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The Scepter of Egypt: A Background for the Study of the Egyptian Antiquities in The Metropolitan Museum of Art. Vol. 2, The Hyksos Period and the New Kingdom (1675–1080 B.C.) PDF

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Preview The Scepter of Egypt: A Background for the Study of the Egyptian Antiquities in The Metropolitan Museum of Art. Vol. 2, The Hyksos Period and the New Kingdom (1675–1080 B.C.)

A I. ns nniniii 1U1I th I J rV BTilg I [5 V V r \»5 ' r* (cid:127) ‘ * / \ V \ ,(cid:127) ft i \V 1-r\ 1 *%\ f\ W . >x [(/(«* >ÿTU„ 1 W }£% iH Vyi \ m -«< VV i P \ « w I 7A ’ -- L (cid:127)' >»!' mnm ilfl ij ii.fii: W h' i] THE SCEPTER OF EGYPT (cid:127) PART II i:-1 :.v ! : . < '*«»' a s.«J* _»C (cid:127)Tÿ. ? JS £**$* r*j e JA m & 5t.1ÿ >3 &- S* v t-'>.v1 s(cid:127)sV'lf='V S' 6 r-:; rf € & -- . ;-r. r * (cid:127)-:M; i* «a . } (cid:127) 5 . V . S» * The Scepter of Egypt A Background for the Study of the Egyptian Antiquities in The Metropolitan Museum of Art Part II: The Hyksos Period and the New Kingdom (1675-1080 B.C.) BY WILLIAM C. HAYES THE METROPOLITAN MUSEUM OF ART Distributed by HARRY N. ABRAMS,, INC. New York FRONTISPIECE KingAmun-hotpewearingtheBlueCrown Copyright,1959,byTheMetropolitanMuseumofArt Firstprinting, 1959;secondprinting, 1968; thirdprinting, 1978;fourthprinting(revised),1990 ISBN0-87099-580-4 ISBN0-87099-191-4(pbk) ISBN0-8109-3805-7(Abrams) LibraryofCongressCatalogueCardNo.52-7286 Setin10pointLinotypeBaskerville,withBauer Weiss for display FormatbyPeterOldenburg PrintedbyPlantinPress,NewYork Reprintedinoffsetby Meriden-StinehourPress,Lunenburg,VT On thejacketlcoverisshownoneoftheimportant additionsto the Museum’scollectionmadesubsequent toHayes’sstudy whichisre¬ issuedhere.Relief:ForeignersinaProcession.Dynasty18, Gift ofNorbert Schimmel,1985 (1985.328.13) Table of Contents TABLE OF CONTENTS V LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS viii CHRONOLOGICAL TABLE xiv I. The Hyksos Domination i. TheHyksos 3 2. TheThebans 8 3. TheArtsandCraftsofNorthernEgyptundertheHyksos 11 4. TheArtsandCraftsofUpperEgyptduringtheHyksosPeriod 14 5. ObjectsofUnknownProvenienceDatableto theHyksosPeriod 35 6. ThePan-GravePeopleandTheirPossessions 39 II. The Rise of the New Kingdom 1. A'h-moseIandQueenAfh-moseNefret-iry 42 2. Amun-hotpeIandHisFamily 46 3. OfficialsandOtherProminentCitizensoftheTime 56 4. ProductsoftheEarlyEighteenthDynastyAteliers 59 III. The Thutmoside Pharaohs.- Thut-moseI to Hat-shepsut 1. Thut-moseIandII 74 2. Hat-shepsut 82 3. Sen-ne-mut,HisFamily,andHisAssociates 106 IV. The Thutmoside Pharaohs: Thut-mose III and His Successors 1. Thut-moseIII,ForgerofEmpire 114 2. TheTreasureofThreeWivesofThut-moseIII 130 3. Amun-hotpeIIandThut-moseIV 140 vi THE SCEPTER OF EGYPT V. Private Works of Art and Craftsmanship Produced during the Thutmoside Period i. StatuesandStatuettes 156 2. TombReliefs,Paintings,Stelae,andVotivePlaques 163 3. OstrakawithPaintings,Drawings,andInscriptions 174 4. Jewelry 179 5. Clothing,Coiffure,andCosmetics 187 6. MusicalInstrumentsandGames 197 7. Housefurnishings 200 8. WeaponsandTools 21I 9. FuneraryEquipment 221 VI. The Reign of Amun-hotpe III 1. TheKingandHisMonuments 231 2. QueenTeyeandHerFamily 259 3. TheContemporariesofAmun-hotpeIIIandTheirPossessions 263 4. TheRiseoftheAten 279 VII. The rAmarneh Period andIts Aftermath 1. Akh-en-Aten 280 2. Semenkh-ku-Re'andMeryet-Aten 297 3. Tut-rankh-AtenBecomesTut-fankh-Amun 298 4. TheGod’sFatherAy 307 5. Hor-em-hebandtheRestoration 308 6. TheLateEighteenthDynastyinArtandCraftsmanship 310 VIII. The Nineteenth Dynasty 1. RamessesIandSethyI 326 2. Ramesses “theGreat” 334 3. ContemporariesofRamessesIIandTheirMonuments 346 4. Mery-en-PtahAvertsDisaster 352 5. TheEndoftheDynasty 355 IX. The Later Ramessides 1. TheRiseoftheTwentiethDynasty 364 2. TheLastGreatPharaohoftheNewKingdom 364 3. TheAspirationsofRamessesIV 370 4. DisintegrationunderRamessesV-X 373 5. Ramesses XIandtheEndoftheNewKingdom 377 X. The Art and Culture of the Ramesside Period 1. FigureSculpture 379 2. StelaeandOtherFormsofReliefSculpture 383 TABLE OF CONTENTS Vll 3. PaintingsandDrawings 387 4. OstrakawithInscriptions 393 5. Jewelry 394 6. Coiffure,Make-up,andGames 402 7. HouseholdFurnishings 405 8. TheProfessionsandCrafts 406 9. FuneraryArt 414 10. TheLiteratureoftheLaterNewKingdom 43i BIBLIOGRAPHY 437 INDEXES OF PROPER NAMES A. EgyptianandForeignKings 460 B. EgyptianandForeignPersonalNames 463 C. Divinities 466 D. GeographicandEthnicNames 468 GENERAL INDEX 474 SELECTIVE LIST OF APPROXIMATE DATES OF DYNASTIES AND RULERS OF THE PHARAONIC PERIOD 497 LIST OF ACCESSION NUMBERS AND CREDIT LINES 503 List of Illustrations FRONTISPIECE King Amun-hotpeIIIwearing the Blue Crown. Head of a quartzite statue from the great temple of Ptah at Memphis.H.13%in. FIGURE PAGE FIGURE PAGE I. Royal and official scarabs of the Hyksos 24. Limestone stela of the cult servant Ken- period 5 Amun,fromThebes 5° 2. Signet ringandalabaster vase fragment of 25. Baskets andduck case of Queen Afh-mose KingApopyI 6 Meryet-Amun,fromher tombatThebes 53 3. Fragmentarylimestonestelaandshrinewith 26. AqueenorprincessoftheearlyEighteenth thenamesofKingSobk-em-safII 10 Dynasty. Upper part of a statuette of in¬ 4. Decorated pottery jar of foreign type from duratedlimestone 55 elLisht "3 27. The Vizier Yuy, a large wooden statuette 5. PaintedlimestonetriadfromThebes 15 fromhistombatThebes 57 6. CrudefemalefiguresfromThebesandKop- 28. Small pottery vases from the tomb of the tos.Terracotta 17 VizierYuy 58 7. Painted limestone stela of Tetu and his 29. GlazedsteatiteshawabtyoftheChiefSteward family !9 Sen-yu 59 8. Cosmeticvesselsofalabaster andother fine 30. ThebrothersAmun-em-hebandHu-weben- stones 22 ef.Silver-copperalloyandwood 60 g. Musicalinstruments,includingthreeharps, 31. The lady Ta-weret, a limestone statuette alyre,andthesoundbox ofalute 24 fromwesternThebes 62 10. Underside of a game box overlaid with 32. Mirrorsofbronzeandcopperandcombsof ivory,fromThebes 25 hardwoodandivory.EarlyEighteenthDy¬ 11. Toypack donkeyofclay 26 nasty 63 12. Asmalltableandastool witharushseat 27 33. Two“shavingsets”fromThebanburialsof 13. RishicoffininscribedfortheHouseMistress theearlyEighteenthDynasty 64 Reri 13 34. Bronze and copper vessels from a Theban 14. Funeralscenes onthesidesofarishicoffin 31 tomboftheearlyEighteenthDynasty 65 15. Shawabty-fifrurts and coffins from western 35. Cosmetic vesselsfromThebantombsofthe Thebes 33 early Eighteenth Dynasty. Alabaster and 16. Genrefigureofawomaninredfaience 34 yellowlimestone 67 17. ScarabsandothersealsoftheHyksosperiod 36 36. WeaponsoftheearlyEighteenthDynasty 68 18. Pan-graveandNubianC-Grouppottery 39 37. CoffinofAfh-mose,sonoftheLadyNakhte, 1g. Animalhornsandfrontalbonesfromapan¬ from western Thebes. Early Eighteenth gravecemetery 4i Dynasty 69 20. King Afh-mose I, painted limestone relief 38. Collin of Afh-mose Ta-nedjem(et) from fromAbydos 43 western Thebes.EarlyEighteenthDynasty 7i 2i. Inscribedalabasterjar of Queen Afh-mose 39. Canopic jars ofKaty-nakhte from a tomb Nefret-iry 45 oftheearlyEighteenthDynastyatThebes 72 22. King Amun-hotpeI,a block of limestone 40. Sidesofadaggerhandlewiththenames of templerelief 47 KingThut-moseI 76 23. HeadofasandstoneOsiridestatueofKing 41. ScarabsofKingThut-moseIinglazedstea¬ Amun-hotpeIfromDeir elBahri 49 titeandfaience 77 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS ix FIGURE PAGE FIGURE PAGE 42. A modelheadrest and two small standsin 62. KingThut-moseIII,a colossalredgranite blue faience from the tomb of the Princess statuefromMedamud 120 Arh-moseTu-meri-sy 79 63. KingThut-moseIIIasasphinx.Quartzite 121 43. Alabaster ointment jars and a multiple 64. Small head of a Thutmoside pharaoh, in kohl-tubeinscribedwiththenameofQueen graybasalt 122 Hat-shepsut 80 65. Glazedsteatitecosmeticdishwiththename 44. Wooden door panel from the mortuary ofThut-moseIII 123 templeofKingThut-moseI 82 66. Scarabsandother sealsofKingThut-mose 45. ModelofthetempleofHat-shepsutatDeir III elBahri(restoredat ascaleof1:100) 83 67. DoorjambfromthetomboftheChiefStew¬ 46. Reconstructionofafoundationdepositfrom ardofAmun,Ro-au.Limestone 128 thetempleofQueenHat-shepsutatDeirel 68. DoubleshawabtyoftheroyalarchitectBeny- Bahri 84 meryet,andhismother.Serpentine 130 47. Alabaster ointment jars,magicalemblems, 69. Inlaid goldheaddress of one ofThut-mose andmodeltoolsfromfoundationdepositsof Ill’swives.Itismountedonacastofalate Hat-shepsut 85 EighteenthDynastyheadandamodernwig 132 48. Scarabs andcowroids from the foundation 70. Gold circlet with gazelle heads, and other deposits ofHat-shepsut’s templeatDeir el items ofjewelry belongingto a minor wife Bahri 87 ofThut-moseIII 133 49. Hat-shepsut represented as Osiris: parts of 71. Broad collar made up of gold and inlaid two painted limestone statues from the elements from the tomb of three wives of uppermost porch of her temple at Deir el Thut-moseIII >34 Bahri 9° 72. Beadarmletofgoldandsemipreciousstones 50. Hat-shepsut as Osiris: two heads from mountingcat figures ofgoldandcarnelian >35 paintedlimestone statues whichoncestood in niches in the uppermost court of the 73. Girdlesofgoldandsemipreciousstonesonce queen’stempleatDeirelBahri 92-93 wornbythreewivesofKingThut-moseIII 136 51. Colossalred granite sphinx ofHat-shepsut 74. Goldfunerarytrappingsandgold-mounted fromher templeatDeirelBahri 94 heart scarab fromthemummy ofa wifeof KingThut-moseIII 138 52. ColossalstatueofHat-shepsutinredgranite fromher templeatDeirelBahri 95 75. Silvermirrorwithgold-platedhandle >39 53. RedgranitecolossiofHat-shepsutfromthe 76. Serpentine unguent jar with the names of uppermostcourtofherDeirelBahritemple 96 Thut-moseIII 140 54. Hat-shepsut,aninduratedlimestonestatue, 77. TablewareofthreewivesofKingThut-mose probably from her funerary chapel in the III.Goldandsilverandgold-mountedglass DeirelBahritemple 98 andalabaster 141 55. Hat-shepsut.Headandshouldersofaseated 78. SandstonesphinxofKingAmun-hotpeII 142 statueofredgranite 100-01 79. Statuette of Amun-hotpe II wearing the 56. CartoucheandprofileheadofHat-shepsut DoubleCrown >43 represented as a sphinx on a fragmentary 80. KingAmun-hotpeII(?)wearingthekheper- limestonestatuebase 102 esh,orBlueCrown.Porphyriticdiorite '45 57. The Steward Sen-ne-mut offeringa votive 81. Shauiabty-figureofKingThut-moseIV.Blue sistrum to the goddess Mut. Statuette in faience 148 blackporphyriticdiorite 106 82. Symbol of “life” in blue faience from the 58. Portraits ofSen-ne-mut.Twotrialsketches tombofKingThut-moseIV 149 inblackink ona flakeoflimestone 109 83. Vasesandotherobjectsinbluefaienceand 59. WhiphandleofSen-ne-mut’sSkipper,Neb- glass,fromthetombofThut-moseIV iry.Hardwood 112 84. Carved wooden panel from the side of a 60. KingThut-moseIII.Fragmentoflimestone chairofKingThut-moseIV '52-53 relieffromwesternThebes 118 85. Partofawallpaintingfromthetombofthe 61. Limestone block from a temple of Thut- ChancellorSobk-hotpeatThebes.Tempera moseIIIat Abydos "9 onmudplaster '54

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