I dedicated this work to My Husband, Professor Saad Al-Rajeh, and my children Dalal, Mohammed, and Yazeed viii Chapter TABLE OF CONTENTS Page 1 INTRODUCTION 01 -05 1.1 The Methodology 02 - 02 1.1.1 Interviews and Institutional Evidence 02 - 03 1.1.2 Econometric Analysis 02 - 02 1.2 Plan of the Study 03 - 05 2 PETROLEUM POLICY MAKING PROCESS 06 - 35 2.1 Introduction. 06 - 09 2.2 The Political Structure 09 - 13 2.2.1 The King 09 - 10 2.2.2 The Council Of Ministers 11 - 12 2.2.3 Consultative Council 12 - 13 2.3 The Structure of Oil Policy Decision Making 13 - 19 2.3.1 The Ministry of Petroleum and Mineral Resources 13 - 17 2.3.2 Supreme Petroleum Council 17 - 19 2.4 Saudi Aramco 20 - 28 2.4.1 The Development of the Fiscal Relationship Between Aramco and the Saudi Government... 20 - 24 2.4.2 Decision Making in Saudi Armco 24- 27 2.4.3 The Vertical Integration of Aramco 29 - 31 2.5 Other Saudi Oil Related Companies and Organisations 28 - 29 2.5.1 Petromin 31 -32 2.5.2 Sabic 33 - 33 2.6 Conclusion 33 - 33 3 ANALYSIS OF SAUDI ARABIA'S OIL DECISIONS 36 - 84 3.1 Introduction 33 - 38 3.2 Price Fixing Regime, Jan.1974- Feb. 1982 38 - 60 3.2.1 Price Stability from 1974 to November 1978 39 - 44 3.2.2 The Crisis Period 1978-1981 47 - 60 3.3 Fixing Ceilings, Quotas and Prices, March 1982-August 1985 60 - 67 3.4 From defence of Prices to defence of Market Share 1985-1987 67 - 74 3.5 Volume Fixing, Flexible Pricing 1988- Present 72 - 80 3.6 Conclusion 81 - 82 4 ECONOMIC MODELS OF OPEC BEHAVIOUR AND THE ROLE OF SAUDI ARABIA 85 - 126 4.1 Introduction 85 - 87 4.2 Models that do not Recognise Saudi Arabia's Role. 87 - 97 ix 4.2.1 The Monolithic Cartel 87 - 90 4.2.2 The Competitive Model 92 - 95 4.3 Models that Address Saudi Arabia's Role 97- 104 4.3.1 OPEC as a Cartel with Different Groups 98- 100 4.3.2 Dominant Producer Model with Saudi Arabia as the Swing Producer 102-104 4.4 Other Models of OPEC Behaviour 105-115 4.4.1 Property Rights Model. 105-108 4.4.2 Target Capacity Utilisation Model 108-111 4.4.3 The Fiscal Constraint Model 111-115 4.5 Econometric Testing 116-121 4.6 Political Interpretation of Saudi Arabia's Behaviour 122-124 4.7 Conclusion 124-125 5 THE SWING PRODUCER AND MARKET SHARING MODELS 127-139 5.1 Introduction 127-130 5.2 The Swing Producer Model (1975-1986) 130-136 5.3 Market Sharing Model (1987-1996) 136-138 6 OIL PRICES AND PRODUCTION DATA 140-152 6.1 Introduction 140-141 6.2 The Categories of Crude 141-142 6.3 Structure of Prices 142-15 6.3.1 Posted Prices 142-143 6.3.2 GSP Government Selling Prices 143-143 6.3.3 Spot Prices 143-143 6.3.4 Spot - GSP Relation 144-144 6.3.5 Netback Pricing 145-145 6.3.6 OPEC Reference Basket Prices 146-146 6.3.7 Market Related Formula Prices 146-148 6.4 The D'ata 148-151 6.4.1 Oil Prices Data 148-150 6.4.2 Production Data 150-150 7 THE ECONOMETRIC METHODOLOGY 153-176 7.1 Introduction 153-153 7.2 Stationary and non-Stationary Time Series 153-160 7.3 Testing for Unit Roots and Stionarity 157-159 7.3.1 The Dickey Fuller Test 159-160 7.3.2 Structural Change and Unit Roots 157-162 7.4 Cointegration 160-164 7.4.1 Order of Integration 160-161 7.4.2 Error Correction Mechanism 161-163 7.4.3 Cointgration and Granger Causality 163-164 7.5 Seasonality 164-168 7.5.1 Definition of Seasonality 164-165 7.5.2 Test for Seasonality 165-166 7.6 Testing for Cointegration 169-175 7.6.1 Engle and Granger two Step Procedure ....... 169-170 7.6.2 Cointegration in Multivariate Systems 170-170 7.63 The Johansen Approach 171-175 7.7 Conclusion 175-176 8 EMPIRICAL ANALYSIS 177 -201 8.1 Introduction 177-177 8.2 Variables of the Study 177-178 8.3 Descriptive Statistics 178-178 8.4 Testing the Properties of the Time Series 179-182 8.5 Tests for Unit Root and Stationarity 183-183 8.5.1 The Dickey Fuller Test 183-184 8.5.2 Philips and Perron Test 184-184 8.5.3 Test for Degree of Integration 185-184 8.6 The Multivariate Cointegration Model 186-189 8.7 Testing the Swing Producer model for the Period 1976-1986 190-193 8.8 Testing the Market Sharing Model for the Period 1987-1995.. 193-196 8.9 Conclusion 196-196 9 CONCLUSION 201-205 APPENDICIES 207-231 1 The Saudi Ministers of Petroleum and Mineral Resources 207-208 2 The Structure of OPEC 209-210 3 Major OPEC Decisions 211-217 Chronology 4 The Participants in the Decision Making Process in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia 218-218 5 The London Agreement 219-220 6 Quotas Agreement of OPEC from March 1982- December 1994 221-222 7 Trading Instruments 223-225 8 Markets of Crudes 226-228 9 The VAR Model 229-229 10 Definition of the Polynomial used in Seasonality Testing 230-230 11 Selecting the Order of the VAR Model 230-230 REFERENCES 232-246 xi xii Tables LIST OF TABLES Page 2.1 Saudi Aramco Foreign Downstream Ventures. 30 2.2 Ranking of Top Companies Upstream and Downstream (1996). 30 3.1 Crude Oil Production of Saudi Arabia 1965-1974 MMBD 39 3.2 Crude Oil Production for OPEC members in 1974 and 1975 41 3.3 Saudi Crude Oil Production and the Spot Oil Prices for Arabian Light API34° from January 1977 to December 1977 46 3.4 Saudi Arabia's Crude Oil Production from October1978 - February 1982 47 3.5 Oil Monthly Average Official Prices and Spot Prices $/B for the 48 Arabian Light Crude API 340 3.6 The Monthly Production for Saudi Arabia, OPEC members 53 Supply of Non-OPEC and World Consumption 3.7 Crude Oil production by Saudi Arabia, OPEC and World 1981- 1985 61 3.8 Indicators of Petroleum Use in the OECD Countries 61 , 3.9 Official and Spot Crude Oil Prices $/B for Arabian Light 34 62 3.10 Crude Oil Production from OPEC and non-OPEC Sources 65 3.11 Saudi Arabia's Budget and Current Account (1981-1986)..... 68 3.12 Crude Oil Prices for Arabian Light 34 for the year 1986 69 3.13 Estimates of OPEC Crude Production Changes December 1985 and July 1986 70 3.14 Crude Oil Production for Saudi Arabia from January 1988-1990 75 3.15 The Production Profile During the Crisis (July 1990-Dec 1990) 78 4.1 The Models of OPEC Behaviour 86 4.2 Demand for Crude Oil (1974-1979) 94 4.3 Demand for Crude Oil (1979-1982) 96 4.4 Average Percentage Change for Saudi Oil Production from 1969- 1996 106 4.5 Crude Oil Production and Capacity of Production for Saudi 110 Arabia 1976-1993 4.6 Saudi Arabia's GDP 1974-1996 114 6.1 Official and Spot Oil prices of Arabian Light 144 6.2 Arabian Light formula for January 1998 for ex Aramco Partner for Deliveries to the USA, Europe and Far East-on FOB Saudi Arabia basis 147 6.3 Crude Oil Prices Data for the Swing Producer Model 149 6.4 Crude Oil Production Data 150 8.1 Descriptive Statistics for the Variables of the Study for the period 1976:3-1986:12 178 8.2 Descriptive Statistics for the Variables of the Study for the period 1987:1-1996:9 178 8.3 Estimation Results from the Regression for the Seasonal 179 Dummies 8.4 Results of Tests for Seasonal Unit Roots in Monthly Time Series 181 (1976-1997) 8.5 Results of Tests for Seasonal Unit Roots in Monthly Time Series 181 (1976-1997 _ 8.6 Test for Serial Correlation of Residuals 182 8.7 Tests for Stationarity for the Time Series for the Period 1976- 18.3 1986:12 8.8 Tests for Stationarity for the Time Series for the Period 1987:1- 183 1995.8 xiv 8.9 Test for the Degree of Integration 1976:3 -1986:12 184 8.10 Test for the Degree of Integration 1987:1 -1995.8 185 8.11 Cointegration with no intercepts and no trends in the VAR 191 Cointegration LR test based on Maximal Eigenvalue and LR test based on Trace of the stochastic Matrix . For the period 1976:3- 1986:12 lags=1 8.12 Cointegration with no intercepts and no trends in the VAR 192 Choice of the number of cointegrating Relation using Model Selection Criterion 8.13 Co integration with unrestricted intercepts and unrestricted trends 194 in the VAR Cointegration LR test based on Maximal Eigenvalue and LR test based on Trace of the stochastic Matrix . For the period 1987.1- 1995.8 8.14 Cointegration with unrestricted intercepts and unrestricted trends 195 in the VAR Choice of the number of cointegrating Relation using Model Selection Criterion XV Figure LIST OF FIGURES Page 2.1 Saudi Government Petroleum Policy Making Structure.... 15 2.2 The Ministry of Petroleum and Minerals Resources Structure. 16 2.3 The Structure of Saudi Aramco 1997 25 3.1 Crude Oil Production of Saudi Arabia, 1965-1974 MMBD 40 3.2 World Oil Consumption (Million tonnes) 1965-1994 43 3.3 Crude Oil Production for Saudi Arabia Iran, and Iraq June 1978- Feb.1981 52 3.4 Oil Monthly Average Official Prices and Spot Prices for 54 Arabian Light Crude 3.5 The Spot Prices for Different OPEC Light crudes from October 56 1978-February 1982 3.6 Supply and Demand for Oil and the Influence of Supply 57 Interruption 3.7 OPEC and non-OPEC Crude Oil Production1965-1995 63 3.8 Saudi and Other Members of OPEC production and Quota 1982-1994) 76 4.1 Saudi Arabia Crude Oil Production and Sustainable 111 Capacity(1976-1994) 5.1 Model of Price Leader Behaviour 133 5.2 Model of Output Leader Behaviour 137 6.1 Saudi Selling and Market Oil Prices (1976.3-1994.12) 149 6.2 Saudi Arabia's Crude Oil Production as Reported by OPEC and 150 the Six Agencies. 6.3 Saudi Arabia and Other Members of OPEC's Monthly Oil 151 Production 8.1 Saudi Arabian Crude Oil Production (1976.3-1996.9) 197 xvi ' 8.2 Other Members of OPEC Crude Oil productions (1976.3- 1996.9) 198 8.3 Saudi Real Oil Prices Arab Light API(34) (1976.3-1994.12) 199 8.4 Market Real Crude Oil Prices Arabian Light API(34) 1976.3- 200 1994.12) 8.5 The Difference Between the Saudi Official Price and the 201 Market Price (1976.3-1994.12)