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^*S»BfJ^ ? *S. iSat we VOLUME ^---NUMBER 28* marked BUMFORD FALLS, MAINE, JANUARY 24, 1907, PRICE THREE CENTS: deFri- BANQUET AT HOTEL RUMFORD FALLS nd you RUMFORD BOWLERS 4&L By Local Physicians and to Whipped at Lewiston. md ~ Pharmacists—After Dinner Miss their Train and have Speeches. )oats. to Stay over Night. mt sold it ; Moaday^flJgat; &* phyflehms and The special train from Bumford &e4 tea •jfcajwweiat*" of Earnlwtl: and Mexico Fails, carried a, largo nimiber at Bum- have- a low ; ,-iiaot « banquet It Hotel Bumford. At. ford Fails people, to Lewiatpii Tttosdny ids in idle • |;30 the following gentlemen took night, They arrived there tt the TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY scats at the tnbies in the banquet hall. midst of otto of the hardest FROZE TO DEATH. < first class GUNS DISCHARGED. Physicians} Fred E. Vvlieot, William P. snow storms of the season, The •gimUtyat, . jijifehiBs, Eugene M* MeCfrtrty, Albert. bowling team was Oft the train, and ds Jan. 29th, 30th, 31st. it, sianwood, Abbott J. Nile, James W. soon as St pulled Into the station they Oilfield Man Found Dead in Buntfi. Pharmacists; C\ A, Yaliee, were off for the Elite AHey, where the Intoxication Only Charged. Dr. J. Jacques Albert It, 'Williamson, Charles- E. maieb between Pie Elite five and the ^His Room. Fernald, H. .T. "Beynolds, W. p. Me« temford boys lank place. , The game _ itoald, F» R* Bowers* . it was, nearly was started without the llumford Friday morning, Jan, 38tb, about 1 tlicxolots cos ekieek in- the tneralng before the howlers having a chance to try the Friday night the residents of the 12:30 o'clock, the sound of revolver M Jest values eoapaay separated. They enjoyed one alloys, and they were at a disadvaatage Village, Wore -shocked, to hear that the shots startled, "tho workers, in the Bag Maine's Weil-Known Eyesight 6 .giadtii -of the finest and best served dinners from the start. dead hody of Hbttce Praft has bCCB mill. ' 6fiicers ftoach, • Merrill and found in his room by Mr. Virgin, Gagnon were soon on the scene and crer set before any gathering in Rum- At may aeem from th.„e_ score, some Stable keeper at the Matioual HdUsq, arrested four men. When peoplo got Specialist ford, and during its course a gonial of the crack bowiefa feli down hard, and sheriff George Dorkum. Mr, Pratt astir about town, storios of'la shooting exchange of light conversation Inter- iphb' Elite; alloys hrafiest .class1 and the had not been seen since Thursday^ Jan. affair In tho night were rife, and it spersed with wit and now and then a Will be at Imwlston men treated their*opponents 10th, but as he was in the habit of looked-as-though something'had hap- Utile philosophy, sprinkled in for tone, very nicely, and will at no distant day going away to work and staying sevv pened: out of the ordinary. aside the time pass pleasantly. play the Bumford team on the fCew The RUMFORD HOTEL cral days, no one thought it Strang^.- When the men appeared before Judge At about 21;30 the material wants and Eouglasa alloys. ihftt he was not around tp the ;st*or#* Johnson the warrants read to them, taring had due ftUeniSofl, the. t&bies Several Emnford: men accompanied were .cleared, sad 'the educational fc&> the i&snbfe EewistoA.. Th,a.acore! and stables as usual, but .Mtt Virgin* qnly charged them Wfthi intoxication.i Where a Special Suite of Rooms has been fixed up for this , and Mr, Dorkum: became somewhat cnij- Each .of fhe men pleaded, guilty to ..tsre «,£" the eee&sioo. w«S Introduced, by ELITE, cerned by his unusual aon, uppsarancd the Charge. The first three men were Occasion. „* , , >, , • titer dinner speeches by those present. Walsh, " ':* 81 80 Hi and sought to Investigatpf finding itqe fitted including the-.coats.of court, and ame. As preflottsiy WJ.KoUuecd,. the new Tmftderj ; .. M 05* 110 800 Roy in the lock, which was never thero the.fourth -man was sentenced,to jail If you are troubled with Headache or Blurred Vision.-- i jntdfenl runumlatfea: haf In; view the. dig. Holland, 01 SO 91 272 when Mr. Pratt was away,. ,a, ladder? for 00 days, it being ihe 'Second or Nervous, Forgetful, have Dizzy Spells. See Double.' icssiion of topics of genera! public In, Sunoigan, 80 88 78 240 was procured and climbing, to- a wte' third offense, The men were, jBpbert be sure and see the Doctor, Nine Tenths'of all these. Ureal, as well an matters pertaining to CiJi "' ' " ' ''' W 88 262 dew, known to enter the chamber which McDowell, John Malanson,; alias Mason, Troubles are caused entirely by Eye-Strain. Tajm catef> * their profession. Mr, Pratt occupied, his; body •Was dbfr 0. Dinhorg and; Joseph Itelleyi ing for the most complicated cases, as I am desirous to +•&;*:; nd trend *t fit*-' It happens that the doctors and drug- 400' 4?0 44S 3324 covered lying on the floov be|wedu?fhe Jfelley made a plea for ipnieaey., but give you" the Benefit of my Skill and Knowledge. Re- .gtsis. of this towff And Mexico arc pro* SOtfFOKD FAX.t& bed and the stove. ' ''". i small, »sl R" .;grsssivriy large, mlndef, and,, in com- Hebtoa, 73 loi 77 251 It appears that he must have gPtfup tohcec ajsuiodng ew hreemn ihndee wd ahs imbe foofr e ththee f ocromuretr. member,. Examination Free of Charge. Ro- about a.. Iterft aoa with the general public, are stirred Anderson, 71,, yg 77 220 to bttiid a fire and became delirious, The judge also, made Some remarks member. No Ready G lasses furnished. Remem- ia tM KJ|R to the point of protest against injustice Souveoy, ' yx §5 100 250 as the top of the stove was taken *$*%d irected to Malanson that perhaps will . ber. Every Glass is specially ground under m y feSj, b®A! I.JMI' ; sad oppression. The speeches made at Shea, 8% g0 85 246 the stove hook was in his bed, ,hia Wash do that youth, some good, and prevent own supervision. Remember, I am the Head of a* towas. Ut: ikh banquet were, only for the as- Tuekcr, lOg Q£ 70. 278 stand overturue'd and his trunk over- In the future the discharge of fire; arms THE PORTLAN D EYE INSTITUTE. Remem- siMntdol ethft*c mausJt>t : MleOa* halbeidl ityc oomfp tahney ,g' ebntulet mtehne cocmhparriascitnegr 407 445 518 1270 hhaanudle dw. asO bnaed lsyid eo rnosfh Meds wfahecne,< ?a nhdes OdiUade at unseetaly hours of the night* ber, Last year I examined 4152 cases. that company guarantees that neither After the game was over the boys beaten them on the floor in his delirium^, Is at the head pf the Foftland Eye I^^ respectfully: invitfii you to call upon mc and Consult ti sle: anssa.tqdwahirokja.; .eiotaajirnaio,t t s. ense,, wit, »rgr |bSteot}hy WeCO lmataed,e aAn dda swh efroer tohbeli gtreadb bfo h urte mwaeirne toino sItto phpaesd swinocrek inbgee fno r lae amrnaend a fethwa tm ilhees Ignivfiersm ahriym, acnodn fhidaesn chea di ne-x pheimriesnelcfe, tahnadt Me, "' . - - . • ! - * ; . •„' T'.. I ;emtdIiJ#6 :#f J Lewiston over night. out of the village Thursday, the 10th, causes others to have confidenoe.in Mm, Dr. J. Jacques, eef. It h *!•: because he was so cold and felt i|ti Do not fail to see his advertisement- «tr% fmr jteutf PLEASING ENTERTAIN- The coroner's inquest brought >iu a hh tfsa schwa, FOUR PERCENT. . verdict of. *'death duo to exposure.." DEATH OF ELMER & -BEN* Principal of Portland Eye Institute • - •* As pritfieftd MENT |Rfr. Pratt wns abont 70 year's of. age, NETT, re bwa abstri 510 Congress St., Portland, Me. lite had served In the'Givil War,, He ROtt Monday, Jam 21st, occurred the tg act, it &tii After February 1st, leaves one daughter, hut Where she is, I' death of Elmer C, Bennett, at his home being doc* *l t& sc'Boei wiat At Unfversallst Church Mon- le not known at this time. The funeral on Crescent Avenue, Virginia', Mr. .whicpht no.ltaocqnqeeoau tp oosf sae s.sheasn dsruecdhh aevxep*e,n s„i,,v..,e , ,l,a, teJsiti im*p.ro,ve*d ,I,ns; trum;'''e nts, The attention of the public k called was held at the Free Baptist church Bennett was a former resident of Bum- and probaKj day Night. to the fact that after Feb. 1st, the Sunday forenoon, Bev* Frank Pearson ford Center, where he jeaves many __ SPECIAL NOTICE. " " a cf Ibis 1*4- Bomford Hationaf Bank will pay 4 per oflielatlngi friends, as well as in this place. He «tt,y8t*Bi& cent, interest in Us savings; department. was an employe of the Electric Light AilVases examined in a dark;room therefore examina- id b# bectSstl I as to tkf Jfoaiiay night the Hniversalist ebureh What better way can the public plnee very pleasing reception. Co, and was much respected and tions made evenings are guaranteed correct. . fttwell filled with imople to. hear Miss its sparo money than put it where 4 per In the evening the regular pastor esteemed by all. Mr, Bennett was a s< thing* to h\ Kttrl Batting render her character sunt* dividends, compotindcd quartofiy gave an address the subject of which member of the Masonic Order, The HOURS: ixa, nal Mfe .'iftdicigs, .She was astfsted in the. are received, and this without taxa- was "Justice.'* The subjeet gave OlTIZEfv joins with friends and neigh- From 9 A.M. to 8:30 P. M. tte cditar,! timing's enfartninrnent by the local tion! We commend this institution to Mr, Webber a splendid opportunity to bors in expressing sympathy for the •torMitv, Alias Agnw H» Bussell, Who-o, ur readers. speak some wholesome truths, and in bereaved family*, *ag several solos, and received: hearty f Ms best manner, the subject was «»*«„ Mt. .lousseau, the violinist, i AT UmVERSALIST OHUROH. handled. His seatMng denunciation CLAN CHISHOLM CELEBRATE wf 8«h cit*J *ho assisted' and wa# well appreciated, ' ———— of government attorneys whose prosecu- BIRTHDAY OF "BOBBY i%jpmmif%^^ Hot afraid ef Miss Batting appeared,, as she is, a j'Sermon by »ev, Hcnty Hoyt of East tion methods are in the rankest sense BURNS." ftrfcet mistress of the art of enter- ] Hiram, persecutions, was quite to tho point. If there is any one thing the Scottish Sarolort We wish to announce to the public of RumfoTd Falls that fch%, and; her apt character ilta* J , , ... ^-—-— His claim was that such officials should people ate a unit in, it is in their loyal- 'toUata and eomtnand. of dialects,} Kcv. Hwtry-«oyt of East Hiram, try to ascertain whether or not an ac- ty to Sobort Burns, It matters »2«ed much laughter, and aU went IMtate Superintendent of t'niversalist cused mam Is guilty, instead of as in but Mttie that Burns was not tem- We have Bought the Interest and Good Will of fob. *«* fc way wrll pleased with the entertain-1*cJhurc hes,,, O, „cc-up„ie.d th•.e- . pul•p it at, . the f most instances, trying to prove Mm peratei it matters none at all that he ,Am, JIra mf#ord halls tniversalmt ehtireh last Mr. W. F, Cyr, In the flr.fi of Roderick Cyr A,fi.a8tBHl| guilty whether or no. poked fun at maty type of man, or - •• ••-•• .-•-.. -..- -... iBttaday. He delivered a very interesb that he was religiously the poet heretic THE ROLL OFF, |ing serums, the subjeet being, "The FORMER MEXICO PASTOR, of Ms country, the Scotch teetotaler, i Besalts of DisxipatSoii." and it will be our ob|ect in the future as in the past to givd' the "character Scot, and the straight ; .He feU a/jf la ihft bowiittg alley ! He pictured the young mas. just start- A copy of the Collingwood, Ohm, laced Scotch Presbyterian, All join in, satisfaction in everything carried by 0 lirst-class ING . Maaday night was won by Toeker. ing ia life, nad the two roads before ritixen, has been received with a v«ry celebrating the birthday of the high* 1 *wmm took seeaad place and Hetf him. The reason why many take the complimentary article conceralug Bev, land poet, and never lose an opportun- Groceryv Meat and Provision Store* I ;»**• The Mores wreeg path, the read that leads to dis- V, L, Barker, formerly pastor of the ity Of doing honor to his memory—-and ^fififtrioa. m n afpatten, i* a Mtatter for serious inquiry* Oongfegational church in Mexico. The they do Well, for in Ids brain arid soul Also a Full line of Fancy Groceries. m The speaker thought causes for the following extracts will interest Mr, f there dwelt a genius that was too 88 78 .70 00 $44 choice could be found and some of them ; Barker'a iottnier parishioaers: large for the confines of eowventiofl* ,ti 82: .02 87 261 he thaaghl fie had discovered, The **Tho first Congregatioual ehnrch of aiilies, ereed or cottntryj the phi* MODELED LXtiftdVb jfy, 0S03 8001" :8t .227548 pinrteearcvhieewr sg ahvee hiandte rBeastdin gw iatchc ouvnartsio oufs Cyeoallrin, gwAoto dth eh aasn nculfotsle dm eweti ngs utcheee spsfausl* olofs opMhys soofu l hihsa s mginivde, n anexdp remssuiosinc ::••;: Wt take this Opportunity to inform you that we shall vacate Iteer, 104 102 01 m young men whose dissipatiou had tor, Bev, V* L, Parker, read a reportf or the world and for all future getter* tho store No. M4 Waldo St, and shall occupy the sfore-No, TO II hlea, 80 IS. brought them behind ptfsoa bars, in which he noted the activity and aliens of men| but Barns was Scotch* 213 Waldo St., just opposite, JktiOWn as the Eilhot sfofef tO* 'lwd, - Its elotiag Be spoke very emphatically progress of the church* The ehurch His poems Were written in that rich Ail m- 250 § cently vacated hy J. B. Tardiff & Co. OR SIZE wJitbp.s ai,s the last amf the roll 0o7ff * e2o6n2. ahgavaiea sotf thspee pauksintogm o tfh a"ts imna"n ya sp r'efpalcehaesr*s pofro p1e3r,4ty0 0h..a s Tbheiertny -itmwpor omveedm baet rsa hcaoviel 1h dei ailse ct",B aonbdb tyo BScuertnehs ,"m ena nndn d Bwoobmbeyn tot Tht h'Shesl lfaree string total The idea conveyed ia. such heeA reeeived into the ehurch durisg Burns he will epntiBtte to be to them, teaching is that in avoiding "sin,1" the year making In all 81 additions to though to mankind: In genernl, he Is ^^^k t» decid'e.' •%%* ehampionJhipi- one It heroieatiy denying himself the church since Mf, Parker's pastor- fiobert Burns, the poet. Thankiiig the public in geneiril for the liberal patronage MM PIANOS. some present joy with the hope ate began, The attendance: of the Snn* The Ciatt Chishelm celebrated his given uelniberkastanojhopingidfAeon'HnuAnee ol of a correaposdiag pleaawe being lay school has been large, the attend* birthday at Bumford Fails, Wednesday m measured la Mm in a future state of ttttce Sunday, Ja«, 6th, being 104, evening, by speeches, recitations from the sanie, we remainy f°f <Mhm on east payments I existence. Membership »f present is 828, Burns, songs1 and dancing* Yours respectfully, r ml t season >feffi :*elravp; - • • While appreciating the possible vir- The year has been marked by an t we aft tw'c tue of self deftiai, the speaker thought "era of good feeling" and the church DOO WANTED FAIR FIGHT, 4 irsftli E. J. RODERICK & CO., ?ehJJn & Son, Ivors and it very harmful to apeak of any sort commences the new yenr wiCt bright to th jn<L Sterling. Regent. Kel- :of -wrung as a nwans of happiness, .As prospects and great hopefulness* Bev* Last Friday In attempting to separ* n matter of fact there could .not b« (*• L* Farker wa3 by ttnanlmons vote ate two dogs that wort fighting in front 213 VValdo St, o id others. any pleasure in sinfaf sets* eouiinned pastor of the ehurch for two: of Howe's confectionery store on Con* . lfthlnking of buying a timnoi years at n talary of 81,400 % year, * * gross) street, Albert Seeo'tf, a young ^C««^»»7«fe«t««a^^^^ fellow employed at the Hotel Bum- g and d«i ^our prices before closing a REV* E. ,.r a>Witfi7'''T.i jvrWir|.;i|i''.1»E' B• BER NEW OPTICIAN, ford, Was quite severely bitten in the rm\ list loo» loft leg just below the thigh. The ur dress* Hit* titU& M *'M .'toe'tfhfiosyd*f bf HBWcf At* VrTrtJiri*t cJm,c dnta qattpepse oafr s Fcinft lnthnids , iwsshuoes, eh aads- peculiar" thing about the affair is that When the cold winds dry and eraek WANTED,—Girls to work in tooth- and »$1 been favorably known in Portland for the dog that did the biting was an the skin & box of salve nan save amah pick mill at Dixfleld. Clean work and F. J. RIGBY. Last Sunday P,ev, H, Hoyt, Ilniver- a number of years, and ha# been visit* on looker, and evidontfy resenting the discomfort. In buying salvo look for good pay. Apply to C, C, FESEMAN, lalS it mue Supeiinfeadent of ehnrehes, lag Maine towns sf atnted periods, intcrfettnee dashed at the boy and Supt,, Dixfieid, Me, 25-lm, Representing who gave fwe affteMet In the Hnlfet* where his success has been marked. He fastened his fangs into the lad's leg. the name on the box to* avoid trtf ***Y £ Allen. Portlands enilst'church during the. week,, tie* [has added Bumford lo his Hat of towns Young Seeolt received medical treat* imitations, and bo siiro you • get the WANTED—By a young girl, cham- Iding, i ; m> Koom 5, Cnles Block, livered the sormott at the morning sor- •and, as will be seen from his advertise- ;mrnt, and it is hoped no Serious con- original DcWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. ber or similar work. Not afraid of vieei; • • -A large vottgeegaiioj. greMed; men*, will make his initial visit the sequences will result, although ho is work. J* WISKONT, Bumford Falis. ^umford Falls. the preacher, whose uddrcss met with-a 29th, 30tb and 31st of January, Ho quite laote, Sold by Bowers & Vaitoo. ..A-giby • :.:-:Mft*sPW/- ' *i • "elepliaitfl :**,:**- J*^#.*» #£&****, " '~'~ '"' pirn ll1'.' —• -% - J . ./j^*^*Aa^*w«k1^ • .."'.•*' •J*a£i Ha affect will to ajara* to Bead u» your fabscriytiaa sutka tola pac* af totoraat';a»4 and *to *h»t we Will hare to £K t value to toa aaapla .tfyAhi.- •-.toy of iaierfat to AndoTer '(frer,. ^ Tour. eo^|a«a]^on; 1* j^pto dariuf the next twg} n ' solicited. %-"" months. lilt Lasfc Thursday the coldest wave of Good Water it^twippft •• the season siruek Ahdover, driving the W H EN YOU B U Y mercury- id Em therffioffieters down in* ISWRt-raftp/''; to the Ibnlrja, At several places "in Andover, Sooth Andover and Bast And* Good Soap over, in the few thermonje-ters that eonld register low enongli, the njerenry OF US Showed: a temperatnre of Id below zero. (ia$sjingp*&:' Several of the older inhabitants stated WE'RE that they bad never seen such a low You Buy for Cash First class Machinery] ternperature, Fortuuafeiy there was Jo the beef race; MMl no wind blowittgj so that: aside from nothing hut the' a few frostbitten ears, there was no AND real sdllering from the cold, Not tongh old,, and You Buy Cheaper. d?he following were present at the Careful Management healthy steers n very enjoyable whist party held at Mrs. Sertrude hTewball% last Thnradayi; :.hfx*,. httd Mrs, Lloyd *13arneSj> -hfr, ahd Is what makes my FOR .Mrs. hhanit -0, Keith, htr,. and Mrs, !0. Very truly, Av K-and, Miss. Eatherihe GoonibSj,. M4.SS. : Ldha Luce, Miss Anna .Taekson, Atfa. There's as muo| G o n ya B r o s . , 95 congress st. hTellie. Perry, Miss Mae French, Miss iween ottrmeafci Ellen Akers, bliss Alice Moore, Mrs. I Charlotte Broadman, Miss Marian • M there fe hetwe UP-TO-DATE -Poor]' Fifed illvitehlns^ tValtor Barnes^ Pot your teeth i| Arfjhnx Lang, $h.e prices wore won -or reaaS from j AND byJArthirr Lang: and, 'Jpratnh Keith. , > Central office. ?CSaytott Sweatt has gohh^to the lake DIXFIELD ITEMS. It is understood -that an order of the never wwvt ft«y RELIABLE to gefeout his wood and ice, Kniglrts of King Arthur Is about to be Adopted Minimum Fee Table Wo know* i ••'' • 'John Kewton and Arthur Poor were formed by the young men of the place. out from Will Learned*S, camp to spedcl The Happenings of the Week Everett -Gould, of Lewiston was in Ja|t* Sunday, • ". . ' {:". town last week, for Rumford and Mexico B. As. Grover's crew came out last as gathered by the Citizen Simon Taintet spent Sunday with his {£?* I have.-rccently dug a well Saturday, to spend. Sunday, They ex- family in Weld. pect .to; finish",-their wOrk: and break COBB Reporter. Ernest Tain tor .has- returned: from a from which.''I get pure, clean camp this week, January J, 1907 week's trip to Strong, water, and that, and no other Trving French left last Monday for Mrs, Alice t}(*fy Who stays- at the Me* water is being used in my laundry. Lsuerwgiicsatol no pwerhaetrieo*n haet tihse tCoe n.utrnadle Mrgoai nlae serTmhoen sSubujnedcat yo mf oBrenvin, gI fw, aMs , "DBalanzieilnsg* Ian twyeree kH'so nsstaesy: rIent uSrntreodn gS*a turday from 0a* VisiU fri» 7 A. M. U S P, M. General KbspitAh, -C the Trail," $1,50 Mrs, S* A* Wilson is Somewhat Im- AGENCIES: 11,, A. Grover has been finishing 63 Kev. H, H.' Koyt, Slate Saperio* proved in health. Eack iNiiitial Fitlmt (!i ) V$Q Rumfor E. R, STEVENS, Mexico! r his veranda this week. tendent of churches, who preached at R» C. PingreO of Anburn was In town Eack iiiuiiiil pitiut (iiisl.i if failir) 1,00 W/S. GROMMETT, RfdloovMe. KeBtcahmuurae,l; MMea,r,s stophe',n tw lhaost *:iS's'a wtnordrkaiyn ga dadt Wthee dDnensidvaeyr geavliesnt incghsu rocfh lasTt uwesedeaky, aalnsod ) SaEturrndeasyt , Davenport injured bin hand Nigkt Visits fns S f, M, ti 7 A. U, 2,00 G. S. LOCK^ Romford Falli Sunday atfh'iS"-home-here* ' ?»' t,, preached Sunday evening to a large quite badly on a saw in the old spool Bejfoii City Lliits, pir silt, m wiy ,50 > X>T. Leslie went." fe Lewisten tho first audience. Subject,"Parting of the mill last Saturday, Couiftatiii FM 2,00 of .this jveeh to accompany jSTelson Ways." Miss Edith Tounkin sang two Mrs, George Towle spent Friday with Austin bf'-'"East Bethel, Mho hal gone solos. ' Coisiltiiiii FN firhlie if City $1.00 son tin rigiiif Mrs* John Towle, to* the hospital for a surgical operation. * The weekly meeting of the S, S, Fcr Unm! BitiitiHn Fred Smith, who works in Bumford 2,00 pir if, Bell Tail ( r Bred French, and wife havef-'returned: teachers was held at the home of Mr, |lil 33a L* -Bean* •"- Falls spent Sunday at home, OfffMFH to. Andover for ,a *t?ro tmonths-'f vaca* George Merrill, ,75 ipwif Mrs, S, L, Hammons Went to Bunif ord 3'ft'ii i '•" " - • J ;'' ' ••*; •;' " Bon,. Mr;*French,has a nice position A Sunday school class of ypung Falls last Monday, Oittitrii FN 10.00 29Ccmj %W k : Canal St* . Prop.. iCnh aLuaffnecuar sfteorr, ;wE.h eVr.e Bh, eT ihsna yeemrp. lo*;y ed as lSaadliisets cihs urbcehin, g Afo rcmoerdd iaal t inthveit aDtinoinv eri*s Mrs. Mary Greenleaf, who has been In testimony of our approval of the Fee Table •>,rfiii''i-)i iiri*iiii~""ni I"I II~' *—IIJII -'n.ii-|i»-|jiii.l)iriii in Boston two weeks, returned home 'MERGHANI Frank: Keith visited. Bumford Falls extended to all young ladles In the! Saturday, bringing with her her niece, and our guarantee to be governed by its this week, • village to attend this class. Mrs, Tonnkin and daughter, Edith, who Mrs, Philip Bbyt, who underwent a The TJniversalist church Aid Society wiii spend a Week, here. prices, we subscribe our names; Salts marie to orcfi The New 5 and 10 cent •Serious surgical, operation at Lewiston was held at the home Of Mrs. Ylola Miss Alberta Mclancs 'Spent Satur* piic last week, is making a fine recovery, Chase Thursday, Jan. 16th, The meet* day and Sunday with her sister, Mrs, WCfe'l NOVELTYSTQRE Clifford Moore, who is employed at ing Was made especially interesting by Bhiibriek in Frye, J, W, STUART A* B, STANWODD Good m Gi Damon's camp in .the Surplus, Was out the fact of the day being Mrs. Chase's Mrs. Norman Marsh, who Was called G. :'H- BigBEfi B, E*. WltEKX for several days last week suffering 75th birthday," to Byron by the sickness and death H* 3* BrfiTDRi) :,T, ARBOTT HttE from a large number of Job's com* The subject of Bev. Frank Pearson's of her aunt, returned home last Friday, Qcanlng;, Dyinj Corner Congress and Bridge forters. sermon Sunday morning was "The One 't>. Q, Xttsmtm- I/AURA P. NOYES Mr, B, W, Woodwin and man of Streets, McMennamin Block There is a rumor in the village that Thing Needful," Text taken from Luke Mexico have been in town looking after 0* D* HANLON VVM* P* ttDTCRIRi? a livery stable is to be Started here in 10:*l-i2. the Water pipes, B, M, MCCARTY *L D, (rAomt BELL TAtLOBLI Is now Open. You will find la the SpriBg, Instead of meetings being held every Olive Paul of District No, 4 is at* Bam ford FalE, great many useful as well as orna- Cabot Lodge, K. of P. worked the Sunday evening as formerly, Bev, tending grammar school in the village, first degree last Friday night and the Pearson. Will preach every other Sun* and is staying with her grandparents, mental articles which can be bought members present were viiy- much day evening at West Peru, Alternate Mr. and Mrs, Aionze Wentworth, WGCDLAND and for 5 and 10 cents. This is pleased with lie excellent work done Sunday evenings the Christian En- Mr, John Decker returned from Au* by their new officers. Although this deavor Society will take charge. The the only strictly 5 and l'O cent gusta Saturday, ING I Was the first time they had worked in pastor is planning a Scries of five store in the city of Romford their new Stations, there was not a minute talks on matters of public in- Mr, D, A. Gates returned Saturday PHOTOGRAPHIC from a business trip to Pittsfield and Tails and you are invited to call break during the evening. Next Frt* terest and village Improvement to be FOR SALE- Augusta, and examine the stock whether day the second degree will be given, given before tho Sermon on the Sun* Bev, Frank Pearson has moved into property but owi E, S. Poor is out from camp suffering day evenings he preaches here, you intend purchasing or not. the rent on Third street formerly oe* self on accouRt of from a severe attack of rheumatism. The monthly conference will be held cupied by Frank Gilchroase and family. 0ux aim is to make this the Timothy Bastings was out to spend at the Baptist church Friday evening. POSTALS Several persons interested in the tele- 5 and 10 cent Emporium of Ox- last Sunday at home. The Ladies' Auxiliary met with Mrs. phone went io Peru Center Monday Also oorrcsiroRi The Congregational society held a George Walters Thursday afternoon. ford county, very pleasant picnic supper at O, B, The installation of the Eastern Star evening to attend a lecture given at freiuany who wi the Grange Hall on "The Telephone." Wp shall carry everything that Poor's last Wednesday, and Welcome Bebekah officers Was held The parts and workings of the tele- of th« wod or timber lai can be sold in a 5 and 10 cent Lone Mountain Grange held their Tuesday and Wednesday evenings. phone Were fully explained and iilns- Tow may IKJ pu regular meeting last Saturday, Charles Towle entertained: a party of Iratcd by a telephone In the hall, Tho store and respectfully solicit your 25 of Sis friends from Bumford Falls MEXICO HIGH SCHOOL some propositiott i lecture was especially interesting. patronage. TO ENJOY A GOOD DINNER. Saturday evening. Games were played yoti by ftddreBsi«g and both instrumental and vocal music RECENTLY BURNED, 8MI1 How to Avoid Distress and Indigestion furnished enjoyment for the evening. LOCKE MILLS, Geo. B, McMennamin, After Eating, Refreshments of lee cream and cake, Miss Testa Woodls went to Pertland For Sal« By ^re of Uittmbt \ fancy crackers, cookies and fruit were last week for a Short visit, Rumford PROP, served. Mr, and Mrs, D. W, Bryant and Let us tell you how you can enjoy a good dinner, So that the heartiest The Whist Club was delightfully ett* child of Greenwood, spent Sunday with f Sour meal will sot well on your stomach tertalned by Mrs, John Decker Friday Mrs, Bryant's parents^ Mr* and Mrs, H. J. REYNOLDS, O. F, Snow. and cause no unpleasant and disagree* OVening, Two of the members, Mr. able af tar effects, * Decker and Mrs, Greenleaf were absent, Miss Harriet Fuss, teacher of elocu- Stomach rf We will show you how to regain the but Mr, Thomas Holt and Miss tion and German, Gould's Academy, appetite of your childhood end the en* Ferdurina Ludden supplied, Bethel, visited here Saturday, No appetite, Jon of strength, nertow> joymeitt of' food, so that if will taste A number of people attended "The Mr, C, E. Abbott visited friends inf H* J, Reynolds has the aggncy lor the Oliver Type- Mta, heodachoi toiiatipafion, *d breath, a* well as when mother cooked the Lien and the Mouse" at the Empire Berlin, N, -H,, lasti week, I fosf atttroa is tdoemoaictthr/ ,a reo"d uarl lr idsuineg st,o Ainnddi gceasttiaornrh* dinner. Theater in Lewiston, Tuesday night, Mr* :and Mrs, F, R. Penley and: son, f writer in Rumford Falls and Mexico* Kodol relieve* Indigestion, This newd'.scov* There Is n<i hard Work necessary to The Gypcena Girls' 01ub met with Edward, Spent Sunday with their rein. I try represents the nature! Juices Of dlgete do thisj no need of a rigid and self* Miss Josie Marsh Thursday eveaing, tives at West Paris, . i A set of Encyclopedia Brifaniiica, American Ed,* Bon aa they oxurt'i in A heAlthy mach, eacnblsed wfih the treat known tosis denying diet list" UO call for Aaaty and Tuesday evening, Jan, 29th, a dance •04 reconstruct properties, Kodol fof disagreeable medicines. Simply take wiii be given at the Opera House, OILEAD, :25y6ffc:for safe cheap*. Csrepepewa aaoo i a Mi*o»n« stomach tablet before each Music bf Chase's -orehestra, Roller- Mrs, 8. L, Morse has been quite sick. Best dyspepsie, but this. famous remedy meat and before going to bed, and it skating will be held until half past jwikpi AU atoms (rouble* by cfeanslnf, Colds are prevailing through our vih ftorfyjAg, m add strehgdiehinff will so strengthen the stomach that nine, when the ball will be cleared and Way White se tho mucous memerahes lining I before long n hearty meal will give a social daftee enjoyedi Edith Cole has been siek bat is some f „-*hv S, -S, Bali,. ei Kttfermroodt W. Vs.-, mr*i-* .. I vie troubiad wlih ner sstetriaeh (or twenty, rears* you gratification and comfort, without Thursday, Jan, gist, the -Sliver Grays S.'bettef now, I Kodol cured to* Mid we arc now ustnr It In mukt he least fear of distress and suffering. will hold % dance and: supper in Tuscan %tn and Mra, E. H, Jordan- have gone I fWbabyy" Kodol MfcmWtot Yoa B*t> The strongest proof we can offer •af Opera House, The Silver Grays of to Mrs, Jordan's home in Anbura. I Bbttlei- Only. RelleVeS' (nditestton, sour etomees, our, ffit&pn this advice, is the fact that Bumford will attend, Cora Ltry is at home from Bridge*! NOW IS THE T I M E ^orsale ftfi eas bitenlhi Of: r'as, otOi the Cote Pharmacy, A. 11, "Willinmson, 'Thursday of last week the weather port, Conn,, io work for Mrs, Herbert I Payments* and i Plato****' byW O. D.vviTT * OCv, OHtaaOOv Prep,, and Nathan. Reynolds of Canton, was so- cold that but v^ty few people Cole, who is -ill. fT'l'% JE£l"i$*# tAsia* • *••-•-- give an absolute, unqualified guarantee Were able to work in the spool mill. ^G. H. Coffin and J, McBride with tho \ • " B U Y Y O U R ^edieE* Mac! Food don't digestt Because the {applying to two SOe bo*es of Mbe-naJ, The thermometer' ran as low as 42 stoifiscft lacks some one of the: essential that your money will be refanded un« degrees below zero in some places, aid of F. D, Geodaow, J* D, Bennett I Etc* fa? sale* - and J, % Deeester have moved J* W. I , digesianfs or the digestive juices are less Mi*a-sa cures, A iguurantee like' Colds are prevalent! several of the Bennet't's boilers-.in Bheiburne- with! Sbvvirttf rnaJ this gives you confidence in Mi-o*na,; girls are oat of the toothpick mill, also hot properly balanced. Then,- too,, it foty good success. Sir. Goodnow Is a I R O O F I NG They fake the whole risk, and the many. primary scholars are.. out . of cycle, atitaitic is this undigested food that causes very successful four-horse teamster. I remedy will not cost you a penny un-J school, iThey have also cleared the brick yard I ^ r a ph an d Sourness laud painful indigestion, less it .-cures. Mrs, Fl'uella flnstoa and Mte Walter fat Seruteb Corner -of Its etfects. f Pairing. Kodol Fof Indigestion should be used ing only temporary relief, but a specific S'ttmil, Who bavg been ill with severs for relief, Kodol is a solution of for all diseases of the stomach, eolda are somewhat better* Heavy, impure blood makes a muddy, Go to V. A. LINNELL and get| ^itlrieEt mi vegetable acids, it digests'-what you sirengthening the digestive organs and The store owned by Mrs, SI L, Hum. pimply complexion, beadaehea, nau'sea,- P&*d for all fe! cat, and corrects the deficiencies of the making a permanent cUffl, •mens ,gj,g Mrs, C It, Wilson- Is neatly indigcsUon. Thin blood makes "you '** hides and! • digestion, Kodol conforme to the Ns* o ready for -occupancy. tional Pure Food and Drug Law. Sold BMHtto ^**>ltUTllnitm<YnwlYHwifHiAulitAolpfij ilwHt Jan. loth a daughter was born to the!weak' pftJo' sick1^ Bard<ich Blood the BEST. It is RUBEROID Wife of Mx", Henry .Newman, Bitters makestheblood rich, red, pure- F» A. FUR here by Bowers <i Vallee. Mrs. Otto Holt is assisting in Urn restorcS perfect health, M *rosp. , *„., , |,, c Rum ord FBl j*«gjg*!^ri^^^^^g gfoj^&^jjCj|a^Al®S^ 1 M T O EU14TOKD OXTDBH, YMUliDAY, JANUARY 94, 1907* fub«cji»tlQ THE HOME CIRCLE. V** ii?-Hf« -R.-I» -,..«*!*•-*yif. fish and game laws. S Hi BAV8 fa) By Senator Ayer of' Kennebec,' for 9 .4ndov«j. a standard form of age certificate for w*t .t»qT» it *. !> child factory employes,' " ' * '" , «*•»«< Emh| RwH.«-A ty** DediCtW I. Tired Mrthsri is They Join ths Him Circk '••'. . grgarg.....«.- . ' :••,-••••-:.:. it Ewinj Tide, The now propositions fop iexpendi- THE STATE tures are: Bangor Children's Home, $1,500 a The Word Spoken in goason year. elementary beginnings Of the great By Nixon Waterman in Tillage Life. Maine School for Pqa.f, $17,500 a work on which the science and inven- There are hearts about w all the wlttia year and $20,000 for new building. tion have entered—the stopping stones Dcnconness' Home Association of mm& dawn with hidden anguish. to higher things. And they are preg- Bangor, $1,000 a year. And underneath the bravest smile nant with the promise and the potency A burdened soul may languish. of a richer and nobio? fruitage In the As Recorded By Our Special Representative. Maine General Hospital of Borttaad, $8,500 a year. To weary spirits, hound ftnd bruised. year whose opening gates we have en- WE'RE AHEAD May gracious words be spoken To enlarge and complete Oqnpssoe tered. Luminous as has been the past, "Or ever the silver cord bo loosed, fish hatchery, $5,000. its light has penetrated only the fringe Bassamaquoddy Indiana, $9,655 a id the beef race becffttsc we handle Or the golden, bowl bo broken*" of the dark mass of barbarism, of Bill Providing for Three Sessions fpnjii Jgleialilift year, and $2,315 from land and stump- ignorance, of poverty, which still dark- nothing but the best prime cattle. age sales; also ft petition that thb Cornea never ft day so dark and drear, ens a largo part of the world and the in Oxford Co. Representative Mc Kinney Dead on Dogs. State fulfill its agreement with the Mot loagfc old cowa> bnt young Our fleeting years to sadden, under strata of society oven in civib tribe. healthy steers raised especially But Madly words of strength and cheer ized states. Juno F. Curtis; keeper of Bingham Can strangolj- bless and gladden. Stupendous as seems the progress the Augustiij Mev Jan. 21, (Special.)-— in a permanent manner another shall ferry, $2000 for her loss on account of © •• With all our ways lot there bo fused world has made, even in our day, it The principal Oxford county mcasuro be designated. Tho head of tho Stato establishment of a bridge. FOR BEEF Bove's sweet and tender token has brought us only to tho foothills of to appear in the Logjslature during Highway department shall, be a $2^500- Petitions for aid to the Temporary "Br ever the silver cord be loosed, the vast ascent, whose far .off summits, the last Week Was intrpdueed by Bepre- a-yoar civil enginoer. Towns of less Home for Women and Children in Port- Or the golden bowl be broken.*' rising with the centuries will be sentative Afartin of Bumfprd, an act than $2,000,000 valuation shall appro- There's as ranch difference be- crowned with the glory of that now to change tho Supremo Court terms in priate one mill on the dollar for land, asking for $5,000. Petitions for aid to the Maine home tween our meat and that of others When we stand in the hushed and day when wars shall cease and poverty the county from two to three and to permanent highway impfpveraent, and for Friendless BoyB, in Portland. hallowed place, and crime shall .be no more, and the hold the additional term at Bumfbrd larger towns lesser amounts by a slid- as there is between clay and night, Maine State Sanitarium Association By f ha dust of one deep-sleeping, parliament of man shall proclaim the Falls. Thp proposition is for terms ing scale, and similar assessments of Hebron, $20,000 a year. pat your teeth in a. piece of steak And look on the peaceful spirit face, reign of righteousness and peace at the court house in South Paris' on shall be made for roads in uninCprpor- Besolve for $12,500 a year for the or roMl from here and you'll Our hearts aro wrung with weeping; throughout the federation of the world, the second Tuesdays of May and Octo- fttqd townships; State ftid will be Sisters of Charity Hospital in Lewis- Are wrung for the words wo never used, •'A vision's baseless fabric!" do you ber, and at Kumford Falls on the granted to such towns as' increase that ton. never want any other butcher* For the love wo should have spoken nayf second Tuesday of February. The bill sum fifty per cent, and an articlo to Besolve for $2,000 a. year for main- Wetaowv i Or ever the silver cord was loosed, Well, droams lead thousands to a hot- r.'as ordered printed, on motion of that end must be in the town and Fable Or the golden, bowl was broken. ter, day, Senator Hastings. plantation warrants. Towns of less tenance and care of Gardiner and Bandolph. Bridge. * ft;ftv ,"• '* '4 Other measures of special interest than $100,000 valuation to receive f rdm State Laboratory of Hygiene, $4,500 Unhappy poverty is not So bad as un- Marriage and Divorce. to Oxford county especially have been the "State, double, the overplus in the happy love- a year, xico "While the president's recent message introduced as follows: appropriation, of less than. $250,000 '# * * Old Town Hospital, $2,000 a year. to Congress has boon published in near- By Bepresentative B. H,- Oleason of valuation onco and one-half, less than COBB BROS., Afarrying without love Is Mke build- Howlaud and Enfield bridge, $1,300. ly all papers, yet It seems fitting that Mexico, a bill to incorporate tbe Dix* $1,000,000 oven money, less than $3,- ing without ffiortar. Piscataquis bridge in Howlaud, $1,- one section of the voluminous document field Trust Company with twenty.flve 000,000 valuation three-fourths as 100. should appear in this department as thousand dollars capital. The cor- much, and more than $3,000,000 valua- There is enough happiness in sight, ft relates to the home. The president porators are John A,. Decker, John, S, tion half as, much. The state aid shall if yon could get it, '*• * v says: < Harlow, Maurice W. Forstor, George L, be spent in villages or towns of fewer The expense account of tha Senate 11v.5500 Rumferd Falls, ViKrtuined gnyecspsv, n,i s the sunshine in which is f t*oI paamss wae llc oanwsatirteu toiof nhaol wa mdiefnfidcumlte nitt, MBeryr ilBl, eNpreewsetonnta tSiv. eS tioSwfeewllb. ert of Ali- tfhuarnni s2h, 00e0x pinehrta baitiadn ttso; toTwhnes S ftaotre mroaady hcoeanrteds tBedy ae leccotmiomn ittceaes eo, f wwhhiicchh Sewnaas- Nevertheless In my judgment the whole gusta, bill to change name of Auburn, building.' If the amount is more than tor Hastings was chairman, was 1,00 Kb. one was ever an angel by simply question of marriage and divorce Afeehanlc Falls Ac Jgorway Blectric $1,000 ift any town; the State high- $584.81. That is the committee which: 2,00 Ma wanting tn be one, should be relegated to the authority Bailway to; Lewiston, Augusta & Wa- way -money shall be, expended' accord- heard a big case and made a record for ,50 fc.81 v *• •: Of the national Congress, At present ter vilie Street BailrVay, and give it the ing to plans furnished by the State quick and thorough work. Keep your word with a child as you the wide differences in the laws of the right to acquire present and future highway department. Work may be By some birrbr in the list of commit- 2,00 would with a banker. different states on this subject result connecting lines and to buy and oper- let under contract to bidders'. State tees, fhe*name of Senator H.H. Hast- ••. •' • in scandals and abuses; and surely ate power and light plants" and water aid payments shall be made at stated ings of Bethel was not recorded enough Bell Tailoring Co. The boy who is courteous towards there la nothing so Vitally, essential powers. Intervals as* the Work progresses. The' times, Mr. Hastings, in addition.: to 2,00 pit in Other boy's sisters, but neglects his to the welfare pf the nation, nothing By Bepresentative: Charles of Me- State will have no liability for his other assignments has a position ,75 -ipnif Own, Is only a gentiemsut on the out- around which the nation should so bend chanic Falls, act to extend charter, two damages on or account of a* State on the judiciary committee, the lead- 0,00 29 Gbogvess St., side. The girl whoso tones are soft itself to throw every safeguard, as the years for Auburn, Mechanic Falls & rpad. A tax of one mill, on the dollar ing one of the joint Committees of the and kind is company, but tart and dis- home life of the average citizen, The Norway,Street Baiiway, shall be levied by the State on all House ahd Senate. •."• it Table agreeable at home, may pass for a time Change Would be good from, every By BepfesentatiVe Dyer of Buck- property to raise the hioney for this Peter Joseph Neptune, representative 'MERCHANT TAILORS. as a lady,, but those who know her best standpoint. In partleniar it would be field; ftct to incorporate Buckfield purpose;, ' ' • *.-•>:• to the Legislature from the PasSama- by its see that she is ably adorned on the good because it would confer on the Trust Company, with $25,000- to $50,- quoddy Indians, was introduced to the Salts madeto order at reason able surface, Congress the power at once to deal 000 stock, the corporators .being'..Ben- House on Thursday morning. • * • radically and efficiently with polygamy; jamin Spauiding,.HoraeeA,Irish,, Cyrus; Dther important matters of pending 'prices,;. There la nothing so heaithf ul in this and. this should be done whether or not M« Irish, Ghariea N- Taylor, Osborne legislation are: Little touches, of back-ache should Good Fit Guar an teed. world, as a cheerful heart and a dispo- marriage and divorce are dealt * with. A. McConathy, Ealph H. Morrill, By Senator Parkhurst of Penobscot, not Be allowed to go untendecL Bheu- sition to look on the rosy side of every- It la neither safe nor proper to leave Charles H. Prittbe, Alfred T; Cole, a resolve to pay $110 additional to the thing. Trouble is not a physical ail- the question of "polygamy to be dealt Howard Pv Shaw, Benjamin Spaulding,; voiunteers under the •second call for. uatism and many other things follow. fjiiOTt HttE 0eaTuxig> Joying andPressing:. ment, but « mental condition* It is with by the several states. Bower to Jr., Qt* Baffett Spaulding, Frcderie B. troops. It Is stated, that that sum A Box Of DeWitt'a Kidney ahd Blad- hard on the brain, hard, on the body deal with it, should bo conferred ott thft Byer, ...".. .' would be divided among five men. der Piiis: will Bring relief quickly, and hard on your friends* A clear national governmeufc. By Eepfesenlative E.,H. Oleason pf By Senator Parkhurst- of Penobscot, They drive the poison from the body- conscience, a brave hear I, and a healthy BELL TAHOKtiG COMPAHY, "v7hen home ties are loosened; when, Mexico, a bill to grant the right of a rdBoivefor $2,000 a year for fwn Act on the liver as well as the kidneys* liver means a long and happy life. It, kamlard Falls. ftalnc* Is the mistake of the age to worry and men and women Cease to regard a omlhent fidmain to the Diixfield Light years* for preservation of Civil "War A 25 cent Box holds a week's 'treat- worthy family life, with all its duties & Water Company, officered by .the rolls on file in office of adjutant gen- fret over things that cannot bo realized, fully performed, And all Its responsi- same men as the Dixfield Trust Com- eral* j * •• • -:.j«' .••,.•• rent.. Sold By Bowers & Vallee. ,, WOODUND and WOOD WORK- Laugh at trouble and It vanishes. biliUes lived up to, as the life best pany, The right to sell to be in the By Bepresentative Smith of- Patten,, '•:< " ft. ' ... wijiS" * worth living; then evil days for the towns of Dixfield, Mexico, and Peru ft biM to provide fine Of $10 c»r imprison- • '*'•"* —-^' fA|^* j IHB MILL theNree veIrs dseocmeievteh inygo urth eyc hislhdoruenld. nIoft creogmiomnosn iwne aoluthr laarned a, ta nhadn cdl.a ssTehs eoref oaurer Finf a.nOkxlifnor dc ocuonutyn.t y, Tahned rigChatr thtaog ot akine jmumenpt cfoonr trathctisr tyt o dlaaybso r fionr tmhee nw woohdos L. J. STUfaNskD AisY BRauIMVnEg R.b it,c h "t o ' know, tell them so but do not tell them population, Where the birth rate has water to be gfanted as to Potter pond after they have received an advance the Thurston mill for Fred KilgorC; FOR SALE- -0OO4 payinff |a falsehood, for sooner or later they sunk below the death rate. Surely it in Carthage. in goods, transportation/ or money* Mr. Ed Smith and sons are sawing ... I sill And you out, Children look upon, bireli for Fred KilgOre. property but owner forced should need no demonstration to show By Bopfesentative Gleason of Mexi- By Senator lAbby of Waldo, bill for "* [their parents as models on which to Mr, James Spinney has finished Work- sell on account of sickness. I form, themselves,' and when a child that wilful sterility is, from the stand- co, an. act to make toll bridges con- additional protection against con- ing for Albert Eames, point of the nation, from the stand- demnuble for public highways, and tagions diseases of Cattle and horses. -. •• ... .-..., fleams that its mother has deceived it, Mr, Guy Littl'ehalc called on J, C* LS point of the human race, the one sin giving county commissioners the au- By Bepresentative Murphy of Port- I something is losE forever from Its na* Swan last Sunday, for which the penalty is national thority to seize the same and award land, bill to establish "Portland Water AIsu oonrspowleneo solicited 1^0. The keen edge of virtue is a Herbert Kendall's children are quite death, race death; a sin for which damages. The commissidaers may re- district, consisting of Portland, SOuth from any who wish to invest ill I trifle dull, a Be is never again so sick. there is no atonement; a sin which is tain the toll feature six years, for the Portland, Wesfbrook, Capo BMzabeth, wood of Umber land* h""1"? \ f n g i B ibVyB. **%** the more dreadful exactly in propor- purpose of making ft sinking fund to- Windham, Gorham, Standish, Falmouth, Mrs. James Spinney and children Were in Bethel Friday, « ' ,., ' ' , . . ..„. fled* thai his mother's lips have utter- tion as the men and women guilty ward the bridge payment, This,would Cumborland. Mr. Benjamin Aldrleb. Is quite sick* thereof are In other respects, in char- aifeet the towns, of Mexico, Bumf of d, By Bepresentative Martin of Bangor, «omIoen p rmoapyo sbitoio np utht aitn; wtoilul cinh tewreistthf y untruth to Mm, • Mr. HerBert Kendall, While driving m acter, and bodily and mental powers Dixfield and Canton. bill to ettact that "A dbg is ft domestic you by ftddfegsing There comes times to us when we those whom for the sake of the state By Bepresentative Cleason of Mexi- anlmalri' from Bethel last Friday, lost a barrel I don't know which way to tarn, or ef flour and three Bags of grain, *\Ve SMITH, fit would be well to see the fathers and co, resolve for $300 for Screening the By Bepresentative Martin Of Bangor, I which way to look for aid, Kb wan. are glad to leara that he recovered mothers of many, healthy children, outlet of Lake Anasagunticeok, a bill to punish by fine or imprison- Cwe of Umzm for woman lives to middle age wHbont well brought up la homes made happy petitions for aid to the Maine State ment the kidnapper or poisoner of them all right. Rufnford Falls, fMeJ^^^^^^^Z B£lV- whether for love of ease and jkasure, Sanitarium Association, which main* domestic animals* AN OLD MAN'S TRIBUTE. by their presence, ffo matt, no woman, tains ft sanitarium at Hebron for con- By Bepresentative Haskell of Deer .,... . ' ... ' ... * ..JJe orntueso toarieee tacokmene s atow atyh,e hBealerht.e s Daeraer can shrink the primary duties of I'fe* sumptives. Isle, bill to raise juror pay from $2 ^^.•jdissipafed. TThhee ttrruusstteedd pprroovvee un- or for any other cause, and retain his Petitions have been presented for to $3 per day. An Ohio Fruit Raiser, 78 Years, OM, CUfed 6! * Terrible Case After Tell -'Jft&f i worthy of cofcflder.ee, ana the BOU! one or her scif-respeeL " closing Bull Branch and Sunday Bivef By Bepresentative Jordan of Port- Years of Suffering. iSf [is like a ship Beaten, by the wind and to fishing for five years/ except below land, bill to substitute Patriots' Day When suffering daily f ortttre tossed By the waves. Bat there Is NORTH BETHEL, the eonfiueiiee on Thursdays. for Fast Day. From Backache, rheumatic pain/ only one way to look. Book up. There Air* »T» F. Gnpilli was home last Sun- Petitions have been presented that By Bepresentative Dyer of Bnek- Any 111 of kidneys Or piafider; far above the black clouds forever day, Bapid river and the Maine part of field, bill to create a blaeksmlth's shoe- Tarn to Doan's Kidney Pills. « rype* shines the Blue. TheW, sometimes Jesse and AMn rhspmrw came home Umbageg lake be open only to fly fish- ing Men on domestie animats. A cure endorsed b}f thnUsands* eat of sight, but inexpressibly near to from Hn Baker's Saturday night and ing in the stream and trolling in the By Sepresentative Mftrtin of Bum* Bead in old hoofi's triBute* the frail, one- that seeks His help, I* returned again Sunday. lake and limiting the catch for one ford, bill to exempt trust nnd banking the Friend who is .ever gracious, When Mt. "Virgil Ohapman is at work for boat or party to tea pounds, eompanieg from State taxes on prop- Sidney Justus, fruit dealer, of Mentor, we are hedged la.and go groping *« C, A, Baker in tho mill, By Bepresentative Dyer of Buck* erty that pays municipal taxes. Dhtd, '.say's"! "I Whs Cnted by Doan's •he -hrk wilderness of despair, His Alts, "Virgil Chapman has a new field to cbattge the boundaries of Buck- By Bepresentative Stearns of Nor- Kidney Pills of a severe case of kidney a ifcrdft'Ble ft fi M: angels are over tcrtdy to take you; by sitting room stove. field "Village Corporation, way, order for eontmitieb on legal af- eijfht- :ftr''. teft Wi: the hand and lead you out. ,r-vT-iiir-M| -|».-i.-r. i ,.i«...,-i By Senator Curtis of Cumberland, fairs to investigate feasibility of ttfti*"' years* stand- Grateful Lengtit, MM to grant the United Slates Trust form code for muuleipal courts, ing*'" T suffered' m 17 White Sewing All Hail, "Hew is the new eheir?" Co* of Portland the right to establish By Senator Staples of Nnox,: n bill the rnOat severe i)'»! AM hail to .the He* Fear' What "B*elt, if yotc'fttiist know, I was branches in Fryeburg and Bridgten, for the taxation of railroads one backache and Machines; gifts will he bring! Far richer than sorry when the miaistei stepped By Senator Clarke of Lincoln, net per cent, of the valuation as fixed by other pains in •i >W1$ any preceding year in the vast wealth preaching,'f—Indge. for holder of recorded mortgages to the State assessors,, instead of the pres- the region of the k 1 dneys. SVsale o n easy monthly M 'invention and[discovery and acMevo- pay proportional part of taxes. ent method By reckoning 6it reeeipis* These were es- i*yments. a n d also io rent. » • » ' ^ " " J * l%^ g ^ i\ o Relieves! By Bepresentative Minikea of Is- By Beproseutative waMfoa of Dex- pecially severe I that have passed, wnat promise is w MY land Falls, bill to give municipal courts ter, an. amendment to the divorce laws, srointt btratus. when stooping jurisdiction over offenses against the providing that divorces shall not be to lift any- " If f^Lcate«cH*d*f.a lf.*f.e*,jF s , f,se Maf lae•-c. t thtii n•t•- e** - Or\iii*«l ,s. ,Ip d!bfroeeo^nrmtctered i\sr i"enMt, h a an"tthdh ie1 H pM yr(oBe,po at whmre olcnjryugldfs ot wfw piblhale sBbttt eelh rW i„st-hi bsien«trhg »sea n d T HR OEUABRLTE fbeirlBtli fyit foBie erhp airvfeiews esvtao twltinvss sHeallv eteyx ot f bSouollkisv aant, ggcrureaienltdtye adot ffw irahsdetu nil etewbroiy t,ho arp rwiadir ttfhiteions dshiivaxov mrec oeB n-etdehens*; ; wmtdhaayiyns tg iham,al wacenk,a ,dyb s ao fTtlt aeJhmnue se tI a ircacthos iutnbhldgae d hmw aaroadtrs nln yibni ggash*dtrt a, iinIag nhwdtteh anesI 1m 1 *4 towing m a c h i n e , bi-jt0 eom in the one at whose portals Pear Shan—Sebigo Like, Me., Mir, si, 1994, cost, and to furnish them free to those of the return of thb libel to the court. bothered with rheumatic pains and drop- i I cVcle, automobile, pho-}**»««*• ^ kT,fZlVXZ I have taken six bottles of "L, F,'* Unable to buy. By Bepresentative Weeks of Fair- sical swelling of tho feet The urinary HCtfvwwtk •-••-j' *#-.'. ...« ivear may taring forth, hat we Know Bitters for heart and stomach trouble, and field, a refereudnra and ifiitiativo re- passages were painful, and the secretions "Ograph an d gun re-|Jhftl oi whot ww gained far mankind I find it doa me the most good of anything By Bepresentative Oram of Bristol, solve for a eonstlMtional afflefidwent. were discolored and so free that often PwHhg, \ u m ma tbnt is just fttiisbing its 1 have ever used, and I have" taken hun- heliolle tetdo bfh atvhee vsoehteerosl ofs utpheer itnotwennds*e nfs By Eeprosentativo McKtnney Of Id ayh.a d Htoal fr isae baot xn siegrhvte d It of erlet liteivreed maell, i "ighest cash price Larse, nothing will be lost that is fit dreds of dollars worth of dirFerent kinds of Bridgton, Bill to raise dog licenses to I get; and three boxes effected a permanent to survive. It will keep en adding la medicine. It is a speedy cure for all de- $3.15 for males and $10.15 for females, ***<* for all kinds of tho domain of human knowledge to the rangements of the stomach ind liver, lot} State Highway Commissioner Sar- and to grant any person permission to f*w hides and furs. domain of men over the forces of na- roc constipation it haa no equal, gent's good roads bill appeared on kill any dog found roaming at large, ' A FRBB TRIAL of this ffrwt kidney i&H Yours truly, J, H, RAMO, Jan, 13. It provides for an appeal and not With his owner or keeper. ntdicine which cured Mr. Jostns will F Truly, there is no psnse in the per- ThMMftdi of wWl-kuowa Malat ptopl* fnta/ from the present method of determin- By Bepresentative Donigan of Bing- he suited e* application t« aoff part tf - A, FURBISH. alsfcnee of force or in the operation of tMttfjr to th« ftmarluMe curitiVe qu'alitiei of tha ing Stato road locations, and that when ham, order for a legislative investiga- the United States. Address Foster-Mi- TtM "L. F," AtwooS's Bitttrs, for nmtif <• bnni Oe,. Buffalo, N, T. Sold ay fill i rail*. the groat law of development. All he one State tead has heeri 'eonstructl'd tion of need of general revising of jmn th* j shmtlx m««kiiM. jje, . dnsders; price, fifty cents par : 38 ftf!lf M. - Rliforf Filli, Ml, achievements of the past are but the f I P BUMFOBB '0ntmi^mam^W^^^^^ *** J The Rumford Citiztheatn, h.a s fascinated,* the .insaj^nia^ UfAOKf OF LAW OFFI0I,- LEGISLATIVE.. NOTICE. WANTED. T fc.*Si tive minds of men, would ;OW COMMITTEE ON XOEIOIAET, life be, if. the men*of great, intel-'• - The* editor of the"Time? thinks ' Nice, attractive young fady to act TUILISHXD WWMttirAT • lecta -constituted themselves their »a bilkasking for the -abolition foi The pbrnmittee OK J^ie*ari' will k}*e a Resception Lady during my stay j mMmst brothers' keepers, and used their the death penalty; in,Massachu- A Fubile hearing ih ?t» rooia at tb« n Us* Kumford Falls, Maine, talent for the good of all, in the setts, * is introduced with "poor State House in; Augnata, this towns : WEPNES-pAy, JAN, 1.0, 1907 AT % same manner they now use• it for grace by Senator Vahey, whtj de- sm #C&l»i«i ri'CEOCK %, AP Apply in person Monday evening the benefit of themselves, their fended Tucker. The Times in SfrO.WVwWry' Editor una Pr.«?prf«tor, No. 94. Qa an act to ratify, con- families, or their associates! * further comment, says* that? a firm and* make valid the organiaaMoa between six and seven. Subscription $1.25 per year in *d- Some years ago a man road paid petition was presented: to Af the PisAfild Eight and Wafer Pom- Hotel Rumford, vanee. If not paid $n adrance $1.50 will along the Oxford county highway Governor Guild asking for com- pany. 1 Dr. J. Jacques. be charged. by tlie great falls at Rumford. mutation of death sentence for J, H, AtONTGOatEBy, See, IP Advertising rates furnished on *o* He was keen of intellect and Tucker, That sort of talk sounds qOMMITTBE ON INEAND ITSHBR* quest. bright of eye; as he surveyed the rather '."lawyery," and dues not IES AND OAME. scene a vision appeared before happen to be true, The TneJker Marvelous Success in Curing the Sindaya,- •'• Entered as second-class mail matter at his mind's eye. He beheld a petitions came nearest to a popu- The Committee on Inland Fisheries Sick by Electricity and Remember the Tree Treatmeat SBJ Kumford Falls Postoffice, Aug. 9, 1906 and Game will give a PapHe hearing Magnetism. .3f*Ray Demonstattion Next Mondi,' great city surrounding the falls. lar demonstration that ever oc- in. its room at the State lionise, in Ho will see and treat nobody but Night, at 8 o'clock Sharp, at His oact The Sale The nucleus of the city was great curred in Massachusetts. Out Angtista, THXTBSDAY, JAN. 24, 1907. those who have been a long time af- a clean in* manufacturing concerns, factories side of law offices (where there is TPESPAy,. FEB, m, AT .3 *?*'at» • fiiuted, and these people seem never to PERU. the next t whose machinery was running not much tendency to get at facta; On petition of J. 0. Ponglass and 34 tire of idling how they went to him in Rockemeka Graiugo held its rcgahr Scripture. Philosophy. Econ- by the propelling power of the •and a great readiness to support others, .residents of Tipton in the Coan* tins very last stage of fliaenso arid how meeting Saturday, Jan. I9th. fo ta. paratory 1 omics^ Read. You'll See, water then falling to waste. court errors) there are very few ty of Ojriorcf, asking that B. pond, •miicMy they were rentwod;. to hca!ttu absence of the master, BrotSier ,J, g complete and Feel the Point. Other men had had similar persons in Massachusetts who do ionf. sfaisidh inilgp fedxnc, ehpet ethioes eodr dtoin aarlly jnmetehthoodda Prof, Caldwell cures his patients to .Cgo'oonda n.©t noapbeonre dw nSth' eIn mftetteetinndg',a neAe . vImjl • visions, but this one determined not think an innocent man was of angling with artificial flies. stay .cured* forenoon was taken up with dtgrw This S* "I pm more than pleased with your The thought awakened hy. the to make, the vision a reality, and sent to his death when Charles L, On "petition of John OhadWUiK and method of • trBating. d!«e«» of''.. thfe; work. Oar- Worth?- Lecturer, aa ?,-. scriptural question, "Am I my possessed the ability to do it. Tueker was executed. Mr. Vahey 21 others, residents of Bange'ley, And- «onn.f of giotocsa,,. wa* not ptcsHsst- over .and vjcinitj*, ashing for regula- human body but when you first applied brother's keeper?" seems to have Some ten years later his plans feels that the law should be tions on fishing in too 115*0 IJichanBan your electric cure to HmbS which have. There was but little fins to be ri¥,9 always been applied in a spiritual had quietly ripened and the changed to protect the innocent ponds, the two East Biehardson ponds, not IwA'p in condition, for 29 yearn,, and' to the program, as other busisea seemed to occupy the time till late ia sense, although a very material vision took material shape. Rum- against yerdiets procured con- and the two Beaver ponds, ia Oxford mako tiw.n. m .aafcumt as God designed .ibu ufipmottt', •;'•':•. fact instigated the question. In- ford Palls became a city instead trary to the evidence, "We believe County. *» them, I must say I had bat little faith. To day 1 can walk with perfect ease, Apple packers found it. tip hlii werl Importa spired hy the thought many have of a hamlet. The ten years prep- he is right, On petition of Bon E. Wight and 19 that long standing rheumatism is all loading a car last tveck. on aceouat of urged upon their erring brothers aration seemed necessary under orethgeurlsa,t iorenssi dpean tsf isohfi nOgx ifnor dS uCnoduanyt yr, ivfeorr gone and I can hardly rcatice I am the extreme cold wave. There were i*ft In the Re what appeared*to them essential our economic system, for if he Brother Shorey of the Bridg- and tributaries,, in Riley Bi. and towna wnBriug. with the sumo limbs. :- My day* the?- could not move npplcs, religious' affirmations. But we had disclosed to the public his ton News is laughing up his sleeve of Nowry- agfl Bothc'L •"'. . .: norvof s system. Is much. ImprO'veti • as W. H, Wymnn of North Abtng{oa; Wp have been fear, too often, the labor has been plans the greedy land 'owners because he has observed that On petition of S. W-. BoKnett and 5vel.l an niy dytiwptiO': ufesniuob, -J Mags.r visited at H. R, RobinsoB', fa\ the second time JI bine env,a icnr,u dbaelc aruatshe ert hteh aenf foprrtas cthicaavle. twhoeuirl d hhoavldei npgus.t up Stehlfe pirnicteer eosft "gBooodw ledrr uobfb itnhge CfrIoTmIZ EaN gceotrsr ea- 7fOi sxohfotihnrdegr. s,Ci nro c.,a iRfdoearnp itdsre. gourf;il vaMteiroa gnasai •lno drw,e. ga"yaBr BdakiIne.,g- wboefoe uMdlids neacgfslteausdn lltyno tc id.-ac vuwlltt intuh p'n omnny yow nnneo, m nwhphdilf,et 'nh tnhlvonun* IwXeOcetnikb .u Jida,n w. h2e3rred hAet r.b nWysy mhains ismaiLpij iftoiJr TfihgiuOsr euis.r yeonutirr el asstto "Whatever good or bad may have would have constrained them to spondent with a sharp quill." He Bnbngog. * me mom fully explain what benefits nurscr?- stock. Ho nsnally spend* ma* Here; are a fey thus resulted is not within the act along the lines followed by says said Jjowler deserves it for TpESBAy, FEB, 1% AT 2 B. AC . I have derived from your method of .time In right xiring while on item over.' scope.of this discussion. We will the promoter. "When control of terming a genial neighbor as !tn. Resolve providing for the -SerfiOK- treating diseases send In ofosfng will business trips, suggest the broadening of the sufficient land had been obtained "arch." Now Brother Shorev,' ing of AnasagKKtiCook Jake, in Oxford say, may the Lord, bjes* yoff wnd give Miss Lena Kldderkas rclnrard hca* Rain Coat; ir'edaelam, aonfd preaxctetincdailn ge conito mticos . the bm?ar gtihci sc imtya nw aans db uhiilst ) aagnedn tsf,o rt hae this is the most un''k.:#in•; dest cut '"••o*:"f * . C*:o unty, H, E,'MEBB'LBB) Bee, wyoour ks,t rength, in still Cp.e Srf,o rWm;E tEhKa;S g.o"o d. fsrcohMmoo;i slhs ienrE Ntvh.ie rlIi Lt K, fanidn ddAe fwrW iMlhl aivasci shiuctlw oislate* dM UtoBr- tj. To,h i1s3 l.o9t8 ,i n1c4fu,9d! 5 . The. process by which a condi- time prosperity came to all Who all. It was hard enough to get OOlkOMCErXEE ON BABOB. Afr, Weeks was treated by .Prof* iiehnsetU before returning boms. tion of society and business has located in, or near it. Everybody the "drubbing," but after we had Oddwei! •about, two years ago? and. gave- Atr, and Airs. L 0, Kidder were rith>' been evolved where the every acknowledges fhe genius pf Hugh, searched every dictionary and en- The Committee on Bahor will give tho above testimonial at that limn,. A ing friends in Lowiston and Aahsra Skirts, Vei |*.| day practice's aire contrary to the J. Ghisholm, and even some per- cyclopedia that we could get our Bttblie hearings la Its room at the short time ago he nn&&i} the statemenlta st week. State House In Augusta, that he is now feeling perfectly wOR .Mrs. Curtis, an aged lady familiarly Four gray skirt great precepts that we all pre- sons who had parted with their hands on to find language which TtrESBAi*,.. BAN, 29TFT, AT 4 B, At and has gained nearly 40 pounds Inflosb. palled. Grandma Curtis, passed away" tend to live by, is also outside the land at low prices diiring the should.'•'fully express the compli- J, On an, act amending sections 5S Afr. Weeks' address is 39. Maple street; Jan. ,17th. She lived, with her MS, jh Kf&f pale of this inquiry. i preparation period, feel that they mentary term which %e wanted and 56 of Chapfcr 40* of the Bevised Dover, N. H. Warren. rCuttte.nt .Wbrthley PosA, .%$• '• The fact is that we are part are probably better' off than If to., apply to our respected genial StatateS)"1 relating to the empioymfcnt Many sufferers made happy during funeral services were held gaadarj Coats, Ver and parcel of such a system, and they had kept the land arid there- neighbor and brother; to be thus of children in AtantifnCturing and Afe- the past week.. Would, you. like tO' be; .;af tcrnsuni •"''„.' ; IP whether we realize it or not, it is by prevented the consummation of misinterpretedandtohear hisnotes chanical establishmehta. one Of theml Would you ...'like to be S, II. Gotchclt has taken the job to Four snug fitfir 2. On, an act to amend Ohaplcr 40 earcdf 'get the pine-and birch..off, the Gvdisf Were fayS. ft true that we preach, "t>o unto the plans for the great industries of 303* while the echoes from our Of the Bcvisect Statutes relating to the Consultation Continued Free. lot for Elliott Howe of Rumford Ddla One black and others as ye would others should, now here., tones of woe are still sounding |n cmpToyment of minors. ; Now Is your opportunity. Take ad- Miss Grace Knox Is going to Oxford do unto you,*' and as a mankind The conception of the scheme pur ears, is heartrending indeed- 3i On ah act to aihehcf scctiou fifty vantage of It while .you • may, 'Owing IhJ*: week*. '•• « One Fur coat, 1 ISor4*i in the aggregate, proceed deliber- and its successful carrying .out Now* Brother Shorey, ypu are Old of chapter forty 1of the Revised Statutes to the increasing demand for his treal- Winnie Knox 1* cutting- , wood f«| HrT relativc**to" the employment of minors, metti he will extend the otter another Herbert Campbell). » •.*..'.$ mwif* ately to do the opposite in ma- Was the work of a great mind, enough and big enough and TB'tlSBAy,, FEBRHABy 5TH; AT 4 week, l-:' •.*.-, ' Children V( terial ^things. The individual ex- and for his ability and that of his ottghter knowed- better 'n to B.M. • " Bjpecial Offer Until Jan;'30th,^;Ex- BYRON, ceptions only prove the assertion agents in the affair^ due measure thought that we'd have said any- 4, *Onnn nclth provide for the prcs- cepf Saturday Xroni 9 A, Miss Lena < wbo has bms One light plaid l*rJS£$r by their rarity. Men are reli- of credit is given. The excite- thing about you that meant ervatioms,of health - -of workmen in M. to 4 P. M. visiting iclativea in Hop City the part giously or spiritually moved at ment arid rush was over, several naughty, M?nd if you will get doum foundries. All who apply before Jan/aOth will week, returned fu ktt home In Hut*- One child's coat Mil times* ib urge their friends to years ago, and the people 'then your dictionary and look up our Ch5a.p teOrn 9 3o*n o fa ctht et oR cavmiieendd BSuetcutitotsn- 50) mreceenitv) ea ncdo nshuolmtaoti otnr)e aOtmnee notf iS*c ei nt treoatn-e '•e hMuaicst*te Rlaosite tTtau'*e sBdabya*w • 'died, TUc*I»7 f Orie child's blue drink at, the same spiritual foun- tried to regulate'themselves ac- unfortunate "arch," yori'll find HERBERTIE ABBAN) Sec. month for 83, or three months for 110, morning, 'The. interment took;. pbee WEI!:' tain that they have found a bless- cording to the ways of our best it maj* mean, chief or principal. sufficient to core a severe case. Thursday aftefnoon.t in the fam% One child's coat ing, and they become earnest Maine communities; but some Now in the name of Ararley's COMMITTEE ON LEOAB XTTAJSM, Prof, Caldwell Is one of the most burying ground on Buckfield ML * .proselyters. Yet when the fever how it was riot easy to do. ghost don't you like to he called successful specialists of the day in all Elder Haunaford officiated. The ppmmUtee on Begal Affairs will Chronic and Long Standing Diseases, The Ladles1 Dramatic Club arill pm Among the of enthusiasm is Over and they Strange conditions confronted thechieforprincipal anti-resubmis- give a Public hearing jn its room at Of the Respiratory Organs—Catarrh, sent u modern -drath*. Jn. three act* *a* return to the business life about them. The good old time New sionist in this great big state of the State House in Augusta, Thronl) BrOnehltlS) Consumption, titled,. "Atisa Fearless A Co^" sa M, Vou have someti them, they scruple not to make England style of life seemed im- Ours? Oh, if some brother editor WEDNESDAy) JANtJARy 30, Of Blood Diseases—SCrofuia) all ith, add long (utstihaf W their mental superiority) as well possible, either in individual or 'Would. Only give ns such a com- No, SO.' An act creating a lien on kinds of Tumors, Diseases of- the Price* This Is*go as reputation,* the medium of self municipal affairs, After awhile pliment as this I "Why. we'd puff horses, 0x0% mules and other animals Stomach and Digestive Tract, DICKVALE. The Values are fi in certain eases,; Those fearful Nervous Diseases of J- .C, Wymnn Vra* at Dlxfieid Rstsr* VVe have, two pai aggrandizement, fit the expense of the reason Was found in the far up so jmu couldn't hoop us with FOREST J, AiARTIN, Bee, men and women, no matter from what day* One large muff f m the well being and confidence of seeing plans conceived by Mr. a circus ring, When we try to cause arising—Paralysis, Headache, R. 'C Coolfdgo and son, wh> h»T* their fellowmen, whose minds are Ghisholm, arid carried out by his be bright and brilliant and bid COMMITTEE ON B* ANKS AND Prostration, Lame Back, Neuralgia, been at Carthago working on *. birch insufficiently developed to cope lieutenants. One man virtually for a wee bit of a posy by extend- BANKXNO. Sciatica and Rheumatism. job, returned home the middle of l«i Last Call on week, with them, controlled every enterprise in the ing our brother such a compli- Diseases of the Liver, Kidneys and "It haS dawned Upon but few place, and Was able id fix the ment as we would be tickled all ingT hwe ilCl ogmivmei ltae eP ounb lBica nhkesa rainngd Bina nlkis- mBlaatdtedre rf,r oMma lew hTarto ucbalues,e )W, eakness (no 'haMver sb, eIedna . sJpHeintUdianffgi: an ndfe wS odna, ysf iwiiiftha ' ipAee Mn*a feottrt itohniist tgg al mmds that it is no more right for schedule of wages as Well as the to pieces to receive, he misinter- room at the State House in Augusta) on relative* at Wtwdstock I light indistinct Diseases of Women—llteeration, Dis- the men: of great brain capacity cost of either rented or owned prets our long sought phraseology TtlESBAy, JANBARy 29, AT 2 P. Mr. Bean of West Fhrmlngtoa, who tire 32, was $13.50 placements, Falling of the Womb, Pro- intake advantage of their ment* homes. In short all the elements and in place of the posj? We get a AT, ON . fuse, Painful or Suppressed Menstrua- is driving team for Mr, Gi'ffbrd ***•. Sale ..ally; inferior fellowmeii, than it of feudalism are present here to- cold water hath. An Act to amend Section 58 Chapter tion. birch job at .Diekvaie, had *'fam Wd 1 tight coat dingo 2 of the Revised Statutes relating to Up by getting cut in the stable. m 82, was $13.98, is for the men of great physical day. The genius of the promoter "An eleven years Old Bewiston boy deposits by the State Treasurer, if you cannot call at the office, 95 George Smith was" at Farmiojrte8 * power to take advantage of their has greatly enriched himself and died suddenly the other day) and* the An Act to extepd the charter of the Congress street, Rumford Falls, tend few1 days last week. •2 light mixed cd physical inferiors. his several lieutenants. doctors think his death Was caused hy Bethel Trust Co. by mall and your letters will reeeive A lot of thermometers were not long »bd 3fi, were $13.50 The matt Of giant physical As before said, we recognise excessive cigarette smoking. It is an TH0S, W, BAEDWiN. Sec, prompt attention, office hours 9 to enough to register the cold last Thurs- ' Sal, 12 m m,, .2 to 4 and f to $ p. m., except strength has cespeet for, arid goes that these thirigS are the result impressive lesson of the injury of the day morning. 2 light mixed s EAST SUMNER ORANGE IN- gafe, tiiea M and far to protect) if need be, a man of a bad system, and haws no practice, especially to growing boys. STALLS OFFICERS, IfeSO. Sale of puny physique. He would be Word of condemnation for the There is OU the statute book a law ,| Mack coat si Hi At a fegulci' Fleeting Jan, J4th) pf a an object of reproach if he did men concerned, and yield to no forbidding the sale Of cigarettes to mm. gall Union Grange, No. 80, P. of IL, oi otherwise, Yet, every day, un- one in our appreciation of then* fflfnors. It was passed vrith a good J Mack coat sit East' Sumuer,. past Afasfvft • W. IE mm Sai der the guise of business) Uteri; of ability. Neither do we think purpose) but it is believed to be a good Easfman Very creditably iKSlalled the r«eta arc elitec large brain capacity despoil and there was any original intent to deal of a dead letter. Even U it is oflieerB) beiKg abiy assisted by A, FA Have you tried fVjatly ns good. iri every way possible, take fid* oppress the people, but the peo- not, these who want the articles will Hoilis and Wife, The annual reppfta were read) showing; the grange to be vantage of the men of weaker* ple are oinoressed, as we set forth find a way to get them,**-=-BortIand Baskets in a prosperous condition, with one 1 brain power, and are honored and in these columns Oct. I Jest year. Bress,: hundred and foffy-nine members) sixt}i- "PETER PAN ' called smart. Behold now the cry of the dis- When mothers antt fathers be- iour being present with a goodly num- 3 aniined work b The latter condition prevails tressed people grows louder, and come pfoficleist in the art of im- ber of visitors, The third and fourth AT THIS RED CROSS PHARMACY? ;L Sab throughout this country, and yet the ear of the "relief committee*, pressing the juvenile mintl with degrees Were conferred on a class of GLOVES-1 pai; U0 better: system of government grows deafer! Relief must come, the idea that morals in fact are feiiegehrts,- EoliowingJi a list of the of. Delicious at 10 cents a Dish baede gloves, size. 7, and come soon- There are other; . Salt than ours, has been known to exist though less pleasant means of ob- more potent than morals in M., O. L. Newell; TJ-JG. D, Grove; l pair light g among ffien***iffiless the Ineas4 taining it; we retttrn to "the theory, then laws that arc of no In, h. H. Bisbee;"B., E. L. Andrews; *'<*«. size 59J, wet whom Pizzaro destroyed, pos- effect will Become obsolete antl A, S., A. W. Crockett; Chap,, Jf, E. t . >Salc sessed it, JReeogriizing the powet thought of our text which points useless, through self enforeement. Russell; Treas., B. F. Glover; Secy,, Our Jack i pair Mack.tTove of long established custom, we a way, "Am I my brother's keep- Stella. A, BbMnson;: G, J?., •George frfte-?l.0O. %k Reeord; _' Geres,. %mt& E, Neweil; .l Pair Suede glo are not attacking or seeking' a er?" Although Spoken many There is no reason why the treasury Pomona, Esther Gro5'e; Flora, Ida F. Sweetest of All Roses m ?!i wore $125, qitairel with the men, who, while centuries before Jesus formulated f department shoahl be MteisbM at the Eusselff it* A, :S,, Eillian Cloekeff, Sale profiting by the custom, are the his precepts, it contains in spirit^ unusual demand for feu-doRar Ms, ribbons yietims of it, eyen as their vic- the substance of Jesus' worl %i fakes'- tea dullarf uaw-ft-dayf fa buy Sibthers' who give their ehiidren lit: This ppritimo is sold only pfc the tims are. Our war is upou i%\cam ong men, "The common weal." flhe dollars* Worth e£ pf6VMana,*-Eum. KHoennenye dayn'sd TaLr axinavtiavreia, bly (coinndtoairnsein git). Or;e lofVibbott 4 tfl system, and not personally upon Ah ftpplieatiofl ef thtg prihciple, .fbrf Enlls Times;- Children like it because the taafo is RED CROSS PHARMACY f,nk blue and grcer men representing it, If the men even rudimontally, will without This is good wit, which we en- 'in '.fjettsant,'...It Ig.'tftg- ''Original Laxa- t . Sal Mot remtiatita rib of superior brain, power were all friction or loss to* any one, change dorse. It comes pretty near be- tive Cough Syrup and 5s Unrivaled for *a«a* . hottest, even within the elastic the present feudalists and un- ing true. We would ask the thVrelief of 'erdup. Gets at thetrouble Bowers & Vallee Go. Issssis*' and drives the cold out through the American conditions to those con- Times to explain the cause for limits Of the system, things would bowels; Conforms to the National forming more to the needs of a this great increase in the cost of be some better. But how much Pure Food and Drug Law. Sold ti^r E more like the heaven, afar off. state of Maine eornmunitv. living,; • : . • • * • • Bowers & "Valleo, / *~r^>»^>r'77rM in irr r-rt ••'"liilfi-n* ailiki «s* ? r%Aif.v4i^4"'itk)7« wiamim <& 2nd. Annual Red Tag Sale i£ Wednesday, January 30th. at 9. A. M. f Ur 8 6at Idefningup'oTafl ^ d M e n * anT J d ^ to'wiS * * ' ^ ° f° T ' ? tf f ' J?"^ry Offerings. On the street floor it means arme ts un the next two weeks looking after your s D r f n ^ n ? ; ^ & " . des.rable for spring trade. Our buyers will be in New York for + paratory to stock taking. Prices are Ltrem?lv t w !f' „ «, I" t h e B a s a m a n t t h e !ale » * clearing of odd lots in great variety, pre- I V rS &S b h r ri ors a r e complete lines of fresh merchandrse °° °* P °P f anxious to begin the spring season with This Sale is the Climax of our Great Plan for Japuar^ Merchandising, " We can permit no exchanges on sale goods; be sure you get what you want Important Price Reduction Ladies* Suits Less than Half, Pfe-Inventory Red Tag Offeringis In the Ready-to-wear Department, Half and Nearly Half in the Basement Wc have been through our stock of Garments, Rain Coate, etc., for Here is right good choosing too. The styles are good for spring. the second time and in many instances marked them to a ridiculous low Th.ey are excellent values. There ate just thirteen of them—unlucky? .figure* . . . . . • • . . • • • • • On account of our annual stock-taking a large part of the Red Not for you, you'll say so yourself. Our entire stock of Suits, Coats and Furs are now at bottom prices. The lot contains black, navy blue, brown and gray. Tag Specials we shall offer at this sale will be odd pieces and small This is your last chance to secure them as they will go quick. Were $9.98, 14.98 19.98, 22.50. lots of goods of such a variety of kinds and prices that wc can give Merc are a few instances; many others when you come to look them Red Tag Sale 56.98; 9.98. 12.50. 12.50 over, no list of them here. There will be many of these "not advertis- Two handsome brown and gray plaid suits; were $22,50. '* 1 ed" specials that it will pay you to investigate. . Rain Coats Sale Price 59.98 Three black coats of cheviot, were 114.98, Sale Price 56^98 This lot includes size*, 33, 34, 36 and 38. The prices were I9.9S, One brown suit, 36 in. coat, size,34, was 18.30. Good style. China Specials u«5Di U'9S» M»9S» JS-9S , . Sale Price $7.50 Red Tag Sale 54.79. 6.19. 6.98. 7.19. 7.73 OneTiavy blue suit,size3o short coat, was $43.50. Eight imported China ..Chocolate Sets, were S3.00 and $4.00 sets, for r Skirts, Very Special Sale Price $5.47 $1.49 Set. . . One brown broadcloth suit size 36, was 19.98. A few large pieces of fine Japanese China that were $5.00 and $6.00 Sale Price $8.87 for $2.49. Chocolate Pots that were $1.50 for 67c. Four gray skirts, waist measure, .24, 24, and 25, lengths, 39, 40 and Sugar and cream sets that were $1.00 for 49c; set jt, Trices were 7.98 and 9.98. Bath Robes Royal Rayreuth Cream Pitchers, Bon Rons and Vases that Were 5oc Red Tag Sale 55.93 and ,4,98 for 23c. Six extra-.large comb and brush trays, Were $1.06for 49q, Coats, Very Special Two bath robes sizes 36 and 38, red and navy blue, were $4.98. Footed Bon Bons that were 49c for 23c. Red Tag Sale $2.43 The balance of stock of our ipecial Tulip 29c Pitchers for I7 . Four snugfitting30 inch.. Mate of light mixture, sizes 32 and 34, C Just eight more $2.00 Game Sets at $1,23. Were $9.98. Red Tag Sale $2.47 Bonnets Sleds Large Decorated China Coffee Cups and Saucers, Were 25c', 2 for One black and oncdark green, loose back coat size 38, was 3,98 25c. ' • ' Sale Price 98c. One lot Infants' bonnets of Just 19tJpW Clipper or Boy's An assortment of odd vases that were$2,00, 3,0*^ 4,00 for 97c each. One Fur coat, size 38, was $32.50. Red Tag Sale $16,19 "Worsted eiderdown and .bear Sleds left in stock. We don't Jardinieres that were 39c fop23c. I . ? skin cloth, were 25c up to 98e, Want to carry them over." See Jardinieres that were 37c for 33c. ChilcktmV Coats, Very Special Choice this Sale .at.,.9c the prices. • Jardinieres that were 87C for 45c. m 1 child's neck piece andjtnuff,. 12 Sleds 50c, now 29c. ji ' BASEMENT. white lamb, was 98c 2 Sleds 75e, now 43c. One light plaid coat, green trimmings for age ru years,. was47<So Red Tag Saie'dOc, 4 Sleds $2.00, now $1,17 > Sale Price $1.98 1 Sled $4.00, now $1.87. Books . » One child's coat, age 10, dark mixed,,was $4,48, Corsets and BASEMENT. Red Tag Sale $1.93 Two big bargain bunches of books at Red Tag prices. A large as- m f Qtie child's blue mixed coat, size to years, was $5*98. Standing Work Red Tag Sale $1.98 Ferris Waists sortment of popular 49c, 75C/]|ryio fiction for this day at, 37c. One child's coat, brown check, for age 12 years, was $4.98. Another large assortment of popular full size, cloth bound books One lot Ladies* "White Ferris Baskets including the largest variety we have ever shown, ^Choice for 9c. * Red Tag Sale $1.98 "Waists, sizes 19 to 27, straight . 1 BASEMENT, Among the Furs front, were $1.00. Just 9 of them (no two alike) Red Tag Rale 29c. that "were $2.50,, $3.00, $3,25, One Tot drab corsets, sizes $3,50, Your choice $1.49 Lamps and Glassware. You have sometime yet to Wear Furs. We have a collection of short BASEMENT, 18 to 30, except 20, 21* and 22, add long fursYthat we are going to put on sale next Wednesday at Half Price. This is a golden opportunity for you. were 50c. Sale Price 13c, Dining Sets One Hanging Library Lamp, was $7,00 for $3*47« I Three Large Parlor Lamps were $5>0o for $2.47* The Values are from 98c to $.15.00, Wednesday next Half Price, Leather Bags Twelve Decorated Lamps, were $1,00 for 49c. We have two pairs of fur gloves that were $4*98* Sale Price $1.49 Just to help make more va- Four Water Sets (Pitcher and five tumblers) were $2.00, 2.50 and One (atge muff that was $ 12,50 Sale Price $7.50 riety we have taken 4 Dinner 3.00. Choice $1.17. for Red Tag Sale Sets from our regular stock and BASEMENT. Last Call on Coats Muslin Underwear put them in this sale with the 3 traveling bags Were 62c, prices nearly cut in half. Sale Price 17c, 1 Colonial $8,00 Set for $5.67 A mentioning of a few One lot long skirts were S5c, 2 traveling bags were 98c, 1 Aberdeen $12.00 Set for The Basement will be Closed all day Tbursday^ Januaiy specials for this sale. 98c, $125. Sale Price 29c, $7.87 1 light indistinct plaid coat, Red Tog Sale 45c, 49c, 59c. 2 traveling bags Were' $2,49, 1 Sydenham $17,00 Set for 31 st, for our annual stock-taking, The street fer will *«e 32, was $13.50. 2 short skirts were 87c. Sale Price 79c. $9.97 Sale Price $7.50 Red Tag Sale 43c. be open for business as usual, Basset China $30,00 Set for 1 light coat diagonal worsted, 2 short skirts were 39c, Remnants $17.47 i ate 32, was $13.98, .Sale Price 10c, BASEMENT Sale Price $7,50 4 lace trimmed chemises were Again we have a goodly lot 2 light mixed coats, sizes 34 49c. Red Tag Sale 19c. Three Special Drives Wall Paper of remnants from all kinds of *nr] 36, were $13.50. One lot night robes, sizes 14, yard goods. These Will be on I'll Sale Price $6.50 15 'and 16, Were 8% .$125,: In China sale next Wednesday at our Many small lots of Wall Paper and Border will be sold for almost $1.39 and $150, 2 light imixod sang Riling usual Remnant Prides, s nothing during this sale to dispose of them and have our racjks clear fdr Red Tog Sale 49c, 69c, 79c, 79c, gats, sizes M and 34, were You've never seen these new stock. There will be lots With anywhere from two to eight double 11250. gale Price $4.98 mo1n tchhs,i lwd'as s w$2h,i4t9e . dress, size 6 Waists, Very Special goods before. They are Just rolls'Of a kind, some with border and some without, The only eondH mIrwmm t Mack coat size 40 was iu. We bad an opportunity to tioti is that you must take all there is oLa Modi U0d none can be re w Sale Price 980, riS.98, g ic Price $9,98 buy them at a Very special turned, 1 black coat asize 40 was 4 Outing flannel night robes, 2 silk waists, pink lace trim- price, and we pass^the saving BASEMMT, W: Mm white, sizes 16,16 and 18, were med, good style, sizes 32 and 34, along to you. fer gale Price, $7.98 There are other offerings $1.2R5e, d$ 1T4a9g, S$a2l,e4 96. 2c, 73c, $^ 1.1. 9 we2r ew $h6i.t9e8 H./ uRne *ds vTeaigli nSga lwe a$i1s.t9s8, JarYso rwksithhi reP iaWtea, re asMsoarrtmeda laddee- All Sorts of Red Tag Specials* KTSL ? p% as pod, 1 Outkg flanriel robe, size 15, sizes 38, were $2.75 and $2.98, signs. Regular price $1.00. Im jrIaBl Baskets light blue, was $1.98. Red Tag Sale 98c and 98c Our Red Tag Price 29c. 23c Nut ficks and Crack Sets for j7e. Odd lots of IOC Goods at four for25c, 25c. Dolls' Beds for 17c, 25c. Sale Price 03c, One lot of waists, nun's veil- Fine German China 7§| in. Box Stationery at 2 for 25c, Four 10c pkgs, Toilet Paper for 29c. 75c, SI 3 unlined work baskets were ing and flannel, sizes 38, 40 and plates. Three decorations. Miscellaneous Cedar wood baskets for 39c. $i<S° Copper bottom boilers for 97c. *««• Sale Price 17c. 42, colors black and navy, were Gold stencilled. Regular price •Mm -l Large framed pictures that were 87c and $1.00 for 49c. Crepe Paper GLOVES—1 pair light tan 98c, $1.25 and $1.62. 20c each. One lot linen collars, sizes 14 Napkins, two fen cent packages for 90. Good euvelopes at 2c, a $k$» i»MNt baede gloves, sizSea 7le, wPerrice e$ 14.32c5.. toQl5nl«e.l at fanScayle Pgriilcte ^2b feolfra n5gc,, Sale Prices 20d, 30c and 49c, LaOrguer Rfleadri nTg a1g 1P irnicceh 9Gce. remaacnh . >gy^A large assortment of colored view Souvenir Post cards BatA fSlEkvMdEoNz,T , j{ .,* Pair light gray Suede Toilet or Commode China Salad Bowls, Floral were 25c. Sale Price 5c. 3'WM. size 54J, were $1.25. sprays. Gold Stencil ornaments, One lot black S hook corset Sale Price 43c, clasps, were 8c. Sale Price 2c. Sets* Regular price 40e. Odd lots from the January Sales I pair black,gloves, size fi$t. Our Red Tag Price 29c, One lot pink and white nar- fr<p -f100. Sale Price 23c, row velvet ribbon was per yd. 14 Sets only at these prices. BASEMENT. All odd lots of all sorts left over from the China Sale, the Clearance . * fair Suede • gloves, black, |p Sale Price lc $ gets that were $2,37 for. ,. Pur 3c% Red Sale, the 29c Sale and the 9c Sale will be gathered together and still m % were $123. One lot fur trimming", was $1,67 further reduced in price to.close them out on this day. ' flak Prise ;4Ik 23e, 89e and 49c. • ;. . 5 Sets that were $3.47 for Tag Wonder Table * .•••.. EASEMENT, His Hale Price 7c. per yd. $1.97 1 Set that was $4.00 for $2.47 Children's Chairs Corset Covers , Ifli "^kmisette Sets 1 Set that was $5.00 for $2.97 When you see it you'll say it's a wonder, all right. Per- ;.«c lot ribbon 4 to 5 in. Wide, 1 Set that was $7.00 for $3.97 Five children's Rockers and One lot corset covers left r,n*. blue and green, were 25c One lot ladies' chemisette 1. Set that was $8.00 for $4.97 haps you'll think it's a Grab Commode Chairs that- were from white sale, were .10c. Bag. You'll be glad to grab, -J J,o t remnants Sriablbeo nP rfiocre 7icc. sets were 40c and 62e. t Set that was $10.0B0 AfoSrE M$5E.9N7- .. anyhow. $1.50 each, for - 73c each. Sale Price 12y2o. • Red Tag Sate Choice 21c. fAiSsas E. K. DAY CO. and G. A. PEABOPY CO. m .9B /]*»« T O 1UMF01D 0TT1IBI, TIHMDAY, JAlUAlY 34, 1301 'WQUTt or4-' a :"dtit«cr "msretBg-hfyv BUSINESS CARDS. MEXICO AND RIDLONVILLL CANTON HAPPENINGS. I. O: O. F. to b« held at Mllford i*i on Wedneeday afternoon and e ^' V8 W. W. GILCHREST. Hilrl tfor| The Week's News as Gathered by our Special Correspondent. As Observed and Told By The Citizen Reporter. Miiford the first degree,' ^ j Next Door to Post Office, Hartford St Ludga of Modfirid the recoad '&$. Bomford Falls, Mains. and Alllford Lodge of Miiford the £\ Gle&son <% Blanchard, taiTnhede , HWp-eadnn-eKstdtianyn unni gChltu bb yw aMs resn, teDr-, is Mmisask inEgb nhae r Bheoemd eo fw iPthit tMsbrusr,g ,A bwbhioe MaGs.s .,H alaysfto rdS atwuerdnat y tot oW eastt teMndo dwtahye, daMy rsw. ithA . rePla, tiYveosr ka tv iLsiitvecdr mopvreer FSaullns-, idlseswgrerde,., withE laa fbionrpet loik etpterso?gir oatfn JtL , p2 v ' Tablets lij Attorneys at Law, B; Dickey. -Beed, is suffering greatly from an, at- funeral 'serviees of tko Into Bufna G« .. Mire Enid. DaHey.was;.fife Livormore banks on the titlo page, conlninjn ** iEdwiti H, Gleason Prank,PrOctor moved his family from tack of rheumatism. Fairbanka, Which ttcfiterred Sunday at Fall? last Saturday, name? of the members of the staff* \\ —:... . . . .'. "I Lnciait W, Blanchard the, Shaw house on Granite street to a William Larrttcoy* who occupied a .2 p. m, William DeCoster was at homo from menu of the banquet and the num^ Rumfprd Falls, Mains, tenement in Strafhgiass Park last week. tenement in the Legere house which MM. P* F, Oldham of Peru Is visiting Phillips lust Sunday* and literary program, It was ^ ?* These te A, special meeting Of the Ladies' Aid was burned last week, has moved Ms her daughter, Mrs, F* M, Oliver, Mr, L, B. Spanlding and daughter of contemplate that ns bis brjther <ut Society of the Congregational church family into the Bhaw house on Cranlte Mrs. Marion Smith was at Bumford Buekfieid have been visiting Mrs, F, Followa wore Separating ixfte, ^ ARETASJE. STEARNS, was held Tuesday afternoon at the Street, recently vacated; by Frank Falls Tuesday and attended the aou- W. Morse, who Is ill. grand inoeting which ho had arraagsj Thi Lawyer, home of Mrs, Thomas Murray on Main Proctor. cert given by ProL Frarik E« Holding, Miss Gladys Waite is on a visit with and^ .porfimtod,, thoy wore aire Mrtfes Rooms l and 2, street, Work for feke Muster sale is Mrs, W, B, droiniuett visited h.er A class of young ladles of the ;Free relatives in Portland. with, their'honored, brether, .ww :-? BtrathglassBuilding, being done by the society- '.... father, P. D. Taylor of Byron, last Baptist Sunday school served a supper passing away to 30m thy Grand r^l« James E. Davis m working In Lynn, . . Congress St, Rev, A G, Warner supplied the pul- week, and attended the surprise party at Gilbert's Hall, Tuesday eveulug of :abofo* . AH* • Ffiirbank? was %, «^t Etunford Falls, Maiae. pit in, the Bumford Falls Baptist church which was given in, honor of his birth- last week Although the night was Mass.: speaker of ability, and the pcemk 5f The Sunday, during the absence of the day and that of Miss Lena Ohadwiek rough and stormy, a snug sum was The ball which was to have been Uiis piaos havo had the plramre «i HENRY NELSON. pastor, Bov. Theodore L, Frost. of Petersham, Mass., who is visiting realized. given Friday ovenlng of last week at. listening to him on. several oeCMjflia> Dana Mitchell and Miss Jesle Fini- friends, in Byron, and whose birthday The "'Willing Workers" met last the close of the dancing school, taught Ho dclirOred the anniversary addrm Rttrnfordj Civil Engineer and Land Surveyor. kin? of Carthage Were guests of Mr. cgmo oh the same date. Saturday afternoon at the home of Mx$„ by 0, F. Towle at Turner Center, was to the Odd Fellows of Anaw»ganti««i All work: promptly and carefully done. •Office, over Bartlett's 75 Congress St. and Mrs, B. 8, Swett last week. The ** clothes line thieves" are an- L, W, Smith to Work on articles for a postponed to Friday evening of this Lodge a few years ago, « memorial 4j, Residence 109[Hancock St. Mrs. Drnest Furbish returned last noying the residents of lower Granite sale which they eontenipiate; holding in week on account of tbo serious lllnere drcs? to John A, Hodge Post, and ^ Bumford Falls, Maine. week from a two weeks* visit in Lew- atreeb the jiear future* of Lowi? P» Bradford of that jrifiue: to the grange at their field day Mw. iston and was accowpanjed by her sis- Fred Holt has been sick with sore At a- meeting of Whitney Btsh Pro- Dr, White, of East DlxfiMd wa* in cisc? last summer. He leave? a Tm A] tor. eye? for over a week and Borchard tective Aasociatlon, held Shturday, Jan. town the' last of the week and three young children, Mrs. F*a- Rumford Falls Insurance Agency Mr, and Mrs, Cone returned last Sat- Whitman has beeh driving tb& Mexico 12th, Otis Hayford Was chosen Presi- W- A. Lac*** visited; *. few Aaya the baak* ha* the .sympathy pf, ji Established, tSoa, urday to their home in*Gilbertville, stage, dent:, 0. M, Richardson Seorotaiy, and last of tae week with; Ws daughter, scquslntan«a?Ln: Caftan in hm bereart- Largeat, Strongest and Oldest Agency.7 after visiting their son, Boy, who has Nathaniel Keene returned to Livor- Nathan Baynolds Treasurer, Directors!: Mrs. A. L, Newman and family of* ;m«»ti - Your i K-t ; Arthur E. Morrison 6. Co.. Agents been quite ill, Mr,, Cone has recovered more Falls the first of the week after Otis Hayford, A. F. Hayford, G, L. Fust* Auhnru. The mnuy friends .nf The. entire family of A. F, '^0^ from an attack of the grippe and is a week's illness at the homo, of his Wadlin, 0. T, Bonney, 0. D. Hodge, C. Mrs, Newman will :be glad:* to iMra were seriatmly poisoned last Wuhr i- .Office, McKenzie Block, now able to be out, sisier, Mrs, W, N, Hodgdon.* H. Gilbert, F. E. Bickndl, F. W. Morse that she is stiR Improving' in health enting cheese, and have been v«y & Mr. and Mrs. Gbartes Goodrich of A party of twenty yenhg people and J. W, Biekneil, Executive Com- since her return to Auburn,. Dr. P. W. Morse was called, whof »« I will ir L. H.VEILLEUX. Dixfield were in town Saturday: drove to Dixfield Satarday night and mittee: Otis Hayford, ex-officio; 0* Wednesday of .last week was the cold* In constant affundanco. fur scrtnl ribbon for i Claude Perkins of Conway, N. H., were entertained by OharloS Towle at Hayford, Oscar Hayford, 0. F. OldMun, cat day in this viciaiiy for years, the hours, and they arc now iaiprorii;. Over Gonya Bros' Store visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. his home On Main street, It was voted to acreen, the ontlet to thennomMer 'being 36. degreet below Quite a number of other people la U)*j Remenj Insurance, Loans and A, Perkins this week. Florence Whitman 13 recovering from Lake Attasaguntlcook Thouasociation zero, who purchased and partook §( ^, supplies, c Real Estate. W< N, Hodgdon was able to resume a five weeks' illness, and Was out for have iatro4«,ced a resolve la the- Legis- 0, SL Btchardftos met with, a paln.- cbecso have ul*o bcon ill. Bumford Falls, Maine. his work Friday, after a week's illness, the first time, last Saturday, and with lature, through, Representative Gleason f«I accident to his right hand last IL T. Tirrell retaracd from Pbfilipj hand. TKLFPHONK Mrs. Mary Hayes is sewing with her little brother, Carl, Spent "the- day of Mexico, asking for an appropriation, Friday* While hitching hi? horee, fchu Monday, where he baa bees doing «. Mrs, H. F, BllingwoOd of Bumford with her aunt, Mrs. Henry P. Holt: of $300 to help screen the lake. .animal. Lucfime f rightcnod: und. jumped,. penter work for William BeCosle? f;r At the H. C. ELLIS, Center this winter. George Lang of Macy Junction and Horace D« Newrtau It at work at bringing the elmta and feeokth rough several weeks. third Saturl Practical Horse Shoer, Mrs, Arthur Wills entertained her Arthur Sybert of Boston were guests Hinsdale, N. H. Ms band in such a manner a? to Mr, tk W: 'Wbbbi' Wbri .hi? !*# /prospect Avenue, father, Mr. Bennett, this week. of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Lang last Miss Annie WbHtier of Gortmm is lacerate it very badly, A? Mr: Rich- aupurlnrendent of the canning f*tam Address all I Bumford Falls, Maine. Francis Haplon returned last Thurs- 'Week.: visiting her grandmother, Mrs. L. A. ardson, is .rushed with work in his qf- at. this pUe«' for the past two yestt, day from Bangor and has reopened his A petition against resubmission is Davia. fice, it It a drawback Which. h,« does, not ha? muved; hi*,.family to Dreriag, Lin J. B. REDMOND. homo on the Swift: Biver roacL being circulated for signatures by the Mrs. Joseph Francia of Hartford met feel at all. resigned to* Alphonso Russell, Jr., b ill jrf HOUSE AND SIOH FAHTXINO. Mrs, Fred Parsons and Miss Tanden* W, G, T. tJ, with a serious accident Saturday, when Mr* Chirroll Thom.'i-«o.n of Farming- tartateaed-'With pneumsnSa, Bh1rf*y ; Paper BCanglng and Kalaomlnlng. burgh were entertained at dinner Fri- E. B, Stevens, who is 111 with rbou- she slipped and fell, breaking her hip. tun Falls baa been the guest of his Tirrell 1* assisting Afr. Oliver in :1* Dealer in Wall Paper' and Mouldings. day by Mrs. 0. A, Clifford at her home matic fever, is being cared for by 0. Dr. M'orSa was called and she la doing mother,, Mr*. A* 8« Thompson, Msa his atatiba during Ms abscuec. .s Office near P.. B. Clark's Foundry. on the Boxbury road, * P. Smith. Mr, Stevens is reported to a? well as can be expected, Mr?, Geo. sister and brother,. Mr*. B« E. 'Patior- The baby of Mr. and Mrs. Leash? Beeldence, 57 Franklin St., Phone 26-2 A patty of Mexico people are plan- be some better. Child? of Canton Point I? curing for son and Cbaricl W* Tiiompson. ;K!lbreth. wa*. seriously bamed b4. BTJMFOBD FALLS, MAINE. ning to attend the drama and. dance Dr. Hanlon bad to call in the her. . ' -*' ' • Wednesday Of last week thft boiler Weak. Th« Ilttlft fellow WM slttletj ff; given by the senior class of- the DIx- plumbers twice last week during the Mrs, Esther B, Hayford, a, former used for heating the rcsidenco of C his high chair, when hi* little b?o!ltf a H. EATON field High schoot at Tuscan Opera Cold weather, to repair bnrsted water resident of Canton, is recovering from H» Gilbert burst: No damaga was done In trydog to turn the chair aresti, IiPt»* .#:• ,..jBj TtCoDo.A LmOlmlAG NiosVUoosidrIodLsCn eL,rs TEso Dl, dIa pOybr- oy tN metlph-eE tpelD hy od- naaeytE, t Meo1.n 1rAd 4eIo-d3Nn., E< . HGopHfaoro MBrauBttnoesyruiieys t n. .e B otF fJfJiOrs od,it rdihrydoeaOnh ney uFh.t n aOnFFgliil irgyssim hahdhateae,a rynv Fa enweea dbvtit ,lea lnksh 1oieisennsntng ,, t.hbe Torothmaaoriedmn aoasnat, pfifspnootairgpruHer e naeomstldt,,yrh* aat edcni ceeya I e SdtxPy htrFeroiaerasctmi rktds, te ,aah nyaowc duioh rgnloefdh rs h otil izdWisevte h eenhatadoto tt mh Oadeebfl»re oe oa Dnntoheh.if x , aM.fddwlifeaau alsirdans-t dwSwa amiaMutsshige tr htrhswhi,,to eehlRu raos,g,sm utMB i elw,slsr nhtsSe ee,t eos rIfksma s tahataaoektcrne s st Tohiifstie *lt leB ehrhuye,o m rMm ofhfoer osr mBd. o LoefF .s, taohWinelsr., bhahoeoeoxauLemucvt nesii.tbnpe t getil lfea lot thar a eo nX nndid.a en rttacahhhroweleony r iv c ifenbnoonbaeiudi cleroek n sH,mc tt ooetdoh l Uanogefyto sh , b psooe,af nwi sbnftih a gboao aW fw b ieeiheietehahaknos--, .hs.hatefiebipvf Dtipaeiders rff,di e.iid . l*C yIo hctiD anabonrrguyl, r eebwnAsrfee " fB:od oweiu,fn xireetapgol bleei ossctau hstlnfe ecaadd u.s.f.tdbti hot 'te.vota tmtHhsh e uecrarH e.edpss fu **cmtisr$abii WWee cAarrrey Fo| Dr. H. W. Mitchell, Frank Smith has been confined to Week , A Unique social was held at Ounton but 1? now improving once more. Much nf. .Lawrence,. Mas*., Have imafIt idy: D E N X I S X, wthiet h hao ucsoel dd. uring the past tw. o, weeks Mrs, Malcolm Winslow is 111 this uPnodinetr tMheo anudsapyi ceesv eonf itnhge Lofa dlieass*t Cwirecelke,. syCmuptattihnyg iasn dfe lht aufolirn gt hlee elU hU* et hseu foferrdeerr. .Aacnren*s'a ogfu'Inffiihcdo obka , tahnud 'w eMstr .s hBaarergMe*'l Mi*t OUR COd '•••; Office, hours from 8 to Mfs, Fred Holt entertained the week A literary and musical entertainment of the day and heavy team* are kept fends to erect a. summec rerifbsst e* 12 a. m., 1 to 6 p. m, Ladies* Circle of the Baptist cLutch Mrs, Miiford Sanders of- Bumford was given, after which the ladies wore busy storing the «upply for future am. Hemlock Foint the coming' SCUMS, iff'; Stevens Block, 104 Congress St. Wednesday afternoon. Falls visited Mrs, Daniel Spanlding, clothed in ghostly apparel and masked, G, Hayford, the ice man, 1? fillinghfa will, also put several beat* in iba bk, A Mr. and Mrs, Weston ToOthaker, Mr. Sunday, ouch lady having a box of delieSou* large Ice house, preparatory for the Sneludiflgfi motor launch. Mr. ttstpk "I *£•- eatables to share with the one who DR. E. A. SHEEHY, and Mrs* George Bonney and Dr. An attempt: is to be made tu have purchased them. These ladies were summer trede, '.and .family apent ?, short tiosc i«f 3molfi '1% a Samuel Clarke witnessed the prodnctioti more music at the Sunday evening ser- A son Was bora Monday, Jan. 14th, last season, at West Point cotUg& Dentist, auctioned off to the highest bidder by . f$ * of "The Lion and the Mouse," at the vices in the Congregational churck to Mr, and Mrs, Joseph Lebree. Owned by G* L. Wadlin, awl wenji* SXBAXHGIiASS BTJUiDING, Mr. Adalbert Delano, wbo, with hi? Empire Theatre in Lewiston, Tuesday The singing will be furnished by a Dr. C A. Coolidge ha? been visiting pressed with the beautiful scenery tal Rumford Falls, - - Maine. rarc^ ability, described their good ; f night, Chorus choir and it is hoped that the his son, Dr, C. M. Coolidge at Wnter- fine locfition for -summer ceibfA If -* ^ 1 Office hours 8 a. m. to 5 p. rn. Henry W. Park, Sr,, who has been Orchestra will be able to attend quite qualities in such a convincing manner ford. There is certainly a no more, ftebghtfi ,; Other hours by appointment. tbnt bids ran fast and high, and they quite ill for several weeks, is some bet- frequently. Some of the musicians Mrs, Ernest Dillingham is visiting .place for a. summer resort than arwri were quickly disposed of. These ghost- ter, * who have consented to assist in the friend? at Livermoro Falla Lake Ana*agunticook* T|» plifif* HABD AND SOFT STOVE WOOD ly apparitions were not allowed to THE INTi Mr, Bert C, Doyen and Miss Florence music are Messrs. Wyman, Hobnan, The Dirigo Fire Co* are to giro a m%m scenery Is surpficsed by so oftb ; TRUOETNG,—Freight moved Kennard were united In marriage dan. 'Blanchard, Bwetfc and Holman, speak until after a grand march, when grand hail on Monday evenirigq Feb, fcsort in the grand, old afafc cf Mta* Promptly. Piano moving B Spec- the signal was given to unmask and to ialty. 14th at the home of the bride's patents Dni;iug the extreme cold last week reveal to the pttrehaser whether or not 4th, No pains will be spared to make and; it* nearnes? • to the' vtllsge *ri on Granite street, by Bew M. B. Howes. the water pipes in the vacant tene- he had received Ml value; for bis this the greatest event of the season, raUroad station,, together with P$ W, H. DAVIS, Mr. and Mrs. Doyen were given a re- ment of N, L. Keene *s house on money. . Merriment reigned, and tbe and as every citizen Is interested is fishing, delightful grove*, efe.. aHb, WOOD DEAI.EE, ception by friends Tuesday evening, Granite street bursted, and after hav- evening was happily passed. Those the Fire Co., the sneecsa' of the ven- it ou ideal spot for rest and recreate* I ACTING. In ail It| BDOLONVIDLD, - - - - - -MAINE. Mrs, Ella Beedy has been ill during ing the plumbing fixed, Mr, Keene who attended from the village, report a ture seem? assured. A fine orehretra fctnateu rataj the past week. drew the water out of the pipes and fine time. of seven piece? has been engaged for OTHER MEXICO ITEMS, | ELOCUTION. I •i&»r JAMES H, KERR, Mrs, Gates of Canton was the guest left the faucets open. The water In Reti, II, M, Hoyt of Portland, state the occasion, consisting of G. T, Towle Aire. George Stevens is reavemf intellectual,) Btimfefd Fails. of Mr, aud Mrs, A, B* Parsons last Sun- the tank was frozen at the time and In Soperintendent of the Ifalversalist and George Htseoek, violini; 0, G, from *, fhre* week** .flluc**. | ORATORY, thoi General Contractpr, also proprietor of day, the course of a day or two the ice WEeeiwright; ekrionet; W» A, Lneas, convention, was here last Monday to Addle Whitman, wastheguretcf R*j find modercl tie ArtificiSl Stone Co, Wfllard A. Beymonr went to Lewis- melted Artd flooded the kitchen, and cornet; T, P, Holt, trembone; C, F, We take plans and bniid the blocks ton Tuesday night to see "The Lion also the tenement below, meet the people of the Cnlversalist de- OMham, bass; E, C, Haines, traps: A William Child* bust week, |HicGcacQgRS*:s U d li if i*H htseoiano vtnoiersr e d 1oe0fbr 0 tbfd olidorai cifnafkengsr.yse nstoW izrd eeef oosaiurlg snndodis am htaaieonvnndessi o.ad n ismg oWefoonde-r tbaenrrodC.k leatnhy teo sneM v;oe Mr*uac slNe "we iela,e t kwsth haeog oEh,m aidps i raeh si sT cholemeag"- sruapfMfiedrrsliy.n gSr eocsfrOoov meVr i,n aTg astyhplreoa riu,n seewd h oof whherairss th,b aeneidns. nGevnoimcmteeistrih nta aaiwttni ohetndihl eei ianri tn r eehttfhoueewrr eennhh.c.o em eMt or o,hf aHvoiLny,gt wsWear«s- LdLfiieinrvoeeenc ri mostruro,pu.r pteheG ,rF e aoHlrwlagsrieilt lf HoLrib,dl te;* W Ds0aeedr.l valinecndo,. ., RCaMAsHseiedtaolslJnt:, |IJ gPreaTMrauhdi eaf *ltao tAstwhtl omeFr a,r'a i dtACoaff'fyuryar-'. t ib?Ct yeuw nrteat*hms*e ,e cnadltel eadbtho sUso* f& U* | | G m* HslwiM iTparhit*l rSaid J assortment of blocks for retaining fortabie as can be expected. The masquerade social givea by the The remain? of George Pomerey, a Point; Frank Sianwood, Rumford Alain street owned, by Math L*f? School Athletic Association Friday former resident of Canton Point, were Falls wa*. burned to the ground Wcdaesb; walls, foundations, steps, butresses, The neighborhood prayer meeting night la Mechanic Hall, was a decided brought from Riley, where he died, and aight of la*t week,. Tho *cwa« eslM ,w sidewalks and all kinds of concrete was held Tuesday night at the home of Mrs, Adeline Randall of East, Fcta. stieeess financially and socially was one the funeral services were held at third .floor were rented' to ia&iridto floors*. Mrs. Hugh Hayaes on Front street, who ha? bren speeding the winter with of the ioliiest parties ever enjoyed by Hnioa Hall, Canton Point, Sunday, and. Jams* .Joyce soon after eate her hrether, L. D, Small and family, is . » ¥ # » ¥ •» W W CeFnrterdal EMmaienrey Hhoass pirteatlu rnIend Lfieowmi sttohne, cthaek e yaonodB gc:o fffoelek s. weKree frseesrhvmedea. ts Thoef AJa nw. i1f3e,t h,t wRoe vs. eBn.s ILan Tdi lttowno, oduatuetguhiitnergs, Lviisvictiinmgo rhee rF anlile.sc, e, Mrs. Harry Reed of ihi|t*tg r ooofm s' mabmo- utt oi &'itih$e- hsefafjrodia itohge ri«*^*' HALL PAUL NORMANDO where he found that an operation proceeds amounted id over $18.00, survivs1 hint, which wgtj oceu^ed b*" J- H Hossn. would be intpractieaMe and is taking, which will swell the fund for Base ball Tfiarsday afferaoos of last week the onM thr,e asniedf cM lirsst,, L, B« Smith' have been Da Inveit'lgatlonriia found ttet th*^ treatment at home. salts considerably. The program for Bniversalist Circle met and eleeted :,wa» between the fioore' and was: raeri I'^ou will find ^Mre, A, S: Thompson was called to : Mrs, Edith Harlow of BailthvillO, who the evening consisted in numerous officers for ihs eomingryear a? follows: Easfc Dixfield test week by the illness «P between the .paitition?, H* * ford Coi iP Congiess Biif has been ill for some time, Is now con- games. Many pretty and grotesque Pres., Mrs, L. TV. Smith; 1st Vice-Pres., of her grandchild, was .-caused; by an overturaed Bs? fined to hef room. costumes were worn, a few of which Mrs, .A A, Eaatmaft'i 2nd Fiee-Pres,,. The alarm was spread ant firi#h* John McNeil expects to- be able to follows Mt* 'Ghaffee, polSeemanj Mrs* Mrs. tV. B, Gilbert; Treas., Mrs. J, C. Mr, and Mrs, c, F, Oldham vfsued fuught the fire a? long a? the'* ** A'bu g Gag: Ui —lURinecgfeu alraterl DBinoiBagr dReoroSm-*— mthoev eB oMxbs ufraym riolya di nvt®o *My sso noenw, house on MChcaCffoefeff,i ineku rswe;e rMe idssr eMssaetdt hleaw sw ahnitde hafnrsd: lPeacrtolirn, ; MSeres,, , Mki,n G, .c s. trIof,u tG; ilbGehrta;p iCaoinl-, vheisr y bprooothre hr,e aSlt.h ,A a,t OEladshta Bmm, ww, ho Tisu wjf-l athneyn hboepgea no f rseamvoinvgin gth e-t hbeu ildfuinng"*tir*< [ Q»Ve Us A Call! At & recent meeting of Bwlft Biver wore- white Masks; Miss Hargrove, Mrs. J. P. Swasey, Tmstees: kfrs. day of last week. from: ibu house, and., saved mo*f 6n$\ J. F. Cafe open itotikS a*hi. to Midnight • Grange tit. Wakefield, Master, appoint- nurse; Miss Burbauk, school girl; Miss W« 8, Gilbert, Mr?, A, A» Eastman and Miss Clara Barrows, who is engaged thing. The uppef tenemeni: ua* «-' Fogg represeutcd night; Mrs. Jordan, 'Mrs* J, w* Thompson,.. Sapper was* in nursing at Rumford Fail?, was'at S P E C I AL ed a committee to act in conjunction eupfed by the- owner; Marsh ^ff*] with the lecturer, Mrs. Etta fiichards, old fashioned lady; Gladys Howard and served at the usual hour by a commit. her homo a few days last week, and the lower tenement by Wd»*a I^MPOKDRVLL^ Ldbstefs every Satiirday night and in arranging programs. Borne Tety nice Edna Beynolds,Japaneseglris; Miss Ao- tee composed entirely of men, and Mr?, Wallace $ m h m ftnt} u ^ Lnrracey. The house was but!* ata Stihday eveningf are being planned", and the Lottvanun; Grace Burn?, Liberty; Lyda knowing that the ladies of the circle Oilman Rose of this place is caring four year* ago and with the lot * Hall, nurse; Annie Graham, old lady; had a reputation for serving fine sup- program for the grange meeting Bat- for her, • - .* which H stood, was. valued at sfef Katy McDonald, morning; Annie Mc- pers, this committee resolved that their urday evening, dan, Sfith is to be a A telegram was received Thursday «50O. Mr. Legere had M.'"N lj PAUL NORMANDO good one. Laughlin and Mabel; Foya were both standard of exeellenco should be kept afternoon of last week ansouacing the sa(raacn on tho property aad drt w. \ dressed as the Queen of Hearts; Edith up, and If possible, improved upon, Elwin H, Gleasott of Augusta spent Fishy little gifl; Gladys Bonney, Bed No time and labor was spared there- death of Mr. Bnfu? 0. Fairbanks of Houghton,. who held .*• mortgage R1 several days at home this week, west Medwny, Mas?., who died of $200, ai?o had il,0iid insuraare.^ Biding Hood, Some of the fancy dress fore, and the result was a supper "fit "I" had tried everything; for my M, L, Lane of Bumford Falls was' costumes were worn by Mildred 'Wes- for a king." Space will not permit pneumonia Thursday morning, Mr. building about fifteen fee! b»!sm° baby, until Df. Dylo recommended the guest of D« W, Woodward and cott, pink and green; Dora Welch, yel- us to give the menu, but suffice it to Fairbanks „ very well known in Can- owned by William BuzzelL caught £ Carnage cakeaswoot* 1 can tt uthMIy say It is family Saturday evening. low; Mary Brenrick, blue; Hazel Dow- say all those who partook of the many ton where he ha? v!?Ucd at the home but was saved. If there had bere«£' tho best 'medicine I ever sfied for of Mr. and Mrs, Gustavns Hayford available fir? protection, the builM babies'. My little baby was a. mere ladTiehes oefx cethllee ntC osnupgpreegr atsioernvael d Abiyd Sthoe- ICSanrgr,i ep iBneka; n, Frreadn. cesE lPeaacnkoar rdC, amwphbiteell; kttiiOnd gse notfl emfcennip iminigg htv ifarnedqsu, ewntilsyhpeedr fothrmat nearly eycry summer for many vcar,, sctoaurltde d hianv et heb eaetnti c aaanvdtd w, afsw a ta't<!i>e vt*' ^ wake a 3p<\ ikeletOC. front stomach troable-1—so bad inCoiett yv Ferriyd alya regveelnyi ngat Itenn.tdheed c, hburucth ,w waass wore, a cap and gown, Earf Davis fhft duties* of chefs* la the evening a honored. He, wa? a Tawyer b before it had made any consider?- |nf^ d03c-ription. j that she did not notice anything, but soldier; Joe Moody, Indian; Lester very helpful and interesting lecture was f essmn, a member of the order of V. & h'tadvAty, |M. is now entirely well, and wo can almost greatly enjoyed by those who did go. Bloodard, Arthur Gleason, farmers; given by Rev. J, M, Paige of Liver- J 1 , 1 ' / Patr0D e' Husbandry, • • • "*«••-—"* , p /. :. •• ••.'• '':! The quantity of food which was left Wallace Gleason, saiior; Chester Davis, more Falls, who took for his subject, a see her grow.—Nannie L. Taylor, Bed- was readily disposed of and the pro- Miss Liberty; Durward Richards, fancy "Life." Fine music was rendered 2 0 k p ^ ^ ^ag very prominen iJ For a mild, easy action st • ford, • Mi*" ' -dascaaireit if, sold by ceeds wore much more than was ex- |co3tume; Harry Virgin, Guy Wescott, by Miss Gtadys L, Waite, Mrs. G, L. office ofSTt1. if™** the ^ bowels, a single dose of Dean's m Bowers k Valloe. pected. * • bluefe Masks-k. Wadlin and Mis? Maud Ellis, office o District Deputy Grand Master lets Is enough. Treatment i* Pro spect A at the time of his death. . habitual constipation, 25 cent* « ^ He m 8r Ask yoUr druggist about them- m SSB2^^3ga2^*g4g3£2^»*'g B^T^^W^VJW^tfji m 'mm ^8^ 1 • :•• -••• * ... .,: :f'....''"." . . ,:-:,.. .• - • -.•:•• - :. -;-t-i '•• -,^.. HOW TH« UAU6HT IT DOESN'T WTTER must haye something like 120,O0Tj' lyi. dp the sffoufder, I was• .Bomeftfpgf Of jng in the bank in Nj»w York. Oft Mon- NOVEL OUBI FOR COLD* THE a lover myself, and 1 could understand. e.> Rising gA How to cure Your Gold is what Interests You Cdapyl,, Abentnweeeeleny twhrilele beacnodm feo uprr aoct'cicloacllky, "She will never know, I don/t want , y(P J4_- . ^ * t^if; ir«, her to know. That is why I am going Healing Medication that "is Breathed, j confer^ ,y * PCgggiya PSUPerj* • •' ';•"•''"•',. *: MAN ON THE BOX : away. I want to do ft good deed, and • giving aftick. relief,' "What?" My shaving mug slipped be left in the dark to enjoy it That WILLIAMSONS Q Q ^ j y t a j ****» xus^ from my hand and crashed to the floor, Is all, After doing this, I could never Jt. seems just as ridiculous to ppt where it lay in a hundred pieces. look her In the eyes as Robert 'Wat*'': medicine into the stomach to cure a . B) HAROLD MieGRATH. '»»ord the ftbl • "Yes. He and his daughter will not burton. I shall dine with ?he fplfcs on cold in the head or lungs as if does to have a roof of their own; ail gpne; Sunday, j shall confess all only to go out in tho rain if we want to keep ?ogra«» ^„ every stick and stone. Don't ask any Nancy, who has always been the only 'dry. Tablets hare Cured oners. They Will Cure You. «»S0fJtr.ps| ^«I£ pnly J miglit go wltB the memory questlops; only do as L fisk 01 you,". Confidante I have ever had among the »«oaWni jti| ot your forgtyeness," he said, He took out his check-book and filled women," The fact that many people right jp B « thasfeuTj,,^ "I fOrglVis you," out two blanks, These be handed to Buinf ord Palls or Canton cough and in.d ihfl musiftsi TheQsue itnaibnlee tasn cdo ndota nino t Ga'fofAecwt ath lIhp^e cac aam,n <Llu t"eTlyh anpkr ocyeoeud.e"d ; Ththeen Kpoarrltoieffr e retseoll- mplea, ce i"nT hteh e laTrJUgeIO Ro nbea nJk , wtoa ntth ey OcUre dtiot noT wheorred sw taos vax y plaippese, > MIn aclolyu ldI sbtrainmg' lhifatwerk tahnedy stnreuaffti ea TcOorl dd awyist ha nthde wueseukasl; '; ^ was sad ft' •behind him. Shortly after she heart! of Gol, AnnesTey," merod'Qut: "Nancy knows. I told her stomach dosing, shows how valueless * bt4t% en, everything last night.. I broke my word the sound of closing doprs, the rattle of I looked at the cheek, "Twenty- are the ordinary, cough and celd cures; % after t|| They cure oy removing the cause. " with you, Bph, but I could not help JL; * had arraa^f ft carriage and then all became still. .thousand dollars?" j gasped, She was crying again, over what she; The right way to cure a, cold in the Thus the handsome barbarian passed "The Union bank has this day dis- thinks to be your heartlessnees. I head or a cough and irritation in tho « also pj(rtte. THEY ARE GUARANTEED from the seeney cosntea the ootonelhj note. It falip had to tell her," throat and lungs, is by breathing Hyo- The colonel resumed his chair, his due on Monday, jp order to meet it 25c. a Box. "ljy*hat did she say?'t-rising fthrupt- mei's medicated air. Put a few drops- i» Grand "ju«dj|. arm propped On a knee and his head ho will have to sell what is left of 1 *as * P«lf : fbeoilw etod hine r hkisn eheasn, dh, id Qhueicr kflayc et hoe n ghiirsi Tthhee VInirtgeirneisat ewstilalt eb ea nidn choinss fidineer ahboler.s"e s. iy.""S' he . laUghefl, and I do not .'.*k• no•w .- j tohf atH yocommeei si n,w tihteh neeavte rpyo ckoeutt fiitn haalnedp : t1w' p«#4t: The Cot e Pharmacy. breast, and regardless of, the groom's "What—" i began, but he Inter; when I" have seen her Ipok so bappy, breathe this healing air for a few he pteassra || presence, silently wept routed me, There'll be a double wedding yet, my times and immediate relief will be r•eamtaal ryo ea«d4dermy i' R_ til m l. ord ATF- a"l •I s,W illiamson. Proo.. 7 * on"eMl. y "pQooodr ccohuikld'. '"n ofta lthearvede itnhtee ncdoebd. tio"nI . shaTllh en otc haencskw .r foar si|n3g,0le0 0q uesI-s bo"yI, "w iIs hw aI s cfouulll do fb eelnietvheu syiapsum. ;C huck: tnhoet edsp. ot Twhhe orme edthicea tdioisne agseo esg errimghs t arteo . Anawgantiftxi Maine. to give you so wretched a father. Pov- for tho purchase of the horses, which I wish I could. I'm rather glad you located and renders them harmless in ft TOewwlal ^' erty and dishonor, poverty and dis- will be put on sale Saturday morning. told Nan. I love her; and I don't want the future. , Peat, and s^||j honor; I who love you so well have They are easily worth this amount her to worry about me." He gripped At the same time the soothing- and • Bold <U . brought you these!" - Through whatever agency yon please, my hand. "You will do just as I ask?" • leaven s? ewteitf*; Attention: tipWtoaerdb ucratuotnio, ubsiltyin gto h itsh eti ewminbdioinwg^ liOpps-, mbuyy ntahmesee. hAosr sefos r fothr e mneo,t eb, ucta snho t mIny litt"lTe o Sthceo tcvhe ryt ol eptteerrk. Wyoiull yuopu ah avbei t?a thaetaeldin gm uecfofeucst sm oefm bHryaonme egi ivoen qtuhiec ki rrrei-- >»- Mrs. J*;,. ened It and stepped outside. He raised Check first and present the currency for You look rather seedy." lief, and the cough or cold is broken ?*o>Jr at kj; his fevered face gratefully to: the icy the note,. NO one wl 1 know anything 'No,"—smiling dryly. "If she smelt up. fa.i»ra«tt»t|j) rain, A great and noble plan had comft about it then, Yoii can not trace liquor on my breath I Should lose my The boat evidence of the great value Your typewriter needs care to him,-. • • " ' • - >r;- money," •,, position. Goodby, then, till.Sunday." of Hyomei in curing coughs, colds and •.•A* P. Iloi»tS" As Mrs. ehadwlcjc said, love is mag- "Qood Hord, Bob, you are crazy! I did not go to New York that night. all bronchial troubles is the fact that' 1«i Friday h; nificent only when it gives all without You are giving away a fortune." I 1 forgot all about going, instead, I A. H. Williamson, Prop. Cote Phar- ftblJtxcr-ad ,-y evfyri frt£ .s;a t i I will inspect your machine and furnish question. re"mIto niss trmatye do,w n,* and my capital re- wwhenent evtoe r NI afntcmy ,i n ttoro uwbhleo mo r II ns tdilol ugbot mReaycnyo, ldsB, umCfaonrdto n, Fagdisv,e aannd aNbsaotlhuatne mains! untouched;?' (TG- BE; CObrTTNtlDDj * a far scroti ribbon for $ 1.00 per month, guarantee with every outfit they sell' CHAPTER'.3CXIV.. "Have you told her that you love .rj»'>... r rW taptevfef,: that if it does not give satisfaction, . ..A $2WB. tOYHR, her? Does she know who you are?" NEWRY. PCOpl* is t4*i Remember I have the best typewriter Karloff remained in seclusion till I was very much excited, the money will be refunded. JameS Baker,, wife and little daugh- 'teals at tii'i supplies, carbon paper, etc, constantly on the following Tuesday; after that day "No,"—sadly, "I haven't told her A complete Hyomei outfit, consisting I • • •;? he was seen no more in Washington, that I Ipve her. She does not know ter are staying at J, S. Allen's a few of a bottle of Hyomei, the inhaler and. hand. * Prom time to time some news, of him who I am. Whet la more, I never want fiays on aftSOunjLof the illness of Ms a medicine drdpper, c&sts but $1, while" mother, Mrs, NV S. Baker. »««tt doing <$,»' filters through the diplomatic circles her to know. I have thrown my anna extra bottles of Hyomei, if needed/can ; t DcCftitef firj At the CITIZEN OFFICE the first and of half a dozen capitals to Washington, A> B, Bailey and, son, Howard, are be obtained, for only 50c, The latest I heard of him, he was at putting in ice this week. third Saturdays of every month. Port Arthur. It was evident that Hua- jPrank Douglass is, at home from the bo .aaj |#>t Clear irp the complexion, ...cleanse sla valued* Ms personal addressi too woods a few days, aaalag Netej: Address all orders to highly to exile him because of his fail- M, Ii. Thurston was at home from [the liver and tone the system, You Wt twa ywut, ure in Washington. Had he threat- AndOVer last Sunday. can best do this by a, dose or two of i Dftcrfs-g, ;M Linwood P. Hosley, ened or gone about noisily, we should DeWitt's Little Eearly Risers. Safe, is flj »g; all have forgotten him completely. As Mrs, A, E. Bailey, who has been .reliable little jPUls with a. repuifttipri. lords, Salrttr it is, the memory of him to-day Is as caring for Mrs, Baker, has returned to The pills thaf everyone knows. * Beeom- Oliver ia us i virid as his actual presence. Thus, f her home, w.' . ' mended by Bowers & Vallee. Dixfield, Maine. «rlve Wm what dramatists call an Mrs. W. A, Poster went to Bethel •„« '«*.»: .agreeable .exit. last Thursday, returoing Sunday;. Hr», Lea&to: Send Your Cattle and Horse Hides barned b4 staIt iWona s tlhae tmheo rBnainltgim aofrtee ra ntdh aPt outonfmOarc- ovPerr eldf tsBt aSiluenyd awya. s at h, bme ffom And* to the CROSBY FRISIAN FUR COM- FANY, Rochester, N. Y., and have WMSiUls|?k: getable night at Senator Blank's house, i Hale awilff | 1 had gOne there to see about this de- them converted Into coats, robes; rugs, Many Children; are Sickly. chair ar#s^ parture of night trains, preparatory to gloves and mittens; better d^cheaper Hove, Hg vn I making a flying trip to New York, and Mother Gray's Sweet Powders for goods than, you can buy. Never mind, the head »4 We Are Farnous For Good Lunches was leaving the station when a gloved Children, used by Mother Gray, a nurse the distance, "Crosby pays the' hand touched me on the arm. The In Children's Home, New York, Break freight." See our new illustrated rtteadsj.ee *si j hand belonged to Mrs. Chadwick. She up Colds in 24 hours, cure poverishness, catalog page 18. If to teres tod send tofts c&pA&snVj We carry oil tha Palm (or First-class Dinners was dreeeed in the convsntional travel- Headache, Stomach Troubles, Teething for it. ' • • . , . ' • • ' . * ' ing gray, and but for the dark lines Disorders, and Destroy Worms, At all • . » ,•--•• -, •,- „ • 4 other partia Under her eyes she would have made a o bought -fettj picture for may man; to admire. She druggists, 25c. Sample mailed PREE. Stops itching instantly. Cures piles, ahnre'.ef^talr OUR COFFEE the SUPERIOR KIND looked tired, very tired, as women look Address, Allen S. 0|mstead, LeRoy, N» eczema, Salt rheum, tetter, itch, hives, r» Bttrgtw i9> Who have not slept wtll. Y. herpes, scabies-—Doan?s Ointmentl At e tfetM#ftr# ••*». "Qood morning, Mr. Orator," she any drug: store, * said, saluting me with a smile. ig SCAMS, 1ft A Certain Cure for Chilblains. "Too are going away?" I asked, ••Tot? A R E CRAZY." tt Is 'Baj Jab, AERIE L U N C H , shaking her hand cordially, Shake into your shoes Alien's Bqot- DON'T WORK ON THE FARM . • Mr. Btfj* '"Way, 'way away! I am leaving roughly ftroupd her, thinking her to be Ense, a powder. It cures Ohilblainsj WITH NOTHING A WEEK. art lira* hit for Nice, where I iatend to spend the I'tawlB 40 Exchange St; Nancy, and have kieeed her. Some Frostbites, Damp, Sweating, Swollen LearnVWa KING OF INSIRUMENTS totot eattafb winter, t had intended to remain In reparation is due her. On Monday'I »id get 8,5.00 or 830.00 per week, tlari AM! veer* i* ROLFE and PERRY Washington till the holidays; but I Shall pack up quietly and return to iplget, At all Druggists and Shoe demand lor violtolaU tfrftay than ever before. til arenerjf *4 plead guilty to a roving disposition, tht weet." Stores, 25c. Sample FREE. Address, WCAr iRtef ta tL oAnMceS aOnNd lVetI O1 LtIeNll SyConH nOoOwL, , and I freoBently change my mind," raur caUap*- "Anneeley beggared? "What in heav- Allen S. Olmstead, LeEoy, N. Y. 35 6 mo Portland, Me, "Woman's most charming preroga- sore deUghlfi! en's Dime does thiB mean?" 1 was tive." said I gallantly. :fc than ar«ri What a mask the human countenance confounded. T|B |ktf[ Ts! How little I dreamed that I was "Somo day, Chuck, when you have There is iota of THE INTERNATIONAL COLLEGE entered the family properly as my sle- d •by ss efttr jesting with a woman whose heart CflEAP Am) UNWHOLESOiME ter'e husband, perhaps I may confide touto c£ jjfftkfc was breaking, and nUmbed with a ter- , OF DRAMATIC ART rible pain! in you. At present the secret Isn't Gonfecfcionerf On the market every where. village *** mine. Let It suffice that through pe- Her maid came tip to announce that But the kind to sell to f wits frf culiar circumstances, the father of the *, eto.. ft*A» WHAT WE TEACH everything was ready for her reception girl I love Is rulnedl I am not doing CIYILIZED P E O P L E in the state-room, and that the train >nd itcmS* ACTING, tb alt (Is different departments, either for the professionai 6r; was about to draw but of the station. athnids afollr tahnayt trhoet,a"t—ricwailt hp lhanyl,f gar astimtuildee. is the fcmsteur stage. Mrs. Chadwick and I hade each other PURE and GOOD. "I admire and respect Col,. Anneeley; ITEMS, ELOCUTION, a complete and thorough course, both practical and good-by, Two years passed before I 1 love his daughter, hopeieasiy enough, I make nearly all the sugar and molasses candy sold to my store and GUARANTEE i* rpv%«asi| inteltectual, saw" her again, I have never been of much mae to any its Purity, At eievan o'clock 1 retrrrned to my one. Other persons' troubles never i jgacst cf M*| ORATfORV, thorough and corapichensive study ot the great ancient rooms to pack a case and have the worried me to any extent; I was hap- ThcCABAMELS and TheltlSSfJS and modern orators, their methods of delivery, and their orations. thing off my mind. Tramping restless- py-go-iucky, careless and thoughtless. are the sweetest and most delicious tid-bits in town. Try them and eallc-1to &sj f*r*t aCiT*HttsAlLvTinOl UpRa0StE Si alai t»h««a UFir.t io*chi« * atf*t iEfiaftf5l U»th» MU»nl(. W(M, SU of1 'wrfia for furth«-|parScttl»n layp atritpm eanntd hdoouwsne bIe fodrisec erranye d baVchTeslieotri Tdrroupep, iIn gn eat erc opians seIdn toa bbeigs gacru pw. ithBouutt you-ii know what's what. aeaih Of t*f[ Third Floor, McKenzie Block. Zhames* His face was pale and trou- often thla act was the result of a good C. E, HOWE, bled, but the angle of his jaw told dinner and a special vintage. The 70 Congress St. pat teste me that he had determined upon fJO.000 will keep the colonel's home, Mark L*g# something or other, the bouse his child was born In and id Wcd&eshrj "Ha!" I said railingly* He wore t her mother before her. I am doing f oorai ft* iM decentiy respectable stilt of ready-made this crazy thing, as yOn call it, because clothes: "Lost your job and want hi' It Is going to make me tftthef happy, 0 iadsvkfci! At to give you a recommendation?" I shall disappear Monday, They rnay if you want to go where something is doings iftsr ssteito "t want ft few? words with you, or they mfty not suspect who has cothe ltd the #»& Chtick, add nd footing, TJon't say that to theff aid. They tnay even trace the HALL'S HARNESS SHOP ^JoIfilDg ret* you can't spare the time. You've sim- thing to you; but you will be honOf- Go to the Bdwling Alley and J. R Hole* ply got to," Ibound i& fevefti nothifig, When you 1 thattStfe "With whom am r to talk, James, hftve taken up the bote, mall it to Billiard Hall. I was: raft*!* '.^OU will find the finest line of Fur Robes In Ox the grdom, of WarburtOn, the gentle-1 Anhesley, You will find Count Mar- man.?" loft's name on it," (18, f M * ford County, prices from $6 to $75. "YOU are to talk vrith the man whose* "Marlbff?" I Was In Utter darkness, Foot of Congress St., teaed b^ Bistef you are to marry," "Yesi Annesiey borrowed *2(J,0d0 of iAil ae*#fe# t hecaine cuflotis, naturally; "No him on a three mOUth'ft note, Both Rumford Falls, Ai ther# ** Abo a tine line of $&. Blankets both street and Stable, police affair?" inen are well known at the tlnlori bank, hbea lldfitfwlfo i*h*f* Qi*e Us A Call, we"lNl o,g o ittso nao tl atwhye erp,o lbicuet . I 1d ecsainr e vaerbv- Kpoasrilto ftfh ehraev, ianngd aA tnenmespioeyra rayl wlaayrgs eh adve-- m\ 18BO»t errf J. F. HALL COMPANY, soiute seefecy. Let us go up i& your ing done his banking at the same KEER & DOUGLASS. place, Karloff, tor feasons which I can seat sra* a? rooms at bne&" hot tell you, did not turn to the note arih b?f* 1 led the way, 1 was begiftning to ' Bivof8 Stoot, till this morning, You will take It tip by twsa* desire to know what all this meant. nrl'-'9E this afternoon." m ?OItD FABUS, MAINE, "Has anybody recognized you?" I 3 Wilt «iSr -askod.'Unl'Qckfng;' the door to ay ftpaft- "Annesiey, whom I believed to be a fe (te 101 *; meni. millionaire, penniless: karloff. one of id At ^ "No? aUd L shouldn't care a hang If bis creditors?' Bob, I do not think thftt if you were running an ingine nouid ycu $!,(!# »s. they had." you are treating me fairly. I can't go run it till it sfd perl? •SBfl 4* "OhO!" Into this thing blind." wortgsp f0' Watburton flung himself into a chair "If you will not do It under these HA W. W. HARDY CO., afid lighted ft clgai4. He puffed It tftp- conditions, I shall have to find some tterassft WMM you look it over once a year and laiyv while 1 got together my shaving one who Wlii.,***-re90totoly. feet tfisl*?' and toilet sets. clean and oil it? I looked at the checks and then at Carriage and Sleigh Paining "Start her up," said I, him, , , , Twenty-three thousand; bad fee* ^ "Chuck, when my father died he * Watch Is more delicate than dollars! It was more than I ever be- left nearly a quarter of a million in for tfe * five per eenta; that Is to say. Jack, fore held in my hand at one time. And an engine and performs twice m\ ^ make a specialty of fine Sign and Ornanienutt work of he was giving it away as carelessly as as ducovtf" Nancy and I were given a yearly in- m I should have given away a dime. Then eofffttH***! ? description. Prices as reasonable as eoiiiisterit tvltli good j corns of about lt.500, Nancy's portion the bigness of the act, tho absolute dis- the worfc Pork, and mine are still in bonds which do interestedness of It, came to me sud- m not mature till 1900, Jack has made / denly,, on of several bad investments, and about "Bob, you are the finest lover in half of his is gone, but his wife has RENDALL ffe JEMELER all the world I And if Miss Annesiey plenty, so his losses do hot troable Emcnt <* ever knows who.you are, she Isn't a hlrt. Now, I haYs bean rather frugal Tiiikt 11 utit tftMlig. Pro spect Ave., Rumford Falls. during ths past sersii rears. I have wcexuui it she doefl mot fall lnmedlate- hem. lz to tola jdik. yopdLJ PStd hi« lived, .tntareli; * »Z 'arau jf, I • -. • i •••'•'• •-./•.••: /' ra itnuoftD ommr, THUMDAT, JAHUAKY M, xwt Mrs. B. W. Blickman, is still quite A Special Offer I Mrs, B* T. Parker is recovering from art attack of the grlppei Miss Leona Landry visited her home in piddeford tiny week. One Hundred and Fifty Men's Suits Mri and M*8-" Stanley Bishee visited »^^|^¥ Hugu ^ ChJsll(>ln1' came to Rumford in Mlngfield last week, - «|^^^Af > Palis last Friday on a special train that Range in price from $12.50 to $16.50 in Cassimeres, Worsteds, Scotch Mixtures II "piwia H- Gleaaon was in town from VOLUME di Mr, FAbborfc Fester of /Virginia is pn Augusta several days this week. and Biack'Cheviots; nice, clean up-to-date goods. Single or Double Hi- i7a& sick Jist with tie grippe, fee pre* wailing illness. Bev, and hits. Theodore L, Frost THE BJ Breasted: all sizes from 34 to 44, We made one big lot ISlPtf spent last week in Boston and vicinity, Miss Tame McGiveuey is enjoying a of these S/iits and give you your choice at li'lilP'* itHvQ weeks'' vacation in Portland: and Mr, and Mrs. Chester Bishee visited jNow York, » relatives in Boston and Exeter, N* JL, $io,o i successful | this, week, Arthur L. Hersey, agent for a manu- • ! • was J, B. Martin returned to Ms position facturing company of Portland; -yeas in •fown last week. in'the E. K. Day Go's, store Monday, after.a week*!, 'vacation. Although thia 3 • police officer Boeeh took two man *jf nut « tMr ma do1 Paris jail Tuesday; They Were iBss Edna Thurston is enjoying a MORRIS MARX, Rumford Falls , Me. onc and prob S ( ^senteneed for inioxication, two' weeks* vacation from her'work in I TSspcriu1* tb fhft i the E, K, Day Ob's, store,, . tinned two days I Gladys, the little daughter of Mr. d»n. S-iift and 25f and Mrs. Barker of Virgin street, is •'Mr, and Mrs, T- P.^fCebdalt and, son^ -this event Is tl recovering from a severe illness. Arthur, visited Mr, Mendall'?: mother lug the season f in Lewiston last Sunday, Mrs, L, A. Downs returned Monday J, Atkin was In Dixfield on business' Miss Ethel Batting of Boston was BETHEL. the heart and pot , Mr, S. A. Ryan, of New York is in from a visit in Lewiston and was ac-several days of last week. entertained by Mrs, E..W*.Webber dar- woman, and Is, in town again for a week or ten days. Mr. and Mrs. John E, Stevens and companied by her little granddaughter, ing her .stay la. town. Mrs* W* -ft. Bryant 1* .on theMd one universally ,j BBaeg iMs iclol nCnoe.c ted with the Continental Pfaimneisly, Ns*ta rGte, dw Mheoren dtahye yf orw ilSl oustpheenrdn Beraiee Downs. PaJlolsh no n Wbuisskinoenstss: lawsal sw eIenk . Liverraore AnWdoavlteerr th•'iBs .swaetfe km. ovOend TMuae:s dfaaym, ilMy r.sW. EtrMoMn. tr , AWub, uDrn,, Hastings ha* returatj afauelloyt doet ctohrea teyde abry, B, M, Moodsum has recovered from several woeks, - the matter in eha . P. A. Purbish has returned from Ms recent attack of the grippe and re- Mrs. Beed of Bath, Me, is the guest Barry was'entortaSued at dinner by Mtt D* %% Orover la 111 with Af • fL ft 'Small, maml Philadelphia and is again at his place P, J, Carron, whh recently returned sumed his position in the P« &• B» P, of her sister, Mrs. Colon Mann, Mrs; W*, E* Humphrey;,' gripim. hooths. Wttri not; b.| -•oafd vbeurstiisneemsse not.n Eiver street. See hisf wroemek af orv istihte inS oYutehr mtoon ts, pestnadr tetdh et hrise -Byb*l' iosfsfeicse Ildasat WFrhidosatye,r an,d.-. . Alice Hall a Pvriosift, BinuS Bssoeaaiuo nr etaunrdn ePdo Mrtloanndda*y from; disTth ee hEurpcwh:o rwthil t Lheoaldp ca .o sfo ichiacl' MIne tthhoe- •wo0Mn.rt si.H nF, BrSaonathwke tlDe lSelock kldeUar y a;c nodn fitnweod ehtoild tml» aal l tsoo rdt*e coorfa tifoanncs,y mainder of the winter. church parlor^' Eriday alghf,' A liter- ; laerchandise,. soffit* and Messrs, Artel Hall and George houxe with., fhp provnitlng epldcEdi!, A wrestling match between the Mrs, Chester Bisbee entertained the aiy and musical program will be given, .ssd the mtrehaut Locke and Dr, and Mrs, B, W, Lrask Mr. Loy Eyster of Mussarha^m mysterious Jack Sullivan and Ed Smith Sunday afternoon the residents near Spent Sunday at Howard Pond. Majeeharsa Clttb on Wednesday even- and refreshments. ..served. wax in. Bethel on business last week. Srrice* from tho at Dorchester is to occur at the Cheney the. park were startled by seeing a man ing. ssystcry flower The Ladle** Aid, will meet with xtrg. iime Saturday night. Thia will •''{lances**' am ., in his shirt sleeves muning through Mrs, Mllford W* • Sunders, and. her Haxelton ttkx!' Tburpday nfterBooa, be n good clean exhibition of skill. The repairs which are being made On Mr, and Mrs, William Humphrey •letlier, *' enticed the street. He was hotly pursued by unele, Mr, Q, W» True of .'Parmingtoa,- Mr. Ember of the" Bailey lisis the Scribner saw mill at South' Eum- visited Mrs. Mureh of Dixfield last Gun- pwskefX' of tho- Wet four tnen. They finally captured the vigited Mr, and Mm. Daniel Bgawldlng Bast Friday, Jan. 18th, Mr- J. P. runaway. The names of the parties ford, Which was burned a few weeks day* of Bidlottviile, Sunday, BOOEOSJ Berlin, was in town last s«y ,fer the ordeal- II Chute wrote his name on the register were not learned, but it Was a ease of ago, are nearly complotedi ,M4,gpera* Mrs. Churchill of West Paris is rap- while, to witne** • at the Eumford Hotel for the 420a temporarily deranged man escaping tibns wSl begin very soon. There are Miss Bertha Israelsott returned Mon- Mm Boderigua will .take iMiss: Alius ing her daughter, Mrs. Davis Lesvjcy ;Mli lot lug' manner Mime. Mr. Chute has been coming to from those Who were taking care of about 2000 cords of wood yet to bed ay from a visit 'with, friends in. Port- Hadeatt's place dttriflg her visit la Mr*. J» B* Qoo'ttdgo :hw been 111 ft, dime* and h Bumford Palls regularly fpr fourteen him, sawedy and that will finish the luihber-' land, ,' • -•;'•'-, Beriin, X, H. past week; wtfh fhu. grippe m$ to-; sjpreaehed .#aeb .bi years. Ho represents the Casco ihgj in that section. rillilA "' : •' fftitlal appearanco Loan and Building Association, Ealph -A, Curtis has taken an ageney Br. E, P," Bartlett, who .sometime* ;; Mrs,, ft ft Sielsos of Green fpgg all hedceked with t Three young women created con- with the Horth American Xceldeufc Jn- answem i<t the nomAft-plStnt -• of Dr« Sunlay with •• her brpiher, Vt& B,; «t radiating thefi siderable excitement in the village Sun- bfiss C, T. Crosby returned: to her suranea Co, Taikwell will .address- the meeting of 'W'ood. |vfiiw«td upon their Mr. M. J. Googin of Lewiston spent day by driving recklessly through home in Phillips Monday after spend- the Lewiston and Auburn Bcform Club Mrs. Berry of West Farts rfeUri \-$.. um momenta] Sunday with his soffi John M. Googin, Congress street. Phey seemed cither ing a. week a| the Mountain * View Will Swain was; In town last week Sunday tfteruoott, Peb«:3rd, ia..Aubura her sister, Mrs, F«tt'aie Blsbee Latfv-' vplufers,, iprftvlouidy rl=?t clerk at Hotel Enmford. Mr, Googin to have lost control of ^ha horse, or House, Eangeley Lake. Miss Crosby having a wound on his hand dressed, City Hall. Dr. BarileU's sabject will joy last :Tu,e»day.. - girt*, of Bumfort | has f br many yearn been identified with Were letting the animal have his own is nbw engaged in raising fnnda to having met with an accident, be ''The IVorid, the Flesh, and the Mrs, John % Chapman its <t<t>n&mi ft large business interests in Lewiston way, which was hardly the proper way. erect a Catholic church, and expects Devil." hey bed. m the .result of a fall reeritri • the frigidity of dbi and Auburn, and Was recently appoint- The sleigh went round the corner by to. go to Cmuada Very soon, where; she Bev* E, W- 'Webber was called to I ytttt even.' so eoni Sunday night. 'eeads eg.;u' ard' ian in the D. J. McGiliicuddy othnelo opkoesrt rouflsihcee d ofno rownaer dr uenxnpeer ctainndg tthhee wini lMl sopnetnreda lt'h!aen rde mQauienbdeec,r of the winter fBuincehrmaol noffl, aM feo,r, mMero npdaaryi shtoio naettre. nd the beAkat h thLeo dlaps t Wmeedenteinsdga yo,f JaPnu, rliotyt h,B ei-t offMerisins gA wmiothll.* 'e rGj*i»hlvpeorlaj * wthhoe 'phaarti hf«ftssr : ;. {,tck?tw tijh.ftieytj .eteh. etmhsaentv: ^f occupants to be tipped Out, By ac- Bev, A, G. Warner preached In the was decided to hold a/fair Jn. 'Ma-' W'e|ksjd#"jmprovlagi - . Als%ltkft ail other , Mr. E. J, Roderick, who has been cident sack a result did hot occur, and Mr, Walter H, Bridges and Mia. Baptist church Sunday in the absence Mennamin, Hall about 'the last of "' Mrs, Boberiimb- 4t Gotham, % ff, rsiahew tinted baol , in partnership with Mr. Qyr, on Waldo the team kept on its wild career across Margaret Brown Keene, both of Bum- of the pastor, Bev, T. L, Prost* February, The committee appointed has been a guest at- the heme of Uu nfidy, for m $ood ; Street, has bought but the business and the bridge. When opposite the depot ford Polls, were united in marriage to look altar the general hrrdtigemesis and Mrs.! Seoit Bobertaoh, . , Hoc bad beca\eap \WMi\m opened a new store where J, B, Tardiff one of the young ladies jumped out, Sunday afternoon, Jan, Soth at the Henrj- BelsOtt returned Monday from and appoint suh-aommittee* is com* Mr. Georges Buraham of South Pari* {se-fsvilythlng; h^' was formerly located. Mr, Boderiek is but the team kept on and left the home of Mr. and Mrs, I. B* Austin of a week's stay atBomis and tipper Dam posed of MoMa Grand, Miss: •• Eva was -In towb- Thursday to atlttd. tfe laelttd tho fare i a young man who knows his business young miss the cCntof of attraction. Mexico, the officiating clergyman be- where he hag been on a autvoylng trip. Eaton, and Mrs- 3?» E* Boding, Mrs* pinno reo'ttal on. Thursday cveffiBg; table,) *h« "dropped! '•Wnnedll oauntd oifs t haen , satogrreeye aabnled dmeasenr vbeost' hB uicn- sSeheem ewda sn ont omt uicnhc lidniesdtu rbteod btayl kth, eb suitt- ignrgeg Bateiovn, aJia mcheus rcGh,, PisMherr, oaf nthde CMonr*s . Lorenzo Hopkins of Mil I on fa- stay- K, M.' Wobdsnmt Mm* F, 'Of Walkar* ' |of MPmo.r. tFlarendd;, Halrmef evalMl talnndg. , sohne, r yfa.tthme$r, | Sp«aaetei eo*f htehre wviileet*jm usjl! M l •',*]•% He has an interesting annpunce- uation she was in. This episode Bridges will make their home on the ing with William Swain while conduct- Mrs. Elliott W, Howe'-is-tha leader.'of I Mr, Jerimi Btdtfesru, who I* tti. , 4 she end for "pfia §§§ i .Mitt the CPETZEbT'this week, happened about LIS p. m, Swift Biver road. ing logging operations on llorus BaTt> the Searchlight Club for Friday ftftOri I Mr* and Mrs, .George BarahsmHI {-wist wore'' disttlh lott's wood lot. noon, Jan Sffith, whoa the club Witt bft |Boufh Pari*, were entertained at tt*.'. mried to Newcastle, Mi' entertained by Miss Bessie Betteni'ilt. I home of MM, Elfeit Bbrbaak last wsk : u In the easio of n.' A, J, Patterson left Monday for The program consists oft Boll call, f Mrs* Churchill: of Wcat FarB it. • Irnwisg a :bott!«. of i Boston where he will go by steamer to anecdotes of the Bevoiutiom Hhw to japeading a mo&tb with her daujhftr,- IBs grah box. ; Savanuah, Ga,, to apctid several months look at pictures, iitrodufetloa a?»d «Mrt.vPaa.«te Btsbee Imvejoy. i The cstertalnminl' In the South, chapter L Bapcr, Fromlneftt person- I Mr; Mayaard. Moore of Hnstisgs m . *W'very good, sad th ages of the Bcvolutlou. Paper, ('auscs iia, the tillage last Friday ond ftct. ;f««I«d with a -wnri The Ladies* Aid Society of the and leading events of the Be volution, by fmueh luteresl in looking over the Jem' '. ffeesstratioa. __ MI* / Mneestdhaoyd iasft tecrhnuorocnh wbays Menrtse, rJta.i nAe,d SWimepd-- Mrs. Balpb Leckhead* plant. 1 «re«»ee wax. given «J «d all were -eatlU'el V>^ \ § The v ^ v ^ son at her home on Franklin street. 'l*Dr. Thomas* Edectric Oil is the turn mm wax; It I best remedy for that often fatal LOST OR. STO&£BA*A tot housAj C2fhf»t read the poel hfrs- William Tibbetts, who has-been disease—croup. Has been used with eoto.r licked: with black,, tan heal, cd; •fa**.'* It In •»'!>« the guest of her parents, Mr, and Mrs, success is our family for right years,** Jar marked' H, Labar, West FitthW rtraJog a, aelabitt fl Rumford National Bank 1L 0. Bprditt, has returned to her —Mrs. L. WbUcaerc, Bufifaio, K. Y, * Mass, A good toward will he g£l. \Mom .horse* «»S*i**| home la Baagelcy, far Ms- return. H. LABsVB, Cf FreEd :'*lilffi 'took p\ | 4 sm ft •''"" ""' •"-•••-'•<•< •'• .-r-..ms'1t1r'.-e.nMet, Bumford Falls, Mm 3«p* fhd with exciting ai Captain Barker of Bemis, who has PARKER'S &f evrata and w«a \ will be pleased to mail to any one sending their ad- wbeeeenk itlol wgioth top nPeuiomriodnai,a , wwhaesr ea bhlee wlaisllt CteoHawA ItRsA bBmAzcLfxSt tAScM.d ilt. 1 LGST,—Gold watch fob, west sSB *«J«rd by Mrs, Gilo], P>Mat*« *, tetartUit'. rrwrth, dress a statement regarding the great increase in spend lltfe Vrinter at Palm Beach and nJt*t*AMt f tVo *tiluf. tToo oat«hWfurl »p oOlonra, - iBewaTd t^t return. Dr. A. E FHKBBt, j "* Fogram for Tl other resorts. fStrathgiaaa Battding, ES :^«*«ew#5 Fid .... '> toS|tnSH.0nittm~<4 their business the past yean «f* Barileit, Aeeomp Miss Marion Imngiois Witt go to her ;«»aMi Beading, M homo in Berlin, X, U„ next Monday to | 1 f^sTifiiBMiiv'ir^ MODEL LADIES TAILORING spend a vacation of a eouple of months- f*Op»ied fey Mr* ft Miss Laaglois will be accompanied by This lastitutiott bits a ww. Several' 'sel'eMJjj Miss Alice. Hadeaw, wbo will fee her AMwat eight o*cJb gnest for a week. l**ftft6eriadg^A*S SAVINGS DEPARTMENT, prof* Anstln Carey and party of the f.^wtogd that: 'Weri Harvard School of Porestry were, at m mmm % n tipper Dant last week aad Went to ftfll't and calls attention to the tact tbai a batik account is desirabtc i<3t every one tfpton o« Bichardson litiko Monday* SUITS MADE TO OR- FURS REMODELED ffl GmUhier did m atitt that by this Little Sauk system-AH account beginning with ONE DOL- The party expect to complete their :™i* Morrison held ti tour of the Bftageley regiea this week; LAB can be opened. OER AT REASOfiABIE REPAIRED TO W .'» . . ¥h* Bftia Jodgc G, Wilttfird Johnson has sold j?**»»rtset, (comfej Beginning February 1st, and until further notice, 4 per cent, interest will his camp at Gquossoe to Ed Cohnrn of PRICES STYLE OR SIZE £ Jf *|J Sirs, W, t $e paid^''o% depositiitrt ffife dejj&rtment* Dpper Dam, Judge Johnson owns » ."f *hp No. 47, . | very desirable lot near the Silver Lake Mouse at Soxfeary pond and Is eon- J»• Ohvsr Fettengil| t templaHsg building a camp there la }J* '"kr figure8 N A Bank account large or small is an encourage- the spring. ment to |hft„«, ,« ^ hi M*«*e *y*e"a'1 Among those who attended the in- THRIFT ®. GOOD business habits. sEtaaslltaetrino n Sloaft oTffuiceesrds ayo f nitghhe t Oardte Dr ioxf- Sif^w.*k'W*AA .* * y\ih^*V our patrons of the past season for m (f.''"* p kTwpinnf,o rtdh eC sIiTxI ZmE<jl field were %it and Mrs. W, E, Mamph. t rey, Mrs, P. E. Coding, Mrs. James From the 15th of January to the) J baths' trial, TK Shea,. Mrs; Bawley, Miss Lena Pelt and k ^ wntMt gaessed I Mies- Alice Lucas. t i 28th of February 17 f«t long, Rurinford National Bank, The Kodbl afmanae Is a pnbiieatiea ***ftaTf»«.x i f§f# Well worth having. It has besides a WC Iniiwth^f1011 P ? i m 0rl ^<»> tailoring »ud <M <** x Ct!,hm«tt proved! SOfi year ealendar, and much general' r L !" -m ev ,r l,ee» given in tins town, Plctse look < 'S|fF$t® Ed.i*,v . S,..;... K„ .e.. nnard) Cashi&i4. Information, a series of astrological over ttttse prices and glVe «s your order to make your dress. *fi» i p!s*ffiB the n articles that are of great interest t« those who are speculating in occult Ike best attention will be given you hereto-fore, and *itfa*1 m things. The publishers of it have gen- tion is guaranteed. erously offered to send a copy free to each subscriber to the Citizen, It you desire the almanac, send your name and J. ATKINS, General Manager, Strathgiass Buildings ti-fr,, eftrF Keentfil address, mentioning this paper, to E, h«t*Rd *:•"«*&{ C. DeWitt & Co., Chicago, 111, Enclose Our E I u»<< « „MAR6l,ER,TE S< HALE, As'sl Maiigtr, tcts* postage* j, ' Wia 1> lhis *« 0«r E; K. Day s Store, Cosgrm Street Eitraice. Teleplsca* MS- ..i^oHttf« feer "* fi,„L *\ *uu w»a 8ro^ he having ,%y.. .•' m- ^.gHwJnwwnupywurwIo^^ -.*,^i- v-.»«^

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