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The role of magnetic shear for zonal flow gen- eration 9 0 0 2 1 J. Anderson , H. Nordman † n a Department of Fundamental Energy Science J 4 Graduate School of Energy Science, Kyoto University, Gokasho, Uji, Kyoto 1 611-0011 ] h p † Department of Radio and Space Science, EURATOM-VR Association - m Chalmers University of Technology, G¨oteborg, Sweden s a l p . s c i s Abstract y h p Theroleofmagneticshearforzonalflowgenerationbyion-temperature- [ 1 gradient (ITG-) and trapped electron (TE-) mode turbulence is stud- v 0 ied analytically using fluid descriptions. The scaling of the zonal flow 2 0 (ZF)growth ratewithmagnetic shearis examined andcompared with 2 . 1 linear growth rates for typical tokamak parameter values. The results 0 9 indicatethatlargelevelsofZFareobtainedinregionsofnegativemag- 0 : netic shear, in particular for ZF driven by TE mode turbulence. The v i X strongmagneticshearscalingobtainedforTEmodedrivenzonalflows r a originates from the bounce average of the electron magnetic drifts. 1 [email protected] 1 1 Introduction The study of turbulence suppression and generation in magnetically confined fusion plasma research has attracted much interest recently. It is well estab- lished that the interaction between small scale turbulence and zonal flows, which are radially localized flows propagating mainly in the poloidal direc- tion, can reduce the radial transport by shearing the eddies of the driving background turbulence [1]- [4]. Accordingly, the self-consistent generation of zonal flows by non-linear interactions among drift waves has recently been studied both analytically [5]- [14] and numerically [15]- [23]. The purpose of the present letter is extend previous analytical studies [9]- [10] to investigate the effects of magnetic shear on the zonal flow generation by ion-temperature-gradient (ITG-) and trapped electron (TE-) mode turbu- lence, respectively. The ITG- and TE-mode driven cases will be considered separately and the corresponding ZF generation by ITG and TE mode tur- bulence will be calculated and compared. The fluid models used in the present Letter have been extensively de- scribed in previous papers and are only briefly summarized here. For the ITG mode description, a reduced version of the standard Weiland model [24] is utilized. In this formulation the ITG model includes the ion continuity and the ion temperature equations, neglecting the influence of parallel ion momentum and electromagnetic effects, while the electrons are assumed to be Boltzmann distributed. The TEM model is based on the bounce averaged electron continuity and electron temperature equations for the trapped elec- tron fluid [24]. The ion and trapped electron mode fluid models are fairly symmetric except fortheFLRtermswhich areincludedintheionfluidmodel and the bounce average which is performed on the electron quantities. The 2 equations are: ∂n j +∇·(n ~v +n ~v )+∇·(n ~v +n ~v ) = 0 (1) j E j ⋆j j Pj j πj ∂t 3 dT j n +n T ∇·~v +∇·~q = 0 (2) j j j j j 2 dt 5 p j q = e ×∇T (3) j j 2mjΩcj k (cid:16) (cid:17) where n , T arethe density and temperature perturbations (j = i and j = et j j represents ions and trapped electrons) and~v =~v +~v +~v +~v ,~v is the j E ⋆ Pj πj E E~ × B~ velocity, ~v is the diamagnetic drift velocity, ~v is the polarization ⋆ Pj drift velocity,~v isthe stress tensor drift velocity and~q is theheat flux. The πj j ˜ derivative is defined as d/dt = ∂/∂t+ρ c ~z×∇φ·∇ and φ is the electrostatic s s potential. The linear solutions to Eqs 1 - 3 for TE modes and ITG modes respectively are given by k 10 y ω = − ξ(1−ǫ g )− ǫ g (4) rTEM n e n e 2 3 (cid:18) (cid:19) γ = k ξǫ g (η −η ) (5) TEM y n e e eth 2 q ξ 10 ξǫ g ξ n e η = − + ǫ g + + (6) eth n e 3 2 9ξ 4 4ǫ g n e k 10 5 y 2 ω = 1− 1+ ǫ g −k α + ǫ g (7) rITG 2(1+k2) 3τ n i i 3τ n i (cid:18) (cid:18) (cid:19) ⊥(cid:18) (cid:19)(cid:19) ⊥ k ǫ g y n i γ = (η −η ) (8) ITG 1+k2 τ i ith r ⊥ 2 τ τ τ 10τ η ≈ − + +ǫ g + (9) ith n i 3 2 4ǫ g 4 9 n i (cid:18) (cid:19) where ω = ω + iγ. Here, ǫ = L /R, η = L /L , τ = T /T , α = r n n j n Tj e i i 1 (1+η ), ξ is the fraction of trapped electrons and g (j = i,e) are defined τ i j below. The zonal flow evolution is treated by the vorticity equation. The gener- ation of ZF by ITG- and TE-modes are studied separately for η >> η (ITG i e dominated case) and η >> η (TEM dominated case) respectively. In these e i limits it is assumed that the electron and ion responses are decoupled and 3 hence the effects of ion perturbations on the TE mode are neglected (and vice versa). The previous work on zonal flow generation by ITG and TE modes [9]- [10] is here extended to include the magnetic shear dependence through the magnetic drift frequencies and the perpendicular wave vector. The effect of magnetic shear enters through the averaged magnetic drift fre- quency for the electrons and ions. The ion fluid model is averaged using an approximate eigen-mode function resulting in an averaged magnetic drift 1 2 5 frequency: ψ = (1+cos(θ)) and |θ| < π, giving hg i ∝ ǫ ( + s−ǫ) and √3π i n 3 9 hk2i ∝ (1 − 2.5s2 + π2s2) [25]. Here s is the magnetic shear and ǫ = a/R 3 ⊥ is the inverse aspect ratio parameter. The effects on zonal flow generation of magnetic shear have been treated for ITG modes in Ref. [13] using the reductive perturbation method for the zonal flow generation. The electron fluid equations are bounce averaged and the electron mag- neticdriftisreplacedbytheprecessionfrequencyoftrappedelectronshω i = De ωDe0ge where ωDe0 = 2kθRρscs and ge = 41 + 32s [26]. The original formulation of the Weiland model for deeply trapped electrons is recovered for s = 9/8 in this model. The zonal flow dispersion relations are found using the vorticity equation and combining this with the wave kinetic equation as an additional relation between the background turbulence and the zonal flow. The average of the ion continuity equation over the magnetic surface and over fast small scales employing the quasi-neutrality the evolution of the mean flow is obtained ∂ δ ∂ ∂ δ ∂ ∂ ∇2Φ−µ∇4Φ = 1+ im ∇2 φ˜ φ˜ + im∇2 φ˜ T˜ (10) ∂t x x τ ! x*∂x k∂y k+ τ x*∂x k∂y ik+ where it is assumed that only the small scale self interactions are the im- portant interactions in the RHS. Here δ is the Kronecker delta with m = im {i,et}. It is also assumed that there is a sufficient spectral gap between zonal flows and the background turbulence. In the case of zonal flows (Ω) 4 generated from ITG mode turbulence the dispersion relation is [9] 1 1 2 2 2 ˜ 2 Ω+iµq (Ω−q v ) = −q 1+ + δ |φ | Ω (11) x x gx x τ τ k (cid:16) (cid:17) (cid:18) (cid:19) and in the TEM generation case we obtain [10] Ω = iq k |φ˜ |2. (12) x y k q Here, Ω is the zonal flow growth rate, k ,k is the wave numbers for the x y background turbulence, q is the wavenumber of the zonal flow, v is the x gx group velocity for the drift wave and µ is a corresponding collisional damping (whichisneglectedinthisstudy). Theδ isawave number independent factor given by ∆ k 2 1 k y δ = η − 1+ ǫ g (13) ∆2 +γ2 i 3 τ n i k k (cid:18) (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:19) k 4 y ∆ = 1−ǫ g + ǫ g . (14) k n i n i 2 3τ (cid:18) (cid:19) Hence, the zonal flow growth rate scales as Ω ∝ |φ |. Proceeding from k here, several different assumptions are possible on the saturation level for the background turbulence in absence of zonal flows. In the present work only the mixing length saturation level (T˜ = 1 ) is considered. j kxLTj 2 Results The dispersion relations (Eqs 1 and 2) for the zonal flow (Ω) is solved nu- merically. Special attention is given to the magnetic shear dependency of the zonal flows generated from ITG mode and TEM turbulence, respectively. InFigure1,themagneticshearscalingofthezonalflowgrowthratedriven by ITG modes (normalized to the linear ITG growth rate) is displayed. The parameters are k = k = 0.3, q = 0.3, τ = 1.0 and ǫ = 0. In Figure 1a x y x the other parameters are η = 0 (suppressing the TE mode), η = 4.0, f = 0 e i t 5 5 4.5 4 3.5 3 γγ/ZFITG 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 -1 -0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 s Figure1: The ZFgrowth (normalized to the ITG mode growth) asa function ofmagneticshearswithǫ asaparameter. Theresultsareshownforǫ = 1.5 n n (rings), ǫ = 1.0 (asterisk) and ǫ = 0.5 (diamonds). The other parameters n n are k = k = 0.3, q = 0.3, ǫ = 0, η = 0, η = 4.0 and fraction of trapped x y x e i electrons f = 0. t (fraction of trapped electrons ) and ǫ is given by ǫ = 1.5 (rings), ǫ = 1.0 n n n (asterisk) and ǫ = 0.5 (diamond). n The corresponding result for the TEM driven case is shown in Figure 2 for η = 0 (suppressing the ITG mode), η = 4.0 and f = 0.5. The i e t parameter ǫ is given by ǫ = 2.0 (plus), ǫ = 1.5 (rings) and ǫ = 1.0 n n n n (asterisk). For sufficiently large negative shear the linear TEM is stabilized due to the change of sign of the precession frequency. For the zonal flows generated by TEM background turbulence there is a significant increase in growthratein theweak andnegative shear regionswhere γ >> γ . For ZF TEM zonal flows generated by ITG turbulence on the other hand, only a modest increase in the corresponding region is found. For positive magnetic shear, the ZF scaling with magnetic shear is rather weak. In general we obtain 6 30 25 20 γγ/ZFTEM 15 10 5 0 -1 -0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 s Figure 2: The ZF growth (normalized to the TEM growth) as a function of magnetic shear s with ǫ as a parameter. The results are displayed for ǫ = n n 2.0 (plus), ǫ = 1.5 (rings) and ǫ = 1.0 (asterisk). The other parameters n n are k = k = 0.3, q = 0.3, ǫ = 0, η = 0, η = 4.0 and fraction of trapped x y x i e electrons f = 0.5. t γ (ITGM) > γ (TEM) in this region. We have verified that the ZF ZF ZF growth scales weakly with the other parameters. Next, the scaling of zonal flow generation with magnetic shear with nor- malized temperature gradient as a parameter is displayed. The parameters are k = k = 0.3, q = 0.3, τ = 1.0 and ǫ = 0. In Figure 3 the other x y x parameters are η = 0, ǫ = 1.0, f = 0 with η = 6.0 (squares) and η = 4.0 e n t i i (asterisk). The corresponding result for the TEM driven case is displayed in Figure 4 for η = 0, ǫ = 1.0 and f = 0.5. The parameter η is given by i n t e η = 6.0 (squares) and η = 4.0 (asterisk). As found in Figures 1a and 1b for e e weak/negative magnetic shear, a substantial increase in the zonal flow gener- ation for TEM turbulence whereas a modest increase is found for ZF driven by ITG turbulence. The dependence on normalised temperature gradient is 7 3 2.5 2 γγ/ZFITG 1.5 1 0.5 0 -1 -0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 s Figure3: The ZFgrowth (normalized to the ITG mode growth) asa function of magnetic shear s with normalized temperature gradient as a parameter. The results are shown for η = 6.0 (squares) and η = 4.0 (asterisk). The i i other parameters are k = k = 0.3, q = 0.3, ǫ = 0, η = 0, ǫ = 1.0 and x y x e n fraction of trapped electrons f = 0. t weak except close to the linear threshold. 3 Summary Insummary, theresultsindicatethattheeffectsofmagneticshearforZFgen- eration are significantly different for ITG- and TE-mode driven cases. This difference is related to the different shear dependence of the ion and electron magnetic drift frequency respectively. Hence, for the TE mode dominated case, a weak/negative magneticshear results ina largezonalflow growthrate (γ > γ ). This may result in a strong stabilization of the turbulence. ZF TEM For the ITG dominated case on the other hand, the results indicate that the effects ofmagnetic shear onthe zonalflow growth rateis rather weak. Hence, additional effects of negative magnetic shear, not included in the present 8 18 16 14 12 10 γγ/ZFTEM 8 6 4 2 0 -1 -0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 s Figure 4: The ZF growth (normalized to the TEM growth) as a function of magnetic shear s with normalized temperature gradient as a parameter. The results are shown for η = 6.0 (squares) and η = 4.0 (asterisk). The other e e parameters are k = k = 0.3, q = 0.3, ǫ = 0, η = 0, ǫ = 1.0 and fraction x y x i n of trapped electrons f = 0.5. t 9 study, may be needed in order to stabilize the turbulence. This observation may have some relevance for the observed difference in the dynamics of elec- tron and ion transport barriers in tokamak plasmas. More work, including a treatment of the coupled ITG/TE mode system using more realistic models, is needed in order to confirm this. This is left for future work. 10

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