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The Signs of the Hour The Signs of the Hour ACompendiumofAuthenticHadiths by Abdullah Al-Rabbat KindleDirectPublishing Downloaded via sunniconnect.com Copyright©2020AbdullahAl-Rabbat Allrightsreserved. Secondedition,2020 ISBN9798680769317 PublishedbyKindleDirectPublishing Preface .ﻢﻬﻠﻟاﻚﻧﻮﻋ،ﻢﻴﺣﺮﻟاﻦﲪﺮﻟاﷲاﻢﺴﺑ :ﺔﻘﺜﻟاﷲﺎﺑولﻮﻗأ Around1450yearsago, we were blessed with the advent of a man from among us who relieved us fromtheshacklesofignoranceandmisguidancethathad restrainedusandourforefathersforcenturies. Inthepro- cess, hewasfought, injured, betrayed, ridiculedandeven forced to abandon his own home. That did not prevent him,however,fromstrivingforthesalvationofhumanity andhisdetractorsalike. His mercy manifested in a variety of manners, but it is perfectly described in the following verse, where Allah praiseshimsaying: OProphet,indeedWehavesentyouasawit- ness, a bearer of glad tidings and a warner; iii And as one who invites to Allah by His permission and an illuminating torch. [al- Aḥzāb: 45-46] As evident, one of the Prophet’s roles was that of a “warner” to the rest of mankind: A warner that warned themoftheimminentpunishmentthatfollowiftheyup- held their misguided ways. He also warned us of the fu- turetrials, calamitiesandeventsthathumanitywouldex- perienceinanattempttoprepareandprotectusfromthe manyhardshipsthataretocome. AbūMūsāal-Ash’arīre- portedthattheMessengerofAllah( )said: ﻢﻠﺳوﻪﻴﻠﻋﷲاﲆﺻ TheparableofthatwhichAllahhadsentme withisthatofamanwhoapproachedhispeo- pleandsaid: “Opeople! Isawthearmywith myowneyes! Iamthenakedwarner,sosave yourselves!” Some of his people obeyed him, and they thuscarefullydepartedatnightfall. Another groupdidnotbelievehim.Theywokeupthe next morning in their area, and the army at- tackedthematdawn,destroyingandruining them. Thatistheparableofwhoeverobeys me and follows what I have come with and whoever disobeys me and disbelieves in the TruthwithwhichIhavecome.1 ﻞٍ ﺟُ رَ ﻞِ ﺜَﻤَ ﻛَ ،ﻪِ ِﺑ(cid:492)ُ ﱠ اﻲَ ِﻨﺜَﻌَ ﺑَ ﺎﻣَ ﻞَﺜَﻣَ وَ ﲇِﺜَﻣَ نﱠ ِإ :لَﺎﻗَ ﻲﱢ ِﺒﱠﻨﻟاﻦِ ﻋَ ،ﻰﺳَ ﻮﻣُ ﰊِأَ ﻦْ ﻋَ نُ ﺎﻳَﺮْ ﻌُ ﻟْا ﺮُ ﻳﺬِ ﱠﻨﻟا ﺎﻧَأَ ﲏﱢِإوَ ،ﻲﱠ َﻨْﻴﻌَ ِﺑ ﺶَ ْﻴَﳉْ ا ﺖُ ﻳْأَرَ ﲏﱢِإ ،مِ ﻮْ ﻗَ ﺎﻳَ :لَﺎﻘَﻓَ ،ﻪُ ﻣَ ﻮْ ﻗَ ﻰﺗَأَ ﺔٌﻔَﺋِﺎﻃَ ﺖْ ﺑَﺬﱠ ﻛَ وَ ،ﻢْ ﻬِ ِﺘﻠَﻬْ ﻣُ ﲆَﻋَ اﻮﻘُﻠَﻄَ ﻧْﺎﻓَ اﻮُﳉَ دْ ﺄَﻓَ ،ﻪِ ﻣِ ﻮْ ﻗَ ﻦْ ﻣِ ﺔٌﻔَﺋِﺎﻃَ ﻪُ ﻋَ ﺎﻃَ ﺄَﻓَ ،ءَ ﺎﺠَ ﱠﻨﻟﺎﻓَ ﻞُﺜَﻣَ ﻚَ ِﻟﺬَ ﻓَ ،ﻢْ ﻬُ ﺣَ ﺎﺘَﺟْ اوَ ﻢْ ﻬُ ﻜَ ﻠَﻫْ ﺄَﻓَ ،ﺶُ ْﻴَﳉْ اﻢُ ﻬُ ﺤَ ﺒﱠﺼَ ﻓَ ﻢْ ﳖَُﺎﻜَ ﻣَ اﻮﺤُ ﺒَﺻْ ﺄَﻓَ ،ﻢْ ﻬُْﻨﻣِ .ﻖﱢَﳊْ اﻦَ ﻣِ ﻪِ ِﺑﺖُ ْﺌﺟِ ﺎﻣَ بَ ﺬﱠ ﻛَ وَ ﲏِﺎﺼَ ﻋَ ﻦْ ﻣَ ﻞُﺜَﻣَ وَ ،ﻪِ ِﺑﺖُ ْﺌﺟِ ﺎﻣَ ﻊَ ﺒَﺗﱠاوَ ﻲِﻨﻋَ ﺎﻃَ أَ ﻦْ ﻣَ The reference to the naked warner in the aforemen- tionedḥadīthisametaphorutilizedbytheProphetwhich compareshimtowarnerswho,whenindireneedofatten- tion,strippedtheirclothesoffandwavedthembeforethe peopleinordertogainattention. One of the warnings continuously reiterated by the ProphetistheHour,whichisthecommencementofthe DayofJudgement. TheDayofJudgementisatopicthat iscontinuouslyemphasizedthroughouttheQurandueto itsgraveimportance. Itisarealitythatnoneofuscanever escape,asAllahhadsaid: Allah,thereisnodeitybesidesHim. Heshall gather you all on the Day of Resurrection; 1Ṣaḥīḥal-Bukhārī(9/93),ṢaḥīḥMuslim(4/1788) there is no doubt in that, and whose word canbetruerthanAllah’s? [al-Nisā’: 87] While I was editing this book, I stumbled across a par- ticularlyfrighteningḥadīththatatteststothedirecircum- stancesmankindshallfaceontheDayofJudgement. Itis atraditionAbūHurayrahrelayedfromtheMessengerof Allah( ),wherehequotestheProphetdescribing ﻢﻠﺳوﻪﻴﻠﻋﷲاﲆﺻ asceneonYawmal-Qiyāmah: ...Allah will then meet the slave, and he will say: “O so-and-so, did I not honor you, give you leadership, get you married, make horses and camels mountable to you, and leaveyoutoleadandbecomfortable[inyour life/sustenance]?” The man will reply: “Indeed.” Allah would then say: “Did you not think you would eventuallymeetMe?”Themanwouldreply: “No.” Allah would thus say: “I shall forget you[now]justasyouhadforgottenMe!” Allahwouldthenmeetthesecondman,and he will say: “O so-and-so, did I not honor you, give you leadership, get you married, make horses and camels mountable to you, andleaveyoutoleadandbecomfortable[in yourlife/sustenance]?” Themanwouldsay: “Indeed.”Allahwould then say: “Did you not think you would eventuallymeetMe?”Themanwouldreply: “No.” Allah would thus say: “I shall forget you[now]justasyouhadforgottenMe!” Allah would then meet the third man, and He will say like what he had said. The man would thus reply: “O Lord, I had believed in You, Your book, and Your messengers! and I prayed, fasted and given charity!” and themanwouldmentiongoodasmuchashe could. Allah would thus say: “Remain here then.” Themanisthentold: “Now, weshallbring awitnessagainstyou.”Themanwouldthen thinktohimself:“Whowouldtestifyagainst me?!”Hismouthisthensealedshut,andhis thigh,meatandbonesaretold: “Speak.” Histhighs,meatandboneswouldthenspeak abouthisactions,andthatissothathisown excuseisdispelledbyhisownself. Thatisthe

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