THE ROYAL ORDERS OF BURMA, A.D. 1598-1885 PART FIVE, A.D. 1788-1806 Edited with Introduction, Notes and in English of Each Order Summary by THAN TUN, M.A., B.L., Ph.D. (London) Professor of History,Mandalay University V KYOTO THE CENTER FOR SOUTHEAST ASIAN STUDIES, KYOTO UNIVERSITY 1986 THE ROYAL ORDERS OF BURMA, A.D. 1598-1885 PART FIVE, A.D. 1788-1806 THE ROYAL ORDERS OF BURMA, A.D. 1 -1 598 885 PART FIVE, A.D. I -I 788 806 Edited with Introduction, Notes and Summary in English of Each Order by THAU TUN, M.A., B.L. , Ph.D.(London) Former Professor of History, Mandalay University KYOTO THE CENTRE FOR SOUTHEAST ASIAN STUDIES, KYOTO UNIVERSITY 1986 CONTENTS Acknowledgement iv List of colleagues who helped in collecting the Royal Orders vi Introduction vii Summary od Each Order in English 1 Royal Orders of Burma in Burmese 331 v xxvi KURENAI : Kyoto University Research Information Repository Title Acknowledgement Author(s) THAN, TUN THE ROYAL ORDERS OF BURMA, A.D. 1598-1885 (1986), Citation 5: [4]-[4] Issue Date 1986 URL Right Departmental Bulletin Paper Type Textversion publisher Kyoto University ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The editor owes much gratitude to THE CENTRE FOR SOUTHEAST ASIAN STUDIES KYOTO UNIVERSITY for research facilities given to him in editing these Royal Orders of Burma and to have them published under its auspices. He is also thankful to THE TOYOTA FOUNDATION for the financial aid to publish them. iv KURENAI : Kyoto University Research Information Repository Title List of Colleagues who helped in collecting the Royal Orders Author(s) THAN, TUN THE ROYAL ORDERS OF BURMA, A.D. 1598-1885 (1986), Citation 5: [6]-[6] Issue Date 1986 URL Right Departmental Bulletin Paper Type Textversion publisher Kyoto University List of colleagues who helped in collecting the Royal Orders Aung Kyaw (Chaung U) Aung Myin Chit So Myint Htun Yee Khin Htwe Yi Khin Khin Khin Khin Gyi Khin Khin Sein Khin Lay Khin Maung Htay Khin Myo Aye Khin Nyun (Mrs Thein Than Tun) Khin Yi (Mrs Than Tun) Kyaw Kyaw Win Mya Mya Mvine Myine Myint Myint Myint Htet Myint Myint Than Myo Myint Ni Ni Myint Ni Toot Nyunt Nyunt Way Ohn Kyi (Chaung U) Ohn Myint Oo Pannâjota Sai Kham Mong San Myint (Candimàlâ) San Nyein San San Aye Saw Lwin Sein Myint Than Than Thant Zin (Mawlike) Thaung Ko Thein Hlaing Thein Naing Thein Than Tun Thoung Thoung Tin Maung Yin Tin Tin Win Toe Hla Tun Nwe Tun Thein Win Maung Yi Yi Yi Yi Aung vi