THE Not-for-Profi t Organizations & Charities SCOT Praise for S I M P L I F I E D G U I D E T O THE SIMPLIFIED GUIDE TO NOT-FOR-PROFIT ACCOUNTING, FORMATION & REPORTING “There are numerous publications about the NFP industry, but not many that give a good fundamental NOT-FOR-PROFIT understanding of the accounting principles. The material in this book will be of great help to new employees as well as a good commonsense reference for those with experience. It clearly explains some of the more diffi cult accounting concepts particular to Not-for-Profi ts.” —Richard Tierney, Director of Finance, North Shore Animal League America A “This book is a concise, complete review of the fundamentals of Not-for-Profi t accounting and governance. ACCOUNTING, Every topic is covered with a directness and honesty that builds confi dence in those who need to learn how C to do their jobs well. This is just what we need in today’s choppy Not-for-Profi t waters.” C T —Rev. Luke L. Travers, OSB, Business Offi cer, Delbarton School/St. Mary’s Abbey OH UE “Larry Scot’s book is a clearly written step-by-step guide on how to set up and maintain accounting NS records. Every Not-for-Profi t fi nancial executive should have this book on their shelf for reference. I highly I TM recommend this book.” IP FORMATION —Gail Rizick, CPA/ABV/CFF, CVA, Cr.FA, ASA N L GI YOUR A-TO-Z GUIDE TO NOT-FOR-PROFIT FORMATION, ACCOUNTING, AND REPORTING F ,I E F If you need basic, easy-to-understand information on how Not-for-Profi t organizations are formed, how D O they’re structured, and the unique accounting and reporting issues they face, The Simplifi ed Guide to G R Not-for-Profi t Accounting, Formation, and Reporting is the only resource you need. U MI & REPORTING This comprehensive guide provides you with expert advice on how to maintain the fi nancial “books” of a D typical Not-for-Profi t entity and what is needed to comply with most reporting requirements. Plus, it lays AE out what a Not-for-Profi t organization is, the rules it must follow, the role and responsibilities of its board T T of directors, and the various regulatory agencies that Not-for-Profi ts must report to. IO O Straightforward and hands-on, this effective reference will help you navigate through all of the key N N accounting and reporting issues unique to the Not-for-Profi t world, including: O T ■ Step-by-step instructions for forming a Not-for-Profi t &- F ■ Not-for-Profi t internal controls and fi nancial statements O R ■ Developing a “chart of accounts” and operating budgets R ■ Not-for-Profi t accounting rules and GAAP E- ■ Everything you need to know about the new Form 990 PP ■ Accounting for unrestricted and restricted contributions, grants, and other revenue OR O ■ Plus much more! RF Whether you are performing accounting functions, responsible for fi nancial management, or simply want TI T to understand Not-for-Profi t accounting, operations, and reporting, The Simplifi ed Guide to Not-for-Profi t I Accounting, Formation, and Reporting is a great and handy book to have around for easy reference. N G LAURENCE SCOT is the cofounder and comanaging partner of Skody Scot & Company, a midtown CPA fi rm formed in 1990 that specializes in servicing the Not-for-Profi t community. Scot has taught undergraduate and graduate classes at several colleges; been lecturing and giving seminars to CPAs, bankers, NFP D&Os (directors and offi cers), managers, and entrepreneurs for over twenty years on a variety of subjects; and is the creator of the fi rst in-class certifi cate program in Not-for-Profi t accounting and governmental reporting. $49.95 USA/$59.95 CAN L A U R E N C E S C O T , MBA, CPA ISBN: 978-0-470-57544-4 4-COLOR GLOSSY E1FFIRS 04/09/2010 21:56:28 Page2 E1FFIRS 04/09/2010 21:56:28 Page- AdditionalPraisefor TheSimplifiedGuideto Not-for-ProfitAccounting,Formation,andReporting ‘‘This book is fantastic! Not-for-profit accounting can be quite complex at times,butthisbookcutsrighttothepointandprovideseasy-to-understand answers to difficult questions. I would recommend it to anyone and everyonewhoworksinafinancialcapacityatanot-for-profitorganization.’’ —AlinaYavorovskaya, EVPofFinanceandAdministrationandCFO, SeedsofPeace ‘‘Laurence Scot has created an extremely practical, useful, and easy-to-use guide that is a must read for anyone and everyone who is interested in not-for-profits. Whether you are starting a not-for-profit or are a board member, an officer, or a current or future staff accountant, you will greatly benefitfromthisvaluableandcomprehensivebook.’’ —EceA.J.Yilmaz,MBA,CMA,CBM,PMP, ExecutiveDirector, AmericanCollegeNutrition ‘‘This is a definite read for anyone involved in the not-for-profit industry, regardless of your level of prior knowledge. The not-for-profit world has its own rules, and it is your responsibility to know them. Thankfully, Laurence Scothasmanagedtoexplainallthebasicneed-to-knowsinveryclearwords.’’ —FilipJohansson,DirectorofFinanceandOperations, Swedish-AmericanChamberofCommerce,Inc. ‘‘Accounting can’t be made too simple for me. If you want to start a not-for-profit company or serve on a board, Laurence Scot’s simplified guidewillbringthemystifyingworldofnot-for-profitaccountingintofocus. Clearandstraightforward,thisguideisthebestanswertoallmyquestions.’’ —PiaLindstro¨m,TVandradiobroadcasting ‘‘As a trustee and treasurer of a private day school, this book equipped me with all of the concepts associated with not-for-profit accounting to allow metoexcelatperformingmyresponsibilitiesasafiduciary.’’ —SusanLevitt,privateschooltrusteeandtreasurer ‘‘Whilethereisnothingparticularlysimpleaboutnot-for-profitaccounting, this book provides a veritable to-do list for organizations of any size. Larry Scot’sbookisanexcellentresource.’’ —EricJorgensen,FinanceAssociate, Me´decinsSansFrontie`res/DoctorsWithoutBordersUSA E1FFIRS 04/09/2010 21:56:28 Page0 ‘‘Laurence Scot successfully integrates extensive professional, educational, and practical experience to produce a highly relevant, clearly written, and insightful book. In my opinion, The Simplified Guide to Not-for-Profit Accounting, Formation, and Reporting is the most concise, complete, and important resource for everyone considering and practicing not-for-profit accounting.’’ —MarkCarmichael,FinanceDirector, WorldMonumentsFund ‘‘The only not-for-profit accounting guide of its kind, this book provides a comprehensiveguidetostartingupanot-for-profitorganization,aswellthe accounting requirements necessary for producing GAAP financial statements for an NFP organization. I’m recommending this book to those looking for a user-friendly desktop reference to answer all your industry-relatedquestions.’’ —KimChadourne,DirectorofManagementReporting, ColumbiaUniversity ‘‘A marvelous introduction to NFP accounting—it’s like having the great teacher there in the office with me! Mr. Scot’s book is a must read for anyoneworkinginthenot-for-profitsector.’’ —JoshuaPowers,DirectorofAdministration, AssociationofBlackFoundationExecutives ‘‘Scot’s book is the Baedeker of not-for-profit accounting and reporting practices—guiding the reader through the organization of a NFP— responsibilities of its board of directors and critical government reports to file. Itsucceedsadmirably in its goal tosteer readersaroundthe hazardsof organizing,managingandoverseeinganot-for-profitorganization.’’ —KarenRockey,Treasurer, FinancialWomen’sAssociationofNewYork E1FFIRS 04/09/2010 21:56:28 Page1 The Simplified Guide to Not-for-Profit Accounting, Formation, and Reporting E1FFIRS 04/09/2010 21:56:28 Page2 E1FFIRS 04/09/2010 21:56:28 Page3 The Simplified Guide to Not-for-Profit Accounting, Formation, and Reporting Laurence Scot JohnWiley&Sons,Inc. E1FFIRS 04/09/2010 21:56:32 Page4 Copyright#2010byLaurenceScot.Allrightsreserved. PublishedbyJohnWiley&Sons,Inc.,Hoboken,NewJersey. PublishedsimultaneouslyinCanada. 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HF5686.N56S362010 6570.98(cid:1)dc22 2009048436 PrintedintheUnitedStatesofAmerica 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 E1FTOC 04/07/2010 12:19:47 Page5 Contents Preface vii CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1 CHAPTER 2 NFP ORGANIZATION FORMATION 7 CHAPTER 3 NFP ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE 29 CHAPTER 4 INTRODUCTION TO NFP ACCOUNTING AND REPORTING 41 CHAPTER 5 NFP ACCOUNTING SYSTEM AND FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 63 CHAPTER 6 ASSETS—CONCEPTS AND DATA FLOW 87 CHAPTER 7 LIABILITIES AND NET ASSETS— CONCEPTS AND DATA FLOW 123 CHAPTER 8 ACCOUNTING FOR SUPPORT AND REVENUE 139 CHAPTER 9 ACCOUNTING FOR PERSONNEL COSTS, AND OTHER EXPENSES 155 CHAPTER 10 INVESTMENTS, POOLING, AND SPLIT-INTEREST AGREEMENTS 173 CHAPTER 11 SUBSIDIARIES AND INTERRELATED ENTITIES 183 CHAPTER 12 BUDGET DEVELOPMENT AND APPLICATIONS 189 CHAPTER 13 SPECIAL TYPES OF NFP ORGANIZATIONS 199 CHAPTER 14 REGULATORY REPORTING (990, 990-T, AND 990-PF) 205 CHAPTER 15 CONTRIBUTION/GRANT APPLICATIONS AND REPORTING 227 CHAPTER 16 AUDITS—PREPARATION AND RESPONSE 235 CHAPTER 17 CONCLUSION 243 v E1FTOC 04/07/2010 12:19:47 Page6 vi Contents APPENDIX A TAX-EXEMPT ORGANIZATION REFERENCE CHART 245 APPENDIX B SAMPLE NFP CHART OF ACCOUNTS 253 APPENDIX C ABBREVIATIONS 257 Glossary 259 AbouttheAuthor 269 Index 271