THE ROUND TABLE Volume LXXXIII—1994 Numbers 329—332 INDEX Alphabetical arrangement is word by word. Article titles are printed in bold type, book tles in italic type and authors’ names (articles and books) in CAPITALS. Book reviews are idexed under author and subject, but not title. Abbreviations (eg ANC) are arranged at the veginning of each letter sequence, while acronyms (eg Unicef) are treated as ordinary words this index CHOGM) is regarded as an acronym). \NC: in civil service, 278; relationship with Anglo-Malaysian alienation revisited international community, 179, 180-4; in (LEIFER), 347-59 South African elections, 306, 310, 311, Angola, 110, 399 313 Anguilla, 427 \bacha, Sanni, 201, 293, 401 Antigua and Barbuda, 294, 427, 428 \bdallah, Ahmed, 457, 463 Anyaoku, Emeda: CHOGM address, 4, 5, \biola, Moshood, 147, 195-201 passim, 14; envoys to Lesotho, 291; on Eritrea, 401 341; on Gambian coup, 402; intervention Advani, L.K., 215, 216, 224 in Nigerian crisis, 401-2; on South Afghanistan, 258-9, 479 Africa’s Commonwealth membership, Africa: books on, 250—1, 367-9, 489-90, 169-70, 289, 324; terms of office, 16, 492-3, 499-500; Commonwealth 117-18 membership, 323-4; Commonwealth role ANYAOKU, EMEKA, The Common- in, 19-20; decolonization, 98—100, 151; wealth and the new multilateralism, democracy, 18-20; history, 98-100; 315-22 politics, 492-3; and UK, 367; women apartheid, transition from, 175-87 missionaries, 489-90; see also particular APEC, 36-7 arms control, 107 ountries \fwerki, Issaias, 341, 342 arms trade, 155-6; and aid, 296-7, 350-2, \hmad, Borhan, 357 354-5, 404-5 iid, 20, 249; and arms trade, 296-7, 350-2, ASEAN Regional Forum, 37 354-5, 404—5; Commonwealth role in, ASH, TIMOTHY GARTON, /n Europe's 320-1: decline, 103, 113, 321 name: Germany and the divided conti- AIDS, 121 nent, 490-1 \JAYI, J.F. ADE and PEEL, J.D.Y. (eds), Asia: books on, 251-2, 266, 369, 500-1; Essays in memory of Michael Crowder, community and cooperation, 35-9; 98—100 detente, 266; economic growth, 409-11; \jayi, Jacob Ade, 368 state role in economic development, \kehurst, Michael, 494 90-1; UK economic relations with, Alesana, Tofilau Eti, 13 409-12; see also East Asia; Pacific \li, Jam Sadiq, 484 region; South Asia and particular \mbedkar, B.R., 223 countries \mirthalingam, Appapillai, 233 Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation process, Anafu, Moses, 147, 292 36-7 INDEX Athulathmudalai, Lalith, 241 Bouchard, Lucien, 148, 364 AUSTIN, DENNIS and GUPTA, Boumedienne, Hovari, 333-4 ANIRVDHA, India: once more to the Boutros-Ghali, Boutros, 15, 304, 337, 397 polls, 213-21 BOWIE, FIONA et al. (eds), Women and Australia: books on, 253, 255-6, 370-1, missions: past and present — 502; cabinet reshuffle, 294; economic anthropological and historical growth, 294; history, 255-6; perceptions, 489-90 immigration, 416; and Indian Ocean, BRAUCH, HANS GUNTER and 464; party leadership changes, 294, 406; KENNEDY, ROBERT (eds), Alternative role in Asia, 38—9; trade, 415-16 conventional defense postures in the Awolowo, Obafemi, 199 European theater, Vol. 3, 89-90 Axworthy, Lloyd, 361 Britain, the Commonwealth and the Ayu, Iyorcha, 201 global economy (WEST), 407-17 British Virgin Islands, 427 Baba, Ghafar, 356 Bunche, Ralph, 263-4 Babangida, Ibrahim, 14, 147, 189-202 Burnham, Forbes, 435, 449-50 Badawi, Abdullah Ahmad, 355 Burundi, | 12 Bahamas: drug trafficking and control, 421, Bush, George, 140 423, 425-6, 429 Buthelezi, Mangosuthu Gatsha, 179, 279, Baholo, Selometsi, 291 290, 291 Banana, Canaan, 293 Banda, Kamazu, 13, 292, 400 Cameroon, 6, 14, 112, 293 Bandaranaike, S.W.R.D., 232 Campbell, Kim, 148 Bandaranaike, Sirimavo, 233 Canada: books on, 253, 370, 501; economic Bangladesh, 267-8, 403 indicators, 361-3; elections, 148, 364-5; Barbados: drug trafficking and control, 424, federal—provincial relations, 363-5; 425, 428, 430: elections, 406 modernism and post-modernism, 77-87; BAYART, JEAN-FRANCOIS, The state in Quebec separatism, 364—5 Africa: the politics of the belly, 492-3 Caribbean: books on, 252, 369, 501; drug Beit, Sir Alfred, 297-8 trafficking and control, 419, 423-30; Belize: drug trafficking and control, 421, economic integration, 205-11; and 423-4, 425, 426, 428-9; sovereignty, Europe, 207-9; trade, 205-11; see also 111 particular countries Beloff, Lord, 407-8 Caribbean integration: an agenda for Bentley, William, 349 open regionalism (DOOKERAN), Bermuda, 148, 294 205-11 Bhutto, Benazir, 13, 14, 143, 146, 296, 477, Caricom, 209 478, 479, 484 Carlot, Maxime, 13 Bhutto, Z.A., 263, 477 Carrington, Lord, 290, 350 biological weapons, 107 Cayman Islands, 426-7 Birch, Bill, 145 Chakuamba, Gwanda, 292 Bird, Lester, 294 CHALKER, LINDA, Development and Bishop, Bronwyn, 294 democracy: what should the BLAKE, DAVID, Commonwealth Commonwealth be doing?, 23-6 bookshelf, 249-54, 367-71, 499-502 Challenges facing Canada in 1994 Bolger, Jim, 145, 295 (MacDONALD), 361-5 books: Book reviews, 89—100, 255-68, Chan, Anson, 405 489-97; Commonwealth bookshelf, CHAN HENG CHEE, Democracy, human 249-54, 367-71, 499-502 rights and social justice as key factors Bosnia-Herzegovina, |11—12 in balanced development, 27-32 Bossano, Joe, 146 Chelvanayakam, S.J.V., 232, 238 Botha, Pik, 147 chemical weapons, 107 Botha, R.F., 170 Chiang Ching-Kuo, 30 INDEX hiang Kai Shek, 30 Commonwealth Committee of Foreign hien, Frederick F., 30 Ministers on Southern Africa, 108, 109 Chihana, Chakufwa, 292, 400 Commonwealth Committee of the Whole, ildren: rights, 122, 387; survival and 117, 118-27 development, 121-2 Commonwealth Conferences: London, hiluba, Frederick, 13 326-7, 328 lina: books on, 252; economic Commonwealth Consultative Group on the development, 29; and Hong Kong, 41-5, Environment, 123-4 92-5, 144, 296, 405; and India, 143; and Commonwealth Consultative Group on Kashmir, 143 Technology Management, 104, 116, 124 HOGM (Commonwealth Heads of Commonwealth Finance Ministers, 101-4 Government Meetings): attendance at, Commonwealth Foundation, 21, 117, 126, 13; Declaration on World Order, 338; 367 Harare, see Harare Declaration; Kuala Commonwealth Fund for Technical Lumpur, 23; Limassol, 3-16, 104—28, Cooperation, 109, 116, 118, 321 169; Massau, 338 Commonwealth Games, 117, 173 Chretien, Jean, 148, 363, 365 Commonwealth Health Ministers, 121 iristmas Island, 406 Commonwealth Human Rights Initiative, ark, Helen, 145 16, 249 irke, Kenneth, 409-10 Commonwealth Institute: funding, 5, 26, erides, Glafkos, 4, 105, 145 406 Clinton, Bill, 396 Commonwealth Journalists Association, 400 ub of Rome, 335 Commonwealth of Learning, 16, 117, 119 oetzee, Kobie, 292 Commonwealth Liaison Units, 126 ld war: books on, 490-1; end of, 29, 336, Commonwealth Ministers Responsible for see also new world order; and Germany, Women’s Affairs, 122, 127-8 490-1; and Pacific region, 257; and Commonwealth Ministers Responsible for South Africa, 180-1, 184, 185 Youth Affairs, 123 lonialism: books on, 250, 369 Commonwealth and the new ymmonwealth: books on, 249-50, 367; multilateralism (ANYAOKU), 315-22 communication within, 249; concern Commonwealth Observer Group in South with South Africa, 316; economic Africa, 283-4, 290, 309-14, 373-5 relationships within, 412-16; election Commonwealth Observer Mission to South observing missions, 8-9, 19-20, 25, 109, Africa, 20, 25, 108-9, 290, 368 115, 146, 283-4, 290, 292, 299-301, Commonwealth Parliamentary Association, 309-16, 369, 373-5, 400; expansion, 20 324; finances, 11, 126-7; functional Commonwealth Privatization Fund, 104, cooperation, 104, 116, 118-27, 321; 320 membership, 6-7, 109, 112, 169-73, Commonwealth Programme of Technical 281-3, 289, 323-30, 346, 400; and Assistance for Namibia, 118-19 multilateralism, 315-22; role, 3-12, Commonwealth Scholarship and Fellowship 17-21, 23-6, 114-15, 170-3, 319, 322, Plan, 119-20 337-8, 413-16; scientific and technical Commonwealth Science Council, 124 cooperation, 124-5; South African Commonwealth Secretariat: contributions to attitudes to, 169-73; UK attitudes to, 16, budget, 126-7; role, 10; support for, 5 26, 407, 413-15; UK House of Lords Commonwealth Secretary-General: term of debate on, 298 office, 16, 117-18; see also Anyaoku Commonwealth after the CHOGM in Commonwealth Sport, 116, 117, 124 Cyprus (Editorial), 3-12 Commonwealth Standing Committee on Commonwealth bookshelf, 249-54, Student Mobility and Higher Education 367-71, 499-502 Cooperation, 120 Commonwealth in a changing world Commonwealth update (INGRAM), (HURD), 17-21 143-7, 289-98, 399-406 INDEX Commonwealth Working Group on Human development, see economic development Resource Development Strategies, 115, Development and democracy: what 120 should the Commonwealth be doing? Commonwealth Youth Programme, 117, (CHALKER), 23-6 122 Devolution of power in Sri Lanka communalism: India, 223-9; Sri Lanka, 232 (MATTHEWS), 231-47 communism: collapse, 29 Diefenbaker, John, 325, 328, 329 communitarianism: post-cold war, 33-9 disarmament, see arms control: nuclear test Comoros Islands, 455-65 passim ban treaties Convention on the Elimination of All Forms DOCHERTY, JAMES C., Historical of Discrimination Against Women, 122 dictionary of Australia, 255-6 Convention on the Rights of the Child, 122 Documentation: Commonwealth Fund for Costello, Peter, 294 Technical Cooperation: Report of the COTTRELL, ROBERT, The end of Hong Committee of the Whole, 118-27; Kong: the secret diplomacy of imperial Commonwealth Heads of Government retreat, 92-5 Meeting, Cyprus, 104—18; Limassol Cox, Stephen, 406 Statement on the Uruguay Round, Cradock, Sir Percy, 144 104-5; Meeting of Commonwealth crime, see financial crime Finance Ministers, Nassau, 101-4; Cuba: drug trafficking and control, 428, 429 Message to Commonwealth Heads of Cyprus: books on, 252; elections, 145; Government from Ministers Responsible external economic relations, 47-60; for Women’s Affairs, 127-8; Report of Graeco-Turkish conflict, 145; UN the Commonwealth Observer Group to resolutions on, 110-11 the South African Elections: Conclusions, 373-5; State of the Nation Dasuki, Ibrahim, 197 Address by President of South Africa, Davies, Abimbola, 198 Nelson Mandela, 381-8; Sunday Times de Caires, David and Doreen, 447—54 Nobel Laureate Lecture by Executive de Klerk, F.W.: ending of apartheid, 7, 176, Deputy President F.W. de Klerk, 376-81 179-80, 323; indemnities granted by, Dominican Republic: drug trafficking and 277-8; Sunday Times Nobel Laureate control, 424, 426, 427 lecture, 376-81; as Vice President, 291; DOOKERAN, WINSTON, Caribbean also mentioned, 108, 147, 275, 281, 289, integration: an agenda for open 329, 463 regionalism, 205-1 | debt, international, 15, 103, 113 Downer, Alexander, 294, 406 Declaration on World Order, 338 drug trafficking and control, 125, 421-3; decolonization, 151, 456 Caribbean, 419, 423-30 defence: Europe, 89-90; see also arms Drugs and world politics: the Caribbean trade: security dimension (GRIFFITH), 419-31 democracy, 106-7; Africa, 18-20; DUNDAS, CARL W., Transparency in Commonwealth role in promoting, organizing elections, 61—75 18-20, 23-6; and development, 28-32; Durant, Orville, 428 East Asia, 29-32; extension, 28; Guyana, DURR, KENT, South Africa and the 447-54; India, 213-14, 218, 223-9; Commonwealth, 169-73 Russia, 131-2; South Africa, 169, 376-81; universal validity, 29; see also East Asia: democracy and development, elections 29-32 Democracy, human rights and social Eastern Europe: economic recovery, 102 justice as key factors in balanced economic cooperation: Asia Pacific region, development (CHAN), 27-32 36-7; Commonwealth role, 337-8 Denard, Bob, 457, 463 economic development: aid for, 20; barriers Denktash, Rauf, 145 to, 112; Canada, 79-80; CHOGM on, developing countries, see third world 115; and democracy, 28-9; East Asia, INDEX 29-32; Eritrea, 344-6; and migration, ethnic conflict: Bangladesh, 267-8; 164-5; state role in, 90-1; sustainable, Bosnia-Herzegovina, 111-12; India, 114, 123, 161: third world, 90-1, 160-1; 96-8; international response to, 317-18; uneven, 34; and women, 122; see also Pakistan, 481-4; Sri Lanka, 96-8, new international economic order 231-47 ynomic growth, 158-61; Asia, 409-11; Europe: defence and security, 89-90, 111 Australia, 294; Canada, 361; Hong European Bank for Reconstruction and Kong, 42-4; New Zealand, 295; Development, 321 Singapore, 297; South Africa, 280 European Community: and Caribbean, onomic integration: Caribbean, 205-11 207-9; and Cyprus, 47-8, 58-9; funding sconomic sanctions, 499; in conflict Indian Ocean regional cooperation, 460, resolution, 153-4 461, 465; and UK, 408-9; see also conomy, world, 102-3, 112-13, 158-61; Lomé conventions UK role in, 407-17 European Development Fund, 460, 461 Editorials: South Africa and the EVANS, GARETH, The world after the Commonwealth, 275-87; The cold war — community and Commonwealth after the CHOGM in cooperation: an Australian view, 33-9 Cyprus, 3—12; Whose world order: EVANS, GRAHAM, The international that of the UN or USA?, 395-7; Will community and the transition to a new Russia implode?, 131-3 South Africa, 175-87: Observing jucation, 119-20; Canada, 82-3 South Africa’s first democratic ections: Antigua and Barbuda, 294; elections: from the Eastern Transvaal, Barbados, 406; Bermuda, 148; Canada, 303-8 148, 364—5: Commonwealth observation, External economic relations of the 8-9, 15, 19-20, 25, 109, 115, 146, republic of Cyprus (WILSON), 47-60 2834, 290, 292, 299-301, 309-14, 315-16, 369, 373-5, 400; Cyprus, 145; federal—provincial relations: Canada, 363-5 Fiji, 295; Ghana, 19, 20; Guyana, 252, federalism, 249-50 434, 435, 447, 452-3; Hong Kong, 93; Fiji, 253, 295 India, 143, 213-21, 369; Kenya, 19; Financial Action Task Force, 25-6 Lesotho, 19; Malawi, 292, 400; financial crime, 15, 25-6, 113, 125-6, 422, Malaysia, 297; New Zealand, 145; 426-7 Nigeria, 19, 147, 195-200; organization, financial markets: South Africa, 280-1 61-75, 249; Pakistan, 146, 369, 477; fishing: Eritrea, 345-6; Indian Ocean, 461 Sabah, 297; St Vincent and the food, security, 114 Grenadines, 294; Seychelles, 19-20; foreign policy: Russia, 133 South Africa, 7, 15, 20, 25, 108, 109, France: membership of Indian Ocean 275-8, 283-7, 289-90, 299-301, Commission, 455, 458-9, 462, 464 303. 16, 373-5; Sri Lanka, 235, 241-2, 403—4; UN observation, 303-8 Gambia, The, 402 electronic road pricing, 297 Gamsakhurdija, Zviad, 396 Elizabeth II, Queen, 4, 105, 325, 400 Gandhi, Indira, 214, 218, 219, 220 End of the Russian state and its Gandhi, Mahatma, 225 geopolitical implications Gandhi, Rajiv, 214, 215, 219, 224 (SHLAPENTOKH), 135-42 Gaylard, Max, 147, 292 environmental issues: CHOGM on, 114, geopolitics: and Russian state decline, 123-4; and trade, 337 135-42 Eritrea, 341-6 Georgia, 396 Eritrea: Africa’s newest independent Germany, 490-1 state (SUTTON), 341-6 GEYSER, O., South Africa rejoins the Ershad, H.M., 267 Commonwealth, 323-30 Ethiopia: Eritrean independence from, Ghana, 19, 20, 250, 368 341-6 Gibraltar, 146 INDEX Gilmore, Sir David, 411 human resource development, 115, 120-1; Ginwala, Frene, 291 South Africa, 385-6 global humanitarian order: proposals for, human rights, 14-15, 16, 106-7, 115, 249; 5-6, 9-10, 15, 106 for children, 122; East Asia, 32; South Goldstone, Richard, 290 Africa, 382-3; universal validity, 29; for Goodlad, Alastair, 351, 405 women, 106-7, 127-8, 166-7, 388; see Gorbachev, Mikhail, 131, 140, 142 also global humanitarian order Governability crisis in Pakistan: politics Huntington, Samuel P., 38-9 of authority, ideology and ethnicity Hurd, Douglas: and Anglo-Malaysian (MALIK), 469-88 relations, 351, 355, 357; on GRAHAM-YOOL, ANDREW, Guyana: Commonwealth role, 16; on democracy the newspaper Stabroek News, 447-54 in Commonwealth, 414; on Greece, 145 dependencies, 146; Indian visit, 144 Grenada, 252 HURD, DOUGLAS, The Commonwealth GRIFFITH, IVELAW, Drugs and world in a changing world, 17-21 politics: the Caribbean dimension, Hussein, Jaffar, 297 419-31 Group of Seven, 113, 132 Gulf War, 140, 395 IMF, 103, 132, 293 GUPTA, ANIRVDHA, see AUSTIN, Ibrahim, Anwar, 352, 354, 356 DENNIS immigration: Australia, 416; Pakistan, 483 Guyana: the newspaper Stabroek News immunization, 121-2 (GRAHAM-YOOL), 447-54 imperialism, 95-6, 367 Guyana: drug trafficking and control, 421, India: once more to the polls (AUSTIN 423, 424, 425, 429; elections, 252, 434, and GUPTA), 213-21 435, 447, 452-3; newspapers, 447-54; India: attitude to Commonwealth, 6; and opinion polls and surveys, 433, 435-46; Bangladesh, 403; books on, 251, 369, politics, 433-5 493-4, 500-1; budget, 295-6; and China, 143; Commonwealth membership, Hailemariam, Mengistu, 343 326; communalism, 223-9; democracy, Haiti, 112, 395 213-14, 218, 223-9; elections, 143, Harare Declaration, 14, 23-4, 108 213-21, 369; ethnic conflict, 96-8; Hartzenberg, Ferdi, 278 financial scandal, 144, 402; Islam in, HASHMI, TAJ UL-ISLAM, Pakistan as a 471-5; and Kashmir, 154, 258, 296; peasant utopia: the communalization of nationalism, 225-6, 493-4; political class politics in East Bengal, 259-62 change, 152; and Sri Lanka, 234—5; and Heseltine, Michael, 357, 414-15 UK, 6, 144; violence, 219, 402 Hewson, John, 294, 406 Indian Ocean: regional cooperation, 455-67; Hilly, Billy, 406 and South Africa, 172 Hindu nationalism, 225-6 Indian Ocean Commission, 455-67 Hitam, Dato Musa, 292, 400 Indian Ocean Commission: regional Hong Kong: airport, 144; books on, 500; cooperation in the south-west Indian Commonwealth values in, 44-5; Ocean (McDOUGALL), 455--67 economic success, 42-4; elections, 93; indigenous people, 107 future, 92-5; military bases, 405; industralization: Canada, 79-80 political reforms, 144, 296, 405; inflation: Russia, 132 transition to Chinese sovereignty, 41-5 INGRAM, DEREK: Commonwealth Hong Kong and the Commonwealth: update, 143-7, 289-98, 399-406; present and future (STRACHAN), Limassol notebook, |3—16 41-5 Inkatha, 306 Hoyte, Desmond, 434, 435, 436, 447, 448, Inter-American Drug Control Commission, 452 428 Huddleston, Trevor, 400 international community: response to ethnic INDEX conflict, 317 18; and South Africa, Kitingan, Joseph Pairin, 297 175-87 Knight, K.D., 428 International community and the Kriegler, Justice, 277, 304 transition to a new South Africa Kumaratunga, Chandrika, 403-4 (EVANS), 175-87 Kuwait, 140-1, 395 International Criminal Court, 126 International Development Association, 321 Lange, David, 145 International Law Commission, 126 Lankester, Sir Tim, 351 International Monetary Fund, 103, 132, 293 Latin America: books on, 252: see also jternational relations, see new world order Caribbean International Year of the World’s law, international, 494-6 Indigenous People, 107 Lawrence, Carmen, 294 Iqbal, Sir Allama, 471, 472-3 Leakey, Richard, 291 Iraq, 140-1, 395 Lee Kuan Yew, 31 lam: Bangladesh, 403; India, 471-5; Lee Teng-Hui, 30 Pakistan, 471-81 LEIFER, MICHAEL, Anglo-Malaysian Israel, 111 alienation revisited, 347-59 ISRAEL, MILTON, Communications and Lesotho, 19, 147, 250, 291-2 power: propaganda and the press in the Li Peng, 143 Indian nationalist struggle, 1920-1947, Liebenberg, Chris, 280-1, 399 493-4 Limassol notebook (INGRAM), 13-16 lwokrama Rainforest Programme, 124 Lloyd George, David, 17 Lomé conventions, 458, 460, 461 lagan, Cheddi, 434, 449, 453 LOW, D.A., Eclipse of empire, 95-6 Jamaica: books on, 252; drug trafficking and LOW, D.A. (ed.), The political inheritance control, 421, 423, 424, 426, 428, 429 of Pakistan, 259-62 imeh, Yaya, 402 LOWE, VAUGHAN and WARBRICK, imes, Montague, 99 COLIN (eds), The United Nations and |AMES, MORRICE, Pakistan chronicle, the principles of international law: 262-3 essays in memory of Michael Akehurst, wara, Sir Dawda, 402 494-6 ayawardene, J.R., 234 Lu Ping, 405 Jinnah, M.A., 473-5, 476, 496-7 LYON, PETER, South Africa’s April 1994 nker, Ingrid, 381, 388 election in PWV and especially in the Joshi, M.M., 224 Vaal Triangle, 309-14 Jugnauth, Anerood, 456 Kalu, Kalu, 293 MacDONALD, DONALD, S., Challenges Kashmir, 143, 251, 258, 296, 369 facing Canada in 1994 361-5 Keating, Paul, 14, 294, 348, 406 McDOUGALL, DEREK, The Indian KENNEDY, ROBERT, see BRAUCH, Ocean Commission: regional HANS GUNTER cooperation in the south-west Indian Kenya, 19, 291, 368 Ocean, 455-67 Keys, Derek, 279-80, 281, 399 Macmillan, Harold, 325-6, 327, 328, 329 Khan, Ayub, 477, 496 Madagascar, 455-65 passim Khan, Ghulam Ishaque, 478 Mahathir Mohamad: relations with UK, Khan, Marshall Aqub, 327 296-7, 347-59, 404-5 Khan, Sir Syed Ahmed, 471, 472-3 Major, John: and Anglo-Malaysian relations, Khan, Yahya, 477 296, 351, 353-4, 355; on Asian Khasbulatov, Rustan I., 131-2 economic growth, 409; at CHOGM, 14, Kiiko, Joseph, 291 15, 16 Kingibe, Baba Gana, 201 Malan, D.F., 323 Kissinger, Henry, 290, 397 Malawi, 292, 368, 400 INDEX Malaysia: elections, 297; Pergau dam Mokhehle, Ntsu, 13 controversy, 296—7, 350-2, 354—5, money laundering, 15, 25-6, 113, 125-6, 404-5; and UK, 296-7, 347-59, 404—5 422, 426-7 MALIK, IFTIKHAR H., Governability Mookerji, Shyama Prasad, 225 crisis in Pakistan: politics of authority, Moonesinghe, Mangala, 237, 239 ideology and ethnicity, 469-88 Moore, Mike, 145 Managing global change: a vision (RAU), Mozambique, 109-10 149-67 Msosa, Anastasia, 400 Mancham, James, 457, 463 Mugabe, Robert, 14, 147, 292, 293 Mandela, Nelson: on Commonwealth Muhammas, Ashaari, 405 membership, 289; foreign trips, 179, Mulroney, Brian, 148 399; pre-election promises, 7; as multilateralism: and Commonwealth, President, 277, 289, 291, 315; State of 315-22 the Nation address, 381-5; also Muluzi, Bakili, 292, 400-1 mentioned, 108, 147, 275 MUNI, S.D., Pangs of proximity: India and Mandela, Winnie, 291 Sri Lanka’s ethnic crisis, 96-8 Mangope, Luis, 290 Museveni, Yoweri, 14, 147-8, 368 Mangwende, Witness, 293 Muslims, see Islam Manley, Michael, 290, 315-16 Mutebi, Ronald Muwenda, 147 Manning, Preston, 148 Muzorewa, Abel, 293 Manohar, Murli, 215 Mwinyi, Ali, 292 market economy: transition to, 101-2, 104; see also privatization MARSHALL, PETER, Whatever Namibia: books on, 368; Commonwealth happened to the NIEO?, 331-9 membership, 323-4; independence, 18; Marshall, Russell, 290 technical assistance for, 118-19; Walvis Masire, Quett, 147 Bay returned to, 292 MATTHEWS, BRUCE, Devolution of Nasrin, Taslima, 403 power in Sri Lanka, 231-47 nation-states, 150-3 Mauritius, 455-65 passim National opinion polling and surveys in Mausoodi, Maulana, 473 Guyana (RAMHARACK), 433-46 Mbeki, Thabo, 15, 291, 400 nationalism, 33, 150-3; Bangladesh, 267-8; Mediterranean, 111, 252-3, 501 and imperialism, 95-6; India, 225-6, Menzies, Robert, 328 493-4; third world, 499 Mexico: drug trafficking and control, 429 NATO, 90 Middie East: security, 111 Nauru, 294-5 migration, 163-5; see also immigration Ndadaye, Melchior, 112 military coups: Burundi, 112; The Gambia, Ndwedwe experience (SCARLETT), 402 299-301 military regimes: Nigeria, 189-202 Nehru, Jawaharlal, 214, 323, 326 Millar, T.B., 298 new international economic order, 331-9 Miller, Bruce, 6 new world order, 139-42; benefits and missionaries, women, 489-90 challenges, 316-17; community and Mitchell, James, 294 cooperation, 33-9; defence and security, Mitterand, Francois, 399-400 89-90, 153-8; and drug trafficking, 422; modernism: Canada, 77—87 impact and management, 149-67; Modernism and post-modernism: political effects, 419-21; and South Canada’s century reconsidered Africa, 184; and South Asia, 258-9; UN (STANTON), 77-87 role in, 395-7 MODOOD, TARIQ, Not easy being British: New Zealand: books on, 253-4, 370-1, 502; colour, culture and citizenship, 265-6 economic growth, 295; elections, 145; Mohammed, Murtla, 197 and Nauru, 294-5; republicanism, 295; Moi, Daniel arap, 13, 291 and USA, 295 INDEX wspapers: Canada, 81-2; influence on 477; ethnicity, 481-4; foundation, 496-7; \nglo-Malaysian relations, 296-7, governability crisis, 469-88; history, 347-59, 404-5; propaganda role in India, 259-63; immigration, 483; Islam in, 493-4; role in Guyanese 471-81; and Kashmir, 143, 258, 296; democratization, 447-54 and UK, 262 eria: books on, 250, 369, 500; and Palestine, 252 Cameroon, 293; debt arrears, 293; Palestine Liberation Organization, 111 lemocratic transition, 189-204; PALMIER, LESLIE (ed.), Detente in Asia?, economic and political crisis, 401-2; 266 ‘lections, 19, 147, 195-200; history, 99; Papandreou, Andreas, 145 military government, 401; military Papua New Guinea, 254 regimes, 189-202 Park Chung Hee, 31 Nigeria’s democratic transition: Patten, Chris, 144, 296, 405 explaining the annulled 1993 Patten, John, 355, 356-7 presidential election (NWOKEDI), Patterson, P.J., 14 189-204 peace: de Klerk on, 376-81 Nobel Peace Prize, 376 Peter, Winston, 145 Non-aligned Movement, 464 population growth: third world, 161 n-aligned states, 333 poverty: global, 165 n-governmental organizations: in Prebisch, Raul, 333 Commonwealth, 16, 21; role, 318 Premadasa, Ranasinghe, 98, 235, 236, 241 iclear test ban treaties, 107, 157 privatization, 101, 104, 344 uclear war, 141-2 Qureshi, Moeen, 146 iclear weapons: in new world order, 140 NWOKEDI, EMEKA, Nigeria’s Rabuka, Sitiveni, 295 democratic transition: explaining the race relations, 265-6; see also ethnic annulled 1993 presidential election, conflict 189-204 Rahman, Abdul, 327, 349 Nwosu, Humphrey, 196 rainforest protection, 124, 406 Nzeribe, Francis, Arthur, 202 Ram, Kanshi, 217 Nzo, Alfred, 291 Ramaphosa, Cyril, 291 Ramgoolam, Seewoosagur, 456 Obasanjo, Olusegun, 197, 199 RAMHARACK, BAYTORAM, National Observing South Africa’s first democratic opinion polling and surveys in elections: from the Eastern Transvaal Guyana, 433-46 (EVANS), 303-8 Ramphal, Shridath, 5, 419 Of mandirs and masjids: communalism Ransome-Keti, Beko, 401 and the secular state in India (ROY), Rao, P.V. Narasimha, 13, 143, 144, 215, 223-9 225, 402 il prices, 33344 Rasolondraibe, Henri, 459 ymar, Abu Hassan, 357 RAU, C.B., Managing global change: a PEC, 335 vision, 149-67 opinion polls: Guyana, 433, 435-46 Rawlings, Jerry, 13, 292 Organization of African Unity, 399, 464, Razak, Najib Abdul, 357 500 Reddy, Jaim Ram, 295 acific region: books on, 251-2, 253-4, refugees: Eritrean, 343 256-8, 502; community and cooperation, Rene, Albert, 457, 463 35-9: rainforest protection, 406; security, Réunion, 455-65 passim 256-8, 502; see also Asia and particular Richard, Christian Remi, 457 Richardson, Ruth, 145 countries akistan: and Afghanistan, 479; books on, RIZVI, GOWHER, South Asia in a 251-2, 259-63: Commonwealth changing international order, 258-9 membership,P p 326; elections, 146, 369, Rodney, Walter, 434, 436, 449, 453 INDEX ROSS, KEN, Regional security in the South to, 21 ; sustainable development, 114, Pacific: the quarter-century, 1970-1995 123 256-8 Smuts, Jan, 338, 413 ROY, THEO, Of mandirs and masjids: SOBHAN, R., Rethinking the role of the communalism and the secular state in state in development: Asian perspectives, India, 223-9 90-1 Russia: foreign policy, 133; inflation, 132; social development, 123 peacekeeping role in Georgia, 396; Soilih, Ali, 457 political changes, 131-2, 135-42 Somalia, 395, 396 Rutskoi, Alexander V., 131 South Africa: books on, 250-1, 368, Rwanda, 396 499-500; budget, 399; bureaucracy, 278; children and young people, 387-8; Sabah, 297, 357 Commonwealth concern with, 18, 316; Saddam Hussein, 140—1, 395 Commonwealth membership, 109, St Lucia, 427 169-73, 281-3, 289, 323-30, 400; St Vincent and the Grenadines, 294 democracy, 108, 169; economic Saleh, Husein Abu, 343 indicators, 279-80; economic policy, Sandiford, Erskine, 13, 406 384-5; elections, 7, 15, 20, 25, 108, 109, SCARLETT, PRUNELLA, The Ndwedwe 275-8, 283-7, 289-90, 299-301, experience, 299-301 303-16, 373-5; human resource Scott, Lord Justice, 355 development, 109, 385-6; and Indian security: Europe, 111; global, 106, 153-8; Ocean, 172, 462-3, 464; interim Middle East, 111; Pacific region, 37, constitution, 7; international 256-8; see also peace community’s role in, 175-87; language SEGAL, GERALD, The fate of Hong Kong issues, 278-9; and Namibia, 292; 92-5 peaceful future predicted, 376-81; Selassie, Haile, 341 Reconstruction and Development Plan, Senanayake, Dudley, 232 383-6, 388; sanctions lifted, 108; strikes, Seshan, T.N., 219 399; trade, 385, 462-3; transition to Sexwale, Gabriel, 313 post-apartheid state, 175-87; Transitional Seychelles, 19-20, 455-65 passim Executive Council, 7-8, 108, 278, 304; Shagari, Shehu, 199 violence, 289-90, 311-12 Shah, Zahir, 479 South Africa and the Commonwealth Sharif, Nawaz, 146, 479, 484 (DURR), 169-73 SHELLEY, MIZANUR RAHMAN, The South Africa and the Commonwealth Chittagong hill tracts of Bangladesh: the (Editorial), 275-87 untold story, 267-8 South Africa rejoins the Commonwealth SHLAPENTOKH, DMITRY, The end of (GEYSER), 323-30 the Russian state and its geopolitical South Africa’s April 1994 election in implications, |35—42 PWV and especially in the Vaal Shonekan, Ernest, 14, 147, 198, 201 Triangle (LYON), 309-14 Sierra Leone, 99 South Asia, 252, 258-9; see also particular Singapore: books on, 500; democracy and countries development, 30, 31; economic growth, South East Asia, 251, 252; see also 297 particular countries Singh, Arjun, 215 South Korea, 30-1 Singh, J.V.P., 215, 216 South Pacific Forum, 406 Singh, Kalyan, 215 southern Africa: assistance for, 108, Singh, Manmohan, 143-4, 295-6, 402 118-119 Singh, Mulayam, 217 Soviet Union, collapse of, 336, 422; Slater, Duncan, 352 geopolitical implications, 135-42; see Slovo, Joe, 8 also Russia small states, 107-8; Commonwealth value Soyinka, Wole, 401 10