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The 3rd International Research Symposium in Service Management (IRSSM-3) Conference Proceedings Editor: Jay Kandampully Editor Journal of Service Management The Ohio State University, USA Yonggui Wang Business School ,UIBE, China July 3-7, 2012, UIBE, Beijing China Symposium Chair: Prof. Jay Kandampully (Editor Journal of Service Management; The Ohio State University, USA), Contact email: [email protected] Symposium Co-Chairs: Prof. Guliang Tang (Dean of Business School, UIBE, China), Contact email: [email protected] Associate Symposium Chairs: Prof. Yonggui Wang (Associate Dean of Business School, UIBE, China), Contact email: [email protected] Prof. Libo Fan (Associate Dean of Business School, UIBE, China), Contact email: [email protected] Prof. Guangyong Lei (Associate Dean of Business School, UIBE, China), Contact email: [email protected] Organizing Chair: Prof. Yonggui Wang (Associate Dean of Business School, UIBE, China), Contact email: [email protected] 2 SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE Dr. Jay Kandampully (The Ohio State University, USA) ,Dr. Chatura Ranaweera (Wilfrid Laurier University, Canada), Dr. David Solnet (The University of Queensland, Australia), Dr. Yijun Li (National Natural Science Foundation, China); Dr. Li Cai (Jilin University, China), Dr. Yiming Wei(Beijing Institute of Technology, China); Qinhai Ma( Northeastern University, China), Dr. Alison Dean (University of Newcastle, Australia), Dr. Xiaohong Chen, (Central South University , China), Dr. Xiande Zhao(Chinese University of Hong Kong, China), Dr. Jin Chen (Zhejiang University, China); Dr. Thomas Foscht (Karl-Franzens-University Graz, Austria), Dr. Roubina Juwaheer (University of Mauritius, Mauritius), Dr. Yuan Li (Shanghai Jiaotong University, China); Dr. Goran Svensson (Oslo School of Management, Norway), Dr. Bo Edvardsson (Karlstad University, Sweden), Dr. Jianjun Shi (UIBE, China), Dr. Xinmin Zhang (UIBE, China), Dr. Yonggui Wang (UIBE, China), Dr. Joerg Finsterwalder (University of Canterbury, New Zealand), Dr. Javier Reynoso (Monterrey Institute of Technology, Mexico), Dr. Guliang Tang(UIBE, China), Dr. Werner H. Kunz (University of Massachusetts, USA), Dr. Yi Liu (Shanghai Jiaotong University, China), Dr. Changhui Zhou (Peking University, China), Dr. Xiangpei Hu (Dalian University of Technology, China), Dr. Hyun Jeong "Jenny" Kim (Washington State University, USA), Dr. Allard van Riel (Radboud University Nijmegen, The Netherlands), Dr. Saixing Zeng (Shanghai Jiaotong University, China), Dr. Nur Indrianti (UPN, Indonesia); Dr. Libo Fan(UIBE, China), Dr. Guangyong Lei(UIBE, China),Dr. Lifei Wang(UIBE, China), Dr. Brian Imrie (Taylors University, Malaysia), Dr. Xiucheng Fan (Fudan University, China), Dr. Qingyun Jiang (Fudan University, China), Dr. Shunping Han(Nanjing University, China), Dr. Guoqun Fu (Peking University, China), Dr. Guijun Zhuang( Xi’an Jiaotong Univresity, China), Dr. Zhilin Yang (City University of Hongkong, Hong Kong, China), Dr. Siqing Peng (Peking University, China),Dr. Guicheng Shi (Macau University of Science and Technology, Macau, China), Dr. Zuohao Hu (Tsinghua University, China), Dr. Kim-Shyan Fam (Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand), Dr. Dahui Li( University of Minnesota, USA), Dr. Fujun Lai(South Mississippi University, USA) , Dr. Shaomin Zou (Missouri University, USA), Lefa Teng(University of Guelph, Canada),Marianna Sigala (University of the Aegean, Greece); Byron Keating (University of Canberra, Australia), Oded Shenkar (The Ohio State University, USA); Xingyuan Wang( Shandong University, China); Xiaoyun Wu( Nankai University, China); Tao Wang(Wuhan University, China); Dahai Dong(Dalian University of 3 Technology, China); Mingli Zhang( Beihang University, China); Hongyan Yu( Zhongshan University, China). Symposium Secretariats: Yigang Lang ,Business School, UIBE, China Wenxia Liu, Business School, UIBE, China 4 Sponsors: 5 Welcome to IRSSM-3 The international research symposium on service management (IRSSM-3) with the theme “Service Imperatives in the New Economy: Localization and Globalization” provides a forum for those who have a special interest in services. The symposium held in UIBE Beijing will bring together scholars, professionals and practitioners from various disciplines and countries and provide them with a unique forum for sharing the latest theories and practices prevalent in the dynamic service economies. Service plays a significant role in the economy of every nation and every business in the marketplace. Service sectors permeate every aspect of our daily lives and every part of the economy. It is service that underpins the strength of every person and which lies at the very hub of the economic activity of society and/or country, irrespective of where we live. This new paradigm of ‘service’ has transformed both the industry and the customer. The global advancement of service knowledge and practice is therefore imperative in motivating the next generation of service researchers, teachers and practitioners. This international research symposium in service management (IRSSM) will bring together researchers, teachers, practitioners and students from various service sectors and related fields. Please join me to congratulate and thank everyone those who have contributed to this symposium through their research presentations, reviewers, Key note speakers, panel speakers, workshop leaders, Scientific committee, co-chair of the symposium, associate chairs of the symposium and the organizing members at UIBE. Thank you for helping to make this unique symposium and experience the true essence of ‘service’. Jay Kandampully Chair- IRSSM 6 Welcome to IRSSM-3 and UIBE Business School and International Research Center for Service Marketing and Management (IRCSMM), University of International Business and Economics (UIBE) is delighted to host the upcoming IRSSM-3 (International Research Symposium in Service Management) on July 3-7, 2012 in Beijing, China. The Symposium theme is “Service Imperatives in the New Economy: Localization and Globalization”. As the sponsor of the Third International Research Symposium in Service Management (IRSSM-3), we are striving to continue the tradition of combining excellent academic content with collegial hospitality as demonstrated by prior conferences held in India (2011) and Mauritius (2010). In the past decade, services are playing more and more important role both in the economic development of each country but also in the successful business competition all over the world. Furthermore, with the rapid development of information technology and the wide spread of Internet, services are also influencing every aspect of our daily lives no matter where we live in the service economy. Accordingly, this new paradigm of service dominant logic of marketing has attracted more and more attention and transformed every aspect of each nation, region, industry, firm and even consumer. The international research symposium on service management with the theme “Service Imperatives in the New Economy” provides a forum for those who have a special interest in services. The symposium will bring together scholars, professionals and practitioners from various disciplines and countries and provide them with a unique forum for sharing the latest theories and practices prevalent in dynamic service economies. The symposium will provide you with an opportunity to illuminate the latest thinking in services, combined with aspects of technology, social science, and business, and share sharing the latest theories and practices prevalent in the dynamic service economies in general and service dominant logic of marketing in particular. We hope to this chance to welcome and thank each participant who has contributed to this symposium through his or her research presentation, manuscript review, Keynote speech, panel discussion, workshop, etc. Thank you for helping to make this unique symposium and experience the true essence of ‘service’. Please feel free to contact us when you are in UIBE and we hope you will enjoy this great experience in Beijing. Yonggui Wang Organizing Chair of IRSSM-3 Associate Chair of IRSSM-3 7 The 3rd International Research Symposium in Service Management (IRSSM-3) Proceedings Contents Service Localization and Globalization ●Toward better services of Shari’ah governance in Islamic financial institution: the role of Shari’ah Advisory Council in Malaysia Jasri Jamal (Faculty of Law, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia) ●The Mechanism of knowledge Transfer in Chinese Family Business Succession: Yu Fei (School of Economics and Management, Wuhan University,Cina) ●The Dyadic Influence of The Dyadic Influence of Chinese Cultural Characteristics and Relationship Marketing on the Transaction Revenues in the Steel Service Industry Kun-Hsi Liao;Qing-Yuan Chen (Taiwan Shoufu University, China) ● A STRATEGIC PERSPECTIVE TO SMALL FIRMS IN RELATIONSHIP MARKETING: CASE OF FRANCISTOWN R. Chirau and S. Sigauke (Botho College, BOTSWANA) Service Innovation ●Relationship Strength, Knowledge Sharing and Innovation Effects: An Empirical Study in Chinese Telecommunication Service Industry Yinan, Qi&Yonggui, Wang(School of Business, University of International Business and Economics, Beijing,China) ●A Research on Knowledge Management Process of Knowledge Intensive Business Service Based on Social Networks Guoshun Wang;Xiaoping Bi (School of BusinessCentral South University Changsha, China) ●Navigating The Call Centre Servicescape: Problematic IVR System Use and its impact upon the Service System Benjamin Piers William Ellway(Mahidol University International College,Mahidol University Nakhonpathom, Thailand) ●Exploring the Potential of Social Networking Websites for Effective Viral Marketing in Mauritius: Customers’ Perspectives Thanika Devi Juwaheer;Sharmila Pudaruth & Rishi Nursing (Faculty of Law and Management, University of Mauritius, Mauritius;National Institute of Rural Development, Hyderabad India) ●A Research on Innovation Models and Evolution Process of Product and Service Han Shunping, Wu Yizhen, Zeng Runkun (Department of Marketing, Nanjing University) Service Marketing and Branding ●Study of the impact of paid referral reward programs on referral intention —a case of online group shopping Zhang Guojun; Shi Xiaoshuai :(Department of Marketing and Logistics, Nanjing University of Finance and Economics, China) ●An Empirical Study on the Effects of Corporate Brand on Product Evaluations:The Moderating Role of Consumer-Company Identification Shuilong Wu, Zuohao Hu, Shali wu (School of Management and Economics, Beijing Institute of 1 Technology, China) ●Corporate Service Branding Development: A Conceptual Framework Fanggy T. Sumaco;Kashif Hussain;Brian C. Imrie (Graduate School of Hospitality and Tourism Taylor's University, Lakeside Campus Subang Jaya, Malaysia) ●The Effects of Firm Characteristics on Consumers’ Risk Perceptions and Responses for a Credence Service Jin Sun;Hean Tat Keh(University of International Business and Economics, China) ●An empirical examination of the concept of online trust and its post-effects on tourist behaviour Jayraj Roodurmun(University of Mauritius,Mauritius) Relationship Marketing ● Can Customer Relationship Management(CRM) lead to customer loyalty in retail settings?- an empirical investigation Juwaheer;Sharmila Pudaruth (Faculty of Law & Management, University of Mauritius, Mauritius) ●Influence of personality traits on relationship outcomes Fengxi(School of Economics and Managemen, BeiHang University, China) ●How does customer participation impact service performance? A perspective of task performer XU Lan; CUI Nan; WANG Tao; HU Yanghong (Department of Marketing, School of Economics and Management, Wuhan University) ●The Study on the Relationship of Team Boundary Management, Cohesion and Effectiveness Guanfeng SHI(The research center of corporate governance and management innovation, Shihezi University, SHZU;School of economics and management Shihezi University, SHZU ,Shihezi, China) Service Design ●USING SERVICE DESIGN PROCESS AND METHODS FOR SERVICE DESIGN CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT Gerda Mihhailova;Heli Tooman(University of Tartu Pärnu College,Estonia) ●Does the Effect of Country of Origin Exist in Service Product? —Research on Country of Service Origin and it’s Impact on Consumer Service Evaluation ZHANG Hui, WANG Tao (Marketing Department,Economics & Management School, Wuhan University, China) ●QFD Approach for Evaluating and Improving Environmentally Conscious Service Strategies Nur Indrianti(Faculty of Industrial Technology, Universitas Pembangunan Nasional “Veteran” Yogyakarta, INDONESIA) ●Investigating satisfaction with MRT services: A SEM approach at Dubai metro Parahoo Sanjai K;Gihad Yakoob Abdelrahim Radi(e-School of Business and Quality Management, HBMeU) Service Operations and Outsourcing ●How Could the Control Mechanisms Affect Client Satisfaction in Offshore Outsourcing Project?An Empirical Study from Vendor’s Perspective Zheng Songyue;Liu Yi(Xi 'an jiaotong university, China) 2 ●The Impact of Task Uncertainties on Offshore Outsourcing Performance: The Moderating Role of Internal and external ties Zhang Qianjun ; Liu Yi(Xi 'an jiaotong university, China) ●The Impact of the Fit/Misfit between Task Uncertainty and Vendor’s Control on Offshore Outsourcing Performance in China: The Moderating Role of Client Liaison Yi Liu;Liang Wang;Yuan Li(School of Management University/Institution:Xi’an Jiaotong University,China) ●Implementation of Kaizen as a Competitive Advantage in Food Industry Renni Renggani:Yessie Fransiska Lydiana(Business Management, Institute Technology Bandung,Indonesia) Service Management ●SERVICE BUSINESS at the BASE OF THE PYRAMID: a bibliographic investigation into the development and future directions of the research domain Heiko Gebauer, EAWAG – Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Research;Javier Reynoso - EGADE Business School, Tecnologico de Monterrey, Mexico ●Analysis of Operating Room Utilization Julyafanny A.;Mursyid Hasan Basri(School of business and Management, InstitutTeknologi Bandung Indonesia) ●Intermediary services online: Customer experience as a mediator to brand image and loyalty Alison M Dean;Stacey Baxter(Newcastle Business School ,The University of Newcastle University Drive Callaghan NSW 2308,Australia) ●Effective service recovery as predictors of service trust, service loyalty and intention to recommend Jayraj Roodurmun(University of Mauritius,Mauritius) ●Investigating the Interactive Effects of Customers’ Self-Regulatory Focus and Service Recovery Efforts on Customer Satisfaction Ke “Alan” Chen;Rungting Tu;Ping Tu(University of International Business and Economics, China) Tourism and Hospitality Services &Other Topics in Services ●A Study on Application of Quality Tools and Techniques in Hospital: Case Study in Bandung City Ilma Nurul Rachmania;Santi Setyaningsih;Merlyn Rakhmaniar (School of Business Management Institut Teknologi Bandung ,Indonesia) ●Understanding Satisfying Service Encounters in Retail Banking – A Dyadic Perspective Thorsten Gruber;Nathalie Kania(Manchester Business School, UK) ●Conceptualization and application of value-configuration spaces in a complex service system Comparative study of Public Transport Services in industrialized and newly-industrialized countries Samuel Petros Sebhatu;Mikael Johnson1;Bo Enquist1;Heiko Gebauer (Service And Market Oriented Transport Research, Karlstad University, Sweden.) ●Responsible Tourism in Rural Area in Malaysia: An integrated Approach 3

Guliang Tang (Dean of Business School, UIBE, China), Contact email: Harvey & Evans(1995)和 Neubauer & Lank (1998 )等学者也对在任者与 in place that should not only help new start-up retailers and existing ones, but [31] Gwinner, Kevin P., Dwayne D. Gremler, and Mary J. Bitner (1998),
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