The role of nonlinear dynamics in cardiac arrhythmia control DavidJ. Christini,Ph.D.,KennethM. Stein,M.D.,StevenM.Markowitz,M.D.,Suneet Mittal, M.D.,DavidJ. Slotwiner,M.D.,and Bruce B. Lerman, M.D. DivisionofCardiology,Department ofMedicine, Cornell UniversityMedical College, NewYork, NY10021,USA July28, 1999 ThisworkwassupportedinpartbyagrantfromtheNationalInstitutesofHealth(R01HL56139). Address correspondence to: DavidJ. Christini,Ph.D. DivisionofCardiology,Starr463 Cornell UniversityMedical College 520E. 70thSt. New York,NY 10021 phone: (212)746-2240 FAX:(212)746-8451 email: [email protected] Keywords: Cardiacdynamics,cardiacelectrophysiology,arrhythmia control,nonlineardynamics, chaos control,spiralwaves,scroll waves. Christinietal. 2 Abstract The field of nonlinear dynamics has made important contributions towards a mechanistic under- standing of cardiac arrhythmias. In recent years, many of these advancements have been in the area ofarrhythmiacontrol. In this paper, we will review the analytical, modeling,and experimen- tal nonlinear dynamical arrhythmia control literature. We will focus on stimulation and pharma- cological techniques that have been developed, and in some cases used in experiments, to control reentrant rhythms (including spiral and scroll waves) and fibrillation. Although such approaches currently have practical limitations, they offer hope that nonlinear dynamical control techniques willbeclinicallyusefulinthecomingyears. Christinietal. 3 1 Introduction Inrecentyears,cardiacelectrophysiologyhasevolvedfromadisciplinethatwasofinterestprimar- ily to physicians and physiologists to one that has caught the attention of physicists, mathemati- cians, and engineers. Such scientistshavecome to realize that cardiac dynamics are characterized by many of the same principles that underlie the physical systems with which they are intimately familiar. Thecorrespondinginfluxofnew(tocardiology)analysesandtechniqueshasledtomany importantcontributions. In particular, techniques from thefield ofnonlineardynamicshaveledto important advancements in the understanding of cardiac electrophysiologicaldynamics [1–3] and tocomputationaland experimentalsuccessin thecontrol of arrhythmias[4–15]. In this paper, we will review the advancements in the area of nonlinear dynamical arrhythmia control. First, we will introduce nonlinear dynamics and chaos. Next, we will discuss chaos control (also known as model-independent control), a class of control techniques which exploit the underlying dynamics of nonlinear systems to achieve a desired motion or rhythm. We will thenreviewrecentanalytical,computational,andexperimentalapplicationsofnonlineardynamics and chaos control to arrhythmia termination. Specifically, we will discuss investigations which have analyzed and controlled a wide range of cardiac dynamics (from stable periodic rhythms to aperiodicfibrillatory-likebehaviortospiralwaves)andtherelevanceofthesestudiestotachycardia and fibrillationcontrol. We will concludewith an evaluationofthe prospects of clinical nonlinear dynamicalarrhythmiacontrol. 2 Nonlinear dynamics and chaos Adynamicalsystemcanbedefinedasasystemthatchangeswithtime[16]. Likemostphysiolog- ical systems, the heart is dynamical in nature. Because of the dynamical nature of fibrillation and tachycardia, the field of nonlinear dynamics has made important contributions towards a mecha- nisticunderstandingofcardiac arrhythmias. Christinietal. 4 For certain nonlinear systems, known as chaotic systems (or more formally as deterministic chaos), behavior is aperiodic and long-term prediction is impossible even though the dynamics are entirely deterministic(i.e, thedynamics of the system are completelydetermined from known inputs and the system’s previous state, with no influence from random inputs). Such seemingly randombehavioroccurs indefinitely(i.e., thesystemnever settlesdown). An exampleofasimplechaoticsystemis the“logisticmap”, whichwas suggestedas ameans of representing the year-to-year population dynamics of a species [17]. The logistic map is given by , where is the current population at year , is the xn+1 = rxn(1 (cid:0) xn) xn (xn 2 [0;1℄) n xn+1 predicted population for the next year , and is the population growth rate. For n+1 r (r 2 [0;4℄) , is chaotic, as shown in Fig. 1 for . Figure 1a shows iterated from an r > 3:57 x r = 4:0 xn arbitrary initial value ( ). When viewed in this manner, the fluctuations resemble those of x0 = 0:7 a stochastic (i.e., random) system. However, when is plotted on a first-return map (in which xn is plotted versus ; Fig. 1c), all of the points fall on a parabolic curve. When viewed as a xn+1 xn first-returnmap,astochasticsystemwillappearasaspace-fillingscatteringofpoints(a“shotgun” pattern), a periodic system will appear as a finite number of points (e.g., a system that alternates between two valueswill appearas two discretepointson afirst-return map), and a chaoticsystem will appear as an infinite number of points in a structure (such as a parabola) that depicts the dependence of the current system value on past system values. The iteration of the logistic map can bevisualizedby lookingat theannotatedsegments ofFig. 1bintheircorresponding 1;2;:::;6 locations as single points on the first-return map of Fig. 1c. Each point in Fig. 1c (known as state points)representsaparticular and ,whichcharacterizethestateofthesystematagiven . xn xn+1 n Iteration of the system can be visualized from the first-return map using the cobweb method [16]. With the cobweb method, a horizontal line is drawn from the present state point to the line of identity (the diagonal line for which ). Next, a vertical line is drawn from the line of xn+1 = xn identitytotheparabola. Theintersectionoftheparabolaandtheverticallinemarksthelocationof thenextstatepoint. Thismethodisshownin Fig. 1cforthestatepoints1 to6. Christinietal. 5 The intersection of the parabola with the line of identity marks the location of a special state point known as the unstable period-1 fixed point . If the state point equals , it will stay there (cid:3) (cid:3) (cid:24) (cid:24) indefinitely because , , , etc. Such repetition from one xn+1 = xn xn+2 = xn+1 xn+3 = xn+2 iteration to the next is termed “period-1”. Similarly, if a system cycles back and forth between 2, 3, or 4 values, it is referred to as period-2, -3, or -4, respectively. is referred to as unstable (cid:3) (cid:24) because any small deviation away from it will cause the state point to march away from . This (cid:3) (cid:24) can be verified graphically by using the cobweb method to iterate from a state point very close to . (cid:3) (cid:24) In real-world systems, because of noise and natural unstable dynamics, a system’s state point can neverremain exactly equal to an unstableperiodicfixed point. Therefore a real-world chaotic system cannot settle down to a periodic rhythm without external intervention. Importantly, recent developments(techniques knownas chaos control ormodel-independentcontrol)havemadesuch interventionspossible. 3 Model-independent control In recent years, advancements have been made in the understanding of the mechanisms which underlie cardiac electrophysiological dynamics [18–24]. Importantly, together with increased un- derstandingofunderlyingdynamicalmechanismscomesthepossibilityofexploitingthosemech- anismstoalter(i.e.,control)systembehavior. Well-establishedmodel-basedfeedback(i.e.,closed loop) control techniques from the field of control engineering utilize a system’s governing equa- tions (i.e., an analytical system model) to control the dynamics of a system [25]. Unfortunately, although many physiologicalmechanisms are well-understood qualitatively,quantitativerelation- ships between physiological system components are usually incomplete. Thus, because accurate analytical system models cannot be developed for such systems, model-based control techniques are typically not applicable to most physiological systems. However, for nonlinear dynamical Christinietal. 6 systems, there is a class of model-independent (i.e., no explicit knowledge of a system’s under- lying equations is required) feedback control techniques for which a qualitative understanding of the underlying mechanisms is sufficient. (For a review of model-independent control, see [26].) Model-independenttechniquesextractnecessaryquantitativeinformation(aboutthefunctionalde- pendenceofthevariabletobecontrolledonasystemparameter)fromsystemobservationsandthen use this information to exploit the system’s inherent dynamics to achieve a desired control result. Thus, because these techniques are applicable to systems that are essentially “black boxes”, they areinherentlywell-suitedforthecontrolofphysiologicalsystems,forwhichanalyticalmodelsare typicallyunavailableorincomplete. In the seminal work in the area of model-independent feedback control, Ott, Grebogi, and Yorke [27] developed a control technique for chaotic dynamical systems. The goal of model- independent control of a dynamical system is to eliminate an unwanted higher-order rhythm by stabilizing a system variable about a desired lower-order unstable periodic fixed point. For non- chaotic systems the higher-order rhythm is periodic [5,28], while for chaotic systems it is aperi- odic [26,29]. Such system dynamics can be seen on a bifurcation diagram, such as that for the “He´nonmap”showninthebottompanelofFig.2. TheHe´nonmapisasystemthatwasdeveloped to study the mathematical dynamics of chaos and is given by . The 2 xn+1 = 1:0(cid:0) pxn +0:3xn(cid:0)1 bifurcation diagram shows all possiblevalues of the system variable (the dots in the bifurcation x diagram) for a particular value of a system bifurcation parameter . A bifurcation parameter is a p system parameter that dictates the particular rhythm of a system. (For the logistic map discussed earlier, is the bifurcation parameter.) For example, if , will always be (after an initial r p = 0:3 x transient period) the single value (also shown in the discrete-time domain in Fig. 2a). x = 1:00 If , alternates between and (Fig. 2b). If , cycles periodically p = 0:6 x (cid:25)1:39 (cid:25)(cid:0)0:22 p = 1:0 x through (Fig. 2c). If , is chaotic (cid:25)1:27 ! (cid:25)(cid:0)0:66 ! (cid:25)0:95 ! (cid:25)(cid:0)0:10 ! (cid:25)1:27::: p = 1:2 x and can take many values (Fig. 2d). The bifurcation diagram demonstrates that as is increased, p the dynamical system undergoes a period-doubling route from period-1 to chaos. At each period- Christinietal. 7 doubling bifurcation, a period- cycle ( ) loses stability while a stable period- k k = 1;2;4;8;::: 2k cycle emerges. For example, a period-1 cycle is stable when is less than , but becomes p (cid:25)0:36 unstableas isincreasedbeyond (atwhichpointastableperiod-2cycleemergessimultane- p (cid:25)0:36 ously). Model-independentcontrolattemptstomoveasystemfromaparticularstablehigher-order (periodic or aperiodic) rhythm to one of the unstable lower-order rhythms (without changing the nominal value). Forexample,fortheHe´nonmapwith ,model-independentcontrolmight p p = 1:0 attempt to move the system from the stable period-4 rhythm to the underlying unstable period-2 rhythmdepicted bytheopendiamondsinthebifurcationdiagram. The Ott-Grebogi-Yorke control technique attempts to achieve such a goal by making time- dependent bifurcation-parameter perturbations to alter the motion of the state point. The initial perturbations attempt to force the state point onto the unstable periodic fixed point; subsequent perturbations then hold the state point near that unstable periodic fixed point. While it is beyond the scope of this review to explain the specific mathematics of model-independent control, such control is analogous to balancing a ball on a saddle (Fig. 3). The ball represents the state point, while the center of the seat represents the unstable periodic fixed point. If the ball is exactly on the center of the seat, it will remain there indefinitely. If, however, it moves a tiny bit, it will roll down one of the saddle’s sides. The sides of the saddle are termed unstable, while the front and back of the saddle, which tend to force the ball back towards the seat, are termed stable (similar dynamical regions typically exist near unstable periodic fixed points). If one can shift the saddle (i.e.,perturbthebifurcationparameter)andproperlyutilizethestabledirectionwhileavoidingthe unstabledirection,theball(statepoint)canbebalancedontheseat(unstableperiodicfixedpoint). Importantly,allofthedynamicalcontrolparametersareestimatedfromobservationsofthesystem. Thus, model-independent control is practical from an experimental standpoint because it requires no analyticalmodelofthesystem. Christinietal. 8 4 Previous applications of model-independent control Model-independent chaos control techniques, have been applied to a wide range of systems, in- cluding magneto-elastic ribbons [29], electronic circuits [30–33], lasers [34–36], chemical reac- tions[37,38], and drivenpendulums[39–42]. The success of model-independentcontrolin stabi- lizing physical systems has fostered interest in applying these techniques to biological dynamical systems, which are often well-understood qualitatively, but for which quantitative relationships between systemcomponentsareusuallyinsufficientforthedevelopmentofan analyticalmodel. Inthefirstsuchapplication,Garfinkel etal.[4]stabilizeddrug-inducedirregularcardiacactiv- ityinasectionoftissuefromtheinterventricularseptumofarabbitheart. Theydeterminedthatthe aperiodic arrhythmiasof the in vitrorabbit heart tissuewere suitableforchaos control by plotting one interbeat interval versus the previousinterbeat interval (similarto thefirst-return map In(cid:0)1 In of Fig. 1). As shown in Fig. 4 (top panel), the rabbit heart interbeat intervals appeared to form a finitegeometricpattern. Recurrent patterns ofpointswhichapproached an unstableperiodicfixed point along a characteristic direction (stable direction) and departed that same fixed point along a different characteristic direction (unstable direction) were detected. Because of these charac- teristics, the aperiodic activity of the rabbit heart tissue were deemed to be appropriate for chaos control. Garfinkel etal. usedatechniquesimilartoOGYcontroltoconstraintheaperiodicrabbitheart oscillations to a low-integer (3 or 4) periodic oscillation (Fig. 4, bottom panel). In part because Garfinkel et al. were unable to obtain the targeted period-1 rhythm, it has been suggested that the control-induced rhythms could have been the result of simple pacing dynamics [43]. However, Christiniand Collins[44]usedcomputationalanalysistoshowthatthelow-integerperiodicoscil- lationsstabilizedbyGarfinkel etal. aretobeexpected. Indeed, theperiod-3and-4dynamicsmay simplyhavebeen theresult ofsmallmisestimationsofthesystemdynamics[44]. Because of the complications of such misestimations, model-independent control techniques Christinietal. 9 that can adaptively estimate system dynamics are a must for biological control. Several adap- tive control techniques have been developed [44–49]. Unfortunately, even with adaptive capa- bilities, there is no theoretical basis to expect that low-dimensional temporal control techniques (such as those of Refs. [4,44,48,49]) will be able to control fibrillation in the human heart; fib- rillation is high-dimensional and spatiotemporal, meaning that multiple variables are required for full-characterization and that its dynamics occur in both space and time. Such dynamics are not accounted for by low-dimensionaltemporal control techniques [50,51]. However, there currently appear to be at least three possible means by which nonlinear dynamics could have an impact in arrhythmia control. One is controlling spatially stationary low-dimensional arrhythmias (such as stablereentranttachycardia)usingtemporalcontrolalgorithms. Anotherisusinghigh-dimensional techniquescapableofcontrollingspatiotemporalarrhythmiassuchasfibrillation. Yetanotherisus- ing pharmacologicaltherapies thatcould prevent fibrillationby exploitingthenonlineardynamics ofitsonset. Theseapproaches arediscussedin thefollowingsections. 5 Nonlinear dynamical control of low-dimensionaltemporal ar- rhythmias Manyarrhythmiasarecharacterizedprimarilybytemporaldynamics(e.g.,ectopictachycardiaand sinus-nodedysfunction). Althoughreentrantrhythmsarespatially-extendedbynature,sometypes of reentry can be viewed temporally from a single spatial location. Because of this, such rhythms maybesusceptibletononlineardynamicalcontrolatasinglespatiallocationwithlow-dimensional temporaltechniques. Toinvestigatemodel-independentcontrolofregularcardiacarrhythmias,aseriesofstudies[5– 7,9]hasfocusedoncontrollingconductiondynamicsoftheatrioventricular(AV)node. (Although AV-nodal conduction arrhythmias are not of great clinical relevance, they serve as an accessi- ble system to enhance the understanding of how the temporal dynamics of an arrhythmia can be exploited to alter the arrhythmia.) Specifically, these studies investigated the complex tempo- Christinietal. 10 ral atrioventricular-nodal conduction dynamics that can be associated with orthodromic reentrant tachycardia—anarrhythmiathatoccurswhenacardiacimpulsepassesanterogradelythroughthe atria, AV node, and His-Purkinje system, and then conducts back into the atrium via an accessory conduction pathway (Fig. 5, top panel). In such a situation, a bifurcation from constant AV con- ductionto atrioventricularnodal conductionalternans (a beat-to-beat alternation in AV-nodalcon- duction time: fast, slow, fast, etc.) can occur [52–55]. As mentioned in Sec. 3, such a bifurcation suggests the existence of an underlying unstable period-1 rhythm (i.e., constant conduction inter- vals). Importantly,suchan unstablerhythmisthefundamentalrequirementofmodel-independent control. With this in mind, Christini and Collins [5] used a mathematical model [56] of AV-nodal con- duction to demonstrate that model-independent control could suppress alternans. They simulated orthodromicreentryviaaprotocol,calledfixed-delaystimulation,inwhichthemodelrightatrium was stimulated at a fixed time interval (HA, which simulates the reentrant pathway conduction time)followingdetectionofthecardiacimpulseatthebundleofHis(Fig.5,bottompanel). When the delay is reduced (simulating faster reentry), the period-1 rhythm destabilizes and the con- duction time through the AV node bifurcates into alternans. They then stabilized the underlying unstable period-1 AH fixed point [5] by making perturbations via simulated stimulation shorten- ing of the bifurcation parameter HA. (The AH interval, which is the time between a given atrial activationand thecorrespondingHis-bundleactivation,representstheAV-nodalconductiontime.) Theywere abletoadaptivelyestimateand stabilizetheunderlyingunstableperiod-1rhythm. Motivated by the computational control results of Ref. [5], Hall et al. used a similar control technique to suppress alternans in a series of in vitro rabbit heart experiments [9]. In five rabbit heart preparations alternans was induced using fixed interval pacing and then suppressed with model-independent control. Figure 6 shows the control results of one preparation. The top trace showsthattheunderlyingunstableperiod-1AHfixedpointwasstabilizedwhilecontrolwasactive. Thebottomtrace of Fig. 6 showsthecontrol perturbationsmadeto the bifurcationparameterHA.