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9781412946513-FM-Vol1 5/23/08 5:41 PM Page i The SAGE Handbook of Personality Theory and Assessment 9781412946513-FM-Vol1 5/23/08 5:41 PM Page ii 9781412946513-FM-Vol1 5/23/08 5:41 PM Page iii The SAGE Handbook of Personality Theory and Assessment Edited by Gregory J. Boyle Gerald Matthews Donald H. Saklofske SAGE Los Angeles • London • New Delhi • Singapore 9781412946513-FM-Vol1 5/23/08 5:41 PM Page iv Chapter 1 Introduction and editorial arrangement © Gregory J. Boyle, Gerald Matthews and Donald H. Saklofske 2008 Chapter 2 © Robert M. Stelmack Chapter 22 © Rita Chang, Edward and Thomas H. Rammsayer 2008 C. Chang, Lawrence J. Sanna Chapter 3 © Gerald Matthews 2008 and Robert L. Hatcher 2008 Chapter 4 © Daniel Cervone 2008 Chapter 23 © Jakob Smári Chapter 5 © Jens B. Asendorpf 2008 Daníel þór Ólason and Chapter 6 © Chi-Yue Chiu, Ragnar P. Ólafsson 2008 Young-Hoon Kim and Chapter 24 © James D.A. Parker Wendy W.N. Wan 2008 and Laura M. Wood 2008 Chapter 7 © Andrew M. Johnson, Chapter 25 © Thomas A. Philip A. Vernon and Amanda R. Langens and Heinz-Dieter Feiler 2008 Schmalt 2008 Chapter 8 © Richard L. Michalski Chapter 26 © Lazar Stankov and and Todd K. Shackelford 2008 Sabina Kleitman 2008 Chapter 9 © John B. Campbell Chapter 27 © Lazar Stankov and 2008 Jihyun Lee 2008 Chapter 10 © Kieron P. O’Connor Chapter 28 © Elizabeth J. Austin, 2008 James D.A. Parker, Chapter 11 © Alan D. Pickering K.V. Petrides and and Philip J. Corr 2008 Donald H. Saklofske 2008 Chapter 12 © Gregory J. Boyle 2008 Chapter 29 © Mary L. Malik, Chapter 13 © In the Public Brynne E. Johannsen and Domain. Robert R. McCrae Larry E. Beutler 2008 and Paul T. Costa, Jr. 2008 Chapter 30 © Gary Groth-Marnat, Chapter 14 © Gregory J. Boyle 2008 Elisa Gottheil, Weiling Liu, Chapter 15 © Andrew J. Elliot and David A. Clinton and Larry E. Todd M. Thrash 2008 Beutler 2008 Chapter 16 © Marijn Lijffijt, Alan Chapter 31 © Paula G. Williams, C. Swann and F. Gerard Moeller, Timothy W. Smith and Matthew 2008 R. Cribbet 2008 Chapter 17 © David Rawlings and Chapter 32 © Ephrem Fernandez Sharon Dawe 2008 and Robert D. Kerns 2008 Chapter 18 © Marvin Zuckerman Chapter 33 © Manuel I. Ibáñez, 2008 María A. Ruipérez, Helena Villa, Chapter 19 © Melissa J. Green, Jorge Moya and Generós Ortet Gregory J. Boyle and Adrian 2008 Raine 2008 Chapter 34 © Donald G. Byrne Chapter 20 © Moshe Zeidner 2008 and Jason Mazanov 2008 Chapter 21 © Herbert W. Marsh Chapter 35 © Robert P. Tett and 2008 Neil D. Christiansen 2008 First published 2008 Apart from any fair dealing for the purposes of research or private study, or criticism or review, as permitted under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act, 1988, this publication may be reproduced, stored or transmitted in any form, or by any means, only with the prior permission in writing of the publishers, or in the case of reprographic reproduction, in accordance with the terms of licences issued by the Copyright Licensing Agency. Enquiries concerning reproduction outside those terms should be sent to the publishers. SAGE Publications Ltd SAGE Publications India Pvt Ltd 1 Oliver’s Yard B 1/I 1 Mohan Cooperative Industrial Area 55 City Road Mathura Road London EC1Y 1SP New Delhi 110 044 SAGE Publications Inc. SAGE Publications Asia-Pacific Pte Ltd 2455 Teller Road 33 Pekin Street #02-01 Thousand Oaks Far East Square California 91320 Singapore 048763 Library of Congress Control Number: 2007943494 British Library Cataloguing in Publication data A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library ISBN 978-1-4129-4651-3 Typeset by Cepha Imaging Pvt. Ltd., Bangalore, India Printed in Great Britain by The Cromwell Press Ltd, Trowbridge, Wiltshire Printed on paper from sustainable resources 9781412946513-FM-Vol1 5/23/08 5:41 PM Page v Dedications Two of the greatest and most prolific contributors to the science of human personality during the 20th century were Raymond B. Cattell, PhD, DSc., and Hans J. Eysenck, PhD, DSc. While Professor Cattell pursued his academic career in prestigious USA universities (Harvard, Clark, Illinois), Professor Eysenck undertook his lifelong work at the Institute of Psychiatry, University of London. So prominent were these two men, that their work is now enshrined in the Cattellian and Eysenckian Schools of Psychology, respectively. Cattell concentrated on primary factors, while Eysenck focused on broader secondary dimensions. Indeed, at the second-order 16PF level, the degree of communality between the Eysenckian and Cattellian factors is striking! ‘The Cattell and Eysenck constructs and theories should be seen, not as mutually contradictory, but as complementary and mutually supportive.’ Eysenck (1984). Cattell and the theory of Personality. Multivariate Behavioral Research, 19(2–3): 323–336. Both Ray Cattell and Hans Eysenck were our mentors and friends. Both men gave freely of their time, and their kindness and generosity was abundant. Our own academic careers were facili- tated by the intellectual support and moral encouragement of both these great men who made a profound and lasting contribution to personality research and testing. Each was an exemplary scientist, humanitarian and mentor, qualities that all three editors respect and aspire to. We will remain forever indebted to both Ray Cattell and Hans Eysenck. This book is also dedicated to: My parents, my wife and family – GJB Diana – GM Frances and Harold, my parents – DHS 9781412946513-FM-Vol1 5/23/08 5:41 PM Page vi 9781412946513-FM-Vol1 5/23/08 5:41 PM Page vii Contents Vol 1 Handbook of Personality Theory and Assessment: Personality Theories and Models Notes on Contributors xiii 1 Personality Theories and Models: An Overview 1 Gregory J. Boyle, Gerald Matthews and Donald H. Saklofske PART I EXPLANATORY MODELS FOR PERSONALITY 31 2 Psychophysiological and Biochemical Correlates of Personality 33 Robert M. Stelmack and Thomas H. Rammsayer 3 Personality and Information Processing: A Cognitive-Adaptive Theory 56 Gerald Matthews 4 Explanatory Models of Personality: Social-Cognitive Theories and the Knowledge-and-Appraisal Model of Personality Architecture 80 Daniel Cervone 5 Developmental Perspectives 101 Jens B. Asendorpf 6 Personality: Cross-Cultural Perspectives 124 Chi-Yue Chiu, Young-Hoon Kim and Wendy W.N. Wan 7 Behavioral Genetic Studies of Personality: An Introduction and Review of the Results of 50+ Years of Research 145 Andrew M. Johnson, Philip A. Vernon and Amanda R. Feiler 8 Evolutionary Perspectives on Personality Psychology 174 Richard L. Michalski and Todd K. Shackelford 9 Modern Personality Theories: What Have We Gained? What Have We Lost? 190 John B. Campbell 9781412946513-FM-Vol1 5/23/08 5:41 PM Page viii viii CONTENTS PART II COMPREHENSIVE TRAIT MODELS 213 10 Eysenck’s Model of Individual Differences 215 Kieron P. O’Connor 11 J.A. Gray’s Reinforcement Sensitivity Theory (RST) of Personality 239 Alan D. Pickering and Philip J. Corr 12 Simplifying the Cattellian Psychometric Model 257 Gregory J. Boyle 13 Empirical and Theoretical Status of the Five-Factor Model of Personality Traits 273 Robert R. McCrae and Paul T. Costa, Jr. 14 Critique of the Five-Factor Model of Personality 295 Gregory J. Boyle PART III KEY TRAITS: PSYCHOBIOLOGY 313 15 Approach and Avoidance Temperaments 315 Andrew J. Elliot and Todd M. Thrash 16 Biological Substrate of Personality Traits Associated with Aggression 334 Marijn Lijffijt, Alan C. Swann and F. Gerard Moeller 17 Psychoticism and Impulsivity 357 David Rawlings and Sharon Dawe 18 Personality and Sensation Seeking 379 Marvin Zuckerman 19 Schizotypal Personality Models 399 Melissa J. Green, Gregory J. Boyle and Adrian Raine PART IV KEY TRAITS: SELF-REGULATION AND STRESS 421 20 Anxiety Revisited: Theory, Research, Applications 423 Moshe Zeidner 21 A Multidimensional, Hierarchical Model of Self-Concept: An Important Facet of Personality 447 Herbert W. Marsh 22 Optimism and Pessimism as Personality Variables Linked to Adjustment 470 Rita Chang, Edward C. Chang, Lawrence J. Sanna and Robert L. Hatcher 9781412946513-FM-Vol1 5/23/08 5:41 PM Page ix CONTENTS ix 23 Self-Consciousness and Similar Personality Constructs 486 Jakob Smári, Daníel þór Ólason and Ragnar P. Ólafsson 24 Personality and the Coping Process 506 James D.A. Parker and Laura M. Wood PART V NEW TRAIT AND DYNAMIC TRAIT CONSTRUCTS 521 25 Motivational Traits: New Directions and Measuring Motives with the Multi-Motive Grid (MMG) 523 Thomas A. Langens and Heinz-Dieter Schmalt 26 Processes on the Borderline Between Cognitive Abilities and Personality: Confidence and its Realism 545 Lazar Stankov and Sabina Kleitman 27 Culture: Ways of Thinking and Believing 560 Lazar Stankov and Jihyun Lee 28 Emotional Intelligence 576 Elizabeth J. Austin, James D.A. Parker, K.V. Petrides and Donald H. Saklofske PART VI APPLICATIONS 597 29 Personality Disorders and the DSM: A Critical Review 599 Mary L. Malik, Brynne E. Johannsen and Larry E. Beutler 30 Personality and Treatment Planning for Psychotherapy: The Systematic Treatment Selection Model 620 Gary Groth-Marnat, Elisa Gottheil, Weiling Liu, David A. Clinton and Larry E. Beutler 31 Personality and Health: Current Evidence, Potential Mechanisms, and Future Directions 635 Paula G. Williams, Timothy W. Smith and Matthew R. Cribbet 32 Anxiety, Depression, and Anger: Core Components of Negative Affect in Medical Populations 659 Ephrem Fernandez and Robert D. Kerns 33 Personality and Alcohol Use 677 Manuel I. Ibáñez, María A. Ruipérez, Helena Villa, Jorge Moya and Generós Ortet 34 Personality, Stress and the Determination of Smoking Behaviour in Adolescents 698 Donald G. Byrne and Jason Mazanov

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