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The Routledge Encyclopedia of the Historical Jesus PDF

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ENCYCLOPEDIA OF THE HISTORICAL JESUS This page intentionally left blank ENCYCLOPEDIA OF THE HISTORICAL JESUS Craig A. Evans Editor Routledge Taylor & Francis Group 270 Madison Avenue New York, NY 10016 Routledge Taylor & Francis Group 2 Park Square Milton Park, Abingdon Oxon OX14 4RN Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis Group, an informa business # by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC Printed in the United States of America on acid-free paper. 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 1 International Standard Book Number-10: 0-415-97569-7 International Standard Book Number-13: 978-0-415-97569-8 Trademark Notice: Product or corporate names may be trademarks or registered trademarks, and are used only for identification and explanation without intent to infringe. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Encyclopedia of the historical Jesus / [edited by Craig A. Evans]. p. cm. ISBN-13: 978-0-415-97569-8 (alk. paper) 1. Jesus Christ – Historicity – Encyclopedias. 2. Christianity – Encyclopedias. I. Evans, Craig A. BT303.2.E56 2008 232.9’0803–dc22 2007029840 Contents Introduction vii List of contributors ix A–Z list of entries xiii Thematic list of entries xvii Entries A–Z 1 Index 687 This page intentionally left blank Introduction Interest in the historical Jesus continues unabated. of Jesus, the criteria for determining authenticity, Scholarly and popular publications are more and critical assessment of the New Testament numerous than ever. Some of this work is quite Gospels and the various writings outside the New eccentric and irresponsible, but much of it is com- Testament. The New Testament Gospels themselves petent and quite helpful, leading to new insights are treated in separate and lengthy entries. Several and, on the whole, advancing the discipline in entries assess the various background literatures, significant ways. such as the Old Testament apocrypha and pseude- Research into the life and world of Jesus has pigrapha, the Dead Sea Scrolls, the Targums, and also become more complex as new discoveries are rabbinic literature. Inscriptions and papyri are made and new approaches and methods are taken into account, as well as the writings that explored. Ongoing publication of primary materi- make up the Old Testament itself. als, such as ancient manuscripts from the Middle The teaching of Jesus is treated under some East, and ongoing archaeological excavations in three dozen headings. His views of evangelism, the land of Jesus and his followers have led to divorce and remarriage, faith, family, love, and many new discoveries. The Jesus of history was suffering are only a few of the entries. Major never more interesting and challenging. And with entries treat Jesus’ understanding of God, the these major advances comes the need for expert Great Commandment, salvation, and the Sermon guidance. The Encyclopedia of the Historical Jesus on the Mount. The titles of Jesus is another major offers this guidance through the entries written by category that is treated with a number of very the 110 international scholars who have shared important entries. These include Messiah/Christ, their expertise. Lord, Master/rabbi, Servant of the Lord, Son of The Encyclopedia of the Historical Jesus is a David, Son of God, and Son of Man. The entries reference work that assesses – in 227 entries total- in teachings within the historical context of ethics ing nearly 500,000 words – the remarkable dis- place the teaching of Jesus in the broader context coveries and developments of the last half century of the philosophy and teaching of antiquity. Com- or so. For ease of access, the entries are arranged parison is made with rabbinic thought, and even alphabetically. To further aid the reader, the front Buddhist thought. matter presents both an A–Z entry list and a the- The Encyclopedia offers several entries, many of matic entry list. Each entry is thoroughly refer- them major, that treat the most important events enced with a Further reading section. A thorough, and related scholarship in the life of Jesus and his analytical index provides another entry point for disciples. These include his baptism, his exorcisms the interested user. and healings, his entry into Jerusalem, his actions These entries speak to all of the areas involved in the Temple precincts, his words at the Last in the study of the historical Jesus. The Encyclopedia Supper, his trial, his death and burial, and his res- offers several entries treating the major contributors urrection and ascension. Several entries are devoted and their works, ranging from H. S. Reimarus of to important figures in the life of Jesus. These more than two centuries ago to N. T. Wright of include Herod Antipas, who ruled Galilee, and today. All of the important theoretical issues and Pontius Pilate, the Roman governor who adminis- concepts are treated, including Christology, tered Samaria and Judea. Readers will find entries demons and exorcism, magic and sorcery, and that treat Annas and Caiaphas, the high priests, Jesus tradition in Paul. Pharisees, Sadducees, and several of the disciples The Encyclopedia offers several entries addres- and companions of Jesus, such as Simon Peter, sing methods and criteria, such as the language of James and John, sons of Zebedee, Mary Magdalene, Jesus, the possibility of recovering the very words and Mary, the mother of Jesus. vii INTRODUCTION Several entries are devoted to various biblical and rhetorical context of martyrdom and messianism figures mentioned in the Gospels, Old Testament considers, among others, false prophets. figures who come into play in one way or another. The Encyclopedia of the Historical Jesus will These include Abraham, Adam, David, Daniel, serve readers very well alongside its four-volume Elijah, Moses, and Solomon, among others. Places companion The Historical Jesus: Critical Concepts and regions also receive generous treatment. in Religious Studies (Routledge, 2004). This work Nazareth and Jerusalem, the Sea of Galilee, and assembles the most important statements (in Eng- Gethsemane on the Mount of Olives are just a few. lish) treating the major topics covered in the Important institutions are also covered. These Encyclopedia. It is highly recommended. include the Jerusalem Temple and its function in As editor of the Encyclopedia of the Historical the life of the Jewish people, the circulation and Jesus I invite you to plunge into these pages, to use of Jewish and Roman coins, the practice of discover the riches of the work that has been done, sacrifice, Jewish festivals and feasts, Jewish house- the discoveries that have been made, the remark- holds, slavery, the Sanhedrin, and the synagogue, able theories that have been proposed, and the among others. There are also major entries devoted inspiration millions have derived from careful to the history of the New Testament within the cul- study of the teaching, life, and death of arguably ture, politics, and law of the Roman Empire, such as the most influential person ever to walk the face of the geography and archaeology of Galilee and the earth. Your understanding of the historical Judea, roads and commerce in Galilee and Judea, Jesus will be greatly enriched through the reading and the presence of Roman culture and authority of this encyclopedia. in Israel. Craig A. Evans, PhD Genres and historical styles includes entries on Payzant Distinguished Professor of New Testament genealogies, prophecy, rewritten scripture, and Acadia Divinity College allegory, among others. Persons within the historical Wolfville, Nova Scotia, Canada viii Contributors Jostein A˚ dna Richard A. Burridge School of Mission and Theology King’s College, London Dale C. Allison, Jr David B. Capes Pittsburgh Theological Seminary Houston Baptist University Paul N. Anderson Warren Carter George Fox University Texas Christian University Rami Arav Mark A. Chancey University of Nebraska at Omaha Southern Methodist University Andrew Arterbury Bruce Chilton Baylor University Bard College Richard S. Ascough Carsten Claussen Queen’s Theological College University of Munich Peter Balla I. A. H. Combes Ka´roli Ga´spa´r Reformed University Ashbourne Michael F. Bird John M. Court Highland Theological College University of Kent, Canterbury C. Clifton Black N. Clayton Croy Princeton University Trinity Lutheran Seminary Barry L. Blackburn, Sr Peter H. Davids Atlanta Christian College St Stephen’s University Darrell L. Bock Jacqueline C. R. de Roo Dallas Theological Seminary University of Sheffield Peter G. Bolt Stephen G. Dempster Moore Theological College Atlantic Baptist University Helen K. Bond David A. deSilva University of Edinburgh Ashland Theological Seminary Colin Brown Jonathan A. Draper Fuller Theological Seminary University of KwaZulu-Natal Gary M. Burge James D. G. Dunn Wheaton College Durham University ix

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