Author Index Anderson, W. 281 Leonzio, C. 77 Bennett, L.W. 281 Margus, D. 211 Branica, M. 211 Martin, J.F. 281 Martinéic, D. 211 Calcinai, M. 157 Martinotti, W. 253 Camusso, M. 253 McHenery, J.G. 133 Ceccanti, B. 157 Costa, F. 157 Nakatsuka, H. 43 Neal, C. 1, 191 Davies, ILM. 57 Nwankwoala, A.U. Davies, ILM. 133 Didon-Lescot, J.-F. 191 Osibanjo, O. 179 Durand, P. 191 Pakkiyaretnam, T. El Hinshery, A.K. 51 Peerzada, N. 19 Peharec, a 2 Favarato, M. 29 Perazzolo, M. 29 Focardi, S. 77 Pettine, M. 253 Fossi, C. 77 Revich, B.A. 121 Garcia, C. 157 Robson, A. 1 Gobbo, S. 29 Rocco, P. 29 Guinea, M. 19 Rodger, G.K. 57, 133 Rosner, G. 231 Hernandez, T. 157 Ryan, P. 19 Hill, S. 1 Hétzl, H. 231 Satoh, H. 43 Hussain, T. 169 Shenber, M.A. 243 Skliros, S. 19 Ikeda, M. 43 Smith, C.J. 1 Jones, K.C. 85 Watanabe, T. 43 Wild, S.R. 85 Khan, I.U.H. 169 Winkler, R. 231 Khan, M.A. 169 Kumar, N.S. 51 Yamamoto, R. 43 Kwokal, Z. 211 Zatta, P. 29 Lelong, F. 191 Subject Index ICs, Chernobyl, resuspension, pyrolysis-gas chromatography, sewage stratospheric contribution, 231 sludge, 157 Acidification, hydrochemistry, Mediterra- Clam, heavy metals, oysters, water, sedi- nean, ecosystem, modelling, water- ment, Elcho Island, 19 quality, 191 Clostridium, marine pollution, sewage Air pollution, child health, environmental disposal, sediment, trace metals, 133 epidemiology, ecology of industrial Compost, city refuse, humic acids, cities, 121 pyrolysis-gas chromatography, sewage Alkalinity, conductivity, flow, catchment, sludge, 157 stream, hydrograph, | Conductivity, alkalinity, flow, catchment, Atomic absorption spectrophotometry, stream, hydrograph, 1 environmental pollution, blood, cad- mium, Lahore, population, 169 Dietary intake, cadmium, background level, Japanese, rice, 43 Background level, cadmium, dietary intake, Japanese, rice, 43 Ecology of industrial cities, air pollution, Biological indicators, Venetian lagoon, child health, environmental epidemi- biological monitoring, heavy metals, ology, 121 ecotoxicology, Mytilus, 29 Ecosystem, hydrochemistry, Méediterra- Biological monitoring, Venetian lagoon, nean, modelling, water-quality, acidifi- biological indicators, heavy metals, cation, 191 ecotoxicology, Mytilus, 29 Ecotoxicology, Venetian lagoon, biological Blood, environmental pollution, cadmium, indicators, biological monitoring, heavy Lahore, population, atomic absorption metals, Mytilus, 29 spectrophotometry, 169 Elcho Island, heavy metals, oysters, clam, water, sediment, 19 Cadmium, dietary intake, background Environmental epidemiology, air pollution, level, Japanese, rice, 43 child health, ecology of industrial cities, Cadmium, environmental pollution, blood, 121 Lahore, population, atomic absorption Environmental fate, sewage sludge, organic spectrophotometry, 169 compounds, 85 Catchment, conductivity, alkalinity, flow, Environmental pollution, blood, cadmium, stream, hydrograph, | Lahore, population, atomic absorption Catfish, molinate, off-flavor, 281 Chernobyl, '’Cs, resuspension, strato- spectrophotometry, 169 spheric contribution, 231 Child health, air pollution, environmental Flow, conductivity, alkalinity, catchment, epidemiology, ecology of industrial stream, hydrograph, | cities, 12i Freshwater, heavy metals (As, Cr), specia- City refuse, compost, humic acids, tion, transport, 253 295 Gas chromatography, organochlorine dicators, biological monitoring, heavy pesticides, surface waters, Nigeria, 179 metals, ecotoxicology, 29 Geochemical partitioning, marine pollu- tion, sewage disposal, sediment, trace Nigeria, organochlorine pesticides, surface metals, 57 waters, gas chromatography, 179 Heavy metals (As, Cr), freshwater, specia- Off-flavor, molinate, catfish, 281 tion, transport, 253 Organic compounds, sewage _ sludge, Heavy metals, oysters, clam, water, sedi- environmental fate, 85 ment, Elcho Island, 19 Organochlorine pesticides, surface waters, Heavy metals, stranded dolphins, selenium Nigeria, gas chromatography, 179 mercury interaction, 77 Oysters, heavy metals, clam, water, sedi- Heavy metals, Venetian lagoon, biological ment, Elcho Island, 19 indicators, biological monitoring, eco- toxicology, Mytilus, 29 Population, environmental pollution, Humic acids, city refuse, compost, blood, cadmium, Lahore, atomic ab- pyrolysis-gas chromatography, sewage sorption spectrophotometry, 169 sludge, 157 Pyrolysis-gas chromatography, city refuse, Hydrochemistry, Mediterranean, ecosystem, compost, humic acids, sewage sludge, modelling, water-quality, acidification, 157 191 Hydrograph, conductivity, alkalinity, flow, Radon, variation, washout, 243 catchment, stream, 1 Resuspension, ba ST Chernobyl, strato- spheric contribution, 231 Japanese, cadmium, dietary intake, Rice, cadmium, dietary intake, background background level, rice, 43 level, Japanese, 43 Lahore, environmental pollution, blood, Sea water, mussels, transplantation, trace cadmium, population, atomic absorp- metal concentration, 211 tion spectrophotometry, 169 Sediment, heavy metals, oysters, clam, Lead, settled dust, Tripoli, Libya, levels, 51 water, Elcho Island, 19 Levels, lead, settled dust, Tripoli, Libya, 51 Sediment, marine pollution, sewage Libya, lead, settled dust, Tripoli, levels, 51 disposal, trace metals, Clostridium, 133 Sediment, marine pollution, sewage Marine pollution, sewage disposal, sedi- disposal, trace metals, geochemical par- ment, trace metals, Clostridium, 133 titioning, 57 Marine pollution, sewage disposal, sedi- Selenium mercury interaction, stranded ment, trace metals, geochemical parti- dolphins, heavy metals, 77 tioning, 57 Settled dust, lead, Tripoli, Libya, levels, 51 Mediterranean, hydrochemistry, ecosystem, Sewage disposal, marine pollution, sedi- modellit.g, water-quality, acidification, ment, trace metals, Clostridium, 133 191 Sewage disposal, marine pollution, sedi- Modelling, hydrochemistry, Mediterranean, ment, trace metals, geochemical parti- ecosystem, water-quality, acidification, tioning, 57 191 Sewage sludge, city refuse, compost, humic Molinate, catfish, off-flavor, 281 acids, pyrolysis-gas chromatography, Mussels, sea water, transplantation, trace 157 metal concentration, 211 Sewage sludge, organic compounds, Mytilus, Venetian lagoon, biological in- environmental fate, 85 296 Speciation, freshwater, heavy metals (As, Transplantation, sea water, mussels, trace Cr), transport, 253 metal concentration, 211 Stranded dolphins, heavy metals, selenium Transport, freshwater, heavy metals (As, mercury interaction, 77 Cr), speciation, 253 Stratospheric contribution, '*’Cs, Cher- Tripoli, lead, settled dust, Libya, levels, 51 nobyl, resuspension, 231 Stream, conductivity, alkalinity, flow, Variation, radon, washout, 243 catchment, hydrograph, 1 Venetian lagoon, biological indicators, Surface waters, organochlorine pesticides, biological monitoring, heavy metals, Nigeria, gas chromatography, 179 ecotoxicology, Mytilus, 29 Trace metal concentration, sea water, Washout, radon, variation, 243 mussels, transplantation, 211 Water, heavy metals, oysters, clam, sedi- Trace metals, marine pollution, sewage ment, Elcho Island, 19 disposal, sediment, Clostridium, 133 Water-quality, hydrochemistry, Mediterra- Trace metals, marine pollution, sewage nean, ecosystem, modelling, acidifica- disposal, sediment, geochemical parti- tion, 191 tioning, 57 xX