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The Secret Acne Cleanse PDF

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Written By: David “The Skin” King TheSecretAcneCleanse.com & AcneErasingSecrets.com Table Of Contents IMPORTANT: Please Read This Report From Beginning To End! It's Set Up For Your Benefit That Way & I Wouldn't Want You To Miss Anything. It's only 12 pages and this information will change your life and skin so take it seriously and read this whole report. I promise you will benefit greatly from it and get clearer skin in just a few days but read the whole thing to ensure that you get the most out of it and to also how to incorporate the complete acne erasing secrets system into your life after this cleanse. Introduction • Who Am I? • Why Am I Qualified? • Success Story After Success Story • How I've Helped Thousands Of People So Far My Advice To You • Follow Through With Acne Erasing Secrets After This! The Secret Acne Cleanse • Day 1 • Day 2 • Day 3 (Optional) Conclusion • My Best Advice • Taking The Next Step The contents of this report has not been evaluated by the (FDA) Food and drug administration or any other medical organization. The contents of this report is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Thankfully acne is just a skin condition and this is not a disease. From what I have learned from my research I have helped thousands of people with this so I'm sure I can help you as well. Apparently I'm required to say this before I share my advice with you so that's why I'm doing so! Now let's jump into the report and help you get rid of your acne! Introduction Hello! Thanks so much for joining my newsletter in order to get the secret acne cleanse report. I was thinking about charging $19 or so for this report and system since it took me years to learn and a lot of money to test and get it right but I decided not too, I will share more with you on why I made it free later. You may or may not know who I am but i'm going to briefly share with you my story so that you understand where i'm coming from and also to show you that I can really help you clear up your skin and truly be acne free for life following exactly what I share with you in this report and the acne erasing secrets system. I got my first acne breakout at about 12 years of age in the 7th grade of middle school. It was frustrating to me because I didn't know what caused it or how to treat it. I continued to have acne breakouts for over 6 years to about the age of 18-19 years old. During that time I literally collected a full shelf of acne and skin care products and tried everything from proactiv, to clean and clear to every other big name brand to even the home remedies as well. Each time I decided to clean my face or “try” to treat my acne I looked into this shelf of products that didn't work and thought “Which one should I use this time?” fully knowing that none of them would cure my acne or even barely help at all. Maybe you can relate to this, trying everything and not seeing any results and having your own shelf of products that you tried that didn't work. Over time during my teenage years I began to make small progress here and there with remedies for acne from home and I started to share some of these things with my brother and sisters. A few of my siblings had small acne breakouts once in a while and I would share with them the best acne remedies that were making a little difference in my skin and when they would use them their skin would completely clear up because they had much less acne than me. I was happy that I could help them but still frustrated that I still couldn't fully solve my own problem so I kept learning everything I could. I realized that I had gained some knowledge in clearing skin because for people that had small to mild acne I could help them clear up their acne or at least see a big difference very quickly. For me though, I had mild to bad acne with more breakouts than my brother and sisters. Over time I began to learn more and more and discovered that not only do the cosmetic products that you put on your skin cause either clear skin or acne breakouts but also the diet and things you put in your body cause breakouts or clear skin as well. Saying Diet Doesn't Cause Acne Is Like.. . Many people including dermatologists and doctor's will say that “Diet does not have an effect on acne or breakouts” and over the many years that I have been studying healthy skin, acne, what causes acne and any and every cause you can think of I have discovered that diet definitely does have an effect on acne. It's not my place to show that doctors and dermatologists aren't that brilliant but honestly when you say that “Diet doesn't effect acne” that is like saying “diet doesn't effect your weight” essentially. The only reason a “specialist” would say such a thing is either because they are uneducated in this area or because they want to prescribe you a drug or cream. We live in a world today of much ignorance and greed so you need to make sure that where you learn is a non bias source. My goal is first and foremost to bring awareness to the truth about how to clear up acne and also how to determine and know which products to use and which products not too use. I am a reporter that is reporting on what I have learned and continue to learn. My goal is to bring awareness and education that helps benefit your life because I know how it feels to wake up everyday and look in the mirror hoping to see that your skin had cleared up only to see that your face had broke out even more. It is extremely frustrating and was extremely frustrating for me when I dealt with it. Since that time I know that this can be something I help thousands and maybe even millions of people with eventually. All I need to do is share with you the things I have learned in a way that you can use it so that you can use it to clear up your skin and i'm sure that you will send your friends to my website to get the free report once you see results. As I continued to learn over the years, I bought more skin care products and ingredients for home remedies and eventually cleared up my own acne. I began to share tips with a few friends and family members about clearing up skin and overall “healthy skin” because I knew so much about it. I began to help a few people get clearer skin and results that they wanted and I discovered that I knew much more than most people and that I should share this with the world otherwise I would be doing a disservice. I really believe that “Helping Others Who Are In The Same Situation That You Used To Be In” is a good philosophy to live by. I learned for a few more years after graduating high school and somewhat forgot about my knowledge until I realized one day that I was talking about natural skin care and what I used now that I have clear skin with my mom. I began talking to her about what I had learned over the years and how I really had a pretty good expertise in this area. Thanks to my mom and her support over the years in giving me ideas and keeping me on the learning and discovery path I had gained so much knowledge. I told her about my idea to create the educational acne system where I could create a product that taught people how to get rid of their acne step-by-step just like I had. I could filter through all of these remedies and methods that I have used and refine that knowledge to create a system to clear up acne that could help thousands, possibly even millions of people. She encouraged me to pursue this and reassured me that she knew that I could help many people because I even taught her a few things that she had benefited from. My mother actually suffered from acne when she was a teenager and was one of the first people to take the new acne drug “accutane” which caused her multiple health problems in her life and also caused my brother to be born with a birth defect as well. I actually posted a video on youtube about this and for some reason they banned it. I think it's because we were talking about the side effect of the drug and they didn't like that. I was very disappointed by google (they own youtube) for taking it down but I won't let something like that stop me from taking my message to the world. My brother and mom have both been harmed by a dangerous acne treatment and I understand why my mom took the drug at the time. People who have acne become desperate and will sacrifice their health just to get rid of this embarrassing skin condition. I am going to share with you an alternative treatment that is 100% safe and natural and that will help you cure your acne just like I did along with the many people who have already learned from me and benefited from this system. I started making youtube videos on my channel at http://Youtube.com/user/AcnErasingSecrets and right now I have over 150 videos and by the time you see this I may have 200, 300 or even more. I share quick lessons in youtube videos to help educate and bring awareness to people. I talk about the cause of acne, natural acne treatments and diet. I have helped literally thousands of people and gotten many success stories and positive feedback from my videos here and along with that I have gotten emails and success story emails from the people who have used my acne erasing secrets system as well. I have helped thousands of people up until this point and my next goal is to help hundreds of thousands of people, then millions with this condition. Eventually one day, I would like to create my own acne treatment skin care system that actually works and that people can benefit from because it would be natural safe and even edible! (That's truly “natural”)That's how safe any cosmetic product you use should be because what you put on your skin get's in your pores and body. We will talk more about this more later on. My only request for you is to read this full report and do exactly as I say. If you don't see any results you can never listen to me again, but why would I spend all this time writing this and giving it to you for free if I couldn't help you? I guarantee that if you listen to what I say and implement it you will see a change in your skin and from there just continue to listen to me and do as I say. I will walk you from where you are now to get the clear skin that you want. I will let you know now though that it will cost money to clear your skin just like it costs money to do anything else. I will recommend certain products and I recommend these because they work better than other products on the market. Why use what doesn't work when you can learn from my years of testing and benefit from what actually does work! I guess you could say that I have been a “skin scientist” or a “skin health scientist” over the past several years and all of this experience and research is what I want to share with you in a lot more refined and short lessons to help you clear up your skin. My Advice & Simple Request To You Having spent thousands of dollars on skin care products, health products and spending years of research on this stuff I believe I can help you get rid of a simple acne condition. My advice to you is to follow what I say in the following pages step-by-step and to benefit from my years of suffering from acne and testing as well as research. I don't want you to have to spend hundreds of dollars on skin care products and to waste years upon years without getting results like I did. I want to save you the hardship and time and help you clear up your skin much much sooner and also to feel better about yourself as well. Follow everything to the tee and you will see drastic results very quickly. I do have a simple request for you, and I don't believe it's too much to ask considering the time and money that I have personally put into this. I created this report here in order to help as many people as possible but I have also created the Acne Erasing Secrets System to walk you through how to handle your diet, skin care routine and more. For this I charge 39 bucks one time to share with you the complete system that I use and recommend to this day to have clear skin for life. I decided to charge 39 bucks for this because it's a huge problem and it's a system that can help you fully clear your acne. If you follow this to the tee it will compliment the Secret Acne Cleanse system and will make sure that you fully get rid of your acne and truly have clear skin for life starting the day you use it. I once read about a restaurant who gave the customers in the restaurant a bottle of wine and then at the end of the night the waiters would ask the customers how many glasses of wine they had drank. The servers didn't count the number of glasses, they trusted the customer to tell them how many glasses they had drank. They trusted the customer to be honest and tell the truth, i'm sure maybe 10% or so may lie about how many glasses they drank but the majority were honest and told the truth. Now I have a simple request for you, the reason I wrote this report is to give you a taste of my knowledge and to show you that you can get results quickly with my advice. The complete Acne Erasing Secrets system is the complete system that I personally used to clear up my acne from home naturally without any dangerous drugs or anything like that.. My goal is not to convince or to sell you this, my goal is for this cleanse to give you so much benefit that you will see a difference when you look at your skin in the mirror and want to take the next step in the process and to want what I have to offer with Acne Erasing Secrets based on this report and your results by using it. My simple request for you is this. If you get better results in clearing up your acne from this secret acne cleanse than anything else that you have tried then I ask that you purchase my full acne erasing secrets system at http://AcneErasingSecrets.com/course so that you can fully understand and use this system and integrate it into your lifestyle and see lasting results and clear skin for life and not just for a week. I'm making this and giving it to you upfront because I want you to see that what I teach works and I want to teach you the whole complete system in acne erasing secrets. So before you go any further and use what I teach here I ask that you be a person of your word and agree to take the next step and be honest with yourself. I'm putting my trust in you like the restaurant owner trusting the customer to tell them how many glasses of wine they had. You may be asking “Why am I doing this?” because it doesn't make sense. That is a good question, i'm deciding to do this because I believe in people, after all I am one and I believe in myself and I believe that most people will do what they believe is to be the right thing and I know that most people will be honest and take the next step to fully clear their skin up and keep it that way anyway. If I can show you how to clear up most of your acne for free why would you not pay for something that would totally cure the rest of your acne right? You would literally be crazy because you know that it works before you even buy! So that is the other reason, I want to help more people. When people get results from the Secret Acne Cleanse then use the Acne Erasing Secrets System to fully cure their acne it put's a huge smile on my face. I remember when I had acne, I hated it so much! It embarrassed me and I just wanted to have new skin and live my life without it. If I can help you clear your skin much faster, without all the frustration and disappointment I know that I am fulfilling part of my purpose. Enough of the “I am really serious about helping you and hope that you are serious too” talk. I trust that if you get results you will be a man or woman of your word and take the next step to pick it up. If it's not for you, I understand completely! It's no big deal! It wasn't for me at first either until later down the road. I look forward to hearing and seeing your positive results from the secret acne cleanse so let's jump right into it! The Secret Acne Cleanse It is so exciting for me to be sharing this with you. I literally searched the web, books, talked to experts and looked both high and low for this information. I thought I found it at one point when I bought a e-book but it wasn't quite it but I experimented and figured out how to make it even more effective. I have literally spent years of my life learning and spending money trying things out to bring this free report to you today so just because it's free doesn't mean it's not valuable. This is extremely valuable information so use it and benefit from it! For the Secret Acne Cleanse you will need to go to your local grocery store or market and buy these things if you don't have them already: 1. Approx 25 Organic Red Delicious Apples (Red Delicious Preferable) 2. 2 Bags Of Organic Carrots (baby or regular) 3. 6 Organic Lemons 4. A Committed Mindset (this one's on you, but I believe in you!) Making sure that you have the right ingredients is essential to making sure that this is as successful as possible so make sure that you get organic red delicious apples, organic carrots and organic lemons. If you can get all of them organic then that is okay but get as many of these ingredients in organic as you can. Organic will just work better and is healthier for you overall so that's why we want to use organic fruits and vegetables here. During this cleanse your body will be cleansing toxins out of your body that have become stagnant and that have caused problems with the digestive and intestinal tract. This cleanse was specifically created by me to help you quickly clear up your skin and reduce acne by at least 50% or more in just a few short days. When you see these results I highly encourage you to follow the whole acne erasing secrets system at AcneErasingSecrets.com/course which is just 39 bucks and will walk you through clearing up your acne fully without it coming back. Remember, this cleanse is just temporary and you can't do this for the rest of your life. The point here is to use the cleanse, see the results and to see that it's the first step to take and that the next one is using the acne erasing secrets system. I have now helped thousands of people get rid of acne fully and completely just with the acne erasing secrets system and I want that to keep going until I help thousands more so I am very serious about this, the research and how it will help you. I used to have acne and know where you are at and I want to do everything I can to help you get rid of it so please use this cleanse and see the results then take the next step. Just to warn you as a prerequisite to this cleanse that if you start to feel weak or light headed during this I recommend that you get some protein in your diet. I recommend eating some type of almond, cashew, peanut, meat etc... This rarely happens and it seems to be sometimes with certain blood types but it's not that big of a deal if you need some protein but the majority of you should be okay. 99% of you will be fine so no need to worry! On the next page I am going to walk you through the secret acne cleanse, it will take 2 days to do and may be a little challenging for some of you so stick to it and you will be happy about the results in the end. You can do this cleanse for 3 or even 4 days if you wanted but I recommend 3 days tops just because your body will need nutrition, protein and other sources of nutrients along with these. My recommendation to you is that you try it out for 2 days and if you see a difference in your skin and feel that you can go another day then do it for a 3rd day too. This is a good way to gauge how you feel with the results that you are getting, our bodies are very unique and they attach to what they are used to so having an “abnormal diet” for a few days may throw it off balance but that's a good thing as long as you bring it back into true holistic healthy balance which will clear up your skin for good. In the next few pages I will explain the secret acne cleanse and what to do exactly and my recommendation is that you follow it as closely as possible for best results. Day 1: 1. Upon waking up drink 10-15 ounces of spring or purified water. This gives your body an internal shower first thing in the morning which is the best balanced way to start your day. 2. For Breakfast Eat An Organic Red Delicious Apple. You can eat as many organic red delicious apples for breakfast until you are full. The pectin in the apple pulls toxins out of your body and keeps your body and internal organs cleansed. 3. Drink 5 Tbsp Glass Of Lemon Water. You will take a lemon and cut it open and squeeze (5) tablespoons full of lemon and put it into a glass. Then simply add water to it and drink the lemon water. You will be drinking approximately 8 ounces of lemon water. 4. For Lunch Have Organic Red Delicious Apples & Carrots This will cleanse the body and pull toxins out through the pectin contained in both while at the same time building your new skin cells. Eat plenty of apples and carrots until you are full. 5. Drink 5 Tbsp Glass Of Lemon Water. You will take a lemon and cut it open and squeeze (5) tablespoons full of lemon and put it into a glass. Then simply add water to it and drink the lemon water. You will be drinking approximately 8 ounces of lemon water. 6. For Dinner Have More Organic Red Delicious Apples & Carrots! More apples and carrots will cleanse your body of the toxins and things that are foreign in the body which shouldn't be there. These things will cleanse your body through your regular detoxing instead of breaking out of your skin and trying to escape your body that way. Day 2 & Day 3 – Repeat Day 1 (Do The Same Thing On Day 2 and also on Day 3 if you are up for it) You should follow this cleanse for 2 full days. If at the end of 2 days you feel fine then I highly recommend that you do it again on the third day. This third day will just cleanse and heal your skin at another level because the first 2 days have taken care of surface level toxins. If you do this 3 days in a row there is no doubt in my mind that if you follow these instructions exactly that you will have clearer skin each day and on the third and fourth day you will see a huge difference in your skin. Some of you may only see a little difference, some of you may see your skin completely clear up for the most part. My advice for you is to expect the best and keep a positive attitude everyday because the placebo or nocebo effect is always working in your favor whether you know it or not. This means that your mind does have an effect on how clear your skin is! So use it to your advantage, do more than thinking positive during these few days. Visualize your skin becoming clear again, visualize it healing and the nutrients that you get and cleansing through this process will be even more effective. This may sound crazy but google the term “placebo” or “nocebo” to learn more about this because it come's from scientific studies. This cleanse was developed by me to help you, as a former acne sufferer who tried anything and everything to get rid of my acne and can now thankfully say that my skin is clear and acne free. I could have easily sold this secret acne cleanse manual, but I decided not too. I decided that I can help you see results first and hopefully because of that you will trust me enough to pick up the acne erasing secrets system which most definitely will teach you how to incorporate this system into your lifestyle along with a clear skin supporting diet and along with the right cosmetic and skin care products. There are many things that cause acne and in the acne erasing secrets system I walk you through what causes acne so you can stay away from those things and also what you can use as an alternative that supports clear and healthy skin. Thousands of people have already gotten rid of all of their acne and have gotten clear skin using the acne erasing secrets system. Now... It's Your Turn. I look forward to seeing you join the acne erasing secrets system and community! We have a community that is growing larger everyday with people just like you who are there to support you, help each other out and keep the clear skin for life. It's great to have that community of support and we all learn form each other in this community. I really look forward to seeing your before and after pictures from using this secret acne cleanse report! I would love to see your before and after pictures and hear your story and results using this so if you could send them to me at [email protected] I would appreciate it! These stories make my day and put a smile on my face and reassure me that I am helping people clear up their skin and feel better about themselves. I live to hear this positive feedback and would really appreciate it so thanks so much for emailing me your story and before & after pics! Until we chat next, take care and have a great rest of the day! Use this system and see your skin clear up drastically in the next 2-4 days.

TheSecretAcneCleanse.com & AcneErasingSecrets.com You may or may not know who I am but i'm going to briefly share with you my story so that Many people including dermatologists and doctor's will say that “Diet does causes acne and any and every cause you can think of I have discovered
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