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The Sequences of Five Neuropeptides Isolated from Limulus using Antisera to FMRFamide PDF

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Preview The Sequences of Five Neuropeptides Isolated from Limulus using Antisera to FMRFamide

Reference: liiot. Bull 184: 322-329. (June. 1W3> The Sequences of Five Neuropeptides Isolated from FMRFamide Limulus using Antisera to GABRIELE GAUST1,EKRARRYEND. EL.EDEO1BALNED:. DBAAVRIBDARAA.-PARNINCEE2,BMAITTCEHLALEEL2 J. GREENBERG2 , [InstitutfurBiologieII(Zoologie), RWTHAachen, 5WO Aachen, Germany, -The Whitney Laboratory, St. Augustine, Florida 32086, and 3Division ofImmunology, Beckman Research Institute ofthe City ofHope. Duarte, California 91010 Abstract. Five neuropeptides were isolated from CNS dition, efferent axons that project to the lateral eyes of extracts of the horseshoe crab Limulus polyphemus by Limulusalso contain FMRFamide-like immunoreactivity high pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC). The pep- (Lewandowski et a/., 1989), though these fibers seem to tideswere identified by radioimmunoassays (RIAs)based be part of a general epidermal innervation rather than on two antisera raised to FMRFamide-related peptides being restricted to the ommatidia. In any event, none of (FaRPs). The purified peptides were analyzed by auto- the peptides responsible for this immunoreactivity in mated sequencing and mass spectrometry, and the fol- Limulus have been sequenced. GloHwSiLngLHsFeqaumeindcees.wePrDeHoHbtMaMinYeFd:amDiEdGeH,KMLDYHFGaNmMiLdYe-. Biological activity by FMRFamide-related peptides (FaRPs) hasalsobeendemonstrated in thehorseshoecrab. Famide. and GGRSPSLRLRFamide. The first four pep- In particular, two peptides isolated from the lobster tides are members of a novel family with virtually no (Homants americanus) Fl (Thr-Asn-Arg-Asn-Phe-Leu- trmheelematbbiaeosnrisshoifopfatcosltFarsuMscRtoFufraaFmlaiRsdPiemsi.lkaGnrGiotRwy,SnPbpSreLecvRoiLmoeuRssFlaytmhoeinldsyeef,crooonmnd AAmsrengr--ePPthhaeei--,LNe1Hu928-;7AT)rNgR-iNPnhFceLr-eRaNFsHea:dm,biSodtDehR)NthFaeLnadRmFFpa2lim(tiSudedree-;AasnpTd-rAriramgt--e a peptide isolated from mosquito heads. At least one ofbeat ofisolated Limulushearts. Theseeffectswere sim- member ofthe novel family (GHSLLHFamide) inhibits ilar to those ofa partially purified Limn/us brain extract the isolated heart ofLimulus. (Groome, 1991). BecauseanalogsofFl andF2 occurinothercrustaceans Introduction and in insects (Greenberg and Price. 1992), one might The largeset ofpeptides related by one ormore traits, suppose that the FMRFamide-like immunoreactivity and andtoagreaterorlesserextentineach tothemolluscan cardioactivity in Limulus is due to similar peptides. But peptide FMRFamide (Phe-Met-Arg-Phe-NH2) is distrib- arthropods contain more than one class ofFMRFamide- uted throughout the animal kingdom, and FMRFamide- related peptides. Indeed, in insects, which havebeen much likeimmunoreactivity, asrevealedbyimmunocytochem- moreextensivelyand intensivelystudied, eachspeciesap- istry, isseemingly ubiquitous as well (forreview see Price pearsto haveat least fourdistinctclassesofFaRPs(Table and Greenberg, 1989; Greenberg and Price, 1992). Moreover, members ofthe different classes have dif- I). Inthehorseshoecrab Limuluspolyphemus, prominent ferent biological effects. Forexample, leucosulfakinin ex- FMRFamide-like immunoreactivity occurs in the brain, cites the cockroach hindgut while leucomyosuppressin cardiac ganglion, and ventral nerve cord (Watson et a/.. inhibits it (Nachman el al., 1986; Holman et ai. 1986); 1984; Watson and Groome, 1989;Groome, 1991). In ad- similarly, leucomyosuppressin and its locust homolog SchistoFLRFamide inhibit the semi-isolated heart of Received 7 December 1992;accepted 29 March 1993. Schistocerca, whereas Fl and FMRFamide itselfare car- 122 NEUROPEPTIDES ISOLATED FROM LIMl'LUS 323 Table I FMRF Representativesojfourclassesof amide-relatedpeptidespresent in dipteran insects* Class Sequence Reference FaGRPs3 Asp-Pro-Lys-Gln-Asp-Phe-Met-Arg-Phe-NH: (Schneiderand Taghert. 1988) Myosuppressms" Thr-Asp-Val-Asp-His-Val-Phe-Leu-Arg-Phe-NH: (Nichols. 1992) Sulfakininsc pGlu-Ser-Asp-Asp-Tyr-Gly-His-Met-Arg-Phe-NFL (Nicholselat.. 1988) Head peptidesd pGlu-Arg-Pro-Pro-Ser-Leu-Lys-Thr-Arg-Phe-NH, (Matsumoto el til. 19X4) * The firstthree peptidesin the listwere isolated from Drosophila melanogaster;thefourth isfromAede\aegypti. 'FMRFamide-gene-related peptides; multiple, variablecopiesprocessed from aprecursor. "Similar C-termmal tetrapeptide, hut not encoded on any known FMRFamide gene: peptide shown is Drusuphila myosuppressin; type ofthe class isleucomyosuppressin from Leucophaea mailerae. cOnly C-terminal Inpeptide isanalogousto FaGRPs; peptideshown isdrosultakinin; typeof theclassis leucosulfakinin. dOnly C-terminal dipeptide isanalogousto FaGRPs. dioexcitatory (Cuthbert and Evans, 1989; Robb et ai, volume on a rotary evaporator. The latter step removed 1989). most ofthe acetone and left an aqueous phase consisting We therefore isolated the FMRFamide-like immuno- ofwater derived from the tissue. After the addition of50 reactivity in Limnlus brains and circumesophageal rings ml aqueous 0.1% trifluoroacetic acid (TFA), the extract and report here the sequences offive neuropeptides that was again clarified by centrifugation and by filtration wereidentified. Oneishomologoustoan insect head pep- through a nylon filter (0.45 nm pore size). The clarified tide and is only the second member ofwhat may be an liquid was pumped ontoan HPLCcolumn (BrownleeC8 arthropodan classofFaRPs. The otherfourareapparently RP-300, 4.6 mm X 220 mm) at 2 ml/min. and this flow homologs in a novel peptide family ofuncertain phyletic ratewas maintained throughout the run. Afterthecolumn relations. One peptide from this novel group was synthe- had been loaded, it was washed with 0.1% aqueous TFA sized and tested on the isolated Limn/us heart; it is not until the absorbance returned close to the baseline. The only a potent cardioinhibitor, but also occurs in heart solventcomposition wasthen stepped to 16% acetonitrile extracts. We speculate, therefore, that this peptide func- (ACN) in aqueous0.1% TFA, and alineargradient (0.8%/ tions as a cardioregulatory neurotransmitter. min increase in ACN concentration) wasbegun when the solvent front reached the detector as indicated by a rapid Materials and Methods increase in absorbance. Fractions were collected by time (0.5 min), andan aliquot (2 ^1)ofeach fraction wastaken Animals for radioimmunoassay (RIA). AdultLimuluspolyphemus, inintermoltand measuring Further purifications ofimmunoreactive fractions were 15-25 cmacrossthecarapace, werecollected inthe Indian performed on a smaller diameter column containing the River near Cape Canaveral, Florida. The animals were same packing as that used for the initial run (Brownlee maintained in running natural seawater (15-18C) and C8 RP-300; 2.1 X 220 mm), but with two additional sol- fed once a week. vent systems: 80% ACN containing 0.05% heptafluoro- butyric acid (HFBA). or phosphate buffer (5 mM) con- Peptide extraction andpurification 4t0a,inoirng2600-%50A%CNof,thpeHre7.s0p.ecTthiveegorragdaineinctsswolevreent0,-3o0v,er1300- Brains (including both the protocerebrum and the cir- min, at a flow rate of0.5 ml/min. The pooled immuno- cumesophageal ring)werecollected from horseshoecrabs reactive fractions from one run were diluted with an al- over several months as the animals were used for visual iquot ofaqueous solvent and pumped onto the column system studies. Each excised piece oftissue was weighed at 0.5 ml/min forthe next run. Once a peak was substan- and then added toa flask ofacetone (40 ml)thatwas kept tiallypure, weattempted tooxidizethecontainedpeptide at-20 Cbetween successiveadditions. When9-10ghad and thereby shift its elution time; this maneuver was been accumulated, the extract was further processed as meant toachieve a furtherpurification, and to help in the outlined below. Heart (12.9 g)and lateral eye(3.5 g)were characterization. We oxidized the peptide by addition of treated similarly. hydrogen peroxide (50 ^1/ml ofa 30%. solution) directly The acetone extracts were decanted from the pieces of to the immunoreactive fraction in a TFA- or HFBA- tissue, then clarified by centrifugation, and reduced in containing solvent; this converts methionine almost 324 G. GAUS ET AL exclusively to methionine sultbxide. The reaction was Synthetic peptides (GGRSPSLRLRFamide and GHS- terminatedafter 15 min bytheadditionof1-2 mlaqueous LLHFamide)weredissolvedinan aliquotofseawater(200 solvent, and the sample was loaded onto the HPLC col- n\) which was added directly to the chamber; concentra- umn. tions are expressed as moles per liter in the bath. The amplitude ofbeat was measured at the point ofmaximal Radioimmunoassay (RIA) response, about 2-3 min after the dose of peptide was PriRceI,As19w8e2;rePrciacrerieetdaio,ut19a8s7,pr1e9v9i0o)u.slTywdoesacnrtiibseedra(et.hga.t, tahdedebde.atThaimsplmietausduerebmeefnotr,e terxepartemsesnetd,aswaasptearkceenntaasgethoef had been raised in rabbits to thyroglobulin-peptide response. conjugates were used in these assays: antiserum S253 raised to YGGFMRFamide, and Q2 raised to Results pGluDPFLRFamide and AspDPFLRFamide. lodinated CNS Identification ojpeptides from the pQYPFLRFamide was the trace for both assays. Two CNS extracts were chromatographed by HPLC, Mass spectrometry andsequencing andthe fractionswereassayedwith both theQ2 and S253 antisera. The fractions constituting corresponding im- The molecular ions and, in some cases, fragment ions munoreactive peaks from each chromatographic run were of purified immunoreactive fractions were analyzed by combined and further purified. In the end. six peaks that fast atom bombardment mass spectrometry (FABms), as were immunoreactive with the Q2 antiserum were iso- described previously (Bulloch et ai. 1988). Fractions were lated. also subjected to automated Edman sequencing (Applied One of these peaks showed slight immunoreactivity oBniloisnyestHePmsLCInca.nasleyqsueesncoefrt.heMophdeenlyl4t7h0iAo)hywdiatnhtaouitnom(aPtTiHc), wdiidthnothteuSn2d5e3rgaontaissheirftumin(ienluatdidointitoinmetoafttheartowxiitdhatQi2o)n,, amino acids released at each cycle (performed by B. Par- and showed very little UV absorbance at 280 nm. We ten, University of Florida Interdisciplinary Center for hadsufficient material toobtainbothamolecularionand Biotechnology Research, Protein Chemistry Core Facility, sequence data from this peak. From the protonated mo- Gainesville. See Diaz-Miranda et a!., 1992, for details). lecular ion, which had an m/z ratio of 1244.6, and the sequence Gly-Gly-Arg-Ser-Pro-Ser-Leu-Arg-Leu-Arg-Phe, Syntheticpeptides we deduced the full structure GGRSPSLRLRFamide. Peptideresins(GHSLLHFamide andGGRSPSLRLRF- This sequence is very similartothat ofAea-HP, the mos- amide) were synthesized by the Protein Chemistry Lab- quito head peptide (Matsumoto et al, 1989; see Table I), oratory of the University of Florida's Interdisciplinary so we will refer to it henceforth asthe Limit/us head pep- Center for Biotechnology Research on an Applied Bio- tide (Lip-HP)*. systems 430A peptide synthesizer, starting with MBHA A second immunoreactive peak (LP1) after oxida- resin and utilizing the protecting groups recommended tion eluted about 3 min earlier and showed significant by Applied Biosystems for use with the trifluorometha- UV absorbance at 280 nm. This peak yielded a partial XEGHKMLYF nesulfonic acid (TFMSA) deprotection and cleavage sys- sequence (X-Glu-Gly-His-Lys-Met-Leu- tem. The peptidesweredeprotected and cleaved fromthe Tyr-Phe), where X could have been Ala, Asp, or Ser. Al- resin at the Whitney Laboratory (with TFMSA), purified though this sequence did contain the methionine and byHPLC, andquantifiedbyaminoacidanalysis(Hitachi aromatic amino acid (tyrosine, Y) expected from the 835 analyzer). properties ofthe immunoreactive peptide in peak LP1, it remained ambiguous, not only because ofthe free amino Bioassay acid contamination, but also because no prominent mo- lecular ion was found. The heart with its associated cardiac ganglion was re- Analysis ofthe third peak (LP2) revealed a prominent moved from the animal and suspended lengthwise in a monoisotopic, protonated ion at an m/z ratio of 809.4, glass chamber (25 ml) containing natural seawater that and subsequent sequencingofthepeak yielded thepeptide wasaerated continuously. One end ofthe heart was fixed near the bottom of the chamber, and the opposite end was hooked to a force-displacement transducer (Grass * OfcourseLimn/uslacksahead,butweretainthename"headpep- bMeoadtewlasFTdi.s0p3lCa)y.edThoenaamnpliinkt-uwdreitainndg ofsrceiqluleongcryapohf(hGeraarsts- tTthihdeee"fisrptsteorctiwtehsoedlesetsatikegernsaootfifoctnoh,netaigsneunwiiuttsyhaasnndodmteaheminfoisdresectstlteptetrpeetrdiuodceftst.ihoenissidpneecrciieovsne;fduhsfeirnoocnme. Model 7 Polygraph). "Lip" from L/mulus/lolyphemus. NEUROPEPTIDES ISOLATED FROM LIMl'LUS 325 GHSLLHFa 60 -, \ 1.0 i T3 GGRSPSLRLRFa =3 40 j 20 - [GHSLLHFa] (nM) Figure2. Dose-responserelationshipoftheeffectofGHSLLHFamide 0.0 (LP2)ontheisolatedLimulusheart. LP2decreasestheamplitudeofthe 5 10 15 20 beatwith athreshold of4 nM (Nineorten determinationson fivedif- ferent hearts; SEM < 2;). The measurement ofthe response, the per- Time (min) centageofamplitude relative to thatofthecontrol beat, isdescribed in Materialsand Methods. Figure 1. RIAanalysisoftheinitialHPLCfractionationofaLimulus CNSextract(secondexperiment). Half-minutefractionswerecollected, and 2-jjl aliquots were taken from each fraction forthe RIA using the carboxyl terminus and both methionyl residues as the Q2antiserum.TheimmunoreactivepeakscontainingpeptidesLPI-LP4 sulfoxides. atrhee iLnidmiucaltuesd:he*a(dLPp1e.ptiLdPe2,(LLiPp3-)H:P) wa(LsP4i)s.olaItnedafprroemviothuesspuerciofnidcatpieoank, The elution time of LP4 also shifted after oxidation, (**). The elution times of LP2 (GHSLLHFamide) and Lip-HP though not as much as that of LP3. FABms analysis of (GGRSPSLRLRFamide)are indicatedwitharrows. Thesequencesand the immunoreactive peak revealed a prominent proton- molecularionsofall ofthe peptidesare listed in Table II. ated molecular ion at an m/z ratio of 1011.2. Further analysis of the fragment ions yielded the sequence DHGNMLYFamide sequenceGHSLLHF. Thissequence isinagreement with (Asp-His-Gly-Asn-Met-Leu-Tyr- Phe-NH the calculated molecular weight of 808 for GHSLLHF, 2). assuming an amidated carboxyl terminus (Gly-His-Ser- Finally, the molecular ion for LP1 was obtained Leu-Leu-His-Phe-NH ( 1 155.8), and fragment ions indicative ofan N-terminal 2). The remaining three peaks contained insufficient ma- aspartic acid residue were also found. So the sequence of terial foreither microsequencing or FABms. We therefore this peptide was deduced to be: DEGHKMLYFamide. prepared a new extract to resolve the ambiguities left by Peptide synthesis the first experiment. The synthetic peptides GGRSPSLRLRFamide and The first HPLC fractionation ofthis new CNS extract, GHSLLHFamide were purified by HPLC. Amino acid after RIA analysis with the Q2 antiserum, showed im- munoreactive peaks (Fig. 1) similar to those in the RIA profile obtained from the earlier CNS extracts. When the GHSLLHFa S253 antiserum was used, some peaks were more clearly 2x108 M defined than in the previous experiment. Two peptides (LP3 and LP4) that reacted only with the Q2, and that had not been identified earlier, were isolated and identi- fied. In addition, the identification ofLP1 wascompleted 4x1O8 M with the new extract. The details ofthese findings are set out below. Afteroxidation, peak LP3 eluted almost 8 min earlier; shifts ofthis magnitude are indicative ofmore than one A 2x107 M methionyl residue. prominent monoisotopicprotonated ion was found at an m/z ratio of 1 109.2, and automated min Edman degradation of 125 pmol of peptide yielded the 1 PDHHMMYF Figure3. LP2-induceddecreasesinstrengthandrateofcontractions sequence (Pro-Asp-His-His-Met-Met-Tyr- ofthe isolated Limulus heart. Whereas the effect on the heart rate is Phe). This sequence isconsistent with the calculated mo- long-lasting,theamplitudestartstoincreaseagain4-5minafterpeptide lecular weight of 1 108 for LP3, assuming an amidated application. 326 G. GAUS ET AL Table II PeptiJcsisolatedand vc<///c/)<v,/from Limulus Name Sequence Monoisotopic MH+** Average MH+ Observed MH+ Lip-HP * Lip-HP: Limulushead peptide (see footnote *; p. 324). ** MH+; protonated molecularion. nominal mass. NEUROPEPTIDES ISOLATED FROM LIML'LL'S 327 Table IV An amidated carboxyl terminal phenylalanine is the Sequencehomologies ofpeptidesfrom Limulus, achiton, only absolutely conserved feature shared by the Limulus andaseacucumber peptides: DEGHKMLYFamide (LP1), GHSLLHFamide (LP2), PDHHMMYFamide (LP3), and DHGNMLY- Species Sequence Famide (LP4). Nevertheless, histidine and tyrosine are Ltinulu\ (LP1) Asp-Glu-Gly-His-Lys-Met-Leu-Tyr-Phe-amide commonly exchanged forone anotherin related proteins polyphemus (theircodonsdifferat only one position), and methionine- (LP2) Gly-His-Ser-Leu-Leu-His-Phe-amide leucine exchanges are also quite frequent, as forexample ((LLPP43)) APsrpo--HAissp--GHliys--AHsins--MMeett--LMeeut--TTyyrr--PPhhee--aammiiddcc in FMRFamideand FLRFamide. Wethereforetentatively Acanthopleura Gly-Gly-Thr-Leu-Leu-Arg-Phe-amide propose that these four peptides represent a previously granulata* Gly-Ser-Leu-Leu-Arg-Phe-amide unknown, novel family in arthropods. Because the pep- Hololkuria Ser-Gly-Tyr-Ser-Val-Leu-Tyr-Phe-amide glabenima** Gly-Phe-Ser-Lys-Leu-Tyr-Phe-amide tides are ofroughly equal abundance, analogy with other peptide families (Greenberg and Price, 1992) suggests that * Achiton;sequence from Greenhergand Price(1992). they may even be products ofa single precursor. ** A seacucumber; sequence from Diaz-Miranda et al (1991). As one might expect ofa "novel" family, the affinities of LP1-4 to other peptides are not obvious. Still, their amino acid sequences are somewhat similar to those of GHSLLHFamide on Limulus heart. Methysergide alone twopeptides(GSLLRFamideandGGTLLRFamide) iso- increased theheart rate,buthad noeffectontheamplitude lated from thegranularspiny chitonAcanthopleuragran- ofbeat. After application ofmethysergide (4 X 10~5 M) ulata (Greenberg and Price, 1992), and to another pair for 3 min, the inotropic effect of 5-HT (up to 2 X 10~7 (GFSKLYFa and SGYSVLYFa) recently isolated from a mol/1) was totally blocked. In contrast, GHSLLHFamide, sea cucumber, Holothuria glaberrima (Diaz-Miranda et under the same conditions, still produced a dose-depen- a/.. 1991) (Table IV). But the significance ofthese simi- dent decrease in amplitude. 5-HT and the peptide were larities is obscure. each tested 10-11 times on 7 different hearts. One peptide ofthe proposed new family, GHSLLHF- amide, was found in Limulus heart extracts. Synthetic GHSLLFIFamide decreased the amplitude and rate of Discussion heartbeat, and the inotropic effect had a low threshold. The only other known cardioinhibitory transmitter in Wehaveisolatedfive neuropeptides from CNSextracts Limulus is 5-HT (Pax and Sanborn, 1967). The action ofthe horseshoe crabLimuluspolyphemus(Table II). One and time course of 5-HT and GHSLLHFamide are ofthese, GGRSPSLRLRFamide (Lip-HP), has 60-67% quite similar, but whereas the effect of 5-HT can sequencesimilaritytoanotherpeptide, pQRPPSLKTRF- be completely blocked by methysergide. that of amide (Aea-HP in Table III), which wasdiscovered in the GHSLLHFamide was unaffected. We therefore conclude head ofthe mosquito Aedes aegypti (Matsumoto et al., that the peptidedoes not act by releasing5-HT from nerve 1989). The identical residues are, furthermore, distributed terminals in the heart. along the length ofthe two sequences, and both peptides Theactivities oftheotherpeptides, LP1, LP3, and LP4, occur in arthropods. We therefore suppose that Lip-HP are now being assayed on the Limulus heart. These ex- and Aea-HP are homologous. periments may reveal whether the sequence similarities The Limulus and mosquito head peptides also share between these peptides and GHSLLHFamide are more some sequence similarity to the extended family ofpan- important functionally than their differences. creatic polypeptide-like peptides (NPF and PP in Table The two antisera used for RIA have quite different III; see Halton el al., 1992), as well as to a melange of specificities for recognizing FaRPs; nevertheless, we are others (Table III). The disparity in the lengths of these aware that many known FaRPs would notbedetected by peptides, thediversity ofthe organismsthat contain them, theseantisera. A particularlimitation isthat thespecificity and the restriction ofthe sequence similarities to the C- of neither antiserum is determined primarily by the C- terminal pentapeptide, all suggest, however, that such terminal RFamide, which is often thought to bethe min- similarities may be due to convergence. imal determinant for a peptide to be considered The function of neither the horseshoe crab nor the FMRFamide-like. Buttheantiserado recognize well those mosquito head peptide is known. But since GGRSPS- peptides that contain the full C-terminal sequence: F(M LRLRFamidehadonlyaveryweakcardioinhibitoryeffect or L)RFamide, especially when they are extended at the in Limulus, with a threshold 5 nM, it is probably not a N-terminal. So it is surprising that we could isolate no cardioregulatory agent. such peptides, especially considering that their presence 328 G. GAUS ET AL. has been established in other arthropods. 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