLEEPER genes also of DAYSLEEPER. CYTOSLEEPER possesses the SLEE- offers the theoretical possibility of heterodimerization PERmotifs, but has lost its nuclear localization signal, between SLEEPERs, for instance in the case of DAY- which is highly conserved in other SLEEPERs. This se- SLEEPER and CYTOSLEEPER. Heterodimerization can quencedivergenceandthelackofthenuclearlocalization theoretically take place, since expression patterns of motif might indicate pseudogenization. CYTOSLEEPER these genes overlap in several tissues (Arabidopsis eFP- has relatively well conserved SLEEPERmotifs and browser [26], data not shown). The possibility of Knipetal.BMCPlantBiology2012,12:192 Page10of15 http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2229/12/192 A B C D Figure7RICESLEEPER1andRICESLEEPER2T-DNAinsertionmutants.A,D.Wild-typeplantsofcultivarsDongjinandDaesan,respectively.B. RICESLEEPER2insertionmutantplants(PFG_1B-21919,Dongjincultivar).C:RICESLEEPER1insertionmutantplants(PFG_1D-01516,Daesancultivar). TheinsertsinC,DshowleafsectionsofrespectivelyaRICESLEEPER1insertionmutantplantandawild-typecv.Daesanplant.Plantswere photographed80daysaftergermination.Scalebarsrepresent10cm. heterodimerization is even likely in the case of RICE- were also observed in some daysleeper mutant plants SLEEPER1 and 2, since their coding sequences are al- complementedwithaGFP:DAYSLEEPERconstruct(data most identical and their expression patterns partly not shown). The fact that SLEEPERs cause this pheno- overlap [23] . We have found that nuclear heterodi- type suggests that they are at least partially functionally merization is possible in vivo for DAYSLEEPER and similar to DAYSLEEPER. Interestingly, the clustering of RICESLEEPER4 (Figure 2) in a Bi-molecular fluores- CYTOSLEEPER with other SLEEPERs, such as VINE- cence complementation (BiFC) assay in Arabidopsis SLEEPER1, suggests that other species possess func- protoplasts, using DAYSLEEPER:YC and YN:RICE- tional SLEEPERs that are derived from the same SLEEPER4 fusion proteins (data not shown). The abil- duplication as the CYTOSLEEPER gene. In poplar, none ity to heterodimerize may offer an interesting layer of of the SLEEPER genes found cluster with CYTOSLEE- complexity to the function of SLEEPER proteins in PER, suggesting that a SLEEPER derived from the dupli- several species. cation eventmentioned above, waslostinthisspecies. SLEEPERcomplementation RICESLEEPER1and2 Although complementation of DAYSLEEPER is not RICESLEEPER1 and 2 are highly similar and have arisen found with constructs containing other SLEEPERs, these from a duplication event (Figure 6). We suggest that constructs cause a dominant phenotype in Arabidopsis these RICESLEEPER genes are relatively recently dupli- (Figure 5). The transformed plants display developmen- cated retrogenes. In the rice genome many retrocopies tal issues: delayed formation of the inflorescence and ir- and retrogenes can be found, which could be explained regular and increased formation of leaves, fasciation and by the overall high activity of LTR retrotransposons in dwarfismhavebeenobservedinalllines.Thisphenotype this species [27]. Retrocopied genes are devoid of resembles the overexpression phenotype of plants bear- introns, since they are derived from mRNA sequences ing a 35S:DAYSLEEPER construct [12] and it is probable and are flanked by short non-transposon-derived dupli- that this effect is caused by increased expression of cations. Both RICESLEEPER1 and 2 meet these criteria SLEEPER genes in these plants. This is further substan- (Figure 6). Recent retrocopies often possess a relic poly- tiated by the fact that mild overexpression phenotypes A tail, derived from the mRNA they originated from

RESEARCH ARTICLE Open Access The SLEEPER genes: a transposase-derived angiosperm-specific gene family Marijn Knip, Sylvia de Pater and Paul JJ Hooykaas*
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