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The shamans of prehistory : trance and magic in the painted caves PDF

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THE SHAMANS OF PREHISTORY Origfirnoaml Google .. UNIVEROSFIM TYI CHIGAN Digibtyi zed Google Origfirnoaml Digibtyi zed UNIVEROSFIM TIYC HIGAN - THE OF TRANCAEN DM AGIC INT HEP AINTCEADV ES Jea�nl atatnedDs a viLde wis-Williams TexbtyJ eaCnl ottes translfartotemhd Fe r enbcyhS ophHiaew kes HARRNY. A BRAMISN,C .P,U BLISHERS G Ie Origfirnoaml Digibtyi zOedO S UNIVERSIMTIYC HOIFG AN .:R .'•.I•"V' V EDITOERN,G LISH-LANGUEADGIET ION SHAROANv RUTICK DESIGCNO ORDINATOR, ENGLISH-ELDAINTGIUOANG E RAYMONDP. HOOPER LibroafCr oyn grCeastsa loging-iDna-tPau blication ClotJteeasn,. [C hamandeesl ap rehistEonigrlei.s h) TheS hamaonfps r ehi:st troarnaycn meda giicnt hpea inctaevd/e s JeaCnl otatneDdsa vLiedw is-Wi;tl rlainasmflsra ottmeh Fder enbcySh o phHiaew kes. p cm. . Includes bibliogarnaidpn hdiecxa.l references ISB0N- 8109-4(1h8a2r-d1c- oIvSeBr0N)- 8109-2(7B7O1M-pC3b ) 1.Cavpea intings-2E.uP reotpreo.g lyphs-3E.Au nr,ope. Prehistoric4-.E uArno,p eS.h amanis5t.Sih ca-mEaunirinos pme . artI.L. e wWiisl-liJa.Dm asv,i d. II. Title. GN803.C51891938 709'.01'13094-dc21 98-4151 Copyri1g9h9tE 6d© i tidouSn esu il Engltirsahn slcaotpiyor©ni 1 g9h9tH8 a rNr.yA bramIsn,c . Publiisn1h 9e9db8 yH arNr.yA bramIsn,c orporaYtoerdk, New Alrli grhetsse rNvope ad.no f ctohnet eonftt hsbi oso mka yb er eproduced withtohuwetr itpteernm isosfti hopenu blisher Prinatnebddo unidnF rance HarNr.yA bramIsn,c . 10F0i fAtvhe nue NewY orNk.,Y1 .0 011 www.abramsbooks.com Google Origfirnoaml Digibtyi zed UNIVEROSFIM TIYC HIGAN l\(')O r �{/'�J o'<'·U"J JCf'J �·�/o '> TABLOEF C ONTENTS 7 PREFACE 11 1 SHAMANISM 2 THEA RTO FT HE CAAVNEDRS O CKS HELTERS 3 7 61 3 ONHEU NDREYDE AROSFS EARCHFIONRMGE ANING 81 4 CAVAER TA NDS HAMANISM 101 5 THES HAMANWIOCR LD 115 NOTES 117 BIBLIOGRAPHY 119 INDEX 120 PICTUCRREE DITS Google Origfirnoaml Digibtyi zed UNIVEROSFIM TYI CHIGAN Google Origfirnoaml Digibtyi zed UNIVEROSFIM TIYC HIGAN PREFACE oro vaec re ntcuaravyreh,t ai sn spviarrieiodnu tse rpsroemmteoa trpielo anutssh,ia bnl e othieanrn as t,t etamon psttw heqeru es"tWihwoyen dre:r awmiandigetns h vee dreyp ths ofc avTehsbe?e "as ttt etmeopx tpstl hapiihsne nomenoonnte-hsata lhtmse eo wt i tthhe greastuecscte sfso-r-mwueblryFae rt eerndec she aOrvcethrhed ere sc.aS daelsoR,me oinn ach, CouBengto uAennd,Lr eeGr oouir-ahnaAdnn ,n eLtatmei ng-pEumftpo etrrhtaehio crrioeen sc ern­ intghfi er asrtt oifts hhteus m raanc e. Morree ceavn otilhcyace,so moeuo tSf o uAtfhr aipcpar,o Paaclheioanlrfgitr t aodh mii fcf er­ enatn gDlaevL.ie dw is-hWaisslt luitdahiameeros dttf h seo utAhferrnSi acfnaoa nlr o tnigmh ee; discotvhieawtrta ee sds sesnhtaimaaalnnlddiye c v ealt ohpeeaodbr opyur ta cottfih sceae msseo rt int hEeu rocpaevaEenvs eP.ra yl eoalrsitpt ehcihicaaw slo insdtea rboeiudtit sn terparnedt ation abotuhpter obtlheeamatsr t lhieeohrra lidee ufsnt s oJlevCaelndo .ht attdehi sed tecoao llaborate clowsiehtlihSys o uAtfhr ciocalnl tesoah gaturheede, ii ffre erxepnetr aineddni csetcshu,esT msh. e opporttobu rnoitathcsyehu bwjaegrsca tn tdeudra inIn ngt ernaCtoilolnoaoqlnRu oicAukrm t , heilFndl agAsriztoanifaJnf,u , n1 e9 9w4h,et rhteew r oe seawrhchoha kednr osew,an oc thh feorr yeamreostn, ac gaei annd di sctuhseissseesdo u fte hspe aisrs icoonnacteern . JeCalno btrtoeuusgpt h hsteu b"jDeacfvtoi.ard l ,mt oeysnet na royswo hua evxep aunpdoend yotuhre eoxrpyl Bauisnhiamnragbt na, sb eodot nhe thnodlaontgeai,uc roaplh ysrieosleoagriccahl, anadni n-dsetpuotdsfhyo utAhferrnri ocacarknht es, a""i Idsn.e vpearpa1ey lro hsua, dv ies cussed thpeo ssoisfb hialmipatrnyai ccit Eniu creosdp eecaoncr aavtweehsdiy, co hvu i ssietvetedir maels , in1 97129,8a 9n1,d9 9Ih0 a.fv oeu snodmo eyf o aurrg umtbeone qt usic toen viontchlieenrsgss, soY.oa urf ea mwiilstihhaa rm aanniIdhs amav,c e e rktnaoiwnlo ePfda glee poalriaitrehWttih.aca lt doy otuh ionafck o llabWoecr oauvtliisdsoe invt?oe tfrh aeclsa evi eFnsr atnocgee dtihsetcrhu,es s panwehliwsle se t ainfndr ootfnh te amns,de i eyf o tuhre oariraeeps p loirnc oatb.l"e "Notwhoiunglgidm v eeg repalteearas nusrweDe,ar"veL ided w is-Williams. * * * 7 Google Origfirnoaml Digibtyi zed UNIVEROSFIM TYI CHIGAN ID,n iLde wl••Wllliam• (rl1ht)andJeanClonuln thCeo u1Cnuae(c L ot). Thfier ssttao gtfe hp er oojuetcltii ntn heetdse enw nasbs e giunOn c to1b9e9ar5f ,mt aenry discuasnsldie on.Tne hsrUe sn iveorfts hWieit tyw ataesrssutrrhapeenld das nusc bceyfs usn ding thte\r·e aslo Dfa vLiedw is-aWniGdle loBiflafum nswd herole lc,oa rlodlued rdi scuons-stesi.Wio en s paitdo nvgi stiott hfseo llcoaw\iN·niegxa,s Lu :eP onFeoln.t LaenTser lo,i s-aFnLrdetT ruecs­, d'Audouibnte hAner i;Mt agresoiutnl hHaeas u te-G(aMroonntwneaesos p nta hnle i bsutatl, a s1- minpurtoeb floerumcst e aodb anidtGo)an;r igtnah sHe a utess-P:Pe ycrht-nCMtoeeurglanena,dc , Pergiontu hsLeeo attn ;Ld a scaanGudax b iilntl hDoeoru d gnoe.2W itthh ecsaevw eehs a.qd u iat e compplaenloeor pfaa mraia erfttra aogl me ogrsatpahnicd-wapilot tihhnrr teeeg( itoPhnyesr enees, Que,rP ctyrigowredal}sfl- r aoascm h ronosltoagnid-cwpaiolati r hna tnfgreot mhG er avettian (GarpgaartossfP, ce h -Merle,a nCdo ugtnota hcMe)i dadnlUdep pMearg da(lPeynrieannnoe te s), tom enttihoSeno lu(tPreecahn- CMoeurglnaean,ctd )h m,eo satn ciMeangtd a(lLellnsicana ux, Gaboiu)l l Google Origfirnoaml Digibtyi zed UNIVERSOIFMTY I CHIGAN P�EFACE Itnh bee ginwneii mnaggt.ih nwaeewtd o upludb lania snhib calsoeen od u wro rGki.vt ehne imponoatfn hsceue b jheocwtew,ve de erc,i tdowe ridta be o owkew; a nttoeg idiv tteh sep aicte deseainvtdeor d e aacl ha raguedri Tehniictsseh .fie r tsitrm ees eafrrcSohmoe urAtfshr aincda Frahnaccveoe l laibtnoa rkaaitn neelgwdo aoptka riaertt.a l Thpiasmt ihg hhatvo ep enuepid nt hbee ginonftih cnee gn tauncrdry e,ta hteeodor tiheesr thtahno tshweae trd ee vel(osCpeheead p Ttherreb eut)thv. ei cisosfi thuidsetsoo rtyh edre­cided wisIen.d�te hemeda ,ii nn fltuhedanitcr eetsch itene tde rparpeptraotatichbvheeee g si onatfnth i en g centwueryrt eh oosfAe u straNlaitaAinmv eear naidrtc E.at nh nograpmhaidcke n omwond els, throtuhpgeuh b liocffa utnidoanwm oern4tk wasel,ra deo petnetdh usiuanstatittilh ec,ena odlf l y. thfief tainbedes g ionftn hiseni gx AtnideLrsee,rG ooiur-ahnaAdnn neLatmtien g-Emcpehraali­re lensgueccdho mpaarniadsd ovnosca sa ttreudc atpuprraolaiacsr hte, t tuworni ittnhhf eo rmation instihcdeae v tehse ms5elves. Att heen odft hnei netceeennttuhr y. aapnp raeolxiatscetthrneh adatt,ntoi kh vswee o rokaf Germpahni loWliolghiBeslltema,e n kd, s hiisistln ea-Lrwu,-cL yl oTyhde.tse w ion tertvhiee wed BushmeSna/Xonar,mi gifnraotlmhlc eye notfwe hraw tat sh tehnce o looftnh yCe a poefG ood Hopaen.fd a itthrfaunlsltcyhr etiiebersd t iimn1o 2n,ip0ea0sg0o e ftse xt. Bleeakn dd ied in 1875 Llohyadddi fficmualktitynhw geo rkkn owAnf.tt ehpreu bliocafsa htoisrtoe nl eic1nt9 i16on 1no, adeqpuuabtlei acpapteiuaonrntte hidtel h irtieisut-n,af nodr twuanusan tdeelrbytya.aS koeunt h Afrjiocuawrnnia ltlih t tle icEniu rr7coO upnlewea.o t nidwoehnrma sit g hhathv aep pheantdeh de se tebxetepsnu blaittsh heeen oddtf h leac setn itanuf royar cmc etsEos uirbolrpeee saena Precrh­ers. hatphse shparmaacontfii Sccta emhnsie g hhatpv reo vaib deetmdto edfreo llra rteesre agrracph­ers pliwnitgth hte h oprnryo bolifen mt erp3retation. Ouprr ecsoelnlta bdoorneaosutt ni doensr itmatpkrole ey v oirce owr hriescOttuo krrn yo.w l­ edogrfeo acrkSt a,cn u ltanutdrhd eei, s cotvhheaarttvi aeek spe lnad cuert ihncego uortfsh teew en­ tiectehn tiunmr ayt toefPra sl eoalrtci,ot mhbiiwcni ertdeh cceonntc eapntmdue atlh odological progarlelfsoosawbr. e tutseeer t ohfn ocloomgpiactriaosldo Waneay.s r wei thado ouutib antb et­ tepro sitthioaouninr l lupsrtreidoeucteose n stsieontrrth sodi isffi ceuxletrw ciittshhnee e cessary prudWeenh caevu.en deritbtae kceaonuu isrne i sttiuahdlai vceeos n vincsehda muasn itshma­t botthhce o ncoeftp huten ivaenrtdseh p er acitetin cgeesni dnseo m rasnr ye giootfn hswe o rld­ respboenttdthseaa rnno y t htecore npaairnt ioctfuh alertoa tfr hsde e ecpa ves. Therweefs oertte eo o nucto utnhsteh earmo atfnh csea vTehsef.il re sehtaidnaogpw pse ared tuo sh earned ittnhh eferl ei clkieoghrtftih noegil la moprts o rtchhiaeltsl umtihwneaa ltalensdd broutghloti t fhaeen imafVosrptcihereTsirh tee .y wtehroeen o lnnyte ocostr otshusen derground chamobafe nrostw hoerbrlu dt, p trheesiiessrnt crteoh neagrn tedh e ottfr hariectieursha alvse been preseTihvreooduu.gcr ho llabaonwrdia ttthhiwi oosnr w ke. htariveteoad p proaschha mtahnes anbdr itnhgei mnt thole i ght. 9 Google Origfirnoaml Digibtyi zed UNIVEROSFIM TYI CHIGAN

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