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The SANTO 2006 Global Biodiversity Survey: an attempt to reconcile the pace of taxonomy and conservation Philippe BOUCHET Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle, Département Systématique et Évolution, case postale 51, 57 rue Cuvier, F-75231 Paris cedex 05 (France) [email protected] Hervé LE GUYADER UMR 7138 “Systématique, Adaptation, Évolution”, Université Pierre & Marie Curie, 7 quai Saint Bernard, F-75252 Paris cedex 05 (France) Olivier PASCAL Pro-Natura International, 15 avenue de Ségur, F-75007 Paris (France) Bouchet P., Le Guyader H. & Pascal O. 2009. — The SANTO 2006 Global Biodiversity Survey: an attempt to reconcile the pace of taxonomy and conservation. Zoosystema 31 (3) : 401-406. When the description of the gecko Lepidodactylus pace of academic research with that of environmental buleli was published in October 2008, one of the decision-making. journalists that reported the discovery in Vanuatu Historically, the time-proven approach to docu- entitled his press release “Better later than never”. menting biodiversity – and certainly the most famil- Yet, less than two calendar years had elapsed be- iar to the readers of this journal – is undoubtedly tween the collecting of suspect eggs in the forests of that of taxonomical inventories. Taxonomists travel Penaoru, their rearing in captivity by reptile buff s, the world to discover species, document where they the recognition of a new species and its description live, name them and establish their classifi cation. To by Ivan Ineich, and fi nally its publication in the a taxonomist, “every species counts”. Th ey return taxonomy journal Zootaxa (Ineich 2008). To an to their “home” institution with specimens of taxa academic research scientist, this was a remarkably that have attracted their attention for one reason swift sequence of events. To a lay person, this is an or another (suspected new species, rare or seldom agonizingly long period of time. We live in an age seen species, population with unusual variation, of immediacy, and the journalist’s “Better later than etc.). After two and half centuries of such explora- never” epitomizes the diffi culty in reconciling the tion, taxonomists have successfully documented ZOOSYSTEMA • 2009 • 31 (3) © Publications Scientifi ques du Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle, Paris. www.zoosystema.com 401 Bouchet P. et al. was rich in terrestrial endem- Forests, mountains and rivers Karst Hokua ics. Th e quest to delineate the fi ner details of this big picture Wunpuko continues to this day, and the crossing SANTO 2006 Global Biodi- versity Survey (Bouchet et al. Penaoru Peavot Loren 2008) was part of this long Lonepre tradition. But we now live in an Lori age of environmental anxiety, Tasmate Matantas and taxonomists are not good Fapon Butmas at delivering in a timely fashion Sarabo Tabwemasana facts and data that are mean- ingful for nature management Funafus Aoré and conservation. Taxonomists are obsessed with species and Malo their names, and they consider their work “done” only when Fallows and aliens Marine the last specimen of the last sample has been bestowed with Big Bay a species identifi cation. As a Mavea result, it takes years – many years – for taxonomists to de- Aésa Matantas liver their results: this time lag is part of what has been called Vanuatu Maritime College Butmas the “taxonomic impediment” (see, e.g., Evenhuis 2007, but Laruegaanville Aoré see also Flowers 2007). Ten years, even fi ve years, is not a Malo time frame that fares well in our age of immediacy: managers, funding bodies, decision mak- ers, like to have “immediate” results. Th ese limitations of Location on Espiritu Santo of the study sites for each of the four themes that structured the taxonomical work have paved SANTO 2006 Global Biodiversity Survey. Forests, mountains and rivers: thick stipples, intensive sampling (Penaoru area); thin stipples, less intensive sampling; ★, scattered the way for a new approach to sampling. Karst: ●, dry caves; ○, caves with aquifer. Fallows and aliens: a very disturbed biodiversity research and moni- site (Luganville area), a site less intensively transformed (Matantas) and a low pressure toring, i.e. biodiversity assess- site (Butmas); as background, the map shows the population density (1988 census, population of Luganville not shown), tracks and airfi elds. Marine: ●, dive and intertidal ments. Conservationists need sites; segments, trawl or dredge hauls. “immediate” science-based facts to inspire decisions and policy around 1.8 million species, and continue to de- on land and sea use and management. But con- scribe new species at the pace of 16 000 per year. servationists are daunted by the magnitude of the By the end of the 19th century, the big picture biodiversity they want to highlight, promote, and of biogeographical realms was already clear: the conserve. Th e “taxonomic impediment” is real. As “Southern Seas” formed a single biogeographical a consequence, biodiversity assessments focus on a marine province – part of the vast Indo-West Pa- few selected taxa for which there is the knowledge cifi c region –, while each island or island group and work force to identify them on the spot: birds 402 ZOOSYSTEMA • 2009 • 31 (3) Th e SANTO 2006 Global Biodiversity Survey Insect trapping using intercept fl ight traps (top) and scuba diver collecting fi sh in deep reefs “twilight zone” (bottom) during SANTO 2006 Global Biodiversity Survey. Photos: Xavier Desmier. ZOOSYSTEMA • 2009 • 31 (3) 403 Bouchet P. et al. and mammals, trees, reef corals and fi shes, and, at requires no explanation. With the publication of best, a handful of charismatic invertebrates such the paper by Richard Pyle, John Earle and Brian as butterfl ies and dung beetles. Conservation In- Greene describing new species of damselfi shes from ternational, the infl uent Washington-based Non deep coral reefs of the Pacifi c Ocean, the 1st of Governmental Organization, has coined (and January 2008 was a special day in the development trademarked!) the term Rapid Biological Assessment of “cybertaxonomy”, a modern form of publishing for this approach. Typically, conservationists leave and disseminating the results of taxonomy (Pyle et the fi eld with “data” and species lists for selected al. 2008). Th is was the fi rst work to embed links taxa, and (very) marginally with specimens. On a to a whole new generation of databases: Zoo- global scale, the Rapid Assessment approach has Bank (http://www.zoobank.org), Barcode of Life been successful in highlighting areas of conserva- Database (BOLD, http://www.boldsystems.org), tion interest, in raising and disseminating envi- MorphBank (http://www.m orphbank.net) and ronmental awareness, and in bringing together more, and it is not insignifi cant that it contained the worlds of public agencies (the World Bank, the descriptions of two new species from Santo, USAID, etc.), private funding (corporate and Chromis brevirostris and C. earina. In fact, at the foundations) and public opinion. But Vanuatu time of this writing, we can be satisfi ed that a small does not have any of the charismatic vertebrates menagerie of new species from Santo has already that, elsewhere, are the fl agships of conservation been described, including also a millipede (Golo- (e.g., primates, cats, or even crocodiles), and this vatch et al. 2008), a crab (Ng & Naruse 2007), may be the reason why none of the major inter- and several marine snails (Kantor et al. 2008; Ter- national NGOs are operating in the country. Yet, ryn & Holford 2008). serious science-based conservation in the South For such species, and those described in the Pacifi c cannot aff ord to ignore, e.g., the snails, the present volume of the journal Zoosystema, the time weevils or the geckos, all of which have astonish- lag between collection and description of new spe- ingly high levels of single-island or island-group cies has been successfully reduced. And this is the endemism, and are threatened by loss of habitat half-full glass. But these new species represent only and the spread of aliens. a fraction of the new species from Santo awaiting It is precisely this gap between taxonomy and formal identifi cation and description. And this is conservation that the SANTO expedition has at- the half-empty (or much less!) glass. For instance, tempted to bridge, and reconciling the pace of Paolo Albano has segregated to morphospecies the two disciplines has not proven to be straight- the collection of Triphoridae, a family of sinis- forward. However, well before the present issue tral marine microgastropods, collected during the of Zoosystema was published, descriptions of new expedition. No less than 23 238 specimens were species from Santo started to appear in less than six sampled, representing 259 species, of which 85 are months after the expedition: Roland Gerstmeier represented by molecular samples. To place these and Jürgen Schmidl (Gerstmeier & Schmidl 2007) fi gures in perspective, it should be recalled that very appropriately named the fi rst “SANTO 2006 the whole of European seas have only 19 species, new species” after the island of Espiritu Santo it- and the whole of Japan – from the Kuriles in the self, the cleriid beetle Omadius santo. Th e “spirit North to tropical Ryukyus in the South – has only of the place” also haunted Damia Jaume and Eric 109. Given the current chaos in triphorid system- Q ueinnec when they named a new freshwater iso- atics, it might take a decade, or more, to actually pod Exosphaeroides quirosi after Pedro Fernandez de bridge the gap between these 259 morphospecies Quirós [also spelled Queiros], the fi rst European and named entities. However names are essential to reach Espiritu Santo in 1606, exactly 400 years to communicate about properties and attributes before the SANTO 2006 expedition (Jaume & of species (Th ompson 1997), and there is justifi - Queinnec 2007). Th e specifi c epithet of the mayfl y able concern for the gap between discovering and Caenis vanuatensis Malzacher & Staniczek, 2007, documenting the diversity of the world and backing 404 ZOOSYSTEMA • 2009 • 31 (3) Th e SANTO 2006 Global Biodiversity Survey Collection of freshwater animals in a small creek during SANTO 2006 Global Biodiversity Survey. Photo: Xavier Desmier. this exercise with sound nomenclature (Bouchet & in the forthcoming volume Th e Natural History Strong in press). of Santo (Bouchet et al. in press). We are however Th e SANTO 2006 Global Biodiversity Survey especially grateful to Russell Nari and Maxime did not “solve” the taxonomic impediment. It was Korman Carlot, at the Vanuatu Ministry of Lands, to perhaps only moderately successful in bridging Joel Path, at the Province of Sanma, and to Bernard the mentality gap between academic biodiversity Sexe, at the French Embassy, for their support exploration and operational conservation. But it throughout the project; to the directors and staff did attempt to reconcile the pace of taxonomical of Vanuatu Agricultural Research and Technical research and conservation action, and it succeeded Center (VARTC) and Vanuatu Maritime College spectacularly in communicating with the general (VMC), the custom chiefs and communities from public the exhilaration of exploration and discovery, Aoré, Butmas, Funafus, Malo, Natawa, Peavot, and this in a Pacifi c island nation without primates, Penaoru, Tasmate, Vathe, Wunpoku and many cats or crocodiles. other villages, who hosted the expedition scientists with a delightful blend of patience, unselfi shness and amused curiosity. Acknowledgements An expedition such as SANTO 2006 was only made Philippe Bouchet, possible because of the support of many organisa- Hervé Le Guyader, tions, institutions and persons, too numerous to Olivier Pascal be listed here, but which will be given full credit Directors, SANTO 2006 Global Biodiversity Survey ZOOSYSTEMA • 2009 • 31 (3) 405 Bouchet P. et al. REFERENCES INEICH I. 2008. — A new arboreal Lepidodactylus (Reptilia: Gekkonidae) from Espiritu Santo Island, Vanuatu: BOUCHET P. & STRONG E. in press. — Historical name- from egg to holotype. Zootaxa 1918: 26-38. bearing types in marine molluscs: an impediment to JAUME D. & QUEINNEC E. 2007. — A new species of biodiversity studies?, in POLASZEK A. (ed.), Systema freshwater isopod (Sphaeromatidea: Sphaeromatidae) Naturae 250. Taylor & Francis, London. from an inland karstic stream on Espiritu Santo BOUCHET P., LE GUYADER H. & PASCAL O. 2008. — Island, Vanuatu, southwestern Pacifi c. Zootaxa 1653: Des voyages de Cook à l’expédition Santo 2006 : un 41-55. renouveau des explorations naturalistes des îles du KANTOR Y., PUILLANDRE N., OLIVERA B. & BOUCHET P. Pacifi que. Journal de la Société des Océanistes 126-127: 2008. — Morphological proxies for taxonomic decision 167-185. in turrids (Mollusca, Neogastropoda): a test of the BOUCHET P., LE GUYADER H. & PASCAL O. (eds) in value of shell and radula characters using molecular press. — The Natural History of Santo. Patrimoines data. Zoological Science 25: 1156-1170. Naturels. MALZACHER P. & STANICZEK A. 2007. — Caenis vanu- EVENHUIS N. L. 2007. — Helping solve the “other” atensis, a new species of mayfl ies (Ephemeroptera: taxonomic impediment: completing the Eight Steps to Caenidae) from Vanuatu. Aquatic Insects 29 (4): Total Enlightenment and Taxonomic Nirvana. Zootaxa 285-295. 1407: 3-12. NG P. K. L. & NARUSE T. 2007. — Liagore pulchella, a FLOWERS R. W. 2007. — Comments on “Helping solve the new species of xanthid crab (Crustacea: Decapoda: ‘other’ taxonomic impediment: completing the Eight Brachyura) from Vanuatu. Zootaxa 1665: 53-60. Steps to Total Enlightenment and Taxonomic Nirvana” PYLE R. L., EARLE J. L. & GREENE B. D. 2008. — Five new by Evenhuis (2007). Zootaxa 1494: 67-68. species of the damselfi sh genus Chromis (Perciformes: GERSTMEIER R. & SCHMIDL J. 2007. — Omadius santo Labroidei: Pomacentridae) from deep coral reefs in the sp. nov. from Espiritu Santo, Vanuatu (Coleoptera, tropical western Pacifi c. Zootaxa 1671: 3-31. Cleridae, Clerinae). Entomologische Zeitschrift, Stuttgart TERRYN Y. & HOLFORD M. 2008. — Th e Terebridae of 117 (2): 85-87. Vanuatu with a revision of the genus Granuliterebra GOLOVATCH S., GEOFFROY J.-J., MAURIÈS J.-P. & VANDEN- Oyama 1961. Visaya Supplement 3: 1-96. SPIEGEL D. 2008. — Th e fi rst, new species of the THOMPSON F. C. 1997. — Names: the keys to biodi- millipede family Pyrgodesmidae to be recorded in versity, in REAKA-KUDLA M. L., WILSON D. E. & Vanuatu, Melanesia, southwestern Pacifi c (Diplopoda: WILSON E. O. (eds), Biodiversity II. Joseph Henry Polydesmida). Arthropoda Selecta 17 (3-4): 145-151. Press, Washington, DC: 199-211. 406 ZOOSYSTEMA • 2009 • 31 (3)

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