Research on Poverty Alleviation, REPOA, is an independent, non-profit organisation concerned with poverty and related policy issues in Tanzania. REPOA undertakes and facilitates research, enables monitoring, and promotes capacity building, dialogue and knowledge sharing. REPOA’s research agenda is concerned with poverty and its alleviation. Our objectives are to: - develop the research capacity in Tanzania; - enhance stakeholders’ knowledge of poverty issues and empower them to act; - contribute to policy dialogue; - support the monitoring of the implementation of The Role of poverty related policy; - strengthen national and international poverty Small Businesses research networks, and - forge linkages between research(ers) and users. in Poverty Alleviation: It is our conviction that research provides the means for The Case of Dar es Salaam, the acquisition of knowledge necessary for improving the quality of welfare in Tanzanian society. E A R CH ON POVE E A R CH ON POVE Tanzania S R S R E T E T R Y R Y REPOA’s Research Reports contain the results of research financed by REPOA. Our Special Papers contain the findings of commissioned studies conducted under our programmes of research, training and capacity ALLEVIATI O N ALLEVIATI O N building. The authors of these research reports and Raymond Mnenwa special papers are entitled to use their material in other & publications; with acknowledgement to REPOA. Emmanuel Maliti Research Report No. 08.2 REPOA has published the results from this research as part of our mandate to disseminate information. Any views expressed are those of the authors alone and should not be attributed to REPOA. Research on Poverty Alleviation (REPOA) P.O. Box 33223, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania 157 Mgombani Street, Regent Estate Tel: +255(0)(22) 270 00 83 / 277 2556 RESEARCH ON POVERTY Fax: +255(0)(22) 277 57 38 ALLEVIATION Email: [email protected] Website: ISBN: 978 - 9987 - 615 - 25 - 4 REPOA 978 - 9987 - 08 - 005 - 2 Mkuki na Nyota Literature Review The Role of Small Businesses in Poverty Alleviation: The Case of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania Raymond Mnenwa & Emmanuel Maliti Research Report 08.2 Mkuk na Nyota Publshers P. O. Box 4246, Dar es Salaam, Tanzana Publshed for: Research on Poverty Allevaton (REPOA) P. O. Box 33223, Dar es Salaam, Tanzana 157 Mgomban Street, Regent Estate Tel: + 255(0)(22) 270 00 83 /277 2556 Fax: + 255(0)(22)277 57 38 Emal: [email protected] Webste: by: Mkuk na Nyota Publshers 6 Muhonda St., Msson Quarter, Karakoo P. O. Box 4246, Dar es Salaam, Tanzana Emal: Webste: Suggested Ctaton: Malt, Emmanuel and Raymond Mnenwa (2008). ’The Role of Small Busnesses n Poverty Allevaton: The Case of Dar es Salaam, Tanzana’. Research Report 08.2, Dar es Salaam, REPOA. Suggested Keywords: Tanzana, small busness, emergng busness, SME, SSE © REPOA, 2008 ISBN: 978-9987-615-25-4 REPOA 978-9987-08-005-2 Mkuk na Nyota All rghts reserved. No part of ths publcaton may be reproduced or transmtted n any form or by any means wthout the wrtten permsson of the copyrght holder or publsher. Literature Review TABlE of ConTEnTS Lst of Tables ...............................................................................................................................................................................................v Abbrevatons ...........................................................................................................................................................................................v Acknowledgements ...........................................................................................................................................................................v Abstract .....................................................................................................................................................................................................v Executve Summary .............................................................................................................................................................................x 1. Introduction .....................................................................................................................................................1 1.1 The study .........................................................................................................................................................................1 1.2 Lmtatons of the study ..........................................................................................................................................1 1.3 Organsaton of the report ....................................................................................................................................1 2. Literature Review ...........................................................................................................................................2 3. Hypothesis and Significance of the Study ............................................................................................4 3.1 Hypothess ......................................................................................................................................................................4 3.2 Sgnficance of the study .......................................................................................................................................4 4. Research Methodology ................................................................................................................................5 4.1 Samplng frame ...........................................................................................................................................................5 4.2 Data analyss ..................................................................................................................................................................5 5. Contribution of Small Businesses to Poverty Alleviation .................................................................7 5.1 Source of dsposable ncome .............................................................................................................................7 5.2 Employment creaton ..............................................................................................................................................8 5.3 Income generaton for employees ...............................................................................................................10 5.4 Profit margns and profitablty trend ..........................................................................................................10 5.5 Conclusons .................................................................................................................................................................12 6. Socio-economic Factors Influencing the Contribution of Small Businesses to Poverty Alleviation ......................................................................................................................................14 6.1 Gender of small busness owners .................................................................................................................14 6.2 Educaton and tranng of busness owners ...........................................................................................15 6.3 Motvatons for startng small busnesses ................................................................................................16 6.4 Major sources of ntal captal .........................................................................................................................17 7. Socio-economic Factors Influencing Employment Creation.......................................................19 7.1 Gender of busness owners ...............................................................................................................................19 7.2 Level of educaton and tranng .....................................................................................................................20 7.3 Actvtes of owners before startng ther busness ............................................................................22 7.4 Owners’ motvaton for startng busness .................................................................................................23 7.5 Technology ..................................................................................................................................................................24 7.6 Concluson ...................................................................................................................................................................25 8. Level of Formality, Profit Margins and Employment Levels .........................................................26 8.1 Attrbutes of busness formalty......................................................................................................................26 8.2 Busness regstraton, profit margns and employment creaton ..............................................27 8.3 Busness lcensng, profit margns and employment creaton ....................................................28 8.4 Tax payments, profit margns and employment creaton ..............................................................30 8.5 Concluson ...................................................................................................................................................................31 9. Emerging Policy Conclusions ..................................................................................................................32 10. Suggested Further Research ...................................................................................................................33 References ................................................................................................................................................................34 Publications by REPOA ........................................................................................................................................36 v Literature Review list of Tables Table 1: Rankng of sources of ncome ................................................................................................................................7 Table 2: Number and percentage of respondents wth other occupatons ................................................8 Table 3: Respondents’ perceptons of lvng standard relatve to ncome source ....................................8 Table 4: Average number of employees per enterprse and employment growth ................................9 Table 5: Monthly salares for small busnesses employees .................................................................................10 Table 6: Monthly profit margns ..........................................................................................................................................11 Table 7: Perceptons of busness profitablty trend..................................................................................................12 Table 8: Profitablty trends relatve to employment growth ..............................................................................12 Table 9: Perceptons of busness performance by gender ...................................................................................14 Table 10: Educaton levels of small busness owners .................................................................................................15 Table 11: Duraton of tranng completed by owners wth educaton above secondary level and average monthly profits of ther busnesses ........................................................................16 Table 12: Motvatons of owners for establshng ther busnesses compared wth monthly average profits ........................................................................................................................................16 Table 13: Sources of ntal captal ...........................................................................................................................................17 Table 14: Sources of ntal captal and profitablty trend .......................................................................................18 Table 15: Employment levels for busnesses by gender of owners ...................................................................19 Table 16: Employment growth by gender of owners ................................................................................................20 Table 17: Comparson of owners’ level of educaton and busness employment levels ......................21 Table 18: Comparson of owners’ level of educaton and busness employment growth ..................21 Table 19: Comparson of duraton of owners’ tranng and busness employment growth ..............22 Table 20: Comparson of pror actvtes of busness owners and employment levels .........................22 Table 21: Comparson of pror experence of owners and employment growth .....................................23 Table 22: Comparson of owners’ motvatons for establshng busness and employment levels ....................................................................................................................................................................................23 Table 23: Comparson of owners’ motvatons for establshng busness and employment growth ..............................................................................................................................................................................24 Table 24: Comparson of busness technology and employment levels .......................................................24 Table 25: Attrbutes of formalty - busness regstraton, lcence and tax payment ................................26 Table 26: Unregstered and regstered busnesses and ther average monthly profits .........................27 Table 27: Regstered busness owners’ opnon on regstraton process & cost .........................................27 Table 28: Comparson of busness regstraton and employment growth ...................................................28 Table 29: Unlcensed and lcensed busnesses and ther average profits......................................................29 Table 30: Owners’ atttudes towards lcensng costs ..................................................................................................29 Table 31: Lcensed and unlcensed busnesses and employment growth ...................................................29 Table 32: Busnesses that pad and dd not pay tax and ther profits ...............................................................30 Table 33: Comparson of busness’s tax payng status and employment growth ...................................30 Table 34: Perceptons of respondents on tax rates and tax concept ...............................................................31 v Abbreviations CTI Confederaton of Tanzana Industres GDP Gross Domestc Product ILO Internatonal Labour Organsaton ILFS Integrated Labour Force Survey MEs Mcro-Enterprses OLS Ordnary Least Squares Method 2SLS Two-Stage Least Squares Method SSEs Small-Scale Enterprses SMEs Small and Medum Enterprses TShs Tanzanan Shllngs UNDP Unted Natons Development Programme v Literature Review ACknowlEDgEMEnTS Ths study represents the jont efforts of the authors nvolved. We are ndebted to REPOA, not only for the financal support to undertake the study but also for the useful comments whch polshed up the study. We also apprecate for the cooperaton granted to us by the small busness owners nvolved n ths study. v ABSTRACT By usng a sample of 225 manufacturng small busnesses employng between one and ten employees, ths study nvestgates whether the profits, salares and jobs created by small busnesses contrbute to poverty allevaton. The data gathered supports the hypothess that small busnesses do contrbute to allevatng poverty. Results show that average ncomes generated by surveyed busnesses (both profit margns and salares) were above the basc and food poverty lnes, much more for small-scale enterprses than mcro-enterprses. Busness performance n terms of profit generaton and employment creaton was also postvely related to the sze of the firm, suggestng that strateges whch promote vertcal growth are more favourable than those whch promote horzontal growth. Moreover, soco-economc factors were found to postvely nfluence profit margns and employment creaton. These factors ncluded the busness owners’ gender, level of educaton, motvatons for establshng ther busnesses, sources of ntal captal, and the technology used. Fnally, findngs ndcated that tthhee ppootteennttaall ttoo ggeenneerraattee pprroofifitt lleess mmoossttllyy wwtthh ffoorrmmaall fifirrmmss ccoommppaarreedd wwtthh nnffoorrmmaall enterprses. Suggested keywords: Tanzana, small busness, emergng busness, SME, SSE v Literature Review ExECuTivE SuMMARy introduction The role of small busness n poverty allevaton and economc growth has emerged as an mportant topc not only for polcy makers but also for academc research. The mportance of small busness arses n vew of the dsmal performance of prevous polces that emphaszed large-scale ndustralzaton. Despte conflctng evdence obtaned n several studes, t s generally agreed that encouragng the development of small busnesses s one way of fosterng growth and allevatng poverty. Ths debate has prompted the authors to nvestgate the role of small busnesses n poverty allevaton focusng on the Dar es Salaam regon. literature Review The examnaton of the relatonshp between small busness, economc growth and poverty allevaton s an expandng field of research. Several studes have supported the role of small busnesses n economc growth, job creaton and poverty allevaton. Such studes nclude one by Gebremaram et al (2004) whch demonstrated a postve relatonshp between small busness and economc growth; and Brch (1979) who found that 80% of the jobs created between 1969 and 1976 n the US resulted from the actvtes of small busnesses. In Tanzana, Small and Medum Enterprses (SMEs) were estmated to account for a sgnficant share of GDP – up to 35% and employ about 20% of the labour force1. Studes such as BBggggss et al (1998), Lugalla (1995), and Musonda and Kweka (1998) hhaavvee nnddccaatteedd tthhaatt factors such as educaton, captal etc have an nfluental role on firm performance. UUnnffoorrttuunnaatteellyy,, some of these analyses dd not assess how these determnants of firm growth affect the contrbuton of small busnesses to poverty allevaton. Some researchers have generated results that small busnesses do not have a postve role n growth and poverty allevaton, and so further nvestgaton s necessary2. The Survey The survey was conducted n Dar es Salaam n October 2004 to establsh the lnk between small busnesses and poverty allevaton. Three areas were covered: ) The role of small busnesses n poverty allevaton usng four core varables: namely, sources of dsposable ncome, profit margns, salares and employment creaton; ) The soco-factors nfluencng profit and employment creaton, and ) The mpact of busness formalty on profit margns and employment growth. Durng the survey 225 respondents were ntervewed usng a sem structured questonnare. 1 Wangwe, 1999 2 Beck et al., 2003 and Davs et al., 1993 x