rhI ;I, ,w .~r th<. LJ1 1.1 \'<"r'lll' t 'I' cc < H.trnl it\ l''i . ' " '' """"' llull.1 - ~IHI\1\'l'l\,11)'. 0 Opl'ning ... Z>ut~~~ UMR When you look back at your college years at UMR what will you talk about? Will it be academics and studying and reachers and rests? Will ir be student life and organizations and your senior year? Or will it be sporting evenrs and special activities? Chancellor John 1'. l'ark .u the Winter Leadership Workshop. No maner where your interests lie the 1995 - 1996 school year held many potencial memory makjng evems. Colin Powell gave an excellenr lecwre. SL Pat's, greek week, and Homecoming were fu n-fiJled weeks as usual. The basketball team won the MIAA Division II championships. There were many job interviews and employment for graduating seniors seemed to be on the rise. The Missouri School of Mines I University of Missouri -Rolla celebrated it's 125rh anniversary. Aleman A difli:rcnt view t>f the U1l11Cf\ll\ Ccnrcr f'.t\t. Hall was made into a residence hall. Ground broke for the electrical engineering building expansion. UMR won tbe 1995 Missouri Quality Award. Greek week was held in the fall semester instead of rhe spring semester. And through it all classes were held, rests were given, and the students learned. The 1995-1996 school year was something to talk about. CD Opening The UMR Cheerleaders at one of their man)' practices. The EE Expansion The elccrrical engineering building expansion progressed as promised chis year. When completed, rhe building will have a walkway through it, bur in rhe meantime rhe residenrs of Thomas JefFerson and surrounding areas complained about having ro walk around the buildingar night when it was locked. The orhcr hig com plaine was rhat the expansion rook out most of rhe parking lot between the decrrical engineering building and rhe civil engineering building, one of rhe most convenient parking lots on campus. Despite rhesc drawbacks, rhe expansion is a much needed resource for rhe electrical engineering department and the electrical engineering majors. 0 Opening ... Z'ut~~~ Classes Although the Rollamo always covers Homecoming. St Pat's, sports and organizations, the book doc:.n 't always picture what UMR is all about - classes. That is chc one subject that studcnrs can ralk about wirh anyone on c.1mpu' as well a!> with alumni. Everyday topics included how hard classes were. how much srudying rhcy did the night before, which professors ro try m get classes wirh (and which to avoid), and how little sleep they got the night before. This is che link rhar bonds the alumni ofUMR. The photographs show physics rccirarion, physics lecrure, chemistry lab, and mechanics of materials lab. CO Opening Homecoming The rbemc for this year's homecoming wa\ Dazed and Confu,ed for 125 Years. c.tken from rhe movie "Dazed and Confused". During chat week it was commonplace ro see tie dyed t-shirrs and scenes right out of rhe sixties taking place .u the puck. The games rhat cook place at rhc puck ~parked many creative idea~ by chc studentS so that the organization rhcy were represenring could have a chance ro win. The events shown are chc lemon eating conrc:st. the queen conccstanrs serving ice cream, the fry like bacon contest, and the queen contestants and rheir escorts at che llomecoming foocball game. 0 Opening