The Role Aquaporins Water of Balance in in Cheilanthes lanosa (Adiantaceae) Gametophytes Water and osmoregulation has been a challenge since the beginning of cellular life. The first protocells would have had to constantly control the and solutes water content of the cytoplasm to maintain Therefore, seems life. it plausible that all bacterial, protozoan, animal, fungal, and plant would cells have and should contain highly conserved mechanisms move water still to in and out of cells (Chrispeels and Agre, 1994; Chrispeels and Maurel, 1994; Maurel, 1997). Water-specific channels for water balance, aquaporins, exist in every kingdom and And, common although species. sense calls for the existence of such a practical mechanism, discovery of these channels was difficult. Indirect evidence demonstrated the rationale for such a simple mechanism at least twenty years before their discovery. Philip (1958) reviewed the data on water movement and across lipid bilayers, averred that the actual rate of water movement much more what into cells is rapid than should occur across a lipid were movement bilayer. Yet, future botanists taught water all that occurs through osmosis across a plant plasma membrane. Finally, in 1984, aquaporins were concurrently discovered in bovine eyes (Gorin and al, 1984) erythrocytes (Macey, Agre Very 1984; et 1987). quickly, aquaporins were al., AMERICAN FERN VOLUME NUMBER JOURNAL: 102 (2012) 1 identified in rat kidney tubules, fungi, bacteria, and of course, plants (reviewed Agre and in et 1995; Chrispeels Agre, al., 1994]. One impediment to the discovery of aquaporins was Any specificity. water- specific channel would have exclude which to ions, are smaller than water molecules. Confusion over potential structure helped delay the search for a water control mechanism. However, following the discovery of aquaporins, the how elucidation of the structure revealed an organism could move effectively water and exclude The membrane ions. proteins are a constructed from six regions that form a spiral internal channel (Fotiadis et al, 2001]. Water, which is angled, flows through the spiraled channels but smaller molecules, such as sodium and potassium, cannot pass through the center (Fotiadis et ah, 2001). Aquaporins by are controlled a phosphorylation switch (Johnson and Chrispeels, Johansson and 1991; et al., 1996, 1998], thus, cells are in control of water movement. The channels may are also bidirectional; water flow out of Tyerman cells or into cells (Steudle, 1992; For et 1999]. plants, this a al., is perfect control mechanism. Cytoplasm solute control and aquaporin gating combine allow to a functional cytoplasmic environment within a range of conditions (Kaldenhoff Maurel et al., 1993, 1995; et 1995; Maurel, 1997]. al., Studies on aquaporins have many resolved complicated questions regarding plant functions. Aquaporins xylem and phloem and exist in help prevent cavitation (Voicu et al, 2009]. Aquaporins exist in root cortical and endodermal and help cells generate or resolve pressure of water flow (Vandeleur et 2005; Steudle and Peterson, Aquaporins guard al., 1998]. in cell tonoplasts respond to changes in blue light and abscisic acid and allow water flow and into out of the vacuole (Kaldenhoff Aquaporins et al, 1993]. are movement also involved water and management in during water (Suga stress et 2002]. al., Based on above we may the findings, hypothesized aquaporins that play a key role in the survival of fern gametophytes in xeric environments as mechanisms water management. To we for hypothesis, chose test this a common North American xerophytic fern, Cheilanthes lanosa (Michx.] D.C. study because Eat. for this inhabits a variety of substrates (Mickel, it 1979], though commonly among found other xerophytic species (Mohlenbrock, it is many and possesses 1959], of the features that other xerophytic ferns possess, such microphylly as (Pickett, 1931; Hevly, 1963; Quirk and Chambers, 1981), trichomes (Quirk and Chambers, mycorrhizal and 1981), associations (Palmieri on Swatzell, 2004], cuticle the gametophyte (Lingle et al, 2004), and the ability to regenerate after desiccation (Diamond et al, 2003). In addition, like many other xerophytic gametophytes, lanosa gametophytes apogamous C. are (Steil, The 1933, 1939; Hevly, 1963). gametophytes are also not heavily covered with wax, and are one-cell in thickness, appear generally unprotected from their surroundings. Thus, the lanosa gametophytes could C. represent the We numerous physiological state of xerophytic ferns. predicted that was if it we possible to identify aquaporins in this fern gametophyte, and could if poison these proteins with low levels of mercury, which blocks the protein channel Kuwahara we (Preston et al, 1993; et al, 1997), could effectively DIAMOND ET AQUAPORINS CHEILANTHES LANOSA AL.: IN movement control water out of desiccating This would suggest cells. at least a potential role for aquaporins in xerophytic gametophyte water management. Materials and Methods To we test our hypothesis, examined different developmental stages and in microclimates different for the Cbeilanthes lanosa gametophyte. Each development and stage microclimate condition will heretofore be designated simply as a "stage." Plant Collection Cbeilanthes lanosa sporophylls were collected in the fall of 2003 after the from Makanda, cm placed and first frost Illinois, in glass 9 Petri dishes, stored in the dark at 4°C. After several months, sporophylls were crushed using a mortar and pestle. Cheilantbes lanosa spores average 40 |im in diameter (Devi and et al., 1971] thus spores were separated from the plant material using a mesh 65 )im brass Spores were C sieve. stored at 4 in the dark. Culture Conditions Wet grown (WG) gametopbytes and protonemal were callus (callus).— S^pores 7% surface sterilized in a (v/v) commercial bleach solution with 0.1% (v/v) Triton X-100 for 10 min. Spores were then rinsed ddHaO and sown on in sterile a mM mM mM medium modified tissue culture (TCM; 20 NH4NO3, 20 KNO3, 1.5 mM MgS04-7H20, MnS04-H20, 1.0 30.0 ^iM ZnS04-7H20, jiM CuS04-5H20, 0.1 mM mM mM CaCl2-2H20, 3.0 5.0 [iM KI, 0.1 |iM CoCl2-6H20, 0.8 KH2PO4, 0.9 mM mM ^M H3BO3, Na2Mo04-2H20, FeS04-7H20, Na2EDTA, 1.0 0.1 0.1 ^M 0.23 )iM kinetin, 0.86 ^iM 2,4-D, 0.4 nicotinic acid, 0.3 jiM pyridoxine, 1.3 ^iM mM pH cm thiamine, 0.56 myo-inositol, 5.7; Smith, 1992) in 9 Petri dishes. Spores were incubated at 25°C in 0.175 nmol-m"^-s^^ of continuous red far light nm) (650-705 10 for d. Following germination and protonemal development, were the plates Some were separated. plates left in the far red light to enhance callus growth and the remaining plates were then exposed continuous white and to light the protonema began growth planar into gametopbytes. Dry grown (DG) gametopbytes.—Dry grown sown gametopbytes were on fine grain white sand (Decor Sand, Activa Products USA) Marshall, Texas, Inc., WG mL TCM wetted with 20 of and incubated as the and callus cultures DG upon described above. Thereafter, drying, gametopbytes wetted erratically with ddH20. Antibody Production To establish the molecular weight of the ensure target protein, specificity of binding of the anti-aquaporin antibody, and to detect the presence of AMERICAN FERN VOLUME NUMBER JOURNAL: 102 (2012) 1 aquaporin-like proteins in gametophytes, an antibody against maize PIPl aquaporin was raised using homologous sequence from mapped a previously aquaporins maize (Chaumont in et 2000). Rabbit anti-aquaporin antibody was al., produced by Biosource USA) (Invitrogen; Biosource, Camarillo, California, against a conserved amino terminus sequence of PIPl maize aquaporin, MEGKEEDVRVGANKFPERQPIGTSAQS Chaumont described by as et al. (2000). ELISA (enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay) In order to test for the presence of aquaporin-like proteins, an enzyme-linked immunosorbent was assay performed wide to detect a range of aquaporin WG mg concentrations in various gametophyte stages. Approximately 20 of mM gametophyte was homogenized material 200 in of coating buffer \xL (15 mM pH NasHCOa. NaHCOg, 35 mortar and The sample was 9.5) in a pestle. rpm then centrifuged at 10,000 for 10 min. The supernatant was retained and rpm centrifuged again at 10,000 for 10 min. The sample was then diluted in 1 ml of coating buffer. The concentration was approximately of material 3 ^g for every 50 of coating buffer. The antigen-coating buffer solution was then fiL pipetted in 50 increments into a 96-well polystyrene microtiter The plate. was plate covered and allowed to incubate overnight 4°C. The following at morning, the antigen solution was removed by inverting the plate and washing mM mM three times with Tris-Tween washing (TTW; buffer 10 150 NaCl, Tris, pH 0.1% Tween-20, 7.2). In all the washing steps, the wells were completely 3% (-350 filled ^L). Plates were blocked with (w/v) low-fat milk powder in TTW for 30 min. The wells were then washed three times with TTW. Once the TTW was removed, 100 of rabbit anti-aquaporin Biosource, |iL (1:500; USA) TTW, Camarillo, California, preimmune serum in rabbit (1:500; TTW USA) TTW, Biosource, Camarillo, California, in or only (secondary antibody only control) was placed into the wells and allowed incubate to for TTW 60 min. The wells were washed three times with TTW. The was removed and 50 nL of goat anti-rabbit horseradish peroxidase Sigma- Aldrich, (1:500; St. TTW USA) TTW, Louis, Missouri, in or only (primary antibody only control) was added and allowed to incubate for 60 min. The wells were again washed TTW. three times with The chromogenic enzyme was reaction then initiated by mg addition of freshly prepared solution of 1.5 o-phenylenediamine and M 30% mL H2O2 2 |iL of (v/v) dissolved in 2 of citrate-phosphate buffer (0.2 M pH Na2HP04, 0.1 citric acid, 5.0) at 50 |iL per well. H2O2 was added immediately The enzyme was prior to use. reaction allowed incubate to for M min and was 15 the reaction halted by the addition of 50 ^L of 0.5 H2SO4 nm per well. The plate was then read 492 on a Beckman DU640B at spectrophotometer (Beckman USA). Coulter, Fullerton, California, Immunoblotting To establish the molecular weight of the protein and ensure target to specificity of binding of the anti-aquaporin antibody, immunoblotting was DIAMOND ET AQUAPORINS CHEILANTHES LANDSA AL.: IN DG WG, performed. Approximately 100 of Cheilanthes lanosa callus, or plant mM mM mM was material ground in homogenization buffer [10 KCl, 1 MgCla, 50 mM mM HEPES, BSA pH 300 sorbitol, 0.1% (w/v) and EDTA, Samples 1 to 7.2]. were mixed 2X Laemmli 4% sample [Sambrook 1:1 buffer 1989; (w/v) SDS, et al., 10% 20% mercaptoethanol, 0.002% Bromphenol (v/v) (w/v) Blue, (v/v) glycerol, mM pH 120 incubated 10 min 90 rpm Tris, 6.8], for at C, centrifuged at 10,000 for 10 min. Total protein concentration was determined using the Bradford Assay 12% (Stoschek, 1990). Samples were loaded onto a (w/v) polyacrylamide gel at and ^g/mL 35 per well 20 Samples were concentration. electrophoresed jil at mA A 16 constant current for approximately 30 min. broad range marker (Kaleidoscope; BioRad, Hercules, USA) was used California, for reference. mA Proteins were then transferred at 45 constant current for 20 min onto a membrane nitrocellulose ^im pore Following the membranes (0.2 size). transfer, mM mM mM TTBS were rinsed three times in [137 NaCl, 2.7 KCl, 24.8 0.2% Tris, Tween 3% and blocked in (w/v) bovine serum albumin (BSA) TTBS. (v/v)], in Membranes were then rinsed three times min each TTBS. Membranes for 5 in were then incubated overnight 4'C preimmune serum at in either (BioSource, USA; Camarillo, California, 1:500 in TTBS), rabbit anti-PIPl aquaporin USA; TTBS (BioSource, Camarillo, Cahfornia, 1:500 in TTBS), or only (secondary antibody only Membranes were min TTBS. control). again rinsed 3 times for 5 in membranes Following the were incubated rinse, in goat anti-rabbit alkaline TTBS; phosphatase (1:500 in Sigma-Aldrich, Louis, Missouri, USA), with the St. exception of the primary antibody only which was incubated TTBS control, in each h Membranes were min only, for 1 at 25°C. rinsed three times for 5 each in mL TTBS. The membrane was then colorized with a fresh mixture of 20 of mM mM mM phosphate MgC^, pH alkaline buffer (100 NaCl, 5 100 Tris, 9.5), 132 [iL of nitro blue tetrazohum (NBT) stock, and 66 ^L of 5-Bromo-4-chloro-3'- indolyphosphate P-Toluidine (Sambrook (BCIP) stock et 1989). After agitation al., for 5 min, the membrane was briefly rinsed with ddHaO and the reaction was mM stopped with 20 ethylene diamine acid (EDTA). tetraacetic Osmolality Stress In order to test for aquaporin function and potential control of function in gametophyte gametophytes were exposed stages, to desiccating levels of osmolytes with and without mercury exposure. Although the preferred test for mRNA Xenopus function of aquaporins expression of in oocytes (which do is mRNA not express aquaporins), PIPl does not express well in oocytes (Preston 1992). Therefore, another standard, the immersion samples of al., in mM; mercuric chloride low Macey, was Wet grown at levels 1984) used. (1 (WG) gametophytes, callus and dry grown (DG) gametophytes were exposed to One 2 separate treatments. treatment consisted of time increments of NaCl, GaGl2, or sucrose and was used to show gametophyte response long term to environmental Gametophytes were increasing stress. pretreated in 200 well |iL mM ddHzO ddH^O slides in 100 of or plus HgCl2 20 min. Gametophyte 1 for images were captured At and subsequently every min digitally. 5 afterward, to, AMERICAN FERN VOLUME NUMBER JOURNAL: 102 (2012) 1 mM 50 increments of the respective solute were added until the solution in the mM well slide reached 500 osmolality. Images of gametophytes were captured The second was show after h. treatment used gametophyte 1 to response to immediate stress. This treatment began with a 20 min pretreatment in a 200 mM well slide in 100 isotonic solute solution (NaCl, CaCls, or sucrose) or mM mM 100 isotonic solution plus HgCl^. Gametophyte images were 1 mM captured digitally. At 400 of solute in 100 of ddHaO was added to, |iL to mM the well so that the solution in the well reached 500 osmolality. Images of the gametophytes were captured after 1 h. volume was Cell determined using six diameter measurements. Average radii were used to extrapolate the sphere volume and Only surface hourly area. were rates of efflux calculated. This because diffusion out of these was is cells slow enough to allow the necessary resolution demonstrate to loss of function of water channels under mercury poisoning. Well were slides incubated in a moisture chamber in the interim times between increments prevent water to from The loss the wells. efflux of water out of each of 100 from each cells was treatment measured using Law: Pick's Flux= -PS[(Osmo-Osmi)/D] Where = -P permeability (negative because against the concentration gradient), = = S Osmo = surface area, osmolality outside of cell, Osmi osmolality inside D = and of cell, distance (modified from Qui et 2000). al., Data Capture and Image Analysis For volume and cell frichome position, gametophyte images were captured on an Olympus SZ40 (Olympus digitally America, Center Valley, Pennsylvania, USA) SPOT with Advanced software 3.2 (Diagnostic Instruments, Sterling Heights, Michigan, USA). Measurements were made using SPOT Advanced 3.2 Measurements software. of 100 were conducted each To cells for treatment. assess , the influence of freatment, medium, and fern stage timing, a three-way Analysis of (ANOVA; - = Variance P 0.05; n 3600) with interaction was undertaken using SAS the General Linear Model Procedure (SAS 1999-2000; SAS, Gary, North A USA). Carolina, Tukey's Studentized was then performed determine test to significant differences between media, with a primary focus on the comparison of ddH20 HgCl2 and To graph prefreataients. individual box were treatments, plots developed JMP using Statistical Discovery Software (SAS Prograimning, Serial © No. GV0KZ9JJ07, SAS, USA) 2007; Gary, North Carolina, and modified using PaintShopPro 6.02 (Jasc Software, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada). ELISA and Immunoblotting To establish the potential presence of an aquaporin-like protein in germinating and ELISA spores gametophytes, was performed on and callus DIAMOND ET AQUAPORINS CHEILANTHES LANDSA AL.: IN WG DG immunoblotting was performed on and gametophytes. ELISA, In primary antibody only, secondary antibody only, and the preimmune serum controls were negative The (Fig. lA). positive control, application of anti- aquaporin antibody applied radish homogenate, to root resulted in a strong cross-reaction of root total protein with the anti-aquaporin antibody. The immunoblotting procedure produced band when a single the anti-aquaporin antibody was applied the mature gametophyte sample to Primary (Fig. IB). antibody only, secondary antibody and preimmune serum only, were controls The negative. positive control, application of anti-aquaporin antibody applied radish homogenate, to root resulted in a strong cross-reaction of root total protein with the anti-aquaporin antibody. Increment Solute Treatments — NaCl and To measure CaCls. the response of different stages of gametophytes hyperpolarizing which to solutes, destabilize plasma membranes and often alter membrane protein function, samples were exposed incremental to increases of When NaCl and ddHaO CaCls- preincubated and in then exposed NaCl to increments, callus quickly plasmolyzed to the extent that protoplasm was fluid almost entirely extracted and chloroplasts clumped with and tightly nuclei other contents when cell (Fig 2A1. Callus cells visibly plasmolyzed exposed slow to increments NaCl Mean in concentrations. volume of cell loss in treatments in cm^ which NaCl was added in slow increments was 6.65-10"^ ± 10.85-10"^. Following an incubation in HgCls, callus flux levels significantly dropped mM appear up (Fig. 2B). Cells fully intact to 500 NaCl. In addition, variation in the response was greatly reduced. Mean of volume NaCl cell flux in treatments with a HgCla incubation prior the incremented NaCl was to treatment WG cm ± 0.21-10 0.47-10"^. when ^ Plasmolysis also occurred gametophytes were exposed slow NaCl Mean to increases in (Fig. 2C). of cell volume loss in cm^ which treatments in NaCl was added in slow increments was 4.86-10"^ ± WG 6.93-10"'^. flux dropped levels significantly after the introduction of HgCla (Fig. 2D). Cells appear uncompromised. Standard deviations and variation was WG Mean similar for both treatments. of cell volume flux in NaCl treatments with HgCl2 incubation prior to the incremented NaCl treatment was 0.55-10^^ cm"^ ± DG 3.23-10 gametophytes appeared ^. maintain NaCl to cell viability in up increments 500 NaCl Some to available volume (Figs, firom author). cell loss was visible in older cells toward the center of the gametophyte. Mean of cell volume 10~^ loss following a slow increase in NaCl was 3.96- cm"^ ± 10"''. 0.40- Mean volume of cell loss in NaCl increment treatment following a pre-incubation DG HgCl2 was 0.80-10"'' cm"^ ± 0.1510"^. in flux levels significantly dropped the introduction after of HgCla- These were results mirrored in the CaClz increment treatments (Fig. Callus 3). when cells visibly plasmolyze exposed to slow increments in CaCl2 concentrations Mean volume (Fig 3A). of cell loss in treatments in which CaCl2 was added slow in increments was 12.18-10~'' cm""* ± 6.59-10"'^. Flux volume in callus cell levels dropped significantly following pre-incubation in HgCls (Fig 3B). Mean of cell DIAMOND ET AQUAPORINS AL.: IN CHEILANTHES LANDSA volume CaC^ loss following treatment with a pre-incubation HgCl2 was in cm ± 2.20-10 ^ ' 2.80-10-^. The heatment with pre-incubation HgCl2 in also much exhibited amount a smaller of variation than the treatment without HgCla. WG Heavy when plasmolysis occurred gametophytes were exposed slow to mM up increments of CaCls 500 Mean to volume (Fig. 3C]. of cell loss in heataients in which CaCla was added in slow increments was ± WG e-QS-lO""* cm~'^ 6.59-10"^. flux levels significantly dropped after the inhoduction of HgCl2 Mean (Fig. 3D). of volume CaCh cell loss in increment heatments were preceded by pre-incubation in HgCl2 was 1.95-10 cm ' ± 1.23-10-^ DG gametophytes from (Figs, available author) plasmolyzed higher concenhations mM). Mean at of CaCla (up 500 to of cell volume loss after increasing increments of CaCla was cm"^ ± 2.38-10"*. S.ZS-IO"'* DG volume were when cell flux levels lower significantly gametophytes were pre- incubated in HgCl2. There was also a substantial increase in variation in the response with Mean pre-incubation in HgCla. of cell volume loss in gametophytes preheated with HgCl2 was 2.65-10"* cm~^ ± 1.05-10"*. Sucrose.— was Sucrose used gametophyte to test response pure osmolyte to a that does not depolarize membranes or hyperpolarize Callus (Fig. cells 4). were desiccated in a treatment of slow sucrose increments up to a total of mM Mean 500 sucrose. of volume was 9.45-10"* cm^ ± cell loss 8.86-10"*. Callus flux levels significantly dropped in treatments included that a pre- incubation HgCl2 Mean in (Fig. 4B). of callus volume was cell loss cm 0.09-10 * ± 0.51-10"*. ^ was when In addition, variation reduced greatly WG protonemal was callus pre-incubated in HgCls. gametophytes in a mM which treatment in sucrose increased in increments up 500 is to exhibited some volume Mean cell loss in older cells (Fig. 4C). of cell loss in sucrose cm^ WG increment was 9.6210"* treatment ± 1.64-10"*. flux levels dropped significantly in sucrose increment treatments were that pre-incubated Mean HgCl2 in (Fig. 4D). of cell volume loss in these treatments with HgCla was pre-incubation 0.48-10 * cm"' ± 3.2010"*. Variation response in when decreased markedly gametophytes were DG pre-incubated in HgCla- gametophytes (Figs, available from author) experienced some volume cell loss in treatments involving increments in sucrose molarity (up 500 mM). Mean to DG volume of cell loss in sucrose increment treatments was 10.80-10"* cm"^ ± DG 54.15-10 volume cell loss significantly dropped in sucrose increment . treatments included that a pre-incubation in HgCls. Variation in gametophyte response was also less in treatments that included HgCl2 pre-incubation. Mean volume of cell loss in treatments with HgClz was pre-incubation ± 0.95-10 * cm"' 2.45-10"*. ELISA plate. (B) Positive Radish Root Control. Each immunoblot and ELISA contained radish a root radish root reliably produced a strong Immunoblotting signal. (C) procedures resulted In a sinele AMERICAN FERN VOLUME NUMBER JOURNAL: 102 (2012) 1