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The SAGE Encyclopedia Of Research Design PDF

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The SAGE Encyclopedia of RESEARCH DESIGN Second Edition Editorial Board Editor Bruce B. Frey University of Kansas Editorial Board Christopher R. Niileksela University of Kansas Neal M. Kingston University of Kansas Philip Gallagher University of Kansas Rebecca H. Woodland University of Massachusetts, Amherst The SAGE Encyclopedia of RESEARCH DESIGN Second Edition 1 Editor Bruce B. Frey University of Kansas FOR INFORMATION: Copyright © 2022 by SAGE Publications, Inc. SAGE Publications, Inc. 2455 Teller Road All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or utilized Thousand Oaks, California 91320 in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including E-mail: order@sagepub.com photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher. SAGE Publications Ltd. 1 Oliver’s Yard Many of the entries in this edition of The SAGE Encyclopedia of 55 City Road Research Design have been updated from their original publication in London, EC1Y 1SP the first edition to reflect recent developments and include additional United Kingdom references. In some instances, the updates were made by someone other than the original author of the entry. SAGE Publications India Pvt. Ltd. B 1/I 1 Mohan Cooperative Industrial Area All trade names and trademarks recited, referenced, or reflected Mathura Road, New Delhi 110 044 herein are the property of their respective owners who retain all rights India thereto. SAGE Publications Asia-Pacific Pte. Ltd. Printed in the United States of America. 18 Cross Street #10-10/11/12 China Square Central ISBN: 9781071812129 Singapore 048423 Acquisitions Editor: Andrew Boney This book is printed on acid-free paper. Developmental Editors: S hirin Parsavand, Carole Maurer Editorial Assistant: Elizabeth Hernandez Production Editor: Gagan Mahindra Copy Editor: Hurix Digital Typesetter: Hurix Digital Proofreader: Thersea Kay; Heather Kerrigan; Lawrence Baker; Sally Jaskold Indexer: Integra Cover Designer: Candice Harman Marketing Manager: Brianna Griffith 22 23 24 25 26 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Contents Volume 1 List of Entries vii Reader’s Guide xiv About the Editor xxiii Contributors xxiv Introduction xxxiii Entries A 1 C 153 B 69 D 383 Volume 2 List of Entries vii Reader’s Guide xiv Entries E 473 J 749 F 555 K 763 G 603 L 779 H 647 M 841 I 683 Volume 3 List of Entries vii Reader’s Guide xiv Entries N 1003 Q 1303 O 1109 R 1337 P 1143 Volume 4 List of Entries vii Reader’s Guide xiv Entries S 1447 W 1799 T 1671 Y 1829 U 1763 Z 1835 V 1773 Appendix: Chronology 1855 Index List of Entries A Priori Monte Carlo Simulation Beta Abstract Beta Distribution Accuracy in Parameter Estimation Between-Subjects Design. See Single-Case Research Action Research Design; Within-Subjects Design Adaptive Designs in Clinical Trials Bias Adjusted F Test. See Greenhouse–Geisser Correction Biased Estimator Adverse Event Reporting Binomial Distribution Akaike Information Criterion Biological and Technical Replicates Alternating Treatments Design Bivariate Regression Alternative Hypotheses Block Design Alters Blockmodeling American Educational Research Association Bonferroni Procedure American Psychological Association Style Bootstrapping American Statistical Association Box-and-Whisker Plot Analysis of Covariance Analysis of Variance C Parameter. See Guessing Parameter Animal Research Canonical Correlation Analysis Anonymity Case Study Applied Research Case-Only Design Aptitudes and Instructional Methods Categorical Data Analysis Aptitude–Treatment Interaction Categorical Structural Equation Modeling Argument-Based Approach to Validity Categorical Variable Assent Categorizing Continuous Data Association, Measures of Causal-Comparative Design Auditing Cause and Effect Autocorrelation Ceiling Effect Central Limit Theorem b Parameter Central Tendency, Measures of Balanced Incomplete Block Design Centrality Bar Chart Changing Criterion Design Bartlett’s Test Chi-Square Test Barycentric Discriminant Analysis Classical Test Theory Basket Trials Design Clinical Significance Bayes’s Theorem Clinical Trial Bayesian Adaptive Randomization Design Cluster Analysis Bayesian Data Analysis Cluster Sampling Bayesian Information Criterion Cochran–Armitage Test for Trend Bayesian Networks “Coefficient Alpha and the Internal Structure of Tests” Behavior Analysis Design Coefficient of Variation Behrens–Fisher t’ Statistic Coefficients of Alienation and Determination Belmont Report Coefficients of Concordance Beneficence Cognitive Laboratory Bernoulli Distribution Cohen’s d Statistic vii viii List of Entries Cohen’s f Statistic Data Cleaning Cohen’s Kappa Data Mining Cohort Design Data Sharing Repositories Collinearity Data Snooping Column Graph Data Visualization Comparison-Focused Sampling Databases Completely Randomized Design Debriefing Computerized Adaptive Testing Deception Concomitant Variable Decision Rule Concurrent Validity Declaration of Helsinki Confidence Intervals Degrees of Freedom Confidentiality Delphi Technique Confirmatory Factor Analysis Demographics Confirmatory Research Dependent Variable Confounding Descriptive Discriminant Analysis Congruence Descriptive Statistics Connectivity Diagnostic Classification Modeling Construct Validity Dichotomous Variable Content Analysis Differential Item Functioning Content Validity Diffusion of Innovation Theory Contingency Table Analysis Directional Hypothesis Contrast Analysis Discourse Analysis Control Group Discussion Section Control Variables Dissertation Convenience Sampling Distribution “Convergent and Discriminant Validation by Disturbance Terms the M ultitrait–Multimethod Matrix” Doctrine of Chances, The Conversation Analysis Double-Blind Procedure Copula Functions Dummy Coding Core-Periphery Structure Duncan’s Multiple Range Test Correction for Attenuation Dunnett’s Test Correlation Correlation Coefficient Ecological Validity Correspondence Analysis Effect Coding Correspondence Principle Effect Size, Measures of Covariate Ego-Centric Networks Criterion Problem Endogenous Variables Criterion Validity Equivalence Hypothesis Testing Criterion Variable Error Critical Case Error Rates Critical Difference Estimation Critical Theory Eta-Squared Critical Thinking Ethics in the Research Process Critical Value Ethnography Cronbach’s Alpha Evaluation Research Design Crossover Design Evidence-Based Decision Making Cross-Sectional Design Evidence-Centered Design: Validity in Cross-Validation Test Development Cultural Competence Ex Post Facto Study Cumulative Frequency Distribution Exclusion Criteria Cut Scores Exogenous Variables Expected Value Data and Safety Monitoring Experience Sampling Method Data and Safety Monitoring Board Experimental Design List of Entries ix Experimenter Expectancy Effect Hosmer-Lemeshow Test Exploratory Data Analysis Hypothesis Exploratory Factor Analysis Exploratory Research Inclusion Criteria Exploratory Structural Equation Modeling Independent Variable Exponential Random Graph Models Inference: Deductive and Inductive External Validity Influence Statistics Influential Data Points F Test Informed Consent Face Validity Instrumental Case Study Factor Loadings Instrumentation Factorial Design Instrumentation as a Threat to Internal Validity Factorial Invariance Interaction False Positive Internal Consistency Reliability Falsifiability Internal Validity Field Notes International Network for Social Network Analysis Field Study Internet-Based Research Methods File Drawer Problem Interrater Reliability Fisher’s Least Significant Difference Test Interval Recording Fixed-Effects Model Interval Scale Focus Group Intervention Follow-Up Interviewing Forest Plot Intraclass Correlation Frequency Distribution Ipsative Data Frequency Table Item Analysis Friedman Test Item Response Theory Funnel Plot Item–Test Correlation Gain Scores, Analysis of Jackknife Game Theory JASP Gauss–Markov Theorem John Henry Effect General Linear Model Justice and Social Science Research Generalizability Theory Gibbs Sampler Kolmogorov–Smirnov Test Good Clinical Research Practice KR-20 Graph Theory Krippendorff’s Alpha Graphical Display of Data Kruskal–Wallis Test Greenhouse–Geisser Correction Kurtosis Grounded Theory Group-Sequential Designs in Clinical Trials L’Abbé Plot Growth Curve Laboratory Experiments Guessing Parameter Last Observation Carried Forward Guttman Scaling Latent Change Scores Latent Class Analysis Hawthorne Effect Latent Growth Modeling Hedges’ g Latent Profile Analysis Heisenberg Effect Latent Variable Heterogeneity Latin Square Design Hidden Markov Model Law of Large Numbers Hierarchical Linear Modeling Least Squares, Methods of Histogram Levels of Measurement Holm’s Sequential Bonferroni Procedure Likelihood Principle Homogeneity of Variance Likelihood Ratio Statistic Homoscedasticity Likert Scaling

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