Skeptic's Guide Text 28/6/04 4:06 PM Page i The Skeptic’s Guide To The PARANORMAL Skeptic's Guide Text 28/6/04 4:06 PM Page ii Lynne Kelly has been teaching science and mathematics for over 30 years. She holds degrees in education and engineer- ing and delights in debunking claims of the paranormal. She also delights in all things arachnid and is famous for her spider jewellery. Skeptic's Guide Text 28/6/04 4:06 PM Page iii The Skeptic’s Guide To The PARANORMAL Lynne Kelly Skeptic's Guide Text 28/6/04 4:06 PM Page iv First published in 2004 Copyright © Lynne Kelly, 2004 All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or by any information storage and retrieval system, without prior permission in writing from the publisher. The Australian Copyright Act 1968(the Act) allows a maximum of one chapter or 10 per cent of this book, whichever is the greater, to be photocopied by any educational institution for its educational purposes provided that the educational institution (or body that administers it) has given a remuneration notice to Copyright Agency Limited (CAL) under the Act. Allen & Unwin 83 Alexander Street Crows Nest NSW 2065 Australia Phone: (61 2) 8425 0100 Fax: (61 2) 9906 2218 Email: [email protected] Web: National Library of Australia Cataloguing-in-Publication entry: Kelly Lynne. The skeptic’s guide to the paranormal. ISBN 1 74114 059 5. 1. Parapsychology. II. Title. 130 Set in 10.5/12 pt Meridien by Midland Typesetters, Maryborough, Victoria Printed by McPherson’s Printing Group, Maryborough, Victoria 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Skeptic's Guide Text 28/6/04 4:06 PM Page v CCOONNTTEENNTTSS Introduction vii 1 Spontaneous human combustion 1 2 Walking on hot coals 8 3 Crop circles 12 4 The Shroud of Turin 20 5 Psychic readings 34 6 Spiritualism 49 7 Ghosts and poltergeists 71 8 DIYghost photos 80 9 Reincarnation and past lives 83 10 Astrology 102 11 Numerology 115 12 ESP—extrasensory perception 125 13 Nostradamus 143 14 The prophecy that is Kabul Khan 150 15 Psychic detectives 154 16 DIY telepathy 161 17 Psychics on stage 164 18 DIY bending spoons 175 19 UFO encounters of the first kind—sightings 178 20 UFO encounters of the second kind—physical evidence 198 21 UFO encounters of the third kind—alien contact 207 22 Alien abductions 217 vv Skeptic's Guide Text 28/6/04 4:06 PM Page vi vvii TThhee SSkkeeppttiicc’’ss GGuuiiddee ttoo tthhee PPaarraannoorrmmaall 23 The Bermuda Triangle 226 24 Levitation 233 25 Dowsing and divining 244 26 Yeti, Bigfoot and other ape-men 251 27 The Loch Ness Monster 256 Acknowledgements 261 Skeptic's Guide Text 28/6/04 4:06 PM Page vii IINNTTRROODDUUCCTTIIOONN Amazing facts are revealed to you. In front of your eyes, someone is claiming the most incredible things—they can read your mind, make spoons bend, identify the true shroud of Christ, predict your future, read your star signs, contact the dead or transmit messages telepathically. In the face of no alternative explanation, you have little choice but to believe them. Surely they wouldn’t be lying to you? Just because they are making money out of this, they wouldn’t stand up in public and blatantly lie. Would they? Maybe not. Perhaps some genuinely believe what they say despite all the evidence to the contrary. Maybe there is some truth in one of these claims. The only way to be sure is to have an alternative against which to measure. By elim- inating the misconceived and fraudulent we can try and identify any which really do defy known science. The Skeptic’s Guide to the Paranormal gives a rational explanation for some of the most widely known claims ofthe paranormal. It takes tangible claims and examines the tangible evidence. The lore of the skeptic says an extraordinary claim requires an extraordinary proof. If a claim is made publicly which defies all the rigours of peer review and debate, then it is beholden on the claimant to provide the proof. William of Occam was the fourteenth-century creator of the famous razor which bears his name. Occam’s razor says that claims should only be believed if there is not a more simple vviiii Skeptic's Guide Text 28/6/04 4:06 PM Page viii vviiiiii TThhee SSkkeeppttiicc’’ss GGuuiiddee ttoo tthhee PPaarraannoorrmmaall explanation. When the arguments become fuzzy, as they do so often in the world of the paranormal, you must be sure you haven’t allowed the razor to become blunt. Over 30 years of genuine interest in the paranormal, I have applied the tools of scientific method and skepticism: expecting and evaluating evidence. Not cynicism, but a healthy skepticism. Not disbelief, but a reluctance to belief without substance. Some believers accuse skeptics of having nothing left but a dull, cold, scientific world. I am left with only art, music, literature, theatre, the magnificence of nature, mathematics, the human spirit, sex, the cosmos, friendship, history, science, imagination, dreams, oceans, mountains, love and the wonder of birth. That’ll do me. Skeptic's Guide Text 28/6/04 4:06 PM Page 1 11 SSPPOONNTTAANNEEOOUUSS HHUUMMAANN CCOOMMBBUUSSTTIIOONN George Mott was a fireman in upstate New York. In 1986 he was found by his son Kendall in his country home. All that was left was a piece of skull and part of a foot. Although the TV and phone were melted and the curtains burnt, the wall- paper at the head of the bed on which he had died was untouched. On the bed Kendall found a pile of ashes which was, just hours ago, his healthy father. This case is fully documented. It is not a hoax. What can be more frightening than the belief that humans can suddenly burst into flame and be totally destroyed, bones and all, for no known reason? Having been investigated by police and other authorities, there is no doubt that this strange form of human combustion is an extremely rare, but real, event. Bodies which have succumbed to spontaneous human combustion display a horrifying similarity. Most of the corpse is almost totally reduced to ash, but the feet and arms may be left untouched and there is little damage to the surrounding property. Nearby household items may be melted, but not have ignited. In a normal house fire, even a very intense one, human remains look like charred human bodies, with skeletons and some hint of flesh. The surrounding house and contents are extensively burnt. Even the intense heat of a crematorium furnace, designed specifically to reduce human bodies to ash, doesn’t consume the bones. The remains need to be physically 11