DAVID BULLOCKholds a PhD in EuropeanMilitaryHistory and has been an officerin the U.S. Air Force. Currently, he writes official histories as a militaryhistorian for the DepartmentofDefense and is an adjunctAssociate Professor at ColoradoTechnical University, Colorado Springs. PROFESSORROBERT O'NEILL, AO D.PHIL. (Oxon), Hon D. Litt. (AND), FASSA, FrHistS, is the Series Editorofthe Essential Histories. Hiswealth ofknowledge and expertise shapes the series contentandprovidesup-to-the minute research andtheory. Born in 1936anAustralian citizen, he servedin the Australian army (1955-68) and has held a number ofeminentpositionsin history circles, includingthe Chichele Professorship ofthe History ofWaratAllSouls College, UniversityofOxford, 1987-2001, and the Chairmanship ofthe Boardofthe ImperialWar Museumandthe Council ofthe InternationalInstitute for StrategicStudies, London. Heis the author ofmanybooks includingworks onthe German Armyandthe Nazi party, and the Korean andVietnamwars. NowbasedinAustraliafollowing his retirementfrom Oxford, he was the Chairman ofthe Council ofthe Australian Strategic Policy Institute, from 1999 to 2005. Essential Histories The Russian Civil War 1918-22 Essential Histories The Russian Civil War 1918-22 David Bullock Foracompletelistoftitlesavailable Firstpublishedin2008byOspreyPublishing, fromOspreyPublishingpleasecontact: _ MidlandHouse,WestWay,Botley,OxfordOX2OPH,UK 443 ParkAvenueSouth,NewYork,NY 100I6,USA NORTHAMERICA E-mail:[email protected] OspreyDirect,c/oRandomHouseDistributionCenter, ©2008OspreyPublishingLimited 400HahnRoad, Westminster,MD21157 All rightsreserved.Apartfromanyfairdealingforthepurpose Email:[email protected] ofprivatestudy,research,criticismorreview,aspermittedunder ALLOTHERREGIONS theCopyright,DesignsandPatentsAct, 1988,nopartofthis OspreyDirect,TheBookServiceLtd,DistributionCentre, publicationmaybereproduced,storedinaretrievalsystem,or ColchesterRoad,FratingGreen,Colchester, transmittedinanyformorbyanymeans,electronic,electrical, EssexC077DW, UK chemical,mechanical,optical,photocopying,recordingor Email:[email protected] otherwise,withoutthepriorwrittenpermissionofthecopyright owner.EnquiriesshouldbeaddressedtothePublishers. www.ospreypublishing.com Everyattempthasbeenmadebythepublishertosecurethe appropriatepermissionsformaterialreproducedinthisbook. Iftherehasbeenanyoversightwewillbehappytorectify thesituationandwrittensubmissionshouldbemade tothePublishers. ISBN978 I84603271 4 PagelayoutbyKenVailGraphicDesign,Cambridge,UK Typesetin IStoneserifandGillSans CartographybyTheMapStudio IndexbyFinelineEditorialservices OriginationbyPPSGrasmere,Leeds,UK PrintedandboundinChinathroughBookbuilders 0809 I0 II I2 I098765432 I AClPcataloguerecordforthisbookisavailablefromthe BritishLibrary. Contents Introduction 7 Chronology 9 Backgroundto war The October Revolution 14 Warring sides An Empire Divided 21 Outbreak 1918 29 The fighting 1919 55 Portraitofasoldier The Blacl< Guards 85 The world around war Allied intervention 90 Portrait ofacivilian Women in the Russian Civil War 107 Howthe warended 1920-22 114 Conclusion and consequences A Century Redrawn 133 Index 142 TheformerRussian Empire inthe nationalflagcoloursofred,blueandwhite.Overhead,thestatecrown issurrounded byawreath ofthornssymbolizingsufferingand sacrifice.The imperial eaglehasbeen replaced byablackeaglewith swordandextendedtalonsthatspreadsthered cloakofcommunism overthe land.(Chosevoi emigrejournal, 1933) Introduction The Russian CivilWar of 1918-22arose out Morethantwodozencountriestookpart ofthe cataclysmicevents ofWorldWar One. inthesetorturousyearsofcivilwar. Peripheral This civilwardwarfed all others ofthe regionsoftheformer RussianEmpirethathad 20th centuryin scope and significance. brokenawaytoform newnationshadtofight The lives oftens ofmillions were lostor forindependence: Finland, Poland, Estonia, changedforever in the ensuingconflagration Lithuania, Latvia, Belarus, Ukraine, Georgia - from battle, disease, famine, imprisonment, andAzerbaijan. Othercountriesdirectly execution, dislocation and exile. intervenedintheconflictasaconsequenceof Newweapons ofwaremerged. The eventsarisingoutofWorldWarOne, including aeroplane, armoured car, tankand armoured GreatBritain, France, Italy, Canada,Japan, trainwere tested overthe vastexpanses of Germany, Austria-Hungary, Romania, Greece, Russia, the largest countryin the world, in theOttomanEmpireandtheUnitedStates. awarofmobilitynot seen onthe relatively Stillothers participatedin the fighting staticfronts that characterizedWorldWar becausetheirtroopswere trapped inside One. Even so, the olderweapons ofwar Russia at the end ofWorld War One, such as remained. Thiswas the lastwar inwhich Serbiaand Czechoslovakia, orfought because cavalryarmies duelled en masse, sword on lance. Bugles stillrang andunfurledflags Kiev,capital ofthe Ukraine.Notethe Nicholas (chain) fluttered above infantrycharginginto the Bridge inthe background.Thecitychanged hands steelmouths ofguns. 19timesduringthe civilwar.(Bullockcollection) 8 Essential Histories •The Russian CivilWar the civilwar spilled overinto their territory, the conflict endedinNovember 1920after for example, Mongolia and China. At the defeat in the Crimeaand exile. Whites in end, the maps ofnortheastern and eastern the Northern and Northwestern Fronts Europe, the Caucasus, CentralAsia and the had alreadyaccepted defeat that February. Far East had to be redrawn. Whites in the FarEastcontinuedbattle Historiographyposes the question- actions until 1922, notwithstandingone 'when did the Russian CivilWarbegin?' final act ofquixotic desperation inYakutsk Historians, authors, politicians and in spring 1923. diplomats have had their ownpoints ofview Formany Reds, the civilwarcertainly depending onwhen their countryorparty endedin 1922, after the last ofthe major interestbecame involved, orto stress a peasant and internal rebellions hadbeen particularmethodologyorideological line of fully crushed and afterthe last ofthe foreign argument. This book's positionis that the era interventionists left Russian soil. However, ofthe Provisional Government, from April to spasmodicresistance occurredin the November 1917, was atime oftransition Ukraine, the Caucasus, CentralAsia between the fall ofthe tsar and the outbreak and the Far Eastwellinto the 1920s. ofcivilwar. Civilwarbeganwhen an Redvictoryin the Russian CivilWar organized opposition soughtto overturnthe unleashed the new doctrine ofcommunism October Revolution of 1917. In this context, with its concept ofinternationalrevolution civilwarbeganwhen notable White generals upon the world. This setthe stage for the formed the VolunteerArmyinSouth Russia ColdWar thatbeganin the late 19.40s in November/December 1917. However, that and which divided the world into force did not engage in significantmilitary two armedpoliticalcamps, communist action until the openingdays of 1918. and anti-communist. But this path, The question 'when did the civilwar ofcourse, was never certain, for the end?' is equallyproblematical. The majority outcome could onlybe decided in ofWhites on the Southern Front thought the severe trials ofcivilwar.