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UUnniivveerrssiittyy ooff PPeennnnssyyllvvaanniiaa CCaarreeyy LLaaww SScchhooooll PPeennnn LLaaww:: LLeeggaall SScchhoollaarrsshhiipp RReeppoossiittoorryy Faculty Scholarship at Penn Law 2003 TThhee SSeeccuurriittiieess AAnnaallyysstt aass AAggeenntt:: RReetthhiinnkkiinngg tthhee RReegguullaattiioonn ooff AAnnaallyyssttss Jill E. Fisch University of Pennsylvania Carey Law School Hillary A. Sale Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarship.law.upenn.edu/faculty_scholarship Part of the Antitrust and Trade Regulation Commons, Business Law, Public Responsibility, and Ethics Commons, Business Organizations Law Commons, Economic Policy Commons, Economics Commons, Law and Economics Commons, Legal Studies Commons, Legislation Commons, Securities Law Commons, and the Work, Economy and Organizations Commons RReeppoossiittoorryy CCiittaattiioonn Fisch, Jill E. and Sale, Hillary A., "The Securities Analyst as Agent: Rethinking the Regulation of Analysts" (2003). Faculty Scholarship at Penn Law. 1038. https://scholarship.law.upenn.edu/faculty_scholarship/1038 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by Penn Law: Legal Scholarship Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Faculty Scholarship at Penn Law by an authorized administrator of Penn Law: Legal Scholarship Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. TheS ecuritAineasl yasstA gent: RethinkitnhgeR egulatioofAn n alysts ,, jiEl.lF isch '' lla Sat/ 1-Ii ryA . ABSTRACRTe:c epnrte hsassh ighhltiesgdh ocke.iwunngp sl oefb iasse,ll dealianngdi, n accuimnCt )hb'ee havoifto hrse cue ritieasn alyC;rti.t ics havaet tritbhuebt uebdeba lnds ubseqcureanistnht hteech nology secttoo r analhy)s•tap ned j Jostihtaeutdn duaen alyosptti mciosnmt- ritbou ted scandalass E nsruocnAh.f tnewrn ye aryso fm inimalr egulatomvy ersight, a·naysltasr en owth es ujbecto fex tenves riegulamty reforjnmo posa/s, includmianngd aaint t eh Sea rbane.Asct-o Of2x 00l2ere yq urinigt hatth e Securaintdi} e.s'x chaCnogmem issaidoonpa t v arioeftr ye striocnt ions anaZb'Veshla vior. Desptiet hem ediatat rmtithoerne, h avbee efne awl lemtfoc Jolnsa ptualize careftuhlme(z ya (')rs•o slTteh .iA sr liocflfese urcsha na nal_)'Fsiirsst.tl ,u: Articchlaenl gleetsh ter aditcoinocepntiaonl o ft haena lysta si ndependnlt gateheTehpAeer rt.id crlaweus poenmp ircail, legala,nd a necdeovtiadle nce toe valucraitticael yl theex istbienhga voifso erc uriatnieasZ vasntdts h e extetnow th icthhe iarc tiviitinecsr e'aa1sr/eetklc .fficiAesntc h)Ae'r .t icle dem.onstutaltews,l yasrtseus l �jteoac t v arioefcto nyjl ictso fi ntertehsatt consttrhaeibienhr av ior.T her esulctoisinttgsn pobs)Ihe' ed s coenjZ ictws- e clsasica genc_)' costs. AccorditnhAgelr yt,id celvee lao 'pJsuc: wo ncejJtuaolfti zhaet isoenc urities analyts as quasi-ageAnltth.o ugh analyshtasv neo tt raditiob1wle(ve n treaatsea dg enutnsd esrtm ulaargde nCl)a'w p riJnlcifjj�iSma,n b roader ecrmmjnJiecr speacntiav(yesa,t rjse J mjuJndenrsiolody t oa cti n aang eiU)! capacAin(ya.l_) 'osctotsn b ehlafof m ultinwprlhe!'Lj HirticijHlnls, including their enzijsJsluoeyanc.nr isdn,v e stors.T heisnet earreiesn tte snsi on." 'lgenc)' pricinpesli llumibnraetaeh dotwhnaesn ailyns rtosml uelj Jrovide guidance ini dentifyaijJ/JrnogjJ risaotleu tIinojJ narsitc.ul m � wea rguet hat nform effosrhtosuj l(dJ counst e h minimizatoifor ntg encCo)s'tt sh,r outghhe apjJlicatioonfa q uasi-agaefJjmJryao chi 11cludirnjg' na:l idaubt)'il itv. --·----- --------------------------------- ProfessoofrL: m·,F ordhamU nie\r·siStcvh ooolC L m·T.h is, \nic'k. ·:p��t'l'r lima·liltv tcn \l·hPirloef esFsisochr �tlswoa ss erivng �ISS lo�uV1i sitiPnrgo fessGoero.r getowUnn iw·rsLitt111· Center. :;:P:r:o:f es�oLra wof aF.n .d- -\n1old Oaun1 C:oSrcphnorlaaLrr·e.n iL,�·nevr sil:· nf lo\\-:l Collgee of LaFwo.t rhe ri comment�sm ehle lpfusulg gc:-:tiontsh,e� utt!ltohrsa nkJeAnrnliefn,t :r Stn·Cch u1Vil,. iGtuub tiP,e telrl uang, DunLatlncgln (.>oPr�tu,t i !\Ld,l\<c>lnP�crlyil,tl clh ��t�rcnlc,l RoberSti tJ.:.oT!hf ea uthorts kllRolbke rtG adrke�,· [ichR;�uts·slc Jiel.t llli'e;�·r;ksc r. Doug Pondearn.d B riaVna nderP olf or.rh eriers ea�rtscshi srance. 1035 J036 [2003] TheA 1tidfc ocuosn etsh es jJeccxiwjni/ofcJ sleele cdtiisvdeo stuor c failtuo! -ceo nceptualisztea otfut sh e demonstrate !hot !he thqeu asi-agen(�\' anal_ystm'!s ,, laend i ntao pprotpolreiraanoftc seec lrcdtiisvcel osure. Insteatdh,eA rticle offera snew efficiejnucys tijfiocart hteai doopnt ioofn Regulat}iDon b aseodn a gmc)p'r incipTlheesA .r tictlhee dni scustshees impliratoifao gnesn ctyh emf)o'rr ecepnmpto saltso a ddreostsh er tcyfp es anal_covnjsltcits . TheA rticcloen ciudeosffer ib_vn gs omes uggestifoonrs furthdeer bote. I:\TRODUCTI..O.·."'· ·J·· ····.·.·.·.·. ...............................·.·.·.·..·.·.·.· ·.·.·.·. .................1.0. 37 I.T HER OLEOF T HES ECURITIAE:-JSA LYS.T.. ..........................................1.0. 40 II.A :"\.\CLOY:SF\TL! CfSO Fh TEREST.. ...................................................1...0 "13 A. On:\D!SH1I:J\'I Di..E...\..J..S.. ................................................!.0. .4...3.. . B. BUS!;IN\T1E:P.J':;..·<..:n,..: ..r:,... ............................................................ .l0 45 C. ACC.l1:\:'Sn-RSJ ·ST..\. ...................................................................1..0.. . .54 IIIR.E CLL-\TlOOF:\ THSEE CURJTAIl\'E,\�L;Y .S.T... ...............................[.0. .5..6. .L Fi:DLFR.F�(·;\UJLn,Ao .v-n·.rC 1ou rns.. ...........................................l 0 .56 B. FiDUi\!.". f.\ R_u'f!;OX!- THFSE C AXn PJ·C\U!'! 0\�FD\ .\.\rJJi C.... lOfil l.R egulatFiDo. ..n.. .................................................................l..0 61 a. Bacg;hmun..t.../....... .........................................................1..0. 61 !J. Reg·Llla..t..i..o....J...z......]...�...]....).. .....................................l. {)62 t. TliIem pacotf ReguFDl a...t..i...o....n...... ...........................1. 065 �-RegulatAiCo ..n... ...............................................................1..0. ()8 iJJ}_:!.()\/ -',\Ll'.S\'TSi": U1'.\ j'fRJ(}J\; .[....L....\.. ..................................1.0. 69 l. NASD/i"<'YSERegu..l..a..t..i....o....n....s... ........................l ..0..6..9 2. The MerLrmiclhlS ettlem..e..m..... .....................................l 071 3. The IomfpR aeCgLu iation on th.e.. ...C...o.....n..fl....i..c..10 t7s4 D. T!-11S�\'! .W.L\"l:SA-.0XcrOL FH2 00.2.. ............................................. 1076 IV.S LI\liO\F· DLEF\IRCYI ENCIINEE SX ISTING REGt..7..L...\...T...!...O..N.... .1.0 78 \. .:'\BETTER SCH.LTIQOL>\JS-lTH-EA I'vClEo:'m:\L.. C...Y..... ................l.0 80 A. DJTFUJP�\OIFJ :n-11-.sQ rU \S!AcM:onLJv....c.'f...Y .. ........................ .l Oi::lO (2C.\SJ-Ac;F.\n B. T!!!: fi,JOULJ. rl-nr'R_Fo U(l;:DI 'II'i.!.U.,.\. .1FD.0 .8.6. ...... •I.L·s.r..C.:....\. .........................................................................................l.0. 97 THE SECURITIEASN ALYSTA SA GENT 1037 i'vla y2 000-Fe2b0n0W11,) ' i\�-1S1JA.Q by "From _ whilteh e indedxe clinedov er one-thainradl,: vst's['s.e ll]' 1ecomhmeelnsddt awtdia_ovt.n . s. 0 %" 1 lNTRODLJCT!ON 8,2 002, On April New YorkA ttorn ey GeneraEll ioStp itzeanrn ounced shockign findinfgrso m an invesgtaition of seucriitesa nalysatts !\ Ierlrli � Lynch.Inp apers filewdi tht hec ourtS,p itzreerve alde thati \'rIiellr Lynch analysts ocnsistetnyl skewed their research reportsa nd stock recommendatoinsi na ne ffort tog eneratinev estmentb anking businefsosr 'l thef irmA.ccordintgoS pitzer,s enioorff icilasw ere aware tthhera ets earch reports were tainted mainsdl eaodfityneengt ,c o ntniued toa ssurpeu blic 1 investotrhsa t tihnef ormatiwoans i ndependent, o�jetcive, and unbiztsec\." Courtp apersd etairle peateedx amples inw hichM errilLly nchp ubilclv recommendesdt ocktso inevstosr whiled isparagitnhgo sesa me stockisn internea-mla ilass "clogso,r" 'j unk,"o r warnintgh at thec ompanvw as � t in "fallnig apart.I"ndeeda,s them arketf orI nternsett ockpslu mmeed 2000, thospe apers retvheaal\lt' lermraii!nlt ainae rda ting of" accrunualte" ora boveo n allt hec ompaniietcs o Yerecnle,v ero ncea dvisiinmgc stros ro u '; sella ss tocpkr ciesp lnged, sometime·s' atlhlew ayt o zero." recent Spitezr's investigaiotn ism erelyo ne examplei n a serioefs n developme tsh ighlighttihnegp robelmaticr oleo ft hes ecuirties ;malv:st. Botht hem ediaa nd the SecuritainedsE �changCeo mmissio(nth e ··sEC") addition, havew arnedo f analvsbti ass,e lf-dealainndg o,t hera busesI.n analytss haveb eenc riticifzoerdr hefiari ltou rsepo tp roblem<sl lt: nro11. Finalyl, planitiff' slawyercso minuet o pursuen ovelli abiltiyt heoriie1s1 litigataigoainn st analyAsmtisd. a lolf thicso ntroversy, theS EC adoptde Regluaiton FD i'2n0 00t o pro�libiti ssuerfsr om selectiYdeilsvc losing corporaitnef ormatitoo na nalvs't Bse.latecthlehS ,E C alsoa nnounced<ll l l. B<trba'.clro :<eRsI,' SI'Atnlirilih\ '>IS Cl:l\llf.tl'-i.B·-\rlBu·Ak" eiDrl ee,a leRre guL!riCo:r"ru rse ufStudUya n.1 0-ll.� 110:!). �- S1'Ptr esRse lt::Orfstf·i.co fe' \t:11·..- \tYto"rnktG ee\t·r erE:lrilo t Spi\tkzrerri.ll l.1 ·nrlr Stuck RatiSnvsgt cnFto unBdia .-b;1e·cl l. 'rtcli,C;:colnofsleicoclfb I nteres(t.s- \p0r.i l :!l.l il:!) '.Lrr. ouoilor/1! hJt!t,p/,/: 11\\'IUJ:Jg'..s/lupltr>ct'··.,�t;its.:l/l/!l:ltp/:r1pr08b._h(t)l2l(llL r1;;irs itul 2,-,_ Jm,·<r �OO(coltn)i lwier ht he:· LrwR e�·iew). ;>,_S til't !. -L .')wid. .-\llicl:rl·it Cerrt·Lrl :1. Petitioner\ in Srrpp<">fr. ·\rp plicrtfioor<n l lOlr derP ursrL't't' lt BusincssLS1e1c1rioYnl -;fr,It U -1'\S.p itz1e.r\ krrill.l1nrS.h.: C o, '\oU.: '--IOl(:'\'.>\:..'S:u!p . . Ct . -\pt\r., 20m0•a2i)i.oa fJ//he t tp/: 11\1·l.·'l.tog:.r,i;et.;ll/li.mtchsru/rpsres/s:!()/:0r2p/r\knilll.pc!f (onf i 1k1rI· tit heICJ 11L·la\ Rlc 1i e11·!. 15.S eitd a.t �-10 . Feel. 7lti-Cil 7. SclectDiins:cl osamen di rbicTlrc:rt cli6n:g-.J Reg,.-,] (.\g.u'2 -L:.' lll)l ()t(o be codifiaet1d 7 C .F.JlRl:2.s- .l �f1:1l..: ut2d- ll(Jo)tn i l1e1 ·irrhlelt u ''L'1a1 1R nin1). STF.ilCtk ·t s In lhL· nuLli <JII:·tednu·ptr:c.rd m c· lirnc·cgtu l�11ii"tnl'l ;1,tJ;het'h s:rr 1ilo:<rc.t. SEC's i.>durt' '" !akaen \�·l ctiiun1n h c din-:�c,trio n! ·cg·;uuita;ttil,1�-,:1·tg��p t ;st lo'fl, ,·\Lu pr1\ :ntnoprt!tl·td' '. 1308 88 [2003] IOn0'L1A W REVIEW K 2002, inquiyr intoa nalyscto nlficotfsi nterestI.ns pring theN ewY orkS tcok Exchange h(et" i\TYSE") andt heN atoinalA ssocioanto ifS ecu rtii eDse alers (hte" NASD"),a ss e-lrfegulya toorrganizatio(ntsh "e SROs")a,l saod opetd new stadnardsf ora nalysdti socslurea nd trandig activiwthyi,c hw ere � subseqeunltya pprovebdy t heS EC.Thel atedsetve lpomenti sa mandate undert hen ewS arbane-OsxleAyc tt hat tShEeC ort he SROsp romulagte 0 rulse toa ddresasn alyscto nflicotfsi ntrees1tT.he goalo ft hesvea roius measurewsas t oi mplementa moret horougrhe uglatorreyg mie toa lelviate thec onfloifcit nt eresptr olbemst hahta vep lgaueda nalyrsetoc mmendatinos inr ecenyte ar\sV.he ther thesset epwsi lslu cceed,h oweverr,em ainusn clear, inp artb,e causoef thec ontineud ambiguiyt int hec onceipotn of the analysrto'els. T o seew hy,c ondseirb owa nalysatrse t ratdiinoalltyr eatbevd courtsc,om menattorasn,d r egluato.r s Hisotricla,yla nalyshtasv eb eenr eltvaielfyre ef rom regluatoin.l ncleecl, ins omer espectasn,a lyshtasv ee i"Uoyperdee frresdat tusu ndert he feedral secruitileasw. sC ourtcsa revdo uta na nalysetxc eptitoont hep rohibiitono n the useno nop fu bliicno frmaotini ns eucrtiietsr andigj,u tsifyitnhsgi p oilcy by a twoflodc laimF.i rscto,u rtas ndc ommenattorasrg uedt haste ieicvte dislcosurteos ecureisat inalyssi tsb enecfiiatlo t hes ecutriiemsa rketsb ecause iti nrceasetsh ed isseminatioann di ncorporatni oofi nofrmatioinnt os tock pric.e Secon,d some commenattorasr gued tahnaalty suts e oifns die informatidoone sn otp oser iskasn aolgoust ot hsoep resetnedb yt rdaitinoal insiedrt rdaingB.o thj utsificiaotnrse lyi,np arto,n thet heoryt haatn alssyt fm�ctionas unbiasemda rket gatkeeepersT.h is" gatkeeepign" rhe10y is premisedo n thea ssuprtnoin thaatn alsytsac ta sc onduiotfsi nofrmation from compantyo s harheoldearn df rom shraehlodert oc ompanyB.e casueo f thei nformiaotnf lowp rovidebdy a nalystisno,fr maotin idsis seminated to them arketa,n d them arket becomes more efficein.t Based on the conclusitohna atn asltyasc tuallpyer formt higsa etkeepifnugn ctiocno,u rts and regautiors havel etf analystlsag relyu nregultaeds o as to avoid interrupttihnegf lowo fi nofrmaitonE.v eni nl ighotft hea nalypsrto belms oultind eabovteh,e saerg umentasr es itluls ed dteoef nda priilvegerdo lfeo r securtiiesan alyss,t inclundgi thec lami thatR egualtino FD IS both unneecssya rand undeisrbaleA.lt huoght hiasr gumenth as reecntlbye en CenerE;l1il"S pti tzrnn Lttmchhi so wn investigaitniototn h ea reaS.e Ceh arleGsa ps;tri\nVaol.l Streleita1 s11 (1 'uliklC"ofjyr Xn uSW .j-J\SiLTL.L. .n.J, , -\ pr.2 ::!\00 :2a.t C 'l. 0. SClk'trek :C,; "L,par&i nSuc oJt..P altro.w,%' C. JoIi'nosrOl j!,m Ilnsq uiry into .'luu!ysts. \\.\"Ll.J S.\r pr:21 i:2.0 0:2a,r. -\I. �!. 'S<n.·\; StDi :le'-\i YRSuEl emakiEnxgc,ha ngAect Relea�sue.3 4-4:)9(0i\tlLt vI U.:2 00�). m•nilubhltptc:/ o\1t\ ".1,;\el.clgo/lrulehst/m (las1ti sii\thcrd. '2'2:10.0 (3u)l1 i1i1 e1i tthh e)(>\L\t"l;\\ Rel·ic11·). IIJ )1S';1� rh:ltles,\--ctCuh lln2 D0'2l.' uLb. N1o.0 7-2� :l1H0.1J .() S lt :t7·tL./" liJ.(l 2 002) (tHjltiSrHi:n 1g1 i1honien lt.·ro: tard opt rule·s· rt•;N>nr;itcbsh,i gI·<>n: etdd clr(l;·msash slj Ct>llfluif'cit.slT tlL.l")Sl. .. THE SECURT11E) ANALYST SAA G.tiVT 1309 muteds omewhati nt hew akeo fr evleaitonsl iek thosaet M erirllL yncht,h e acturaoll pel yaedb ys ecutriieasn alstyrse mainosp ent od ebate. ThisA rticlceh alleesnt ghet raditivoineawol f a nalssyt asi ndepednent gatekeepeWres .q uestiwohne thergi,v ent heijro bsa se mplyoeesi,t i s reasnoablteo a ssmue analssyt area ctaull"yni dependentT.o" e xplaiwnh y secruitiaensa lysatrsen ot" nidependent,t"h eA rticle drawesm puiproinc, a l legaaln,d a necdotaelvd iencet oe valuattheee xisntgib ehavioofrs ecutriies anaslytas ndt hee xetntt ow hich theiarc titviieisnc reasmea rkeetf ficiency. Baseodn thiesxa minaiotnt,h eA rticdleem ontsrtaest haatn alyssa tren ot the independeinnfotr matiogna theretrhsec ourtasn do thearc ademihcasv e purportetdh emt ob e buta rei,ns teads,ub jectto a varieotfyc onflicotfs inetrestth acto mpromisteh eiirn depeenndce. One possibrlesep ones tot hicso nfliocfit n terepsrotb lemi ss impltyo improved isclosoufrt eh esceo nflicatnsd taoc knowledgteh at lasynsta are esseantlilsyal espeo,p sleeinV'gi thei netrestosf theifri rsm'i nvetsment banikngc lientTsh.is repsonsei su nsaitsafctorIys.s ueirnsv,e tsorsa,n dt he markettsh emseelsav reh eavidleyp endnetu pont hea bitlyoi ft hea nalystto functioansa ni nofrmatiointn ermediaIrnya .d ditiotnh,ee xitsnigr egluaotry treaetmnto fa naylsthsa s beenp rernsiedo n protecntgi thifsu nciton, an 11 objetcivet hatp erssist in theS arbasn-eOxleAyc t. Nonethleess,t he subasnttiarlo let haat nalyss ptlya withr espectto i nofrmatiofnl o\a\n'd secutriiepsr iicngi ss ingiifcalnytu nderminebdy c onflicotfsi nteretshta t creatae v ariye tofi ncetnivefso ra nalyss ttod itsotr thei nofrmationt hey presnet. Ther euslitngc osttsh atth esceo nflicitmsp oes ont hem arkeatre clsasic l"-' agenccyo s.t sAnalsysth aven ott radointailbleye nt reataesda gentsa,t l east for anyoneo thert hant heire mpolyer,a nd theer are sigfniicnat impedimenttos classif)t'hinegma sa gents unders atndadr agency law. Nonetheeslsb,e causteh ieri nctnnediaitone fefctvielrye uslst int heira cting on behaloffi ssuer,si nvestoarnsdt, h em arketfsr,o ma broadeerc onomic perspectainvael,yt ssa re properluynd erosotd to acti na na genccya pacity. To capteu rthsi conecptaulizatiwohni led istingunigs ahnialstysf rom traditiaogneanlt tsh,i Asr tcilede scriabenasl ysatss" quasi-atgse".n vVed o not arguef or thea pplicatoifo snt anrdda agenclya wp rinciplehsu,t w e do proposteh aatn alyrsetgu lationb e viewefdr oma n agenpceyr spectiB\y· e. utilziintgh sia gencayp porachi,ti sp ossbilet oi llumniatber eakdwonsi nt he anal'yssr tolaen dto providgeu idaceni ni deniftYniga ppropriate soluntsi.o Inl gihto ft hiasn alys1ivsea, rg uet hta reforemf fortssh oulfdoc uso n the minimiziatono fa genccyo stTso.w ardt haetn d,w e argtuhaet a nasltysow e l!. Stti d.( clirt:cttilnng� StEoC: a dopt ruldeess igne·d· tporo tect the uhj�elclrlic,l· it,· illclepellodefo;l elcCuCr itainesa lysts""). 1'2. S!'ivtl ichzC.w l. fen&s \\e"nil liH�.l, l\lilc ckliFnlgu,' oIJf!I li\t' Fi•n\nl:r lll/l)l,_!·!/,u"nl•"i!u'ri,o ! Agnu:y CosUtis io>nldSl tomrslhuirJjc .J F?>lE C\:O.'-! .: >0;:{)O,S ( (1c9:/,lplbi)n innagw r�etn cl l\peusfa gency costs). 1400 88 [2003] TUWA LAW RE\/IV.E.' dutietsot h e market-dutitehsaw te t erm' 'reliadbiultiitey s"t-hanathctol s e ll dutiessh oulbde e nforce:cl. To proYidae frameworfko ra nalyzintgh esed utiest,h e Article conceptualtihzees se curiatnya lysrto'lsea n do utlinae qsu asi-agemnocdye l for undseatrndinga ndr eguliangt anasltyb ehavoir baseodn that conceptualizaTthiiosmn o.d els ervetsh reei mportanptu rposeFsi.r sitt, clarifhioewsc onflictdiuntgi eisn hereinntt hea nalysrto'lsce a usaen alysttos faila s gatekeepse.r Second,t he model provideas more coherent explanatifoonrR egulatiFoDn t hant hatp rovidebdy t heS EC'sf ocus on fairnesFsi.n altlhye,m odelp roviddeisr ectifoonrf urthreerg ulation. The Articplreo ceedisn t hef ollowimnagn ner.P artI formalizes the identitv raonldeo ft he securitiesP aann IaIli vdsetn.t iftiheesc onfliocft s ' I interetshta ts ecuritaineasl ysftasc ed,e tailienmgp iriclailt eratounr teh eir jobsa ndr oleasn,d e xplaihnso wt hesceo nfliccrtesa tien centifvoersa nalysts to use insidien formatiionn w avst hata re inconsistweintth m arket ) efficienPcayn. Illb riefrleyv iewtsh eh istoroyf anaylstr egulatiaonn d describesk ey componentosfr ecenptr oposaflosrr egulatroerfyo rmP.a rIVt expasn dotnhe d eficienicinre esf orpmr oposablysd emonstrathinogwt he proposaflasit lo c onceptualtihzeae n alysrto'lspe r operlPya.n V exetndst his analvssito develoap q uasi-agemnocdye lo ft hea nalysTth.e P aratp plitehse modelt oc reataen a nalydstut yo fr eliabialnidtyt oo ffearn efficiency-based justificufioorRn e gulatiFoDn.T he Articcloen cludwesit hs omer eflections on ther oloef t heS ECi nr egulatsiencgu ritaineasl ysts. I. THER OLEO FT HES ECURITIAENSA LYST Securitaineasl ysptesr forrme searacnhd a nalysoins c ompanieisno rder toe Yaluasteec uritanine se stimatthee i\r' alausei nvestmenItnst .h eortyh,e y sen·aes informaticoonn duitosr,i ntermediarbieetsw,e etnh ec ompanies 11 theyi n\·estaindga actteu aolrp otentiianlv estionr s thocsoem paniesT.heir worki m·olvceosl lectianngd processiinngf ormatiforno ma varietoyf '' sourcebso,t hi nsidaen d outsidoef thec ompany'.A s a resulotf their researcahn.; clvsttYsp icalplryo ducet wo productsa: · 'porreta"n d a ··recomrnen(LHioInn.t "h er epona,n alysotfsf efra catnsd o pinionasb outt he subjeccto mpam anclit ss ecurit1'i;eT sh.e recommendatiownh, ich is 1:>. Rt.d\;rcn· rC·C.L t:r\kg.; !Cn'slll\scy' ns usF ir/wir/n))u"l iit·nPs R.I \TII.Y'\.D\ L:.\SC f\:TTIS!:F SneL1l1 R FO FB t.�I\:FS(]�< J:i-m1P:\r-a\l1S."l : R. i char)d.Z cckkut:e<lekr.1 �1:(-\d:e1s)cr igb tihne rule1 1l!i dttcdiudtni ei1s1n ··cluc:itngge JcloCs\t s)f.< Jarn :tgurmctltth at: tn:th·tsitc>l'u cian J.�·pd responsibil·i'lhiotu>blsde l ill\ittoic mc·!e stosrese,P er.erH uaInIg.. lmj;/imloifoCnusi lrl1 11rl f'ridtofiil.'il"ruri\l:'iinlcl)·!I .t' g\!u.. l.o lRir(r-Ymf .o nhco2m00i3n)g. 1-LT F.n Tt\.\LT_)\t\X\\i\lL:l·\ S.\ I�>.:I I.1T\OF\l.>R \1C<.J\RLP OR.\DTiLs ci.OSUL:-.;.nRmr FtlH\IIZ:i U .Rl l!tL SL \\I I" W(C-l : C:'2HU OU). l:i. S1·\t\ \1i.t_ ..\\.s·Is\ .T \ . C :0\11'.T\O: \EYFF ICXlTI"\lEl )SLTO <i-JRIUU ..-\! T.IIOl\F'2:Rc. \S. RF.1S�.1 �1;'o.'2.1 ( I CJ:-;'\). lti.. J:t\l.i'>c<i>l:iwll \\lh:anl:h�i.'ll lil tt:'r nJii/1.1-!\/11i:r1\!o llll"l:i lrlf{l {hlt.i•\l il'lill lnlnirlli f"·, F.111i1w. �r l."u\lf li!,n·:giu!slDs1.t11 ol-+Dli Lflu' n. 1\.il ) ·sl.L JI. i '(I'2.J1 {. )11 . I'2 :'> 'THES ECUFU T!ESA N/iLYSTASA GEiV T 1041 genearllay e slectionf rom a seireosf r atnigc ategoraice·hsi,s tehse i nYensgt i publci tob uy,s ell,o rc ontintuoeh oldt hes ecuiirtse inq uesiton\.V hen analystasc t" indeenpdelnyta nd o�jecitveliy,vn estso rgam frmo the 1' publicatoifto hne iirnsg ihst." Analsyts conductth eirers aerchf or varoiust ypeosf i nvesotrsT.h is Articlleie,k m ostr ecnetc onrgesosniala ndm ediaatt entifooncu,s eosn s e­ll sidaen aslty1s�'. Sells-ied analyss,wt hoc ompriaspep roxmiately3 0%o ft he 1'� analytsi nclutsry,areg enearlyl emplyoedb yb roekragefr imsa ndp roudce researfcorh b rokaegrefi rmc ustomse arndo theirnv estoMrasn.y of these brokaegref irmsa lshoa vea ni nvetsmentb anking divoisni.I na ccllititoo n donigr esearfcorh c usotmerr epotrsa,n aslstyw how ork for thosef rimsa lso may perofrm researfcohr the undewrrtinig of an isuser'sse cruities, parctpiiaet int hero ads hmv (acutallyt ralveintgo p icths ecurit,o ireh se)lp clintchhe u ndewrrtiindge alT.h ei nofrmatiporno ducbeyds e-lisldea nalysts isw idey ldisseminatiend tfinhaen cailm arktesI.nd ividrueaclo mmendaitons are annonuced to the marketplaacned, "evr1ces liek Thomson Financli/aFisrtC alplu bslhir egular reprotsp olling analysts apnrde diction recommendatioAnssa . r Tuslcth,a negsi na nlaysrte commendatiotnpysi cay ll triggseurb asnttiparli cmeo vemetns. Analysgtse nearlltye ntdo concetnrtaeo n a patriculiandru stlJ}n. theory,t hesye arcfho �r!l ladn a·hzceor poratienf ormatoin.A nalysrtes aadn d diegstc ompanrye ptosr� melo thesre cnodayr soucress,p eawki tcho mp<m;' offices arnde mploeyes;n,:c !w,h eer approprivaitisetc, o mpansyi tIeOs h elp themfo rm an idneepndenimtp erssioonf t heb usienssA.n alvsrtse view companyd ocmuenst fliedw itthh eS EC ando therr egautlorsa s wt:lals materisaeln ctlir ectlv tos hareholdesr.T hisi nofrmatiiosan \ a·ibl!afreo mt he compainse,t heS EC, ��:n;cdeo cPla:lo:;)u'cr esl iek Stadnard& Po(·)\t] hat compiles,um m<u- i�zz,. m_el repubilhs i.L Analysatlss moa y l'iCe�,\·, tarde �11 publiicoantis,n clc'.ui1i1,�dn u:,it-;,p·e-icccmi afgaznie5. 17. �fR.L-T\\\i�..�-8...I:L; \\fTl<)L :\S,:t /1J\Uf_(()!:-'l ,-+: l1oi ::s . 1�.' hTes cc)(ndL u-.:_;cf; -r)ot<;.xp��J ·tL yd:.;istb us\s· -idci .tn::t[l)tv\t·s-idtses �.u1 ;·.1L ..:h.s.\ \·o!r"ko r instittiunniatl\ 'le�rr...on :,1S\tco nnnonlny HlUlt(lr und��r;eh.i rre porr:st !'1Co1 tf ur :hei n:n·a:ig1 1 ptibl. biucrt)( rL tllilrtn' pl'oLiT..T 'heilr' ll·leprplstm trchs:cetuser' iCSto itrth ie·r< II'I. .'l')lC \I.m:ts ltdl l thosoef t hecilicrJ H'·�. p-\por..::.1 d J�rt·�·l�L·! }! Jo<ft hea naslly:-i;l lc <itloyS''tsC l·li·itsii t:l1t.cr-�!:;�\ie· br t·i­� si(alne; dy.s.\h r J):.(I"'F·! FE'·iY: . hnni:..\.· �� )!_�'CR!lA.T\YL: Y:iS\S 0 \: \,\\1'.S.1T-.I\ Y,F\- TC:t) \(lIF.'\:RSEII\T (:"IlJ.JTFO TUD.)\\ Y'..�.\\TLlOL'�<\ lTL�iUD>�1� '}(. \\L.EiYl �ql).S -.\s ;n�pdrl>{ porlt"iolof . v>'-'Cuirt:iSt anlays�tr1se: ;cod-l-cidnl :c·p..c.:1:_'..�Jl;Ht n��.·dt�:\"d,H ,p ru.,·:ni d:'fsrec�h1\ i\i·l;o;uirnl ll..� �lrT.di, Liulr :g nth:crre lati�ohnitpo t::-h-"l i;·tL1liint �L:- .·C\o\··-:.-·r. i'L.t.ni-�nedpen'dlt�lnllay. l..;tsp l·o,·tihdce-! i··rpl osn t�r on sau b.•r;icptiono t�·hrft. ·.·�] ).,.;,T_;n."-\!t.:i :u d·cpcn·dJtrlets earccahn b et ·�:p-cn.\-i\·n,, J�_n.ht l Zi·t!sikniR.t tn.;t;:·tktt sh· t' SECR nmtcit:·DJi>.bcuises iuonl Fti n:1ncli)ail, do: -;;run.;dt"<.\ tdir"r (),·.;eirgr:l 1( .\ :p1·-.� .� )�( ).\.� ti'<ri t! r-'/' 1tol/ l1 !1p :_//: \\'\\\.·(g.)·s/\�e p�c( 1rlt 1/·(i; gL 11:l 1.C. �lt1lt·J�l/ :teneu n rronud04H{-O.�h:!11 ( on! )_\�l\ t:·lidlH :L >·\�\l-i:.�l \R\c.,· 'i·\'t)·. 88 [2003] 1042 IOWA LAv VRE VIEW Traditliloyan,na laystr esearaclhs o hiacnsl udehda dns-no �' ivnetsitgoian.Anasltymsa yh olpde sronamle etsiw nigtmhe mbesr otfh e comapny'msa naegmenttae m.T hossea mmea nagermsay atetnda nalysts' conefrencteobs u lidr elaitosnhiapnsd s hraei fnormaitonI.n tchouer soef dissciuosnasnl,ay satcsq rueii nofrmiaottnh atth euys et om aket heir their earinngse stimaTtheyes s.h arteh osees timwaitthec so mpaonfyif cliswa ho commeonnt arnesdp ondt hetmoA. n alymsaytt she nr enfiet hees taitmeisn repsonest oc omapnyr eaicotn<-)s<) .- Thea nalygsetn aetrehsio srh erre commendatiforomnt hien ofrmatoin coelcletd.T hea nalyassetss stehes i ssru'vesau leb aseodnt haitfn ormation thies user's withiisnti dnusrtyT.h usp,ro csesnigt hie nofrmation and place on a parctuilcaorm apnya lsroeq ueisra nalysttops ro cessi fnormatioonn otehrc ompanwiitehsi n itdnhuets rya,n di ti sc ommonf or analysttos specailizea speciifinucdst royr s ectToyrpi.ac llyt,he anlayst waillls o in emplyo his fnianclsi kaitlolc ser aet andr evifisnaen civaaulla tion orh er mode.l s The endre sulotf t his reissaer aerpcothrh tai tsd i sitbreudtb otohra lyl and inw rtitefnor m.T hesree protnso to nldye srcibteh ec omapnya nd lcoaet thei ndstul)b'u,t a lsporo vdiep rediinocst. Tmhoset itw it1lin impotrant predictiisot nhe sa nalsyte'ssmt aiteo f tchoem apny's of these securimtarikeses ht avbee comhegi hyl sentsiivteo future1 menicgsT.h e resv11o;n o�f <n1aylste smtaiteasn dto disecparnciebse wteen analyst prediocntsi isesrua nnonucemnest ofa cutalo perinagtr eslsut,o tfne and responditon egi thweitrhs ubsttiaapnlr icfleu cutaitonTsh.e r epotra lso reocmmendatiboans eodnt haen alty'spsroj ections conatina sb ottolmie-n fort he sth,ao nrd sometthei lomneg,s t rem.T hee xatcte rmuss efdor het recommendativoanrsayc roasnasl ysbtust, tchaeetg orainesd botto-miine pupr;,s-e--tsrlaauttihnrege seairnoct hoa n e-woarsds semse,nl tkieb uys,e ll, - or hni-di--se: ;nstical·l)t hsea m.e repond epesn d parotn t hee xtent Th::' d<ue( )tfh e inl agre tow hich anasliyaser idnependTehneti .dn ependeonfc e thea nd,yst\re esarcahn d icnerasilnyg bectoheme ex ceptriatohnet rh an aUJl)'":<ntL tJvshiass, h oweve1·, Tht·o<r·cl:i>;·il lnufnnccClo ntenAtna slisy 4 (Oct2.1 1(0u0pn)ub ilsehd lltln<sucrpito.n f ile,, r·lii 2i .. \; •·:.c c<HH "lrltS tdJ Y.oJurna:1lir ctlfoer.c c-.: alllkp, clcscrithhcdea pproacohf o ne r:•·islt<l!d''l'l c as it.:11iuding ditgielset oifoc no mpanrre posn andc ompanfy oo.d JDdT. Opch :..ff ".!iijf.·>.r·!·rS: to.sl tS!·tlncrA / 1:/f ny.C,tf•B.fa\ c tk oll osiinrWo sk ,•o f.a 'iuliWn.y\.1,!S T... .J.S c pL :.·'.2, '1)!.;t) ,! l\.Th ·:: tnd:vsrte gluralcv atisn t her e.sw:rr:J!sHhS ec overSsh.e r Jft,t·i·isns t :;-reanl JrH,ic;::.:i·s:;," chaitno c elrcrimnc whcliwrt hen> sr.auarnti s 1bstyw,h ethmeern uc hanegs::t t'r pop!::hl!rll!." ·!luhcLri 1slt'fai fsp le:JSl:a Innclk nuwlelcgcahl[efs .h feni ds a llJs<yt sl<f.l< �Id in\· Ltci·:i,!:- [:!·!·l \�\,l·i �t-ilnign� e.t : t1 pn�\o·ui�loy Yersrnibbsreeccr�allltl rnt:',h ec o1nbei:t�nh: tt iin>:J.T:'t:>i!•·<:!.\1i :t hlei nadn nc>pi":r!:Sm dJ TCCJaH cquitosinisi mn hcrr esecahr.! d. •Jl) '<Dt;c·:':l; lCi.d .. i:;- �'u:('to>n:t.r.h n,.srl·'mir.·\luln_y lstosn tdh l' tf�lJfnli i.sdl·tlor Trr .!!,l·7i·()u ..\V .L . �E_.:\_'IU .� .>·1 i! J'2(! �)t1 9)0. THES ECPUJ71EASN ALYSTA SA GENT 1403 �\ the rule:.Many aynsatlhsa vec omet or eloyn companyi nsidrest os hrae informatioanb outt hec ompanyw iht them,c reatinag symbiotiacn d 21 conflcitr-idderne liaotnsh'iRpa.tehrt han poerrmfinignd ependeannatl yss,i analyshtasv e incerasniglys evreda sc ondusi ftor management ctoon evy informtaoint ot he securimtairkeest sM.o revoer,a sd eatilde inP arItI b elow, analysatrse s ujbectt oa varieyt ofo thecro nfcltist hact ompormisteh eir independenAsc e.a resul,t thet rdaiitonla hands-fo fapproactho a nalyst regluaitonw,h icwha sp remisoend the theoy rthaatn alysftuns ctoineda s �' independegnattk eeeperiss, lnoo negra ppropri'ate. II.fu'- !ALYCSOTN LFICTOSFI NTEREST �6 Contrartyo t het rdaitionjaudl iicavli ew,secuireist aalnysctusrr etnly facea variye tofc onlfisc otfi nteresTth.e sec onlfisc ctanb ed ivideidn ot thregee nearlc atergioesF.is rt,a nalystasn d theri firms may have an ownershiipn tereisnta company tihsat th es ujbect tohfea nalys'tr seport. Seconda,n alstymsa yb es ujbectto p ressurbee acuseo ft he firsm'b usniess inetrestsi;nv esmtentb anknig relaotnishsi pbewteenb roekragef rimsa nd issuesr haveb eenp arctuillayrp roblematTihci.dr ,a nalystrsep'o trsm ay be afefcetd by effortst o mnataiins upenoarc cestso c orproatei nofrmatino, typicaflrolmy companyo fficails. A. OIVNERSHI P Nl77:"liES T'i The firstg roup of conlfisc atrisoesu to f thei nvestemnst madeb y anaslsty andt heierm ployres. aAlsnyst consisttleiyn nvest inc otmhpea nsi e theyco vre.T heiorw n se-lerfgulaotry organizaitonr ulerse qiure dissuecr lo and motonriingo f suchi nvesmtenst, but disocslure requriemenst trdaiitonallhya ve beenm inimaaln,d m onitorinhga sb eenv irtually nonxeisteTnhte..t 'NES requiersd iscsluoroe fa lflni ancipaolst iionhse lbdy a firma ndi tasn lay::;itnts h es etnrtiieosfa recommeneddi ssubeurtp, e rmsi t �' thed iscloes utrboe coniditonla.Conseuqenltyt, heNY SE requiermenst couldbe saitsifedb yi ncluditnhge b oirlpelatset aetment," thef irmo r employeesm ay own secuirtieosfa recommended Jsusel-,m an analvts 23. SwO pdvskjuen,nn ot t:'2 1. 2}:. SeeG retchen1-[: orngsocn,St i'\lE''vu i lS,p ml1':/ ol �vFiOlR,B DEeSc,l.S ,1 997a,c1 '26,1fi -,1 m•nilulai!l1 e99 7W L I)1I 778"i()(q 1 1i0n 1g ;tn wney m;u11;ger; 1ss;1y ing that·[ ·< d�y]:lh;al'r.;'sC becormeep oerrst t<thxe cotn:p11y"1"; md that·[ ·in]nfna gemtllsta ysc Ycrytihng"s Ce\rhvitg"nosb /)[ hereniatfei\r[ orgeno:-;n,S t;\'o· e; ·,�i,f]. :2S. Sf'ftgy... ,i t(i.e xplarhiantrhi e:n·nig sa ·c'onsapcaiynr 1oVn\'gaS ltlr eeatn a}l':nioLtSt u nocte·it· hastt opcrki: usa rc abl(ltlolf all)A.s earlya s 19:13,t heA meric1�l.!a1n gacmcnt Assoncoiin;c xhocnclllltag!clror ;sc tid·;\tLtanca ylsts":I its i mportanttu Clt\li·lathtigcsro upf,u r isr rcposn oyno urc nrnp<lU\r·e,c o:nmenidng the ptt:er' cohr.-;a lea of: :tolSLru" crirint-nsy,h ave \·cry broadc icruLniu1:1t n�lid1i nlp(Jretfeafcntt0 1t1h er nakreta cti·o. \n-.\1..i�f\ C\iATss.' .;·<.-; ntj JJl note1 CSt,�L -:). '17.\ 1\SER ul·�e7� .

price . Second, some comme n tators argued that analyst use of i nside .. his or her financial skills to create and revise financial valuation models.
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