THE ROLE OF THE ARCHITECT AND AUTONOMY OF ARCHITECTURE: AN INQUIRY INTO THE POSITION OF THE EARLY MODERN ARCHITECT AND ARCHITECTURE: LE CORBUSIER AND MAISON CURUTCHET A THESIS SUBMITTED TO THE GRADUATE SCHOOL OF NATURAL AND APPLIED SCIENCES OF THE MIDDLE EAST TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY BY CANAN SEYHUN IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF ARCHITECTURE IN THE DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE APRIL 2004 Approval of the Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences ___________________________ Prof. Dr. Canan Özgen Director I certify that this thesis satisfies all the requirements as a thesis for the degree of Master of Architecture. ___________________________ Assoc. Prof. Dr. Selahattin Önür Head of Department This is to certify that we have read this thesis and that in our opinion it is fully adequate, in scope and quality, as a thesis for the degree of Master of Architecture. ___________________________ Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ali Cengizkan Supervisor Examining Committee Members Assoc. Prof. Dr. Selahattin Önür ___________________________ Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ali Cengizkan ___________________________ Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ayşen Savaş ___________________________ Inst. Dr. Namık Erkal ___________________________ Architect İlhan Kesmez ___________________________ ABSTRACT THE ROLE OF THE ARCHITECT AND AUTONOMY OF ARCHITECTURE: AN INQUIRY INTO THE POSITION OF THE EARLY MODERN ARCHITECT AND ARCHITECTURE: LE CORBUSIER AND MAISON CURUTCHET Seyhun, Canan M. Arch., Department of Architecture Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ali Cengizkan April 2004, 118 Pages This thesis is an inquiry into the position of architecture both as a cultural product and as an autonomous discipline. The purpose to search for architectural autonomy is to discover architecture’s internal values that can make architects become more aware of their tools and potentials. That kind of research is to discover the boundaries of the discipline of architecture, which interrelates with many other disciplines. In order to explore architectural autonomy, this thesis explores the internal qualities of architecture with relation to the external ones. The scrutiny of these iii internal qualities is to direct architecture through its own realm and to discover its significant values and internal potentials. Architectural autonomy is explored in this thesis in the framework of Modern Movement. The technological inventions and the social and cultural developments are considered as influential forces in the discipline and practice of architecture. This study attempts to identify the concept autonomy, not as a property indicating to an architecture that is completely independent from its cultural environment, but as a value implying to architecture’s interior qualities that are significant in the discipline’s boundaries. Architecture is examined with relation to its cultural circumstances; by arguing that architecture is not only a part of culture but also one of the constituents of it. Besides fulfilling cultural values, architecture has the ability to transform culture, with its own internal values. In this regard, the issue of autonomy gains importance in maintaining architecture a cultural value. Keywords: architectural autonomy, culture, form, modernity, technology. iv ÖZ MİMARIN ROLÜ VE MİMARLIĞIN ÖZERKLİĞİ: ERKEN MODERN DÖNEM MİMARI VE MİMARLIĞI ÜZERİNE BİR ARAŞTIRMA: LE CORBUSIER VE MAISON CURUTCHET Seyhun, Canan Yüksek Lisans, Mimarlık Bölümü Tez Yöneticisi: Doç. Dr. Ali Cengizkan Nisan 2004, 118 Sayfa Bu tezin amacı mimarlığın pozisyonunu hem kültürel bir ürün hem de özerk bir disiplin olarak araştırmaktır. Mimari özerkliğin araştırılmasındaki amaç mimarlığın elindeki araçların ve potansiyellerin incelenmesidir. Bu sayede diğer disiplinlerle ilişki içinde olan mimarlığın kendine has olan değerlerinin incelenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Mimari özerklik araştırılırken, mimarlık disiplininin sınırları diğer disiplinlerle olan ilişkileri dahilinde incelenmiştir. Bu araştırma mimarlığın kendi değerleri ve potansiyellerini keşfetmek amacı ile yapılmıştır. v Mimari özerklik, bu tezde, Modern Mimarlık bağlamında ele alınmıştır. Teknolojik ve sosyal gelişmeler mimarlığı etkileyen faktörler olarak değerlendirilmiştir. Bu çalışmada özerklik mimarlığı sosyal bağlamından ayırarak değil, mimarlık disiplininin kendi sınırları dahilindeki özelliklerini ortaya çıkararak irdelenmiştir. Mimarlık kültürel bağlam çerçevesinde incelenmiş, aynı zamanda kültürün bir parçası ve bileşeni olarak ele alınmıştır. Mimarlık kültürel gereksinimlere cevap vermekle beraber, kendine has değerleri ile kültürel yapıyı dönüştürebilen bir disiplin olarak ele alınmıştır. Bu anlamda özerklik kavramı mimarlığın kültürel değerini sürdürebilmesi anlamında önem kazanmıştır. Anahtar Kelimeler: mimari özerklik, kültür, biçim, modernite, teknoloji. vi ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I express my deep gratitude to my supervisor Ali Cengizkan, for his guidance, understanding, and inventive supervision throughout my graduate studies. He has been inspiring and supporting both for this thesis and for my further studies. I am also thankful to Selahattin Önür, Ayşen Savaş, Namık Erkal and İlhan Kesmez for their appropriate discussions, and valuable suggestions for this study. I would like to express my gratefulness to my dearest friends Şeyda Akşehir and Seda Temizer who have been encouraging and supportive throughout this study. I am forever indebted to my family, for their support, patience and understanding throughout my life. vii TABLE OF CONTENTS ABSTRACT..............................................................................................................iii ÖZ..............................................................................................................................v ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS.....................................................................................vii TABLE OF CONTENTS........................................................................................viii LIST OF FIGURES...................................................................................................x CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION...............................................................................................1 2 ARCHITECTURE AND AUTONOMY...........................................................14 2.1 Boundaries of the Discipline of Architecture............................................17 2.2 Architecture’s Instrumentality and the Significance of the Social Context ..................................................................................................18 3 THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK OF AUTONOMY WITHIN MODERN ARCHITECTURE.............................................................................................27 3.1 Modernity and the Shift in the Discipline of Architecture........................28 3.1.1 Modern Science and Technology, and the Modernization of the Society ....................................................................................................28 3.1.2 Architectural Form and Space after Modernity.............................31 3.2 The Relationship between Architecture’s Form and Requirements.........34 3.2.1 The Freedom of Form from Function............................................35 3.2.2 The Unlimited Ways of Creating Form in Architecture................38 viii 3.3 Aesthetics..................................................................................................46 3.4 Tectonics...................................................................................................54 3.5 Modern Architects and the Individual Design Process..............................56 3.6 The Architecturalization Process of Tectonic Qualities into Poetic and Spiritual Means of Architecture..................................................................67 3.7 Timeless Values and the Modern Times’ Values......................................73 4 RE-READING AUTONOMY OF ARCHITECTURAL FORM AND SPACE THROUGH LE CORBUSIER’S MAISON CURUTCHET................76 5 CONCLUSION................................................................................................101 5.1 Some Clues Revealed After Twentieth Century.....................................101 5.2 Concluding Remarks...............................................................................108 REFERENCES.......................................................................................................113 ix LIST OF FIGURES Figures: 1. Gerrit Rietveld, Schröder House. (Web site bin/gbi.cgi/Schroder_House.html/PCD.8203.3241.1525.090-2.gbi)...................................33 2. Walter Gropius, Gropius House. (Web site 3. Peter Behrens, Detail, AEG Turbine Factory. (Web site 4. Peter Behrens, A.E.G. Turbine Factory. (Web site 5. Ludwig Mies van der Rohe, Model of the Glass Skyscraper. (Web site 6. Le Corbusier, Unite d’Habitation, Marseilles. (Web site orbu&pics=cb).....................................................................................................................43 7. Le Corbusier, Villa Savoye. (Web site 8. Le Corbusier, Ozenfant House. (Kenneth Frampton, Le Corbusier, p. 45)............................................................................44 9. Le Corbusier, Villa Shodan. (Klaus-Peter Gast, Le Corbusier, Paris-Chandigarh, p. 167)...............................................45 10. Parthenon. (Le Corbusier, Towards a New Architecture, p. 125)..........................................................49 11. Delage, Grand Sport. (Le Corbusier, Towards a New Architecture, p. 125)..........................................................50 12. The Plan of Villa Garches. (Colin Rowe, The Mathematics of the Ideal Villa, p. 21)....................................................51 13. The Plan of Villa Malcontante. (Colin Rowe, The Mathematics of the Ideal Villa, p. 21)....................................................52 x