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The Silent Brotherhood: The Chilling Inside Story of America’s Violent Anti-Government Militia Movement (v.2) PDF

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Preview The Silent Brotherhood: The Chilling Inside Story of America’s Violent Anti-Government Militia Movement (v.2)

The Silent Brotherhood The Chilling Inside Story of America's Violent Anti-Government Militia Movement CSSBD Kevin Flynn and Gary Gerhardt © A SIGNET BOOK RobertJay"Robbie"Mathews.3 tcenteri,withbrothersGranr, II. andLee.7.onthe porchof hishome inMarfa.Texas.His parentshad planned10raise the boysinthesmalltown butthe failure ofthe family'sappliance businessforced amove to Phoenix.There. Robbie.at age II,joined theJohn Birch Societyand beganhis life-long involvementwith theradical right. (Photocourtesyof Una Mathews). Afterreceivingamisdemeanorconvictionforalax protest,Mathews movedtoWashingtonstateand boughtsomewoodedpropertyoutside MetalineFallswherehelivedinadouble-widetrailerhomeand gaineda reputationasahard-workingman.(PhotobyGaryGerhardt). Itwasduringvisits10RichardButler'sChurchofJesusChristChristian Aryan NationsoutsideHayden Lake,Idaho,that Mathewsmelsomeofthe men who laterformed thecore oftheSilent Brotherhood.(PhotobyKevin Flynn). Threeof Richard Butler'sfollowers(left,DenverParmenter,center,Gary Yarbrough,right,Randy Duey)who laterjoinedwith Mathewsare pictured here,surroundingthepodium,asButlerspeakstoacrowdgatheredatan Aryan Nationsrally inSpokane,WashingtoninJune, 1983.(Photoby Vince Musil. Surroundedby FBISWATlearns for36hoursararemoteisland hideout inWashington'sPugetSound,Mathewsengagedina fierce machine-gunbaulebeforetheauthoritiesburnedthe housetothegroundwith Mathewsinit. (FBI phOIO) Therewas noAryanWorldCongressheld atPastorButler'scompoundin 1985due tothe federal investigationoftheSilentBrotherhoodfollowing amassiveracketeeringindictment. But, inJuly, 1986,theannualevent resumed,drawingright-wingactivistsfrom acrossthe nation, including Mathews' widowand son. Here,thenext generationsalutesaburning crossduringtheCongress. lAP/WideWorld Photos) Robert Mathews.pointingangrilyatademonstrator,agreed10help Pastor Butlerwith securityathisSpokanerally.Byboldlyconfrontingananti racist group, Mathewsattractedtheattentionand respect ofright-wing sympathizers.(PhotobyJohn Kaplan). BruceCarrollPierce. left.herewith his brotherGreg, was introducedtotheracist theologyofChristian Identitysoon after movingtoMontana.He melRobert Mathewsat Butler'sChurchand engagedindiscussions about howtoadvance theright-wingcause. (PhotocourtesyofPierce ......"..... . family). GaryYarbrough learned of(heAryanNations compoundwhileserving limeinprison. Upon his release.hemoved toIdaho withhiswifeandchildren andsoon joined Richard Butter'ssecurityforce. Here.inmilitaryfatigues, hejoinsDenver KuKlux KlansmanDavidLaneina searchforasuspected intruder.(AP,WideWorld PhOIOS). IIwasat"thebarracks,"the nameMathewsand his friendsgavetoa two-storymetal shedon hisproperly,that heandeightothermen look anoathin 1983,inacandlelight ceremony,towork silently, underground,tofund the radicalright-wingmovement.(Photoby KevinFlynn). Inaccordwith hisoath.Mathewsrobbedabank inSeattleand showedupatZillahCraig'shome carryingatrick-or-crealbagfilledwith$25.952. (PhotocourtesyofZillah Craig). Mathewsand Craigsoonbecamelovers.and inJanuary. 1984.she waspregnantwithhisfirstnaturalchild,Meanwhile. Mathews' gang successfullyrobbedarmoredtrucksinMarch andApril andgrew with new members.(PhotocourtesyofZillahCraig). Inordertoenergizetheirracistunderground, theSilentBrotherhood targetedAlan Berg.aJewishradiotalk showhost whoroutinely denounced right-winggroupsonhisprogram.asitsfirstassassinationvictim.Hewas killedinhisdrivewayinJune. 1984.(PhotobyLynAlweis,TheDenver Post). The SilentBrotherhoodused adozenmen tostagea$3.8millionrobbery ofaBrink'sCompanyarmoredtruck inJuly, 1984. Leavingbehinda handgunatthesceneofthecrime.Mathewsinadvertentlysetthe FBIhot onthetrail ofthegang.(PhotobytheUkiahDailyJournal). Contents Preface ix List of Main Characters and Organizations xi Prologue: The Underground 15 1: Robbie, the All-American Boy 27 2: Gathering Aryans, the Covenant People 64 3: Establishing the White American Bastion 95 4: The Turn to Crime 128 5: Enter the Zionist Occupation Government 168 6: Alan Berg: The Man You Love to Hate 209 7: Brink's and the $3,800,000 War Chest 251 8: Survivalism: The Man Who Ate the Dog 291 9: Judas Arrives on American Airlines 356 10: Blood, Soil, and Honor 407 Epilogue: "Blood Will Flow" 450 Bibliography 474 Acknowledgments 476 Index 479 Preface Comfortably secure Americans are used to thinking of ter- rorism as something that carries a foreign dateline. But the bombing of the federal office building in Oklahoma City in April 1995—and the suspicion that an army veteran of the Persian Gulf War may be the perpetrator of that deadliest act of terrorism on U.S. soil—will erase forever the false notion that this threat comes from beyond our shores. Home-grown terrorists have long scarred America's landscape with guns and bombs. From our biggest metrop- olises to the heartland cities, these true believers have struck. When they surface, their acts give us a glimpse into a shadowy world of fear. Often with political aims, they target their weapons at individuals and institutions they be- lieve are conspiring against the true America and its sacred Constitution. To prepare for possible battle with a government they see as their enemy, seemingly ordinary citizens have enlisted themselves in paramilitary training. Such a group was the Silent Brotherhood, a private guerrilla army with the goal of launching a terror and sabotage campaign against what they called the Zionist Occupation Government. In the shorthand of the American media, the gang later became known as The Order. In the mid-1980s, it launched a campaign of rob- beries, assassination, sabotage, and terrorism that brought nearly $4 million in stolen loot into their treasury. Its mem- bers gunned down Jewish talk show host Alan Berg in Denver in 1984 to silence his over-the-air railings against their cause. They amassed an impressive arsenal of weaponry,

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