THE ROUND TABLE Volume LXXXVI-—1997 Numbers 341-344 INDEX Note: Article titles are in bold type, book titles in italic type and authors’ names (articles and books) in CAPITALS. Book reviews are indexed under author and subject but not title Alphabetical arrangement is word-by-word, ignoring prepositions, etc., and abbreviations and acronyms are treated as ordinary words Abacha, Sani: as civilian president, 310; ALLEY, ROD, Fiji at the crossroads? After CMAG meeting with, 211-12; the Constitutional Review Commission, democratization timetable, 149-50, 152 245-56 302; elections postponed, 463; popular Alliance of Small Island States, 414 | 5 support, 147-8, 224; mentioned, 207, 455 ALVES, DORA, New Zealand’s first MMP Abbott, Very Rev. Eric, 28 election, 237-44 Abdullah, Farooq, 16 Amin, Idi, 183 Abidjan Accord, 292 ANC, 311-12 Abiola, Moshood, 154, 201, 207, 291 Anglo-Japanese alliance, 81-93 aboriginal peoples: Australia, 169, 470; Anguilla, 39, 47, 320, 542 Canada, 159, 466; New Zealand, 20 Aniola, Kudirat, 211 239-40, 242 Annan, Kofi, 158, 463 ACP countries, 476 Antarctica, protection of, 119-21 Adamai, Edward Fenech, 162 Anthony, Kenny, 467 Adeed, Hussein, 154 Anwar Ibrahim, 404, 405 Afghanistan, 70-1, 552 Anyaoku, Emeka: African Heads of Africa: books on, 129-30, 287-8, 431-2, Government meeting, 153; on 579-81; brain drain, 296; Commonwealth Bougainville crisis, 168; on democracy Heads of Government meeting, 292 and good governance in Africa, 292-6; or democracy and democratization, 153-4, Hong Kong, 171, 460; on Nigeria, 220; 292-6, 571-3; ethnic conflict, 571-3; Papua New Guinea intervention, 317 human rights, 292-6; investment, 136, Secretary General, 189-90; on Sierra 443; retreat from communism, 121-2; Leone, 310; mentioned, 34, 463 Nufiez affair, 574-5; see also particul ANZUS, 34 countries apartheid, 100, 181-2, 34 | 5 Ahidjo, Ahmadou, 565-6 APEC, 475, 476 Ahmad, Shamshad, 314, 469 Arab Maghreb Union, 378 aid, 431; books on, 579; British, 438; for Arab states: and Europe, 375-88a;nd Israel, 556 British dependencies, 301; for Central Aral Sea: overexploitation, 68 Asian republics, 71; IDA, 135, 180; for Argentina: and Falkland Islands, 170-1, 461 Kenya, 454-5; need for, 471; for Sri Armory, Vance, 319 Lanka, 485-6, 489, 491-4, 498 arms control: nuclear weapons, 21 AKINRINADE, SOLA, Nigeria and the Arthur, Owen, 362 Commonwealth: towards an understanding of a foreign policy crisis 187-204 Asia: books on, 130, 288-9, 43 Akinyemi, Bolaji, 193 retreat from communism, 121 Albright, Madeleine, 386, 460 Central Asia; South Asia and pe Algeria, 37777 countries INDEX Asian Development Bank, 498 Blair, Tony: biography, 303-4; Asquith, Herbert, 85 Commonwealth attitudes, 299, 303, Association of Small Island States, 372 452-3; foreign visits, 299-300; on Hong Attah, David, 192 Kong, 460; mentioned, 470 Attlee, Clement, 263, 265, 335, 336, 338 Blais, Jean-Jacques, 463 Australia: aboriginal peoples, 169, 470; and Bolger, Jim, 20, 170, 240, 241, 242 Anglo-Japanese alliance, 85, 86, 87, 88-9, books: book reviews, | 19-27, 275-86, 90; anti-racist demonstrations, 318; books 421-9, 571-7; Commonwealth on, 131, 289, 431, 434-5, 583; economic bookshelf, 129-31, 287-90, 431-6, policy, 421-2; euthanasia, 20, 169; foreign 579-85 policy, 280-1; and global TV, 123-5; Bosnia, 159-60 immigration, 169, 470; nuclear test ban Botha, Louis, 85 treaty, 21; Opera House protest, 169; and Botha, P. W., 158, 311 Papua New Guinea, 167; prehistory, 20; Botha, Pik, 60 security, 344; and UK, 81, 470; Botswana, 475, 580 withdrawal from sterling area, 349 Bouchard, Lucien, 19 Axworthy, Lloyd, 201, 211 18, 224 Bougainville independence movement, 20, 167-8, 270, 271 Bahamas, 466-7 BOURNE, RICHARD, Cumberland Lodge: Balada, Sheikh Khalid, 465 the influence of a conference centre, Balewa, Alhaji Sir Abubakar Tafawa, 188 231-6 Balza, Martin, 171 Boy le, Jean, 19, 159 Banda, Kamazu, 157, 311 Boys, Sir Michael Hardie, 243 Bangladesh: books on, 288, 433; cyclone, BRAITHWAITE, RODERICK, Palmerston 315; and India, 164; parliamentary and Africa: the Rio Nuiiez affair, 574-5 boycott, 164; strikes, 315 Brand, Lord, 98, 99 Barbados, 367, 467, 584 BRASTED, H. V. see HOLLAND, ROBERT Barcelona Conference (1995), 375, 376, 378, BRIDGE, CARL see HOLLAND, ROBERT 380 Britain and the transformation from Barrow, Dame Nita, 584 empire to Commonwealth: the BAUWENS, WERNER and REYCHLER, significance of the immediate post-war LUC (eds), The art of conflict prevention, years (LLOYD), 330-60 427-8 Britain’s new Labour government and the Bavadra, Timothy, 247 Commonwealth (Editorial), 299-307 BAYNE, NICHOLAS, Globalization and the British Council: Commonwealth links, 325-32 Commonwealth: international economic British dependent territories, 461; books on, relations in the post-Cold-War world, 584; Caribbean, 533-47; citizenship, 536, 473-84 541 Beaton, Leonard, 104 British empire, 552; decline, 424-5; defence, Belize, 367 81-93; and Ireland, 278-80; Berenger, Paul, 56 transformation into Commonwealth, Bermuda: aberrant or exemplary case? 81-93, 323-4, 333-60 (CONNELL), 37-50 British Indian Ocean Territories, | ~/ 3~ Bermuda: as dependency, 301; economy, 38; British Virgin Islands, 40, 48 independence debate, 37-50; prime BROWN, DOUGLAS and MARCELLE minister’s resignation, 160 (eds), Looking back at the Uganda Bhutto, Benazir, 15-16, 150, 162-3, 313, 468 Protectorate, 283-4 Bhutto, Murtaza, 468 Brown, Walton, 45 Bhutto, Zulfikar Ali, 150 Bruton, John, 278 Bird, Lester, 366 Buller, Amy, 231 Bishop, Maurice, 467 Burki, Javed, 16 Biwott, Nicholas, 310 Burma, 337-8 Biya, Paul, 464, 565, 566-7, 568 Burt, Murray, 171 INDEX , George, 385 China: books on, 289; and Canada, 216; an | 3uthelezi, Mangosuthu, 23, 311 Central Asian republics, 74-5; communism, 554; foreign investment, 480; Camdessus, Michael, 23-4 Hong Kong handover to, 166-7, 300-1, Cameroon: Commonwealth membership, 317, 459-61; Hong Kong trade, 300; and 563-9, 588-9; election, 463-4 India, 163; and Japan, 87, 90, 91; and Cameroon and the Commonwealth of Pakistan, 555 nations (PONDI), 563-9 Chinese: in Malaysia, 400-1, 403, 404 ‘ampbell, Menzies: Commonwealth Day Chitauro, Florence, 25 bate, 439-41 CHOGM: Auckland, 187-8, 189, 196, 2 and Anglo-Japanese alliance, 85, 86 412; on Commonwealth role, 177 00ks on, 130-1, 290, 435-6 economic theme, 331, 371, 4; Cabot celebrations, 4¢ | 47 3; Edinburgh, 3-5, 148-9 i i, 216; citizensihsisupe s, 34 d 3 71 1. 4A 38-9. 451-8. + 473: as essence i mmonwealth, 208—12; Cub Commonwealth, 178-9; NGOs at, 452 investment, 368; defence, 343; dominion organization and planning, 17 ' sm1 1, tJ 336; election, 318-19; First retrea45t2,s , 456-7 159, 466; human rights policy Chrétien, Jean: on army personnel, 160; at landmine conference 19; libel Cabot celebrat46i6;o enlescti,on , 318; 160; NAFTA memb ip, 476; foreign policy, 208, 215-117; human Nigerian policy, 200, 205-29; paratrox rights policy, 209-10, 215, 216-17; report, 466; Quebec separatism, 19, 16 Nigerian policy, 213 ations, 19; and second world war, Christopher, Warren, 385 ade, 214-16, 364; and UK, 3 Churchill, Winston, 86, 87-8, 89, 335, 425 UN peacekeeping forces, 159-60 Ciller, Tansu, 161 iribbean: books on, 290, 4 36. SRA CIS republics: post-independence cha neve ( -e pendent territories, 3277-_5§0 , 301, ; 533-4177, 6/y -/h9e 584; corruption scandals, 435; crime, 467; CITES, 466 decolonization issues, 37-50, 533-47 citizenship, 526-8; Caribbean dependencies drug trafficking, 366, 367, 535; European 536, 537, 538-42: St Helena, 320-1 dependencies, 533-47; hl urricanes Clark, Helen, 20, 170, 237, 24 369-70; legendary leaders’ deaths, It ; Clarke, Joe, 182 money laundering, 366, 367; Regional Clarke, Kenneth, 134, 481 Security System, 370; small state Clerides, Glafcos, 161, 319-20, 468 vulnerability, 361-74; trade, 362—4 z climate change, 444 and USA, 467; see also particula Clinton, Bill, 21, 316, 363, 467, 468 ( ountries, @. g. Bermuda CMAG: African members’ attitudes, 22 “ARICOM, 371-2, 534, 585 aims, 437-8, 514; Canadian ‘arlot, Maxime, 168 disappointment with, 210-11; ‘arr, Bob, 470 effectiveness, 455; establishment ‘artwright, Dame Sylvia, , 241 The Gambia,22 , 291, 462, 514 ‘aruana, Peter, 170, 320, meetings (documentation), 291 1, Carey, 162 NGO submissions to, 462; on Nigeri 1 Islands, 39-40, 47-8, 161 133-4, 291-2, 587-8; Nigerian meetings “ Asia: colonization and decolonization, and visits, 154—5, 199-201, 211-12. 462-3 549-61; post-independence, 67-79 514-15; on Sierra Leone 29? 462). 514 ‘entral Asian republics: independence and 515, 588 after (HYMAN), 67-79 Cold War: Commonwealth attitudes to, ‘hamberlain, Joseph, 3 decolonization during, 553-9; end, 559-60; han, Anson, 167 globalization after, 473-84; international ‘han, Sir Julius, 167, 168, 317 order after, 275-7 ‘|hh idi dambaram, Palaniappan, 164 Collenette, David, 159 hiluba, Frederick, 24, 159 Collinge, John, 454 INDEX Colonial conferences, 3 Commonwealth Finance Ministers, 134-7, Commission on Commonwealth Studies, 456 180, 438, 481 Common Market for Eastern and Southern Commonwealth Foundation, 171-2 Africa (COMESA), 59, 60, 61, 62 Commonwealth Fund for Technical The Commonwealth: a leader for the Cooperation, 137, 181 world’s small states (ROSS), 411-19 Commonwealth Games, 31 Commonwealth: African heads of government The Commonwealth in the global meeting, 153-4, 292-6; bibliography, 125-6; neighbourhood (RAMPHAL), 175-85 and British Council, 325-32; British Commonwealth Heads of Government monarch as head, 337-9; citizenship, 339-41 ; Meetings see CHOGM club-like relationships, 178; defence, 343-6; Commonwealth Health Ministers, 25 departures from, 337-8; dictionary, 126-7; Commonwealth High Level Appraisal Group, disputes within, 345-6; disunity, 330-60; 190 diversity, 441, 442; documents publicly Commonwealth Human Rights Initiative, 189, available, 172-3; election observer 210 missions, 155, 162, 294, 314, 463-4, 469; Commonwealth Journalists Association, 171 empire transformed into, 81-93, 3234, Commonwealth Ministerial Action Group see 333-60; and EU, 327; expansion, 97-8, CMAG 154, 440, 563-9, 588-90; expert groups, Commonwealth Ministerial Group on Small 181; external relations, 412; flags, 32; States, 414 global neighbourhood role, 175-85; global Commonwealth Ministers Responsible for security role, 412-14, 417-19, 443-4; Women’s Affairs, 171, 431 globalization effects on, 473-84; leadership, Commonwealth Nursing Action Plan, 26 412-13; links and opportunities, 325-32; Commonwealth Press Union, 24 literature and literary studies, 517-21; Commonwealth Prime Ministers meetings, members’ sizes, 412-13; membership 336, 337, 338 criteria, 440, 454-5, 456; NGOs, 232-3, Commonwealth Private Investment Initiative, 234; and Nigeria, 187-204; nursing in, 25-6; 136 post-Cold-War role, 190-1; principles, 516; Commonwealth Secretariat: archive readmissions to, 254-5, 318, 454-5; role, availability, 172-3; CMAG managed by, 95-107; Round Table assessment, 95-107; 220; Information Programme, 456; and in second world war, 334; small states, 365, small states, 414 411-19, 455-6; suspension from, 149-50, Commonwealth Secretary General, 189-90; 154-5, 188, 191, 191-2, 199, 203, 302, 412, see also Anyaoku, Emeka 440-1, 462; trade, 346-8, 439, 441, 442; Commonwealth Senior Officials, 171 UK attitudes to, 4-5, 101-4, 173, 232 Commonwealth studies, 456; literary, 517-2 234—5, 299-300, 303, 309, 437-44; unity, Commonwealth update (INGRAM), 15-26, 96, 180-4; value and relevance, 437-44; 153-73, 309-21, 459-71 values, 341-2, 441 communism: China, 554; retreat from, 121-2, Commonwealth Africa Investment Fund, 136, 559-60 443 conflict prevention, 427-8 Commonwealth bookshelf, 129-31, 287-90, CONNELL, JOHN, Bermuda: aberrant or 431-6, 579-85 exemplary case?, 37-50 The Commonwealth and the British consociationalism: Malaysia, 396 Council: old ties and new opportunities Convention on International Trade in (SMITH), 325-32 Endangered Species, 466 Commonwealth Committee of Foreign Cook, Robin: biography, 304; on CHOGM, Ministers on Southern Africa, 219 299; Commonwealth Day debate, 441-4; Commonwealth Day: debate, 437-44; foreign policy statement, 304-5; foreign Observance, 27-36, 324; Queen’s visits, 300; on Hong Kong, 316, 460; on message, 320 Nigeria, 463 Commonwealth Education Ministers, 327 Cornish, Francis, 460 Commonwealth Eminent Persons Group, 219 Council of Europe, 384—5 INDEX Counsels of despair or withdrawals with joint declaration, 305-7; Commonwealth honour? Partitioning in Ireland, India, Day debate, 437-44; Commonwealth Palestine and Cyprus, 1920-1960 Finance Ministers meeting, Bermuda, (HOLLAND et al.), 257-68 134-7; Commonwealth Ministerial A Ac I Cox, Stephen, 173 Group on the Harare Declaration, 133-4 Cradock, Su Percy, 17-18, 317, 460 291-2, 587-8 Cuba, 368-9 Dominions, 335-6; defence issues, 81-93; culture and arts, 331 immigration, 82-3, 85-6 Cumberland Lodge: the influence of a Dongo, Margaret, 313 conference centre (BOURNE), 231-6 Downer, Alexander, 21, 167 CUNNINGHAM, STUART see SINCLAIR, drug trafficking: Caribbean, 366, 367, 535 JOHN Duvalier, Francois and Jean-Claude, 364 Curacao, 538, 539 Curtis, Lionel, 95-6, 97, 98, 100 East African Cooperation grouping, 22 cyclones, 17, 315 East Asia Economic Caucus, 398 ‘yprus: arms deals, 161-2; books « Economic Cooperation Organization, 75 585; EU membership negotiatior economic development as CHOGM then partitioning, 257-67 passim; sl 302, 331, 371. 439. 442, 453-4. 473 tension reduced, 162; UN talks, 468 Commonwealth role, 180-1; and attempts fail, 319-20 democracy, 296 Czarist empire, 549-53, 558-9 economic groupings, regional, 475-6 economic growth: forecast, 482 Dabengwa, Dumiso, 25 economic institutions, global, 477-9 Darboe, Ousainou, 156 economic liberalization: Sri Lanka, 485-5 Davis, Peter, 318 economy: globalization, 473-84 DAY, DAVID (ed.), Brave nes economy, world, 134 V. Evatt and Australian fore Editorials:, 1997: The UK’s Year of the | Commonwealth, 3-14; Britain’s new de Klerk, F. W., 23, 312 Labour government and the de Kock, Eugene, 4 24 Commonwealth, 299-307; Looking Deane, Sir William, 169 towards the Edinburgh CIIOGM , international, 134-5, 168 451-8; Nigeria, 147-61 debt relief, 481, 482 Edness, Quinton, 45 decolonization: Caribbean, 37 education: British Council role, 3 _ Asia, 549-61; Fiji, 246; Indo and citizenship, 528; Commonwealth Round Table views on, 100 438; Sri Lanka, 502-3 Delamare, John, 240 EDWARDS, JOHN, Keating democracy and democratization, 437 19 2) Africa, 153-4, 571-3; Comm I dzoa, Titus, 464 in strengthening, 182-3; Fiji, 20 Egypt, 379 Gambia, 291; Nigeria, 152, 19 elections: Bahamas4,6 6 post-Cold War, 474; Swaziland 463-4; Canada, 318-19; Caribbean Deng Xiaoping, 460 dependencies, 535; Caymen Islands, 161 Denktash, Rauf, 161, 320, 468, 585 Commonwealth observer missions, 155, developing countries: Commonwealth 162. 294, 314, 463-4, 469: The Gambia membership, 179-80; economic growth 156, 291; Ghana, 155; India, 16, 163; forecast, 482; trade, 479 Kashmir, 16; Lesotho, 157; Malawi, 310 di Tella, Guido, 461 11; Malaysia, 389-409; Malta, 162; Diamini, Sibusio Barnabas, 24 Montserrat, 161; Nauru, 317; New disasters, natural see cyclones; hurricé Zealand, 20, 237-44: Nigeria, | S45 volcanos Norfolk Island, 470; Pakistan, 162 Documentation: Canada and the | Papua New Guinea, 469; St Lucia, Kingdom: towards the next mill Singapore, 165; Sri Lanka, 165 INDEX and Tobago, 319; UK, 299, 309; Vanuatu, membership, 254-5, 318, 454-5; 272-3; Zambia, 24, 159 constitution, 20, 245-56, 318, 471; elescystetms:o Firji, a252l; H ong Kong, 316-1 military coups, 247, 255, 273; South Malaysia, 399; New Zealand, 237-44 Pacific role, 254 elephant conservation, 466 Fiji at the crossroads? After the Elizabeth Il, Queen: at Cabot celebrations, Constitutional Review Commission 466; at CHOGM, 453; Commonwealth (ALLEY), 245-56 Day message, 34, 320; at Commonwealth first world war: and Dominions, 81 Day Observance, 27, 28, 30-1; as Fisher, Andrew, 85 Commonwealth head, 184-5, 339 A force for democracy, human rights and ELLIOTT, LORRAINE M., International the rule of law? Do Harare and environmental politics: protecting the Millbrook go too far or not far enough? Antarctic, 119-21 (SRINIVASAN), 513-16 empire see British empire; imperialism I ort, Maeve, 21 The English patient: creation and renewal in I orum of Mediterranean States, 379 Commonwealth literary studies (NIVEN), I oulkes, George, 309 517-21 Fox, Liam: Commonwealth Day debate, 437-9 environmental issues, 119-21, 444, 466, 579; France: Caribbean overseas departments, 534 and international relations, 284-6 535, 536-8, 540-1, 543; nuclear tests, 21; Ershad, Mohammad, 164, 315 and Réunion, 58-9, 63-4 ethnic conflict: Africa, 571-3; Sri Lanka, La Francophonie, 212-13 504-5, 506-7 Fraser, Malcolm, 169 ethnic minorities: Central Asian republics, Free Trade Area of the Americas, 475, 476 73-4; and partitioning, 260; UK, 303 ethnic representation: Fiji, 246-7, 249, 251 > G7 countries, 477 ethnicity: and democracy, 295; Malaysia, Galsworthy, Tony, 461 396-7, 400-1, 403, 404 Phe Gambia: books on, 432; CMAG on, 22, Europe: Caribbean dependencies 291, 462, 514, 515, 587; democratization , Cold War significance, 553-4; colonial 291; elections, 156; military coup, 148 empires, 550, 551 GAMBLE, ANDREW and PAYNE, Cuba, 368; and Middle East, 375-88; UK ANTHONY (eds), Regionalism and world role in, 305, 309 order, 275-7 Europe and the Middle East: a developing Gandhi, Indira, 315 relationship (KING), 375-88 Gandhi, Mahatma, 261 European Community: Caribbean trade, Gandhi, Sonia, 314 362-3; UK membership, 103-4, 347 Garang, John, 156 European Union, 475, 476; and Gardiner, Wira, 240 Commonwealth, 327; and Cyprus, 162; GATT, 347; see also World Trade enlargement, 376, 381; and Gibraltar, 170; Organization and Malta, 162; Mediterranean trade, 382; Gauthier, Michel, 160 and Middle East, 375-88; policy-making Geingob, Gage, 311 process, 384; UK role in, 444 Ghana: books on, 130; corruption allegations, EVANS, JULIE, Commonwealth bookshelf, 21; elections, 155; and Nigeria, 221; 287-90, 431-6, 579-85 president, 148 Evatt, H. V., 280-1 Gibbons, Grant, 134 Gibraltar, 170, 320, 461 Falkland Islands, 170, 170-1, 301, 461 Giheno, John, 168 Farrer-Brown, Dr Leslie, 232-3 3 Gitari, David, 464 Fatchett, Derek, 309 Gladwyn, Lord, 102 FAWCETT, LOUISE and HURRELL, GLICKMAN, HARVEY (ed.), Et/inic conflict ANDREW (eds), Regionalism in world and democratization in Africa, 571-3 politics, 275-7 global neighbourhood, Commonwealth role Fiji: books on, 273; Commonwealth in, 175-85 INDEX globalization, 53; economic effect Holbrook, Richard, 468 nd multiculturalism, 524; t HOLLAND, ROBERT et al., Counsels of ] - 2 § despair or withdrawals with honour? Globalization and the Commonwealth: Partitioning in Ireland, India, Palestine international economic relations in the and Cyprus, 1920-1960, 257-68 post-Cold-War world (BAYNE), 47 ,_R4 Holomisa Bantu, 2ne3 Goh Chok Tong, 165, 469 Homes, John, 102 G cc i Pamela, 160 Hong Kong: books on, 130, 289, 433 Gore, Al, 158 citizenship, 167; chief executive, Governance options in Europe’s Caribbean Chinese troops, 316, 460; Con dependencies (HINTJENS), 53 links, 171; ci' ectoral , system Deve, 163, 164, 314 “he 7 1 hina, t/, 166 jraham, Doug, 241 ay, Sir Robin, 469 la, 367, 467, 584 trade, 300 irey, Sir Edward, 84, 85 UBERT, JEAN, Russia in the geopolitics rhe growing vulnerability of small states: of settler colonization and the Caribbean revisited (SANDERS decolonization, 549-6] 361 “744 Howard, John, 168, 169, 299, 47 Guadeloupe, : Howe, Sir Geoffrey, 180, 460 536, Hughes, Hubert, 320 Hughes, W. M., 90 > iman rights julf Cooperation Counc JONATHAN: Commonwealth bookshelf. 60 IURRELL, ANDREW see FAWCET LOUISI nzah, Tengku Razaleigh, 4 hurricanes, 369 ) ANNAM, HARRY see LARB* Hutu people, 156, ! M HYMAN, ANTHONY, Central Asian Hannay, Sir David, 19, i3n 90 republics: independence and after nson, Pauline 169. 318 67~79 rare Declaration, 190 1, 440, 443, §5 13-16: sex Ibrahim, Anwar, 165 rcourt, Lewis, 84 Ikimi, Tomi, 191, 193, 195 Harding, Warren,9 1 IMBER, MARK F., Enviro HARKNESS, DAVID W., Jr and UN reform, 284-G: s twentieth century, 277-8 VOGLER, JOHN Hasina, Sheikh, 315 IMF: and Commonwealth, 180.4 health, 25-6, 503 I elief, 135, 480-2; |1 Oany Te»rf USs feath, Edward, 460 Lankan loans, 487, 489, 490, 493 Henare, Tau, 242 unhelpfulness, 364 Henderson, Doug, 309 immigration: UK Dominions, 82 Hinds, Samucl, 161 Imperial Conferences, 83-4, 90-1, 33 HINTJENS, HELEN M., Governance imperialism: books on, 579; Russia, 549-61 options in Europe’s Caribbean UK, 125-6 dependencies, 533-47 India: air crash, 164; and Banglades Hodson, HI. V., 97, 99, 101 .) books on, 288, 581, 582; British INDEX rule, 552; budget, 164; and China, 163; JACKSON, KEITH and McROBIE, ALAN, Cold War perceptions, 342-3; Historical dictionary of New Zealand, Commonwealth membership 281-3 338-9, 344-5; corruption, 16-17, 163, Jagan, Cheddi, 160-1 468; decolonization and partition, 257-67 Jamaica, 160, 367 passim; economic growth, 475; elections, Jameel, Fathullah, 165 16, 163; and Kashmir, 314, 315, 346, 468-9; Jammeh, Yahya, 22, 153, 156, 462 last steam train, 164; media and women’s Japan: and China, 87, 90, 91; and Sri Lanka, issues, 425-7; multiculturalism, 525, 531-2; 498, 499; UK alliance, 81-93 nuclear test ban treaty veto, 21; and Jayalalitha, Jayaram, 163-4 Pakistan, 164, 314, 468-9; political scandals Jayawardene, J. R.: death, 17; economic and crises, 16-17, 314; pollution, 314—15; liberalization under, 486-7, 488-9, 493 presidential election, 468; South Asian JEFFREY, KEITH (ed.), An Jrish empire? hegemony, 555; and Soviet Union, 555 Aspects of lreland and the British Empire, Indian Ocean: regionalism, 53-66 278-80 Indian Ocean Commission, 61, 62, 63-4 Jeyaretnam, J. B., 165 Indian Ocean regionalism: perspectives Jiang Zemin, 163, 459 from Mauritius, the Seychelles and Jinnah, Mohammad Ali, 122-3 Réunion (McDOUGALL), 53-66 Joint Commonwealth Societies’ Council, 324 Indian Ocean Rim Association for Regional JOSEPH, AMMU and SHARMA, KALPANA Cooperation, 60 (eds), Whose news? The media and Indian Ocean Rim initiative, 60, 62, 63, 64 women’s issues, 425-7 Indonesia, 217, 281 Jugnauth, Sir Anerood, 56 information society, 330 Ingraham, Hubert A., 466-7 Kabbah, Ahmad, 153, 155, 309-10, 463 INGRAM, DEREK, Commonwealth study, Kabila, Laurent, 156, 312 173; Commonwealth update, 15-26, Kadzamira, Cecilia, |‘ 153-73, 309-21, 459-71 Kamikamica, Joseph, 253 International Development Association, 135, Karamat, Jehangir, 15 180, 498 Karimov, Islam, 69-70 International Forum on the Indian Ocean Kashmir: books on, 288; conflict over, 315, Region, 60 346; elections, 16; negotiations over, 314, International Institute for Democracy and 468-9 Electoral Assistance, 183 Kaunda, Kenneth, 24, 159, 182 international relations: and environment, 284-6 Kazakhstan, 68, 72, 73-4, 76 investment, international, 136, 479-80; Cuba, Keating, Paul, 81, 421-2, 470 368-9; Sri Lanka, 489, 498-9, 507-8 Kenya: aid for, 464-5; books on, 129, 287, Iran, 70, 76, 556 Iraq, 377, 382, 386 constitution, 156; lawlessness, 22; riots Ireland: as colonial and imperial territory, and instability, 156, 464-5; women MPs, 278-80; Commonwealth membership, 310 334; division and conflict, 277-8; Kerr, Philip, 82, 83-4, 89, 92 partitioning, 257-67 passim; peace talks in Kesri, Sitaram, 17, 163, 314, 468 South Africa, 465 Khan, Imran, 16 Islam: Central Asia, 75-6, 77-8; Malaysia, Khan, Meyer, 465-6 401-2, 403; and partitioning, 260 Kibaki, Mwai, 180 island states, small, 269-74, 361-74, 414-17 KING, JOHN, Europe and the Middle East: Israel: defence industry, 428-9; and Europe, a developing relationship, 375-88 376, 377, 379; settler colonization, 555-6 King, Mackenzie, 334, 336, 340, 343 Italy, 379 Kingibe, Baba Gana, 195 Kipling, Rudyard, 323-4 JACKA, ELIZABETH see SINCLAIR, Klodimar, Kinza, 317 JOHN Korean War, 342-3, 554 INDEX Koromah, Johnny, 310, 463 MacDonald, Flora, 210, 233-4 Kumaratunga, Chandrika, 165 MacDonald, Malcolm, 109-17 Kun, Reuben, 168 McDOUGALL, DEREK, Indian Ocean Kyrgyzstan, 68, 69, 73 regionalism: perspectives from Mauritius, the Seychelles and Réunion, I aatasi, Kamuta, 168, 318 53-66 l al, Brij, 245 McGuinness, Martin, 465 ] andmines, 18-19 McKenna, Richard, 86 I _ARBY, PATRICIA M., Nursing in the McKinnon, Don, 243 Commonwealth, 25-6 MacLehose, Lord, 317 ARBY, PATRICIA M. and HANNAM Macmillan, Harold, 263, 264, 265 HARRY, The Commonwealth, 125-6 McROBIE, ALAN see JACKSON, KEITH au, Emily, 166 Mahathir Mohamad: as CHOGM chair, 182 aurier, Sir Wilfrid, 85 foreign policy, 398; legitimacy ques aw of the Sea Convention (1982), 414 401; London visit, 299; re-election AWSON, STEPHANIE, Tradit Versus 404, 405; writings,S 581-2 democracy in the South Pacific, 269. 273-4 Mahomed, Ismail, 2 25 ebanon crisis, 385-6 Major, John, 210, 278, ee Kuan Yew, 299, 315, 469 Malan, Magnus, 23, ee, Martin, 316, 460 Malawi, 157, 310-11, ee, Sandra, 238, 243 Malaysia: attitude to Nigeria, 221; books on eghari, Farooq, 15, 163, 311 3 288, 581-2; corruption and scandals, 390; enelgau, Jean-Marie Leye, 168 curfew, 165; economic growth, 397-8; esotho, 130, 157, 311 election, 389-409; ethnicity, 396 ester, Lord, 321 400-1, 403, 404; foreign investment, 480; cung, Elsie, 167 Linear City, 18; president re-elected, 165; ewis, Vaughan, 467 and Singapore, 315-16 ini, Father Walter, 168 Maldive Islands, 51-2, 165 ini, Hilda, 168 The Maldives (WHITEHEAD), 5! iu Zhenwu, 461 MALIK, IFTIKHAR H., Star Livingstone, David, 25 society in Pakistan, 575-7 LLoyd George, David, 90, 91, 263, 2 Malta, 162 LOYD, LORNA, Britain and the Managing multicultural societies transformation from empire to (PAREKH), 523-32 Commonwealth: the significance of the Mancham, James, 57 immediate post-war years, 330-60 Mandela, Nelson: Central African peace plan, oh, Christine, 316 156, 158, 312; foreign policy, 158; new omé Convention, 59, 362, 372, 476 constitution signed, 158; on Nigeria, 187 ooking towards the Edinburgh CIHOGM release from prison, 182; and Ulstet (Editorial), 451-8 process, 465; mentioned, 23, 15 ouis-Roux, Jean, 19 Mandela, Winnie, 312 OW, D.A.. The egalitarian moment: Asia Manley, Michael, 160 and Africa, 1950-1980, 121-2 Manning, Preston, 319 OWE, PETER, The Round Table, the Mara, Ratu Sir Kamisese, 245, 247 dominions and the Anglo-Japanese MARSHALL, PETER, ‘Recessional’ and the alliance, 1911-1922, 81-93 Commonwealth, 323-4 uce, Sir Richard, 170 Martinique, 536 YON, PETER, The public and private lives Massey, William, 87, 90 of a British envoy: Clyde Sanger on Matutes, Abel, 170 Malcolm Macdonald, |09-17 Mauritius, 54-6, 60, 61-2 MAY, ALEX, The Round Table and the Ma Yuzhen, 461 post-war Commonwealth, 95-107 McCartney, James, 41 Mayor, Federico, 471 INDEX Mbeki, Thabo, 158, 311 Muruli, Solomon, 156 Mbilinya, Simon, 157 Museveni, Yoweri, 154, 156 Meade, Reuben, 161 media: globalization, 123-5; and women’s 1, 311 issues, 425-7 ites: and multiculturalism, 52 Mediterranean: books on, 290, 585; Europe il identity: and multiculturalism, Arab relationships, 3~ 75-88; security, nationalism: Central Asia, 56] 378-83; trade, 382, see also Cyprus; Malta NATO, 385 Meighen, Arthur, 90 iru, 108, 289, 317 Menzies, Robert, 81 hru, Jawaharlal, 266, 338, 343 Mexico: debt crisis, 481 164 Meyer, Roelf, 312 ands: Caribbean dependencies, 534, Middle East: books on, 585; and Europe, 538-9, 540-1, 542, 543 375-88; peace process, 376, 377, 378, New Caledonia, 271 386; settler colonization, 555—6; and USA, world order, 287, 289 375, 376, 378, 382, 385-7; see also w Zealand: and Anglo-Japanese alliance, particular countries 85, 86, 87, 88-9, 90; attitude to Nigeria, military coups: Fiji, 247, 255, 273; The 221; books on, 131, 434, 583; coalition Gambia, 148; Nigeria, 148; Sierra Leone, ‘ iment, 170; defence, 343, 344; 309-10, 463 election, 20, 237-44; historical dictionary, military regimes: Africa, 295; Nigeria, 281-3; Maoris, 20, 239-40; and Papua 187-204, 207, 462 New Guinea, 167; proportional Millbrook Commonwealth Action representation, 237-44; shootings, 170 Programme, 199, 203, 514 New Zealand’s first MMP election Mills, Donald O., 171-2 (ALVES), 237-44 mining: Antarctica, 119-21 Ngasonga, Juma, 157 Miriung, Theodore, 168 Nicolson, Sir Arthur, 84 Mitchell, Keith, 467 Niger, 148 Mkapa, Benjamin, 157 Nigeria: books on, 129, 287, 580; and Mmebe, Fred, 24 CHOGM, 453; CMAG on, 291-2, 455, Mobutu Sese Seko, 312 587-8; CMAG visit to, 133-4, 211-1 Moi, Daniel arap, 310, 453, 464 nonwealth relations, 187-294;{ Mokhehle, Ntsu, 311 imonwealth role, 147; democracy and money laundering, 136-7; Caribbean, 366 cratization, 152, 199, 202, 302, 462: 367 206; elections, 155, 463; foreign Montserrat: dependent territory status, 38, 204; human rights, 192, 40-1, 320, 535; election, 161; volcano, I‘ 0, 207, 210, 212, 213, 462: military 319, 467 148; military regime, 187-204, Moore, Mike, 237 462; Ogoni executions, 187, 191, Moosa, Mohammed Valli, 465 210, 213; oil, 148-9, 198-9, 202, Moratinos, Miguel, 385 207, 214-15, 222; poor governance, Morocco, 379 presidential proposals, 310; sanctions Morrah, Deborah, 95, 97, 103, 104 inst, 197-9, 200, 205-29, 210-11, 214, Mozambique: Commonwealth membership, 217-26 ; Suspension from Commonwealth, re 589-90 149-50, 154-5, 188, 191, 191 199, 203, Mswati III, King, 157 33 02, 412, 440-1; trade, 206, 267, 214-15 Mudavadi, Musalia, 464 Nigeria and the Commonwealth: Mudenge, Stan, 22, 133-4, 154, 201 explaining Canada’s hard-line approach Mugabe, Robert, 159, 312, 463 to sanctions, 1995-1996 (POTTER), Muldoon, Robert, 184 205 29 Mulroney, Brian, 160, 177, 219 Nigeria and the Commonwealth: towards multiculturalism, management of, 523-32 an understanding of a foreign policy Muluzi, Bakili, 465 crisis (AKINRINADE), 187-204