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The Role of Galaxy Interactions and Mergers in Star Formation at z<1.3: Mid-Infrared Properties in the Spitzer First Look Survey PDF

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Preview The Role of Galaxy Interactions and Mergers in Star Formation at z<1.3: Mid-Infrared Properties in the Spitzer First Look Survey

Accepted by ApJ PreprinttypesetusingLATEXstyleemulateapjv.10/09/06 THE ROLE OF GALAXY INTERACTIONS AND MERGERS IN STAR FORMATION AT Z ≤1.3: MID-INFRARED PROPERTIES IN THE SPITZER FIRST LOOK SURVEY 1 C.R. Bridge,2 P.N. Appleton,3 C.J. Conselice,4 P.I Choi,5 L. Armus,3 D. Fadda,3 S. Laine,3 F.R. Marleau,3 R.G. Carlberg,2 G. Helou,3 L. Yan3 Accepted by ApJ ABSTRACT Bycombiningthe0.12squaredegreeF814WHubbleSpaceTelescope (HST)andSpitzer MIPS24µm imagingintheFirstLookSurvey(FLS),weinvestigatethepropertiesofinteractingandmergingMid- Infraredbright and faint sources at 0.2≤z≤1.3. We find a marginallysignificant increase in the pair 7 fraction for MIPS 24µm detected, optically selected close pairs, pair fraction= 0.25±0.10 at z∼1, 0 in contrast to 0.11±0.08 at z ∼0.4, while galaxies below our 24µm MIPS detection limit show a 0 pair fraction consistent with zero at all redshifts. Additionally, 24µm detected galaxies with fluxes 2 ≥0.1mJy areonaveragefive times more likely to be in a close galaxypairbetween 0.2≤z≤1.3 than n galaxies below this flux limit. Using the 24µm flux to derive the total Far-IR luminosity we find that a pairedgalaxies(earlystagemergers)areresponsiblefor27%±9%oftheIRluminositydensityresulting J fromstarformationatz ∼1whilemorphologicallyclassified(latestage)mergersmakeup34%±11%. 3 Thisimpliesthat61%±14%oftheinfraredluminositydensityandinturn∼40%ofthestarformation ratedensityatz ∼1canbeattributedtogalaxiesatsomestageofamajormergerorinteraction. We 1 arguethat, close pairs/mergersin a LIRG/ULIRG phase become increasinglyimportant contributers v to the IR luminosity and star formation rate density of the Universe at z >0.7. 0 Subjectheadings:galaxies: evolution–galaxies: formation–galaxies: interactions–galaxies: starburst 4 0 1 1. INTRODUCTION closepairstudieshavesuggestedthatthemergerratehas 0 remained fairly constant from z ∼1 (Bundy et al. 2004; 7 Hierarchical models and observations suggest that Lin et al.2004),andatz ≥0.7theIRpopulationisdom- 0 galaxymergersandinteractionsplayakeyroleingalaxy inated by morphologically normal galaxies (Bell et al. / assembly and star formation, but to what extent is still h 2005;Melbourne et al.2005;Lotz et al.2006). Thecom- unclear. Studies of gas-rich mergers in the local uni- p binationofthesetworesultssuggestthatthebulkofstar verse (e.g., Antennae; see Schweizer 1982) and N-body - formation at z ∼1 is not driven by major mergers. o simulations(Mihos & Hernquist1996;Barnes2004)have However it must be noted that different merger selec- r revealed fundamental signatures of the galaxy merger t tion criteria probe different stages of the merger pro- s process, including tidal tails, multiple nuclei, and vio- a lent bursts of star formation. While interaction-induced cess. Quantitative measurements of galaxy asymmetry v: star formation is thought to be primarily responsible (Abraham et al. (1996a,b); Conselice et al. (2003)) are morelikelytoprobelaterstages,while earlystagemerg- i for ultra luminous infrared galaxies (ULIRGs, which X have L ≥ 1012L ) both locally and at high redshift erscanbeidentifiedbycarefullysearchingforclosecom- IR ⊙ panions. There should be some overlap between these r (Sanders et al. 1988; Dasyra et al. 2006), luminous in- a fraredgalaxies(LIRGs,L ∼1011−1012L )appearto techniques if galaxy pairs are close enough to have in- IR ⊙ duced strong tidal interactions, but galaxies in pairs have multiple driving mechanisms, merger-induced star could also have normal morphologies, hence if early formation being only one. stage mergers are not considered, the impact interac- Luminous infrared (IR) galaxiesare thought to be the tions/merging have will be underestimated. dominant producers of the cosmic infrared background Traditionally, close pair studies have been carried out (CIRB), and major contributors to the evolution of the in the optical/near-IR (Patton et al. 1997, 2000, 2002; cosmicstarformationrate(CSFR)ofgalaxies,especially Carlberg et al. 2000; Le F`evre et al. 2000; Lin et al. atz ≥0.7(Elbaz et al.2002;Le Floc’h et al.2005). The 2004; Bundy et al. 2004). However recent investigations rapid decline from z ∼ 1 of the CSFR density has been have begun to explore the Mid-IR properties (star for- linked to a decline in the merger rate. However, recent mation) of galaxy pairs, finding a Mid-IR enhancement Electronicaddress: [email protected] in pairs separated by less then ten’s of kpc’s (Lin et al. 1SomeofthedatapresentedhereinwereobtainedattheW.M. 2006). The amount of IR luminosity stemming from in- Keck Observatory, which is operated as a scientific partnership dividualprocesses(starformationorfueling anAGN)in among the California Institute of Technology, the University of interacting pairs and mergers still remains open. To in- California and the National Aeronautics and Space Administra- tion. TheObservatorywasmadepossiblebythegenerousfinancial vestigatethis questionwe haveconducted a study of the supportoftheW.M.KeckFoundation. frequency of MIPS24µmdetected, andundetected close 2University of Toronto, 50 St. George Street, Toronto, ON, opticalgalaxypairsandmorphologicallydefinedmergers Canada,M5S3H4 3Spitzer Science Center, California Institute of Technology, intheSpitzer FirstLookSurvey(FLS)6.Wefindthatthe Pasadena,CA91125 4UniversityofNottingham,UniversityPark,NG92RD,United 6 For details of the FLS observation plan and the data release, Kingdom seehttp://ssc.spitzer.caltech.edu/fls. 5DepartmentofPhysicsandAstronomy,PomonaCollege,CA 2 Bridge et al. fraction of 24µm detected, optically selected close pairs sample included sources with K <20.2, R >19.0 and a s and mergers increases with redshift, and are important g,R,i color selection that restricted the numbers of low contributorstotheIRluminosityandstarformationrate redshift (z≤0.6) sources. For the 2004 post-launch cam- density at z ∼1. paign,apurely24µmselectedsample(f >120µJy)was 24 In the discussion that follows, any calculation re- targeted for follow-up. The combined I distribution AB quiring cosmology assumes Ω =0.3, Ω =0.70, and of targeted and detected sources is shown in Figure 1 M Λ H =70kms−1Mpc−1. (top) along with the cumulative redshift identification 0 efficiency (bottom). The overall spectroscopic complete- 2. PHOTOMETRICANDSPECTROSCOPIC ness(definedhereasthefractionoftargetedsourceswith OBSERVATIONS high quality redshifts) is ∼70% for the full sample and The Spitzer extragalatic component of the FLS is ∼80% for sources with I <25.0. For a more detailed AB a 3.7 deg2 region centered around R.A.=17h18m00s, description of the observing strategy, primary selection decl.=59o30′00′′. Observations of this field were taken criteriaandtheoverallfluxandredshiftdistributionssee using all four Infrared Array Camera (IRAC) channels Choi et al. (2006). (Fazio et al. 2004) and three Multiband Imaging Pho- SincewewereexploringtheMid-IRpropertiesofgalax- tometer (MIPS) bands (Rieke et al. 2004). Additional ies no optical limit was imposed, instead an IR lumi- ground base images in u*,g’ from CFHT’s MegaCam nosity cut ( LIR ≥ 5.0 × 1010 or 1.0 × 1011 L⊙) was (Shim et al. 2006), g’, i’ data from Palomar 200” LFC used,sothatafaircomparisoncouldbemadeatdifferent andNOAO4-mRandK’band(Faddaetal. 2004;Glass- redshifts. The absolute B magnitude (MB) distribution man et al. 2006 in prep) have also been obtained. This of the MIPS spectroscopic sample between 0.5<z<1.3 work focuses on the 0.12 deg2 ACS-HST F814W imag- probes -21≤MB≤-19 fairly uniformly and we are not ingoftheverificationstrip,whichhas3σdepthsinMIPS strongly biased at higher redshifts. 24µmof0.1mJy. Object detection andphotometry were performed using Sextractor (Bertin & Arnouts 1996). Particularcarewastakentoensureaccuratede-blending ofgalaxiesincloseproximitytooneanother,whileavoid- ingdetectionsofsubstructurewithinasinglegalaxy,con- sistent with other reductions of HST imaging with close galaxy pairs in mind (Patton et al. 2005). There were ∼59,000 sources extracted within the F814W band AB (hereafterextractedmagnitudes referredto asI ). We AB compared our number counts to those from the Hubble Deep Field (HDF) North and South and determined a limiting magnitude of I ∼27.4. AB Using the full MIPS catalog from the FLS we selected 24µmsources within the areacoveredby the ACS imag- ing (∼0.12 deg2). In order to correlate the MIPS ob- jects with those identified in the optical we first cross- identified sources from the MIPS 24µm sample to the IRAC catalog using a tolerance radius of 2.0′′. This choice was primarily motivated by the FWHM of the MIPS 24µm (PSF∼6′′) and confirmed by visual inspec- tion. We then cross-correlated the IRAC/MIPS catalog totheACSsamplewhichwebandmergedwithu*,g’and Rrequiringa positionalagreementof≤1′′. Whenmulti- ple counterparts were identified, we selected the closest object. Ultimately we found 1155 ACS sources also de- tected by IRAC and MIPS at 24µm. Fig. 1.—(Upper)TheIAB magdistributionfortheFLSsample Theredshiftsusedinthisstudyweredeterminedexclu- (solid),thesampletargetedforspectroscopy(long-dash),andthose wherespectroscopicredshiftswereacquired(dotted). (Lower)The sively from optical spectroscopy. They were obtainedby cumulative redshift identification efficiency. The overall spectro- cross-correlating the ACS sample, limited to IAB ≤26.5 scopic completeness is ∼ 70% for the full sample and ∼80% for (N∼29,000) with various FLS spectroscopic datasets. sourceswithIAB <25.0. Thevastmajorityofthe includedredshifts(≥97%)were obtained with the Deep Imaging Multi-Object Spectro- Cross-correlationoftheband-mergedphotometriccat- graph (DEIMOS) on the W.M. Keck II 10-m telescope; alogs with the redshift samples results in a data set of however, the final sample also included a few redshifts 476 sources with I <26.5 and 0.2≤z≤1.3. Of those, basedonSloanDigitizedSky Survey(SDSS) andWIYN AB 245 (51%) are MIPS 24µm-detected with a measured Hydra/MOS (Marleau et al. 2006 in prep) spectra. L ≥5.0×1010 L . Theremaining231(49%)arenon- GalaxiesintheFLSVerificationregionweretargetedfor IR ⊙ detected at 24µm. Despite the fact that the MIPS and spectroscopic follow-up during two DEIMOS campaigns non-MIPS galaxies were selected slightly differently, the that bracketed Spitzer’s launch. The selection criteria resultant colors of objects with spectroscopic redshifts for these campaigns are summarized below. For the have uniform color properties (Figure 2). 2003 pre-launch campaign, targets were selected based on NIR (K ) and optical (g,R,i) colors. The primary s Interacting & Merging Galaxies: Spitzer’s View 3 3.1. Pair Statistics Weappliedtheclosepairstechniquetoidentifytheav- erage number of close companions per galaxy, hereafter N . This measurement is similar in nature to the pair c fractionwhenthereareinfrequenttriplesorhigherorder N-tuples. Sincethisisthecasehere,N willbeoccasion- c ally referred to as the pair fraction. Companions were selected using a standard operational close pair defini- tion of 5h−1kpc≤ r ≤ 20h−1kpc, and an optical projected magnitude difference (∆m) ≤ 1.5 compared to the host galaxy, to select nearly equal mass major mergers. The term “host” or “primary” galaxy are both used to ref- erence the pair member with a measured redshift. The innerradiusisappliedtoavoiddetectionofsubstructure within a galaxy, while the outer 20h−1kpc limit repre- sents the radius within which satellites are expected to strongly interact with the halo of the host and merge Fig. 2.— Color-color plot where red squares depict the 24µm within 0.5-0.9 Gyrs (Patton et al. 1997; Conselice et al detected objects with spectroscopic redshifts, while blue triangles 2003). We find 87 close pairs out of 476 galaxies which show the undetected 24µm spectroscopic sample. The black dots represent the full FLS-ACS catalog for comparison. The 24µm fulfill these criteria (see Table 1). detected and undetected spectroscopic samples occupy the same To study the fraction of IR-bright galaxies in pairs, colorspace. Someobjects werenotdetected inallfourbands due we split the pair sample into two sub-sets: those which tothefieldcoverage,depthsandseeingdifferencesbetweenfilters. weredetectedandthose undetected with MIPSat24µm down to the flux limits of our survey (0.1 mJy). Figure 3 shows a subset of close pairs (both detected and unde- 3. STATISTICSOFCLOSEPAIRS,ANDMERGERS tected at 24µm) with MIPS contours. Due to the small Toproperlyconstraintheroleinteractionsandmergers separationsof close pairs (20h−1kpc correspondsto 3.6” play in galaxy evolution, all stages of the process must at z ∼ 1) relative to the beam of the MIPS 24µm im- be considered. Typically, merger history analyses utilize ages (FWHM ∼6”), there are a few instances (5) where either pair or structural methods. Galaxies in pairs are only a single 24µm detection is found centered between pre-mergers, or systems undergoing interactions, while the pair members (see middle left imagein Figure 3). In morphological or structural methods find galaxies that these cases we assume all 24µm flux is coming from the have already undergone a merger and are dynamically primary galaxy. relaxing. Whendiscussingthepairfraction,andinferredmerger 3.2. Field Correction rates(asdefinedinSection4),itmustbenotedthatthese Sincewehaveredshiftinformationforonlytheprimary measurements are highly dependent on the techniques galaxyandnotthecompanionsweneedtoconsiderwhat and selection criteria used to identify ongoing mergers, fraction of these close pairs are a result of random pro- especially for galaxies at high redshifts. jection effects. A field correction was determined using The first method, which we will call the “close pair two separate methods to account for these close pairs. method”, is to count the number of galaxy pairs within The first assumed the same optical magnitude and red- someprojectedseparation,r ,andmagnitudedif- projected shift distributions independently for both the detected ference (∆m). If we assume that these systems will and undetected 24µm samples, while the positions were merge within a given time-scale due to dynamical fric- randomized. The close pair algorithm was applied to tion, we can determine the merger rate. Although not 50 realizations of these mock catalogs and the average allpairswillmerge,they canpotentiallytriggerstarfor- N for each redshift bin was taken to be the pair frac- mation through gravitational interactions. An alterna- c tion expected from random. This assumes the absence tive is to selectmergingsystems basedonmorphological of clustering. indicators either by overall appearance (Le F`evre et al. We investigated the environments of 24µm detected 2000) or computational measurements such as asymme- andundetectedobjectsonscalesofr <20h−1kpc, try (A), andclumpiness (S) of asystem(Conselice et al. projected∼ and found them to be comparable, confirming that the 2000, 2002; Conselice 2003), or Gini coefficient (G), and increaseinpair-fractionofthe24µmdetectedpairsisnot M parameters(Abraham et al.2003;Lotz et al.2006). 20 because they preferentially lie in clusters. On the other Due to the comparatively limited spatial resolution of Spitzer (compared with optical imaging), seaching for hand,thereisaweakindicationthatgalaxiesdetectedat 24µm are more likely to lie in small groups. Since such closegalaxypairsormorphologicalsignaturesofinterac- groups may, in some cases, be physical associations, we tion atMid-IR wavelengthsis currently restrictedto the countsuchcasesasseparatepairs. However,thenumber nearby universe. However, we can correlate optically- ofthese casesis small,anddoesnotinfluence ourresults selectedpairs/mergerswithglobalMid-IRpropertiesand in any significant way. The second method utilizes the investigate the IR activity in these systems out to high I magnitudedistributionofthefullphotometriccata- redshifts. AB log (∼59,000sources), and determines the averagenum- ber of companions, within 1.5 mags (I ), normalized AB to the area covered by 5h−1kpc≤r ≤20h−1kpc. projected 4 Bridge et al. Fig. 4.— The field corrected pair fraction Nc as a function of redshiftasmeasuredintheopticalandIR.Thestarsrepresentthe measurementfromour24µmdetectedsample,trianglesdepictthe field corrected pair fraction of the undetected 24µm sub-set, and Fig. 3.—Asubsetofpairedgalaxiesinoursample. Eachimage filled circles show the combined pair fraction of the two samples. is 60h−1kpc on a side with axes in arcseconds, centered on the Other optically-determined pair fractions appear as open squares pairmemberwiththespectroscopicredshiftalsoreferredtoasthe (DEEP2 Field 1) and triangles (Field 2) (Linetal. 2004), cross primaryor host pair member (white circle), while the companion forCNOC2(Patton etal.2002),whilethedashedlineshowstheir ishighlightedinablackcircle. Thetwoupperrowsareclosepairs bestpowerlawfitof(1+z)m (m=1.08±0.40). Thenear-IRpair whichweredetectedat24µm,whilethelowersetarefromtheun- fractiondeterminedbyBundyetal.(2004)isshownbydiamonds. detected24µmpairedsample. The3−10σ24µmfluxcontoursare Errorsforthisworkarederivedusingjacknifestatistics,whilethe overlaid. Thelabelsarespectroscopicredshift,andIABmagnitude IRpairfractionerrorsimplementedcountingstatisticsandDEEP2, oftheprimarygalaxy. CNOC2errorsaredeterminedviabootstrap. ALIR≥5.0×1010 limit was imposed on the 24µm detected close pairs. Note that The results obtainedfromthe two field correctionmeth- eachworkimposes aslightlydifferent luminosityand stellarmass odsagreedwithin∼2%,whichisnegligiblecomparedto limit. the uncertainly in N . The average of the two methods fraction of MIPS bright sources is marginally significant c was taken to be the final field correction. Both the pair due to the small number of sources in the highest red- catalog and randomly generated catalogs were visually shift bin, more MIR selected samples between z =1-1.5 inspected forfalse pairsdue to single galaxiesbeing bro- are required to strengthen our findings. kenupintomultiplecomponentsinthesourceextraction We would like to be able to rule out the possibility phase,orcontaminatingstarsinthephotometriccatalog, that N is biased by the brightest IR sources at z ≥ 1, c and were removed. since merger fractions change as a function of lumi- nosity and mass (Conselice et al. 2003; Xu et al. 2004). 3.3. Pair Fractions To address this we placed a higher IR luminosity limit (L ≥ 7.0×1011) on the sample, so that at z ≥ 0.7 The field-correctedoptical pair fractions for the 24µm IR the same populations were being probed (optically we detected and undetected sub-samples are presented in are probing -22<M <-19). We still find an increase in Figure 4 and Table 1. Errors are computed using ∼ B∼ the jackknife technique (Efron & Tibshirani 1986), e.g. Nc from the lower (0.8 ≤ z ≤ 1.0) to the higher (z ≥ 1) given a sample of N galaxies the variance is given by redshiftbinsofsimilarmagnitudecomparedtowhenthe [(N −1)/NP δ2]1/2. The partial standard deviations, lower IR limit (LIR ≥ 5.0×1010) was used. Therefore δi, are computiedi for each object by taking the differ- the increase in Nc found at z ≥1 is likely not a result of merely probing brighter IR systems but rather due to a ence between N , the quantity being measured and the c physicalincreaseinthe mergerateforthe 24µmpopula- same quantity with the ith galaxy removed, N , such ci that δi=N −N . tion,howeverdeeper24µmimagingandspectroscopyare c ci requiredtoconfirmthis. Whenweconsidertheaveraged Toallowamoredirectcomparisontobemadebetween pair fraction over 0.2 ≤ z ≤ 1.3 for the 24µm detected the generally lower-luminosity low-z pairs, and those at samplewefindthatgalaxiesaboveafluxlimitof0.1mJy higher redshift, we derived pair fractions for MIPS de- tectedgalaxieswith anL ≥5.0×1010 (approximately arefivetimesmorelikelytobeinaclosegalaxypair,than IR those below this limit. the IR luminosity of the famous Antenna Galaxies). In thiswayweensurethatthesub-luminousgalaxiesdonot 3.4. Morphological Mergers strongly influence the pair fractions in the lowest red- shift bin. The derived N for 24µm detected close pairs Toexplorethestructuralcomponentsofgalaxiesinour c is ∼ 11%±8% at z ∼ 0.4 and increases to 25%±10% sample we used the CAS (Concentration, Asymmetry, at z∼1. In contrast, close pairs with no 24µm detection Clumpiness)quantitativeclassificationsystem(Conselice show no increase with redshift and have pair fractions 1997; Conselice et al. 2000, 2002; Conselice 2003), and consistent with zero at all redshifts. The higher pair visualclassifications. Tomeasurethemergerfractionus- Interacting & Merging Galaxies: Spitzer’s View 5 TABLE 1 FLS Close PairStatistics z Ngal NcD NcR Nc κ 24µm Detected 0.2-0.5 32 0.188(6) 0.078(2.5) 0.110±0.083 0.83 0.5-0.80 82 0.171(14) 0.057(4.7) 0.114±0.040 0.93 0.80-1.0 82 0.122(10) 0.029(2.4) 0.093±0.038 0.90 1.0-1.3 49 0.429(21) 0.182(8.9) 0.247±0.086 0.67 24µmUndetected 0.2-0.5 44 0.136(6) 0.102(4.5) 0.034±0.052 1.00 0.5-0.80 76 0.132(10) 0.134(10.2) 0±0.039 1.00 0.80-1.0 56 0.214(12) 0.193(10.8) 0.021±0.064 0.83 1.0-1.3 55 0.145(8) 0.180(9.9) 0±0.065 0.75 Note. —Ngal isthenumberofgalaxieswith aspectroscopicredshift,NcD is the numberof companionsperhost fulfillingour pair criteria, while NR is c the number of projected companions per host from the field. The corrected fractionofcompanionsperhostisgivenas,(NcD-NcR)/Ngal,witherrorsbeing determinedusingajacknifetechnique. Numbersappearinginparenthesesrefers tothenumberofclosepairsintherespectiveredshiftbins. Undetectedat24µm refers to sources below the limits of our survey (0.1mJy). The constant κ is the fractional number of mergersper host galaxy. A LIR ≥ 5.0×1010 limit wasimposed. ingstructuralclassificationswevisuallyinspectedthefull 24µm detected spectroscopic catalog with the following groupings: early type (E, S0), mid-types (Sa-Sb), late- types (Sc-irr), compact systems, disturbed disks, and mergers. The methodology for carrying out this clas- sificationisdescribedindetailinConselice et al.(2005). Basically, each galaxy was viewed on a computer screen andclassifiedinto one of ourtypes. Overallwe find that 55%± 5% of 24µm detected galaxies are disks, which is consistent with Bell et al. (2005); Lotz et al. (2006), while26%±5%aremergingsystemsand∼6%wereclas- sified as disturbed disks and are possible minor mergers. A fraction of the disk-dominated objects do show some visual signs of a morphological disturbance, or are in a pair, as we will discuss later in this paper. Galaxies undergoing a major merger event can also generally be identified by their large asymmetries in the rest frame optical (Conselice et al. 2000, 2003). We de- fined a major merger as a galaxy having an asymmetry (A) ≥ 0.35 and I ≤ 26.5 (see Figure 5 for exam- AB ples). This limit has been shown to be a clean way to find galaxy mergers, without significant contamination from non-merging galaxies (Conselice 2003). Figure 6 Fig. 5.— A subset of 24µm detected galaxies in our sample shows how the merger fraction for CAS defined mergers classifiedasamerger. Eachimageis30h−1kpconasidewithaxes inarcseconds. The3−10σ 24µm fluxcontours areoverlaid. The evolves as a function of redshift for both 24µm detected objects (top panel) and LIRG/ULIRG galaxies (bottom labelsincludespectroscopicredshift,andF814WAB magnitude. panel). As with the 24µm detected close pair sample inspected and classified by four of the authors to be ei- there is an elevated merger fraction compared to other ther disk or bulge-dominated. We find that 81% of the works(Cassata et al.2005;Lotz et al.2006)inwhichno 24µmpairs havedisk morphologieswhile 74%ofthe un- 24µm flux limit was imposed, and a slight indication of detected24µmhostswerealsodiskdominated,hencethe evolution with redshift, but it is statistically consistent discrepancy between the asymmetries of the two groups with m ∼ 1.0 (dashed line), where m is the slope of a is not causedby classificationdifferences, but rather is a power-law of form (1+z)m later discussed in §5. physical effect. We also performed a CAS analysis of our close pairs sample which revealed that 24µm detected pairs are no- 4. MERGERRATES tably more asymmetric than the undetected-MIPS close One of the goals of studying mergers and interactions pairs (Figure 7), suggesting that interactions and colli- is to determine how the galaxy merger rate evolves with sions may play a role in their IR activity. If the 24µm redshift. Most studies of galaxy mergers involve deter- detected close pairs were generally of a different mor- miningthemergerfraction,yetthemergerrate,whichis phological classification than those pairs undetected at defined as the number of galaxies merging per unit time 24µm the discrepancy in the asymmetries could be ex- per unit volume, is a more physical quantity that can plained. Toaddressthisissueeachclosepairwasvisually be used to determine the full merger history. The rate 6 Bridge et al. numberofmergerstakingplaceperunittimeperunitco- movingvolume(ℜ ). Sinceweareprimarilyinterested mgv in mergers which are also Mid-IR bright systems we will have to restrict ourselves to measuring ℜ because the mg evolution of the 24µm luminosity function with redshift is currently not well constrained, and our redshifts are not complete enough to reconstruct this evolution. In order to determine ℜ we need to identify sys- mg tems which are destined to merge. We have approached thismeasurementfromthreedifferentperspectives,close pairsto selectpre-mergersor interactions,visualinspec- tion to select interactions after the first passage, and late stage mergers, as well as CAS criteria which quan- titatively selects for later stage mergers. By combin- ing information about the number of ongoing mergers (N ) and the time-scales, (T ) on which they will un- m mg dergo said merger, one can estimate an overall merger rate ℜ =N /T . Each method of identifying merg- mg m mg ers/interactions is capturing a different snapshot of the Fig. 6.— Merger fraction as a function of redshift, usingquan- titative morphological criteria. The filled squares represent mea- merger process, each with different merger timescales. surements from FLS (this work) of sources with a 24µm detec- The value of N is directly proportional to the num- c tion. The“x’s”marktheresultsofConseliceetal.(2003),triangles ber of mergers per galaxy (N ), such that N = κN depict Cassataetal. (2005), and diamonds represent Lotzetal. m m c (κ is a constant relating to the number of mergers per (2006). Toppanelshowsthemergerfractionofother studieswith no24µmcriteriaimposed,whilethemeasurementsfromthiswork galaxy). Hence, the merger rate detemined using close bareestmfietrogfer(s1w+izt)hmLIuRsin≥g5a.l0lp×o1in0t1s0L(f⊙ro.mTthheedoatshheerdstliundeisess)hwowitshtnhoe galaxy pairs is given by ℜmg = κNc/Tmg. The value of κ depends on the nature of the merging systems un- MIPSlimitimposed(m=1.08). Bottom panel shows the merger fraction for LIRG/ULIRG galaxies (LIR ≥ 1.0×1011L⊙). Error der consideration. If one were to identify a pure set of barsderivedusingPoissonstatistics. galaxy pairs each consisting of one companion undergo- ing a merger, then κ = 1.0. In our case it exclusively accounts for close pairs which are in doubles and per- haps higher order N-tuples. Our definition of κ differs by a factor two from Patton et al. (2000) which in this instance would have κ = 0.5 since they have redshifts for both pair members and one merger is made up of two companions. We have redshift information for only one pair member, therefore one merger is made up of a primary and one companion. The merger rate equation for merging galaxies selected by visual classification and CAS parameters is simply ℜ = f /T , where f mg mg mg gm is the galaxy merger fraction. Before the merger fraction can be used to calculate the merger rate we need to understand the time-scale in which a merger occurs. Each technique of identifying mergers has a different time-scale since each is sensitive to a different interval of the merger process. There are two main methods that have been used to estimate the Fig. 7.—Asymmetry-Concentrationdiagramforthe24µmde- time-scale of a merger: dynamical friction arguments, tected close pairs(squares) and undetected pairs(triangles). The andN-bodymodels. Thedetailsofthesemethodsarebe- longdashed(vertical)lineseparatesmergingandnon-mergingsys- yondthe scopeofthispaperbut seePatton et al.(2000) tems(A≥0.35isconsideredamerger),whilethedash-dottedlines and Conselice (2006) for a review. We take the aver- separateearly(upper)tomidtolate(lower)typegalaxiesdefined byConselice(2003). Generallyclosepairsaremid/latetypegalax- age merger time-scale for a set of close companions of ies,andsomewouldalsobemorphologicallyclassifiedasamerger. roughly equal mass to merge as ∼0.5 Gyr±0.25,derived fromdynamicalarguments(Patton et al.2000;Conselice in which galaxiesmergealso affects the mass function of 2006). Conselice (2006) showedthrough N-body simula- galaxies, and is likely linked to the cosmic star forma- tions that visual classification selects on-going mergers tionrate. Sinceweareconsideringaverybroadrangein over a longer time-scale (1.0 Gyr±0.25) since the hu- the merger process, from early-stage or pre-mergers se- maneyedetectsbothearlyandlaterstagemergers,while lectedviaclosegalaxypairs,andlater-stagemergerscho- the asymmetry of a galaxyis sensitive to 0.41 Gyr±0.17 sen based on morphological criteria, we must be careful (Conselice 2006) of the merger sequence. when determining their respective merger rates, as the time-scales for these processes are all different. There are two variations of the merger rate definition. The first is the number of mergers that a galaxy will undergoperunittime(ℜ ),andthe secondisthetotal mg Interacting & Merging Galaxies: Spitzer’s View 7 5. THEEVOLUTIONOFTHEGALAXYMERGERRATE 0.2≤Z≤1.3 Within the past two decades numerous studies have been performed to estimate the evolution of the galaxy merger fraction, using both the close pair technique (Zepf & Koo 1989; Burkey et al. 1994; Carlberg et al. 1994; Yee & Ellingson 1995; Patton et al. 1997, 2000; Le F`evre et al. 2000; Lin et al. 2004; Bundy et al. 2004) and morphological parameters (Le F`evre et al. 2000; Conselice et al. 2003; Lavery et al. 2004; Lotz et al. 2006). Evolution in the galaxy merger fraction is of- ten parameterizedby a power-law of form (1+z)m, and has yielded a wide range of results, spanning 0.m.5. The large spread in values is in part due to the different selection criteria used to identify merging systems and biases from optical contamination or redshift complete- ness. Patton et al. (1997) considered these biases and demonstrated that most results to that date were con- Fig. 8.—Thenumberofmergerspergalaxy(LIR ≥5×1010)asa sistent with their estimate of m = 2.9±0.9. Recently, functionofredshift. Threemerger/interactionselectiontechniques areapplied, closepairs (squares), CAScriteria(stars), and visual optical and near-IR close pair studies (Lin et al. 2004; classification(triangles), whilemerger rates forthe combined (w/ Bundy et al. 2004) have derived merger fractions with andw/o24µmdetections)usingtheclosepairsmethodareshown littleredshiftevolution(m∼1),ashavesomemorpholog- with circles. The long dashed curve is the best fit of the form (1+z)m, using the FLS data for the three techniques; the dot- ical studies using (G), and M (Lotz et al. 2006). 20 dashed curve represents the best fit for the combined total close When we consider all the close pairs identified in our pairs(MIPSandnon-MIPSpairs). sample, both those detected at 24µm and not, we find a merger fraction and rate consistent with recent studies ure9). MIPSpairsandmergerssharea similarluminos- showinglittle redshift evolution. However,when we sep- ity distribution to 24µm bright field galaxies, although aratethepairsampleintosystemswitha24µmdetection red-AGNseem generally more luminous which is in part above 0.1 mJy, and those below it, we do see a stronger due to template mismatches (Chary & Elbaz 2001). evolutionofN withredshift,(recallthatN ∝ℜ )and c c mg The L of a galaxy is a combined measure of the thereforealsointhe mergerfractionandrate(Figure8). IR reprocessed UV photons intercepted by dust from mas- Similarly, visually classifiedmergers and those identified sive young stars and AGN. Therefore to investigate the via asymmetry levels (A ≥ 0.35) using the CAS param- contribution an interacting or merging galaxy makes to- eters,also showredshift evolutionin the mergerfraction wards the total L density from star formation alone andrate. Themergerfractioncomputedusingthediffer- IR we must first remove AGN from our sample. Due to ent methods are in good agreement when normalizedby the nonuniform rest-frame spectral coverageof our sam- their respective time-scales, reinforcing the idea that we ple we rely on the four-band IRAC color selection used are probing different phases of the merger process. Con- by (Lacy et al. 2004) to identify and remove AGN can- sideringallthree mergerselectiontechniqueswefindthe bestfitofthemergerrateparameterizedbyℜ(0)(1+z)m didates (Figure 10). Over the modest redshift range of tobe 0.077±0.045,2.12±0.93,withareducedχ2=0.39. our sample, this method is still effective at separating IR-warmAGNfromstarburstsystems. WefindanAGN Thisresultsuggeststhatwhenone considersasampleof contamination rate of ∼ 12% for the full 24µm sample, close galaxy pairs solely on their optical fluxes, brighter while ∼14% of the hosts in a pair or merger were char- than M =-19, little evolution of the merger rate with B acterized as AGN. redshift is found. However close pairs emitting 24µm WithAGNcandidateobjectsremovedwecaninferthe flux exhibit an increase in the mergerrate with redshift. The infrared luminosity limit (L ≥ 1011L ) imposed contributiontotheLIRdensityfromstarformationcom- IR ⊙ ingfrom24µmgalaxiesinainteraction/mergerasafunc- on the close pairs and mergers allows us to primarily tion of redshift. We derive the number of statistically probe systems in a LIRG/ULIRG phase at z ≥ 0.4 (see “real” galaxy pairs from our pair fraction result at each nextsectionfordetails). Theincreaseofthemergerfrac- redshift interval and determine the total L density tion and rate of this population of galaxies coupled with IR fromclosepairswhichisinturndividedbytheL den- the fact that LIRG/ULIRG galaxies dominate the SFR IR sity from the whole sample. We find that paired galax- density at z ≥ 0.7 (Le Floc’h et al. 2005) suggests that merging does in fact play an increasingly important role ies (LIR ≥ 1011L⊙) are responsible for 27%+−98%% of the in star formation out to z ∼1. IR background stemming from star formation at z ∼ 1. Since we only know the redshift of the host galaxy we 6. TOTALINFRAREDLUMINOSITIESOFMERGERS select “real” close pairs in a statistical sense, and derive One way to quantify the role merging galaxies play in errorbarsfortheclosepairscontributionbythespreadof triggeringstarformationis to investigatetheir contribu- 50realizationsoftheL densityfromdifferentcombina- IR tion to IR luminosity densities. Infraredluminosities (8- tionsof24µmgalaxypairs. Wealsoappliedthisanalysis 1000µm ) were calculated utilizing the 24µm fluxes and toCASandvisuallyclassifiedmergers,whichmakeupan two different template methods: Chary & Elbaz (2001); additional∼12%,and∼22%oftheIRluminositydensity Dale et al.(2001)inasimilarmannerasLe Floc’h et al. respectively. Naturallythereisasomeoverlapinmergers (2005)forthefullMIPS24µmspectroscopicsample(Fig- identified through close pair criteria and morphological 8 Bridge et al. Fig. 9.— Infrared luminosity LIR[8−1000µm] vs. redshift for Fig. 11.—ThefractionofLIRdensity(asaresultofstarforma- theMIPS24µmsamplewithspectroscopicredshifts,brokendown tion)asafunctionofredshiftcomingfromLIRG/ULIRGgalaxies into galaxies in a close pair (red triangle), CAS mergers (open inaclosepair(pre-mergerphase)shownbytriangles,ormoread- green diamonds), AGN candidates (yellow star), AGN candidates vanced stage mergers defined morphologically (circles). The star in a close pair (blue square), AGN mergers (open black square), symbolindicates the total combined contribution fromclosepairs and field galaxies (black circles). LIRGs lie above the horizontal andCASmergers,whilesquares depictthe total fromclosepairs, dashedlineatLIR≥1011L⊙ CAS, and visually classified mergers. Note an infrared limit of LIR≥1011L⊙ wasimposed. parameters,sinceinteractingpairscanexhibittidaltails andasymmetricstructures,causingthemtoalsobeiden- The combination of these three merger selection tech- tifiedmorphologicallyasmergers. We foundthat37%of niquesidentifiesalargerangeinthemergerprocess,from CAS defined mergers were also in a close pair, and 31% pre-merger to late stage mergers, implying that ∼60% ofvisuallyidentifiedmergerswerealsoclassifiedby CAS of the infrared luminosity density at z∼1 can be at- asmerging. Incaseswhereamergingsystemwasidenti- tributed to galaxies involved in some stage of a major fied using multiple techniques it’s contribution was only merger(Figure11). Theremaining∼40%oftheIRback- counted once. For example, if a merger identified mor- ground from LIRG/ULIRGs is likely to predominately phologically(either throughCASorvisualinspection)is come from active, isolated gas-rich star-forming spirals, also in a close pair it is removed from the morphologi- with some contribution from minor mergers. cal merger catalog, or if a CAS merger is also identified If we exclude visually classified mergers the close visually the merger is removed from the visual merger pair/merger contribution to the IR density is ∼38%, in catalog. This insures that no close pair or merger is good agreement with Lin et al. (2006) who estimate a counted more than once when deriving the contribution moderatecontributionfrominteractingandmergingsys- from interactions and mergers to the IR luminosity den- tems of <36%. It must be noted however that neither sity. ∼ Lin et al.(2006)orthisworkhaveconsideredthecontri- butionfromminormergersandarethereforelowerlimits. 6.1. Star Formation in Mergers & Interactions Animportantandhighlydebatedquestionis: howim- portant are galaxy mergers in understanding the dra- matic decline of the cosmic SFR density from z ∼ 1 to the present day? It has been well established that mergers and interactions can induce violent bursts of star formation (Schweizer 1982; Barton et al. 2000; Mihos & Hernquist1996;Cox et al.2006). Sotoinvesti- gate this contribution we derived the SFR for our 24µm detected close pairs and mergers, using their L . The IR infrared luminosity of a galaxy is a star formation rate tracerwhichisunaffectedbythe extinctionofdust. The dominant heat sources of most dusty, high-opacity sys- tems such as LIRGs and starbursts is stellar radiation Fig. 10.— IRACcolor-colorplotusingtheregionintheFLScov- from young stars. In these types of systems the LIR ered by the ACS imaging. Circles represent objects withspectro- can be converted into a SFR using the calibration of scopicredshiftsanddetectionsinallfourIRACchannels. Thered Kennicutt (1998), SFR = 4.5×10−44L (ergss−1), trianglesindicateobjectswhichhavemetthecolorcriteria(shown IR IR where L is the integrated luminosity from 8-1000µm bythe dashed line) ofan AGN candidate (Lacyetal.2004). The IR green stars and blue squares depict objects in a close galaxy pair as determined in section 6.0. ormergerwhosehostwasalsoflaggedasanAGNcandidate. We estimated the contribution mergers and interac- Interacting & Merging Galaxies: Spitzer’s View 9 tions above L ≥ 1011L make to the SFR density at must also be mentioned that we are probing to higher IR ⊙ z ∼1 in two ways. The first is simply to consider their redshiftsthanBell et al.(2005),whichfoundthatmajor contributiontotheL densitywhichisastarformation galaxy mergers account for ≤30% of the IR luminosity IR tracer. Section6.0determinedthatmergersandinterac- density at z∼0.7, consistent with our findings of 35% tions at z∼1 (above L ≥ 1011L ) are responsible for at that redshift. Our results also agree that at z ∼0.7 IR ⊙ 40-60%oftheIRluminositydensity. Usingtheresultsof isolated undisturbed spiral galaxies are a primary con- Le Floc’h et al.(2005) whichshowedthat z ≥0.7 LIRGs tributor,however,theinfluenceshiftstointeractionsand produce ∼ 70% of the star formation rate density, we mergers at z>0.7. caninfer thatmergersandinteractionsinLIRG/ULIRG OurfindingspointtoanincreasedimportanceofMIPS phasewouldberesponsiblefor∼30−40%(0.6×70%)of brightinteractionsandmergerstotheIRluminosityden- the SFR density at z ∼1, since IR activity traces dusty sity and SFR density at z≥0.7. This conclusion is not star formation. hampered by the small statistics of the z >1 bin. Fig- The second more detailed approach utilizes the SFR ure11showstheIRluminositydensitycontributionfrom density directly arising from our sample of mergers and interactions/mergers at z∼0.7 to be ∼37% and 52% at interactions. At 1.0≤z≤1.3 we find that 59% (12 close z∼0.9,reinforcing this increasing trend. pairs, and 17 later stage mergers) of galaxies detected at 24µm are involved in some stage of an interaction or merger. Inthissameredshiftrangeoursampleisinsensi- 7. DISCUSSION tive to galaxies with IR luminosities ≤1011.5. To correct Usinga spectroscopicsampleoffieldgalaxiesfromthe for this we derived a scaling factor (∼7) simply by com- ACScomponentoftheFLSanddividingitintotwosub- paring the number of observed objects of a given LIR sets, those with a 24µm detection (above 0.1mJy) and in a specific redshift range to the number expected from those without (or below) we identified optically merg- models(Lagache et al.2004). Howevertogoanyfurther ing/interactingsystemsviaclosepairstatisticsandmor- we must assume that our spectroscopic sample is repre- phologicalmethods. We find that roughly 25% of galax- sentative of this population at ∼1, and by all accounts ies emitting at 24µm have a close companion at z ∼1 this appears to be true. Using the derived pair fraction while at z ∼0.5 only ∼ 11% are in pairs. In contrast, wecantheninferthetotalnumberofmajormergersand those undetected at MIPS 24µm showed a pair fraction interactions occurring (fulfilling our criteria) in a given consistent with zero at all redshifts (0.2≤z≤1.3). On volume and LIR limit. The lower limit of the SFR den- average MIPS 24µm galaxies are five times more likely sity at z ∼1 from merging and interacting galaxies is than non-MIPS sources to have a close companion over found to be 0.066 M yr−1Mpc−1. Using the extinction 0.2≤z≤1.3. When the samples are combined (regardless ⊙ corrected “Lilly-Madau” plot (0.1585 M yr−1Mpc−1 at of24µmflux)wefindpairfractionsconsistentwithprevi- ⊙ z =1) (Thompson et al. 2001) we find that mergers and ous studies (Lin et al. 2004; Bundy et al. 2004) showing interactions are responsible for at least 42% of the SFR little evolution with redshift. densityatz ∼1(assumingmergerscontribute60%ofthe An important and open question is the cause of star IRdensity). Bothapproachesareingoodagreement,and formation in LIRG galaxies at high-z. Some morpho- areonlyalowerlimit,sinceobjectsflaggedasAGNwere logical studies have suggested that since at least half not consideredeven thoughsome of their L is a result of the LIRG galaxies exhibit disk dominated morpholo- IR of star formation, and minor mergers which have been gies (Bell et al. 2005; Lotz et al. 2006) at z ≥0.7 and shown to also induce bursts of star formation were not lownon-evolvingmergerfractions(Lotz et al.2006)that included. the driver of IR activity in high-z LIRGs is from on- These results have interesting implications for the going star-formation from isolated gas-rich spirals and physical mechanisms that drive the decline in the cos- notmergerorinteractioninduced. OnebiasofHSTmor- mic SFR (CSFR) density from z ∼ 1 to present day. phological studies involving the identification of merg- They suggest that when all stages of the merger process ing/intereactingsystemsisthelimitationofdetectinglow are considered (pre-merger to later stage merger) ma- surface brightness features such as tidal tails caused by jor interactions and mergers contribute close to half of closeinteractions,whichcanleadto anunderestimateof the z ∼ 1 SFR density, and the decline in the num- the importance of mergers in the evolution of galaxies ber of 24µm detected mergers/inteactions is a signifi- at z <1. Ultimately both close pair and morphological cant, but perhaps not the primary driver for the decline techniques must be applied and considered, to obtain a in the cosmic SFR. This conclusion differs in interpre- completemajormergertimeline. Ouranalysisisthefirst tation from Bell et al. (2005); Melbourne et al. (2005); toprobemergerrateevolutioncombiningclosepairsand Wolf et al. (2005); Lin et al. (2006); Lotz et al. (2006), later stage mergers while considering the IR activity of whichgenerally suggestthat the evolutionof the merger these systems. rate is not a significant underlying cause of the decline We find that close pair statistics, visually classified in the cosmic SFR, but rather a strong decrease in the mergers, and those identified via quantitative CAS pa- SFRofmorphologicallyundisturbedspiralgalaxiesisthe rameters all showed similar evolution in their merger dominant mechanism. Their results do not preclude the rates. Fitting the mergerrate evolutionfunction ℜ(z)∝ possibility that their “star forming (undisturbed) disks” (1+z)m for 24µm detected mergers above 0.1mJy, we could be in widely separated pairs, and when we only find m = 2.12±0.93. This result agrees with previous consider quantitatively defined morphological mergers claims of an increase (m ≥ 2) of the merger rate out ourresultsareconsistentwiththeirsstressingtheimpor- to z ∼1 (Patton et al. 1997, 2000; Le F`evre et al. 2000; tanceofconsideringthemergerprocessinitsentirety. It Conselice et al. 2003; Cassata et al. 2005). Howeverthis evolution is not seen when IR faint (< 0.1mJy) merg- 10 Bridge et al. ers are included, suggesting that it is the LIRG-merger standingoftheevolutionandmassassemblyofluminous population that is evolving with redshift. IR galaxies. TheMid-IRemissionofLIRGsisindicativeofdusten- shrouded star formation (and some AGN activity), and at z ≥0.7 they dominate the IR luminosity density and WewouldliketothankH.Shim,M.Im,R.Chary,and in turn the volume-averagedstar formation rate density C. Borys for their contributions to this work, V. Char- atz ∼1. Weestimatethatclosegalaxypairsarerespon- mandaris for useful suggestions,and the anonymousref- sible for ∼ 27% of the IR luminosity density resulting eree for valuable comments that improved the clarity of from star formation at z ∼ 1, while later stage mergers thepaper. Thisworkisbasedonobservationsmadewith contribute ∼ 35%. This implies that 40-60% of the in- the Spitzer Observatory, which is operated by the Jet frared luminosity density at z ∼ 1 can be attributed to Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technol- galaxies involved in some stage of a major merger, indi- ogy, under NASA contract 107. Support for this work cating that merger-driven star formation is responsible was provided in part by the Spitzer Graduate Student for 30-40% of the star formation density at z ∼ 1. This Fellowship program and an Ontario Graduate Scholar- value is a lower limit since minor mergers and interac- ship in Science and Technology. The authors wish to tions/mergers with an AGN were not considered. recognize and acknowledge the very significant cultural Ultimately, our findings suggest that interactions and role and reverence that the summit of Mauna Kea has mergersof LIRGphase galaxiesplay anincreasinglyim- always had within the indigenous Hawaiian community. portant role in both the IR luminosity and SFR density We are most fortunate to have the opportunity to con- from z ≥ 0.7 out to z ∼1.3, and are vital to our under- duct observations from this mountain. REFERENCES Abraham, R. G., van den Bergh, S., Glazebrook, K., Ellis, R. S., Fadda,D.,etal.2006,AJ,131,2859 Santiago, B.X., Surma,P., & Griffiths,R. E. 1996, ApJS, 107, Fazio,G.G.,etal.2004, ApJS,154,10 1 Kennicutt,R.C.,Jr.1998,ARA&A,36,189 Abraham, R. G., Tanvir, N. R., Santiago, B. X., Ellis, R. 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