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The Sampling Theorem and Coherent State Systems in Quantum Mechanics Arvind ∗ Department of Physics, Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Chennai 600 036, India S. Chaturvedi † School of Physics, University of Hyderabad, Hyderabad 500 046, India N. Mukunda ‡ Centre for High Energy Physics, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore 560 012, India R.Simon § The Institute of Mathematical Sciences, C. I. T. Campus, Chennai 600 113, India 6 The well known Poisson Summation Formula is analysed from the perspective of the coherent 0 statesystemsassociatedwiththeHeisenberg–Weylgroup. Inparticular,itisshownthatthePoisson 0 summation formula may be viewed abstractly as a relation between two sets of bases (Zak bases) 2 arising as simultaneous eigenvectors of two commuting unitary operators in which geometric phase n playsakeyrole. TheZakbasesareshowntobeinterpretableasgeneralised coherentstatesystems a of the Heisenberg–Weyl group and this, in turn, prompts analysis of the sampling theorem (an J important and useful consequence of the Poisson Summation Formula) and its extension from a 0 coherent state point of view leading to interesting results on properties of von Neumann and finer 1 lattices based on standard and generalised coherent state systems. 1 v 9 5 0 1 0 6 0 / h p - t n a u q : v i X r a ∗email:[email protected] †e-mail: [email protected] ‡email: [email protected] §email: [email protected] 1 I. INTRODUCTION It is well known that the Sampling Theorem (ST) for band limited signals [1], of fundamental importance in communication theory, arises from the properties of the Fourier transform operation on the real line, and the related Poisson Summation Formula. It is also well known that the Heisenberg-Weyl (H-W) group [2], which is basic for nonrelationistic quantum kinematics, is intimately related to the same Fourier transformation. This is clear from the description of particle momentum in wave mechanics, and in the position-momentum uncertainty principle. As will become evident, it is possible to derive the Poisson Summation Formula in a particularly elegant manner from the representation theory of the H-W group. Manyapplicationsofthisgroupusetheremarkablepropertiesoftheso-called‘coherentstates’originallydiscovered by Schr¨odinger [3], and extensively used in quantum optics in particular [4]. The theory of these and other systems of coherent states, called ‘generalized coherent states’, has been put on a comprehensive footing, and the extension to such systems associated with general Lie groups has been carried out [5]. In the process it has been realised that even for a givenLie group, such as the H-W group, one can construct many different systems of generalisedcoherent states, sharingsome features dictated by the structure of the group,but differing fromone anotherin certaindetails. These remarks suggest that the H-W group functions as a unifying element or as a common connecting thread linking various ideas and concepts, each of which figuratively flows out of the group and its representations in a different direction - Poisson Summation Formula, Sampling Theorem, specific families of generalised coherent states and, as one finds, even certain instances of the recently much studied geometric phase [6]. There is yet another sense in which the usual ST and the standard coherent states share some common features. There are certain discrete subsetsofthecoherentstates,namelytheso-calledvonNeumannlatticeofthesestatesandfinerlattices,whichenjoy the property of ‘totality’ or (over) completeness in the relevant Hilbert space: any vector in this space is in principle fully determined once one knows its inner products with all the vectors in the lattice [7]. Evidently this too is in a sense a sampling theorem. These lattices of states and some generalisations have been studied extensively some time ago, developing in the process simpler proofs of totality, analysis of conditions leading to orthonormality etc [8]. It wouldseemtobeofconsiderableinteresttoexpresstheusualSTinsuchawaythatacomparisonwiththeproperties of lattices of coherent states, standard or generalised, could be easily carried out. In this work we attempt to forge a certain sense of unity among these various concepts from the perspective of coherent state systems of the H–W group and seek extensions and generalisations of known results to the extent possible. A brief outline of this work is as follows. In Section II we recapitulate features of the H–W group to the extent required in this work and show how the Poisson Summation Formula arises as a consequence of the relation betweentwo bases consistingof twocommuting unitary operatorsandhighlightthe rolethe geometric phaseplays in this context. In sectionIII, we establishconnectionbetweenthe twobases andthe Zakrepresentation[9]andfurther show that the two can be identified with certain generalised coherent states of the H–W group We also discuss some of their special features needed later and in Section IV give the Wigner distribution of the underlying fiducial vector. Section V is devoted to two forms of the standard ST for band limited state vectors. In Section VI we translate the contentsof the standardST intothe propertiesofstandardcoherentstatelattices andextend the results to a general statevectorandcomparethemwithknownresultsonvonNeumannandfinerstandardcoherentstatelattices. Similar questions in the context of generalised coherent state systems are explored in in Section VII. Section VIII contains concluding remarks and further outlook. 2 II. THE H-W GROUP AND THE POISSON SUMMATION FORMULA The H-W groupandits associatedoperatorstructuresare basedonthe fundamental Heisenbergcanonicalcommu- tation relation [qˆ,pˆ]=i (2.1) for hermitian operators qˆ,pˆrepresenting position and momentum respectively for a one-dimensional Cartesian quan- tum mechanical system. (For simplicity we set Planck’s constant h¯ = 1). Thus this group is a three parameter Lie group whose elements and composition law may be written as follows: D(α ,α ,α )=exp iα pˆ+iα qˆ iα , 1 2 3 1 2 3 {− − } <α ,α < , 0 α <2π; (2.2a) 1 2 3 −∞ ∞ ≤ D(α′1,α′2,α′3)D(α1,α2,α3)=D(α′1+α1,α′2+α2,α′3+α3 1 + (α α α α ) (2.2b) 2 ′1 2− ′2 1 (cid:19) (In the element on the right, the final phase is understood to be taken modulo 2π). According to the Stone-von Neumann Theorem [10] there is essentially only one nontrivial unitary irreducible representation of this group, ie., only one irreducible hermitian representation of the commutation relation (2.1), apart from unitary equivalence. We shall write for the Hilbert space of this representation. H The displacement operatorscorrespondto setting α =0 and to taking (α ,α ) to be a point (q,p) in the classical 3 1 2 phase space or plane: D(q,p)=exp ipqˆ iqpˆ , <q,p< . (2.3) { − } −∞ ∞ Their basic properties are read off from eqn.(2.2): D(q,p) 1 =D(q,p) =D( q, p); (2.4a) − † − − i D(q ,p)D(q,p)=exp (pq q p) D(q +q),p +p); (2.4b) ′ ′ ′ ′ ′ ′ (cid:26)2 − (cid:27) D(q,p) 1(qˆorpˆ)D(q,p)=qˆ+q orpˆ+p. (2.4c) − When q or p vanishes it is convenient to define U(p)=D(0,p)=eipqˆ, V(q)=D(q,0)=e−iqpˆ. (2.5) For these we have the useful relations D(q,p)=eiqp/2V(q)U(p) =e iqp/2U(p)V(q), − U(p)V(q)=eiqpV(q)U(p). (2.6) This last relation for the unitary operatorsU(p),V(q) is just the finite Weyl form of the commutation relation (2.1); the phase factor present here is the geometric phase associated with the H-W group. Let us denote the usual delta function normalised ideal eigenvectors of qˆand pˆ, which form continuous bases for , by angular and rounded ket vectors respectively: H 3 qˆq > =q q >,pˆp)=pp),q,p ; | | | | ∈R <q q > =δ(q q),(p p)=δ(p p); ′ ′ ′ ′ | − | − 1 <q p)= eiqp. (2.7) | √2π On these the actions of the exponentiated unitary operatorsare: V(q)q > = q +q >, ′ ′ | | D(q,p)q′ > =eip(q′+q/2) q′+q >; | | U(p)p)= p +p), ′ ′ | | D(q,p)p′)=e−iq(p′+p/2) p′+p). (2.8) | | The operators U(p) and V(q) do not commute in general. Now choose some real positive q and write 0 V =V(q )=e iq0pˆ. (2.9) 0 0 − We ask for the smallest nontrivial value of p in U(p), assumed positive, such that U(p) commutes with V : this 0 happens for p=2π/q , so we define 0 U =U(2π/q )=e2πiqˆ/q0, (2.10) 0 0 and then have U V =V U . (2.11) 0 0 0 0 It is important to observe that both unitary operators U and V are determined by the single parameter q . 0 0 0 We look for the simultaneous (ideal) eigenvectors of U and V . Their eigenvalues are phases which it is natural to 0 0 parametrise as follows: 1 1 U e2πiq/q0 , q q , q ; 0 0 0 → ∈(cid:20)−2 2 (cid:21) V e iq0p , p [ π/q ,π/q ]. (2.12) 0 − 0 0 → ∈ − Givenapair(q,p)withintheselimits,ie.,apointintherectangleR(q )inthephaseplanewithsidesq ,2π/q centred 0 0 0 at the origin, we can build up a simultaneous (ideal) eigenvector of U and V either in the q > basis or in the p) 0 0 | | basis. For this we need to use the actions (2.8) of U’s and V’s on these bases. In this way we find after elementary algebra: q1/2 q,p> = 0 einq0p q+nq >, 0 | √2π | nX ∈Z (U orV )q,p> = e2πiq/q0 ore iq0p q,p>, 0 0 − | (cid:16) (cid:17)| <q ,p q,p> =δ(q q)δ(p p). (2.13) ′ ′ ′ ′ | − − Thisconstructionstartedfromtheeigenvectors q >ofqˆ. Alternativelywecanbuildupthesimultaneouseigenvectors | starting from the basis p). Then we find: | |q,p)=q0−1/2 e−2πinq/q0|p+2πn/q0), nX ∈Z (U0 orV0)q,p)= e2πiq/q0 ore−iq0p q,p), | (cid:16) (cid:17)| (q ,p q,p)=δ(q q)δ(p p). (2.14) ′ ′ ′ ′ | − − 4 We expect that these two solutions must be phase related. We easily find: <q′,p′ q,p)=eiqpδ(q′ q)δ(p′ p), (2.15) | − − which implies q,p)=eiqp q,p> (2.16) | | We will recognize in the next section that this phase is the same H-W geometric phase already present in eqn.(2.6). The relation (2.16) in conjugate form is 1/2 q √02π e−inq0p <q+nq0|=q0−1/2 eiqp e2πinq/q0(p+2πn/q0|. (2.17) nX nX ∈Z ∈Z Let ψ > be a general normalisable vector with position and momentum space wavefunctions ψ(q),ϕ(p) respec- | ∈ H tively: 1 ∞ ψ(q)=<q ψ > = dpϕ(p)eipq, | √2π Z −∞ 1 ∞ ϕ(p)=(pψ > = dqψ(q)e iqp. − | √2π Z −∞ (2.18) Then taking the products of the two sides of eqn.(2.17) with ψ > and reinstating the parameter ranges we get: | q e inq0pψ(q+nq )=√2π eiqp e2πinq/q0ϕ(p+2πn/q ), 0 − 0 0 nX nX ∈Z ∈Z q >0, (q,p) R(q ). (2.19) 0 0 ∈ This is the Poisson Summation Formula for any Fourier transform pair ψ(q),ϕ(p) [11]. It is usually derived quite directly from the structure of the Fourier Series representationfor a function of an angle variable, by extending it to a periodic function on the full real line. We see here that it arises very naturally in a quantum mechanical context by constructing simultaneous eigenvectors of the commuting unitary operators U ,V in two ways and relating the 0 0 results. This brings out the connection to the H-W group. We also see that extending (q,p) in eqn.(2.19) outside R(q ) does not give any additional information. 0 III. CONNECTION TO ZAK REPRESENTATION AS A GENERALISED COHERENT STATE SYSTEM The simultaneous (ideal) eigenvectorsof the commuting unitary operators U and V developed in two ways in the 0 0 previous section lead to new representations of vectors ψ > , distinct from the representations based on position | ∈H and momentum wavefunctions ψ(q) and ϕ(p). These are the Zak representations of quantum mechanics [9], known and studied for a long time and exploited in particular to examine the von Neumann lattice of standard coherent states and its generalisations [8]. The states q,p>, q,p) of eqns.(2.13,14)are in fact the Zak basis states for . We | | H explore briefly in this Section the possibility of interpreting them as a system of (ideal) generalised coherent states associated with the H-W group. First we begin with the Zak representation in quantum mechanics. Given ψ > with conventionalwavefunctions ψ(q),ϕ(p) where q,p , we define the Zak wavefunction χ(q,p) | ∈H ∈R of ψ > by | 5 χ(q,p)=<q,pψ > | q1/2 = 0 e inq0p ψ(q+nq ). (3.1) − 0 √2π nX ∈Z (Here of course q is a positive parameter chosen freely and then held fixed). This definition is based on eqn.(2.13). 0 Equally well we can use eqn.(2.14) and define χ˜(q,p)=(q,pψ > | =e iqpχ(q,p) − =q0−1/2 e2πinq/q0ϕ(p+2πn/q0). (3.2) nX ∈Z In both eqns.(3.1,2) it is understood that (q,p) R(q ). These equations define the so-called Zak transform, and 0 ∈ exhibit the Hilbert space as L2(R(q )), in the sense that for any ψ > we have 0 H | ∈H <ψ ψ > = ψ > 2 | k| k = dq ψ(q)2 Z | | R = dp ϕ(p)2 Z | | R = dq dp χ(q,p)2 or χ˜(q,p)2 . (3.3) RR(qR0) (cid:0)| | | | (cid:1) To recover all elements ψ > we must allow for all (Lebesgue) square integrable Zak wavefunctions | ∈ H χ(q,p)(orχ˜(q,p)) over the phase space rectangle R(q ). The inverse of the Zak transform expresses ψ(q) and ϕ(p) in 0 terms of χ(q ,p) and χ˜(q ,p): ′ ′ ′ ′ π/q0 q1/2 ψ(q)= 0 dpeiqp χ˜([q],p), √2π Z π/q0 − 1 1 q =[q]modq , [q] q , q ; (3.4a) 0 0 0 ∈(cid:18)−2 2 (cid:19) 12q0 ϕ(p)=q0−1/2 Z dq e−iqpχ(q,[p]), −21q0 p=[p]mod2π/q , [p] ( π/q ,π/q ). (3.4b) 0 0 0 ∈ − The Zak basis vectors have the following formal ‘periodicity’ properties as are evident upon inspection from eqns.(2.13,14): q+q ,p> =e iq0p q,p> 0 − | | q,p+2π/q > = q,p>; (3.5a) 0 | | q+q ,p)= q,p), 0 | | q,p+2π/q )=e2πiq/q0 q,p) (3.5b) 0 | | These differing behaviours of q,p > and q,p) are consistent with eqn.(2.16). Indeed the geomeric phase factor | | appearing in eqn.(2.16) converts strict periodicity with respect to p and periodicity upto a phase with respect to q in the case of q,p >, to exactly opposite properties for q,p). The point to be now appreciated is that while for a | | 6 general ψ > we haveno conditionsonχ(q,p)(orχ˜(q,p)) otherthan(Lebesgue)squareintegrabilityoverR(q ), if 0 | ∈H we restrict ourselves to a subset of ψ > possessing continuous Zak wavefunctions we can say something specific. | ∈H Namely, based on eqn.(3.5) we have for such vectors in the properties H 1 1 χ q ,p =eiq0pχ q ,p , 0 0 (cid:18)2 (cid:19) (cid:18)−2 (cid:19) χ(q,π/q )=χ(q, π/q ); (3.6a) 0 0 − 1 1 χ˜ q ,p =χ˜ q ,p , 0 0 (cid:18)2 (cid:19) (cid:18)−2 (cid:19) χ˜(q,π/q )=e 2πiq/q0χ˜(q, π/q ). (3.6b) 0 − 0 − For such vectors ψ > these relations among the values of the Zak wave functions along the edges of R(q ) can 0 | ∈ H be exploited to show that χ(q,p)(orχ˜(q,p)) must have at least one zero in their domain of definition [12]. Itisworthremarkingthatonaccountoftherobustnessofgeometricphases,namelytheimpossibilityoftransforming themawaybyusingphaseredefinitionspermittedbyquantummechanics,wecannotreplaceeqns.(3.6)inanynatural waybysomerelatedwavefunctionsoverR(q )strictlyperiodicsimultaneouslyinbothq andp. Atbestthegeometric 0 phase eiqp of eqn.(2.16) can be shifted from one place to another; and its presence is the essential reason behind the interesting result mentioned in the previous paragraph. It may be of interest to see briefly how the original operators qˆ,pˆobeying the commutation relation (2.1) act on the Zak wavefunctions. It turns out that in both cases we have to restrict the wavefunctions χ,χ˜ to be continuous and once differentiable in each argument (so that the periodicity conditions (3.6) do apply) and then we have: ∂ ∂ χ(q,p):qˆ=q+i , pˆ= i ; (3.7a) ∂p − ∂q ∂ ∂ χ˜(q,p):qˆ=i , pˆ=p i . (3.7b) ∂p − ∂q After this brief recollection of the Zak representation of quantum mechanics, we turn to the possibility of viewing the Zak basis states as an (ideal) system of generalisedcoherent states with respect to the H-W group. At q =p=0 the connection (2.16) simplifies and we are led to define Ψ = 0,0>= 0,0), (3.8) 0 | | it being understood that this is not a normalisable vector in . Now eqns.(2.13,14) show us how to build up q,p > H | and q,p) from Ψ in natural ways using the displacement operators in eqn. (2.3): 0 | 1/2 q q,p> = 0 einq0p q+nq > 0 | √2π | nX ∈Z 1/2 q =V(q) 0 einq0p nq > 0 √2π | nX ∈Z =V(q)U(p)Ψ 0 =e−iqp/2D(q,p)Ψ0; (3.9a) |q,p)=q0−1/2 e−2πinq/q0|p+2πn/q0) nX ∈Z =q0−1/2U(p) e−2πinq/q0|2πn/q0) nX ∈Z =U(p)V(q)Ψ 0 =eiqp/2D(q,p)Ψ (3.9b) 0 7 This shows that the simultaneous eigenvectors of U and V actually form the orbit of the (ideal) fiducial vector Ψ 0 0 0 under the H-W group (save for the phase factor in D(α ,α ,α )). Incidentally eqn.(3.9) show explicitly that the 1 2 3 phases eiqp appearing in eqns.(2.6,16) have a common origin. To identify the Zak basis vectors as a family of generalized coherent states, at least in a formal sense, we must identify within the H-W group the stability group of the fiducial vector Ψ . From eqns.(2.13,2.14,3.8) we have the 0 obvious properties U Ψ =V Ψ =Ψ , (3.10) 0 0 0 0 0 which lead to the invariances of the Zak basis states in the form D(q q ,p)Ψ =e iq0p/2D(q,p)Ψ , 0 0 ∓ 0 ± D(q,p 2π/q )Ψ =e iπq/q0D(q,p)Ψ . (3.11) 0 0 ± 0 ± Thus the stability subgroup of Ψ within the H-W group is an infinite discrete abelian subgroup H generated by 0 q0 U and V : 0 0 H = e iα3+iα2qˆ iα1pˆα =0,α =nq ,α =2πm/q ,m,n q0 − − | 3 1 0 2 0 ∈Z (cid:8) (cid:9) = UmVn m,n . (3.12) { 0 0 | ∈Z} This means that the orbit of Ψ , namely the collection of states q,p > say, is essentially the coset space of the 0 {| } H-Wgroupwithrespectto H . This is identifiable withthe rectangleR(q ) ofarea2π in phasespace,andso we see q0 0 again in a natural way why we may limit (q,p) to this rectangle in the Zak representation. To sum up, the simultaneous (ideal) eigenvectors of U and V form a system of generalised coherent states for 0 0 the H-W group, based on the fiducial vector Ψ and identifiable with the coset space (H-W group)/H . We must 0 q0 howevernote the following: Unlike the usualcasesofgeneralisedcoherentstate systems arisingfroma fiducialvector which is a normalisable vector in , in which case the inner product of two generalised coherent states is generally H nonzero [13], here we have (D(q′,p′)Ψ0 , D(q,p)Ψ0)=δ(q′ q)δ(p′ p). (3.13) − − We realise that this result of orthonormalityin the continuous Dirac sense is possible only because Ψ is nonnormal- 0 isable. IV. WIGNER DISTRIBUTION FOR ZAK FIDUCIAL VECTOR The importantroleplayedby the fiducial vectorΨ motivates us to exploreits invariancesin the Wigner represen- 0 tationlanguage,moreparticularlysince the primitive invariancesarewith respectto phasespace displacements. The position and momentum space wavefunctions of Ψ are: 0 q1/2 Ψ (q)=<q Ψ > = 0 δ(q nq ), 0 0 0 | √2π − nX ∈Z 1/2 Φ0(p)=(p|Ψ0 > =q0− δ(p−2πn/q0), q,p∈R. (4.1) nX ∈Z Notice that in both cases we have a periodic sequence of delta functions with uniform positive weights. Each of these is quite easily seen to display the basic invariances (3.10) of Ψ . ¿From here we obtain the Wigner function 0 corresponding to Ψ : 0 8 W (q,p)= 1 ∞dq Ψ q 1q Ψ q+ 1q ∗eiq′p 0 ′ 0 ′ 0 ′ 2π Z (cid:18) − 2 (cid:19) (cid:18) 2 (cid:19) −∞ q ∞ 1 1 = (2π0)2 Z dq′δ(cid:18)q− 2q′−nq0(cid:19)δ(cid:18)q+ 2q′−n′q0(cid:19)eiq′p n,Xn′ ∈Z−∞ q ∞ 1 = 0 δ(2q (n+n)q ) dq eiq′p δ q q nq (2π)2 − ′ 0 Z ′ (cid:18) − 2 ′− 0(cid:19) n,Xn′ ∈Z −∞ q 1 = 0 δ q (n+n)q e2ip(q nq0) (2π)2 (cid:18) − 2 ′ 0(cid:19) − n,Xn′ ∈Z q 1 = (2π0)2 e2iqp δ(cid:18)q− 2mq0(cid:19)e−2inpq0 mX,n ∈Z q m 1 = 0 e2iqp δ q q 2π δ(p πn/q ) (2π)2 mX (cid:16) − 2 0(cid:17) 2q0 ·nX − 0 ∈Z ∈Z 1 m = ( 1)mn δ q q δ(p nπ/q ). (4.2) 0 0 4π mX,n − (cid:16) − 2 (cid:17) − ∈Z We have here a lattice of delta functions in the q p phase plane, at the points (mq ,nπ/q ) for all m,n . Thus − 2 0 0 ∈Z the lattice spacings are 1q along the q-axis and π/q along the p-axis. The primitive cell here is one-fourth of R(q ) 2 0 0 0 encounteredearlierinconstructingtheU V eigenstates. Whenmandnarebothoddwehaveweight-1,otherwise 0 0 − always weight +1. This makes the invariances W (q q ,p)=W (q,p 2π/q )=W (q,p) (4.3) 0 0 0 0 0 ± ± immediately obvious. It is interesting to note that this (idealised) Wigner function and its properties are reminiscent of the Talbot grating in classical wave optics. V. THE SAMPLING THEOREM FOR BAND LIMITED WAVEFUNCTIONS The results so far discussed have depended on one positive parameter q with dimension of length. We now turn 0 to results which depend in addition on a second (positive) parameter p with dimension of momentum, such that 0 p 2π/q . The first is the ST recalled in this Section [1]. The second, taken up in the next Section, is the property 0 0 ≤ of (over) completeness possessed by certain lattices of standard quantum mechanical (Schr¨odinger) coherent states. Let ψ > be such that its momentum space wavefunction ϕ(p) vanishes for p outside the interval 1p ,1p | ∈H −2 0 2 0 of width p , for some positive p . Therefore (cid:2) (cid:3) 0 0 21p0 1 ψ(q)= dpeipqϕ(p). (5.1) √2π Z −21p0 We will then say that ψ is band limited and has bandwidth p . (Conventionally the bandwidth is the length of the 0 smallest closedinterval, centredabout zero, outside of which ϕ(p) vanishes; howeverin the presentcontext it is more convenient to use the above definition, without insisting that ϕ(p) be nonzero throughout the interval 1p ,1p ). −2 0 2 0 It is then useful to define a subspace (p ) , made up of band limited ψ(q) with band width p , a(cid:2)s follows: (cid:3) 0 0 0 H ⊂H 1 1 (p )= ψ > ϕ(p)=0forp p , p . (5.2) H0 0 (cid:26)| ∈H(cid:12) 6∈(cid:20)−2 0 2 0(cid:21)(cid:27)⊂H (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) 9 (The reasonforthe subscriptzerowillbecome clearinthe followingSection). We cannowsee thatif p 2π/q , the 0 0 ≤ subspace (p ) is very simply characterisedin terms of Zak wavefunctions, namely as is clear from eqns. (3.2,4): 0 0 H ψ > (p ), p 2π/q χ˜(q,p)=χ˜(p)independent ofq, 0 0 0 0 | ∈H ≤ ⇔ 1 1 ϕ(p) = q1/2χ˜(p), p p , p [ π/q ,π/q ]. (5.3) 0 ∈(cid:20)−2 0 2 0(cid:21)⊆ − 0 0 We will hereafter regard q as given right at the start and kept fixed, so that the domain of definition of Zak 0 wavefunctions χ(q,p),χ˜(q,p) is the rectangle R(q ) in phase space, and this is unvarying. The second parameter p 0 0 will be permitted to vary subject always to p 2π/q . With this understood, the relation (5.3) discloses a natural 0 0 ≤ connectionbetweenposition-independentZakwavefunctionsχ˜(q,p)andbandlimitedwavefunctionsψ(q)withband width p . 0 Now we proceed to the ST We appeal to the Poisson Summation Formula (2.19) which holds for any q > 0. For 0 given band limited ψ(q) with band width p 2π/q , ie. ψ > (p ), the interval 1p ,1p does not extend 0 ≤ 0 | ∈ H0 0 −2 0 2 0 beyond the interval [ π/q ,π/q ]. If we now take p 1p ,1p , all the conditions(cid:2)for the vali(cid:3)dity of eqn.(2.19) − 0 0 ∈ −2 0 2 0 are obeyed and furthermore only the term n = 0 survi(cid:2)ves on the(cid:3)right hand side of that equation. Therefore for ψ > (p ),p 2π/q , we have: 0 0 0 0 | ∈H ≤ q ϕ(p)= 0 e iq′p e inq0p ψ(q +nq ), − − ′ 0 √2π nX ∈Z 1 1 1 1 q q , q , p p , p [ π/q ,π/q ]. (5.4) ′ 0 0 0 0 0 0 ∈(cid:20)−2 2 (cid:21) ∈(cid:20)−2 2 (cid:21)⊆ − Using this in eqn.(2.18) we are able to express ψ(q) for any q in terms of the discrete equispaced sequence of ∈ R values ψ(q +nq ): ′ 0 12p0 q ψ(q)= 0 ψ(q′+nq0) dpeip(q−q′−nq0) 2π Z nX∈Z −21p0 q sin p (q q nq )/2 0 0 ′ 0 = { − − } ψ(q′+nq0), π nX (q−q′−nq0) ∈Z 1 1 q , q′ q0, q0 , p0 2π/q0. (5.5) ∈R ∈(cid:20)−2 2 (cid:21) ≤ Thisis,asiswellknown,theSTforbandlimitedψ(q). Howeverintheusualstatement,thebandwidthp issupposed 0 to be known, and the inequality p 2π/q is read as q 2π/p and taken to mean that the values of ψ(q +nq ) 0 0 0 0 ′ 0 ≤ ≤ are needed at sufficiently close spacing in order to be able to determine ψ(q) for all q. If in eqn.(5.5) we let q q +mq for some m , we find: ′ 0 → ∈Z q p sin (m n)q p /2 ψ(q′+mq0)= 0  0ψ(q′+mq0)+ { − 0 0 } ψ(q′+nq0), π 2 (m n)q  nX∈Z − 0   n6=m  1 1 q′ q0, q0 . (5.6) ∈(cid:20)−2 2 (cid:21) For p < 2π/q this shows that the values of ψ(q) at the discrete set of points q +nq , while certainly adequate to 0 0 ′ 0 determine ψ(q) in its entirety, can not be chosen independently. There are linear relations among them, and more such relations will be described below. For p =2π/q , eqn.(5.6) becomes an identity. 0 0 In the form (5.5) for the ST, when p < 2π/q , the band width p appears explicitly on the right hand side. It is 0 0 0 interesting that there is an alternative derivation and expression of the ST, based on Cauchy’s theorem for analytic 10

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