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The Scythe Book 2002 PDF

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THE " SC TH, Fl BOOK hy David Tresemer Daawings sv Tana Dareneass MOWING HAY, CUTTING WEEDS, AND TIARVFSTING SMALL. GRAINS. LTH EAND TOOLS By Has & Enos, Lzp. Basrzaewuso, Veason CREDITS Mn bn Sad ne han s By Hand & Foot, rd. ‘Sines 1976, By land & Hor4, Led. hus ben celina etloet to import, manufacture, and iRaace che nest in hntst phwvered took. We work wih re Folluseny label — iniegeaice too: spstere for sient. gure, see yma farm Soe Ith, relly, and independ — too wench enttanceracher than aoe ou ealimship othe task ane «0 “he earth When sorgaring machine-poweredl and human-ponered Jools, 90 cinpkasis has teen un splisale seiemube =xpetionents Cul ib, at oh ectve anaiy's uf eaves art 2radvamages uf Ue dillrert tools However, we have not ingormatise. ror he Iain hues. sr SUS ol var esearch a Fataael iw series af manuals 00s, Cis very important -n cake avullahle the zonls Uiscussed i each manual: all the tools Weseribed herein cam he obuained from By Haid & Tent, Fd sehroedgsisnt are du 6 io Coleman for intr iag, m6 "ae Ervopena eye: oTorrmy Whampive fee it ana in 1 Contents in towr ve acd te Code Freeman and Sta |e Tet nies east ale to Roh nee Sle Fou. sad Bay Gab essa n hme ie (3 Ratha! Hill, ane Paar Payne for sag potion. Tsing Pb fr etl gulng toe prods 0 13a . 5 wth Tes Baste 5 lugs Cover 11 ‘rath IE Sharpening 18 Wheteng Mowing Tosiaiene Xi with he Sere 2 Sant dianas 3 The Uve ef ths Sady 2 Ressngideng the Tewsng Exess 48 Mowing Hay a3 ron tr Waking Ins Hay 38 Clean Cuure 4 weeds pasture 68 Lint 66 Fanvecring Senall Gesine 69 The Sep und ts Prodan 7h Cole Sophos 74 vii Content si New ius Soom, teas, Casting, Winans £2 Bringing une Bases lone 48 Nous LOS Biblioguphs 13, Ines U9 dnrvraduction Yess sto | Seu 1 a seytae at tke local tasdwasy stor, E Dovighe iL :0 Seap the sanelians, eked, Usk ates coucigrass, and sean mon Going se sex. ere wet’ LeO Uy {ee up ay nd. boo e419 aif ting eT 6-2 ‘mowing mactine. | had walshed power ls 84 tet Novering ding progeesse. | wieked ry scythe a fee Rows, and hem ng it up. Je was anshsvard tel ex sece. and Be g1088¢4 aughed ac ny eiTorwshy bending over nc bobbing back upalior he alo had passed, [soeusleg 31 Got a cstans Were ae bE sceunes auth thon 1 ar ' Toler that the septhe J hed) ase vas Ue ead. ‘Aceriuan" type, basing lear, Deut ash saath ene avai, rl oe Whee F seme an, | wn hereuced Ry ct oe a at he Saal! Paz, Rewarch “cso it Thu bore de, Loy "Austean? sgl wjthe. mck has a ght Bisse fh My lis use ef tis esths wis im happy suniess! 1 SF snaace mith dhe “American sete TI ses marl By the waz edpserva nen anyone can ma wing a 300%. Coe Ie Fes: Lae seyebe cormplemcanis the coe ours and dyes its af ay hoey fds ame couufontly. ai Goes Tao lh Sesigied extunsion of -ay hands sna fe al my boas [use rho sents and J canuse er RoursaLatene without abssing mysulh mit wurkse We work tepet toes in he have four © ‘ond 3 oneigy satiety eran asvce € Zee suthoue waste of eer. J ean 2 sod beck ole Leste to vi ge Wath thy Ansviansyls the, ] yeu oa mowing ard meteng Trane soy fo mas few aerse of ty which Lue lo mien ny aurdens ante eed the tea vest ack pepulaion ] heen fuss he inter. [alse herve wich che seythe. a varies ef smal i modesto isi fe, Door annd ynca kes, Wats a very maddest expend cure Fimo ard elon, Fam chas ae co raise my own hay and gan, Wilh the seyshe 2 Soop ae MaFgEEN sess Of mE BFOPSTE Hee st weeds goigoted, a hate Eis edugod the eed 99 fesn in ang gacens Py at Last Une tists then in Che shi, has Fe eta seytvecar perform mueratels size task i ee sane amsunl 9 tise 2 ould Like to Becch, aut, und cepser as mechanic! substiiuc. Boictewance oC the mC Incas morey ser min enazee af the human Pals mesos is net impossibly strequous or dict owed ‘af mowing und the too its are ‘jis as lhe main bol weapons ae acwestng ha 28 ie a8 Welly og seepingav in nd za the ests oF riers teal maces: Hasan. AS with any ont 196, MILE: Ue fstly eLang about he sescho-x plains Seda, ening Bac eb su Ube src 9 Eonteversdnczeaned inksrst an Fed Jes bys ke tone accep Ca farm ob a2-abi0grigy, summarinad a8 “any caperenees Jase once faa" nwhica she anos receding ke eect 5a ald eounley pepe. wflen nel als se. inl cts it nrgoiter.practczs ‘ore the wid-inters- wheat secoumered Same of Uhese wien lave beeame sad dnd lays passed 09 DE they Inarned Tromihe hiss fram old ap inulin jinn’ Troms eidense uf indeiage puontnge, aie sculpture, ane from the wark of antkrenelogists and hiseorans, necam sieve together tisk accurate piecore wt ae Ine st ther degra sid usec. Thare are many'small ¥anauoss 4eperesyg ot petiod ve vegion,U shall ea dseantsn: them ll Saco ne say sha (a evan "aeie” oF adiion Lau lor yt siyse, soebuds supe seu tie Wiftaeatly sol Ue ase an Lugrsdtuetion 3 “There wi eurais vata we i asing ag ancien! teu the old vay, telat oll anexerows vest Fave Lape Toswexe, 109, meus st Ds eFeiert tevgay. Tat is oman ssiez ast mike sesh as lfecive uss of person’ tute and rey ska is eompokrive wi 0.her igc0as torsesomplishig the ask at tand, A ehigped stone Sie while representing immense reenao.sgil leap Hus tin. ees na mes this ctite Flom sickle tou hacvesing grain does cet his erieron for fall ress A pocel seytbe meets Ce etterion of mactsa cir ciunoy for argon areas, ane for 3 wer very af tnka Vorsernity eklansivn agenis argue persrsivety chat a fares feceee by essaomies 1 si cana alfone che tine be mat 5 d3} log he Iravter wlaching eae ixplcmtem aber ansth 0 produce ebe ath Ce avake the pays ow the Tean for the ecipeien, Po R04 eller shy seyrhe and is ested 19s lae-terivs ro this sea Bf 9gr culcare. Ye. evn Lave he sy has place traning 132 edses were the meachin= cabot > Talo aot ie cv a eres bo make AcouglekeneY OU posta Isclinoac fu eae sampiy tt seppare Ese aR. Daly isthe produ of my bor fay, mulet,grain- supezer to tiny [could obea rescue wth cheniea! aye. Liadcitor. b sly eney i2e exper igness of comtibuting 16 my c8f3suste hisnge asl of relating cvimatay ty the sth THIS BGOK ‘The tse sacian of his wenvial covers he ps of the seta in ove deta than the sascal sare puchably wants, | beat, las weamg esprsting 18 prodece a bref magval wt mp8, Wrage, ber fend the debike of esanutuecns 8 taxon fil go feth to be 30 important te my psig chat J tock the owach a Gar ae! ald po, cd the manual bessene ake Tasgest it Aatoream writer who nad wr em at st ‘one oF he very fee le mathariies em he ey sours he aked Jor his feehrigue, He eneimec, A Incroduszion ling! Just go ulside und swing the ing! Tha was al. he woul ay about how I use the rhe, Var. hawers:, com nes! chat wih the ght te, the eas! maser w1..$9F6 be ime a sinus monees at which time the etl | provide here ‘will he anoceiesereting, In any ssa, chaaah, reac the 9et= ions en sicpeningttleneig technic Ia ie ese “arswwaging He: teencrunter the oneal pdations Seer 928, {ellos which sel out the minimam enivlerar ees teeter a tiow ha, cue Weeds, une herve gras The Parts of the Scythe THE ULADE Hesse asa tony ted i LeGrand Cannes Leek i Mio fm stash che maser MbiegsIna kes a se sade oF Darraseus see fore gouna meena: in New Merapstice 20 1769 by the Rigi boss ¢: bis ae he pourads bars oo td ether, fccing thet over eaclt ter again enc Tempering. che efoet 0” the aged Tike Tuéae Finn. Tae iron gives he blade Deaibists a2 20 antic sata he sae ries, che seal les he ode razor arp, ind ginae che eniliving shage othe Hiacw: Ths price! Tac ord: of rook maple, et spf, aed ¢acked, Te master Fit assures the yes nen (i hve tall heat east Blot ‘of tke Romane foe every’ steixe cf Uke a. “Tovlay ths eommn husdweroatore othe Blade 1 stampe ings powered rep forge pres an io peed geming wasel, Ln eomticl, she wae oF the smote Se more de jake Fonnpean~ or Avavian-tsle Mace bn sf tothe cote chinness in atsIuthe sarze was has hee ses the fifleeach cerc-ry wL01 the sevthesiss ghikls se Coablshed in the focneain valle\s of Ausiex. The alse ot etersriven trip himmars, and, wow, af smal out powectul hacstrulzed ar haramen, gave nade hneseytoe D003 costs then twentyro.s enrde nF split hardseone, aut tbe And Forged aneuen bide i sil nove cxpensive za te stamped blide Dracessatits best ineotsesa sel soeuence of Penis SBS, arsed on Figure 3. Acaongt bite auige # apparent bowen Mond %, be le wiers the neotingyoraectenipering aa ik grownd shusp 393 Th “am Sommen hardnare stone blace is usually ican (gp tae better blade the “Ausra” gp STAMPRD BLADE STAMPED BLADE HAMMERED BLADE TLD TLS ace = > “4 joker a elge vew end heatting 2Stutaped and Bamted blades. sesthe blades eve aot sen mrulaetured inthe oascy for oath twenty fate, and, oh Wey were, same wee of Fine Goality The Amer” pater blades ate made in Europe by ng mts the same compares sino produce the tne Das they Icy " PES ediacemens {Aint that she stamped age ise outer oder fe 4 A fine seythe bhage uns be ght ia ism, une emmprved (> caery at ege that al cut assue pape: vathnul teaig m. Yee Seythe hep fuust be sofsenovgh ea dent instead ot besak ily stone or scump accidentally ht, and capable of asving sts edge restored trough hameoerang, with alight Damrocr. A he problem 3 (0 Find a sie] of the rie consisteney 1 2 scticwe this wonderfel hatance of haré and sof. In Englam, own bhules mere ence made wi ange uf hainmerediron sannickal betwecen be pieres at >i steel (0 holt the oveall Ehuipe: Bsdesave stil wate in England in which the ede sells 1 The ports ofthe sey te. favetted ton svanger bach of “mils steel? The Nev Hampsh ite ‘wrper grip on nib ‘The Parts ofthe Seythe ¥ blacksmith uf 1249 aad .omis theuon and low-geadestosl:0 30 effec, In are tadiun, mses bung sir mer 20 nih oe ire 2 esac bo O Lradivion ease rhe pevoom of gerbe, apes harness f che blake The carbs evan or YW *Arsevienn™ ade = ane Fes, ig eon aor make ee Be coe has Pheseraae4 steer sing Se te ine Inn ae no ca 42h ‘which lls hoe exaee the Bl ls ifr Qhigun stamped blule = oxpesedly Fer The hamararse bade is cared iivestey ¢ ornior tn vines He telationship of she bods ce the wes og cueing. Cae"htard” aaa bes ure ingot hamme:ed Bande becase of tnsu distanee fram each other in the sitraped blade, that whsle ene is called 2 heel. The ane {queue oF railia Prone s the Zety stron projecios fei Lae buch se hia autos Us Ue st Hn par 31K a A eek #2d knob The manulast nf he hammesed blade shonin Figen 3 begins witha hign-qutiyseel, and, ev working i hel acdc. hens the moweculs andsirasn-wazdens he see. Exact receire aunts for these blades mask i clsar why aver calf oun bade hick begin te twenty stiges of maculseMtce a te alsa the aay Dearing ary of the ranslacturing steps rakes for hea of blade less spemsise. but oly aU HEL ss! ‘a deswrable chacsewsiice 90 she Sor The pester blac mpl sin Cre tag oh he rade resuke of the azatacturers Figure 1} whieh san bechscted iz the dircetercs of Hrany Satsdhenran end fasst Zathager. Thsse recevencestatseh the trademaris with the methods ot vanafae tue of she psteul coups aa well ta ste Ube geneous Ue ante suis, leadicgr bach 0 be inllkemcts ofthe ton st Empae snche y. He cecogcition of these J urksh logins ore near hay te name Tuetoussesn, ey “Turkish enlarged ‘detail 4 Sonne Hade tratemeics Vine Parts of tne Seythe mn Several modes uf Rane havea sees ot hunced harnavered os that Joos like a ball barncing across lie ele of the Bede stopped in igot hy sreboscepee gb. The des sme hse Tansiful orcumen: Bea» testmsny *2 he skill sae gices th When tne soytha wes the porlominsed tna for many 963 tural tasks. hladss ware made ia dilleron. lengths, Spam very snore blades Yar esce% wsuk arin vines ind 668 10 ¥ iaderemover Loe set an stn ane To Woy © rates wh ag moving expanive estate fawn. The lose sod most drequsniy we Farepsn fens Ear Lae waders of tasks is 2714 caches (30 eeneanes) Bus o: 21 asa SUES lakes ate > sont as flees insins and een eeker 9 idl sang vopcated blows ugainel young mapsings, Tha grace Dade 30 cuncimetors & reogutts far all grasses, west, Pr, at someryeae ald BLADE COVER ‘You cannot eu yourvelf with sepshe wher you are nating he fering. In transit 20 cr Teor wors, aowaver, the hace ean be dange-ous te oneselsue others A good wy ta prevent seeing eepleand nickingtie 2d irvoslip onststeath that eampietey feovers the blade, asd cle scourele giana! lie Seed wea. Ve tha ww sip af pte sora ed a he Rak 9 pre te eu Farcelsarvice shoul be distacue ae: dolie= ry, because Ley age uarekuble Lo repeated mse Sr checamimexcemen of cutting, ramos the evver an punt Ioudeal m yous pocket Ac the end uf eulting. wine of the ass and dirt om “he blads, ant the cover bichon, Se areit ic: ascple averaard <aat hchind the Res uf Ge blade, Atle eed sil tke seasan, the cee should be stored Higa up oto eile strenls each. And remembe> that tho suves des the lens of bystanders dung nung. crtaehaasateesha penn Whoa seythe were sal snr widely. te Buades wore covered The Soy Jak romemacle eash wheui not an se, Ivan are: soothe cowry were wal used, tho eatin was te marshes masae coche eld wir: be blade an, tee land hoicieg ifs top Sipe he keer grip sued Gate unk mnpil, Ts texbearation prevented tishas tle fysry prey cry te Rebuke bor the est aa he moyt Hales ere lee the meal prose rca tte are nM swomaat nr chil osc dare ray, the pantesting blade al leak. tn maces Lees, iilionsae noe asa tod 40 is blae cae: eves w nessonary nerain of sues witha sag 0 in Eugiand wh A pra eure ol seat wr sneairar saath Rave bean ted vain te sank long. ew-ved seythe Place, Ore Baghsa rraczen ose cnlynatocaliy eurving wile saplings, while:e hast Lurops a ‘ots Handle wes mortsed i ight poke, usu ly fas kois A traiiomal Sessh design had w long effet hast ‘shia ae Cae sath aot a4 che sevahe ring. The s2ythe 1599 sv rhe few abp-trastrival Rand cools: with it tae hagls dd ot psitarm apple er inimichargeak wsks-! “The gripe ob oF ag Fave teen alas tthe saath suzy differgat wags, sometimes pointing ost in the same dire: for ai the bhde, sseelnees in the apposise ima, and ceevionciy minal Adjssiahie gups, mode of a sire hoop rout elt ssath HgSnened by existing Ihe sonoden asp hee heen foucd in mincum villainy pointing, i. neaily evers ‘rreson, J.sems thaditazy nly the wer aibisusrasin ate ae upper past of Te sata ss evacled ur U2 eT00K of he Kot ‘ebew! Theve cotntise surlations cin be eased tree any tog wbieh wally vad Tus \ypieal swesping wurved soul Sousé x: American han vwaze shoes 1s made wh Fen sump ach doer the Sothern Unites States, The poles are stesune. 2¢a 0 tie dese sha and Pel “The prabloes wh ts eelkad ie choc chs amor of he Vans 2f th yh Bn wood nevessary to heer 9 por taneat bend inzreases the wen of the saath, Old-rimecerell ol going tothe farm se 9p'y ste buy a sata ene eskisg hall # due 46 try snaths in 210 iy cone yt Te all at tam sli d.2&tea4. Tw race this ‘arity i shops, sales ra mr srade even Fa ies eal weighed sn D980 serge 45 puns, Wie hse ord thes aod ts 6 pans By he Dem ask sma with ae vom 418 pounds For #30 Eamemoced bide ed stat south, Consicer het is dilleenecin sign vil mesa alles he nrewcimate® fen 129usand sles teuied 6 ee ete Testers 20 me that ths eur.ng "Ame saath, 6h hae alles whch sorte curepletsy sraund ¢o peda in any sinetion. testo brine theanges ef the nammered ble Fig. 2 the simpler stomped ade. J reefer the crip er srath and hy beter blade, Samecimes 2:1 ck} bent seath vill be veey Tig wat wel-halacese, the plans. dnadvauncages eing “he wr sie out ui rags, dnd che sdypatable iby re Teste Aho sine ald sgte ringasere ae inal shat ony sent vere microw Hangs sould ft thzough Ase, “The weigal of th neavy wandon set mikes reoce seria the senfuray ofthe Amen tatyle seythe te pu che righ wis ine erampee pestion. Tn psilinn in which bite Lageris bert beak ivr the wen i"ulner devia 1 Feces te capa ites tthe wise abd tea Jead st sure in =e teres” Lighter anaths in Une sumeriear suet are pesasonally rie ble made Iran: alumbinun, hut confess toa a spcien of alin nica wed in tools uncer susie, Hike 63. aliaum wots wenger amd ike itn ket sre Mtge sit ening ms timi: 10 weskengg uf the metal m2 KoAMAl somal it Rreaks. Cvon a fits Bead oun epstl the angle af the sme to dhe bla ICE there oars perimenting with life anche From over. dese cote. doviees ara sigh

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