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The Second decommissioning :United States Battleship Missouri, March 31, 1992, Long Beach, California. PDF

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Preview The Second decommissioning :United States Battleship Missouri, March 31, 1992, Long Beach, California.

The Second United States Battleship Missouri March 1992 31, Long arm Beach, Calif a Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2016 with funding from University of Florida, George A. Smathers Libraries https://archive.org/details/seconddecommissiOOwash MW TMW jP3LAM MAY. THE BATTLESHIP USS MISSOURI (BB 63) COMMANDING OFFICER COMMAND MASTERCHIEF CAPT A. L. Kaiss PNCM (SW) T. C. Hofman Tuesday, 31 March 1992 Sunrise 0542 Sunset 1827 For Official Use Only. FINAL EDITION Carry Out Ship’s Inport Routine Except as Modified Below: 0730 Liberty Expires on Board for All Hands 0800 MusterTraffic Directors with Operations Officer 0845 Ushers Assemble with Weapons Officer 0915 Assemble the Crew for Decommissioning 0930 Formations in Position 0959 Commanding Officer Arrives 1000 Honored Guests Arrive 1000 Decommissioning of Battleship USS Missouri Announcements Commanding Officer's Final Note: Our final day has arrived. Today the final chapter in battleship MISSOURI'S history will be written. It's often said that the crew makes the command. There is no truer statement...for it's the crew of this great ship that made this a great command. You are a special breed of sailors and Marines and am proud to have served with each and every one of you. I To you who have made the painful journey of putting this great lady to sleep. thank you. For you I have had the toughest job. To put away a ship that has become as much a part of you as you are to — her is a sad ending to a great tour. But take solace in this you have lived up to the history ofthe ship and those who sailed her before us. We took her to war. performed magnificently and added another chapter —in her history, standing side by side our forerunners in true naval tradition. God bless you all. A. L. Kaiss K. S. Jordan Commander, U.S. Navy- Executive Officer Mo” “Mighty History of n 1944, the newspapers heralded the launching headlines such as “World’s Greatest War- Iship Is Launched in Brooklyn.” In 1986, the newly reeommissionned dreadnoughtwasgreeted with the headline “Mighty Mo Rules The Waves Again.” From the moment she was launched, the history ofthe USS Missouri has been a drama of adventure and triumph. No Hol- lywood moviemaker could have come up with a better script. — January 29, 1944 USS Missouri is launched. Harry S. Truman, the then-junior senator from the state of Missouri, was the main speaker. He predicted in his speech that this greatwar- ship would sail victoriously into Tokyo Bay. At the conclusion of his speech on that cold, gray morning, hisdaughter, Margaret, tookamagnumofMissouricham- pagne and, gripping it like a baseball bat, gave a mighty bash againsttheship. Thebottlebroke, but nothing happened. "It seemed to havea mind of its own and was not in the mood forlaunching,” MargaretTruman related. Since a great deal of Missouri rolls backwardfor herfirst taste ofsalt water. Missouri’s superstructurewas in sioningonJune 1 1, 1944,James Missouri was underway for the place, it was the heaviest ship V. Forrestal, then-Seeretary of Pacific. She reported for duty on ever launched at that time. the Navy, sent the battlewagon Christmas Eve 1944. To the sol- Playfully,thecollegestudent intoactionwiththesesimple,but diers, sailors and Marines putherhandonthebowandgave prophetic words: “Good luck, throughout the Pacific theater of theshipashove. Miraculously,at good hunting, God blessyou and war, this was more than a that moment, the ship began to may you come back soon.” battlewagon. This was Santa slide down into the water. Early June was gray and Clausand ataste ofhome. Every It had onlybeen threeyears rainy in New York, but on the available space on the ship was from the time the keel was laid at morning of Missouri's commis- crammed with mailbags, bring- the New York Naval Shipyard. sioning the sun broke through ing Christmas greetings and This was to be the last battleship for the first time. The day re- packagesfromlovedonesbackin built bytheUnitedStates, but her mainedbeautifulthroughoutthe the U.S.A. destinycalled hertobemorethan ceremonies, then itbegan torain Whatfollowed isrecorded in a warship. again. the ribbons now painted on her At the ship’s first eommis- OnNovember 10, 1944,USS bridge wing. She received three (left) Margaret Truman, daugh ter ofthen junior Missouri Sena tor Harry Truman, prepares to break the bottle to christen Mis souri. MISSOURI TODAY." “Welcome Waits Surrender Ship," "Big Mo. StarofFleet,ToDockinTriumph Here This Morning." The next day, the headlines told of the outcome: "Boarding Party of 75.000 Captures Mighty Mis- souri." A reporter ofthe day wrote: "New York opened its generous hearttotheUSSMissouriyester- day and the result left the battle-tested crew ofthe historic Tokyo Bay surrender gasping ... By sundown, police estimated, 75.000 had gone up the gang- planks and stepped across the bronze plaque Battle Stars. The first for the Iwo of Surrender ending one of the Buttheadulationdidn'tstop Jima Operations. The second for mostbloodiestwarsinthehistory there. Okinawa Sunto Operations and ofmankind. On Navy Day. October 27. the third for3rd Fleet Operations Thus did the ship assume 945whiletheshipwasanchored 1 against Japan. an enduring place in the history in the Hudson Fhver. a launch TheIwoJimaOperationsin- ofthe world. camealongsidecarryingthePresi- cludedraidsagainstHonshuand AttheconclusionoftheSur- dent ofthe United States. Harry the Nansei Shore as well as the render Ceremony, the Supreme S. Truman, while signing the final assault and occupation of Commander ofthe Allied Forces, guest log, said 'Thisisthehappi- IwoJima in February and March General of the Army Douglas est day ofmy life." He then went 1945. MacArthur, spoke these words: ontoremindhiscompanionsthat In March through June Let uspray that peace be hisdaughterMargarethadchris- 1945, Missouri took part in the now restored to the world and tened the ship. Other visitors 5thand3rd Fleetraidsinsupport that God will preserve it al- included Margaret Truman and ofthe Okinawa Sunto Operation ways. These proceedings are New York Governor Thomas and then followed this with the now closed.” Dewey. At the end of her two 3rd Fleet Operations against the At that moment, the sun week stay in NewYork. Missouri mainland of Japan in July and came out for the first time that had seen one million visitors on August. day. .anotherperfect endingfora her decks. . OnSeptember2, 1945,Harry climactic scene in this real-life “Peace on Earth" was the S.Truman,theformerjuniorsena- drama. message broadcast to the nation tor from Missouri was President Upon departure from Japa- on the surrender deck of the of the United States. The entire nese waters, Missouri stopped in "Mighty Mo" on December 21, world had theirattentionfocused Pearl Harbor, transited the 1945. Themusicofthe 100-voice on the deck of USS Missouri, at Panama Canal and stopped in choir from the New York Naval anchor in Tokyo Bay. Norfolk, Virginia, where the Sur- Shipyard was broadcast over a Just as the junior senator render Plaque was set in place. nationwide radio hook-up. moved to Vice President and, ThousandsofVirginiansboarded The next big event for Mis- movingwith resolute dignity and the ship for a view of the spot souri was a Mediterranean gracetotakechargeofthehighest where the surrender took place. mission. Bearing the remains of office in the land, so too, did USS Butthiswasnothingcomparedto MehmetMunirErtegun,deceased Missouri take her place in the thewelcome mat that laywaiting Turkish Ambassador to the spotlight where, it was said, she in New York. United States, the battleship became “an altarofpeace" as the The headlines were an au- headed for Istanbul where he Japanese signed the Instrument gur of things to come: “HAIL would be buried in his native INSTRUMENT OF SURRENDER Japanese G*o.vaecrtnimnegnbtyocnodmmtahnedJoafpaannedsemIbmephearlifalofGtehneeraElmpHeeraodtquoafrtJearpsa,n, the ohferetbhye aGcocveeprtnmetnhetsproofvistiheonsUnisteetdfoSrttohrems,theChdmeoclaornadtioGnrea•stsuBendtbaymthoenr2e6ads PJSouoclwiyearl>sis9t45R,epoufblPioctss,dwahmi,chonfdoursupbsoewqeuresntloyreahdehreeraefdtertorbeyfetrhreedUntioonasofthSeovAileltied We herebyproclaim the unconditional surrender to the Allied Powers ofthe Japanese Imperial General Heodquorters and of oil Japanese armed forces andall armed forces underJapanese control wherever situated We herebycommond all Joponese forces wherever situated and mfreomJadpoamnoesgee palelopslheipst,oaciercorsoefl,hosatinlditimeislitfoorrythwoitnhd,ctiovilprpersoeprevretyonadndstaove complywithall requirements which moybe imposed bythe Supreme Commander forthe Allied Powers or by oqencies of the Japanese Government at his direction We hereby commond the Joponese ImperialGeneralHeadquarters to issue at once orders tothe Gommonders of all Japanese forces and allforces under Joponese control wherever situated to surrender unconditionally themselves ond all forces under their control We hereby commond oil civil, military ondnovo!officialsto boybeythaendSuepnrfeomrceeCaollmmparoncdlearmatfioornst,heorAdlelrisedoPnodwerdsiretcotivbeesprdoepeermetdo effectuate this surrender and issuedby himorunder hisauthority ond we direct all such offidolstoremain at their posts ondto continue toperform their non-combotont duties unless spec/ficolly relieved by him orunder his authority We hereby undertake for theEmperor, the Japanese Government ondtheir successorsto carry out the provisions ofthe Potsdam Dedorotion in good faith, and to issuewhatever orders ondtake whatever action moy be requiredby the Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers orby any other designated representative of the AlliedPowers for thepurpose ofgiving effecttothat Declaration Wehereby commond the Joponese Imperial Government and the Joponese Imperial General Heodquorters ot once toliberate all alliedprisoners of war ond civilian internees now under Japanese ciomnmterdoliaatnedttroanpsrpoovritdaetiofnortothpeilracepsrotoecstiodni,reccatreed, maintenance and The authority ofthe Emperor and the Japanese Government to rAullleiedthePoswteartse swhhaollwbiellsutbojkeectstuochthesteSpsuproesmeheCdoememmasndperropefrortothe effectuate these terms of surrender onthe SignedoltEGftijMkHyq BAY. JAdPoAyNofot &°Eg/l£9*'U/ ByCommandondin behoIf oftheEmperorofJapan ondtheJapanese Government (above) TokyoBay, Japan:Alliedplanesfly over USSMissouri following the surrender ceremonies, (right) The Surrender ByCommondand In behalfof the Joponese Document. Imperial Genera! Headquorfen land. Acontemporarynews- memoTrahbelevisointe.toThTeuTrukrekyiswhagsov-a tpraepaetredr—ephoerrtead:s "aThekiTnudrkosf oUfUonnnriitotthnehedeoNtUoAntSciioctoveeniepsdtteSoSdttaoaOctoiLewtas&al,—triLstIOfRwiefiRipt.euhTpbQulbiJBlcaiApcTosa.f,n.MdCafhanfiydAnHaIon,ftUhneaittIentdSerEe£KPs>iTtns9EgMdoBOofEmRt2haendothtlehre,1945, ernment issued special postage shrine asymbolofpeace. stamps bearing a likeness ofthe Aftertheyhadmilledonand ship. Newspapersprintedspecial off the decks, there wasn’t editions and Turks filled every- even a cigarette butt to be JedStatus RopfJsentoUvu thing that could float to go out found." RepublicofChmoRepresentative and meet the "Mighty Mo" as she Thehonorsandrecep- §r~~Q0la-tUK sailed into the Bosporus. tions continued—wherever United Kingdom Reprevsseanmtuortrrvvuo ,—. “Theycouldn'tdoenoughfor she put in port Athens, us," ChiefCarpenter’s Mate Fred Tangiers, Naples. In Rome, Miletich of Seattle explained. PopePiusXII postponedhis "Why, we asked a storekeeper EasterSundaypublicaudi dominionofCanoda Representative where a placewasand hewalked ence for a special meeting seven blocksjust to show us.” with 400 crewmembers be- PRRreeoppvuuibbslliiioccn--alRReeGpporrevesseeernnnttmaoettni/tvveeofthe French The official reception and cause "our American sons parties ran steadily the fourdays have come to see us Easter Kilngd.omoftheNketthheerrJllalanndidss-Rjepresentative the ship was in Istanbul. Sundayandwewanttoful- DominionofNewZealondRepresentahv\ fill their wish.” longboats of the Vikings: lhe commission when she was again Missouri's next venture into special initiation for the crossing called into combat in support of the spotlight occurred when she ofthe Equator. the United Nations' forces in Ko became the “Floating White When “Ruffles and Flour- rea. Serving two combat House.” On the second anniver- ishes" are sounded for the deployments between 1950 and saryofsurrenderday,theTruman President of the United States, 1953, she earned five additional family came aboard in Rio de he’s entitled to four ruffles. The battle stars in numerous gunfire Janeiro for a trip back to the "Royal Visitor” on that occasion support missions, including the United States followingthe Inter- received six rutiles, and a one- Inchon invasion. American Conference for the gun salute. Peacetimereturned theship MaintenanceofHemispherePeace Thus, on Missouri's fantail, to a routine of training, upkeep and Security. thePresidentoftheUnited States and Midshipman cruises, which While anchored in Rio, the became the nation’s number one carried her almost halfa million ship's company took part in the Pollywog,whoalongwith hisfam- miles byhertenth anniversaryof Brazilian Independence Day cel- ily and staff was answerable to uninterrupted active service. ebrations with Missouri's entire the crew’s Trusty Shellbacks. Norfolk. Virginia, Missouri's detachment of Marines and two Missouri was then chosen homeportsinceSeptember, 946. 1 divisions of sailors leading the as the Navy’s ship for the annual bid thebattleshipgood-byeinAu- parade. Midshipmantrainingcruisesdur- gust, 1954,ashersistershipUSS "Duringtheparade,westood ingthe summerseasons. During Iowa rendered honorsacross pier atattentioninthereviewingstand theseperiodsatsea, theMidship- 7. whilewhatseemed like theentire men experienced hands-on Following a 12-hour transit Brazilian Army marched by for training and much of their time of the Panama Canal, the ship fourhours,”reminiscedMargaret was devoted to simulated battle mooredforgeneralvisiting. Other Truman. “Itwasabeautiful, even conditions. Additionally, naval stops at Long Beach. San Fran- a spectacularshow, and themili- diplomacy was practiced with cisco, Seattle and Bremerton tary music was magnificent.” muchsuccessduringportcallsto brought aboard additional visi- OnthecruisetotheU.S., the Greece,Algeria. France, Portugal, tors for a total of 100.000 guests Truman family and White House Great Britain and Cuba. biddingafond farewell to"Mighty staffers took part in a traditional In 1950. Missourifoundher- Mo.” ceremony that finds roots in the self the only battleship in Cold rain and snow squalls were the order of the dayon themorningof February 26. 1955 at the Shipyard in Bre- merton, Washington. It was Missouri's de- commissioning day and history did not repeat itselfwith sun- shine appearing as it did the day of com- missioning and the Surrender ceremony. Only a small group was present for the ceremony that would mark her retirement from the active fleet and the miserable weather drove them from the quarterdeck to the wardroom. A FleetAdmiral Chester Nimitz signs the In- strument of Formal Surrender during the ceremonyonMissouri. 6 (top) On thefourth anniversary ofV.J. Day in 1949, Missouri crewmen took part in a commemoration ceremony, (below) America's Iowa-class battleships (nearest the camera) USSIowa, USSNewJersey, USS Missouri and USS Wisconsin steam in the line-abreastformation on June 7 1954. , lone Seaman remained on deck people paid their respects each These weapons platforms were to haul her ensign down. year to the valiant lady at rest as needed foranexpanded600-ship Guns silent, engines stilled, part ofthe reserve fleet. Navy to lead battle groups and bleached teakwood decks turn- In May, 1984, the sleeping helpestablishtheU.S.navalpres- inggray,USSMissourispentthree giant once again heard the call to ence around the globe. decades moored in Bremerton, arms. The United States Navy May 10. 1986. USS Mis- Washington. Never forgotten by was recalling its dreadnoughts souri is recommissioned in San the public, more than 180,000 for modernization and updating. Francisco. (top) The battleship begins itsjourney to modernizationfrom the mothballfleet in Bremerton, Washington, (left) Using a heavy crane, one of the six twin mount five-inch guns is lifted forplacement on the battleship, which is concealed by tiers ofscaffolding. ‘This is a day to celebrate the rebirth of American sea power,” said then-Seeretarvof Defense Casper W. Weinberger to an audi- ence of 10.000 witnessing the historic ceremony. He admonished the crewto "Lis- ten for the footsteps ofthose who have gone before you. They speak toyou ofhonor and the importance ofduty. They remindyou of your own traditions.” Four months later, our nation's most historicbattleshipdepartshernewhomeport ofLongBeachforanaround-the-world-cruise. bringing her message of“Strength for Free- dom"toeightnations:Australia.DiegoGarcia. Egypt. Turkey. Italy. Spain, Portugal and Panama. OnJuly 25. 1987. the crewofMissouri was ordered for dutyin the troubled waters of the Persian Gulf and departed on a six- month deployment to the Indian Ocean and North Arabian Sea. The ship spent more than 100 continuous days at sea in a hot. tense environment which posed a striking contrast to theWorld Cruise monthsearlier. As the centerpiece for Battlegroup Echo. Missouri steamed into the volatile operating arena and maintained a level ofpeace in the MiddleEastwhichremainedfragileandvital. Missouri returned to the United States During theKorean Conflict, USSMissourifires asalvoof16-inchshellsfrom Turret #2 toward the Korean coastline at Chong Kim on October 21, 1950. via Diego Garcia, Australia and members ofthe crew. The video, George Bush sent the first ofsev- Hawaii in early 1988. Several although controversial due to eral hundred thousand troops, months later, Missouri’s crew Cher's outfit, was a smash, and alongwith a strong force ofnaval again returned to Hawaiian wa- the song “If I Could Turn Back support to Saudi Arabia and the ters for the Rim of the Pacific Time" was a chart topper. A few Persian Gulf area to support a (“RimPac”) exercises involving months later, Missouri and crew multi-national force in a standoff more than 50,000 members of departed for Pacific Exercise with the Iraqi dictator. A sched- theArmed Forcesand shipsfrom (“PacEx”) '89, which found Mis- uled four-month Western Pacific the navies ofAustralia, Canada. souriandhersistershipUSSNew port-to-portcruiseforSeptember JapanandtheUnitedStates. Port Jerseyperformingasimultaneous was cancelled just a few days visits in 1988 included Vancou- gunfiredemonstrationfortheair- beforetheshipwastoleave. Mis- verandVictoriaIslandinCanada, craftcarriersUSSEnterpriseand souri was put on hold, in San Diego, Seattle and Bremer- USS Nimitz. The highlight of anticipation of being called to ton. PacEx was a port visit in Pusan, support the still-growing force in 1989 was a hectic year in Republic of Korea. the Middle East. the life of Battleship Missouri. With the advent of a new The word came. Missouri The early part of the year found decade, 1990had Missouri doing departedinmid-Novemberforthe theship in the Long Beach Naval a repeat of the RimPac Exercise troubled waters of the Persian Shipyard for routine mainte- with ships from Australia, Gulf. Amid the press coverage nance. Independence Day Canada, Japan and Korea in ad- thatashipthestatureofMissouri weekendbroughtitsshareoffire- ditiontoUnitedStatesNavyships. is used to receiving, the mighty works. AcademyAward-winning On August 2, 1990, Iraqi dreadnought pulled away from actress/singerChermadea rock dictatorSaddamHusseininvaded Pier 6 at Long Beach and headed musicvideoonMissouri’sfoc’s'le, thetinyemirateofKuwait. In the for Hawaii, first stop on the long which starred a couple hundred middle of the month, President journey to the gulf. Missouri's

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