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The Science of the Total Environment 1992: Vol 123-124 Index PDF

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Author Index Albaigeés, J. 45 de Brabant, B. 17 Albanis, T.A. 481 De Marco, A. 233 Ali, M.A. 469 De Simone, C. 233 Alonso, J.L. 219 Dehon, Y. 17 Amoros, I. 219 Del Re, A.A.M. 531 Arfaioli, P. 101 Dios, C.G. 57 Dorfler, U. 377 Baez, M.E. 57 Dumontet, S. 261 Bak, E. 503 Barbachano, M. 249 Eklo, O.M. 411 Barcelo, D. 45 Eudeline, V. 459 Barriuso, E. 333 Benoit-Guyod, J.-L. 299, 291 Ferrer, J. 219 Bergamaschi, E. 531 Flores, M. 249 Boira, H. 219 Fournier, J.-C. 325 Bollag, J.-M. 205 Francioso, O. 503 Bosetto, M. 101 Froncek, B. 325 Botella, S. 219 Funari, E. 581 Bottoni, P. 581 Fusi, P. 101 Bounias, M. 195 Burns, R.G. 267 Gessa, C. 39 Businelli, M. 561 Giovinazzo, R. 279 Busto, M.D. 267 Gonzalez, J. 219 Gonzalez-Pradas, E. 541, 551 Campanella, L. 1 Grazia, B. 309 Cao, G. 377 Groen, K.P. 591 Capri, E. 531 Carlin, V. 161 Hermosin, M.C. 109 Carrasco, J.M. 219 Herrchen, M. 421 Celano, G. 77, 83, 361 Hormatallah, A. 325 Chaplain, V. 451 Ibanez, M.J. 219 Claudia, S. 309 Cocco, R. 1 Jamet, P. 459 Collu, T. 325 Copin, A. 17 Karageorgiev, D. 29 Cornejo, J. 109 Kettrup, A. 391 Crecchio, C. 93 Klein,.M. 421 Cremisini, c. 279 Klein, W. 421 Klopffer, W. 145 Daniele, D. 309 Kl6ppel, H. 421 606 AUTHOR INDEX Konstantinova, T. 29 Richter, O. 435 Koskinen, W. 333 Riise, G. 399 K6ogel-Knabner, I. 121 Riise, G. 411 Kordel, W. 421 Roldan, I. 109 Kruk, I. 195 Rossi, N. 503 Ruggiero, P. 93 Lagacherie, B. 345 Langenbach, T. 377 Sabater, C. 219 Leoni, V. 279 Sage, L. 291 Liégeois, E. 17 Salbu, B. 399 Liu, W. 39 Sammartino, M.P. 1 Lode, O. 411 Sanchez Rasero, S. 57 Lorenzo, R. 309 Scheunert, I. 377 Scheunert, I. 391 Mamouni, A. 171, 183 Schiavon, M. 171 Mansour, M. 45, 171, 183 Schlosserova, J. 491 Maqueda, C. 133 Schmitt, Ph. 171, 183 Merckx, R. 241 Schneider, P. 377, 391 Miano, T.M. 83 Schroll, R. 377 Miclaus, N. 361 Schwandt, H. 121 Mills, P. 451 Seigle-Murandi, F. 291, 299 Minard, R.D. 205 Senesi, N. 63, 83 Minero, C. 161 Sequi, P. 503 Mininni, R. 93 Simoncini, S. 361 Misonne, J.-F. 571 Smith, P.P. 267 Morillo, E. 133 Socias-Viciana, M. 541, 551 Muntalif, B. 291, 299 Sorenson, B. 333 Myers, C.J. 205 Soulas, G. 345 Stanjek, H. 121 Nandrup Pettersen, M. 411 Steiman, R. 291, 299 Neicheva, A. 29 NoOrtersheuser, P. 435 Tancho, A. 241 Tomassetti, M. 1 Paya-Pérez, A.B. 519 Totsche, K. 121 Pelizzetti, E. 161 Traub-Eberhard, U. 421 Pelusio, F. 519 Trevisan, M. 531 Perez-Cano, V. 551 Tzialla, C. 481 Perez-Mateos, M. 267 Perry, P. 17 Valverde-Garcia, A. 541, 551 Perucci, P. 261 Van Look, K. 241 Pestemer, W. 435 Vannini, C. 361 Piccolo, A. 77, 83, 233, 361 Villafranca-Sanchez, M. 541, 551 Pietramellara, G. 77 Vincenti, M. 161 Pietro, M.G. 309 Vink, J.P.M. 591 Pizzigallo, M.D.R. 93 Vischetti, C. 561 Pomonis, P.J. 481 Vitali, M. 279 Portetelle, D. 17 Vlassak, K. 241 Pramauro, E. 161 Puccetti, G. 279 Wauters, A. 571 Pusino, A. 39 Wilkins, R.M. 469 Pussemier, L. 571 Wybieralski, J. 513 Subject Index Abiotic degredation, environmental ex- pesticide residues, DDT, lindan, pesticide posure, hazard assessment, testing, 145 transport from soil, 491 Acifluorfen, pesticides, trifluralin, soil Atrazine, glyphosate, Vicia faba, soil, biomass, 261 micronuclei, 233 Actifluorfen, humic acids, adsorption Atrazine, photocatalysis, titanium dioxide, isotherms, 93 herbicide photodegradation, 161 Activated charcoals, herbicides, adsorption, Atrazine, soil, volatility, chamber, direct 101 measurement, 391 Activated sludge, pesticides, soil persistence, Atrazine, trifluralin, soil sorption coefficient biodegradation, 279 (K,), soil sorption constant (K,,), 503 Adsoprtion, humic substances, iron-humates, Availability, soil, adsorption, desorption, glyphosate, soil, herbicides, 77 pesticides, time, 333 Adsorption, activated charcoals, herbicides, Azotobacter, poly-B-hydroxybutyrate (PHB), 101 encystment phase, captan, 361 Adsorption, pesticide, heavy metal, mont- morillonite, 133 Bentazone, reversed-phase HPLC, soil, Adsorption, pesticide, soils, chlorpyrifos, 541 kaolinite, montmorillonite, peat, Adsorption, soil, desorption, pesticides, photodiode array detection, 57 availability, time, 333 Binding mechanisms, soil, humic substances, Adsorption, soil, diuron, fertilizer salts, 551 pesticides, humic acids, fulvic acids, 63 Adsorption isotherms, actifluorfen, humic Biodegradation, molinate, decontamination, acids, 93 processes, water, 219 Aldicarb, carbofuran, seed treatment, reduc- Biodegradation, pentachloronitrobenzene, tion of dose, 571 micromycetes, phenoloxidases, 299 Amitraz, chemiluminescence, singlet oxygen, Biodegradation, pentachlorophenol, penta- oxygen radicals, 195 chloronitrobenzene, micromycetes, Analysis, biosensor, pesticides, 1 phenoloxidases, 291 Analysis, pesticides, gas-liquid chromato- Biodegradation, pesticides, soil persistence, graphy, fruits, 29 activated sludge, 279 Analysis of water, gas chromatography, mass Biomass radioactive labelling, pesticide side spectrometry, organophosphorus analy- effects, microbial biomass, 325 sis, environment, 45 Biomineralization, terbutylazine, soil-plant Anomalous diffusion, random walk, leach- system, maize, volatilization, lysimeters, ing, pesticide sorption, porous media, 451 377 Aqueous solubility, sorption, soil, Biosensor, pesticides, analysis, 1 chloroaniline, octanol/water partition co- Bound residues, pesticides, humic substances, efficient (K,,), 519 chlorophenols, covalent binding, 205 Aqueous solutions, metoxuron, carbetamide, Butylate, mobility, Leaching Estimation and oxygen species, elimination, 183 Chemistry Model (LEACHM), simula- Atrazine, chloroorganic insecticides, tion model, 531 608 SUBJECT INDEX Captan, Azotobacter, poly-B-hydroxybuty- pionic acid, 2,2-dichloropropionic acid, rate (PHB), encystment phase, 361 267 Carabofuran, controlled release, lignin, soil DDT, chloroorganic insecticides, pesticide properties, 469 residues, lindan, atrazine, pesticide trans- Carbetamide, metoxuron, oxygen species, port from soil, 491 aqueous solutions, elimination, 183 Decontamination, molinate, processes, Carbofuran, aldicarb, seed treatment, reduc- water, biodegradation, 219 tion of dose, 571 Degradation, herbicide, molinate, micro- Carbofuran, monocrotophos, heat output, organisms, metabolism, 309 carbon and nitrogen mineralization, soil, Desorption, soil, adsorption, pesticides, Northern Thailand, 241 availability, time, 333 Carbon and nitrogen mineralization, car- Dichloroacetic acid, 2,2-dichloropropionate, bofuran, monocrotophos, heat output, Pseudomonas alcaligenes, dalapon, mono- soil, Northern Thailand, 241 chloroacetic acid, 2-monochloropropionic Chamber, atrazine, soil, volatility, direct acid, 2,2-dichloropropionic acid, 267 measurement, 391 Dichloroprop, mobility, soil-water system, Chemical movement, chlorsulfuron, leaching, octanol/water partitioning coefficient, 399 simulation, modelling, 561 1,3-Dichloropropene, mathematical descrip- Chemiluminescence, amitraz, singlet oxygen, tion, transformation in soil, temperature, oxygen radicals, 195 microbiological interspective competition, Chemodynamic parameters, leaching poten- population size and growth, 591 tial, groundwater contamination, pesti- 2,2-Dichloropropionate, Pseudomonas cides, 581 alcaligenes, dalapon, monochloroacetic Chloroaniline, sorption, soil, aqueous acid, dichloroacetic acid, 2-monochloro- solubility, octanol/water partition coeffic- propionic acid, 2,2-dichloropropionic ient (K,,), 519 acid, 267 Chloroorganic insecticides, pesticide 2,2-Dichloropropionic acid, 2,2-dichloropro- residues, DDT, lindan, atrazine, pesticide pionate, Pseudomonas alcaligenes, transport from soil, 491 dalapon, monochloroacetic acid, di- Chlorophenols, pesticides, humic substances, chloroacetic acid, 2-monochloropropionic bound residues, covalent binding, 205 acid, 267 Chlorpyrifos, pesticide, soils, adsorption, 541 2,4-Dichlorphenoxy acetic acid, fly ash, soil, Chlorsulfuron, leaching, simulation, modell- corn cultivation, persistence, 481 ing, chemical movement, 561 Dichlorprop, mobility, macropores, intact Controlled release, carabofuran, lignin, soil soil columns, lysimeter experiment, 411 properties, 469 Direct measurement, atrazine, soil, volatili- Corn cultivation, fly ash, soil, persistence, ty, chamber, 391 2,4-dichlorphenoxy acetic acid, 481 Diuron, herbicides, paraquat, Rhizobium, Covalent binding, pesticides, humic sub- nitrogen fixation, 249 stances, bound residues, chlorophenols, Diuron, soil, adsorption, fertilizer salts, 551 205 Crystallinity, quinmerac, synthetic iron Elimination, metoxuron, carbetamide, oxy- oxides, natural iron oxides, soils, organic gen species, aqueous solutions, 183 carbon content, 121 ELISA, isoproturon, monoclonal antibodies, soil, 17 2,4 D-degradation, radiorespirometry, Encystment phase, Azotobacter, poly-B- residues analysis, 345 hydroxybutyrate (PHB), captan, 361 Dalapon, 2,2-dichloropropionate, Pseudo- Environment, gas chromatography, mass monas alcaligenes, monochloroacetic acid, spectrometry, organophosphorus dichloroacetic acid, 2-monochloropro- analysis, analysis of water, 45 SUBJECT INDEX 609 Environmental exposure, hazard assessment, Herbicides, diuron, paraquat, Rhizobium, testing, abiotic degredation, 145 nitrogen fixation, 249 Herbicides, humic substances, iron-humates, Fertilizer salts, soil, adsorption, diuron, 551 glyphosate, soil, adsoprtion, 77 Field testing, soil and groundwater con- HPLC, residues, imazapur, soil, water, tamination potential, tiered testing pesticides, 39 scheme, lysimeter, model calculation, 421 Humic acid, infrared spectroscopy, fluores- Fluorescence spectroscopy, infrared spec- cence spectroscopy, glyphosate, soil, 83 troscopy, humic acid, glyphosate, soil, 83 Humic acids, actifluorfen, adsorption iso- Fly ash, soil, corn cultivation, persistence, therms, 93 2,4-dichlorphenoxy acetic acid, 481 Humic acids, soil, humic substances, Fruits, pesticides, analysis, gas-liquid pesticides, binding mechanisms, fulvic chromatography, 29 acids, 63 Fulvic acids, soil, humic substances, Humic substances, iron-humates, glyphosate, pesticides, binding mechanisms, humic soil, herbicides, adsoprtion, 77 acids, 63 Humic substances, pesticides, bound Fungicide, triazole, soil thin layer chroma- residues, chlorophenols, covalent binding, tography (TLC), mobility in soil, suc- 205 cessive leaching, 459 Humic substances, soil, pesticides, binding mechanisms, humic acids, fulvic acids, 63 Gas chromatography, mass spectrometry, organophosphorus analysis, environment, Imazapur, residues, HPLC, soil, water, analysis of water, 45 pesticides, 39 Gas-liquid chromatography, pesticides, Infrared spectroscopy, fluorescence spec- analysis, fruits, 29 troscopy, humic acid, glyphosate, soil, 83 Glyphosate, atrazine, Vicia faba, soil, Intact soil columns, dichlorprop, mobility, micronuclei, 233 macropores, lysimeter experiment, 411 Glyphosate, humic substances, iron-humates, Interaction, maleic hydrazide, herbicide, soil, herbicides, adsoprtion, 77 montmorillonites, 109 Glyphosate, infrared spectroscopy, fluores- Iron-humates, humic substances, glyphosate, cence spectroscopy, humic acid, soil, 83 soil, herbicides, adsoprtion, 77 Groundwater contamination, leaching poten- Isoproturon, ELISA, monoclonal antibodies, tial, pesticides, chemodynamic para- soil, 17 meters, 581 Isoxaben, photoproducts, photolysis, 171 Hazard assessment, environmental exposure, Kaolinite, reversed-phase HPLC, bentazone, testing, abiotic degredation, 145 soil, montmorillonite, peat, photodiode Heat output, carbofuran, monocrotophos, array detection, 57 carbon and nitrogen mineralization, soil, Kinetics, pesticides, modelling, parameters Northern Thailand, 241 estimation, 435 Heavy metal, adsorption, pesticide, mont- morillonite, 133 Leaching, chlorsulfuron, simulation, modell- Herbicide, maleic hydrazide, mont- ing, chemical movement, 561 morillonites, interaction, 109 Leaching, pesticides, residues, propoxur, 513 Herbicide, molinate, degradation, micro- Leaching, random walk, anomalous diffu- organisms, metabolism, 309 sion, pesticide sorption, porous media, Herbicide photodegradation, photocatalysis, 451 titanium dioxide, atrazine, 161 Leaching Estimation and Chemistry Model Herbicides, activated charcoals, adsorption, (LEACHM), mobility, butylate, simula- 101 tion model, 531 610 SUBJECT INDEX Leaching potential, groundwater contamina- Mobility, butylate, Leaching Estimation and tion, pesticides, chemodynamic para- Chemistry Model (LEACHM), simula- meters, 581 tion model, 531 Lignin, controlled release, carabofuran, soil Mobility, dichloroprop, soil-water system, properties, 469 octanol/water partitioning coefficient, 399 Lindan, chloroorganic insecticides, pesticide Mobility, dichlorprop, macropores, intact residues, DDT, atrazine, pesticide soil columns, lysimeter experiment, 411 transport from soil, 491 Mobility in soil, fungicide, triazole, soil thin Lysimeter, soil and groundwater contamina- layer chromatography (TLC), successive tion potential, tiered testing scheme, leaching, 459 model calculation, field testing, 421 Model calculation, soil and groundwater Lysimeter experiment, dichlorprop, mobility, contamination potential, tiered testing macropores, intact soil columns, 411 scheme, lysimeter, field testing, 421 Lysimeters, terbutylazine, soil-plant system, Modelling, chlorsulfuron, leaching, simula- maize, volatilization, biomineralization, tion, chemical movement, 561 377 Modelling, pesticides, kinetics, parameters estimation, 435 Macropores, dichlorprop, mobility, intact Molinate, decontamination, processes, water, soil columns, lysimeter experiment, 411 biodegradation, 219 Maize, terbutylazine, soil-plant system, vola- Molinate, herbicide, degradation, micro- tilization, biomineralization, lysimeters, organisms, metabolism, 309 377 Monochloroacetic acid, 2,2-dichloropro- Maleic hydrazide, herbicide, montmoril- pionate, Pseudomonas alcaligenes, dala- lonites, interaction, 109 pon, dichloroacetic acid, 2-monochloro- Mass spectrometry, gas chromatography, propionic acid, 2,2-dichloropropionic organophosphorus analysis, environment, acid, 267 analysis of water, 45 2-Monochloropropionic acid, 2,2-dichloro- Mathematical description, transformation in propionate, Pseudomonas alcaligenes, soil, 1,3-dichloropropene, temperature, dalapon, monochloroacetic acid, di- microbiological interspective competition, chloroacetic acid, 2,2-dichloropropionic population size and growth, 591 acid, 267 Metabolism, herbicide, molinate, degrada- Monoclonal antibodies, ELISA, isoproturon, tion, microorganisms, 309 soil, 17 Metoxuron, carbetamide, oxygen species, Monocrotophos, carbofuran, heat output, aqueous solutions, elimination, 183 carbon and nitrogen mineralization, soil, Microbial biomass, pesticide side effects, Northern Thailand, 241 biomass radioactive labelling, 325 Montmorillonite, adsorption, pesticide, Microbiological interspective competition, heavy metal, 133 mathematical description, transformation Montmorillonite, reversed-phase HPLC, in soil, 1,3-dichloropropene, temperature, bentazone, soil, kaolinite, peat, photo- population size and growth, 591 diode array detection, 57 Micromycetes, pentachloronitrobenzene, Montmorillonites, maleic hydrazide, herbi- biodegradation, phenoloxidases, 299 cide, interaction, 109 Micromycetes, pentachlorophenol, pen- tachloronitrobenzene, biodegradation, Natural iron oxides, quinmerac, synthetic phenoloxidases, 291 iron oxides, soils, organic carbon content, Micronuclei, atrazine, glyphosate, Vicia faba, crystallinity, 121 soil, 233 Nitrogen fixation, herbicides, diuron, para- Microorganisms, herbicide, molinate, quat, Rhizobium, 249 degradation, metabolism, 309 Northern Thailand, carbofuran, monocro- 611 SUBJECT INDEX tophos, heat output, carbon and nitrogen Pesticides, acifluorfen, trifluralin, soil mineralization, soil, 241 biomass, 261 Pesticides, analysis, gas-liquid chromato- Octanol/water partition coefficient (K,,), graphy, fruits, 29 sorption, soil, chloroaniline, aqueous Pesticides, biosensor, analysis, | solubility, 519 Pesticides, humic substances, bound residues, Octanol/water partitioning coefficient, chlorophenols, covalent binding, 205 dichloroprop, mobility, soil-water system, Pesticides, leaching potential, groundwater 399 contamination, chemodynamic para- Organic carbon content, quinmerac, syn- meters, 581 thetic iron oxides, natural iron oxides, Pesticides, modelling, kinetics, parameters soils, crystallinity, 121 estimation, 435 Organophosphorus analysis, gas chroma- Pesticides, residues, imazapur, HPLC, soil, tography, mass spectrometry, environ- water, 39 ment, analysis of water, 45 Pesticides, residues, leaching, propoxur, 513 Oxygen radicals, amitraz, chemilumines- Pesticides, soil, adsorption, desorption, cence, singlet oxygen, 195 availability, time, 333 Oxygen species, metoxuron, carbetamide, Pesticides, soil, humic substances, binding aqueous solutions, elimination, 183 mechanisms, humic acids, fulvic acids, 63 Parameters estimation, pesticides, modelling, Pesticides, soil persistence, biodegradation, kinetics, 435 activated sludge, 279 Paraquat, herbicides, diuron, Rhizobium, Phenoloxidases, pentachloronitrobenzene, nitrogen fixation, 249 micromycetes, biodegradation, 299 Peat, reversed-phase HPLC, bentazone, soil, Phenoloxidases, pentachlorophenol, pen- kaolinite, montmorillonite, photodiode tachloronitrobenzene, micromycetes, array detection, 57 biodegradation, 291 Pentachloronitrobenzene, micromycetes, Photocatalysis, titanium dioxide, atrazine, biodegradation, phenoloxidases, 299 herbicide photodegradation, 161 Pentachloronitrobenzene, pentachloro- Photodiode array detection, reversed-phase phenol, micromycetes, biodegradation, HPLC, bentazone, soil, kaolinite, mont- phenoloxidases, 291 morillonite, peat, 57 Pentachlorophenol, pentachloronitroben- Photolysis, isoxaben, photoproducts, 171 zene, micromycetes, biodegradation, Photoproducts, isoxaben, photolysis, 171 phenoloxidases, 291 Poly-B-hydroxybutyrate (PHB), Azotobacter, Persistence, fly ash, soil, corn cultivation, 2,4- encystment phase, captan, 361 dichlorphenoxy acetic acid, 481 Population size and growth, mathematical Pesticide, adsorption, heavy metal, mont- description, transformation in soil, 1,3- morillonite, 133 dichloropropene, temperature, micro- Pesticide, soils, adsorption, chlorpyrifos, 541 biological interspective competition, 591 Pesticide residues, chloroorganic insecticides, Porous media, random walk, anomalous dif- DDT, lindan, atrazine, pesticide transport fusion, leaching, pesticide sorption, 451 from soil, 491 Processes, molinate, decontamination, water, Pesticide side effects, microbial biomass, biodegradation, 219 biomass radioactive labelling, 325 Propoxur, pesticides, residues, leaching, 513 Pesticide sorption, random walk, anomalous Pseudomonas alcaligenes, 2,2-dichloro- diffusion, leaching, porous media, 451 propionate, dalapon, monochloroacetic Pesticide transport from soil, chloroorganic acid, dichloroacetic acid, 2-monochloro- insecticides, pesticide residues, DDT, lin- propionic acid, 2,2-dichloropropionic dan, atrazine, 491 acid, 267 612 SUBJECT INDEX Quinmerac, synthetic iron oxides, natural Soil, residues, imazapur, HPLC, water, iron oxides, soils, organic carbon content, pesticides, 39 crystallinity, 121 Soil, reversed-phase HPLC, bentazone, kaolinite, montmorillonite, peat, photo- Radiorespirometry, residues analysis, 2,4 D- diode array detection, 57 degradation, 345 Soil, sorption, chloroaniline, aqueous Random walk, anomalous diffusion, leach- solubility, octanol/water partition coeffic- ing, pesticide sorption, porous media, 451 ient (K,.), 519 Reduction of dose, aldicarb, carbofuran, seed Soil and groundwater contamination poten- treatment, 571 tial, tiered testing scheme, lysimeter, Residues, imazapur, HPLC, soil, water, model calculation, field testing, 421 pesticides, 39 Soil biomass, pesticides, acifluorfen, Residues, pesticides, leaching, propoxur, 513 trifluralin, 261 Residues analysis, radiorespirometry, 2,4 D- Soil persistence, pesticides, biodegradation, degradation, 345 activated sludge, 279 Reversed-phase HPLC, bentazone, soil, Soil properties, controlled release, carabo- kaolinite, montmorillonite, peat, photo- furan, lignin, 469 diode array detection, 57 Soil sorption coefficient (K,), atrazine, Rhizobium, herbicides, diuron, paraquat, trifluralin, soil sorption constant (K,,), nitrogen fixation, 249 503 Soil sorption constant (K,,), atrazine, tri- Seed treatment, aldicarb, carbofuran, reduc- fluralin, soil sorption coefficient (K,), tion of dose, 571 503 Simulation, chlorsulfuron, leaching, modell- Soil thin layer chromatography (TLC), ing, chemical movement, 561 fungicide, triazole, mobility in soil, suc- Simulation model, mobility, butylate, cessive leaching, 459 Leaching Estimation and Chemistry Soil-plant system, terbutylazine, maize, Model (LEACHM), 531 volatilization, biomineralization, lysi- Singlet oxygen, amitraz, chemiluminescence, meters, 377 oxygen radicals, 195 Soil-water system, dichloroprop, mobility, Soil, adsorption, desorption, pesticides, octanol/water partitioning coefficient, 399 availability, time, 333 Soils, pesticide, adsorption, chlorpyrifos, 541 Soil, adsorption, diuron, fertilizer salts, 551 Soils, quinmerac, synthetic iron oxides, Soil, atrazine, glyphosate, Vicia faba, micro- natural iron oxides, organic carbon con- nuclei, 233 tent, crystallinity, 121 Soil, atrazine, volatility, chamber, direct Sorption, soil, chloroaniline, aqueous measurement, 391 solubility, octanol/water partition coeffic- Soil, carbofuran, monocrotophos, heat out- ient (K,,),,519 put, carbon and nitrogen mineralization, Successive leaching, fungicide, triazole, soil Northern Thailand, 241 thin layer chromatography (TLC), mobil- Soil, ELISA, isoproturon, monoclonal anti- ity in soil, 459 bodies, 17 Synthetic iron oxides, quinmerac, natural Soil, fly ash, corn cultivation, persistence, iron oxides, soils, organic carbon content, 2,4-dichlorphenoxy acetic acid, 481 crystallinity, 121 Soil, humic substances, iron-humates, glyphosate, herbicides, adsoprtion, 77 Temperature, mathematical description, Soil, humic substances, pesticides, binding transformation in soil, 1,3-dichloropro- mechanisms, humic acids, fulvic acids, 63 pene, microbiological interspective com- Soil, infrared spectroscopy, fluorescence petition, population size and growth, 591 spectroscopy, humic acid, glyphosate, 83 Terbutylazine, soil-plant system, maize, 613 SUBJECT INDEX volatilization, biomineralization, Trifluralin, atrazine, soil sorption coefficient lysimeters, 377 (K,), soil sorption constant (K,,), 503 Testing, environmental exposure, hazard as- Trifluralin, pesticides, acifluorfen, soil sessment, abiotic degredation, 145 biomass, 261 Tiered testing scheme, soil and groundwater contamination potential, lysimeter, model Vicia faba, atrazine, glyphosate, soil, calculation, field testing, 421 micronuclei, 233 Time, soil, adsorption, desorption, pesticides, Volatility, atrazine, soil, chamber, direct availability, 333 measurement, 391 Titanium dioxide, photocatalysis, atrazine, Volatilization, terbutylazine, soil-plant herbicide photodegradation, 161 system, maize, biomineralization, Transformation in soil, mathematical lysimeters, 377 description, 1,3-dichloropropene, temper- ature, microbiological interspective com- petition, population size and growth, 591 Water, molinate, decontamination, pro- Triazole, fungicide, soil thin layer chroma- cesses, biodegradation, 219 tography (TLC), mobility in soil, suc- Water, residues, imazapur, HPLC, soil, cessive leaching, 459 pesticides, 39

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