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arXiv:1308.3275v1 [cond-mat.quant-gas] 14 Aug 2013 The second quantization method for indistinguishable particles Valery Shchesnovich Lecture Notes for postgraduates UFABC, 2010 “All I saw hast kept safe in a written record, here thy worth and eminent endowments come to proof.” Dante Alighieri, Inferno Contents 1 Creation and annihilation operators for the system of indistin- guishable particles 4 1.1 The permutation group and the states of a system of indistin- guishable particles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 1.2 Dimension of the Hilbert space of a system of indistinguishable particles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 1.3 Definitionandpropertiesofthecreationandannihilationoperators 9 1.4 The Fock space . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 1.5 The representations of state vectors and operators . . . . . . . . 16 1.5.1 N-particle wave-functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 1.5.2 The second-quantizationrepresentation of operators . . . 18 1.5.3 Examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 1.6 Evolution of operators in the Heisenberg picture . . . . . . . . . 22 1.7 Statistical operators of indistinguishable particles . . . . . . . . . 24 1.7.1 The averagesof the s-particle operators . . . . . . . . . . 27 1.7.2 Thegeneralstructureoftheone-particlestatisticaloperator 29 2 Quadratic Hamiltonian and the diagonalization 31 2.1 Diagionalizationofthe Hamiltonianquadraticinthe fermionop- erators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 2.2 Diagionalization of the Hamiltonian quadratic in the boson op- erators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 2.2.1 DiagonalizationofthequadraticbosonicHamiltonianpos- sessing a zero mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 2.3 Long range order,condensation and the Bogoliubov spectrum of weakly interacting Bose gas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 2.3.1 The excitation spectrum of weakly interacting Bose gas in a box . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 2.3.2 The excitation spectrum of an interacting Bose gas in an external potential. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 2.4 TheJordan-Wignertransformation: fermionizationofinteracting 1D spin chains . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 3 Chapter 1 Creation and annihilation operators for the system of indistinguishable particles The properties of the permutation group are reviewed. The projectors on the symmetric and anti-symmetric subspaces of the Hilbert space of the system of identical particles are considered. The dimension of the physical Hilbert space of a system of indistinguishable identical particles is calculated. The creation andannihilationoperatorsareintroducedstartingfromthestatestheycreateor annihilate. Thepropertiesofthecreationandannihilationoperatorsarederived from their definition. The basis of the physicalHilbert space is expressedusing the creation operators applied to the vacuum state. The representation of the arbitrary vectors in the physical Hilbert space is given in terms of these basis states. Itisshownhowtoexpandthes-particleobservablesintheoperatorbasis composed of the creation and annihilation operators, which corresponds to the “bra-ket” vector basis of the observables describing distinguishable particles. The evolution equation for the creation and annihilation operators is derived. The statistical operators are also introduced and related to the average of the observables. Some examples are provided. 4 1.1 The permutation group and the states of a system of indistinguishable particles Wewillsaythattheparticlesareidenticalifthey havethesameproperties. On the other hand, the particles are considered indistinguishable if they cannot be labelled with an index. The Hilbert space of a system consisting of N identical (distinguishable!) particles is constructed from the tensor product of the states describing each particlealone,for instance ifN particles arefoundin the states labelledas X , α X , ..., X we have β γ X(1),X(2),...,X(N) X X ... X . (1.1) | α β γ i≡| αi| βi· ·| γi Here and below we will use the upper index for labelling of the particles, while inthetensorproduct(ther.h.s. ofEq. (1.1))thepositionofthevectoridentifies to which particle it corresponds. The arbitrary vector of the Hilbert space of N identical particles is then given by an arbitrary linear combination of the vectors defined in Eq. (1.1). A permutation P of N ordered elements (X ,X ,...,X ) is an operation 1 2 N which changes the order of the elements. A good way to visualize it is to think thatthe elementsareplacedinthe stringofboxeslabelledby the natural numbersandthe operationP swapsthe contentsofthe boxes. Forinstance,we can write P (X ,X ,...,X ) (X ,X ,...,X ), (1.2) 1 2 N −→ i1 i2 iN i.e. implying that i k or P(i ) = k. In other words, under the action k k → of P of Eq. (1.2) the content from the i -th box goes to the box labelled k with the index k (while the content of the k-th box goes somewhere else). The permutationoperationsformagroup,sincethecompositionoftwopermutations is also a permutation and each permutation has the inverse one. The trivial permutation, which leaves the order unchanged, will be defined by I. The simplest permutationoperationis the transposition,i.e. the interchangeofjust two elements from the ordered set, for example for i = j we define P (i) = j ij 6 and P (j) = i with the rest of the boxes preserving their content under P . ij ij This permutation will be denoted below as simply (i,j). Note that it is inverse to itself (i,j)(i,j)=I. The following useful property (i,j)=(i,1)(j,2)(1,2)(i,1)(j,2) (1.3) can be verified by simple calculation. Moreover, it is easy to see that an ar- bitrary permutation can be represented as composition of the transpositions (moreover,any permutation can be written as a composition of the elementary transpositions of the form (i,i+1)). Finally, there are N! of all permutations of a set of N elements. The signatureofapermutation, denotedasε(P), isdefinedasa mappingof the permutation group to the group of two elements 1,1 , where the usual {− } productis the groupoperationonthe latterset. UsingEq. (1.3)andthe group 5 property one can establish that there are just two possible ways to attribute a signature to the permutation: the trivial one, i.e. P 1 and the one which → attributes the signature 1 to the permutation (1,2) and, by Eq. (1.3), to any − permutation being a transposition, ε(P ) = 1 for i = j (in this case, the ij − 6 signature is called the parity). To verify that it is indeed possible to define the parity of P (as preservingthe groupoperationmapping to the set 1,1 )one {− } canproduce its explicit expression,givenas aproduct ofthe partialsignatures, i.e. ε(P) sgn[P(j) P(i)], (1.4) ≡ − i<j Y where sgn is the sign function and the permutation P acts on the ordered set (1,2,...,N), e.g. as in Eq. (1.2). First, to verify the group property consider the composition of two permutations P and P , i.e. the permutation 2 1 P (k)=P (P (k)) or P =P P . We have 3 2 1 3 2 1 ◦ ε(P P )= sgn[P (P (j)) P (P (i))] 2 1 2 1 2 1 ◦ − i<j Y = sgn[P (j) P (i)] sgn[P (P (j)) P (P (i))] 1 1 2 1 2 1 − − iY<j P1(i)Y<P1(j) =ε(P )ε(P ). 1 2 Second,obviouslyε(P )= 1. Itisclearthattheparityε(P)=( 1)s,wheres 12 − − isthe numberofthetranspositionsinarepresentationofP (asabyproduct,we getthat anytwosuchrepresentationsmusthavethe sameparityofthe number of transpositions). LetusnowconsiderthepermutationoperationasactingontheHilbertspace of N identical particles. Since it is a linear space, the permutation operation P now becomes a linear operator (for which we will use the same notation P). Namely,wedefinetheactionoftheoperatorP correspondingtothepermutation in Eq. (1.2) as follows P X(1),X(2),...,X(N) X(1),X(2),...,X(N) , (1.5) | 1 2 N i≡| i1 i2 iN i or in the product form P X X ... X = X X ... X . | 1i| 2i· ·| Ni | i1i| i2i· ·| iNi It is clear from this definition that the permutation operator is unitary, i.e. P =P 1. † − If the particles are considered as indistinguishable, the interchange of any twomust notaffectthe state ofthe system(exceptfor a constantphase). Thus if S isthestateofsuchasystem,wemusthaveP S =eiϕ(P) S ,wherethe | i | i | i phasedepends onthe permutationP. Onthe otherhand,foranytransposition P = (1,2) we must have P2 S = S , since P2 = I. Thus ϕ(P ) = 0 or π ij ij | i | i ij ij and,duetoEq. (1.3),itisthesame phaseforanytransposition. Inotherwords, 6 one should use the state which are either symmetric or anti-symmetric in the interchangeoftwoparticles. Theparticleswhicharedescribedbythesymmetric statesarecalledbosons andtheonesdescribedbytheanti-symmetricstatesare called fermions. The states which satisfy the property P S = ε(P) S , i.e. | i | i symmetric and anti-symmetric states, will be called the physical states of the indistinguishable particles, or simply the physical states. To construct a physical state from a product state of N identical particles one can use the projector operators S and A defined as follows N N 1 1 S P, A ε(P)P, (1.6) N N ≡ N! ≡ N! P P X X wherethesummationrunsoveralltranspositionsofthesetofN elements(note that in the sum we have operators, while in the index of the summation the corresponding transpositions). The projector property is readily verified: 2 2 1 1 S2 = P P = PP N N! ′ N! ′ (cid:18) (cid:19) P P′ (cid:18) (cid:19) P P P′ X X X X◦ 1 = PP =S ′ N N! P P′ X◦ and 2 2 1 1 A2N = N! ε(P)P ε(P′)P′ = N! ε(P)ε(P′)PP′ (cid:18) (cid:19) P P′ (cid:18) (cid:19) P P P′ X X X X◦ 1 = ε(PP )PP =A . ′ ′ N N! P P′ X◦ Moreover,thetwoprojectorsinEq. (1.6)areorthogonal,i.e. thesymmetricand anti-symmetric subspaces are orthogonal(which is a necessary property if they are to describe two different types of particles, bosons and fermions). Indeed, by similar calculation one gets 2 2 1 1 S A = P ε(P )P = ε(P) ε(P)ε(P )PP N N ′ ′ ′ ′ N! N! (cid:18) (cid:19) P P′ (cid:18) (cid:19) P P P′ X X X X◦ 1 = ε(P) A =0, N N! ! P X sinceonecandivideallthepermutationoperatorsintotwoclassesbymultiplica- tion by P : P˜ =P P, where the operators relatedby P have the signatures 12 12 12 of different sign. The projectors S and A are also Hermitian, which is a consequence of N N the unitarity ofthe permutation operators,P =P 1 and the propertyε(P)= † − 7 ε(P 1). It is easy to see that only in the case of just two particles the sum of − these projectors is the identity operator, i.e. S +A =I . 2 2 2 To unify the consideration, we will use the same notation ε(P) for the sig- nature in the boson and fermion cases. Thus we will write the “generalized symmetrization” as 1 Sε = ε(P)P, (1.7) N N! P X where ε(P)=1 for the case of S . N The states of N indistinguishable particles can be given as linear combina- tions of the following states X ,X ,...,X =Sε X(1),X(2),...,X(N) | 1 2 Ni N{| 1 2 N i} =Sε X X ... X , (1.8) N{| 1i| 2i· ·| Ni} where (and below) we use the notation X ,X ,...,X for a symmetric or 1 2 N | i anti-symmetricstate ofN particles occupyingthe single-particlestates labelled by X , X , ..., X (not necessarily different). Explicitly, we have (compare 1 2 N with Eq. (1.2)) 1 |X1,X2,...,XNi= N! ε(P)|XP−1(1)i|XP−1(2)i·...·|XP−1(N)i (1.9) P X Note that this vector is not normalized, in general. If two single-particle states are identical, X = X then the corresponding anti-symmetric state is absent i j (one obtains zero on the r.h.s. of Eq. (1.9)) – this is nothing but the Pauli exclusion principle for fermions. 1.2 Dimension of the Hilbert space of a system of indistinguishable particles In the previoussectionwe haveconsideredthe states of a system ofN indistin- guishable particles. Consider now the Hilbert space of such states, the physical Hilbert space for below. It is a subspace of the product of N identical single- particleHilbert spaces, H H H ... H. We willdenote the Hilbert space ⊗ ⊗ ⊗ ⊗ ofN indistinguishableparticlesas Sε H H H ... H . Assuming HN ≡ N{ ⊗ ⊗ ⊗ ⊗ } that the dimension of H be d, i.e. dim(H) = d, let us find the dimension of the Hilbert space . The dimension of the Hilbert space (B) for bosons, HN HN occupying d single-particle states is the total amount of various distributions of the N indistinguishable particles between the d states, such that there are exactly m particles in the j-th state, i.e. (using the usual δ-symbol) j N N N N 2π dim(HN(B))= ... δPdj=1mj,N = ... 2dπθeiθ(Pdj=1mj−N) mX1=0 mXd=0 mX1=0 mXd=0Z0 8 2π 2π d N N d N dθ dθ = ... e−iNθ eimjθ = e−iNθ eimθ 2π 2π ! mX1=0 mXd=0Z0 jY=1 Z0 mX=0 2πdθ 1 ei(N+1)θ d = e−iNθ − . 2π 1 eiθ Z (cid:18) − (cid:19) 0 Now we change the variable to z = eiθ and use the theorem of residues to calculate the integral (there is a pole at z = 0, while at z = 1 the integrand is regular) 1 1 zN+1 d 1 dN 1 zN+1 d dim(HN(B))= 2iπ dzz−N−1 −1 z = N!dzN −1 z (cid:12) zZ=1 (cid:18) − (cid:19) (cid:18) − (cid:19) (cid:12)z=0 | | (cid:12) (cid:12) 1 (cid:12) = d(d+1) ... (d+N 1). N! · · − Therefore, for bosons we have obtained 1 dim( (B))= d(d+1) ... (d+N 1)=CN , (1.10) HN N! · · − N+d−1 where the symbol Cn is defined as Cn m! . m m ≡ (m n)!n! On the other hand, in the case of fermion−s by applying the Pauli exclusion principle (and the indistinguishability of the particles), we get 0, N >d dim( (F))= =CN. (1.11) HN 1 d(d 1) ... (d N +1), N d d (cid:26) N! − · · − ≤ 1.3 Definition and properties of the creation and annihilation operators The creation a+β and annihilation a−β operators, which “create”/“annihilate”1 the single-particle state β, while acting on the state of N indistinguishable particles, are defined by the following rules a−β |α1,α2,...,αNi=√Nhβ(1) |α1,α2,...,αNi, (1.12) a+ α ,α ,...,α =√N +1Sε β α ,α ,...,α , (1.13) β | 1 2 Ni N+1{| i| 1 2 Ni} where the state α ,α ,...,α is the N-particle state defined as in Eq. (1.9). 1 2 N | i Thus, in Eq. (1.12) the product is understood as the scalar product in the single-particleHilbertspacewiththeindex i=1whenthe stateofthe indistin- guishable particles is written as a linear combination of the states of identical particles, Eq. (1.9). Similar, the action of the projector Sε is defined by N+1 1ThisisexactlywhattheiractionmeansintheFockspace,seebelow. 9

Dante Alighieri, Inferno . simplest permutation operation is the transposition, i.e. the interchange of just two elements . interchange of two particles.
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