THE ROLE OF AMPK IN MEDIATING RADIATON RESPONSES IN CANCER THE ROLE OF AMP-ACTIVATED PROTEIN KINASE (AMPK) IN MEDIATING RADIATION REPONSES IN CANCER CELLS By TORAN SANLI, B.Sc., M.Sc. A Thesis Submitted to the school of Graduate Studies in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree Doctor of Philosophy McMaster University © Copyright by Toran Sanli, April 2012 McMaster University DOCTOR OF PHILOSPHY (2012) Hamilton, Ontario (Medical Science) TITLE: The role of AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) in mediating radiation responses in cancer cells AUTHOR: Toran Sanli, B.Sc. (Honours with 1st Class Standing) (Brock University), M.Sc. (Brock University) SUPERVISOR: Professor Gurmit Singh, Ph.D. NUMBER OF PAGES: v, 273 ii Abstract One of the hallmark features of cancer is altered metabolism, whereby rates of glucose and fatty acid turnover are constitutively elevated to support uncontrolled propagation. The key regulator of energy metabolism is the enzyme AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK), which suppresses anabolic pathways that increase proliferation and enhanced catabolic pathways that liberate energy, all in an attempt to maintain energy homeostasis in the cell. In addition to regulating metabolism, AMPK has also been implicated as a tumour suppressor and we have suggested that it may be a modulator of radiation responses in cancer cells in vitro. Moreover, we investigated the molecular mechanisms that facilitate ionizing radiation (IR)-induced AMPK activation, as well as demonstrated that certain AMPK activating drugs can work as radiation sensitizers in a variety of cancer cell lines. Stemming from this framework, we also provided experimental evidence that suggests AMPK is centrally involved in pathways that regulate DNA damage and proliferation at the basal level, and in response to IR. One of the targets involved in these pathways that can also influence AMPK regulation is the stress-activated Sestrin 2 protein. We have provided evidence that Sestrin 2 mediates IR- induced activation and expression of AMPK. Taken together, this work has provided novel insight into the ability of IR to modulate the activity and expression of AMPK, which in turn is required to facilitate the appropriate stress-response in cancer cells. Given its emerging interest in the cancer field, AMPK may become an important biomarker for evaluating clinical outcomes in patients undergoing radiation therapy. iii Preface This doctoral work has been prepared as a “sandwich” Ph.D. thesis, and consists of four manuscripts, all of which have now been published, or accepted for publication. Many of the experimental protocols were oriented around the general focus on AMPK signalling in response to ionizing radiation, and as such, the reader may encounter some repetition in experimental design between articles. Following the introduction and background information, each paper is presented as a separate chapter that highlights a particular theme within the overall framework of the thesis. Supporting, unpublished data may also be included following each paper to strengthen the materials and objectives of each individual study. The figures are denoted so that the chapter number is indicated first, followed by the actual figure number that corresponds to the appropriate paper (e.g. Figure 1 for chapter 2 is labeled as Figure 2.1). The last chapter will contain a conclusion that will summarize the major findings of the author’s thesis, as well as provide future directions to expand on this work. References contained within the body of the sandwich thesis are formatted in accordance to the journal in which they were published. Literature cited within the introduction and conclusion of the thesis will adhere to the American Psychological Association (5th edition) style, with the bibliography of references appearing at the end of the dissertation. Additional information pertaining to general methodologies and supporting experiments are provided in Appendix 1 and 2 respectively. iv Acknowledgements I would like to thank my supervisor, Dr. Gurmit Singh, for his guidance and support of my research project throughout the years. I would also like to acknowledge and thank Dr Theodoros Tsakiridis for initially taking me on as a graduate student and exposing me to the translational work with AMPK and radiotherapy at the Juravinski Cancer Centre (JCC). Dr. Tsakiridis has been a long-time mentor throughout my graduate training at both the Master’s and Doctoral level. In addition, Dr. Hal Hirte is also a member on my committee and has provided helpful feedback throughout my training. I would also like to thank the kind and supportive staff and graduate students at the JCC. The input and feedback from the many members of our lab has greatly aided me with my research projects and has contributed to my knowledge and experience as a scientist. I am greatly indebted to Dr. Katja Linher-Melville, who has help train me in many aspects of basic cell biology, as well as contribute to a couple of our published papers. Helpful advice was also given by Dr. Eric Seidlitz, who is knowledgeable in all aspects of research conducted at the JCC. Sarah Hopmans and Yaryna Storozhuk also aided me in conducting experiments, as well as the radiation therapy staff at the JCC. Importantly, I would like to thank my family for their continued support of my ongoing education. My parents have always encouraged me to have high academic standards, and it is from them where I have gained my strong work ethic. Equally essential is the love and support of my wife, Elizabeth, whom I can confide in and look to for guidance as a fellow graduate student. My goal is to now put this Ph.D degree to good use to benefit society and provide for our future. v Ph.D. Thesis – Toran Sanli – McMaster University – Medical Sciences Table of Contents List of Diagrams, Figures, and Tables ................................................................................ 5 List of Abbreviations ........................................................................................................... 9 Chapter 1: Introduction ..................................................................................................... 12 Cellular Energy Metabolism .......................................................................................... 12 Energy Metabolism in Cancer Cells .......................................................................... 13 Regulating Energy Balance and the Identification of AMPK ....................................... 16 AMPK Structure and Function ...................................................................................... 18 The AMPK Subunits .................................................................................................. 18 Modes of AMPK Activation ...................................................................................... 21 Downstream Targets of AMPK ................................................................................. 26 Pharmaceutical Modulators of AMPK Activity as Anti-Cancer Agents ....................... 31 AICAR ....................................................................................................................... 32 Metformin .................................................................................................................. 32 Resveratrol ................................................................................................................. 34 Statins ......................................................................................................................... 34 The Stress-Responsive Sestrin Proteins ........................................................................ 35 The Identification of Sestrins ..................................................................................... 36 Antioxidant Function of Sestrins ............................................................................... 37 1 Ph.D. Thesis – Toran Sanli – McMaster University – Medical Sciences Sestrins and Suppression of mTOR Signalling .......................................................... 38 Overview of Radiobiology and its Application in Cancer ............................................ 39 Types and Classifications of IR ................................................................................. 39 Cellular and Molecular Events in Response to Ionizing Radiation ........................... 40 Radiotherapy and Fractionation of Tumours ............................................................. 47 Hypothesis and Objectives ............................................................................................ 52 Chapter 2: Ionizing Radiation Activates AMPK ............................................................... 55 Context and Background Information ........................................................................... 55 Paper: Ionizing Radiation Activates AMP-Activated Kinase (AMPK): A Target for Radiosensitization of Human Cancer Cells. .................................................................. 60 Supporting Experiments ................................................................................................ 88 Chapter 3: Lovastatin Sensitizes Lung Cancer Cell to Ionizing Radiation ....................... 96 Context and Background Information ........................................................................... 96 Paper: Lovastatin sensitizes lung cancer cells to ionizing radiation. Modulation of molecular pathways of radioresistance and tumour suppression. ................................ 100 Supporting Experiments .............................................................................................. 136 Chapter 4: Ionizing Radiation Regulates AMPK Expression in Cancer Cells ............... 139 Context and Background Information ......................................................................... 139 2 Ph.D. Thesis – Toran Sanli – McMaster University – Medical Sciences Paper: Ionizing radiation regulates the expression of AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) in epithelial cancer cells. Modulation of cellular signals regulating cell cycle and survival. ................................................................................................................. 143 Supporting Experiments .............................................................................................. 169 Chapter 5: Sestrin2 Modulates AMPK Activity and Expression .................................... 174 Context and Background Information ......................................................................... 174 Paper: Sestrin2 modulates AMPK subunit expression and its response to ionizing radiation in breast cancer cells. .................................................................................... 178 Supporting Experiments .............................................................................................. 207 Chapter 6: Conclusions ................................................................................................... 212 Future Directions ......................................................................................................... 218 Summary ...................................................................................................................... 224 Reference List ................................................................................................................. 226 Appendix 1: General Methodology ................................................................................. 244 Cell Culture Technique ................................................................................................ 244 IR and Cell Treatments ................................................................................................ 245 Measuring Cell Proliferation and Survival .................................................................. 245 Clonogenic Survival Assays .................................................................................... 245 Crystal Violet Assay ................................................................................................ 246 3 Ph.D. Thesis – Toran Sanli – McMaster University – Medical Sciences Hoechst 33258 Assay ............................................................................................... 247 Western blotting .......................................................................................................... 248 Protein Assay ............................................................................................................... 250 Immunoprecipitation ................................................................................................... 252 Real Time Polymerase Chain Reaction (RT-PCR) ..................................................... 253 SESN2 Overexpression using a Flag-tagged Vector ................................................... 257 siRNA-Mediated Gene Silencing ................................................................................ 258 Immunofluorescence Protocol ..................................................................................... 259 Cell Cycle Analysis ..................................................................................................... 261 Statistical Analyses ...................................................................................................... 261 Appendix 2: Supporting Experiments ............................................................................. 263 Appendix 3: Copyright Licence Agreements for Papers ................................................ 268 4