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Proceedingsof9thAsian-PacificRegionalIAUMeeting2005, 1–2(2005) Printed5February2008 (APRIMLATEXstylefilev1.0) The Roles of Discs for Planetary Systems Li-Chin Yeh1 and Ing-Guey Jiang2 1Department of Applied Mathematics, National Hsinchu Universityof Education, Hsin-Chu, Taiwan 2Institute of Astronomy, National Central University,Chung-Li, Taiwan 7 0 0 2 ABSTRACT n a J It is known that the discs are detected for some of the extra-solar planetary systems. It is also likely that there was a disc mixing with planets and small bodies 9 2 while our Solar System was forming. From our recent results, we conclude that the discs play two roles: the gravity makes planetary systems more chaotic and the drag 1 makes planetary systems more resonant. v 5 Key words: celestial mechanics – planetary systems – stellar dynamics 0 8 1 0 1 INTRODUCTION merical surveys to explore the possible chaotic and regu- 7 0 lar orbits. They found that, in general, discs with different Morethan160extra-solarplanetarysystemshavebeendis- / masses might change the sizes and locations of chaotic re- h coveredsofarandthenumberofdetectedexoplanetsislikely gion. Some sample orbits are further studied and the plots p toincreaserapidly.Thisdevelopmenthasopenedanewwin- ofPoincar´esurfaceofsectionareconsistentwiththeresults - dow for astronomers to investigate the planetary formation o ofLyapounovExponentIndicator.Ontheotherhand,they and evolution in detail. There are many numerical studies r pointedoutthattheinfluenceofthedisccanchangethelo- t onthedynamicalevolutionofthesedetectedsystems(please s cationsofequilibriumpointsandalsotheorbitalbehaviors. seeLaughlin & Adams1999, Rivera& Lissauer 2000, Jiang a Thispointisparticularly interesting.Withouttheinfluence : & Ip 2001, Ji et al. 2002, Benest 2003). v from thedisc, Wisdom (1983) showed that oneof theKirk- Amongthesesystems,theexistenceofdiscsseemstobe i woodgapsmightbeexplainedbythechaoticboundary.This X ageneralphenomenon.Forinstance,thereareasteroid belt is probably due to that the chaotic orbits are less likely to and Kuiper belt for the Solar System, the discs of dust for r become resonant orbits. Indeed, the chaotic orbits in the a extra-solar planetary systems and also circumbinary rings disc-star-planet system shall play essential roles during the for binary systems. The disc or belt-like structure should formation of Kirkwood gaps. For example, the disc might influencethedynamicalevolutionofthesesystems.Asmen- make some test particles to transfer from chaotic orbits to tionedinJiang&Ip(2001),theoriginoforbitalelementsof regularorbitsorfromregularorbitstochaoticorbitsduring theplanetarysystemofupsilonAndromedaemightrelateto theevolution. the disc interaction. Moreover, Yeh & Jiang (2001) studied theorbital migration of scattered planets. They completely Thediscsareoftenobservedwithvariousmassesinboth classifytheparameterspaceandsolutionsandconcludethat theyoungstellarsystemsandextra-solarplanetarysystems. the eccentricity always increases if the planet, which moves It is believed that the proto-stellar discs are formed during on circular orbit initially, is scattered to migrate outward. theearlystageofstarformationandtheplanetsmightform Thus,theorbitalcircularizationmustbeimportantforscat- on the discs through the core-accretion or disc instability tered planets if they are now moving on nearly circular or- mechanism. The planetary formation timescale is not clear bits. butthegaseousdiscwillbesomehowdepletedandthedust To concentrate on the dynamical role of discs for the particleswill gradually form.Theabovepictureisplausible planetarysystems,Jiang&Yeh(2003,2004a)didsomeanal- but unfortunately the timescales are not completely under- ysis on the orbital evolution for systems with planet-disc stood.Forasystemwithastar,planets,discsandasteroids, interaction. itisnotclearwhattheorderofdifferentcomponent’sforma- tionisandwhatthedurationofeachcomponent’sformation process would be. 2 THE CHAOTIC ORBITS Nevertheless,onethingwecanconfirmisthatthediscs are there and can have different masses at different stages. Jiang&Yeh(2004b)studiedthechaoticorbitsforthedisc- From our results, it is clear that the dynamical properties star-planet systems through the calculations of Lyapounov of orbits, i.e. chaotic or regular, can be determined quickly Exponent. Different initial conditions are used in the nu- for different disc masses or models. Because those particles 2 Yeh and Jiang moving on chaotic orbits might have smaller probability to Nakai(2001), Jietal.(2002) andGozdziewski &Maciejew- become the resonant objects in the system, the Kirkwood ski(2001). gaps, which are associated with the location of mean mo- tionresonance,intheSolarSystemmightbeformed bythe dynamical effect we have discussed here. The detail pro- 4 CONCLUDING REMARKS cesses would depend on the evolutionary timescale of the star, planet and also the disc. To conclude, it is important The conventional models used in celestial mechanics con- siderthedynamicalinteractions between particles only.We thattheeffectofdiscsonthechaoticorbitsmightinfluence take a first step to include the dynamical effect from the theformationofthestructuresofplanetarysystemssuchas disc in the conventional celestial mechanics. In general, the theKirkwood gaps in the Solar System. disc shall vary with time. Nevertheless, in these studies, we only consider the orbital behaviors during a timescale shorter than the lifetime of the disc, the models shall give 3 THE RESONANCE goodimplications forthefirsttrendoforbitalevolutionun- der the disc potential. We find that when we consider the Themeanmotionresonantrelationsbetweendifferentceles- gravity only, there are more chaotic orbits when the disc tialbodiesareconfirmedtobecommonphenomenaforboth is included. We also consider the effect of an artificial drag Solar System and extra-solar planetary systems. For exam- andfindthatthedragcouldbringparticlesintoresonances. ple,thegapsinthedistributionofasteroidswereconnected Our results’ general conclusion is consistent with the ones tomeanmotion resonancesbyKirkwood(1867) andknown in Armitage et al. (2002) and Trilling et al. (2002), though as Kirkwood gaps. Greenberg & Scholl (1979) classified the theyhavedifferentfocuses,baseondifferentapproaches,and proposed explanations into four groups: the statistical hy- mainly studythegas-dynamical effects. pothesis,thecollisional hypothesis,thecosmogonichypoth- esis, and the gravitational hypothesis. Dermott & Murray (1983) showedthatthereisagood correspondencebetween ACKNOWLEDGMENT thewidth of theKirkwood gapsand thewidth of thelibra- tion zone when thedistribution of asteroid orbits is plotted WearegratefultotheNationalCenterforHigh-performance in the a−e plane. They concluded that the gravitational Computing for computer time and facilities. hypothesis was likely to be correct. This is completely con- sistentwiththeresultsonthechaoticorbitsaswementioned in thelast section (Jiang & Yeh2004b). REFERENCES In addition to that, the small bodies at the outer So- lar System,i.e. theKuiperBelt Objects (KBOs),also show Armitage, P. J., Livio, M., Lubow, S. H., Pringle, J. E., 2002, strong mean motion resonant relations with the Neptune’s MNRAS,334,248 orbit. It is surprising that about one-third of the KBOs Benest,D.,2003,A&A,400,1103 Dermott,S.F.,Murray,C.D.,1983,Nature,301,201 are engaged into 3:2 resonance and are therefore called Gozdziewski,K.,Maciejewski,A.J.,2001, ApJ,563,L81 “Plutinoes”. The sweeping mechanism proposed in Malho- Greenberg, R., Scholl, H., 1979, Asteroids, ed. T. Gehrels, Uni- tra (1995) that the outward migration of Neptune might versityofArizonaPress,Tucson make the Plutinoes catched into 3:2 resonance. This mech- Ji,J.,Kinoshita,H.,Liu,L.,Li,G.,2003, ApJ,585,L139 anism could work under the condition that the Neptune’s Ji,J.,Li,G.,Liu,L.,2002, ApJ,572,1041 orbitkeepchangingandthustheNeptune’spotentialfeltby Jiang,I.-G.,Ip,W.-H.,2001,A&A,367,943 thePlutinoesistime-dependent.Thisrelativeorbitalmove- Jiang,I.-G.,Yeh,L.-C.,2003,InternationalJournalofBifurcation mentmightbecomenegligibly small whentheNeptuneand andChaos,13,617 KBOsarepushedouttogether.Thisscenarioofpushing-out Jiang, I.-G.,Yeh, L.-C.,2004a, International Journal ofBifurca- from the inner Solar System proposed by Levison & Mor- tionandChaos,14,3153 Jiang,I.-G.,Yeh,L.-C.,2004b,AJ,128,923 bidelli (2003) was to solve the KBOs’ formation issue since Jiang,I.-G.,Yeh,L.-C.,2004c,MNRAS,355,L29 thedensitywas higherin theinnerSolar Systemand easier Jiang,I.-G.,Yeh,L.-C.,2005,thisvolume to form KBOs (and also Neptune). Moreover, Yeh & Jiang Kinoshita,H.,Nakai,H.,2001,PASJ,53,L25 (2001)showedthattheNeptunewouldbeinaneccentricor- Kirkwood, D., 1867, Meteoric Astronomy, Lippincott, Philadel- bitifitwasscatteredoutward.Itwillneedamassivebeltto phia circularized itsorbit.Therefore, it isnot clearthat howthe Laughlin,G.,Adams,F.C.,1999, ApJ,526,881 Plutinoes was captured into 3:2 resonance under the situa- Laughlin,G.,Chambers,J.,2001,ApJ,551,L109 tionthattheformation historyofKBOsisunclear.Jiang& Levison,H.F.,Morbidelli,A.,2003, Nature,426,419 Yeh (2004c) proposed that the drag-induced resonant cap- Malhotra,R.,1995,AJ,110,420 ture could play a role for this important process. (Please Rivera,E.J.,Lissauer,J.J.,2000,ApJ,530,454 Trilling,D.E.,Lunine,J.I.,Benz,W.,2002,A&A,394,241 also see a brief review in Jiang & Yeh 2005.) Wisdom,J.,1983,Icarus,56,51 On the other hand, some extra-solar multiple plane- Yeh,L.-C.,Jiang,I.-G.,2001,ApJ,561,364 tary systems also show the resonances. For example, Ji et al. (2003) confirmed that the 55 Cancri planetary system is indeed in the 3:1 mean motion resonance by both the numerical simulations and secular theory. The GJ 876 and HD 82943 planetary systems are probably in 2:1 resonance as studied by Laughlin & Chambers (2001), Kinoshita &

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