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The Sailing Frigate: A History in Ship Models PDF

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Bow of the Mordaunt, an ex-privateer bought into the Navy in 1683; typical of the small SRL0004 two-deckers that carried out cruiser duties in the Restoration period. A cutaway model of the frigate Pique of 1834. See pages 120-121. ZBAO430 Copyright © Robert Gardiner 2012 First published in Great Britain in 2012 by Seaforth Publishing An imprint of Pen & Sword Books Ltd 47 Church Street, Barnsley S Yorkshire S70 2AS www.seaforthpublishing.com Email info@seaforthpublishing.com British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data A CIP data record for this book is available from the British Library ISBN: 978 1 84832 160 1 PDF ISBN: 978 1 78346 602 3 EPUB ISBN: 978 1 78383 068 8 PRC ISBN: 978 1 78346 835 5 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or any information storage and retrieval system, without prior permission in writing of both the copyright owner and the above publisher. The right of Robert Gardiner to be identified as the author of this work has been asserted in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 Typeset and designed by Stephen Dent Printed and bound in China through Printworks International Ltd Acknowledgements Doug McCarthy and Emma Lefley of the National Maritime Museum’s Picture Library handled the large and complex photo orders for this book with efficiency and courtesy, while Josh Akin made a great job of the demanding scanning requirements. On the curatorial front, the author is grateful to Simon Stephens for access to models in the Museum’s store, while Jeremy Michell and Andrew Choong of the Brass Foundry were very helpful with background research on the Admiralty Collection of draughts. Finally, we must thank Major Grant Walker for permission to reproduce photographs of models in the US Naval Academy Museum that have no parallel in any other collection. References Footnotes have been avoided in this book, but for readers interested in pursuing the subject in more detail, there is a file of additional information, sources for quotations and the like, available on the Seaforth Publishing website at: http://www.pen-and-sword.co.uk/The-Sailing-Frigate/p/3699/ Further details of all the National Maritime Museum’s ship models can be found on their Collections website at: http://collections.rmg.co.uk/collections.html#!csearch;collectionReference=subject- 90254;authority=subject-90254 Searching by the SLR number quoted in the captions to this book will turn up a description of the model and any available photographs. Contents 1: PREHISTORY 1600-1689 Lord Torrington’s Specification 2: GUERRE DE COURSE 1689-1713 Lord Danby’s Maggot 3: THE ESTABLISHMENT ERA 1706-1748 The Frigate about 1720 Development of the Stern in Establishment Sixth Rates 4: THE ‘TRUE FRIGATE’ 1748-1778 Development of the Head The Frigate about 1760 Structure 5: THE HEAVY FRIGATE 1778-1815 Coppering and Carronades The Frigate about 1795 Filling in the Waist Ship’s Boats Sweeps and Sweep Ports 6: THE LAST GENERATION 1815-1850 The Frigate about 1825 Round and Elliptical Sterns Inside a Frigate POSTSCRIPT FURTHER READING 1: Prehistory 1600-1689 O ver the centuries the term ‘frigate’ has carried a myriad of meanings, more often vague and suggestive rather than denoting a specific ship- type. The word itself is of Mediterranean provenance, and it is a reasonable assumption that the first vessels in northern Europe to be so described had the same origins: certainly, the first documented examples are privateers that operated out of the Spanish-held areas of the Netherlands as early as the 1590s. These were small, fast and lightly armed, characteristics that were to remain a common denominator of just about any ship called a ‘frigate’ whenever and wherever the description was applied. To track the long and convoluted history of the term is more relevant to the lexicographer than the naval historian, and the aim of this book is to follow the evolution of a concept – a specialist cruising warship, not intended to fight in the line of battle but powerful enough for independent action in virtually every other naval role, in all weathers and on any ocean. These would encompass reconnaissance and other fleet support functions, both the attack and defence of trade, blockade and inshore operations, patrolling sea-lanes and suppressing piracy and smuggling. By the Nelson era the frigate had become the navy’s maid-of-all-work, the most flexible and broadly useful ship-type in the fleet and (with the exception of small craft) the most numerous category on the navy list. On the basis of its decorative scheme this model is usually dated to just after 1660. ‘The SLR0368

The National Maritime Museum in Greenwich houses the largest collection of scale ship models in the world. Many of the models are official, contemporary artifacts made by the craftsmen of the Royal Navy or the shipbuilders themselves, ranging from the mid-seventeenth century to the present day. As s
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