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The Secret Code of Tarot Victor Paul, PhD Illustrated by Roxana Paul 1 ISBN 978-0-9946085-7-4 Copyright © 2017 by the Rising Sun Publishing House. All rights reserved. The illustrations, cover design, and content are protected by copyright. No parts of this publication may be reproduced in any manner whatsoever, including Internet usage, without written permission from the Rising Sun Publishing House except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews. E-mail: [email protected] www. tarotpublisher.com PO Box 907, NOARLUNGA CENTRE SA, 5168, Australia 2 Contents: Introduction Part I The Cosmic Source of Tarot Wisdom Chapter 1 The Sacred Cow of Ancient Cosmology Chapter 2 Two Trees in the Garden of Eden Chapter 3 The Zodiac, the Hebrew Alphabet, and Tarot Chapter 4 Transmutations of Elements in the Major Arcana Part II The Major Arcana and the Four Elements Chapter 5 Elements and Cards: the Tree of Life Chapter 6 Major Arcana and the Tree of Knowledge Chapter 7 Death and the Fool are out of the Circle Part III The ‘Minor’ Universe in Tarot Chapter 8 The Path of the Fool in the Minor Arcana Chapter 9 The Distortion of the Divine Order Chapter 10 The Energy Flows within the Suits Chapter 11 The Path of Queens and Kings Part IV The Energy Interactions in the Minor Arcana Chapter 12 Energy Interactions within Four Suits’ Circles Chapter 13 Energy Interactions of Queens and Kings Notes Bibliography 3 Introduction “As above, so below.” What comes to mind when you read this adage of Hermes Trismegistus? You think about ancient wisdom embodied in the Tarot system, and universal laws that are in force both in the cosmos and in our earthly life. Some contemporary Tarot followers move away from ancient wisdom, not wishing to believe in the old occult, but passionately looking for new knowledge within the Tarot system. We have to avoid throwing out the baby with the bathwater. The quintessence of the universal principles was indeed wrapped up in oldest Tarot cards, and this book is intended to provide you with a present-day, we can say “scientific,” explanation of these universal laws. Let us rediscover old spiritual traditions related to Tarot to understand them in modern terms and on new ways of interpretations. Why was knowledge within Tarot hidden behind a veil of secrecy? For our ancestors, secrecy was a perpetual state of life. Knowledge of religion, science, and art was secret. Astronomical charts, mathematical formulae, and even houses drawings in the ancient Egypt were created and used only in the narrow circle of dedicated priests. No matter whether knowledge was transferred orally or it was written in cuneiforms, wax tablets, or parchments, it was always available for the initiated only. Orders, guilds, and pseudo-secret mystical societies like Golden Dawn used to hide its mysteries from prying eyes. We would like to break this tradition, giving comprehensive explanations instead of keeping secrets. Don't be a victim of old spiritual exclusivity and secrecy - be wise to discover what real knowledge was hidden behind the artistic symbolism of Tarot! Why is old knowledge so valuable even today? Because it is eternal, embracing the cosmic (or Divine) order, and the four elements (energies) that rule the world. Astronomical information about the Divine order was embroidered in the ancient sacred manuscripts written thousands of years ago in 4 Babylon, Egypt, and India. You can also find this information in the Holy Bible: the primary source that medieval Tarot creators relied upon. Great minds from Empedocles to Helen Blavatsky knew about the universal energy patterns that modern science has just begun to recognize. At last, we have rediscovered that everything is energy, energy has a frequency that creates vibrations, and vibrations of the past drive the future, impacting on all facets of our life. We also comprehended that the Bible stories are not fairy tales, but coded messages about cosmic processes and energetic patterns that influence human life. Under biblical allegory, mythology, and symbolism, we can find vital information about the Great Year and the precessional cycle. According to the Bible, as well as to modern scientific findings, the precessional cycle creates dramatic changes on the Earth, for example, the Great Flood. Like our “small” earthly year, each Great Year is divided into two half-circles: the periods of ascending and descending that are determined by the position of our planet during its movement towards the galactic center of light. The Renaissance epoch was a period of ancient Babylonian-Greek-Roman lost civilizations’ rediscovery and expression through arts. Italian artists obtained a new vision and a deeper understanding of biblical scenes, in what way Tarot was created. The purpose of this book is not only to elicit ancient knowledge that was coded in the Tarot system but also to show you how the universal principles work in Tarot. To unfold the secret code of Tarot we use the almost forgotten Sola Busca Tarot, the oldest known deck of 78 cards, showing meaningful iconography and deep symbolism. The chapters of this book better to read in consecutive order, starting from the very beginning of the world’s creation in Part I. This part of the book focuses primarily on reconstructing of the Tree of Life and the Tree of Knowledge, getting to the roots of the ancient cosmology and elemental energies. To explain the Major Arcana code, we employ Le Tarot de Marseille, a “classical” deck with well recognizable nowadays 5 trumps. Part II includes an outline of the Major Arcana cards’ positions on the Tree of Life and the Tree of Knowledge. Part III describes the Minor Arcana cards from the energy point of view, instead of traditional interpretations of cards’ meanings. To illustrate esoteric knowledge of the Universe depicted symbolically within standard patterns and designs of Tarot cards we use the Sola Busca Tarot numbered and court cards. Part IV shows the energies distortions within the Minor Arcana, leading to changing of the Divine Order, and how it is restored. The path traced by The Secret Code of Tarot takes you from firsthand knowledge of the universal order to deeper understanding of the Tarot system, and then to the new efficient way of reading via consideration and assimilation of elemental energies and their connections among cards. Comprehending the energy essence of the Tarot cards allows you to see Tarot in the way it had been created: as a loose-leaf book in which every page has own sense, where no one page was lost because all of them are interconnected to form the whole system with the higher meaning, the book that contains 78 pages, no more no less, and every page plays its vital role in a cosmic dance of four elemental energies. The energy approach is universal and can be applied to many life situations and cases. You can see clearly energy patterns within these cases, discovering querents’ attitudes, particular approaches to life, roles to be played, and even paths of life. Without the energy comprehension, your approach to a Tarot reading will likely fall short of promised results, and will also be not as accurate as possible. For many years Tarot followers have been looking for a Tarot secret code, and now you will find it within these pages. Read The Secret Code of Tarot to obtain ancient wisdom coded in the Tarot system, and put it into practice. 6 Part I The Cosmic Source of Tarot Wisdom Over a hundred years Tarot expounders, Antoine Court de Gebelin, Eliphas Levi, the Golden Dawn founders, and others tried to unveil a so-called “secret doctrine.” 1 A cursory glance shows an abundance of theories that profess to have the explanations; however, close inspection reveals a lack of evidence. Does the secret doctrine exist, or it was lost in the sands of time? It exists, and it is not so much secret, but miscomprehension of the doctrine’s roots. It comprises knowledge of the four elements, cosmic processes, and circles of time. This knowledge was coded in the Bible to be understandable for few initiated, while the majority see its superficial religious layer only. For the medieval Tarot creators, the Holy Bible, always available and full of the encrypted meaning, was a primary source of information. Behind mythological biblical scenes, they discovered cosmic information, facts too dangerous to declare aloud at that epoch. To pass along that information to the initiated, they created Tarot as a symbolic key to give access to ancient knowledge. Pictographic cards as a memorizing tool were used in the medieval monasteries and convents. That technique applied an old oral tradition to memorize the scripture’s fragments in a more efficient way, visualizing every portion of information. Chapters 1 through 4 give guidance to decipher the vague description of the elements in the Bible and old manuscripts, discovering correspondences between energies depicted symbolically in the Tarot cards, the Hebrew alphabet, and the Zodiac. In the Bible, starting from the Genesis book, we find references to the four elements expressed in metaphorocal stories and prophets’ visions. Reconstructing Biblical symbolism with Tarot as a key, you expand your understanding of Tarot. Beyond the pictographic elements of cards’ images, you will see a universal formula, which is rich with connotations and deep meanings. 7 Recently, a wealth of substantial scientific evidence has come forth, supporting the ancients’ understanding of elemental energies. In this book, ancient wisdom and modern science are married in a model of so-called “elemental geometry” that embodies all findings into simple graphic forms. Such an approach makes explanations understandable, and evidence weighty for both esoteric Tarot followers and watchful eyes of skeptics who rely on logic. 8 Chapter 1 The Sacred Cow of Ancient Cosmology The secret doctrine was embroidered in many sacred manuscripts that contained astronomical knowledge represented in symbolical and metaphoric forms understandable for ancient seers and priests. They felt comfortable in a cosmic dimension filled with myths about gods’ adventures, and they believed that earthly life was organized according to the same universal laws. Looking at heavens, they had seen the patterns hidden inside themselves – “as above, so below” – a pitch of the ancient secret doctrine. At the sky, our enlightened ancestors found cornerstones on which they had built the sacred cosmology. The latter was not only a useful guide for planting and cattle breeding, giving explanations of seasonal patterns of fertility and agricultural rules. Besides those rational things, they made sense of other patterns of universal forces that impact on human life. The priests have never separated secular life from religion and believed that Kings were chosen by gods to rule in the material world. Those patterns were embodied in the scriptures of all religions, forming their doctrines, and explaining rational events of the physical world by activities of infinite powers and supernatural deities. From the first civilization, the sun was supposed as the primary source of light for human life in both physical and spiritual senses. The priests have relied on the sun position in the sky for practical and occult purposes, and they discovered the equinoxes and solstices to mark the beginning of new seasons. The word equinox translated from Latin means ‘equal night’ because during an equinox the day and night are of equal length. The word solstice means “the sun stands still,” and that is exactly what appears to happen in the solstice points. Within each year there are two equinox points (spring and autumn) and two solstice points (summer and winter). Their axes form the cross within the Zodiac circle. Two points in the Earth's annual orbit around the Sun, at which the length of the day and 9 the night are equal, are called the Vernal Equinox and the Autumnal Equinox. The old system of measuring the year was based upon the equinoxes and solstices. In Babylon, the year began in the Vernal Equinox, celebrating March 21 and indicating the period when the sun reaches the equator northward up the Zodiac circle (in the Northern hemisphere). The summer solstice occurs when the sun reaches its most northerly position on June 21. Then the sun began its descent toward the equator, which it recrossed southbound in the Autumnal Equinox on September 21. At the winter solstice, the sun reaches its most southern position on December 21. Babylonian astronomers had found that the equinoxes were not stable, but moved westward in the opposite direction to the motion of the Sun along the ecliptic. It was an optical illusion because this phenomenon called “the axial precession” nowadays is a result of the gravity forces’ influence on the Earth axis rotation. 2 The Earth's axis traces out a pair of circles in outer space during 25,920 years, the period called a Great or Platonic Year. Over this period the constellations appear to slowly rotate around the earth, and a new sign comes out on the horizon each 2,160 years as if the Zodiac visually turns on 30° (360°: 12). It is no problem to calculate that due to the precession the Earth was entered Taurus in the period 4,320 - 2,160 BC, at the time when historical events described in the Old Testament books took place (see Fig. 1). 3 For ancient astronomers, the sun has always been connected with the constellation through which it passed at the Vernal Equinox. During Taurus Age in Egypt the sacred bull was worshiped as Osiris, in Mesopotamia as Marduk, and in India as Shiva. The Bible narrated of the idol of the Golden Calf, the sacred bull that was destroyed by Moses. Symbolically, this story meant that the Vernal Equinox point moves out of constellation Taurus and into Aries in 2,160 BC. In that period, Egyptian priests who were also good astronomers became aware that Taurus was slowly drifting away from the rising sun in spring. The priests proclaimed that the Age of Taurus was 10

Chapter 3 The Zodiac, the Hebrew Alphabet, and Tarot. Chapter 4 Transmutations of Elements in the Major Arcana. Part II The Major Arcana and the
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