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The Seven Realms Books #1-4 PDF

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B C W C OOKS BY INDA ILLIAMS HIMA T H C HE EIR HRONICLES The Warrior Heir The Wizard Heir The Dragon Heir The Enchanter Heir The Sorcerer Heir T S R S HE EVEN EALMS ERIES The Demon King The Exiled Queen The Gray Wolf Throne The Crimson Crown Collection copyright © 2014 Cinda Williams Chima Excerpt from The Warrior Heir copyright © 2006 by Cinda Williams Chima The Demon King Text copyright © 2009 by Cinda Williams Chima Cover illustration © 2009 by Larry Rostant The Exiled Queen Text copyright © 2010 by Cinda Williams Chima Cover illustration © 2010 by Larry Rostant The Gray Wolf Throne Text copyright © 2011 by Cinda Williams Chima Cover illustration © 2011 by Larry Rostant The Crimson Crown Text copyright © 2012 by Cinda Williams Chima Cover illustration © 2012 by Larry Rostant All rights reserved. Published by Hyperion, an imprint of Disney Book Group. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without written permission from the publisher. For information address Hyperion, 125 West End Avenue, New York, New York 10023. ISBN 978-1-4847-3185-7 Visit www.un-requiredreading.com www.cindachima.com Contents Title Page Books by Cinda Williams Chima Copyright The Seven Realms Map The Demon King Dedication 1. The Hunt 2. Unintended Consequences 3. Ambushed 4. A Dance of Suitors 5. Old Stories 6. Fellsmarch 7. In the Glass Garden 8. Lessons to Be Learned 9. Eyes and Ears 10. Back in the Maze 11. Sanctuary 12. Bread and Roses 13. The Raggers 14. On the Wrong Side of the Law 15. Strange Bedfellows 16. Demons in the Street 17. Party Warfare 18. On the Borderland 19. Name Day 20. Willo and Bird 21. Blood and Roses 22. Desperate Measures 23. Name Day 2 24. Unholy Ceremony 25. The End of Days 26. Secrets Revealed 27. Gifted Acknowledgments The Exiled Queen Dedication 1. The West Wall 2. In the Borderlands 3. In the Autumn Damps 4. Delphi 5. Into the Fens 6. Flatland Demons 7. On the Road Again 8. Oden’s Ford 9. The Road West 10. Cadet 11. Mystwerk House 12. Raised from the Dead 13. Charmcasting for Beginners 14. Dean’s Dinner 15. Friends and Enemies 16. A Meeting with the Dean 17. In Mystwerk Tower 18. Abelard’s Crew 19. Caught in the Act 20. Star-Crossed 21. A Vermin Problem 22. The Waking Dream 23. A Meeting of Exiles 24. News from Home 25. Blueblood Ways 26. Dangerous Dancing 27. When Dreams Turn to Nightmares 28. Word from Home 29. A Babe in the Woods 30. This Rough Magic 31. Betrayal 32. Shifting Alliances 33. Matrimony or Murder 34. Shoulder Taps 35. Old Friends 36. Detours 37. A Parting of the Ways The Gray Wolf Throne Dedication 1. In the Borderlands 2. Picking Over Old Bones 3. Bad News and Good News 4. A Welcome Home 5. Old Enemies 6. Simon Says 7. The Lady Sword 8. Endings and Beginnings 9. A Hunt Interrupted 10. The Price of Healing 11. Secrets Revealed 12. Bequest 13. Walking Wounded 14. Word Games 15. The Price of Deception 16. A Way Forward 17. The Games Begin 18. A Web of Lies 19. A Calculated Risk 20. Lucius and Alger 21. Back in Aediion 22. Making a Point 23. Making Show 24. Farewells 25. Homecoming 26. Agreeing to Disagree 27. On the Loose in the Palace 28. Love Letter from Arden 29. A Game of Suitors 30. Allies 31. Strange Bedfellows 32. For the Good of the Line 33. More Strange Bedfellows 34. Second Thoughts 35. A Bad Bargain 36. A Dangerous Dance 37. Coronation Epilogue Acknowledgments The Crimson Crown Dedication 1. Clan Princess 2. A Dance in the Dark 3. Crewing for Abelard 4. Family Matters 5. A High Country Meeting 6. What Happened on Hanalea 7. A Crack in the Mountain 8. Blood and Politics 9. Of Consorts and Kings 10. Into the Snake Pit 11. Meetings at Midnight 12. Meetings at Midday 13. At Cross-Purposes 14. Queen's Orders 15. Street Rules 16. Loose Ends 17. From the Snake Pit into the Flames 18. Past Crimes and Misdemeanors 19. A Hot Summer Night 20. Blood and Ashes 21. Earth Magic 22. Ashes and Accusations 23. Revelations 24. An Old Betrayal 25. Truth or Lie 26. Proofs and Allegations 27. Demonai Delegation 28. Climbing the Deadly Nevergreen 29. In Hanalea's Garden 30. Deadly Music 31. The Armory of the Gifted Kings 32. Betrayal 33. In the Deeps 34. Agreeing to Disagree 35. Back Gamon 36. In the Passes 37. Under Siege 38. A Deal with the Devil 39. Queen Counselor 40. Fever Dreams 41. A New Generation 42. Walking Out with the Bayars 43. Standoff 44. A Meeting Underground 45. Second-Story Work 46. On the Inside 47. Trader 48. Wizard Persuasion 49. Uneasy Alliance 50. Poor Choices 51. A Way In 52. Darkman's Hour 53. Under the Vale 54. A Spectacular Diversion 55. Back into the Flame 56. A Rematch 57. Blessings and Curses 58. Tangle and a Twist 59. Redo Epilogue Acknowledgments Preview of The Heir Chronicles, Book One: The Warrior Heir About the Author For my father, Franklin Earl Williams

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