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The Russian Roots of Nazism: White Émigrés and the Making of National Socialism, 1917-1945 PDF

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This page intentionally left blank THE RUSSIAN ROOTS OF NAZISM WhiteE´migr´esandtheMakingofNationalSocialism,1917–1945 Thisgroundbreakingbookexaminestheoverlookedtopicofthein- fluence of anti-Bolshevik, anti-Semitic Russian exiles on Nazism. Whitee´migre´scontributedpolitically,financially,militarily,andide- ologically to National Socialism. This work refutes the notion that Nazism developed as a peculiarly German phenomenon. National Socialism arose primarily from the cooperation between vo¨lkisch (nationalist/racist)GermansandvengefulWhitee´migre´s. From1920to1923,AdolfHitlercollaboratedwithaconspiratorialfar rightGerman-Whitee´migre´organization,Aufbau(Reconstruction). AufbaualliedwithNazistooverthrowtheGermangovernmentand Bolshevikrulethroughterrorismandmilitary/paramilitaryschemes. This organization’s warnings of the monstrous “Jewish Bolshevik” peril helped to inspire Hitler to launch an invasion of the Soviet UnionandtoinitiatethemassmurderofEuropeanJews.Thisbook usesextensivearchivalmaterialsfromGermanyandRussia,including recentlydeclassifieddocuments,anditwillproveinvaluablereading foranyoneinterestedintheinternationalrootsofNationalSocialism. michael kellogg isanindependentresearcherandapastrecipi- entoftheprestigiousFulbright-HaysDoctoralDissertationResearch AbroadGrant. new studies in european history Editedby peter baldwin,UniversityofCalifornia,LosAngeles christopher clare,UniversityofCambridge james b. collins,GeorgetownUniversity m´ıa rodr´ıguez-salgado,LondonSchoolofEconomics andPoliticalScience lyndal roper,UniversityofOxford The aim of this series in early modern and modern European history is to pu- blishoutstandingworksofresearch,addressedtoimportantthemesacrossawide geographicalrange,fromsouthernandcentralEurope,toScandinaviaandRussia, and from the time of the Renaissance to the Second World War. As it develops the series will comprise focused works of wide contextual range and intellectual ambition. Forafulllistoftitlespublishedintheseries,pleaseseetheendofthebook. THE RUSSIAN ROOTS OF NAZISM ´ White Emigr´es and the Making of National Socialism, 1917–1945 MICHAEL KELLOGG    Cambridge, New York, Melbourne, Madrid, Cape Town, Singapore, São Paulo Cambridge University Press The Edinburgh Building, Cambridge  , UK Published in the United States of America by Cambridge University Press, New York www.cambridge.org Information on this title: www.cambridge.org/9780521845120 © Michael Kellogg 2005 This book is in copyright. Subject to statutory exception and to the provision of relevant collective licensing agreements, no reproduction of any part may take place without the written permission of Cambridge University Press. First published in print format - ---- eBook (EBL) - --- eBook (EBL) - ---- hardback - --- hardback Cambridge University Press has no responsibility for the persistence or accuracy of s for external or third-party internet websites referred to in this book, and does not guarantee that any content on such websites is, or will remain, accurate or appropriate. Idedicatethisworktomyfather,whofoundthecourage toaccepthimselfasheis. Contents Acknowledgments page viii List of abbreviations ix Introduction 1 1 ThefarrightintheGermanandRussianEmpires 18 2 AttheextremeintheUkraineandinGermany 48 3 “HandinhandwithGermany” 78 4 Theinternationalradicalright’sAufbau(reconstruction) 109 5 “Germany–Russiaaboveeverything” 136 6 Conspiraciesoffireandthesword 166 7 “InQuickMarchtotheAbyss!” 193 8 Thefourwritersoftheapocalypse 217 9 Aufbau’slegacytoNationalSocialism 245 Conclusion 272 Bibliography 281 Index 299 vii Acknowledgments IofferthanksfirstandforemosttothemembersofmyPh.D.Committeeat theUniversityofCalifornia,LosAngeles:ProfessorsSaulFriedla¨nder,David Sabean, Ivan Berend, and Rogers Brubaker, who have given me excellent adviceovertheyears.ProfessorPeterBaldwinofUCLAgrantedmevaluable adviceandsupport.ProfessorArchGettyofUCLAhelpedmetogainan overviewofimportantarchivalmaterialsinMoscow.Othersassociatedwith UCLAwhoaidedmeinwritingthisbookincludeJulieJenkins,whogave meeditingadvice,BarbaraBernsteinandKathleenAddison,whotookcare ofadministrativemattersformewhileIwasabroad,andJuliaWallace,who helpedmetorevisemytext. Many non-Americans gave me valuable assistance in carrying out this project. German academics who considerably aided my research include Michael Hagemeister and Karl Schlo¨gel of Europe University-Viadrina in Frankfurt/Oder, Heinrich Winkler of Humboldt University in Berlin, Hermann Beyer-Thoma of the East European Institute in Munich, and Dr. Johannes Baur of Munich. In Moscow, Vasily Tsvetkov of Moscow State Pedagogical University alerted me to important archival materials, andNatashaPetinaandLudmillaNovikovahelpedmetotranslatedifficult Russiantexts.JoannaGrynczukofBerlintranslatedPolishintelligencefiles forme.DominikaPlu¨mpeofBerlingavemehelpfulinsightsintomywork. The Welsh journalist and historian Michael Joseph offered me a valuable critique. I received generous funding that enabled me to carry out extensive researchinGermanyandRussiafromtheFulbright-HaysDoctoralDisser- tationResearchAbroadProgram,theDeutscherAkademischerAustausch- dienst (DAAD), the International Studies Abroad Program (ISOP), the CenterforGermanandEuropeanStudiesattheUniversityofCalifornia, Berkeley,andtheCenterforEuropeanandRussianStudiesattheUniversity ofCalifornia,LosAngeles. Finally,IthankmyfatherJohnandmymotherCarolynfortheirediting adviceandemotionalsupport. viii

This book examines the overlooked topic of the influence of anti-Bolshevik, anti-Semitic Russian exiles on Nazism. White émigrés contributed politically, financially, militarily, and ideologically to National Socialism. This work refutes the notion that Nazism developed as a peculiarly German phen
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