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The Routledge Handbook to Music under German Occupation, 1938-1945: Propaganda, Myth and Reality PDF

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The RouTledge handbook To Music undeR geRMan occupaTion, 1938–1945 Following their entry into Austria and the Sudetenland in the late 1930s, the Germans attempted to impose a policy of cultural imperialism on the countries they went on to occupy during World War II. Almost all music institutions in the occupied lands came under direct German control or were subject to severe scrutiny and censorship, the prime objective being to change the musical fabric of these nations and force them to submit to the strictures of Nazi ideology. This pioneering collection of essays is the first in the English language to look in more detail at the musical consequences of German occupation during a dark period in European history. It embraces a wide range of issues, presenting case studies involving musical activity in a number of occupied European cities, as well as in countries that were part of the Axis or had established close diplomatic relations with Germany. The wartime careers and creative outputs of individual musicians who were faced with the dilemma of either complying with or resisting the impositions of the occupiers are explored. In addition, there is some reflection on the post-war implications of German occupation for the musical environment in Europe. Music under German Occupation is written for all music-lovers, students, professionals and academics who have particular interests in 20th-century music history and/or the vicissitudes of European cultural life during World War II. David Fanning is Professor of Music at the University of Manchester and author and editor of books, articles and critical editions on Nielsen, Shostakovich, Weinberg, Expressionism and the 20th-century symphonic tradition. An experienced chamber music pianist and accompanist, he is also active as a critic for Gramophone and the Daily Telegraph. Erik Levi is Visiting Professor of Music at Royal Holloway, University of London. He is author and editor of several books relating to music during the Weimar Republic and the Third Reich and is active as a broadcaster and critic for BBC Music Magazine. Amongst his recent publications are Music and Displacement, co-edited with Florian Scheding (2010); Mozart and the Nazis (2010); The Impact of Nazism on Twentieth-Century Music (2014); and Hanns Eisler and England (2014). The RouTledge handbook To Music undeR geRMan occupaTion, 1938–1945 propaganda, Myth and Reality Edited by David Fanning and Erik Levi First published 2020 by Routledge 2 Park Square, Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxon OX14 4RN and by Routledge 52 Vanderbilt Avenue, New York, NY 10017 Routledge is an imprint of the Taylor & Francis Group, an informa business © 2020 selection and editorial matter, David Fanning and Erik Levi; individual chapters, the contributors The right of David Fanning and Erik Levi to be identified as the author of the editorial material, and of the authors for their individual chapters, has been asserted in accordance with sections 77 and 78 of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reprinted or reproduced or utilised in any form or by any electronic, mechanical, or other means, now known or hereafter invented, including photocopying and recording, or in any information storage or retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publishers. Trademark notice: Product or corporate names may be trademarks or registered trademarks, and are used only for identification and explanation without intent to infringe. British Library Cataloguing-in-Publication Data A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data A catalog record for this book has been requested ISBN: 978-1-138-71388-8 (hbk) ISBN: 978-1-315-23061-0 (ebk) Typeset in Bembo by Apex CoVantage, LLC conTenTs List of figures ix List of tables xi List of appendices xii List of contributors xiii List of abbreviations xxi Introduction: the foundations of Nazi musical imperialism 1 David Fanning and Erik Levi Section 1 Musical life, resistance and destruction in occupied european capitals 17 1 Composers as critics in occupied Paris 19 Nigel Simeone 2 The Conservatoire in occupied Kiev (19 September 1941 to 6 November 1943) 33 Elena Zinkevych, translated by Michelle Assay 3 Nazi musical imperialism in occupied Poland 61 Katarzyna Naliwajek 4 Music and musical life in occupied Athens 82 Alexandros Charkiolakis v Contents Section 2 Adaptation and opportunism 101 5 The Rome-Berlin Axis: musical interactions between Fascist Italy and Nazi Germany in redrawing a ‘New Order for European Culture’ 103 Erik Levi 6 In search of a musical identity in the Nazi-occupied Netherlands 122 Dario van Gammeren 7 Symphonic music in occupied Belgium (1940–1944): the role of ‘German-friendly’ music societies 140 Eric Derom 8 Music, culture and the Church in the German-occupied USSR: the Smolensk area and other provinces 170 Svetlana Zvereva Section 3 Appropriations and reputations 191 9 Celebrating a Mozart anniversary in occupied Belgium: the Mozart Herdenking in Vlaanderen (1942) 193 Marie-Hélène Benoit-Otis and Cécile Quesney 10 The ambiguous reception of Antonín Dvořák’s music during the Reichsprotektorat Böhmen und Mähren (The Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia), 1939–1945 211 Kateřina Nová, translated by Štěpán Kaňa 11 Celebrating the Nordic tone – fighting for national legacy: the Grieg Centenary, 1943 231 Michael Custodis and Arnulf Mattes Section 4 Between two evils 251 12 The song collector, the year of terrors and the catastrophe that followed: a life in occupied Latvia 253 Kevin C. Karnes vi Contents 13 The music of Čiurlionis in the context of resistance and Lithuanian national identity during the Nazi occupation (1941–1944) 265 Vytautė Markeliūnienė 14 Power through music: strategies of the German occupation authorities in Estonia 276 Kristel Pappel and Anu Kõlar Section 5 the limits of tolerance 301 15 Getting away with Cultural Bolshevism: the first European performance of Porgy and Bess in Copenhagen, 1943 303 Michael Fjeldsøe 16 Music criticism in the Swedish Nazi daily press: the case of Dagsposten 319 Henrik Rosengren Section 6 Damaged careers 337 17 (Re)visiting the (Jewish) archive of Gideon Klein – Terezín, 1941–1944 339 David Fligg 18 Eugeniusz Morawski: life under the Nazi occupation of Warsaw 358 Oskar Łapeta Section 7 Symphonies of war and resistance 375 19 Religious patriotism and grotesque ridicule: responses to Nazi oppression in Pavel Haas’s unfinished war-time Symphony 377 Martin Čurda 20 Paul von Klenau’s Ninth Symphony: a case study 399 Niels Krabbe vii Contents 21 Shostakovich’s ‘Leningrad’ Symphony: music of endurance 418 David Fanning and Michelle Assay Section 8 complex and uneasy legacies 449 22 Listening in the Grey Zone 451 Michael Beckerman 23 The marketing of backstories: approaches to the legacies of music composed in fraught circumstances 459 Mirjam Frank 24 Nazism, music and Tyrolean identity 472 Kurt Drexel 25 Bartók against the Nazis: the Italian premieres of Bluebeard’s Castle (1938) and The Miraculous Mandarin (1942) 489 Nicolò Palazzetti 26 Contemporary music and cultural politics in Switzerland during World War II: between neutrality and nationalism 511 Simeon Thompson Index 526 viii FiguRes 0.1 Map of German-occupied Europe, 1942 8 3.1 Map of occupied Poland, 1939 66 3.2 Map of occupied Poland, 1941 67 4.1 Front cover of the programme book for the 1942 performance of Strauss’s Elektra in Athens 92 7.1 First and last page of the programme sheet of the eighth concert organised by the Philharmonie Brussel for the 1942/43 season 146 7.2 Second and third page of the programme sheet of the fifth concert organised by the Philharmonie Brussel for the 1943/44 season 147 7.3 Advertisement for the sixth concert of the Philharmonisch Orkest van Antwerpen for the 1943/44 season 152 7.4 First page of the programme sheet of the ninth concert of the Koninklijke Stadsopera Ghent for the 1942/43 season 156 8.1 Pesennik dobrovol’tsa, title page 179 9.1 The audience at Karl Gustav Fellerer’s lecture in Brussels on 4 May 1942: ‘Mozart, the German’ (‘Mozart, der Deutsche’) 199 9.2 The Brussels Senate Hall during the opening ceremony of the ‘Mozart commemoration in Flanders’ on 3 May 1942 200 9.3 The cover page of De Vlag’s special issue devoted to the ‘Mozart commemoration in Flanders’ 202 10.1 Otakar Šourek and State President Emil Hácha at the exhibition ‘Antonín Dvořák’ held in Prague’s Central Library, 1940 218 10.2 Otakar Šourek with Aloisie Fialová (née Dvořáková) and President Hácha at the opening of the Dvořák Jubilee Year in Prague’s Municipal House, 19 March 1941 219 10.3 Overview of the number of performances of Antonín Dvořák’s works by the Czech Philharmonic, 1939–1945 223 10.4 Overview of the number of performances of Antonín Dvořák’s operas at the National Theatre in Prague, 1939–1945 224 11.1 Poster of the Grieg centenary, 1843–1943 235 ix

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