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Dr.A .EW.il der-Smith The ScientiAflitce rnative toN eo-Darwinian EvolutionaTryh eory: InformationSo urces & Structures TheS cientific Atlernative toN ee-Darwinian EvolutiTohneaorryy DrA.. E .W ilder-Smith TWFTP ublishers CostMae saC,a lifornia The ScientiAlfitce rnativet oN eo-DarwiniaEnv olutionary Theory © 1987A .E .W ilder-Smith Publisheidn collaboratwiiotnh ProU niversitea.tveR. o ggem, CH-3646. E inigeanm ThunerseeS,w itzerland TWIT PublishePrOs ,B ox8 000, CostaM esa,C alifom9i2a6 83 ISBN0 -936728-lB AllR ightsR eseroed No parto ft hipsu blicatmiaoyn b er eproducesdt.o red ina retriesvyes!t emo,r t ransmittienda nyf ormo rb y any means-electronic, mechanical,r ecpohrodtioncgo,p y, oro therwise-witthhoeup tr iopre rmissioonf TWIT Publishers. witht hee xceptioofnb rieefx cerpitnsm agazine articlaensd /orr eviews. "Nol ongeirnc ontacwti thf acotf a nyk indf.a itsht andnso wa ndf ore verp,r oudly inaccessitbotl hee a ttackofst hei nfidel" T.H . Huxley1 890Sc,i encea ndH ebrewT raditiWo.nH uxley'cso llecetsesda ysM,a cmillan, London1 902C.i tefdr omF ranciSsc haeffe"rE,s capfer omR eason·. "Undoubtedolnye,o ft hem ajorf actowrhsi chc ontributtote h ei mmensea ppeal oft heD arwiniafnr ameworikst hatw,i tahl ilt dse ficienctiheeDs a,r winimaond eli ss til! theo nlmyo delo fe volutieovne prr oposewdh ichi nvokewse ll-underspthoyosdi caanld naturaplr ocessaesst hec ausaalg encioefse volutioncahrayn geC.r eationtihseto ries invokfrea nklsyu pematurcaalu sest.h eLa marckianm odeli si ncompatiwbilteht he. modem understandionfgh ereditayn,d no caseh as everb eeno bservedo ft he inheritaonfca ec quircehda racterisatnidsc asl; tatiomnoadle losf e voluticoannn ever bes ubjetcota nys orotf e mpiriccaoln firmatiDoanrwi.n ism remains, thetrheeof nolr!e , trulsyc ientitfhieco ryo fe volutiIotnw .a st hel acokf a nyo bvioussc ientiaflitce rnative whichw aso neo fi tgsr eaatt tractiiontn hse n ineteenctehn turayn dh asr emaineodn t ofi tesn durinsgt rengtehvse sri nc1e8 59.R ejecDta rwinisma ndt heries i,n e ffectn,c scientific otfeh veoolruyt ion." MichaeDle nton, Evolutioan :The ory tn CrtsiBsurn,e tt BooksT,h e HutchinsoPnu blishing Group1, 7-2C1o nwayS treeLto,n donW lP 6 JD,1 985E,n gland. Int hef ollowipnagg esw e proposteh,e refotroea ,d vancteh efi rsttr ulsyc ientifH altematitvoDe a rwinisTmh.e t hesiasd vancehde rei nvolvtehset odawye luln derstoo, scienti"ffiacc tIo"rd evelopebdy Shannona nd Weaveri nt heidre velopmeon t 1 InformatThieoonr y.F acto"rI i"s l ackintgo talilnDy a rwiniaTnh eory. 1 See" MathematiocfCs o mmunicatioCnl"a,u dEe. S hannona nd W. WeaverTile, MathematicTileaolry ofC ommunicatioUnn.i versiotyfI llinPoriess sU.r bana/Chicago/ London1,9 71. ". .T.o thet hesiso fD arwiniaenv oluti.o.nh. a sb eena ddeda new cladistic antitheswihsi chs ayst hatth es earcfho ra ncestoirssa foole'rsr an.d." . Thompson K.1 9(8 1·)A R adicLoaol ka tF ish-TetraRpeodl ationshPipasl"e,o biol7o:1gy5, 3 1-56, p.1 53.Ci tefdr omM .D entonE,vo lutionA: Theoriyn C risisB,u rnettB ooks,L ondon,p .1 39. "Chancaen dd esiganr ea ntithetciocnacle ptasn.d t hed ecliinner eligiboeulsi ef canp robablbyea ttribumtoerde t ot hep ropagatiaonnda dvocacbyy t hei ntellectual ands cientciofmimcu nitoyft heD arwinivaenr sioofnev olutiotnh ant oa nyo thesri ngle factor." "Iwta sb ecausDea rwiniatnh eorbyr okmea n'sl inwki thG oda nds eth ima drift ina cosmosw ithouptu rposoer e ndt hati tsi mpacwta ss of undmaentalN.o other revolutiionnm odem times( witthh ep ossiblexec eptioonf t heC opernican)s o profoundalfyf ecttehdew aym en viewed themsealnvdet sh eiprl acien t heu niverse." MichaeDle ntonE,vo lutioAn :T heoriyn C risiBsu.rn ettB ooksLo,n don W.1.E,ng land1,9 85. pp.6 6-67. "Thed eclinoef a ctivfea itahm ong theM uslimi ntellectiusas lusr elays catastropahsii cst hed ecliinnet heC hristifaani tihnt heu niversiotfiE eusr opoer t he United StoaftA emse ricaTh.e Muslimi ntellectsutaiclllsli ntgot heo utwartdr appings oft heitrr aditiornealli giaonndw ilnlo tu ndera nyc ircumstanpceersm iatn yC hristian orb elievienra ltematirveel igitoonq su estiotnh eK oran.B utt heilri vifnagi t(ha s opposetdo f anaticihsams)t oa largexet ente vaporatjeuds ta se ffectiavse tlhye erstwhiClher istifaani tohfL ondono rN ewY ork.T hisd ecliinnet heM uslimf aitihs probabltyo b e attributteodt heD arwiniatnh eoryo fE volutiaonnd itsva rious outworkinagmso ngt hee ducatecdl assmeosr et hant oa nyo thesri nglef actor." ALD. professaotr H aceteppUen iversity, ATnkuarrkae,y . "Nos pecies bceac no nsideraendc estrtaoal n yo the.r ." . BeverlHya lstea"dH,a slteadD'esf encAeg ainsItr relevan.cN ya"t ure2,9 2:4 03-404, (1981). Tableo fC ontents Foreword. .................................... ......................................... Introducti.o.n. ........................................................ ..L..x.. ........ PART I ChapterI: PrinciploefsC reativity Some BasiCco nsiderati.o.n.s. .......................... .................................. The biologiOcragla nisamn d theM achineD.a vid ............. .......... .............. ...............2... . .. .............. .... Hume'sO bjections ApparenEtx ceptiotnosS ectioIn. ..... ................. ............ .... .......... . ..4.. . . Time, Creativaintdyt heE volutioofnM achine . .... .. .. .. .... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..6 .. .. .. .. .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Structure InfinitTiem e andi nfiniQtuea ntao fI nformation. InorganiMca tter. ........................... ........... . . .............. ..... ... ...... ...9. ... The HybridizatoifIo nnf ormatiwoint hM attearn d 10 itCso nnectiwoint ht heD efinitioofnt heT erm" Miracle" ChapterI I: Primary and SecondarIyn formatioann d its SourcesT.h e Origiann d Developmenotf t hev on Neumann Machinee xcludinCgo nciousness 15 TheoreticCaoln siderations 16 Actuaaln dP otentiIanlf ormation SomeF urtheDre taiolns t heA ctuaIln formation 22 requirfeodr t heS ynthesoifsv onN eumannM achines The vonN eumannM achinaen dt heP henomenoonf . . .... .. .. .. .. .. .. . . . . . . .2 3. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Consciousne.s s Accountifnogr t heO rigionf I nformati-oCno upled withD imensioThne ory ... ................ .......................... ......... . ..2...7. . ... ... PART ll ChapterI l:lM a terialiasnmd i tsR elationshtiopI nformation 35 MaterialiasnmdP ositivism Scientiafnidcd ialectMiactaelr ialism 37 Communisma nd positiviIsdteiocl ogy 39 The Effectivenoefs pso litiDciaall ectaincd of NaturaSle lectio..n.. ......... .......... ............ ..... .... ....... . . ......... ... ....... ... .. .4 2 ChapteIrV : Materialiisnmt he Lighto f Modem Physical Research Factorwsh ichh avel edt ot heA bdicatioofnS cientific . .. ... .. .. .. ... ... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 4.. 7.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Materiali.s m RecenDte velopmenInt sA stronomayn dt heV alidity ..................................... .4... ...7. . ....... ............... ofS cientiMfaitce rialism 50 LighRte fractiaonndG ravitation ChapteVr: E volutionaTryh eoryAb,i ogenesiasn dE volutive Speciation The IrrelevaanncdeI mpotencoefE volutionThaeryo ryi n . . . . . . .... .. .. ..5 9.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . . . . . . . . . MatterosfE xperimentAabli ogenes.i s .......6.4. ...... Attemptastt heS ynthesoifsL ifien v itro... ...................... .. 65 The ArthuKro rnberga ndt heSo l SpiegelmSaynn theses PARTID ChapteVIr :T heO rigionf t heG enetiCco de:a nA lternative View 73 The Naturoef t heG enetiCco de CarlS agan'asn do therVsi'e wso nE xtrTae rrestrial . . . 79 IntelligeintcsFe a,l sificaotrVi oenr ificat.i...o...n.. ........ ...... .... ....... ETI andi tVse rificatiitoCsno :n sequencfeosr D arwinian 83 Theory ...................................................... ...................................... ChapteVrI :IO rigiann dF unctioonf I nformatiionnAb iogenesis andE volutiSvpee ciation: AnacnideM notd em Wisdomo n theS ixD ayso fC reatioann dt heA geo ft heE arth InformatTihoen orasy theD ecisiFvaec toNre gatitnhge D arwinian ..... ..8.7. .. EvolutionCaornyc epbtu tS uggestian Sgc ientiAflitce rnativ. e . ................ . ...9..4.. .. The Alchemisatnsd Th eirI nvestigati.o...n...s.. ....... HindranceSst andinign thew ay of theD evelopment ofN ew Theorieosf A biogenesainsdo fE volutiSvpee ciation 96 Ancienatn dM odem WisdomC oncernintgh eS ixD ays . .......... . ... ............ ..... ............ .............. ....... . .... ........ 100 ofC reatio.n. ....... Mechanismosf T ransfoefrF acto"r!"a tt heH ybridization ..........1.0.3. ............. withM atteIrn B iologya ndT heiRre lationsthoi" pt " .. ... ...... .1.0.6. .. The Ageo ft heU niversteh,eSo larS ystema ndt heE arth. ChapterV II:I M aterialilsnm t heL ighto fa nA nalogya nds ome PracticEaxla mples Flatlaanndd I tEsn vironment 109 A Disquieting IEnvF elnatt land 110 Dr.A lbertuZsw eistelnVuiss·ia tn dV erdicotn tbeR ecent HappeningIsnF latlan.d... ...................................................... ........... 114 Dr.A lbertuZsw eistelnVuise·w so n tbeN aturoef Dimensionasn dR ealit. y. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.2 1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Some PurelyT heolgoicaClo nsequencoefsD r.Z weistelnus· Conjuratio.n...s.. .............................................................................. 123 Addendum...................................1.3.1. ..................................... ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I would liket ot hankt hes tafaft TW FT fori ts efficiehnetl pd urintgh ep roductioofnt hisb ook. Withoutth eihre lpt hep rojecwto uldn ever have materialized. MessrsJ.i mJ ohnsona ndP errSyh ermanh ave made manyh elpfsuulgg estiobnost h with rteogt ahretd e xt andt hev ariougsr aphsa nds etu p thec omputertso printth el atter. And lasbtu tn otl easmty. goodw ifBee atew,h o spent manyw eeksa nalyzianngd c orrecttihnegt exotf t he manuscripWti.t houhte rh elpl ittwloeu ldh aveb een achieviendt hesmea tters. Foreword Some two hundryeeda rsa got herrea geda fiercceo ntroverisny scienticfiircc lceosn cerningt hev alidiotyr n on-validoiftt hyep hlogiston theoroyfc ombustioPnr.i estlaetty h.a tti mea recognizaeudt horiotyn t his subjecwta.s m oreo rl espsr essuriendt loe aviEnngg lanfdo Arm ericjau st on accounotf h isa dherencteo t hep hlogiston thHeeo rreym.a ineidn Americuan tihli sd eatht heraen dn everc hangehdi so pinioanb outt he validiotyft het heoryH.e stuctko h isg unse vena fteLarv oisiearn do thers hads hownb yt heu seo ft heb alancteh aPtr iestlpehyl'osg istioftnh.e theory wasc orrecmtu.s th avea negatiwveei ght! Ith adl ongb eenk nownt hati fz incm etalw ash eatetdo r ednesist bumed witha brillifalnatm ew.h icho bservatiwaosni nterprebtye tdh e adherenotfst hep hlogisttohne ortyob ed uet ot hee scapoefp hlogisftroonm thez incd uringc ombustionTh.e resultiwnhgi ter esidulee fatf ter combustiwoans k nown asc aloxf z incA.c corditnogt hep hlogisttohne ory. zincca lwxa st henz inmci nusp hlogistThoant. i sm,e tallziicn= c caloxf z inc minusp hlogistwohni.c hl atteesrc apeddu rincgo mbustioPnh.l ogiston made.a si tw eret.h ef lam-eonec oulevde n "see"i te scapibnygw atching thef lamdeu rincgo mbustion! Furtheerx perimenbtosr eo utt hiisn terpretaotfti hoenf actsF!o rif. caloxf z inwca sh eatewdi tahs ubstanrciec ihn p hlogisttohne.ns omeo ft he phlogistiontn h apth logistroincs hu bstanwcaes t ransfertroet dh ec aloxf zinct oy ielzdi ncb acka gain.S o thep hlogiston interpretthaet ion of experimentfaalc twsa s" clinched". Phosphorussh ows the same behavior.F or phosphoruosn combustion loaslelse.g edlpyh.l ogistfoonr mintgh erebayn acid- phosphoroaucsi dT.h usp hosphorucso nsisotfsa cidp lusp hlogiston! Ther easlt atoef a ffaiwrass .o fc oursei.n vertbeyd t hep hlogiston interpretaotfci oomnb ustiexonp erimentTsh.e a llegleods osf p hlogiston durincgo mbustiwoans .i nf actth.e g aionf o xygen.I th adb eenk nowns ince thes ixteenctehn turyt hatth ec aloxf a metawla sa lwayhse avietrh ant he metailt seslhfo.w intgh ati.ft hep hlogisttohne oroyfc ombustiwoans t rue. thent hep hlogistaolnl egedelsyc apindgu rincgo mbustiomnu sth avea negatiwveei ghfto.r t hem etawla sl ighttehra nt hec alxW.h en phlogiston wasc ombinewdi tht hec altxo g ivteh em etalt.h el attweeri ghelde stsh an thec alxL!a voisiaenrd o therssh owedt hatt hea llegleods osf p hlogiston durincgo mbustiowna s.i nf acat gaino fo xygen and thatt hiso xygen producetdh ei ncreased weoiftg hhect a lx. Oxygenwa s theng enerataesda g asa ndd ulyw eighed. Neetdols easys its howeda h ealthpyo sitiwveei ghtth.u su tterly discrtehdewi htoilnbega sis oft hep hlogisttohne orwyh.i chh adh elds ways ol ongin t hes cientiwfoircl d ofe xperiment. ButP riestwlaesyj usats u tteraldya manta sw ast heL avoisipearr ty. He (Priestdlieeyda) s a na rdentth.o ugfhr ustrateemdb.i tterperdo tagonist oft hep hlogisttohne oroyfc ombustioHno.w evert.h ey oungegre neration begang radualtloyb e c onvincbeydt hef orcoef e :xperimeanntd b yt heu se oft heb alanceP.r iestlienya'bsi ltiot ys hahpies t heories accotroed vienrg advancinegx perimenftaaclt hsa da pparentilnyc apacitahtiestd h ought

The Scientific Alternative to Neo-Darwinian Evolutionary Theory Michael Denton , Evolution: a Theory tn Crtsis, Michael Denton, Evolution: A Theory in Crisis.
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