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The Sacrament of Language: An Archaeology of the Oath (Meridian: Crossing Aesthetics) PDF

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Translated by Adam Kotsko Stanford University Press Stanford California 2011 THE SACRAMENT OF LANGUAGE An Archaeology oft he Oath (Homo Sacer ll, 3) Giorgio Agamben Stanford University Press Scanford, California English rranslation © zon by me Board ofTrustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University. All rights reserved. Th~ Sacrament ofL Anguag~ was originally published in Italian under the tide II sacramento tk/ /inguaggio. Arch~ologia tkl giurammto, copyright © 2008, Gius, Laterza and Figli. All rights reserved. Published by agreement with Marco Vigevani Ageozia Letteraria. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and recording, or in any information storage or retrieval system without the: prior written permission ofScanford University Press. Printed in the United States ofA merica on acid-frc:e, archival-quality paper Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Agamben, Giorgio, 1942- (Sacramemo dellinguaggio. English] The sacrament of language : an archaeology of the oath I Giorgio Agarnben ; translated by Adam Kotsko. p. em. - (Meridian, crossing aesthetics) "Originally published in Italian under the tide Jl sacram~nto tk/ unguaggiq. n Includes bibliographical references. ISBN 978-o-8047-6897-9 (cloth : alk. paper) ISBN 978-o-8047-6898-6 (pbk : alk. paper) 1. Oaths-History. 2. Oaths-Philosophy. 3. Language and languages-Philosophy. I. Kotsko, Adam. 11. Title. IlL Series: Meridian (Stanford, Calif.) GT3o8sA3313 zon J2.8-<iC22 20IOOI8I53 Contents Tramlator's Note 1X Abbreviatiom X The Sacrament of Language I Bibliography 73 Von dieseo Vorgangenen meldet kein Zeuge; sie zu verstehn bietet unsee eignes Bewusstsein keioen Anhalt. Nur eine Urkunde ist uns von ihnen geblieben, so schweigsam dem unkundigen, wie beredt dem kundigen: die Sprache. (No witness repons these events; our own consciousness offers no grounds to understand them. Only one document is left to us by them, as silent to the ignorant as it is eloquent to the experienced: language.) -Hermann Usener Der Schematismus der Verstandesbegriffe isr ... ein Augenblick in welchem Meraphysik und Physik beide Ufer zugleich beriihren Styx intnfosa. (The schematism of the concepts of the intellect ... is an instant in which the shores of metaphysics and physics make contact Styx interfosa.) -Immanuel Kant Translator's Note The translator would like to thank Giorgio Agamben, Kevin Attell, Daniel Colucciello Barber, Joshua Furnal, Ted Jennings, and Virgil Brower for their suggested improvements; Nunzio N. D'Alessio, Dennis Hou, Evan Kuehn, Craig McFarlane, and Yo tam Pappo for bibliographical assistance; and Emily-Jane Cohen, Sarah Crane Newman, and the rest of the staff of Stanford Uni versity Press. Existing English translations have been used wherever possible, though sometimes altered to reflect the translation provided by the author; citations of modem texts where a translation is avail able have the original page numbers followed by the English edi tion cited, while premodern texts are cited according to standard textual divisions. All biblical quotations are taken from the New Revised Standard Version. All other translations are my own, car ried out in consultation with the author's translations. Abbreviations Aen. Aeneid (Virgil) Ann. Annaks (Tacirus) ApoL Apologeticus (Terrullian) Cra. Cratylus (Plato) Mens. De m~nsibus (Lydus) IL The Iliad (Homer) lnst. lnstitutiones (Galus) M~taph. Metaphysics (Aristotle) Od The Odyssey (Homer) PL Patrologia Latina (J.-P. Migne, ed.) Pyth. Pythian Odes (Pindar) Rep. &public (Plato) Th~og. Theogonia (Hesiod) Tib. Lift ofTiberius (Suetonius) Verr. Th~ Fir.st OratWn Against Verres (Cicero) X THE SACRAMENT OF LANGUAGE

This book is a continuation of Giorgio Agamben's investigation of political theory, which began with the highly influential volume Homo Sacer: Sovereign Power and Bare Life. Having already traced the roots of the idea of sovereignty, sacredness, and economy, he now turns to a perhaps unlikely topic:
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