The Role of Lattice Coupling in Establishing Electronic and Magnetic Properties in Quasi-One-Dimensional Cuprates W. S. Lee,1,∗ S. Johnston,1,2 B. Moritz,1,3,4 J. Lee,5 M. Yi,5 K. J. Zhou,6 T. Schmitt,6 L. Patthey,6 V. Strocov,6 K. Kudo,7 Y. Koike,7 J. van den Brink,2 T. P. Devereaux,1 and Z. X. Shen1 1SIMES, SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, Menlo Park, CA 94025, USA 2IFW Dresden P.O. Box 27 01 16, D-01171 Dresden, Germany 3Department of Physics and Astrophysics, University of North Dakota, Grand Forks, ND 58202, USA 4Department of Physics, Northern Illinois University, DeKalb, IL 60115, USA 5Department of Applied Physics, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305, USA 3 6Paul Scherrer Institut, Swiss Light Source, CH-5232 Villigen PSI, Switzerland 1 7Department of Applied Physics, Tohoku University, Japan 0 (Dated: January 21, 2013) 2 Highresolutionresonantinelasticx-rayscatteringhasbeenperformedtorevealtheroleoflattice- n coupling in a family of quasi-1D insulating cuprates, Ca2+5xY2−5xCu5O10. Site-dependent low a energy excitations arising from progressive emissions of a 70 meV lattice vibrational mode are J resolvedforthefirsttime,providingadirectmeasurementofelectron-latticecouplingstrength. We 7 show that such electron-lattice coupling causes doping-dependentdistortions of theCu-O-Cu bond 1 angle, which sets the intra-chain spin exchange interactions. Our results indicate that the lattice degrees of freedom are fully integrated into theelectronic behavior in low dimensional systems. ] l e PACSnumbers: ValidPACSappear here - r t s Electron-lattice coupling is an important mechanism super-exchange interaction according to Goodenough- . t a in solids that determines the groundstate properties via Kanamori-Andersontheory[13,22–24],isalsodopingde- m renormalizingthemassofchargecarriers[1],and,insome pendent[20]. However,theimportantmechanismbehind - cases, induces novel symmetry-broken states like super- the doping induced Cu-O-Cu angle change remains un- d conductivity [2] and charge density waves [3]. While re- clear. Usinghighresolutionresonantinelasticx-rayscat- n search on the electron-lattice interaction has a long his- tering (RIXS), we find a 70 meV phonon strongly cou- o tory in condensed matter physics, it continues to be an pled to the electronic state. As we will demonstrate, the c [ importanttopicinestablishingnewparadigmsforunder- doping dependent Cu-O-Cu angle is driven by electron- standing the properties of strongly correlated materials lattice coupling due to the ineffectiveness of screening 1 v inwhichchargesbecomemorelocalizedandscreeningef- in 1D. Further, the phonon energy is found to soften 7 fects are weak [4]. To date the electron- lattice coupling when cooling across the antiferromagnetic phase tran- 6 in two dimensionalcorrelatedmaterials such as cuprates sition in the undoped compounds. These observations 2 [5–9] and manganites [10–12] has drawn much attention demonstrate that the lattice degrees of freedom are fully 4 in the field. In one dimensional (1D) cuprate systems, integratedinto the electronic and magnetic properties of . 1 althoughunusualspinandchargedynamics[13–17]have low-dimensional correlated materials. 0 beenrevealed,studiesoftheroleofelectron-phononcou- 3 pling are still lacking. Such studies are important since Single crystals of Ca2+5xY2−5xCu5O10 used in the 1 : poor screening effects in 1D systems [18] should in prin- present study were grown by traveling-solvent floating- v zone(TSFZ)methods. Sampleswiththreedifferentdop- ciple cause strong electronic coupling to the lattice. i X ing levels were selected for measurements, nominally x To address this issue, we study a family of quasi-1D = 0, 0.3, and 0.33. The RIXS measurements were per- r a cuprates Ca2+5xY2−5xCu5O10, in which CuO2 plaque- formed at the ADRESS beamline, Swiss Light Source, ttes arrange in a chain-like structure by sharing their with the energy resolution set at either 50 meV or 80 edges with neighboring CuO plaquettes. This system meV. The sample surface was the (0, 1, 0) plane, coinci- 2 is important as it is the only quasi-1D cuprate that can dent with the chain plane, prepared by either polishing be doped over a wide range of hole concentrations, pro- (x = 0) or cleaving (x = 0.3 and 0.33). The scattering viding a unique opportunity to study doping induced anglewassetat90degreetominimizetheelasticpeakin- phenomena [19, 20]. By increasing carrier concentra- tensity. As sketched in Fig. S1(c) in the Supplementary tion, the spin ground state evolves from A-type antifer- Material, the scattering plane was the a-b plane with a romagnetic order (intra-chain ferromagnetic order with grazing angle of 20 degree to the sample surface. The inter-chain antiferromagnetic alignment), to spin glass, polarization of the incident photon is perpendicular to followedbyspingap,andeventuallytoaspindisordered the scattering plane (σ-polarization),while the recorded phase [20, 21]. Curiously, the structural Cu-O-Cu bond spectrum includes all the polarizations of the scattered angle, which determines to the size and sign of the spin photons. 2 (a) (b) Initial State Intermediate State Final State XAS UHB hν + |Ψen > |0p> core hole + |Ψ’en+ 1 > Σn αn|np> hν’ + |Ψen >Σn αn|np> LEP UHB x=0 Cu O hν’ x=0.3 hν LEP E x=0.33 XAS ULEHPB .......|2p> hν’ |1 > 526 528 530 532 p Photon Energy (eV) |0p> FIG. 1: (color online) (a) x-ray absorption spectrum near the oxygen K-edge for Ca2+5xY2−5xCu5O10 compounds of three different doping levels. The “UHB” and “LEP” denotes the absorption peaks at 529.5 and 528 eV, respectively. The average numberofholeperCuionisdenotedasx. (b)|Ψn>and|Ψn+1 >denotestheelectronicgroundstateandtheexcitedelectronic e e intermediatestatewithanadditionalelectronexcitedfromtheoxygen1scorelevel. |np >(n=0,1,2,...) denotesthenumber of phonon quanta excited in the lattice degree of freedom with a wavefunction superposition coefficient α. For purposes of illustration, the wavefunction is expressed as product states of the diagonalized electron and lattice Hamiltonians. Here, the lattice vacuumstate|0p >is referenced totheinitial equilibrium phononoccupation and |np >describes excitationsfrom this state. IntheRIXSintermediatestate,anelectron(greenball)isexcited,leavingacorehole(whiteball)intheO1slevel. The excitedelectroncanbeclosertoeitherCuorOsitebytuningtheincidentphotonenergytomatchtheUHBorLEPresonance, respectively. The change of the local charge density on Cu (blue shade) and O (red shade) sites induce local relaxation of the distorted lattice, creating a distribution of |np >. In the final state, the excited electron can recombine with the core hole, leaving the lattice in excited states. These final states have non-zero overlap with the intermediate state, yielding harmonic phonon excitations in RIXSspectrum. It is informative to first introduce the doping evolu- the spectrum with an energy separation corresponding tion of the electronic wave function, revealed by the x- to the energy of the quanta of the lattice vibrations (i.e. rayabsorptionspectrum(XAS)neartheOK-edge(1s-2p phonons) in a fashion analogous to a generalized Frank transition). As shown in Fig. 1(a), the XAS of the un- Condon picture. The spectral weight of phonon excita- doped compound exhibits a single dominant absorption tions in the RIXS spectrum is directly dependent on the peak(529.5eV),whichisassociatedwiththeupperHub- electron-phonon (e-ph) coupling strength. Furthermore, bardband(UHB). Uponhole-doping,the UHB peak de- the e-ph coupling strength at Cu and O sites can be de- creases,indicating a reduction of the weight of the UHB termined by tuning the incident photon energy to the component [25]. In addition, a lower energy peak (LEP) UHB andLEPresonances,respectively. This sitedepen- emerges,whicharisesfromthespectralweighttransferto dency stems from differences in the electronic character wavefunctioncomponentsthataredirectlyrelatedtothe of the XAS final states. doped holes [26]. Approximately, in real space, the XAS Figure2(a)displaysRIXSspectrafortheundopedpar- attheUHBresonanceproducesafinalstatewithonead- entcompound. Astheincidentphotonenergyistunedto ditional valence electron near the copper site, while the neartheUHBresonance(‘e’and‘f’),thespectranearthe XAS at the LEP resonance puts the additional valence elastic scattering peak, develops an unusual asymmet- electron near the oxygen site, as sketched in Fig. 1(b). ric broadening, indicating the excitations of low energy Toinvestigatetheeffectsoflatticecouplingontheelec- modes. Upon doping, as shown in Fig. 2(b), an asym- tronic states, we use resonant inelastic x-ray scattering metric spectrumnearthe elasticpeak isalsoobservedat (RIXS)[27,28]. Theunderlyingprincipleisillustratedin the UHB resonance, however it is now most pronounced Fig. 1(b). IntheOK-edgeRIXSprocess,a1scoreelec- at the LEP resonance. The shift of resonance behavior tron will first be excited into an XAS final state, either is associatedwith the doping evolutionofthe XAS spec- the UHB or LEP resonance. This causes a local change tralweightdue to changesof the wavefunctioncharacter in the charge density which locally distorts the lattice. [26], suggesting that the origin of the low-energy modes Later, the electron de-excites, filling the O 1s core hole, is coupled directly with the electronic wavefunction. leaving the lattice in an excited state. The RIXS spec- HigherresolutionRIXSspectra(Fig. 2(c))providefur- trumrecordstheoverlapsoftheinitial,intermediate,and therinformationabouttheoriginoftheselow-energyex- final states as a function of energy loss (the energy dif- citations. AtbothUHBandLEPresonances,weresolved ference between the incident and emitted photons), and multiplepeaksinthespectrum,whichlieinharmonicor- includes the possibility of producing multiple peaks in derofasingleenergyscaleof 70meV(Fig. 2d). Wenote 3 (a) (b) (c) (d) XAS UHB x = 0 XASLEP x = 0.33 abcdefg abcdUefHgB Ux H= B0 (at ‘f’) #1 #0 Width 120 526 528 530 532 u.) #2 V) m 526 Ph5o2to8n En5e3rg0y (eV5)32 RIXPShoton Energy (eV) a. #3 me200 80Ve RgfIXS efg ensity ( nergy ( R e s o l uEtixopn. 400 dec cd RIXS Int xL E= P0 .(3a3t ‘b’) #2 #1 #0 Peak e100 #0 #1 #2 #3 x = 0 x = 0.3 #3 b b x = 0.33 0 a a 0.5 0.0 0.5 0.0 0.4 0.2 0.0 #0 #1 #2 #3 Energy Loss (eV) Energy Loss (eV) Energy Loss (eV) Peak Number FIG.2: (coloronline)TheRIXSspectrumfor(a)x=0and(b)x=0.33samplestakenatseveralincidentphotonenergies,as indicated by the red bars in the XAS plots. The length of these red vertical bars reflects the relative elastic peak intensity of the corresponding RIXS spectrum. The darker shaded areas highlight the spectra with prominent additional spectral weight near the elastic peak. (c) High resolution data taken at UHB resonance for the x = 0 sample (upper) and at LEP resonance forthex=0.33sample(lower). Multi-peakfeaturesareannotatedwithnumberidentifiers. TheblackcurvesaretheGaussian functions used for the fit (red curves). Purple curves are the remaining spectrum after subtracting the fit. Background is plottedas blackdottedlines. (d)Asummaryplot ofthefittedpeakpositions andwidths(inset)of theRIXSspectratakenat UHB(x = 0) and LEP (x = 0.3 and 0.33) resonances. All data were taken at 30 K. that since the spin super-exchange energy (10-14 meV) dition, our calculation explicitly demonstrates that the [25,29]is muchsmallerthan the extractedmode energy, difference between gCu and gO can be resolved by com- theobservedexcitationscannotbeattributedtospinex- paring the RIXS spectrum taken at the UHB and LEP citations. Rather they are most likely due to an oxygen resonances (Fig. 3(c)). This site dependent information bond-stretching vibrational mode, similar to those com- is unique to RIXS and confirms the concepts illustrated monly found in2D cupratesata similar energyscale [5]. in Fig. 1b. In addition, the mode energy extracted from the RIXS With these insights, we can compare the electron- spectratakenattheUHBandLEPareidentical,indicat- lattice coupling strength via the spectral shape of the ing that the observedphononexcitations share the same phonon excitations. First, as shown in Fig. 3(d), we origin. These observations demonstrate that the elec- foundthatthe couplingstrengthisessentiallydopingin- tronic states in the CYCO system are coupled strongly dependent,eventhoughasignificantnumberofholesare with this 70 meV phonon mode. doped into the system. This demonstrates that screen- ing remains ineffective upon doping, as expected for a To gain further insight into harmonic progression of onedimensionalsystem[18]. Second,thecouplingatthe phonon excitations, we use exact diagonalization to cal- UHB resonance is found to be stronger than at the LEP culate RIXS for CuO clusters coupled to a subset of 2 resonance (Fig. 3(e)), which is caused by the difference opticaloxygenvibrations. Inthismodel,weincludecou- plingtoavibrationalmodewhoseeigenvectorissketched between gCu and gO. By fitting to our model, we esti- in Fig. 3(a) with coupling strengths of gCu and gO on mate gCu ∼ 2gO ∼ 0.22 eV, also in agreement with our Madelung potential analysis (Supplementary Material). Cu and O sites, respectively. (Supplementary Material) This mode derives its coupling from the strong electro- A doping-independent electron-lattice coupling has an static modification it produces to the electronic states intriguingconsequence to the doping evolutionof the in- of the edge-shared CuO2 chains (Supplementary Mate- tertwinedelectron-latticegroundstate. AsshowninFig. rial). Our calculations (Fig. 3(a)) capture the essen- 4(a), the number of phonons intertwined in the ground tial physics related to the observed excitations, repro- state is larger in the doped system than in the undoped ducing the XAS spectrum, the phonon excitations, and system due to the increased carrier concentration. This their shift fromthe UHB to LEPresonanceinthe doped implies a larger lattice distortion along the c-axis and cluster. Importantly, we show that their spectral weight results in a larger Cu-O-Cu angle in the doped system. is extremely sensitive to the e-ph coupling strength: the Withinourmodel,weestimatea0.16 contractionofO-O strongerthe coupling,the greaterthe spectralweightfor distancealongc-axis,correspondingtoa3.7%increaseof higher-harmonic phonon excitations (Fig. 3(b)). In ad- the Cu-O-Cu bond angle in the x = 0.33 doped cluster. 4 (a) Cu O a Cu O (b) (d) 3 8 c 3 6 nsity CUaHlcBulations x = 0 nsity UH Bx = 0 #1 e e nt g = 0.20 nt x = 0.3 #2 d I gCu = 0.15 d I x = 0.33 XAS x = 0 XAS x = 0.33 e Cu e UHB LEP z g = 0.10 z abcdef ghi abc d e f ghUiHB mali (g C=u 2g ) mali nits) RIX0SEne2rgy (eV4) 6 RIX0S En2ergy (e4V) 6 Nor Cu O Nor S Intensity (Arb. U efghi efghi (ed Intensityc) CalcuULlaHEtBiPons x = 0.33 (eed Intensity) x x=UL =EH0 P.B03 3 #2 #1 RIX d d aliz gCu = 0.15, gO = 0.075 aliz c c m m b b or or N N a a g = 0.15 ,g = 0.15 Cu O 0.4 0.2 0 0.4 0.2 0 0.4 0.2 0.0 0.2 0.1 0.0 Energy Loss (eV) Energy Loss (eV) Energy Loss (eV) Energy Loss (eV) FIG. 3: (color online) (a) The calculated RIXS intensities for the x = 0 (left) and x = 0.33 (right) hole-doped systems, respectively, with g = 0.15 eV. The incident photon energies are indicated in the calculated XAS spectra and the elastic line has been removed by excluding the ground state from the final state summation. The calculations were performed on Cu3O8 andCu3O6clusters(openandperiodicboundaryconditions)forthex=0andx=0.33cases,respectively. Thearrowsindicate thedisplacementpatternofthephononeigenvectorinvolvingc-axismotionoftheOatoms.(b)Acomparisonofthenormalized phonon excitations at the UHB resonance for the x = 0 case and different coupling strengths. (c) The normalized phonon excitation spectrum at theLEP and UHBresonance in a doped cluster (x = 0.33). Spectra of two different values of gO were calculated to demonstrate the site dependence of the RIXS process at the LEP and UHB resonances. (d) Experimental data ofharmonicphononexcitations(elastic peakand backgroundsubtracted)normalized tothefirstphononpeakintensityatthe UHB resonance for three different doping levels. (e) Experimental data of the normalized harmonic phonon excitations for x = 0 and x = 0.33 taken at theUHB and LEP resonance, respectively. The estimation is comparable to the reported doping in- The authors thank J. Ma´lek, S.-L. Drechsler, and M. ducedincreaseoftheCu-O-Cuangle(∼2.5%)[20]. Since Berciu for useful discussions. This work was supported the size and sign of the spin super-exchange coupling is by the U. S. Department of Energy, Office of Basic En- sensitive to the Cu-O-Cu bond angle, this result shows ergy Science, Division of Materials Science and Engi- that e-ph coupling strength is an important underlying neering under the contractno. DE-AC02-76SF00515. S. mechanism to drive the lattice structure that hosts the J. acknowledges funding from FOM (The Netherlands). spin dynamics of this 1D system. ThisworkwasperformedattheADRESSbeamlineofthe Swiss Light Source using the SAXES instrument jointly Finally, as shown in Fig. 4(b), the phonon excitations built by Paul ScherrerInstitut, Switzerland and Politec- exhibit a softening of up to ∼10 meV when the system nico di Milano, Italy. is cooledacrossthe antiferromagnetictransitiontemper- ature TN (30 K). 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