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The role of stellar feedback in the formation of galaxies. Daniel Ceverino and Anatoly Klypin Astronomy Department, New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, NM 9 0 0 2 ABSTRACT n Although supernova explosions and stellar winds happen at very small scales, they affect the a interstellar medium (ISM) at galactic scales and regulate the formation of a whole galaxy. Pre- J vious attempts of mimicking these effects in simulations of galaxy formation use very simplified 9 assumptions. We develop a much more realistic prescription for modeling the feedback, which 1 minimizes any ad hoc sub-grid physics. We start with developing high resolution models of the ] ISMandformulatetheconditionsrequiredforitsrealisticfunctionality: formationofmulti-phase h medium with hot chimneys, super-bubbles, cold molecular phase, and very slow consumption of p - gas. We find that this can be achieved only by doing what the real Universe does: formation o of dense (> 10 H atoms cm−3), cold (T ≈ 100 K) molecular phase, where the star formation r t happens, and which is disrupted by young stars. Another important ingredient is the runaway s stars: massivebinarystarsejectedfrommolecularcloudswhenoneofthecompanionsbecomesa a [ supernova. Thosestarscanmoveto 10-100parsecsawayfrommolecularclouds beforeexploding themselves as supernovae. This greatly facilitates the feedback. Once those effects are imple- 4 v mentedintocosmologicalsimulations,galaxyformationproceedsmorerealistically. Forexample, 5 we do not have the overcooling problem. The angular momentum problem (resulting in a too 8 massive bulge) is also reduced substantially: the rotation curves are nearly flat. The galaxy 2 formation also becomes more violent. Just as often observed in QSO absorption lines, there are 3 substantial outflows from forming and active galaxies. At high redshifts we routinely find gas . 2 with few hundred km s−1 and occasionally 1000−2000 km s−1. The gas has high metallicity, 1 whichmay exceedthe solarmetallicity. The temperature of the gas in the outflows and in chim- 7 neys can be very high: T = 107−108 K. The density profile of dark matter is still consistent 0 : with a cuspy profile. The simulations reproduce this picture only if the resolution is very high: v better than 50 pc, which is 10 times better than the typical resolution in previous cosmological i X simulations. Our simulations of galaxy formation reach the resolution of 35 pc. r a Subjectheadings: hydrodynamics,methods: n-bodysimulations,ISM:general,stars: formation,galaxies: formation, evolution 1. Introduction ΛCDM paradigm, because, after all, many obser- vationalevidences ofcosmicstructures comefrom Thecurrentcosmologicalparadigm,theΛCDM the light emitted by galaxies. Universe,hassuccessfullyexplainedtheoverallas- Galaxy formation is driven by a complex set sembly of cosmic structures (Blumenthal et al. of physical processes with very different spatial 1984; Davis et al. 1985; Spergel et al. 2007). In scales. Radiative cooling, star formation and su- this picture ordinary matter (“baryons”), which pernovaexplosionshappenatscaleslessthan1pc, emits and absorbslight, passivelyfollows the evo- but they affect the formation of a whole galaxy lution of the dark matter. This should be cor- (Dekel & Silk 1986). In addition, large-scale cos- rected, if we want to make a realistic theory of mologicalprocesses,suchasgasaccretionthrough galaxy formation. It is necessary to include the cosmic filaments, and galaxy mergers, control the physics of the gas and galaxy formation into the galaxy assembly. As a result, a complex interplay 1 between verydifferent processesdrives the forma- Theproblemisthatothereffectscanbemissedat tion of galaxies. Cosmological gasdynamical sim- the same time due to a lack of resolution and an ulations have become useful tools to study galaxy inaccurate modeling of feedback. formation. Anothermethodistointroduceasub-resolution In early cosmological simulations “galaxies” model in which the energy from supernova ex- formedwithtoosmalldisksandasignificantfrac- plosions is stored in an unresolved hot phase, tionofangularmomentumwaslost(Navarro & Steinmetz which does not cool and looses energy through 2000). The situation has improved in the last theevaporationofcoldclouds(Yepes et al. 1997; years. Sommer-Larsen et al. (2003);Governato et al. Springel & Hernquist 2003). In this model, the (2004); Kaufmann et al. (2006) show that a sub- onlyeffectofstellarfeedbackistoregulatethestar kpc resolution is necessary to prevent an arti- formation: the hot gas is coupled with the cold ficial loss of angular momentum. Recent im- phase through cloud formation and evaporation. provements in both the resolution and model- As a result, this high entropy gas is artificially ing of the feedback have resulted in simulations trapped within the galactic disk. Thus, galactic with extended galactic disks (Governato et al. winds are introduced in a simplified way in or- 2004; Robertson et al. 2004; Brook et al. 2004; der to reproduce other natural effects of stellar Okamoto et al. 2005; D’Onghia et al. 2006; feedback, such as galactic outflows. Governato et al. 2007). However, simulated An alternative approach assumes kinetic feed- galaxies are still too concentrated, and more real- backinsteadofthermalfeedback(Navarro & White istic simulationswith better resolutionand better 1993). In that case, the energy from supernova physics are needed to reproduce the shape of the explosions or stellar winds is transfered to the ki- rotation curves of observed galaxies. netic energy of the surrounding medium. This Current simulations lack the necessary resolu- energyis notdissipateddirectlybyradiativecool- tion to follow correctlythe effect of supernova ex- ing. However, in order to resolve this effect accu- plosions in the ISM. Because of this lack of reso- rately, simulations should be able to resolve the lution, the modeling of stellar feedback has relied expansion of individual supernova explosions or on ad-hoc assumptions about the effect of stel- the stellar winds fromindividualstars. Currently, lar feedback at scales unresolved by simulations this is not possible. At larger scales, the picture (0.2-1 Kpc). Early attempts to introduce stellar is more complicated. Different blastwaves from feedback into simulations found the obstacle of a different supernova explosions can collide, dissi- strongradiativecooling. The energydepositedby pating their kinetic energy. The same dissipation supernova explosions was quickly radiated away of energy happens in collisions of stellar winds in without any effect in the ISM (Katz 1992). Sev- stellar clusters. So, it is commonly assumed that eral shortcuts have been proposed to get around most of the kinetic energy from stellar feedback this over-coolingproblem. is dissipated into thermal energy at the small- The most common method is to artificially est scales resolved by simulations. Nevertheless, stop cooling when the stellar energy is deposited this feedback-heated gas can expand. As a result, (Gerritsen & Icke 1997; Thacker & Couchman thermalenergycanbetransferedtokineticenergy. 2000; Sommer-Larsenet al. 2003; Kereˇs et al. The net results are flows at large scales powered 2005; Governato et al. 2007) This approach pro- bythethermalfeedback. However,feedbackheat- longs the adiabatic phase of supernova explosion ing should dominates over radiative cooling: only (the Sedov solution) to about 30 Myr. The moti- in this case those flows are produced. vation behind this ad-hoc assumption is that the To summarize, the main problems of current combination of blastwaves from different super- simulationsofgalaxyformationarethelackofthe nova explosions and turbulent motions produces necessary resolution and too simplified models of hot bubbles much larger than individual super- the complex hydrodynamic processes in the mul- novaremnants andlastlonger. All this effects are tiphase ISM. not resolved with the current resolution. They ThegalacticISMhasaverywiderangeofdensi- do not develop in a self-consistent way. Instead, ties and temperatures (for review see Cox (2005) the delay in the cooling is introduced by hand. and Ferri`ere (2001)). Three distinct phases are 2 distinguished: the dense cold gas (giant molecu- 30 km s−1, much higher than the velocity disper- lar clouds (GMC), cold HI gas or diffuse clouds) sion of the population of massive stars in clusters with densities above 10 cm−3 and temperatures (10 km s−1) (Stone 1991). Some of these stars bellow 100 K, the warm component with densi- have large peculiar velocities, up to 200 km s−1 ties between 0.1 and 1 cm−3 and temperatures (Hoogerwerf et al. 2000). This is why they are of several thousands degrees, and the hot phase called runaway stars. The current scenario of the with temperatures above 105 K and densities bel- origin of runaway stars is the ejection of these low 10−2 cm−3. This multiphase medium is set massive stars from stellar clusters. There are two by the competition of cooling and heating mech- possible mechanisms of this ejection. One possi- anism and the onset of thermal instabilities. The bility is the ejection due to a supernova explosion hot ISM component (T > 105 K) is usually asso- in a close binary system (Zwicky 1957; Blaauw ciated with gas heated by shocks. They can be 1961). The second mechanism is the ejection due produced by turbulent motions driven by gravi- to dynamical encounters in the crowded regions tational and thermal instabilities. However, these of stellar clusters (Poveda et al. 1967). In spite turbulentdrivenshockscanonlyheatthegasupto of the fact that a significantfraction of the stellar 106 K (Wada & Norman 2001). Only supernova feedback occurs far from star forming regions, no explosions and stellar winds can produce larger attention has been paid to its effect on the galaxy gastemperatures(McCray & Snow 1979;Spitzer formation. 1990). We first study the effect of stellar feedback in 2D and 3D hydrodynamical simulations of the ISM, using simulations ofa Kpc-scalepiece of the ISM have enough resolution (parsecs) to re- the ISM with few parsecs resolution. Then, we solve the multi-phase nature of the ISM and check if this picture holds when the resolution is to explore complicated effects of stellar feed- degraded to the resolution that our cosmological back ondifferent scales(Rosen & Bregman 1995; simulations can achieve at high redshift. Finally, Scalo et al. 1998; Korpi et al. 1999; de Avillez we study the effect of stellar feedback in galaxy 2000; de Avillez & Breitschwerdt 2004, 2007; formation at high redshift using cosmological hy- Wada & Norman 2001, 2007; Slyz et al. 2005). drodynamical simulations. There is much to learn from these simulations. This paper is organized as follows. Section 2 However,they typicallyfocus onconditionsinthe describesthe necessaryconditionsinwhichstellar solarneighborhood,whicharedifferentfromwhat feedbackdominatesoverradiativecooling. Section one may expect during early stages of galaxy for- 3 describes all details of the modeling of stellar mation. Not always they follow the whole gas feedback. Section 4 shows Kpc-scale simulations cycle: cooling, star formation, and stellar feed- of the ISM. Section 5 describes the cosmological back. For example, de Avillez & Breitschwerdt simulations of galaxy formation. Finally, section (2004) include star formation but artificially re- 6 is the discussion and conclusion. Throughout strict the rate of supernova explosions around a the paper we give quantities in physical units. fixed value. However, this rate could be much higher in large star forming regions. As a result, 2. Physical conditions for the heating the effect of stellar feedback is underestimated in regime these regions. Nevertheless, the effect of the stel- lar feedback in the ISM, such as the formation of The thermodynamicalstate of the gas depends hot bubbles and super-bubbles is resolved. on two competing processes: heating from stel- lar feedback and cooling from radiative processes. It is crucial to understand where and how They appear as source and sink terms of internal the energy from massive stars is released back energy in the equation of the first law of thermo- to the ISM. While a large fraction of massive dynamics: stars are found in stellar clusters and OB as- sociations, 10-30% are found in the field, away du +p∇·v=Γ−Λ (1) from any molecular cloud or stellar cluster (Gies dt 1987; Stone 1991). This population have pecu- where u is the internal energy per unit volume, liar kinematics. Their velocity dispersionis about p is the pressure of the gas, and v is its velocity. 3 ParameterΓistheheatingrateduetostellarfeed- feedback is not able to heat the gas beyond 104 back, and Λ is the net cooling rate from radiative K for densities higher than 0.1 cm−3 and typical processes. values of Γ′. This is the well known overcooling The heating rate from stellar feedback can be problem for simulations, which allow cooling only expressedastherateofenergylossesfromayoung to a temperature of 104 K at which the star for- and active single stellar population with a given mation is assumed to happen. The energy from density, ρ∗,young : stellar feedback is radiated away very efficiently andthethermalfeedbackcannotplayanyrole. In Γ=ρ∗,youngΓ′ (2) this case one needs to invoke “subgrid physics” – aguesshowthe systemshouldreacttotheenergy where Γ′ is the specific rate of energy losses of released by the stars. the stellar population according to its age. The The situation is completely different if the gas cooling rate can be expressed as: is allowed to cool to 100 K. The cooling is very Λ=n2 Λ′, (3) inefficient at that temperature: Λ′ = 10−25 erg H s−1 cm3. So, stellar feedback can produce the net where nH is the hydrogen number density. gas heating even if the density is large: nH ≈100 cm−3 for ρ∗,young ≈ ρgas. Our conclusion is that 2.1. Heating versus radiative cooling simulations should include cooling process bellow 104 K.The coldphase shouldbe resolvedinorder Now, we can ask ourselves under which con- to get a high efficiency of stellar feedback. ditions the feedback heating dominates over the However, heating to high temperatures is still radiative looses. Using the expression, n = H problematic because as the gas is heated, the ρ /(µ m ), where ρ is the gas density, µ gas H H gas H cooling rate increases. So, the peak of the cool- is the molecular weight per hydrogen atom and ing rate at 104 K is a bottle-neck for heating m is the hydrogen mass, the condition for heat- H gas to higher temperatures. Nevertheless, tem- ing (Λ≤Γ) can be expressed as: peratures of diffuse gas as high as 106 − 107 K n Λ′ ≤ ρ∗,youngµ m Γ′ (4) have been observed around star-forming regions H H H ρgas such as the Rosette nebulae (Townsley et al. 2003; Wang et al. 2007), M17 (Townsley et al. Using typicalvalues, we can rewrite the condition 2003), and the Orion nebula (Feigelson et al. for the heating regime in the following way: 2005; Guedel et al. 2007). The main question n Λ′ ishowyoungandmassivestarscanheattheirsur- H ≤ (5) rounding medium to these high temperatures, if 0.1cm−3 10−22ergs−1cm−3 (cid:16) (cid:17)(cid:18) (cid:19) theoriginalmedium, inwhichtheywerebornhad high densities. ρ∗,young Γ′ Theanswerlikelydependsonthedistancefrom ρ 1034ergs−1M−1 those young stellar clusters. At small 1-2 pc dis- (cid:18) gas (cid:19) ⊙ ! tances it is likely to have the collisions of stel- The cooling rate, Λ′, is a strong function of gas lar winds (Townsley et al. 2003; Feigelson et al. temperature. So,thetemperatureandthedensity 2005) . At larger distances the heating is related of the gas are two key properties in establishing with the formation of superbubbles: the cumula- the cooling or the heating regimes. The following tiveeffectofwinds andshocksgeneratedbymany two examples illustrate common situations. young stars. One way or another, the density of Attemperaturesaround104K,thecoolingrate gasaroundthe youngstellarpopulation decreases is close to its maximumvalue. We use Λ′ =10−22 and the ratio ρ∗,young/ρgas increases as the over- erg s−1 cm3 as a fiducial value. In this case pressuredbubbleofgasexpands. Oncethedensity eq.(5) shows that the heating overcomes the cool- goes below 0.1 cm−3, eq.(5) can be fulfilled even ing only at very low densities n ≤0.1 cm−3, op- at 104 K. The net result is a heating regime, in H timistically assuming that the ratio of densities, which the surrounding gas can be heated to very ρ∗,young/ρgas is about unity. As a result, stellar high temperatures. In other words, the process 4 starts with the expanding bubbles at low temper- 2.2. Localgravityversuspressuregradient aturesandthenproceedstoarunawayoverheating Aswesawintheprevioussection,lowdensities regime. are required in order to heat the gas beyond the Asanexample,weconsideratypicalGMCwith peak ofthe coolingcurve. Stellar feedback should a mass of 105 M⊙ and a size of 50 pc. These evacuate the gas by creating an expanding bub- are the typical values found in recent catalogs ble around young stellar clusters. However, the of GMCs in M33 (Rosolowsky et al. 2007), M31 over-pressuredbubbleexpandsonlyifthepressure andtheMilkyway(Sheth et al.2008). Therefore, gradient overcomes self-gravity. the mean density is n = 50 cm−3. This value H If we consider an over-pressured bubble of ra- seems low compared with typical observed den- dius R in a homogeneous medium of density ρ, sities of molecular clouds. However, GMCs are we can derive a Jeans-instability type of condi- highly clumpy. High-density clumps are usually tion. As a result, the bubble expands only if the embedded in a low density inter-clump medium. difference in pressure with its surroundings, ∆P, As a result, the volume-averaged density inside satisfies the following relationship: clouds is much smaller than the typical observed mass-weighted density (McKee 1999). 4π ∆P/k ≥ G(ρR)2 =10−1(n R )2 (6) Now, we consider an Orion-like stellar cluster 3k H pc formedatthecenterofthecloud. Themassofthe wherekistheBoltzmannconstant,Gisthegravi- stellarclusteris5×103M (Hillenbrand & Hartmann ⊙ tationalconstant,andR istheradiusinpc. The 1998). In a region of mass 104 M⊙, the stellar pc above equation sets the conditions for the bubble cluster has the ratio ρ∗,young/ρgas equal to 0.5, expansion. For the Galactic plane the pressure and the condition for heating, eq.(5), is fulfilled. is P/k ∼ 2 ×104 cm−3K (Cox 2005). For ex- This heating produces an over-pressuredhot bub- ample, a region of 50 pc in radius and a density ble with a pressure 100 times higher than the of 100 cm−3 will only expand, if the difference in surrounding unperturbed medium. As a result, pressureisbiggerthan2×106cm−3K.Thiscanbe the bubble expands, the density decreases, and achieved, if the bubble is over-pressured by more the ratio ρ∗,young/ρgas increases. Then, we get a than 100 times. Stellar feedback can produce this runaway bubble, which proceeds to blowing away overpressurejust by raising the temperature from all gas (Kroupa et al. 2001). 100 K to 104 K. The resulted over-pressured re- Simulations should resolve the expansion of gion will expand, and the density as well as the bubbles over-pressured by stellar feedback. The cooling rate will decrease. So, the efficiency of density of young (and active) stars and the den- stellarfeedbackincreases,raisingthetemperature sity of gas should be comparable at the smallest and pressure further. scales resolved by the simulations. The minimum Eq. 6 also sets a upper limit on the resolution. value of the ratio ρ∗,young/ρgas depends on the Using the equation of state of the ideal gas P = gas density (eq. 5). For moderate gas densities, n = 10−100 cm−3, the above ratio should be nkT, where n is the mean number density and T H is the temperature of the gas, the over-pressured around 0.1-1. bubbleshouldberesolvedwithaspatialresolution Theaboveconditioncanbe achievedifthe star X =R /2, such that the expansionis resolved: pc pc formation efficiency, the fraction of the progeni- tor cloud consumed in stars is 10%-50% at the X 2 T n −1 resolution scale. This high efficiency is consis- pc ≤ H (7) 75pc 104K 10cm−3 tent with the observedvalue of 10%-40%found in (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:18) (cid:19)(cid:16) (cid:17) Galactic stellar clusters, (Greene & Young 1992; As a result, for typical values of these over- Elmegreen et al. 2000; Kroupa et al. 2001). Due pressured regions, the resolution should be bet- tothefactthat80%oftheGalacticstarformation ter than ∼ 70 pc. Otherwise, the bubble cannot occursinstellarclusters(Lada & Lada2003),this overcome its self-gravity and cannot expand. highefficiency ofstar formationshouldbe consid- eredinanystarformationmodelwhichcanresolve the sites where star formation occurs. 5 3. Stellar feedback model Weassumeamodelofthermalfeedbackforthe injection of energy from stellar winds and super- nova explosions. The kinetic energy from these processes is efficiently dissipated into thermal en- ergyduetoshocksatscalesbellowthespatialres- olution. The net thermalrate (Γ−Λ) is used to update the internalenergy in each step of the simulation. This approach is rather different than the deposi- tion of energy. Instead, the energy injection from stellar feedback is treated in a self-consistent way along with the radiative looses. 3.1. Heating rate from stellar feedback The heating rate from stellar feedback in a givenvolumeelementismodeledastherateofen- ergy losses from a set of single stellar populations Fig. 1.—Rateofenergylossesperunitmassfrom present in that volume. This is just a generaliza- a single stellar population. Top panel shows the tion of eq.(2): resultsfromtheSTARBURST99code,assuminga 1 Γ= M Γ′(t ), (8) Miller-ScaloIMFforamassrange(0.1−100)M⊙. i i V The dotted line shows the contribution of super- i X nova explosions and the full line shows the total where M and t are the mass and the age of each i i rate. Althoughsupernovaexplosionsdominatethe single stellar population. overall energy release, stellar winds are the only The modeling of the specific release of energy mechanism of energy release during the first few overtime,Γ′,ismotivatedbytheresultsfrompop- Myr. Middle and bottom panels show two dif- ulation synthesis codes, such as STARBURST99 ferent models: a constant feedback model and a (Leitherer et al. 1999). Figure 1 shows differ- modelofstellarwindpluscore-collapsesupernova. ent models of Γ′ and the results of a STAR- Although the total energy released is the same BURST99 computation with a Miller-Scalo IMF in both models, the SN model is more elemen- from 0.1 M⊙ to 100 M⊙. Parameter Γ′ is dom- tary and takes into account the explosive nature inated by stellar winds from massive OB main- of core-collapse supernova. sequence stars and WR stars during the first few Myr. Later the energy is produced by core- collapse supernovaefromstars more massivethan injectionof2×1051ergofenergyfromstellarwinds 8 M⊙. After 40 Myr, the release of energy comes and supernova explosions per each massive star from stellar winds of AGB stars and other less withM >8M⊙ duringitslifetime. We assumea powerful sources, and the injection rate drops 6 Miller-ScaloIMFinthemassrange(0.1−100)M⊙. ordersofmagnitudes. SupernovaeIadominatethe Note that this constant heating rate is the sum of feedback at much longer time-scales. We assume thecontributionsfromallmassivestarsinasingle a peak of the SNIa rate at 1 Gyr. However, this stellar population. We also consider a more sim- peak is 3 orders of magnitude lower than the con- ple model, which we calla SN model. In this case tribution from core-collapse supernovae. This is 1051 ergsisinjectedatconstantrateduetostellar because the energy from a population of SNIa is winds over10 or40 Myr. Then it follows a strong dilutedoveramuchlongertimescalethantheen- peakofenergyreleaseduetothesupernovaexplo- ergy from core-collapse supernovae. sion,in which1051 erg arereleasedduring105 yrs WemodelΓ′ withaconstantrateof1.18×1034 – the typical age of young supernova remnants. ergs−1M−1 over40Myr. Thisisequivalenttothe Although the total energy released is the same in ⊙ 6 bothmodels,the SNmodeltakesintoaccountthe metallicity-dependentcoolingandUVheatingdue explosive nature of core-collapse supernovae. to a cosmologicalionizing background. 3.2. A model of runaway stars 4. Results of ISM runs The effect of runaway stars is implemented by Our first step in the understanding of stellar adding a random velocity to a fraction of stellar feedback in galaxies is to understand its effect in particles (10%-30%). This extra velocity has a the ISMatgalacticscales. Therefore,we runsim- random orientation and the value is taken from ulations of a 4 ×4 ×4 Kpc3 piece of a galactic an exponential distribution with a characteristic disk with 8-16 pc resolution. These simulations scale of 17 km s−1. This choice is motivated fully resolve the effect of massive stars at galactic by Hipparcos data (Hoogerwerf et al. 2000) and scales. So, resolution is not longer an issue. Monte-Carlo simulations (Dray et al. 2005). For We can use this ISM-scale simulation as a comparison, a Gaussian distribution is also used benchmark for the effect of stellar feedback at (Stone 1991). However, the effect of runaway galactic scales. Then, we can degrade the reso- stars in the ISM is not very sensitive to the de- lution to see which model of feedback reproduces tails of this velocity distribution. thesameoverallpictureatlowerresolution. These simulations can then be used as testing grounds 3.3. Radiative cooling forthesemodelsatdifferentresolutions. Theytell Radiative cooling counterbalances feedback uswhatarethenecessaryingredientstoreproduce heating. So it is very important to have an accu- thetrulyeffectofstellarfeedbackattheresolution rate model of radiative cooling in order to study that we can afford in cosmological simulations of the net effect of stellar feedback in the ISM. galaxy formation. Weusethemodelofradiativecoolingdescribed We want to see the effect of stellar feedback in in Kravtsov (2003). It is a metallicity-dependent thetypicalconditionsofnormaldiskgalaxieswith cooling plus a UV heating due to a cosmologi- moderate gas surface densities. So, we are not calionizingbackground(Haardt & Madau 1996). modelingstarburstgalaxieswithlargeamountsof ThemodelincludesComptonheating/coolingand gas and high star formation rates. This type of molecular cooling. The temperature range of the study will be done in the future. model is between 102 K < T < 109 K. Thus, A 4 Kpc box of ISM represents a significant this model includes cooling below 104 K and the piece of a galactic disk. The simulation resolves gas can reach the thermodynamical conditions of the dense galactic plane, where molecular clouds molecular clouds. As we saw in section 2, this is are formed. This is important to follow star for- crucial for the efficiency of the stellar feedback. mation correctly. At the same time, the simula- The cooling and heating rates from radiative tion follows the gas at few Kpc above the galactic processes are tabulated using the CLOUDY code plane. This height is similar to the scale-heightof (version 96b4; Ferland et al. 1998). As a result, the diffuse warm phase of the ISM (Cox 2005). thenetcoolingratefromradiativeprocesses,Λ′,is The simulation includes radiative cooling and available for a given density, temperature, metal- UV heating from a uniform UV field at redshift 0 licity and redshift. as described in section 3. Star formation happens inthehighestdensitypeakswithadensitythresh- 3.4. Description of the code old of 100 cm−3. In each star formation event, The numerical simulations were performed us- 5 % of the mass in gas inside a volume element ing the Eulerian gasdynamics + N-body Adap- is converted into a stellar particle with a mass tive Refinement Tree code (Kravtsov et al. 1997; of 88 M⊙within a time-step set by the Courant Kravtsov 1999, 2003). The physical processes condition (∼ 2 ×103 yr). The supernova model of the gas include star formation, stellar feed- was used for stellar feedback and SNIa was not back, metal enrichment, self-consistent advec- included. The metallicity was assumed solar and tion of metals, cooling and heating rates from constant throughout the simulation. 7 4.1. Initial conditions Theinitialdistributionofgasdensityisuniform in the x and y directions of the box. In the z- direction,thedensityprofiledeclinesatbothsides of the middle plane, z = z = 2 Kpc. This plane 0 defines the galactic plane for this ISM model: z−z n = n cosh−2 0 (9) H 0 z (cid:18) d (cid:19) wheren is the gasdensity inthatplaneandz is 0 d the scale-height. The choice of parameterssets the conditions of a quiescent normal galactic disk, n = 1 cm−3 0 and z = 250 pc. Thus, the surface density is d ,Σ = 16 M pc−2. The system is originally gas ⊙ in hydrostatic equilibrium with a temperature of 104 K. No stars are present at the beginning of the simulation. The box has open boundaries in the z-direction. So, all material that cross these boundaries escapes the system. The initial velocity field consists of a sum of plane-parallel velocity waves: z−z 2 u = A (i,j,k)sin(~k·~r)exp− 0 (10) x x z i,j,k (cid:18) d (cid:19) X z−z 2 u = A (i,j,k)sin(~k·~r)exp− 0 (11) y y z i,j,k (cid:18) d (cid:19) X z−z 2 u = A (i,j,k)sin(~k·~r)exp− 0 (12) z z z i,j,k (cid:18) d (cid:19) X The amplitudes are taken from a Gaussian field with a tilted power spectrum, P ∝ k−3, where k k is the wavenumber, k = 2π i2+j2+k2. i,j and Fig. 2.— Formation of a galactic chimney. Edge- L k are integers running from -20 to 20 (excluding on slices through the simulation show density, 0)andu =20kms−1.Thispisatypicalspectrum 0 temperatureandvelocityinthe verticaldirection, of a compressible turbulent medium (Kraichnan perpendicular to the galactic plane. The bottom 1967; Va´zquez-Semadeni et al. 1995). panelshowsgascolumndensity. Thechimneyout- flowisnotahomogeneous,coherentflow: itistur- R Gauss A (i,j,k)=u (13) bulent and has dense and cold clumps embedded x 0(i2+j2+k2)3/2 into the flow. The core of the chimney reaches R 107-108 K. Outflow velocities exceed 103 km s−1. Ay(i,j,k)=u0(i2+jG2a+usks2)3/2 (14) This hot material is able to escape the disk and R generate a galactic wind. A (i,j,k)=u Gauss (15) z 0(i2+j2+k2)3/2 R isarandomnumbertakenfromaGaussian Gauss distribution. 8 Thishotgascannotstayintheplaneofthedisk,as aresult,thebubbleexpandsfasterinthedirection perpendicular to the disk, because the density de- clines in that direction. The bubble develops into agalacticchimney(Norman & Ikeuchi1989). The chimney outflow does not look as a homogeneous, coherent flow. Instead, the chimney is turbulent andhasdenseandcoldclumpsembeddedintothe flow. Eventually, the gas expands in the halo and cools (Figure 2). Another interesting feature seen in this model is a population of isolated bubbles in the warm medium. These are the results of individual su- pernova explosions of runaway stars 4.3. Star formation rate After an initial burst of star formation, the star formation rate is nearly constant for the rest of the evolution (Figure 3). We found a low Fig. 3.— Top panel: Star formation rate surface star formation rate surface density, Σ = 3× density of the whole simulation. The value shown SFR is also averaged over a period of ∼ 2 ×105 yr 10−3M⊙ yr−1Kpc−2, temporally averagedover a period of 2×105 yr (100 time-steps). This value (100 time-steps). After an initial burst, the star is consistent with the expected value from the formation rate surface density is consistent with correlation between the star formation rate sur- the Kennicutt et al. (2007) empirical fit (horizon- face density and the gas surface density found in tal line). Bottom panel: Fraction of volume filled nearbygalaxies(Kennicutt 1998;Kennicutt et al. with each gas phase over time. The volume oc- 2007). For a gas surface density of Σ = 12 cupied by the warm and the hot phase oscillates. M pc−2 at t=90 Myr, the expected value from The hotphase dominates after a burst ofstar for- ⊙ the Kennicutt et al. (2007) fit is Σ = 2 × mation and the warm phase dominates when the SFR 10−3M yr−1Kpc−2. This is veryclose to ourre- gasis cooleddown. The coldphase coversa small ⊙ sults. volume, which remains constant after an initial collapse. As observers usually do, we also calculate the gas consumption time-scale, τ = M /SFR, in GMC thesimulatedmolecularclouds,assumingthatgas 4.2. Galactic Chimney formation with a density higher than 30 cm−3 is mainly within GMCs. In our simulations, the amount of At the beginning of the simulation, the gas gasinmolecularcloudsisM =8×106 M at starts to move according to the turbulent veloc- GMC ⊙ t=90Myr. Thestarformationrateatthattimeis ity field. As a result, the gas accumulates where different flows converge and molecular clouds 1 SFR = 4.8×10−2M⊙ yr−1. As a result, the gas consumption time-scale in the simulated clouds is naturally appear in form of filaments and shells. τ ≈170Myr. Thisisquitelongcomparedwiththe However, around 90% of the volume is filled with typicalfree-falltime-scaleinsidemolecularclouds, warm and diffuse gas heated by UV background. t =(3π/32Gρ)1/2 ≈4 Myr for n = 100 cm−3. Star formation occurs in the cores of the cold ff H phase. Newly formed massive stars inject energy Inoursimulations,thestarformationefficiency and a cavityfilled with hotand verydiffuse gasis over a free-fall time-scale, the fraction of gas con- formed. Thisover-pressuredmaterialexpandsand sumedinstarsduringafree-falltime-scale,isonly the net result is the formation of super-bubbles. 2.5%. This value is consistent with observations (Zuckerman & Evans 1974). Krumholz & Tan 1coldanddensephasewithnH ≥30cm−3 andT ≤300K (2007) report a range of 0.6%-2.6% for the whole 9 Fig. 4.— Snapshot of the model after 113 Myr, showing the density in cm−3 (first row), temperature in Kelvin (second row), gas velocity in the z-direction (third row), and surface density in cm−2 (forth row). Left panels show a face-on view of the galactic plane (z = z ) and right panels show an edge-on view 0 perpendicular to that plane. The three phases of the ISM are clearly visible: cold and dense clouds, warm and diffuse medium and hot bubbles with very low densities. Velocities exceeding 300 km s−1 can be seen in hot outflows at both sides of the galactic plane. 10

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