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THE SCIENTIFIC USE OF FACTOR ANALYSIS in Behavioral and Life Sciences THE SCIENTIFIC USE OF FACTOR ANALYSIS in Behavioral and Life Sciences RAYMOND B. CATTELL University of Hawaii PLENUM PRESS • NEW YORK AND LONDON Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data Cattell, Raymond Bernard, 1905- The scientific use of factor analysis in behavioral and life sciences. Bibliography: p. 1. Factor analysis. 2. Psychometrics. I. Title. [DNLM: 1. Factor analysis, Statisti cal. BF39 C368s] BF39.C33 519.5'3 77-10695 ISBN-13: 978-1-4684-2264-1 e-ISBN-13: 978-1-4684-2262-7 DOl: 10.1007/978-1-4684-2262-7 © 1978 Plenum Press, New York Softcover reprint of the hardcover lst edition 1978 A Division of Plenum Publishing Corporation 227 West 17th Street, New York, N.Y. 1O0ll All rights reserved No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, microfilming, recording, or otherwise, without written permission from the Publisher To Karen whose mathematical interests called me to make concepts and experiences in this domain explicit Preface It needs no great scientific insight to see that such multitudinously multi variate subjects as psychology, physiology, sociology, and history need multivariate methods. As this book may show, those methods-multivari ate analysis of variance, regression analysis, typal and discriminant func tion analysis, multidimensional scaling, and factor analysis-belong to a single structural arch which bears up conceptual and causal understanding in all these subjects. But factor analysis is the keystone of that arch. Since factor analysis has itself developed fantastically in thirty years [my first small book (Cattell, 1952b) could almost cover the field in a few chap ters!] , this book confines itself to that subject, with only brief connecting asides on the related areas. The purpose of a preface is to permit more personal comments and to explain why the design is what it is. Among the former the author often apologizes for writing in an already crowded library shelf, and, having con fessed the crime, thanks his friends for their connivance. The area already enjoys a truly excellent array of books, from extremely good elementary introductions by Child, Henrysson, Lawlis, and Chatfield, through the workbook emphasis of Fruchter, and the intermediates of Guertin and Bailey and Comrey, to the comprehensive technical works of Anderson, Ahmavaara, Gorsuch, Harman, Horst, Lawley and Maxwell, Mulaik, Rao, Rummel, and Van de Geer, not to mention the undating books by Burt, Thomson, and Thurstone. Seldom has there been such a contrast between a feast of first-rate texts and the starvation level at which many depart ments keep their students in formal instruction. It seems by no means unusual for undergraduate majors to try to handle their psychology with no instruction in factor analysis but, for some reason, an excessive drilling in analysis of variance (ANOV A). Yet factor analysis is a gift of psychology vii viii Preface to the life sciences, created by the needs of the subject, whereas ANOV A began with the needs of farmers. 1 Factor analysis was fathered in psychology by Burt, Kelley, Spear man, Pearson, and Thurstone, and mothered in mathematics by Hotelling and the developments of the eigenvalue concepts going back to Jacobi. The offspring shows the more mathematical inheritance in Anderson, Ahmavaara, Harman, Horst, Lawley and Maxwell, Mulaik, and Rao, and the more psychological or social science inheritance in Burt, Gorsuch, Rummel, and Thurstone. This is not to say that the latter, in the least, lack any mathematical precision and, indeed, the excellent balance in Gorsuch and in Rummel came near to persuading me that a further book in the field is uncalled for. However, nearly fifty years of discussing the difficulties both of students and of leading researchers in relation to statistics, and factor analysis in particular, have convinced me that a radical new approach is necessary. One must respect first the scientific interests of the beginner and only slowly and with patience reorient to mathematical concepts. The aphorism is as old as Herbart that good education moves from the known to the unknown and from the simple to the complex-and no psychodynamicist needs to be told that it must link to powerful interests the whole way. My title The Scientific Use of Factor Analysis means just this: that for the student the interest begins in his science as such; and for the researcher the demands of viable scientific models are given prece dence over mathematical neatness, which can easily become pedantry. This radical change of emphasis from most existing texts connotes also an art of gradation and a policy of keeping the final center of gravity in the right place. The gradation is shown in the fact that the levels of mathematical sophistication and precision demanded are quite different at the beginning and the end. I am assuming that in the one- or two-semester course (ac cording to student ability) in which the book is completed the student will grow-in general attitude to mathematical models. One or two of my braver fellow authors have confessed that they are afraid to make simpli fied, two-thirds true or insufficiently qualified statements at the beginning and that the same high rigor of statement and formulation must apply from the first page. They are afraid of their peers, which means they are writing for their peers. The natural growth of an enquiring mind is quite different from that: it is willing to believe at first that water is H 0, and 2 1 My emphasis is only to redress a balance; for here as elsewhere I have always argued for a two-handed use of factor analysis and analysis of variance. I trace this to stu dent years in which I shuttled across a little plot of grass between the laboratory where Spearman was developing factor analysis and the Galton Laboratory where Fisher was shaping with equal brilliance the analysis of variance. Preface ix talk of deuterium is at that stage distracting and offensive pedantry. If the reader is not too aware of these transitions I am happy to have had some success in the art that conceals art; but the procedure of "sketching in" and then returning to more precise details may be mistaken for repetitiousness (though good education requires planned repetition with growth). It has also required more cross reference than usual, back and forth, so that the reader explicitly recognizes amendments. I have, where possible, followed a further principle, one that, other things being equal, the historical order of development of a science is the best teaching order. I followed this order quite closely in my first book on factor analysis, but I have adhered to it only loosely in this book for reasons connected with some peculiarities in the later growth of the subject, which I have no space to explain here. The book is divided into two parts and the teacher will have no dif ficulty in recognizing that the second part is significantly more difficult and involves a step from almost concrete exercises to abstract concep tions on the advancing fringe of mathematical psychology in factor anal ysis. Although the emphasis here is on the scientist's interests, so that mathematical derivations present in some other factor analytic texts are omitted, there has been no omission of the exact ultimate formulas by which a given mode of analysis or mathematical model is properly repre sented and conceived. If the reader is mathematically endowed, he will not lack the comprehensive statement he desires. If he is not so endowed he will get a verbal equivalent. Although reviewers of my 1952 book saw each, according to his specialty, various shortcomings, I was gratified to find that it was received as one of the clearly readable books they had encountered on factor analysis. I have attempted to live up to that here, though one result has been of some cost to the publisher, namely, that the book's higher ratio of explanations in reading to condensed formulas has made it consume more paper. A further instance of adjusting to learning interests is the way in which I have brought in matrix algebra concepts in a smooth sequence, introducing them as they are needed, rather than starting with a solid block chapter devoted entirely to that topic. One consequence of my plan, which teacher and student must recognize, is that the chapters must necessarily be read in the order given. However, I have explained to the reader at one or two chapter beginnings that he may choose to skip all or parts of the particular chapter if he is reading for a first general perspec tive. Nevertheless, at no stage can he jump ahead very far-except in the last four chapters which might be picked up in a freer order. The above must not be taken as any implicit criticism of the more purely mathematical presentations. Indeed, without the existence of these handsome and painstaking mathematical volumes (not to mention Psycho- x Preface metrika, the British Journal of Mathematical Psychology, the Journal of Mathematical Psychology, and Multivariate Behavioral Research) what I have attempted here would be impossible. In part, I have written this book as a signpost, directing the reader to them at appropriate points. In particular, I have referred the reader to more detailed developments in Gorsuch and Rummel, the scientific emphases in which dovetail more readily with these chapters, but also to the mathematical-statistical over views of Anderson, Harman, Horst, Lawley and Maxwell, Mulaik Van de Geer, and other well-known texts. On the other hand such short introduc tions as those of Child, Fruchter, Lawlis and Chatfield, and others men tioned above may function as introductions to the present work. As to the final "center of gravity" at which the book aims to leave the student or researcher finally well balanced, it is best described as that of a scientist in his own field. I have watched over decades several recur rent well-meaning attempts to place the teaching of mathematical statistics where it seems logically to belong-in the mathematics department. With the exception of a few advanced graduate students who ended their ca reers as mathematicians rather than as psychologists, these transfers of courses-equally in psychology, economics, and physiology-from the substantive department to the department of mathematics, were a fail ure.2 In the first place, psychology is a big enough subject in itself over 2 Since some may wish more documentation of my meaning here I would say that historically when mathematicians joined the development of factor analysis they wanted to direct it according to the development of their own abstract systems rather than according to what I have frequently contrasted here as a set of more complex and flexible scientific models. The latter are equally precise, and largely mathematical (though they demand other properties too, in an analogical basis). However, these models respond to what the sensitively inquiring psychologist sees as "a best fit," not to the logically possible permutations and combinations of principles which the mathematician sees as the next logical development. For ex ample, it is admittedly a simpler and cleaner job for the mathematician if he keeps unities instead of "guessed" communalities in the diagonal of the correlation matrix and if he keeps axes mutually orthogonal to rotation, whereas the scientific model has every indication of requiring something a bit more complex and even a bit messy. For some years, the mathematicians thus dragged the less perceptive psy chologists from factors to the authority of components. They also called psychol ogists to the apparent mathematical purity of orthogonal factors and it has taken much argument, by the present writer and others, on behalf of psychological models to draw the pack of researchers from an unreasoning pursuit of "mathematical prestige" to what psychological research indicated as a more apt model. On the one hand the pure mathematician's demands are a harsh intrusion, and on the other they sometimes invite a wild goose chase or irrelevant developments we do not need. For example, he may suggest that factor space be handled in Rieman nian rather than Euclidean geometry. We should thank him for providing this pos sibility, but many psychologists seem to need to be reminded that we do not have to adopt it, just to be "up-to-date" mathematically, if it proves irrelevant. As a neces- Preface xi which to stretch a student's interests, without his having to master a new discipline from the ground up. Except for a few utterly rare instances, even with the greatest attention in teaching to the relevance of math-stat to substantive issues, the student's interest will move only slowly, over months and years, to a real understanding of the need for mathematical models in science, and a real enjoyment of their intrinsic beauty. If psychological substantive research can recruit a few hundred such men, it will be fortunate; but every psychologist, because he is in a field of multiply determined behaviors, should grasp the general principles of factor analysis and the behavior specification equation. This book attempts a highly comprehensive survey in Part II of sary illustration, though I trust not invidious, I would mention the developments around "alpha factor analysis," made by mathematicians among psychologists, and valid as a rejuggling of the possible ways of doing a factor analysis, but scarcely sug gested by the needs of any psychological relations ever perceived. The juggler of models has a right to juggle, and perhaps our concern should be rather with the weakness of the average psychologist which leads him to jump on the latest band wagon with no perception of the direction in which it is going. As one contemplates a certain tour· de-force offered by a certain kind of mathematical statistician to his brother psychologist one is reminded of the question of Macaulay regarding the powerful intellect of Dr. Johnson, "How it chanced that a man who reasonned on his premises so ably, should assume his premises so foolishly, is one of the great mysteries of human nature." What we should like the gifted mathematical statistician to give us, in terms of helping us meet the most likely scientific model, can be illustrated by many urgent needs. After the initial breakthrough of MacDonald we need a thoroughly pro grammed nonlinear factor analysis, and we need a way of handling the reticular model instead of having to restrict to the strata model (p. 201, below). For twenty years we have called to mathematicians for a solution for oblique con factor rota tion; and for more theoretically insightful significance tests for oblique rotated factor loadings as well as the difference between an obtained and a hypothetically stated factor structure (see, however, Joreskog, p. 482). With all due gratitude for those things in which pure mathematical statisticians have turned aside to help us, the situation familiar to scientists remains: that generally we ask for a solution to one problem and get from the mathematician an answer to a different question, in which he has shifted the assumptions from those we must make. For example, we asked in the forties and fifties for a test of significance for the size of an oblique rotated factor but got an answer only for an unrotated factor, indeed, not even for a factor but for a principal component. We have no right to demand of mathematicians that they be supermen, but better cooperation from both sides in defining goals would have been fortunate. Failing to get responses to their problems, psychologists have in fact resorted to solutions for their methodological problems which may be approximate and often look relatively clumsy to the mathematician. Sometimes (as in those publications by the present writer) they have formulated the real problem but have had to answer it by brute Monte Carlo methods, in order to get on with their work with some assurance of knowing roughly where they are statistically. xii Preface advanced mathematical statistical techniques, so that the psychologist knows what is going on. But it invites him to look over the fence rather than to get over it, knowing that psychology is a vast enough field to re quire him on this side of the fence. However, its contrast to some other leading texts is not just in this restraint. It lies rather in the far greater space given to scientific models, to the judicious choice of procedures in relation to experiment, to factor interpretation, to relations that broaden psychometric concepts, such as scaling, validity, and reliability, to higher strata models, and to the whole strategy and tactics of the use of factor analysis in research. Finally, the book differs in venturing to convey, along with the explicit mathematical and statistical formulations, some values of a more intuitive kind arising from long and diverse experience in the field. In justification of this liberty it must be stated, at the possible risk of im modesty, that the Laboratory of Personality and Group Analysis at the University of Illinois is to have done factor analyses, in more diverse sub stantive areas (psychology, animal behavior, learning, socioeconomic trends, group dynamics, educational achievement, motivational states, and cultural history) and with more varied designs, than almost any laboratory in the world. Inevitably that brings to the recommendations and decisions certain perceptions and values not encompassed in the most thorough mathematical-statistical texts. With this statement of the book's design and intentions the teacher and student can best judge for themselves its role in courses. The writer believes that it will function as an attractive avenue to the more statistic ally detailed treatments in the books indicated. Part I can stand on its own feet as a craftsman's introduction to the basic concepts and processes of factor analysis. Part II leads out on a new level to the more complex statistical treatments which can be pursued as far as desired in the given directions and with particular textbook aids.3 Since the horizon of new 3 If undergraduate senior courses are concerned I would advocate making a one-semes- ter course from Part I (with associated illustrative examples and quizzes). If gradu ates, or if a class of highly selected undergraduates, then I believe it is practicable to cover the whole book in a semester. An alternative is to make Part I half of a first semester graduate course in general statistics, in which ANOV A takes the other half, and to keep Part II for a second-semester course specifically in factor analysis. But there is also the lone reader to consider, in research or applied work, whose statistical and general background is more mature, and this important individual has often been in my mind, especially in Part II. Indeed, my dialogue after the first five chapters is often with the seasoned researcher and philosopher of science. In order not to talk down to him, I have attempted in the first five chapters (to some degree in the rest of Part I) a palimpsest, in which the writing on the surface will be easily followed by the student, but which hopefully will not offend the specialist inasmuch as he sees writing between the lines which has implications of a more subtle kind. Such a reader can be left to his own devices, but almost cer tainly in Part II most readers will need the guidance and exegesis of a good teacher.

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