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THE ROUTLEDGE COMPANION TO ART AND POLITICS The Routledge Companion to Art and Politics offers a thorough examination of the complex rela- tionshipbetweenartandpolitics,andthemanyformsandapproachestheengagementbetween them can take. Thecontributors—adiverseassemblyofartists,activists,andscholars fromaroundtheworld— discuss and demonstrate ways of making art and politics legible and salient inthe world.As such, the 32chapters inthisvolume reflect onperformingand visualarts; music, film,and newmedia; as well as covering social practice, community-based work, conceptual, interventionist, and movement-affiliated forms. The Companion is divided into four distinct parts: (cid:1) Conceptual Cartographies (cid:1) Institutional Materialities (cid:1) Modalities of Practice (cid:1) Making Publics Randy Martin has assembled a collection that ensures that readers will come away with a wider view of what can count as art and politics; where they might find it; and how it moves in the world. The diversity of perspectives is at once challenging and fortifying to those who might dismiss political art on the one hand as not making sufficient difference and on the other to those embracing it but seeking a means to elaborate the significance that it can make in the world. The Routledge Companion to Art and Politics brings together a range of issues and approaches and encourages critical and creative thinking about how art is produced, perceived, and received. Contributors:CaronAtlas,WafaaBilal,ClaireBishop,SwatiChattopadhyay,PatriciaTiciento Clough, Dudley Cocke, Jan Cohen-Cruz, Critical Art Ensemble, Eduardo de la Fuente, Ricardo Dominguez, Mark Driscoll, Boris Groys, Jack Halberstam, Stefano Harney, Shannon Jackson, Joasia Krysa, Suzanne Lacy, Lisa Le Feuvre, André Lepecki, Ana María Ochoa, Toby Miller, Svetlana Mintcheva, John Roberts, Ned Rossiter, Keng Sen Ong, Jacques Servin, Gregory Sholette, Robert Stam, Diana Taylor, Marta Moreno Vega, Marina Vishmidt, Soenke Zehle, Ultra-red. Randy Martin is Professor and Chair of Art and Public Policy and founding director of the graduate program in Arts Politics at the Tisch School of the Arts, New York University. He is author of books on the politics of dance, theatre, war, finance, and education. THE ROUTLEDGE COMPANION TO ART AND POLITICS Edited by Randy Martin (With editorial assistance from Victor J. Peterson, II) Firstpublished2015 byRoutledge 2ParkSquare,MiltonPark,Abingdon,Oxon,OX144RN andbyRoutledge 711ThirdAvenue,NewYork,NY10017 RoutledgeisanimprintoftheTaylor&FrancisGroup,aninformabusiness ©2015RandyMartinforselectionandeditorialmatter; individualcontributionsthecontributors TherightofRandyMartintobeidentifiedasauthorofthisworkhasbeen assertedinaccordancewithsections77and78oftheCopyright,Designs andPatentsAct1988. Allrightsreserved.Nopartofthisbookmaybereprintedorreproducedor utilisedinanyformorbyanyelectronic,mechanical,orothermeans,now knownorhereafterinvented,includingphotocopyingandrecording,orin anyinformationstorageorretrievalsystem,withoutpermissioninwriting fromthepublishers. Trademarknotice:Productorcorporatenamesmaybetrademarksor registeredtrademarks,andareusedonlyforidentificationandexplanation withoutintenttoinfringe. BritishLibraryCataloguinginPublicationData AcataloguerecordforthisbookisavailablefromtheBritishLibrary LibraryofCongressCataloginginPublicationData TheRoutledgecompaniontoartandpolitics/editedbyRandyMartin. Includesbibliographicalreferencesandindex. 1.Arts—Politicalaspects.I.Martin,Randy,1957-editor. NX180.P64R682014 700.1’03—dc23 2014025554 ISBN:978-0-415-64510-2(hbk) ISBN:978-1-315-73669-3(ebk) TypesetinBembo byTaylor&FrancisBooks CONTENTS List of Figures ix Acknowledgements x Notes on Contributors xi Introduction 1 PARTI Conceptual Cartographies 13 1 On the Zoopolitics of the Voice and the Distinction Between Nature and Culture 16 Ana María Ochoa 2 The Aesthetic Subject and the Politics of Speculative Labor 25 Marina Vishmidt 3 Art and the Politics of Time-as-Substance 37 John Roberts 4 The Choreopolitical: Agency in the Age of Control 44 André Lepecki 5 Thinking Contradictory Thoughts: On the Convergence of Aesthetic and Social Factors in Recent Sociologies of Art 53 Eduardo de la Fuente v Contents 6 Becoming Revolutionary: On Russian Suprematism 67 Boris Groys 7 Failure Over Utopia 75 Lisa Le Feuvre 8 What Did You Hear? Another Ten Theses on Militant Sound Investigation 83 Ultra-red PARTII Institutional Materialities 91 9 Institutional Critique Redux 95 Critical Art Ensemble 10 Social Turns: In Theory and Across the Arts 104 Shannon Jackson 11 The Politics of Contemporary Curating: A Network Perspective 114 Joasia Krysa 12 Perverse Joy: The Paradoxes of Censorship 122 Svetlana Mintcheva 13 Art Is Garbage 129 Toby Miller 14 Grass Stage’s Theater of Precarity in Shanghai 139 Mark Driscoll 15 Evangelicalism and the Gay Movement in Singapore: Witnessing and Confessing Through Masks 148 Keng Sen Ong 16 A Transformative Initiative for Achieving Cultural Equity: Community Arts University Without Walls 159 Marta Moreno Vega 17 Hapticality in the Undercommons 173 Stefano Harney vi Contents PARTIII Modalities of Practice 181 18 Charming for the Revolution: Pussy and Other Riots 184 Jack Halberstam 19 The Yes Men 194 Jacques Servin 20 16 Notes on Collectivism and Dark Matter 200 Gregory Sholette 21 Some Notes about Art, Code, and Politics under Cloudy Empire(s) 205 Ricardo Dominguez 22 The Aesthetics of Algorithmic Experience 214 Ned Rossiter and Soenke Zehle 23 Computational Aesthetics in the Practices of Art as Politics 222 Patricia Ticiento Clough 24 Toward Participatory Aesthetics: An Interview with Claire Bishop 230 Claire Bishop with David Riff and Ekaterina Degot 25 The Politics of Popular Art in India 237 Swati Chattopadhyay PARTIV Making Publics 249 26 Living Politics: The Zapatistas Celebrate their Twentieth Anniversary 252 Diana Taylor 27 Carnival, Radical Humor, and Media Politics 261 Robert Stam 28 Dynamic Encounters and the Benjaminian Aura: Reflections on the New Media, Next Media, and Connectivity 272 Wafaa Bilal 29 Seeking a Theater of Liberation 278 Dudley Cocke vii Contents 30 By Any Means Necessary 288 Jan Cohen-Cruz 31 If You Really Care about Change, Why Devote Your Life to Arts and Culture? Reflections of a Cultural Organizer 298 Caron Atlas 32 Pedagogies in the Oakland Projects 309 Suzanne Lacy Index 321 viii FIGURES Figures 9.1 Public Misery Message: A Temporary Monument to Global Economic Inequality. Documenta 13, 2012. Courtesy of Critical Art Ensemble. 99 9.2 PriortotheopeningofDocumenta13,ahelicopterplacesasculpture inthepark. Courtesy of Critical Art Ensemble. 100 9.3 WinningHearts and Minds, Documenta 13, 2012. CourtesyofCritical Art Ensemble. 102 13.1 BP Grand Entrance at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art. 134 18.1 Sharon Hayes “In the Near Future, New York,” 2005. Courtesy of the artist. 190 25.1 Nationalist poster with Ramkrishna Biswas’s family-style portrait. Courtesy of West Bengal State Archives, Kolkata. 241 25.2 K. Shankar Pillai, Cartoon of B. S. Ambedkar and Jawaharlal Nehru, Shankar’s Weekly, 1948. Courtesy of Children’s Book Trust, New Delhi. 243 25.3 Wall-writinginCalcutta; ElectioncampaignbyCongress (I).CourtesyofChitrabani. 245 26.1 Junta del Buen Gobierno, Oventic. 2009. Photo: Lorie Novak. 253 29.1 Roadside Theater performs Red Fox/Second Hangin’ in a tent pitched in Pound, Virginia, 1981. Courtesy of Roadside Theater/Appalshop, Inc. 279 29.2 Three generations listen as Roadside Theater performs in a tent in Pound, Virginia, 1981. Courtesy of Roadside Theater/Appalshop, Inc. 280 29.3 Ron Short/Roadside Theater and John O’Neal/Junebug Productions perform Junebug/Jack, a play about the history of race and class in the American South. Courtesy of Roadside Theater/Appalshop, Inc. 283 29.4 Roadside Theater conducts a Story Circle with Imagining America. Courtesy of Roadside Theater/Appalshop, Inc. 285 29.5 Idiwanan An Chawe, of Zuni, New Mexico, and Roadside Theater Perform in Arizona State University’s Untold Stories Festival, 1997–1999. Courtesy of Roadside Theater/Appalshop, Inc. 286 31.1 Founders John O’Neal and Dr. Doris Derby release doves at the 50 Year Anniversary Reunion of the Free Southern Theater. 307 ix

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