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The role of vernal pools in the 1992 mass dispersal of Vanessa cardui (Nymphalidae) with new larval hostplant records PDF

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Preview The role of vernal pools in the 1992 mass dispersal of Vanessa cardui (Nymphalidae) with new larval hostplant records

JournalofResearchon theLepidoptera 30(3-4):302-304 Note The Role ofVernal Pools in the 1992 Mass Dispersal ofVanessa cardui (Nymphalidae) with New Larval Hostplant Records Vernalpoolsaresmalldepressions,underlainbyhardpanordenseclay,inthe grasslands ofthe Cental Valley. Winter rainfall perches above the impervious subsoil and slowly evaporates as a result of increasing temperatures in the spring. Duringmid-to-latespring,vernalpoolsareislandsoffreshvegetationin an otherwise drylandscape. The floweringforbs within the pools are predomi- nantly nativewith a high proportionofendemics. Manyoftheseplants require aspecificinundationperiod. Thisresultsinthevernalpoolscontainingconcen- tric rings ofdifferent plants, each with theirown uniquely coloredblooms. The historic extent of vernal pools has been severely diminished by agricultural conversionandurbanexpansion. Forallofthesereasons,vernalpoolshavelong attracted botanists. In western Tehama County, several areas ofvernal pool formations remain. DuringavisittothesepoolsonApril14-16th,IobservedthemassVanessacardui migrationthroughthearea. Thepaintedladieswereflyingingreatnumbersin NNW a direction with individuals often stopping to nectar on Navarretia leucocephalaBentham(Polemoniaceae). Insomesmall(<30sq.meters)pools,as many as 50 individuals were nectaring on this low growing, white-flowered vernal pool endemic. The Vanessa cardui were notobserved to nectaron other species even though several were blooming. During a subsequent visit on April 27-29th, the numbers ofVanessa cardui migratingthroughtheareaweresignificantlylower. Uponcloseinspectionofthe vernal pool plants, I observed many early instar larval nests on Psilocarphus brevissimus Nuttall (Asteraceae: Inuleae), another vernal pool endemic. Ran- domtransectplacementsinseveralofthesmall, shallowvernalpoolsyeildedan average of>100 larval nests per square meter. Larger pools, which had been partiallyinundatedduringtheheightofthemigration,hadmanylarvalnestson the margins and few in the center. Extremely deep pools, which had been completely inundated duringthe migration had only an occasional larval nest. Manythird and fourth instarlarvae were alsoobserved duringthe late-April field visit. These larvae had left their nests and were apparently in search of fresher food. Most were eating adjacent Psilocarphus brevissimus. However, somelarvaewereobservedonPsilocarphustenellusNuttall,Micropuscalifornicus Fischer & Meyer and Filago gallica Linnaeus (Asteraceae: Inuleae), plus AchyrachaenamollisSchauer(Asteraceae:Madiinae)andPlagiobothrysstipitatus var.micranthus(Piper)Johnston(Boraginaceae). AlthoughEryngium(Apiaceae) is cited as a larval host plantin TheButterflies ofNorthAmerica (Scott, 1986), none were observed on the Eryngium vaseyi Coulter & Rose occurring in the vernalpools. SeverallargelarvaewerecollectedfromtheTehamaCountyvernal pool site. These were successfully reared on Psilocarphus brevissimus with pupation beginningon May 2nd and emergence beginningon May 9th. A final field visit was conducted on May 5-6th and many newly emerged Vanessa cardui were observed migrating. However, the preceeding week had been 15-20° Fabove local averagetemperature andmostoftheremainingearly 30(3-4):302-304 303 Photo 1: Typical vernal pool from western Tehama County. Photo 2: Psilocarphus brevissimus, a vernal pool endemic plant and new larval hostplant record for Vanessa cardui. 304 J. Res. Lepid. instarlarvaewerefounddeadintheirnestsonthedessicatedhostplant. Larger larvae were observed movingfrom plant to plant. Following the discovery of Vanessa cardui larvae on vernal pool endemic plants,aquickreconnaissanceofvernalpoolsinGlenn,Colusa,Sacramentoand Solano counties was made. On May 5-7th, several vernal pool formations were visited and Vanessa cardui larvae orlarval nests were observed ateach site on Psilocarphusbrevissimus. AttwositesinSolanoCounty,laterinstarlarvaewere also observed onEvaxcaulescens (Bentham) Gray(Asteraceae: Inuleae). Ofconsiderable significance is the lackofadultnectar sources at some ofthe vernalpoolsites. TheterracesoilformationvernalpoolsinTehamaCountyare dominated by Navarretia leucocephala and Psilocarphus brevissimus which placesanadultnectarsourceandthehostplantincloseproximity. However,the basin soil formation vernal pools in Solano County contain very little or no NavarretialeucocephalaandrelativelysmallamountsofPsilocarphusbrevissimus. Nevertheless,thesepoolscontainedasimilarratiooflarvaetohostplant. From these observations we may deduce that use ofPsilocarphus brevissimus as a larval hostplantwas not purely adventitious. Carol W. Witham, 1028 CypressLane, Davis, California 95616.

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