I.R abinovich THE RUSSIANE NDGAME HANDBOOK Translataendd R evisefdr omt he1 938E dition Englitsrha nsla©t 2io01n2Mo ngoosPer ess Alrli ghrtess erveNdo. p arotft hibso okm ayb er eproduced ort ransmiitnta endyfo rm bya nym eanse,l ectroorn ic mechanicianlc,l udpihnogt ocopyriencgo,r dionrbg y,a n informatisotno raagnedr etriseyvsatle wmi,t howurti tten permissfrioomn t heP ublisher. Publisher: Mongoose Press 1005B oylstSotnr eeStu,i t3e2 4 NewtoHni ghlanMdAs 0, 2416 [email protected] www.MongoosePress.com ISBN 9781--9362717( p-a3p9e-rback) ISBN9 78-1-93164-( 2h7a7rd-c4over) LibraorfCy o ngreCsosn trNoulm ber2 012943803 Distribtuott ehdet radbeyN ationBaolo kN etwork [email protected],64 22-0 For alolt her sianlqeusi rpileesac soen tatchtep ublis.h er TranslabtyeJ:da meMs arfia EditoJro:r gAem ador LayouAtn:d reEyl kov CoveDre sigAnl:D ianov PrintienCd h ina FirEsntg liesdhi tion 0987463512 CONTENTS Ediotr's rePfa..c....e... ......................................................................................... 7 Foreword 9 ............................................................................................................. Inrtoducotni 11 ...................................................................................................... CHAPTER 1T.h Se impMlaestte s 13 .................................................................... A.M atew itthh er oo.k... ..................................................................................1. 3 B.M atew ith.qtuheee ..n... ...............................................................................1. 8 C.M atew itthw ob isho.p.s. .........................1.9. .................................................... CHAPTER 2.Ki nga nPadw nvs .Ki ng... ............................................................2 2 A.W inninwgi thotuhtek ingh'esl ..p... ............................................................... 22 B.W inninwgi tthh ek ingh'esl .p. .......................2.5.. ............................................. a)R ook'psa wn.s. .............................2.5. ......................................................... b)N on-roopka'wsn ..s.. ...............................................................................2 6 C.A ddendu..m... ..............................................................................................3 4 CHAPTER 3.Qu eevnsPa .wn (roPa wns...).... ...................................................3 7 A.Q ueenv sp.a wno nt hes evenrtahn wki tthh ew hitkei nogu to fp la..y... .......... 37 B.Q ueenv sp.a wno nt hes evenrtahn wki tahn a ctiwvhei tkei n.g... ................... 40 a)T her ookp'asw n... ..................................................................................4. 0 b)T heb ishoppa'wsn ... ...............................................................................4. 2 C.Q ueevn sp.a wno nt hesi x.t..h... ...................................................................4 3 D.Q ueenv sp.a wn.s... .....................................................................................4. 4 CHAPTER 4.Kin gM,i noPri eacnePad,w nv sKi.n g( oKirn ga nPadw n) 48 ............ A.K in+g minopri e+c ep awnv sk.i n.g... ......................................................... 48 a)K nig+h tpawn.. ...................................................................................... 48 b)B ish+o prookp'asw n... ........................................................................... 52 c) iBsho+p knighpta'wsn ... ........................................................................ 54 B.K in+g minopri e+c ep awnv sk.i n+g pawn... .............................................. 54 a)K nig+h tpawnv sp.a wn.. ........................................................................ 55 b)B ish+o pp awnv sp.a wn... ....................................................................... 58 71 C�IJ·"DT ER5 . Matwie" tBh1 "+s hKonp1 "··g···h··t··· ·····················..·. ........ · · · · · · · · · · · · · · CHAPT ER6 .Ma twiet hK nisg( hvtPaswn. s)... .................................................. 76 As M:at ew itthw ok nighvt�ssp a w�n·� ·�::::.....:.....:.... ·:· ·· ··: · ···: ·· · ···: ·· ···: ··· ··:· ··97 :17: :::::: Matew itahs ingklneih gvsp.a ........................................... CHAPTER 7.M inoPri evcsePa. w ns.... ...........................................................9. 6 A.K nighvtsp .a wn... .......................................................................................9.. 6 B.K nighvts t.w op awn.s. .........................9.9. ....................................................... C.B ishovps p.a wn.s.. ..................................................................................1...50 CHAPTER 8E.xp loithteAdwi nntagge inE ndiwnigathsLarg e Nwnber ofPi eces 109 ..... Aggressipvlealcyep di ec.e...s.. .........................................................................1 09 Queensipdaew nm ajor.i..t...y.. ........................................................................ 131 Openfi le... ..........................................................................................1....1...5.... Twoc onnectpeads speadw n.s.. .......................................................................1 17 Them eaninogft hep awns truct..u...r..e.. ........................................................1 19 Mobilpea wnc ent.e...r.. ................................................................................. .122 Centevrsw .i ng..s... ......................................................................................... 142 Hemmed-ibni sh.o...p.. ..............................................................:.. ......1.52. .......... Thee xchan(greo ovks m.i nopri ec.e...).. ........................................................1. 72 Extrpai ec(eap iecfoer p awns...).. ..................................................................1. 33 Rooko nt hes evenrtahn .k. .......................1..63. .................................................... Passepda wn.. ................................................................................................. 173 Kingsipdaew nm ajori...t..y... ..........................................................................1 04 Mobilpeaw nc hai..n.. .....................................................................................1 41 Isoladt-eapdw n. ..........................................................................................1...6 4 Returnainn egx trpaa wn.. ..............................................................................1. 84 Sacrifiocfae p iecoert hee xchan.g.e. ..................1.05. .......................................... Gradusaile .g..e... ............................................................................................ 125 Actidveef en..s..e... .........................................................................................1. 45 CHAPTER 9.Pa wnE ndi..n....g...s.... ..............................................................1. 75 A.K in+g twop awnvss k.i n.g... ....................................................................1.. 75 a)C onncetepda wn.s.. .............................................................................1.. 75 b)D iscnonectepda wn..s.. ........................................................................1.. 85 c)D oublde pawns.. .................................................................................... 195 B.K ing+ pawn vsk.i n+g pawn. ...... .............................................................1.6 2 a)P assepda wns.. ......................................................................................1. 26 b)P awnso nt hes amefi l.e.. ......................................................................1.. 66 c)P awnso nn eihgborign lfie.s... .................................................................1 96 C.K ing+ t wop awnsv sk.i gn +p awn... .........................................................1.. 27 a)T wop asspeadw nsv so.n e.. ....................................................................1. 27 b)W hit'sep awnasr ei sotleada,n do neo ft hme sip ass.e..d.. ....................... 137 c)C onnectpeadw nso,n eo ft hemp asds. e..................................................1 77 d)C onnectpeadw nwsh icahr en otpa ssedvs,.a n immobiplaew n... ............1 58 e)C onnectneodn p-asspeadw sn,v sa.m obielp awn. .................................. 149 f) Ioslaetdp awn(sn onoef themp asse..d...)... ............................................. 214 o.P awn endisnw gitmho ret hatnh repea wn..s.. ..............................................2 20 a)M akinugs eo ft hek inga'cst ipvoes it.i..o...n... ........................................ 220 b)E xploitainan cgt ipvaew ns tan..c..e... .....................................................2 29 E.Th ek inags a d efensipviee .c..e... .................................................................2 37 F. Stalmeatec ombinat.i..o...n..s.... ..................................................................2 39 CHAPTER1 0B.i shooftp hse Same C.o.lo.r. .. 245 ......... .......... .............................. A.B ish+o pp awnv sb.i sh.o..p... ..................................................................... 245 B.B ishopt+w op awnvss b.i sh.o...p.. .............................................................. 255 C.B ish+o pp awnv sb.i sh+o pp awn... ............................................................ 257 D.Sa me-colobriesdh owpist ahl argneu mbeorfpawn..s.. ...............................2 60 CHAPTER1 1B.i shoofOp psp osCiotlreos . . 272 .................................................... A.B ish+o ppawn (boirs h+o pdoublpeadw nsv)s b.i sh.o...p... ........................ 272 B.B ish+o pt woc onnectpeadw nvss b.i sh.o...p.. ............................................. 273 a)P awno n tshiex rtahn .k... ......................................................................2. 73 b)O nep awno nt hes ixrtahn kt,h eo theorn t hefi fth. ..........2.75. ..................... c)P awnosn t hefi fthr an.k.. .......................................................................2 77 d)O nep awno nt hefi fthr ankt,h eo theorn t hefo urt.h. .........2.8.0. .................. e)P awnso nt hefo urtrha n.k... ................................................................... 283 f)L ess-advapnacwend.s. .. .........................................................................2 85 C.B ish+o ptwios olaptaewdn vss b.i sh.o.p .................2.86. .................................. D.E ndinwgist mho ret hatnw op awn.s... ........................................................2 91 CHAPTER 12K.n igEhntd i.ngs . .. . 303 ................................................................... A.K nig+h tp awnv sk.n igt.h.... .....................3.0.3. ............................................... B.K nighetn dinwgist ahl argneu mbeorf p awn..s.. .......................................... 306 CHAPTER 13B.i shvo.sKp n ig...h....t... ..........................................................3 10 A.E ndinwgist ahs malnlu mbeorf p awn.s. ................3.1.0. ................................... a)" Forcinpga"w n.s... .............................................................................3.. 10 b)E xploitami antge rial ad.va.n.t.a.g.e ...............3..1. .2. ................................... c)S talemcaotmeb inat.i.on.s. ......................3..1..9.. ... ...................................... B.E ndinwgist ahl argneu mbeorf p awn.s... .................................................... 323 a)M akinugs eo ft hek nighpto'wse .r... ....................................................... 323 b)M akinugs eo ft heb ishoppo'wse ..r... ...................................................... 328 c)B ish+o prook(vss)k. n ig+h trook(...s...).. .............................................3 34 CHAPT ER1 4R.o oEkn din.gs . . . . . .. ...337 ............................................................. .. A.R ook+ roopka wnv sr.o o.k... .....................................................................3 37 B.R ook +n on-roopka wnv sr.o ko. ................................................................ 361 a)B lackk'isn sgt anidnsfr onto ft hep awn... ............................................... 362 b)B lackk'isni gsd rivaewna yfr om the p...a...w..n... ................................... 369 c)B lackk'isn igsb ehintdh ep aw.n.. ........................................................... 393 C.R oo+k two pawvnsps.a w.n.. ..................................................................... 404 a)C onnectpeadw n.s... .............................................................................. 404 b)D isconnecptaewdn.. s.. .......................................................................... 409 D.R ookv sp.a wn.s... ...................................................................................... 417 a)S ingplaew n... ........................................................................................ 417 b)R ookv st.w op awn.s... ...........................................................................4 26 c)R ookv st.h repea wn.s... ......................................................................... 436 E.R ook+ pawnv sr.o o+k pawn... .................................................................4 41 F. Rook+ twop awnvss r.o o+k pawn... ......................................................... 447 G.R ooke ndinwgist ahl argneu mbeorf p awn..s... ........................................... 453 CHAPTE R 15. QvusRe.oe on(k o Rro o+k Pawns) 471 .......................................... CHAPTE R 16Q.u eeEnn dings 482 ........................................................................ A.Q uee+n pawnv sq.u ee..n... ........................................................................4 82 B.Q ueene ndinwgist ahl argen umbeorf p awn.s... .......................................... 484 CHAPTER 17R.a reE ndi..n....g...s.... .............................................................. 490 A.R ookv sb.i sh.o..p... ....................................................................................4 90 B.R ook+ bishovpsr .o o.k... ........................................................................... 498 C.R ookv sk.n ig.h...t.. .................................................................................... 502 D.R ook+ knigvhst. r...o..o...k... .................................................................... 506 SolutainoAdnn ssw ers 509 ..................................................................................... Edit'osPr raecfe [y)aR abinvoic'hsc lasesnidcg ammea nuawla sfi rsptu bslhieidn t heS oviUent ioni n 1297a ndr eiusesdi n1 93u8n detrh et itolfe,T hEen gdameW.e presehnetr e a "trnsaltaeda ndr eviseedd"i timoena,n intgh awte gladalcyc eptJeidm M arfia's excellternatn slaotfti hoen1 93R8u ssitaenx atn dt hemna des ligahltt erattioto hnes voitcoem a,k et hefi narle suslotu nmdo ren aturtaotl h em ind'esa irn o url esfosr mal timeyeswt,i thocuhta ngitnhgem eaninogfa nys tatement. Alhtought hiwso rkw asc onceivaesad t eachianigdfo r groulpe ssotnhsei, n di viuadlst duentc anm akeg oodu seo fe verythiinnig t( excefoprtt hefo rewordT)h.e booky oaur eh olditnrgu cloyn stitauc toemsp lectoeu rosnet hee ndgamaes,s uming ltiltaebo utt her ead'eskr nowledogfte h efi naplh asoeft heg ameb utt akitnhges tu dentt oah iglhe voeflu ndersdtianng. Fort hiesd itiwoenh ,a vdei spenwsietdth h em orec ompleaxs pecotfts h ea uthor's discussoifto hne t heoroyf" corresponsdqiunagr" e wsh,icwhe considteobr e o f diminisvhailnugie nt hestei meosfi ncreasifansgttl iym e conatnrdos lusd den-death plaOyn t.h eo thehra ndfo,r t her eadecro'nsv eniewnech ea vaed demda nyn ewd ia gramfosrt hee xerciasnedas l ternaptoisviet ions. 7 Forewrod This wiosrc ko nceicvhedi eflaysa m ethofodr a dvisiinnsgt rucatnodtr esa chers ing ropul earnsientgt iSnignsc.te h ei nstrumcutsotdr e anlo to nlwyi tshk ilclheeds s playebrusta lswoi tbhe ginnetrhsib,so okfo cuseosn b otehl ementaanrdyc omplex endingassw, e lals o ne ndinwgist mhi ddlegafemaet ureIsnl. a yionugtt hee lemen taryt hemessp,e ciaatlt entiispo ani tdo t hem ethodisciadloe f t heq uestiaonnd,i n ourt reatmoefnm to rec ompleexn dingtsot, h ei llustroaftt ihoeln a tedsits coveries and,w herpeo ssibtloae f ,u lleelra boraotfit ohnet heme. Forg rouspt u,dw ye recommentdh es tudoyf s eparaetned gamteh emeisn t he followionrgd eFri.r sstt,u dtyh efi rsfitv ec hapteTrhse.n p,r oceedtiotn gh efo llowing chaptewresr ,e commentdh ayto ur eloyn t he" concentmreitch"o odft eachitnhge m -thaits fi,r satc quaiynotu aru dienocnel wyi tthh eb asipco sitiionen asc chh apt,e r delayaid nege pesrt udoyft heg ivetnh emteo t hes econrdi nTgh.e t ougheqsute stions (chapt9ea rnsd 1 4- rooakn dp awne ndingfosre, x amplwee)r ecommentdh ayto u diviudpei nttoh receo ncentrriincg s. In ordetro e nsurteh aeta cht hemei sa bsorbdeede pleyn ought,h ei nstructor shoulpda ys peciaatlt entfrioomn t hev erfiyr setx ercitsote hsem emberosft hec lass learntiona gn alyze indeptehnesd iemnptllpeyos sti tiaonndts h egne neralizing from theoiwrn e xperieOnncleyi. n t hescei rcumsta"nfrcoemst ,h ep artictuolt ahreg en eralc,a"ny oua voipdi liunpga l isotfr eady-mapdaer ticruelsaurwl ittsnh o w ayt o appltyh et echniqtuooe tsh esri tuatiTohenp sr.e sevnotl umseh oulpdr eseannta rgu menta gainssutc ahm ethoodf t eaching. Thisse conedd itidoinff efrrosm thefi rsnto to nliyn e liminatthiedn egf ecatnsd flawst hactr epitn b,u tc hiefliynh ighlightthiean cgh ievemiennet nsd gamteh eory oft hep asdte cadaen dt hee vegrr eatcelro senteost she n eedosft hep ractigcaamle . Witthh igso ailn m indfo,r e xamplceh,a pte8ra sn d1 4we rree workaendde nlarged, andm anyo ft hei llustrgaatmiewvsee r ree placbeynd e wo nesc,h ieflfryo m interna tionalp ractoivceetr h el asdte cade. Inp uttitnogg etthheirbs o okt,h ea uthoarl skoe pitn m indt hosweh os tudeyn d ingosn t heiorw n,a ndt hoswei shitnogr efresohrt oucuhp t heiern dgamken owl edeg.I ti sp recisfoerlt yh es akoef t hirsa thlearr gger ouopf p eoplweh,o s eetko i m provteh esirk ilblyss e lf-instrtuhcattthi iobsno ,o ki ncludaec so nsidernaubmlbee r ofe xamplaesws e lals e xplanagtaomreys . 9